HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1970-09-17, Page 1•
• 123rd TEAR. - 38 .
whip at
.. •
• I,
BY T.D. .
If you've heard what sounds
.• like a whip cracking in the
vicinity of „the GDCI ctunpua
after,4:00 these afternoons, it's
not the drama' club re-enacting
the story of Simon Legree. It's
coach Wayne Horner - and his
assistant Ray Donnelly putting
together the 1910 version of the
GDCI Vikings football teams. ,
The Vikings get their first test
under fire in a hurry. Friday
they travel to Sarnia to do battle
with the highly rated Sarnia
Central teams, last year's 'city
champions. On MOrulay, they
play here against the perennially
powerful Sarnia Northern
14 These games will give the
coaching staff a chance to .assess
their material before the league
- opener of the Huron -Perth
Conference, on Thursday,
- September 24. Coach Horner rates Winghain, • eatre
'Central as-thitiggest threatst.; •
;Z. ir _beano's
South Huron and _Stratford
unseat thr league champiiii
Viking Senior team. sart un ay
With the Vikings having a
good core of 15 returning Rehearsals for the Goderich
veterans, however, their task Little Theatre's- first production,
a musical, -' will get under way -at
would not appear to be an easy
'The Barn', Bruce Street, on
one, Some good candidates from
last year's Junior team, such ,as Sunday September 20 at 2
DaveWhile most of the leading Carruthers, Brian Bowman,
Mike Redmond and Paul Frayne, ' solo roles have, been cast there is
should help to alleviate what still need for people to makeup
Horner sees as his biggest the exciting, chorus SQ necessary
More than 200 Kinsmen and Kinettes from Clinton, Goderich,
,Hensall and Exeter gathered in Clinton Legion Hall on Saturday
evening for a joint installation of officers. Kinsmen presidents are
seen " here with Barry Weech, of Shelbourne, deputy zone
governor (third from left) and Gordon McInnes, Chipewa, zone
0 -
• in Gilbert and Sullivan's "Trial
problem at this point -- lack of '
- depth. ° „. by Jury." Anybody interested in
The loss of all-star end Jon
• Ginn and hard running fullback
Dale Wardley to college ranks
will be the biggest holes to fill:
The absence of "Big Al" Pirie
from the centre of the, line due
to a shoulder separation suffered
, in pre -season workouts will also,
- • - create a temporary headache for
the coaching:it-aft, -Pirie-will-be ,4 congregations of North Street late - ay
Mr. Royal. •
• unable to plaY for another two aNcanlYstible wiiin anctinvitillg .s was . .
place in which to meet and and Victoria Street United President).
weeks. "So much of life is
rehearse Churches. Dr. McClue ' spent Vice-president Herb Murphy
So far in practice sessions, - •motivation," he continued'.
many years in China and speaks . presented, to e club 't
HoAer rates his defence as W • "What' inakes a man do what he
"good," but has, no such kind ins•rs
fi' t .. Madarin fluently. His life has financial statement and told the
does? He may be guilt ridden.
' . been varied and full of interest members the budget for the
wards for the offensive unit. • He may be,, full of fears. He may
However, in a rare fit. of prize air current term had,been presented
governor (fourth from left) who installed the officers. Club
representatives are Don Hall, Clinton, Don Ruetz, first
vice-president, Goderich, Mr. •Weech, Mr. McInnes, George Pratt,
Exeter and John Baker Hensall.'
Lions to, consider
egion auxiliary donates
1,000to .'tiroran-prroject
. i.
• 4,
• .0,
The ladies of the Royal who helped last year will be executive and the arena
Canadian Legion. branch 109 • back to help out again along manager. . •
auxiliary this week presented a with others who might wish to, , It was learned the' ear shOW.
cheque for $1,000 to the volunteer. . • ''''', will not be held at the arena this
Goderich Recreation and Mrs. Martha Rathburn, board year due to the work in prorgal , ,
Community Centre,43oard as .a member, is looking- after thing - - and It 18 eXpected it will be -held
donation toward the cost' of , and can be contacted ' at at Sky Harbour Airport instead. .,
renovations at Goderich 524-7854. , - • '
Memorial Arena. In other recreation board Fire alarms'
The funds were pledged last news: The date of the official -•, - , , • ' •
• year and were the first pledged opening of the renovated arena
by any group. - will be announced shortly and is
• Cpun. Paul Carroll, chairman, 'expected to be in mid
of the recreation board, November. Delays in 'arrival of Reeve Harry Worsen
• accepted the cheque on' behalf steel for the final phase of . suggested in council last
of the town. •renovations has. held up . Work Thursday ievening•that fire boXiii,
Auxiliary representatives and it was decided Monday should pe „placed in various .'
. stated they had felt at the time evening to have all work locations around town.
of making the pledge' it would completed before the opening is He noted there are • '.
have to be paid over a two-year held. indications that if a proper • fire
period but they were " Arena manager William alarm box had been available on_ ,
particularly pleased to be able to Lumby, replying to questions by the night of the fire in the
make the full donation in the ° the board, stated it is. expected Filsinger apartments and
first year. - . the ice will be put in during' Garland's Children's Wear, ,
A letter of thanks and October and providing there are firemen could have been on the
acknowledgement is to be sent no unforseen delays the ice will scene much earlier.
to the auxiliary. '' (See be ready for use by October 15. Councillor Deb Shewfelt
photograph page 1A). A request from the Goderich reported that fire boxes were
40 Minor Hockey Association to- proven to be a "nuisance".
rpna proposals: SANTA CLAUS PARADE ' have Minor Hockey night - "If it,saves 15 or 20 minutes
. changed from . Saturday to at the time of a serious fire,"
,.., 7'.'.. ‘.• ' 'I,: he.,..-Iirst::-Irleetini.t_ tif=•-the, : _-Telatinns with -others; .,.. At ' its regular- meeting Friday evening was granted with insisted Reeve Worse% "it is
. worth one or two. false •alerma a.
",...:- .Monday 'evening -the Goderich details ; to- _he- worked out
, .
Gael -Ter Libise' Ctilithe'17xt"--1f4-Tociz-oftqlf-Aiterlire:,braigni,----- • .-''''
• •
up in an exclusive frame ofmind
. ReejeAtioir -an- ,,cotiniiiiiitTLIlietweeif-7.- ;the-. •rninoic, ..hocter7Yeari • , -•., , *.f 1174,ZAS.'7.77,:;;V*ix.,,
which does not, allow for others Centre Board set the date for the
1970-71 season was held at
the Scotch -Presbyterian -Tory was selected ui order to put the chool enrollment- ..
being- on an -equal footing with second annual Santa Claus S
liarbourlite Inn on Thursday
evening, September 10,. with a
us" he said -, -using as an example' parade, as December 5. The date
record attendance for an
who met a French-Canadian- people in the Christmas spirit -
and new members greeted this
-opeping meeting. Fifty six Lions
Catholic and found him to be and to get the parade underway
year's president, Ken Dunn, who
:..an o/k guy." • before other communities in the
told the club about some of ,the
Mr., Royal , 4s tressed theA.committee is beinformed
- area.
activities being planned for this
society _ and noted it was and it is hoped the, same people
' :
elemerit of trust in tdays
Past presidents, Ray Hughes .
conspicuous by its absence.
and Jim Kinkead, acted as tail
"There is•too much Suspicion
•,._. of another person's , amhitions A .
'joining the ' group is 'asked to • i Th told the club it -
location of 'The Barn' contact FRCS, FICS DD • Moderator'' funds frOrri the members to
that Dr. Keenleyside in his Irene'. ,
attend. If you are not sure of the Dr.. Robert Baird McClure, MD, was11i!job to start raising
and dreams," he declared, noting
Many people attending the' North Street United Church on •
anniversary in 1912.. The
civilization was based on delpentiore
„ of
in Canada assist in Preparing for the
address at Simon Fraser
Mr. Markson at 524-8366 or the United Church• •
524-9472. ' ' will be a special guest speaker at Goderich. Lions :Club 50th
University, B.C., stressed that
at II a.m. The service will be a been completed (the Goderich co-operation. "Men. cannot bylaw, -
Sunday morning, September 27 president told the club that
competition rather than
initial readings -were pleasantly '
surprised on entering The Barn. some arrangements have already
turned this austefe structure into . combined gathering of the • club was chartered in 1922; the' P
. -Another if this is our basis," said
. it p".assed
A few industrigus people had ossess confidence in one
kJ r.T.1 berS- released
BY WILMA OKE Vintaris . recommeredation to -
Enrollments in the nineteen organize a contest among the
separate schools in Huron and pupils , for ' a crest for the
Perth"' are: St. Joseph's School, Huron -Perth separate -schools.: ----- — ----
Kingsbridge, 205 (as compared - • „
School, 126 ( 133 last year).; Our Softball
' to 202 last year); St. Columban
Lady Of Mount Carmel, RR 3, . •
Marie, St. Joseph,100(97); St. leag1111410 '
Dashwood; 270 (242); Ecole Ste
Joseph's, Clinton, 84 (85); playoffs -
Patrick, Kinkora, 222 (181); St.
- Precious Blood, Exeter, 78 (75); , . ,
St. Mary's Goderich, 246 (250); iiplibanissah
, St. Julies, Seaforth, 239 (240);. 4! II %MUM
At its meeting last Thursday Holy- Name, St. Maryer 207.
evening, t oderiCh Town Council (203); St. Patrick's, Dublin 192
approved a bylaw to issue (152); Sacred Heart, Wingharn,
debentures in the, amount of 121 (115); St. Boniface, Zurich,
$175;000 for renovations to the 224 (173); i St. Mary's, Heason,
130 (126); Immaculate
Goderich Memorial Arena.
Wittiest • and most - effective $12 135. President Ken told the attempt an A report by Councillor Paul Conception, Stratford; 174 (189);
speakers in Canada today. why men act as they do. If we Carroll showed that work at the St. Michael's, Stratford„ 134
asked to codeider" two proposals approach someone in a hostile ; arena is "taking shape" and that (150); St. aloysius, Stratford,
Fciir • -
. club that the board had been
ONEY to assist in the renovation of
- Goderich Memorial Arena* - manner we can expect a like
response. Again, the element of the premises are "beginning t,o 231m(r2.
look good". -"
The debentures will be issued portable classrooms are in use. September 14, Benmiller again
37V)intar reported the six On Monday evening,
Mr. Bert Kempster, 175 Blake '
paying f the heating • system of goodwill in our transactions with at an int,erest rate of nine per With enrollment at Kingsbridge came up virith .10 runs that were
and he is considered one of the to the board, the amount being be sick. One man's job is to
pre -season ' optimism, -Horner .understandingof
• . .
states, "If they put out, there is
an outside chance of making the
, For the coach to make Auch a
hopeful statement at this point
in -the year probably meads that
the Vikings will pick tip where
they left off last year when ‚they
marched .through an &defeated
season to the league title.
Juniors would seeni the more organist of St. George's Anglican upon identification, at Victona e gt to shed some light such as the God rich ' and d'strict investors board that he and Joseph Tokar, September 1'7. With the Clippers
Ray Donnelly's job with the Mr. Jemp
demanding one. He is faced with Church. He lost his sight over a . .
Public School in the office of allow the board to consider
them further. . 1 plighter going down the to pickuppart ofthethe issue if the recently appointed assistant down two games we are tooking
&Om last year. So far.. Tom studying at the CNIB. . IV° student§ at the schobl, Lion .. Bryan Ainslie they wish to do so. superintendent of education, for a hard fighting battle.
-almost a total rebuilding 4,jOb period of years and is at present principal. John Kane. . street who walks out of sight yet
Playoffs in the Goderich
Industrial Softball League season
got under way on, Thursday,
September .10, at Agricultural
Park With games • between
Benmiller and Sandy's Clippers.
That ended in a 10-5 win for
Benmiller. Black hit a homer
with two on.
Street, a registered member of
the Canadian National Institute
increased by six pupils this year unanswered by the Clippers.
the Western Fair last week in the FOUND '
. people_is, basic. If we approach
others as pure human beings we '
for the Blind, wonlirst prize at • , the seating area at an cent over a.period of 10 years.
he said that consideration is
• approximate cost of $7,700 or Clerk -Sherman Blake said Bruce Stoll for Benmiller hit a
, hooked rug competition. This an ice conditioner _ , . „, ,_ onday he expects that the
at can (generally) exped Some m homer with otie man on base. '
being given to renting aportable
was the second year in a row he -A an approximate cost of $10,000. The next game • in this hest -
sum . of - Money -has been Purchasing bond ---b--on-w- which: - ;MI:- 'here as well One .is available.
goodwill in return.
Both projects were discussed atfour out of seven final series
. found in the area of Victoriafrom General Coach at Hensall.
had won the award. The minister concluded by
School and may be picked up, eventually sell.' the debentures
ster is a former club voted to will make arrangements to allow Mr. Vintar reported to the goes ' tonight, Thursday,
Th4-1, stating our commitment in life is •
Danny .,McLean and Bill introduced the Rev. G. L.
Royal lieaveS behind a string of lit "This has been the practice in had visited all the schools except. The Clippers have been noted
minister asked. Court of Revision for .the will be completed within the lapse and with an irate Sandy
Mr Royal chose as his theme
Ginn and Brian Whitely have hooked woollen rug, was judged Sanderson, found the Money of Knox Presbyterian Church. the past," said Clerk Blake. . for the Stratford schools which for making a comeback after a
amps. "What of your life'?" the
O'Brien, Dave Patterson, Jim Mr. Kempster's rug, a hand
For both teams, time will persons. He has been making turning it over to their school next few days. Profit to urge them on, who caii -
impressed. . against the work of sighted and are to be commended on
"Goodwill." He stated that too
• The speaker was thanked on Town of Goderich is set for
tell! - - rugs for about five,years. principal.
interfere with our right to
often one's background can
president Lion John Stringer. Monday, October 5. • The • board accepted Mr. blarne them?
behalf of the club by past
, impu 1 wilimmilimmimminiiiimmisommummilimminimomiummimplimmimiiiiiimmimmimmonimimmummimmilmiumminimmilimmommommolimmomiiimiiiimimmiummisimmiummiummunimmimmilimmimminsimmimmummimmismilimmiffiliminmiimmilimimmillowommummffinummoimmomumommumumumummiimmilimmiummommommumminum
1' ' •
.,, Illfelcome to :Goderich 7 new tefichers o ,
More photos On page six
';'- ......
Nineteen take positions at local schools
Bill Worsen is a Goderich boy
who has been teaching for 10
Years, He is the son "of Mr. and
Mrs. Carl Worsell, 182 Victoria
' Street. He attended thelormer
4 Goderich, Central School and
Victoria Public School and is a school at Albemarle Township. ,
graduate of Goderich District 'He is a graduate of Wiarton Mrs. Irene Prystayko comes to
Collegiate Institute and District High School and of Goderich from Toronto. She has
_Stratford Teachers College. He London, Teachers College. He been teaching for 15 years and
graduated from ' McMaster received his BA "degree from for the past four years has been
- University with a Bachelor of Waterloo Lutheran University teaching in Tweed, Ontario. She
r:*ttlfr'14401.14"lix"ajaUf)ht-ar 7'Wtrarfi -----, blich. ,..1 r i - ,-asAtsik- a vecat daat-of-teachtm*
schools in West Wawanosh, Ajax, past seven years at Maratirorr--experience-havingivrtaughfv,overr
Burlington,. lyleaford ,and at ,High School. He nals teaching 'Much of4astern Ontario. In the -
' ` Clinton, He is teaching grades History to grades 1O -and 11 ark' past she has taught French and
nine to 12 , geography at, Man in Society to grade 12 at Latin. At GDCI she is teaching
..t$. .A0dir11tr, ,Oistrict. veotiegiatei, ,Addetichp'. 'flistrict ,t,..x,Callegiate. V,Franck`t7 Alreder;Aningf.- 1.tr,a,,n.„4::;
Insiitute. , . Institute. • 12 ,,
. .
..) , . •
• Jack McLean is a native of
INiarton -end attended public
Joyce Lambert is a native of
Sarnia and a graduate of
Althouse College of Education,
London.* She- attended .public
school and high school in her
119.111° ° is graduate of
hal: been teaching, 'at 1.am1,tori
Central High School in PetiViTh
and"willbe teaching physical
odUatAanat Goderich Distrit!
„ •
Mrs. Janice Bryant' is originally
from Winnipeg where she
attended ..public school and high
school. She isa gradbate of, the
University of Toronto and has
Toronto for the past nine years.
She now is on the staff of
G6derich District Collegiate
Institute yupere...sle is teaching
John Smallwood, London,
Ontario, attended Roosevelt
Public School, London, and is a
graduate of pClarke Road High
School4 Waterloo Lutheran
University and the University of graduate' of West HU High .three years -at StanfOrd
Western Ontario and has a BA school, Montreal, and Sir Collegiate and • Vocational
c;:syegatoreeloyiliiivascEtis1;04and George
144, !licit:73s z viphtnivrirer7t;,,,Lnstw,„ituy,,:xi\, r.,_.„.4Niag4osaira ..S11,11s:44116:,
of Aithouse College 6f- received his BA: He is in his first C011egiete''''"hlatit'uttr*e'enti4e'
first year of teaching and takes and 10 in English and Typing, Machina MiithematiCa
year of teaching and takes gradesi teaching Consuttor 'EducatiOlt,
Education, London. He is in his
grades nine, 10 and 11 in grades nine and 11 in, World ..and Businals" Orgersitation ,
eke., 4x, V;s: -q t, lt: 7A, Tireditifikitygid
Scott Tornson,,oneOf eight new -
teachers at Goderich District
Collegiate • Institute, cores
originally from Ottawa. He
attended Elmdale Public School,
Ottawa, and Kensington Public
School in Montreal. He, is a
Gerald Pullin, Niagara Fella, ,
attended separate school
Niagara Falls at St. Patrick's and
high. school at Notre Dams,
Welland, and Niagara Falls
Collegiate and 'Vocational
Institute. He received his BA
from McMaster University and
has been teaching for the put
, • .
, • •