HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1970-09-17, Page 16, • oOD •RXCH s oNAI -STAR, °THURSDAY, SErfralpp,u, 17, 1976 S CHI BY.H LEN ALLEN 9741:0010iram 8ypdicate .Ann Landers a V+ aw Bald wife pleases husband DEAR ANN LANDERS: Six ° months ago, because of a scalp infection, I had tp shave off all ._•..my hair., The infection cleared up after a few. weeks but I continued to shave my head because it is neater and nom- comfortable. - My wigs are beautiful and easy to care for. On a moment's notice 1 can: be a blond page boy or a dazzling ,brunette with- . braids. Wigs have also improved our sex. life ,because my husband hates haircuts and rollers - they turn him off, Now the problem, Ann. My husband• is willing.to let me keep my' head shaved permanently but wants me to wear a wig when I. do the housework and gardening:, I don't think this is fair. I am not ashamed to be seen without hair. Our friends are aware of my scalp problem and they know I' wear wigs, so .why should I concern myself with the mailman and the milkman and an occasional drop-in guest? What's your opinion? - SANS TRESSES DEAR SANS: Apparently you don't mind getting caught bald-headed, but your husband doesn't like the idea. I suggest a compromise. Wear a silk head scarf around the house and in the, yard. The sight of a hairless woman can be a traumatic experience if a person isn't prepared for it. DEAR ANN .LANDERS • thought time would .solve my problem, but I. was wrong. Please help --me: My husband- is hopelessly tied, NOT to his mother's apron strings, "but to her purse strings; He has learned !lbw to look depressed -and worried in her presence so she will ask him what's wrong. Then he starts in with his troubles and she winds up giving him a check to cheer him up. My resentment against both of them: is turning to hate. He works less and less at becoming a mature husband and father. His mother thinks she is helping him, but she is making him weaker and more irresponsible. Are you guessing that Roger's ancestry is Irish? Right! Somehow this todcller reminds one of a lepre- chaun. Reger is just a year old, a sturdy, tall, husky boy with hazel eyes, scant fine blond hair and skin which is fair but not abnormally sensitive, to the sun. 'An affectionate, -happy' boy, "he is strongand in good; health — a delight to have around, according to his foster family. He is observant, bright ancL-quick to learn ' and very responsive to attention. -Roger ids really active, eager to get into every cupboard and drawer within his reach. This. baby- will be a "splendid son for a couple who will enjoy a _good-na- tired- little boy. To inquire about adopting Roger please ----write to Today's Child, Department of Social and Fami- ly Services, Parliament Buildings, Toronto 182. For ° general adoption information consult your Children's Aid Society. r • . d James Richardson & Sons Ltd The Feed Dealers of Western Ontario PHONE 524-8388, GODERICH , Serving The Feed of Western Ontario GODER•1CH 41741.51. Her other children do riot behave this way. They wouldn't dream of accepting' handouts from a their hard-working, widowed mother. I can't figure out how • 'this terrible dependency developed , Is there any hope for him? - SINKING FAST DEAR SINK: Yes if someone " can get Mom to understand that she is the prime mover in the stifling of her son's initiative. She is fostering this dependency in order to satisfy her own need to be needed, and by so doing, she is destroying his motivation, his self esteem and his manliness. Unless Mom can bring herself to allow her son to paddle his own canoe he will be up a creek, without an oar, permanently. DEAR ANN LANDERS: Thanks for your advice to the chicks on how to get out of a sports car gracefully. You said, "Put your left leg out first," We, appreciated that. • If you had told her to glide over by the door, place both knees together and then put both legs out at the same time, us guys would have been very disappointed �because we couldn't see a, thing. The smart chicks do it this way. The, Ones who follow your instructions are ' sure to, give us guys a thrill. Thanks. - ROCHESTER, N.Y. DEAR ROCH: If you guys in Rochester are that hard up for a thrill - I feel sorry for you., A, REGULAR PHYSICAL EXAMINATION CAN SAVE YOU MONEY;SAVE YOU WORRY AND MAYBE SAVE YOUR LLFE -, - SEE YOUR FAMILY DOCTOR AT. L.F'AsrONCA'A YEAR - PARTICULARLY IF YOU ARE OVER 1/01 i —71 G a • IHllilllllilliti1111111.1.1111111,111111111111p11111111111IIII1i101i11 1lIH.HIIIIN)W1111111#101101{111N0i1fIRH1"111111M Sunshine,bacon,. E eggs and beans. by Silt Smiley In a burst of blind fury, I made my wife get off her tail and go with me on our Big Trip, in the last week of holidays. It had started' Out, back in May, as a leisurely trip to the British Isles. It shrank like a dowager on a crash diet. There was rio formal opposi- tion, just a lot of little feminine tricks, ., something , like the Chi- nese water torture. Drop after drop. Insomnia, nothing to wear, cant afford at, who'I,1' cut the • lawn, absolutely must have the so-and-so's for a weekend. You know the gamut. By mid-July it was a trip across Canada, with a trailer. Looking up friends and relatives, not driving too _ far in . a day, enjoying the camaraderie of the trailer ramp. By mid-August, it was a mad dash to the Maritimes. But Kim was home and, "We can't -leave her alone" (and she didn't want to go with us, after -just having been there)., Well, spilt milk isn't much use. We finally made it. Left on a Thursday afternoon, and got home Sunday evening. How's that for a Big Trip? However, perhaps 'it' was worth waiting for all summer, It was different. We bought a Coleman stove, as, we planned to cook along the way: Anyone interested in a brand-new Cole- nian stove that has never even And, of course, : we bought food here and there, to cook on our new stove. Arrived home with two huge boxes of grocer- ies: --I swear -I --had- 12 meals -=in a row of bacon and eggs and -beans. No -mean fare. But we've still got two weeks' supply. We just drove until we felt like stopping. North and north. And we wound up spending a couple of days in a cabin on a lake and loying it. . It was a `' run-down, old- fashioned tourist resort. We got one of the deluxe cabins. No bell -hops, no broadloom, no TV, but a real , washroom, with running water.°In fact, -the water was running all over the floor, from, a leak or something, when we checked in. Strangely,. my wife loved the place. At home,. she's a psy- chotic emptier of ._ashtrays, sweeper of floors and maker of beds. At the cabin, she cheerful- ly walked around in grit up to the ankles, and actually chuck- led when the Trans -Canada train went. by three or four times a day, rocking the cabin like a cradle. For a couple of days we forgot about pollution and population -explosion and other such poppycock. It was enough to wrench the door open, look at that great, clean lake 20 yards away and wonder what the rich people were doing. Sunshine and sand and bacon and ;eggs and beans. Evenings were just as paradisi- cal, Campfire _until midnight, then into the but with the little gas stove sputtering *cosi'ly, a novel, a nightcap, and no phone ringing or car door slamming to indicate callers. We . had a special treat on Friday night, when the proprie- tors held a dance. The rock band made the railroad train sound like a muted whisper. We didn't go to the dance, but' it was just 'like , home, when ,Kim has, a record,gn. But idylls must end. Third morning, woke to a wild wind, a driving rain coming in around -...the-front-door,. and the worst storm of the summer in full . Y H 4 • Drove the long way home in rain that was worse than a blizzard, with sundry morons tail -gating, cutting in, passing on corners and. hills and over the white line, when you couldn't see the front of your Gar. Shaky. Things didn't improve. They just got back to normal, Discov- ered . daughter engaged to fine young chap who had two cents. Literally. I know it's hard to believe in this affluent age, but he had two (2) cents cash when he proposed. The Argyle Syndicate - Make.forest::.f.tces 'taut of •style▪ s▪ '▪ • - iR 4 FOR :YOUR AUTO ':INSURANCE See or Phone MALCOLM' MATHERS GENERAL- INSURA-NCE AGENT • , 46 WEST ST::•-. . 524-9442 For Pleasant Surrounding0 and Good Food THE GODERKH RESTAURANT STEAK HOUSE and TA VERN THIS SPA• CE RESERVP FOR YOUR AD W N DOUBLE, PASSES" TO THE PARK THEATRE Cards For Nil Occasions . * Books * Stationery Supplies ANDERSON'S 33 East St. Goderich Franklin Mitchell 13 Waterloo St. N. 'BUILDING MATFRIAL GODERICH BUILDING CEkTRE, * 5248383. brio AligleStiti PAINT, WALLPAPER * WALLPAPER * CARPETS * TILE "Your Complele Home Decorating Centre" .Mrs. Doreen Ross 213 Jones St. McARTHUR and REILLY LTD. West St Goderich THIS SPACE RESEO/ED FOR YOL113 AD * WESTINGHOUSE * HOOVER Sales and Service Mrs. J. B. McClinton 146 Keays St. JEWELL APPLIANCES & TV LTD. The Square - Goderich EXCELLENT SELECTION Regular or Safety Toe 14 Different 'Styles DAVE GOWER'S Indu"strial & Garden Centre I. Hamilton St. 5424-8761 4 FURNITURE THIS SPACE " REERVED TO THE PARK T E The Names Of Five Signal -Star Subscrib- ers Are To Be Found In Oric Of These Ads Now Sho*ing Starts WEDNESDAY1., FOR SEVEN ' DAVS ON LY WEDNESDAY, SE137. 16 to, TUESDAY, SEPT. 22 One Show a Night at 8:00 p.m., GIN)111C;13 KARL UNE sION 1 ICOLORill...Y 11.E Lux Ida RECOMMENDED AS ADULT ENTERTAINMENT SEE REGULAR AD ON PAGE 5 FOR DATES AND TIMES Now a good salairy "for you in a business career Goderich Business College 'NIGHT SCHOC )L Shorthand- 4, (Tues. 8t,Thurs. Eve ning) 524-8521 THISSPAti THIS • SPACE litSERVED • FOR YOUR AD TliIS SPACE RESERVED FOR YPUR AD ' MEN'S WEAR 1 J. Skeoch 125 Nelson st F. CERTAIN - Flair RAWSON MEN'S WEAR On The Square, Goderich THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR YOUR AD SHOE STORES RIGHT SHOES The Place To GQ Is ROSS SHOES (The &guard Goderich tPROULE SH6ES Vern Willis 193,Elgin Ave. W. Footwear Oor The Family, Kingston St. Goderich TELEVISION ASSE PHILCO TselAeLvEsision EaRnvd 524-9432 34 The Square Goderich TRAVEL SERVICES THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR YOUR AD THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR YOUR AD THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR YOUR AD THIS spACE RESERVED FOR YOUR AD //HIS SPACE RESERVED FOR YOUR AD - CONTEST RULE4' Each week the names and addresies of 6 subset, appear in the Business Directory'. s will -Look fot your name and address in the ads. „„-at -Take Ihe Business Directory and suitable identification to the advertiser in whose ad your name appeared and -"Pick up your passes by Satur.day night clOsing. "Only Subscribers to the Signal.Sta are eligible. • • 04