HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1970-09-17, Page 19• 00001,0' a t If your lawn looked like this lest Juneyou can do something In time for fall about it now. Weeding and feeding lawn BY A..R. BUCKLEY clover and the other species if-newclumps of- dandeiions - quickly and easily.' - ---orunsightly-patches-of cloveroy - The -weeds-usually' 'start to knotweed are starting to infest twist and url a few days after your plush green grass, it's not treatment and eventually dry up li,.....t.::. " • - . 1o0.JateL to Start a simple weed and 'disappear. Reaction is •-attack-that will keep .your lawn slower during a cold spell and. -- - ---•-•„ , healtly—ana—linruiiant •UntirVEtrthe tuills"verY. freeze-up, and through to neit Herbicides , will penetrate et spring when seeds from other weeds and destroy their root areas will start to infest your systems. If used according to lavirn again. - directions, these chemicals are Autumn often brings* a new not harmful to pets, children invasion of weeds - dandelion, and most healthy turf grasses. plantain,. • chickweed, sheep Directions ' shoeld be followed sorrel, clover, knotweed and implicitly. * other broadleaf - species that Right nowis a good time for follow two-cycle growth feeding lawns. This is the season patterns. Spring -killed weeds die when the bluegrasses, fescues and leave small patches in the and bent grasses are at their best, lawn. These , make excellent developing underground and seed -beds for the dandelion's thickening above - but without floating parachutes. These grow . the leaf growth that brings extra ii. into fair-sized plants by fall -and mowing- If a lawn is amply fertilized in are ready to flower and start a second cycle again next spring. autumn, spring feeding can If you spray now and ,iearly - probably be skipped, or at least October and kill "th-ese wee-ds,--vntil the surge -13f growth that • .. be few seeds floa there willintensifies mowing has passed. ting around ' to grow in. .the soil The usual recommendations exposed by the dying weeds. By for fertilizer application is to use next June when the seeds are one and, one-half pounds of .. -.floating in the air from. , other actual nitrogen per thousand gardens and areas, the lawn square feet of, lawn area. This grasses in your lawn will have . works out at 10 pounds of sr had a chance to fill the voids, 6-9-6 or 10 pounds of 10-6-4 pe especially if you follow your 1,000 square feet of lawn. Mark ,weed -killing with a booster the, lawn off into strips and feeding.. •-•7•-iiielasure your fertilizer according •- Selectivity - the repression to 'the square feet of surface in of a weed with no harm to grass each strip. -This ensures an even - to some extent dependkupon distribution and will prevent the the methods and rates of application; so follow the ,./ instructions with each product carefully and ' be ' especially careful with weed killers that may volatilize, such as certain . esters of 2,4-D and silvex. These should not be, used near flower . borders and ornamental shrubbery., nor on windy days. This pot only applies to spraying with- these herbicides, but, also to 'applications with a weedbar. This . can be • particularly dangerous when the wind blows the treated grass -clippings on to garden plants. • If the weather is at all .warm • during the ' next . two weeks, apply silvex or mecroprop for -chickweed-on lawris-that do not i - t contain large- amounts of bent grasses - this' would apply to BINGOS ; c . o • • r! darl,E and light growth areas that often follow fertilization. ' If' a-rnecharnattlistrilvtor is, used, the job is much easier but, - careful to set the machine correctly,,and test it on soil first, otherwis4 the fertilizer might -Mir too "-f t,--and-inetr "at- Mis- time of the ear,.burning might result. Apply in strips parallel to' the road; this way any burning due to mechanical difficulties will not be so obvious from the t house. You could use one of the combination lawn food and weed killer preparations. These workry well ,in my garden, but use those that contain 2,4-D or "silvex" weed killers and not those recommended for crabgrass. Those are only of use in the spring. These weed n'feed • chemicals will not harm pets, burn lawns or drift to other areas since they are granular in form arld•-ean be .applied evenly and tinifornily with your lawn - ' spreader. 'As soon as the weeds curl- up and die, the fertilizer goes to work to stimulate growth Of the lawn grasses. A small bag of 25 pounds of 20-10-5 weed n'feed fertilizer will usually weed and feed an area of 2,500 square feet. • '• GIVE... so more will live HEART FUND - to Business Directory Ronald L. McDonald CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 39 St. David St., 524-6253 poderich, Ontario, '06frilrialakaae 10 ESSEX Si.. GODERICH. OffrXRIO Available F,or • PUBLIC OR • PR IN/ATE PARTIES most lawns. Use an application, of 2,4-D for the dandelions and plantains that are_now in good growth and awaifing the 'spring. Some selective weed-killin DANCES sprays contain both and wilt' * • knock out dandelion, plantain, •CONVENTIONS CONCERTS • r WSEE Doerr Z/STEI/ ro rile ofolireE ,OF4BEDNIKA JOE'S BP Station , . 'and' Coffee ,Shop. 411.. Huron *lid ,....6oderich, cAt,tto „ 0,5 24.68." tit N ° Catering to Luncheons • COCKTAIL PARTIES, . BANQUETS, ETC. Special attention to weddings PHONE 524-9371 'Or 524-9264 Alexander and Chcipman GENERAL INSURANCE REAL ESTATE PROPERTV MANAGEMENT Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce Building Godetich • dial 524-9662 • DIESEL • Pumps and Injectors Repaired. 'For All Popular Makes ' Huron Fuel Injection Equipment Bayfield Rd., Clinton -482-7971 vostwismossoromilessor R. W. BELL OPTOMETRIST The Square • 524-7661. O . A. M. OHARPER CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 40 Tat SQUARE TELEPHONE GODERICH, ONTARIO • •524-7562 4.1 - Prete Waterhouse & Co. • chartered accountants ROYAL BANK BUILDING . 383 RICHMOND STREET • LONDON 12, ONTARIO - kt< „re.10.041,-T21.x.r.,7„, -Watts it% tkiitc19.4dtkuttaittaircult-- - • .C:411.„FlAp, • utcn cbeese 'as history A 40W, "COOlcb001c., entitled "Hospitality With Rolland InWorte4 heeSe" Is out -and may be obtained by *Wing to Holland Cheese Consumer Bureau, IO Box'608,,'Station "Toronto"5, There is no charge for the book which is available in both French and English. ' • • One of the most interesting aspects of the booklet aside from its excellent cheese recipeS, I s. the history of Holland's fine cheese., Apparently it was early in the lath century yvhen fadners In the northern parts - of Holland ;discovered that the mixing Of skimmed milk with whole morning milk helped to make a most smooth and mellow cheese. Delighted with their delicious product, these farmers gave a unique identity to the cheese by polishing the rind with specially -treated vermilion cloths which imparted an unusual reddish glow. And, just to make sure the cheese could be recognized, these farmers 'agreed to a uniform foundish hape and decreed that this cheese could be sold only in the town of Edam. ' Meanwhile, . further south, farmers near the town of Gouda were busy creating a whole milk cheese subtly different in taste and texture. Equally desirous of maintaining their identity, these farmers made their ,cheese in flat, wheel -shaped design, protected by a natural yellow rind. Together., „these .Goudas and Edams,. .as 'they -grew "to -be called, became familiar in the market places of Europe. By the 17th century, the demand for 1jJJusand Edams was such that they .were being shipped around the world. „ Today these, attractive red balls and flat yellow wheels are almost as typical of Holland as the much displayed tulips, windmills and wooden shoes. Eeet smakelijk . . . good eating! a LIONS' Peanut Drive SEPT. 24 . 4040 , sica41,81.4t,, THigt6rwi, Hurry! The Snow Cruising season is corning up fast. And that means exceptional savings if you buy' now. For example, the 200 'Model regularly lists for' $895.00 Buy now and it's yours for only $695.00. And that's one of- the best all 'rouncLbargains youle.evergolpg. to see...Com, Tare -the-prici,-andilbettriompatertnitr With the Snow Cruiser 200„yau don't get 12, or 1.5, but a full 20 h.p. engine; You don't get • a single passenger, but a:two passenger snow- " 1 mobile. Not one, but twin Sealed -beam head- lights. And the list goes on. So consider Snow Cruiser; then consider that you can save $200.00, or even more on the 25 h.p. Wide Track MO'dels 2000 and 2005. So talk to your, r.Staow.Cmiser. dealer1isted-&eLowaidgogeta 'bat:gain •Sn'ovrfiermiser wtril-e-ttvey tast Snow Cruisers are covered by the fult OMC Warranty. One of the best guarantees you can get. now. ruisfer 0 A product of Otitboard Marine Corporation of Canada Ltd., Peterborough, Canada. ContactDoug Hunter at: _ - „ • Sky Harbour Air Services Ltd. BOX 130,GODERECH,IONT. 524-8361 WE CAN. DRESS Y U IN THE LATEST FASHION (at down to earth prices) Put yourself in our hands and let,u$ dress you in the' latest fashiori. On our racks you will find almost all of the latest styles and fabrics in a • rainbow of color. ' It doesn't really matter whether you have sportswear, dress wear or evening wear in mind we can .dress yOu right up to the minute. r - MO, now we are parti&iiarly xcited about our sportswear collection. Come in and see what we' - have in stock! 22 4 SHOPPE: • 4, •‘,.1••ii•'4/„,01b, ••0".fr"'Nk',/ leAri!" < f i„"AV 7'4 !,:%"ft; or: 1741: A •eA,k.1,4;.. 44444' , , t. • . , „., „. „ • ° ;o . • 0, •