HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1970-09-10, Page 19,
4. • -
• Goy.. - BurkhOlder
- A double -ring ceremony in
Calvary Baptist Church,
doderich, .August 22 saw
Deanna Lynn Burkholder,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Kenneth Burkholder, Goderich,
become the bride of Ronald
Bruce Goy, son of Mr. and Mrs.,
Rennie Goy, Wingham.
Rev. Kenneth Knight
offiCiated-at the "Cereinonfainid
yellow and white gladioli and
candelabra with inserts of
• white -yellow tinted mums.
Soloist Mrs. Jean Clark,
Detroit, sand The Lord's Prayer
and You'll Never Walk Alone:
Escorted to the altar by her
father, the bride wore an
empire -waisted. A-line taffeta
gown with Spanigh lace overlay.
The long lilypOint sleeves were
of sheer lace and tiny buttons
" were featured down the front of
the -dress. She wore a
floor -length mantilla veil4 and
carried a bouquet of yellow and
Matron of honor was Mrs.
Nellie Pentland, Dungannon.
Bridesmaids were --Miss- Doris
Stewart, GodOrich; Miss Cheryl
Stewart, Goderich; and Miss
Nancy Landick, London.
They wore floor -length gowns '
of yellow dotted Swiss Over
taffeta ...with.. long ' sheer sleeves;
and trains. They carried circular
bouquets of yellow shasta daisies
and white gladioli,
Larry Pentland, Dungannon,
was groomsman. Ushers were
Dale Burkholder, brother of the
bride, Goderich; Bruce Corrigan,
cousin of the groom, Bluevale;
and -Grant Bricker,
brother-in-law of the, groom,
The wedding reception was
held at the Harbourlite Inn
where ellow and white gladioli
and fresh garden flowers formed
The bride's-mother-w-cme.-a—a-pink-floor-length,pant dress in
flowing crepe, white open -toed
shoes and white meshgloves.
She carried a single stemmed
fluffed red becara rose and wore
pink roses matching her dress in
her hair.
Bridesmaids were Miss Lin
Herbert,' London, and Miss Amy
Morton, cousin of the bride,
Orono. They were gowned
identically to the maid of honor.
Groomsman was Brian
Constable, Scarboro. Ushers
were Barry Gray, Toronto', and
David, Rolston,, bfother of the
groom, Scarboro.
. A reception followed at the
Maitland Country Club for 150
guests. The bride's table was
centred With a wedding cake,
roses and candelabra. Gladioli
bouquets and pink and white
streamers decorated the room
which •featured awall mural
landscape and daisies done by
• Mrs. Agnes Moon. .
••:' The bride's mother greeted
her guests in an orange ice crepe
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—MIR. AND MRS. ILX. funtroti. •
• -s -ng _a
` trimmed- with tiny -pearls and -received theguestweari
OW V.1,4 • .•4 .-raYt.• •
Chrysler - Rowe
Sheer over taffeta. She carried
elm,, Christena Louise Dawson
exchanged vows and mat:chino
wide wedding bands of personal
design with R., Charles Rolstoh
August 15.
Four baskets of 'pink and
mauve sweet peas and ribbOn
streamers marked the grassy aisle
for the wedding processional.
Wedding music was supplied by
Doug -Charles who played
classical guitar selections by
Ramou, Milan Pavan and Bach.
Rev. Torn Settle, Guelph,
conducted the marriage for the
daughter of Mrs. . Angela-.
Dawson, Goderich, and the son
of Ernest and Mary Rolston,
The bride was' given in
marriage by her _cousin, Charles
Couch, West Hill.
- She wore a white diamond
patterned three-piece pant suit
with flared legs and wrists. A
plain 'Spanish headpiece .of white
satin held a trailing veil of pastel
mauve trimmed with white lace.
She carrieda bouquet of red
becara roses. -
tMaid of honor was MiSs
Lynda Blum, Ghelph. She chose
burnished gold silk worsted coat
dress ensemble with beaded
collar, matching accessories and
yellOw and rust 'colored roses.
The grcibm,'s mother chose a lush
green fortrel dress, matching hat,
black accessories. and a corsage
of yellow and mauve roses and
shasta mums.
For travelling to points east,
the- bride changed 'to a beige
crochet -knit dress with long
sleeves, dark brown accessories
and a corsage of orange
• The coiiple is residing at 361
Oak St., Goderich.
Aiscellaneous showers were
given in the bride's honor by the
Calvary Baptist Church women
at the home of Mrs. Gordon
Westlake and by Doris Stewart
and , Cheryl Stewart at, • the
latter's home.
Rolston. - Dawson
, 1
On the Fairway at Maitland
Country Club, in front of a large
• to a traveller...
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dress fashioned -on Grecian lines
with which she wore a dark
green cymbidium orchid corsage.
The groom's mother had
selected a jade green crepe dress
with matching 'ape, oat and a
pale green cymbidium. orchid
corsage. . -
The • couple left for a
honeymoon to the East Coast.
The bride changed to a royal
purple silk dress, slate grey purse
and shoes and a:corsage of pink
o ofi their .return, they will
reside in Guelph.
• krior .to-ber-rnat:rta* ge, the,
bride was feted at several'
functions including a garden
party and linen shower at the
home of the groom' S parents,
given by Mr. and,Mrs. Robert
Dick. Miss Lynda Blum •was
hostess for a miscellaneous
shower at her residence in
Guelph and Mrs. Jim Hunter
held a kitchen - Shower at her
home, RR 2, Goderich. • .
The rehearsal party was held
Friday, August 14, on the patio
and spacious lawn- of .Mr. and
Mrs. Jim Hunter's home at- R
2. Goderich."
Rivett - Anderson
pink and. white dles.s and coat
gathered into a headpiece of
white roses. • She carried a ensemble of crimplene. Her
• bouquet of yellow and white accessories were white, and she
sweetheart roses. - wore a headpiece of pink ribbon
Her sister, Mrs. • Robert
with white flowers. Her corsage
(Beverley) Cooke, of Aurora, was of white sweetheart roses.
was matron of honour, while her. • •For her honeymoon dip, the
bride chose ' a 'pale green
other attendants were Miss
polyester crepe dress, With long
Linda Horn of Ancaster and Miss
Rose Leamen of Goderich. They • full sleeves, over which was worn
were sim ilarly gowned' •
a matching redingote of lace.
floor -length dresses of lilache wore a pale green chiffon
nylon dotted swiss over- taffeta. bow in her hair. Her accessories
These were also styled with high- were white, and her corsage of
necklines, puffed sleeves and white sweetheart.roses.
Guests were present from
a, wide white lace ernbrbidered
empire waistlints, trimmed -with
Toronto, Winnipeg, Woodstock,
with thry-flOwers-in-shades. of Janand.
Staffordville, as well as from
mauve and purple:They carried
baskets of white daisy mums and Dungannon and Goderich.
wore matching' flowers in their • Prior to her wedding the
hair. • --bride was honored at a shower
The best man was John Hoygiven- by Mrs. Ross Harrison,
Goderich. Ushers were Bob Nelson Street, and at a beach
Cooke, Aurora, and Gary party given by the Bank of
Squires, Goderich. Montreal staff:of, which she is a
• The reception and dance was member.
, The couple will reside at 39
held in Saltford Valley Hall,
Victoria Street South.
' h th bride's • mother Victoria Street South.
Baskets of mums decorated
-St. .C4-eorge!s 'Anglican Cliuich,
Goderich, fpr the—edding
August 8 which Yvonne
Kathleen Rowe and George
Edward Dennis Chrysler were
married before Rev. Garwood
R.ussell. -
The bride is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Salm, Brussels,
• and the 'grown is the son of Mr.
and Mrs. Geo. Chrysler,
Goderich. • '
• The bride was given in
marriage' by her uncle,- Wm.
Albert, Whitechurch. She wore a•
floor -length go-wn of white sheer
organza accented by appliques
of Swiss lace. The bodice • was
fashioned with a scoop neckline
and featured lilYp-bini Sleeves.
The softly flowing bouffant skirt
swept to a chapel train and her
triple -tiered veil of hand -rolled
• French illusion fell froth a crown.
of sequins and pearls. She
carried a lace -covered white
Bible crested with red roses.
Maid .of honor was Miss
Marilyn Rowe, Brussels, * in a,
street -length dress of baby blue
nosegay of pink carnations and
wore white accessories.
Alan—ehrysler, .
brother of the groom, was
groomsman. Usher was Larry
MoNeil, Clinton..
'The reception washeld at the
home of the • groom's -
grandmother, Mrs,. Roope, where -
bells, streamers and seasonal
flowers formed the background.
- The bride's mother received
the guests in a peacock blue
brocade dress, white accessories "
• and a pink corsage. Thegroom's
. mother wore a royal blue crepe
dress with nylon lace coat, sijver
accessories and a pink torsage.
Following. the reception, .the
bride changed- -to a- -green
crimplene dress with brown
accessories. The couple will
make their home at 106 Borden
Street, Skratford.
Prior to her wedding, the
bride was feted at a shower at
the hOme of Mrs. Roope.
The • groom's fellow
employees also presented the
couple with a clock. •-
• Baskets of mauve and white .
gladioli decorated North Street
Church on August 15, for a •
lovely summer wedding, at
which Mary Ellen Anderson and
• Gerald Wayne Rivett exchanged
vows. Rev. Robert Raymont
officiated at the • double -ring •
The bride is the daughthr of
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Anderson,
Goderieh, and the groom is the
• son of Mr.' Leonard Rivett, -also
Of Goderich, and the late -Mrs.
Rivett. - •
The bride was given in
marriage by her, father. Her
Victorian style dress, of white
nylon organza featured a high
. neckline, empire waist • and
puffed sleeves, .trimmed with
bands of lace. The A-line skirt
and. floor -length train', were
• panelled hi the same lace. Her
veil of tiers of white tulle was
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