HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1970-09-10, Page 100, o0bE1ti,04 SIGN41,04rAkPiljitS,DAY4. wirmy140:1A 1979 • • .4.,• •". .,.. • • .44. , t • •••• ▪ ;>•:•••:•:. • • 4,0, • • • • • •-v, • • • •;,..••• • • ••• , 1, ARTICLES 'FOR:SALE 1. ARTICLES FOR, SALE • ikVEST4OUG1UNG, new and . repairs. Rafter ends, facia board. -,....AROof vents, metal flashings. A. • .B. Service, 482-9734. - 26tf gAVESTROUgHINO AND LIGHTNING RODS NEW INSTALLATIONS , & REPAIRS Estimates Without Obligation Contact ..R. E RUTTAN Wmgham - Phone 3571077 dRYSTAL Lake Mobile Homei featuring .1970 -Glendale Mobile , Homes, Gold Falcon Travel Trailers and Truck. Campers at , • Meneset Mobile 1 me Court, Goderieh's fully se iced mobile home court planned forthe entire family.. Location - straight through on Airport Road, RR 5, Goderich. Display • honies open for inspection ,at your convenieffce. Reduced prices on demonstrators. Phone goderich 524-6638. -27tf - • '31tf USED 180 electric welder, ,good AUTOMATIC Tbilet 13owl condition. Phone 527-1994 after . . Cleaner. Removes rust, lime and mineral deposits. Simply pl ace in the corner of your toilet tank. Available at • . Hoff:meyer Plumbing and Heating, Kingston Stre4, Goderich. - 14tf HYGIENIC supplies' (rubber goods) mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelopes with 'price list. Six samples 25c; .24 simples '$LOO. Mail Order D ept T-53, Nov -Rubber, Co., Box 91,, Hamilton, Ont. 7 1 tf CQINS . Bought; sold, exelanged. V. ,Pope, 87 Kip,gstOn .424;72B-59.-- 28:tf TOMATOES - P ick your oiA'in or order. -Bring c ontainers. Case Van Raay, one mile east of Dashwood on 1-fighway 83. -Phone 237-3496. - 35,36,37,38 CUT fkmers; Snaps, Glads, Zinnias, Gloric,sa Daisies. Mrs. L. R. Homan, L87 Cameron St., phone 524-88 52. - 33tf USED icetylene welder with attachments. Phone 527-1994 after7 - 36,37 • BOY'S 28" bicycle. Phone 529-7919. 36nc STANDARD TYPEWRITERS' for sale or rent. Only $6 00 per month rental'. We also repair and. service , typewriters°. SMITH'S OFFICE SUPYLIES & GIFTS, phone 482-9766 Clinton. 36-39b G. E: automatic.' fridge,1,.30"_ Range,,, kitchen lable, DEADLINE, FOR TAKING 3. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 3. REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE 3, R Q LESTATE FOR SALE 3. REAL psmi* FOR SALE CLASIFIED .A.DS. 12 'otkpac: SHARP nil ES DA Y ADS ° CANNOT BE ACCEPTED AFTER 12 0;CLOCK FOR THAT WEEK'S PAPER 111111111•11.1111.10. 1. ARTICLES FOR SALE 2. CARS, TRUCKS - FOR SALE 4-65 NUFFIELD tractor with loader, 1800 hrs.,,$4,000; 14 ft. Allied cultivator, 3 point hitch, two years old, 14" tires, $385.00; John Deere 17 run seed drill on rubber, model F.B., $500.00; 100 °gal. tank sprayer on rubber, $50.00; 225 amp. Lindoln welder, $100.00;•4" 16 ft: grain auger, $20.00; 4 hog feeders, used four months, half, price; new hog scale •aid ' crate, $75.00. • Ninth Concession, two miles east of Blyth, no.phone. 'Elmer Bittorf. RR 3, Walton, Ontario. - 37x 196d INTERN ATIONAL • Dnrnp Truck, Loadstar 100, combination body, good condition. Phone 524-9217. -36,37x 1967 TRIUMPH, Bonneville, excelkint condition. 230 Blake Street .West, 524-6193. 37,38,39x ' 196'2 METEOR, small. eight -cylinder, automatic, radio. Will safety check. Phone 524-7980. --, 37 4.. • . UGHES REAL ESTATE — GENERAL INSURANCE Office 524-8100 ' Res. 524-8491 38 EAST STREET commissioN sRATE - 3% ON HOUSES IN GODERICH LARGE 8% MORTGA.GE Gracious 4 -bedroom ranch brick bungalow, 2 baths, attached garage, utility room. Treed and landscaped lot,- custom built. Owner holds mortgage. NEWON TREED 1 ACRE Stone raffch bungalow, dream kitchen, living room with fireplace, 3 good •sized bedrooms. Many outstanding features' in this custom built home in Parkland setting. _. • 2 PAMILY HOME At,tractivo duplex in excellent rental area. Extra large suites in A-1 condition containing 2 and 3 bedrooms, modern throughout. Steps to the Square. Spacious grounds. CLINTON DUPLEX 2 -storey. home • in Clinton. Central- location, ; spacious grounds,..ample parking, :private chairs, with mitehing---eup hoard. -wED-D-nitownantiece AL,1E,TA11,10R.,$AtE, ,entrance.'.0.peir•for.offerst.--r. , .Phone 524-8635. --30t white, size° 11, neW" condition. Phone .524-8667 after p.m. - DINING room chandelier; twin ., bed and mattress. Mrs. Paul Robartg; phone 524-9423. - Tir 37 HREE pa' of lined, mushroom -colored,' Istaim.salrezefrapes, 3 yrds. x 42", $15.00. Phone 524-9694. , • TWENTY-FIVE little pigs for sale. Phone 524-7080. -37nc TWO brood, mares - one a registered quarter horse. Both well broken. .11oth in foal to "Belles" running quarter horse •, stallion. Phone 529-7617. - 37x SPOOL bed, double size,. in excellent condition; also mattress. ' Phone 524-9361. 35tf NEWLY extracted honey available from campbell's Cedar Valley Apiaries.. Price 3.70. lb. -in our containers. We will deliver orders of 1 0 lbs. or over. Phone 524-9673. 35tf WHITE enamel coal or wood ,burning annex. Phone 524-7435, PIANO, Ennis by Mason Risch. Phone 524-9486. - 37-,38x TWO. three-piece snowsuits, sizes -5-6x. Good condition. Reasonably pried. Phone .524-7.157. - 37x • T.T PRICE BOOST IT'S. A FACT PRICES WILL FOSE IN THE -NEXT FEW WEEKS CFICIOSE ONE OF OUR NEWLY ARRIVED TRADE-INS 1969 CHIEV. 1/2 TON PICKUP Ten months new. Pactory warranty remains. Equipped with long'box heavy duty suspension. front and rear, 16" wheels 650 k 16, 6 ply tires, custom radio, custom step bumper, new truck condition. C93658. Any reasonable offer considered. Low down payment. .oc . 1969 DATSUN 1000' -T-WO-DOOR SEDAN-=-Fotir-speed tratismistipn; whitewalls and whee14-'discs„ 18,000 miles. Western 'car. "NK5i9.• • 1 9375 CHROME higkchair in excellent condition. Pti-Vhe 524-7550. -- 37 UNDERWOOD typewriter, $35.00. Phone 524-6037. - 37 TWO single beds with mattresses,. one excellent condition, one, fair. Phone 524-91/7. - 373c -.TENT tkailet.i,with 41:14-A-r.00m and spare wheel; dile year oid: May lie seen at 242 Bennett Street West or phone 524-8478 • after 7 p.m. - 37x DRAPES - Brown toned, one pair 150" wide by 97" long (picture window); pair blue, 104" wide by 56" long. 'Reasonable. Phone 524-81,23. - 37 TRAILER for sale, 13 foot rambler, sleeps -four, propane stove, ice box. Apply Alex Wilkins, Goderich Marina. - 37 tf . • FIFTY weiners, 10 weeks old. • DON T ISTAT1 LTD. MOOR REAL. ESTATE 111./MI/Mit01 "Rural 0 3% Co • Orklio IT' BUT •VV Drive past you're a ha this one. 1' -open for up. DRIVE -I Can be yo now will business f Located on to Town. business, s and compl can be. $13,000.0 payment. PICTURE Consisting o SpeCialitts" mission Rate ses tri Goderich . A WRECK - AT TH.E 'HECK! 2 -storey red bnck 'home close to acres of land on qUiet street -- 407 East St. And if Square, 3 -bedroom, dining other is 3 blocks from Square dy Man. don't miss room, sunroom, fireplace. All in . • . ..,,,,,r- and well treed. ., -storey frame 'house immaculate condition.. Priced to Just listed. Immaculate , brick basement large closed in 2 -bedroom home, fireplace, full ffers, could be fixed sell. bungalow. Spacious living room, sunporch. An excellent retirement home,. Very modestly RESTAURANT - ,.. WELLESLEY STREET ,bright hostess kitchen with priced. , plenty Of cupboards, 3 generous ts as a small deposit 5 bedrooms, 27011 baths, double • Id this prosperous liVing room with , cherry . bedrooms, 4 -piece bath. Full heated basement. Carport.EXCLUSIVE beautifulOTTAGEsun r sprint takeover: - , fireplace, Family 'Room, sauna t i 4 •., ut, I V ,•••,, A ,•• ) . ' . 3 bedrooms - a paved Hwy. close bath. Well restored. Large treed . decks at different levels - boat Store and 2 apartments, close to house - change room or his well established lot 104' x 104'. ta REGENT -STREET $4,000 2 -storey home needing some repair.' PARK -STREET Move in irnmediatelY. Two-bedroom bungalow, close to Square_ Modern kitchen, electric heat. Garage.; WELLINGTON STREET VerY attractive well maintained 3-bedroorriaanch. bungalow with attached garage, plus recreation room. Nearly new. Lot size 66' x, 132'. Close to schools. GRACIOUS FAMILY HOME Two-storey red brick. Four • bedrooms, spacious living room • with marble fireplace. Family - kitchen with built-in stove and oven. Two baths. Garage. CENTRAL LOCATION White - brick, 2 -storey, 3 -bedroom, 11/2 baths. Close to schools. Owner moving. $1500 DOWN, BEST OFFER Well built home, dining rbom, recreation room, garage. Owner moved. Asking $13,500. with spacious _interior. Fbur bedrooms,, full lbsernent. Central location. Extra lot could be purchased 'With this home. • 0 ATTENTION \/..L.A. - Excellent size rooms in this charming " bungalow, so well maintained by present owner. Brick home with double garage. • •. 3% conirn4sion • .on all retidentill property We have homes in the country, towns, and villages. The prices and styles vary as the miles that separate them. Qur listings of cottages, resort property,.development property, farms, and businesses, enablelts to better serve your needs. Call us today! 3. We .have two very good homes that have been converted into apartments. A very good return- , on, your money. Excellent location. • JUST LISTED 4. 2 -bedroom red brick retirement home, completely redecorated, new floor coverings throughout of broadloom and cushion floor. Located close to the Square, with very low taxes and heating costs. - .4 - SM ALLEARMS •:These ?properties 50 acres of. good land, small barn, eight -room brick home. 34 acres .at Holmesville, large bank bar.tiv seven-roorn insul brick horne,-.:- ail ..furnace, four -piece bah. '3 acres well treed, yet lots of good land to grow all the fruit and vegetables you desire. A - • very good 3 -bedroom red brick be , home, full bathroom up, 2 -piece 2 -storey- , 4 -bedroom,- 2 Interesting land potential makes washroom down, full basement, - -this worth investigating. r p . Central' °cation, -spacious grounds. Immaculate . condition, oil furnace. 41/2 miles from Goderich. V.L.A. QUALIFIED 2 excellent' building lots. One is • Family home on °approx. 11/2 2 blocks from Square and the • • • ling soft ice cream Square. . Property in , good children's playroom; Bar .type te hot food menu 2 -STOREY WILSON STREET . condition. Must be sold. No kitchen, fireplace, winterized, gought for only Attractive home on quiet treed reasonable offer refused. •• electric heated, newly wired •ivith low low down lot. 3 bedrooms'. plus den, with a heavy service, completely • Hollywood kitchen, utility (WE WOODLAND . morn; shag breadloom in living . FARMS , furnished and located five miles north of Goderich right on a SMALL HOME & 68 ACRES f. 1 acre - trout room. Garage7Lots of extras. stream, excellent building site - ' •___ • - • • 4 Miles from Goderich. Good beautiful' sandy beach. Excellent terrns. Seen by appointment located •on - ,{1-,iwy: 21, south of WAT-ERLDO STREET • included farm land • Implements and crop • Goderich. T irns can be arranged Close to Square, 4 -bedroom, '• -6-rily through our office.. see it today. . , 2 -storey, brick home- with- 11/2 . . GREAT FOSSIBILITIES _baths, fireplace, utility room. 7. 25 'acres rolling treed retreat Where else On you buy land for Good terms available. , consider mortgage on this two Wingham area,, ming $3,900 . p farmland, clay loam suitable for trees, .. creek, .31 " acres., Ideal mile offers over,. 3,000 Christmas Open • for offers. Owner will all types of crops°. Art Jongejan, RR 2, Goderich 'Albert storey red brick, Huron Road. 3 , . terms can be arranged to suit the retreat - onty 1/2 mile from Port phone 524-7026. - 37 SEVEN.HU'NDRED bedrooms, large ,living room and 25 acres, -1-lighway frontage, • purchaser. rchaser. --- - That's all y'oil need down to dining room, farnily kitchen, 11/2 within town limits. . treed scenic -river frontage g 3/I of a mile of rolling well , several spring fed streams, 46 les.; than $125 00 peracre which. Goderich Township ' near property, spring on the property Holmesville, 60 acre § of good and hydro available, Located one off the hig y in the WEEKEND SPECIALS Kroehler two-piece high back Traditional .style chesterfield suite. . Sug. List $600.00. Priced to 'Clear at only $349.50. See this today. Other suites priced from $179.50 to $425.00. 7 -piece Colonial living room grdup, includes 2-piec•e .davenport bed suitei,. ,2 step tables, 1 Coffee table, pair of table lamps. Only $199.95. •8 -piece Spanish styled bedroom group, Includes triple dresser, 4 -drawer chest, Queen size headboard and Howard frame, Queen size SleePmaster Spring -Air Rack supporter mattress, twin liox springs, pair of boudoir lamps. Sug.' List $684.50. Only $529.50. Used 4/6 spring -filled mattress; also metal bed 4/0 size. Priced for-colick sale. Restonig•-• bed chAterfield complete with spring4-illed .mattress covered in a „good 'wearing tweed with reversible foarn • cushions. Sug. List $225.00. Priced to clear at $169.50. BLACKSTONE FURNITURE 34 WEST STREET GM:MR ICH SCARCIE-71VIODIEL. 1945 FAIRLANE, 500 TWO -DOOR HARDTOP - Automatie transmission, V-81 tucket seats, console, aversize '.w4itewalls, wheel discs„,‘ two-tone paint. N.59473. IVALUE ; 1. * -0 GOCD 499 OTHERS .AR RIVING SOON '67 FIREBIRD. — '65 'IMPALA CONVERTIBLE Plus a Gootf-o-Sfelection on ihe 'Lot We haa select number ot low Mileilre 1970 Amer rail IVIototi Executive Cars availabieoto21ieriknrtn'tileagiifttiitdeCiaiff eirtras:and Io aded with big savings. • ' GRAF SERVICE • CARS;TRUCKS FOR SALE FAST two-hour tar buyers loan service - loans ' $50.00 to $5,000.00. Call Don Denomme, Trans Canada Credit. Phone 524-8340. -36-49 , GOOD -election of used cars in 1A-1 condition, fully reconditioned and guaranteed, trade-ins accepted and terms NuAtbiziliAnszr nrit-VP, 5454 mut • .AMX • kiVOI t•Hewitt • Ambassador • kebel OELD R AYPIOAD, R•A".(.. 21 ONT ORD MUNROE OH, ONE 524.4101 joHot , : TWO 1958.Edsels. Phone 524,68461- 33tf baths , move into t is well Maintained : Lot 82' x 132'. acres with 15 workable located home. An in xpensive house for. ' - • . in the Goderich alea, a modern 4 , a it RENT 145 d '•• ' someone wl acres oi o wants a large arm year old cottage is situated on A. lovely brick rancher, 3 land in Colborne To Self ip.. wnsIC 3 bedrooms and a modern kit hen, 3 pc. bath, dining roo , 2 bedrooms, double liyin room, attractive sun por h. Immediate possession. • • STOR BUILDING Plus 2 apts. RentAincome plus an • opportu ity to go- into business for yourself. $900.00 down will le you be the owner of this in estment property which ia-is • lis ed to sell - only $8,900.00. CLIN QN STORE Located on wy.,4,.variety store with moder living quarters, must be sol , open for offers, previous.' o ner s sales over $60,000.00. Terms can be arranged - we have been instructed to present all offers - this could be your GOLDEN' OPPORTUTY. ,PEGGY CUNNINGHAM , Bayfield - 565-2423 JACK CUMMINGS 524-9624 BILL CLIFFORD '" 524-9097 bedrooms, plus den, 2 baths, ' drained, clay loam soil. Drilled tIiis property, laundry room, attached garage,well, large barn20 acres of ,2 car garage along with all private garden. Contact Rita ' b u sh. Maitland River. conveniences make this a lovely - . , Allen, 524-8480. • ' $20,000.00. , summer retre4 or a year round ' retirement . home. This is on* unique property and must be .. sold to settle an estate, mak te us an offer termscan be arranged. ALEXANDER AND CHAPMAly • . REALTY LIMITED 'HONE 524-9662; 3% COMMIssion Rafe ' On Houses In Goderich • QUALIFIES FOR V.L.A. -This one storey two bedroom brick is located on a lot' 123 x 806. 'This house was recently built and offers all the latest refinements. Carpeting in the livingroom, fireplace, familyroom, double car garage, peautifull landscaping. Location 'is on the edge of town, low taxes and priced to suit your budget. . INVESTMENT PROPERTY - Containing five Apartments fully occupied the buyer can have • his option on the type of financing desired - the propertS7 shows a very good return on investment. Just listed. gracithis .-two-storey red brick home, detached krage, features include living room with fireplace, large' separate dining room, two-piece powder room, modern., k itch en with extra c,uPboarcli. Upstairs has , four , - bedrooms, four -piece bath. Full .basenierit-with gas furnace. .blose .-to,schooandusiness sectim ••• 106 A bright and lovely -well maintained three-bedroom 1 -storey brick- home, all . broadloom and —redecorated- reoreation root» with bar, tiled A floor and partitioned basement. ". RENT WITH OPTION 40 ACRES HVVY. 21 TO BUY 4. miles North of Goderich, barn, Two-storey brick home for the creek,- highway frontage. family who likes space, 4 bedrooms, close to the Square. Owner will .hold mortgage. 44 ' QUEBEC STREET 11/2 -storey brick and angel stone. 3 bedrooms plus " dem, Large living room, 11/2 baths. Garage. 5 -BEDROOM, 2 -STOREY Attractive home, well kept grounds. Quiet residential street. Large lot 104' x 104'. LOTS Cambria Rd. $3,000. Cambridge St., 8:W x vo Britannia Road, 85' x 136' Concessiononesst74, x 19 4 , 200 '87 185 ' 3• Highway 21 North, 225' x 264' Auburn, 11/2 acres Highway 21 South, , • Trout stream; 600' x 300' , CUSTOM BUILT BUNGALOW-, ---- Huge family kitchen,- . 'LAKE HURON 61/2 ACRES • broadloorned living room, family 340 ft. Lake frofftage borfig,ring sized bedrooms. Beautifully Hwy. 21 containing 1 cottages 43 WEST STREET • . CODE 11 ICH — 524-8 5i- decorated. Many extras make ciell maintained, excellent going this home,one of a kind. business, could,be, increased. HEART OF GODERICI1 . 3. REALESTATE FOR SALE Charming -older. I;ome, wiiik all • IDEAL , BUILDING _,I.,d'r ,...._. the modern conveniences. kitchen; -double living Extra large size, with DeaeliiU . iflip!oany oinlil,pine floors, stone -trees, no underbrushto clear fireplace In family room. Near A RETREAT ANYONE? I ' Situated -in ateids -in chlsnitoPrieictealnYd begraasutsieftid,i everyth„ing. ' ' M enesetung Park", near Mencsetung Park only ten Goderich„ beautiful stone chalet minutes drive from Goderielt GOOD STARTER HOME i'eature's 5 bedrooms and bath Lot size 150 ft. x 125. Phone Bright 11/2-storey4, modern off a balcony overlooking a huge. 32 524 7775 -- 39 kitchen.- Garage. Extra. large lot. living room with' natural stone --, 7. -. . „ . -- .fir eplace. Main floor consists of INCOME PROPERTY - Triplex': • _ • . aillartrnents (one. furnished) ' HOUSE 8t % ACRE ' kitchen, a den one bedroom and ,PiehlicY..7.7-,42#4.01,V.7...4- AIL * .4, ,ANO. PAI 8 41 . AO— ------;:i774,0:00qkaariovamiervi t- broiC114nw,:te.sitralVyr- Med bd. A itittiimint"-• ,'-iii:al,.. -,eciiiWiritii3Otiiitiariiron.--lir-rtr 426' )C232'' SUNSET BEACH, 25 ACRES Log Cabin cottilge situated in. well landscaped parkland setting, also adjoining 25 acres ideal campsite. living room, large 'dining rOom, • Excellent return on your location, close .to hospital. investment. Apply • Box 5126, ;.• - Chesley, Ontario. - 35tf RITA. ALLEN 154 ESSEX ST, - 524-8480 ° QEB SFIEVVFELY titi11 os,1 0A6> EBB i144 ROSS 02' NEWpAtE 54.43786 FOR a., good deal on a new or to,pquality ....tItsed-cat‘.conta4t., .-Avehle-liatrkilton X. -Mak Motor Sales Ltd. Goderich. Garage • 024,1314; residence 624.9397 36-41x *, • We at McIntee's would certainly appreciate your listings and will do our best to sell your property at good market value. Thank you: , • PHONE B. R. ROBINSON Office -524-6991 • Res. - 524-6905 PHONE WARREN ZINN RR 2, LuCknow ' Res. - 529-73.5,0 PHONE BRUCE RYAN Office - 524-6991 Res. - 524-7762 PROPERTY.MANAGEIVIENT If you are moving out of Goderich or for any reason, would like a responsible person to look after your property interest at a nominal fee please contact one of the personnel at W. McINTEE,REALTOPts 52 West Street, Goderich, Ontario. C.111111111.11110.11111.11.11111111211111111M Two-storey four-bedroom spacious living room, large - kitchen, one 4nd half bathrooms, full basement, oil ,furnace. This home Is situated in nearby village on a three are lot. Down payment $2,500. No cleaning needed to movelii-CO' this two-bedroom home, large. kitchen, fenced lot and close to school. Priced to sell. SPECIAL ' In a nearb* villaae, four-bedroom house, large enough to accommodatexgood sized family plus extra rociin for a small store. Low taxes. Price $3,600. z -• • RETIREMENT HOME ,One -storey, two bedrooms, .in immaculate . condition. Low taxes and priced 'to sell. TVVO2STOREY - CENTRAL This two-storey brick feagirei all - modern "convenienceS of a new home with the.added attraction of 1he roominess of the older hotnes. Four bedrooms, large lot and double garage. This one .story four-bedroom 01 home is located on a lot 98 ,X 110. Two bathrooms hot water heating, completed recreation room, close to school, 83/4 percent mortgage. TWO-STOREY - WEST END This four-bellroom, two-storey brick is located on an extra large .treed lot. Three baths with carpeting in living ' room and •dining room, fireplace, new wiring, garage. Excellent mortgage arrangements. • ESTATE SALE - Just placed on the market, this two storey four bedroom is cer trails/ located. • Large lot, , oversized garage, all add up to comfortable living. -34 , COTTAGES - Three bedrooms at tane of* Pines, many extras, large lot. Three bedrooms, • near Kingsbridge, priced to sell. re • FARMS 100 acres of land all cleared in Colborne Township'', five miles from Goderieh, . one and half -miles from 21 highway. Drilled well, three-bedroom, red brick house... Owner willing to take back -reasonable mortgage. 80 acres in Goderich Township - priced to sell. 80 acres close to Goderich Goderich Township creek - all tiled - reasonably. priced. • DRIVERS,NEEDED Traino now to drive semi truck, local and over the ro d. Diesel • or gas; trtie f;1:116t:aanc• necessary. Triu tan earn oVer- , - $4.00 -per hour after short training. For interview and -A. J. ALEXANDEPt-524-7836 :titAftlAcktraltAtNz. 81,00961Igg nw- -application, call ,416-362-4002, or - write - Safety Dept:, 'United stems, Inc„ c/o Transport . .-Traittinvggit*titedt, " Ltd., 207 Quebitat4la# Westo Toronto 117. Ontario, Canada. G. GLENN -529.7924 • ustamismemiiesisemiossoismiiiimiso 44