HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1970-09-10, Page 7Flllom the Min.iste. 's stud y. CAPT. BILL MCCUNE Sglvgtion Army The:unkn�wii God Fpr many. people, the easiest .r way:"to avoid facing a righteous remain unknown. They rejected God is to persuade themtselves 4 the True God because they loved that He: their -false ' Olympian deities does not exist. Hence, there are' some Vvho call' more; for these godscatered to themselves agnostics; ° others their ' Epicurean and Stoical refer to thselves as. atheists. tastes. It was easier for them to Then there are those who, in reject -the truth, than to respond passing, will .accede 4b the • to its challenge. --existence of such a' Person as It ran contrary to .Meir God, but who appear to' take a permissive society and its "so -what" attitude, current pleasure;consequently, �► Nowhere does the Bible set they lost the opportunity to out to prove the existence of: come into the knowledge and God. The basic assumption of the experience of the Truth. ,the Bible, : and of true They were willing to build an Christianity, is the existence ,of altar to the "Unknown God"; this 'eternal, righteous Being, and, they said they were willing who reveals Himself in the to know Him and worship Him; Scriptures. but the Apostle Paul stripped The Bible begins with a them of their false fronts; of simple declaration, "In - the their phony psuedo-intellectual- beginning God..." (Gen. 1:1). isms; and of their pretentious The basic -assumption having ° desires for the truth. In the been declared, there then process, the Apostle left them follows a listing of His confounded, stark, , and marvellous acts of creation and condemned by the altar to "The providence. It makes no . Unknown God." difference what man may n our present society, God is believe, or . how men may still unknown by many and rationalize,. What mortal man , generally unwanted by the believes, or disbelieves, can•never multitudes. He is still "despised' change the facts. trod is God. and rejected of men_ The woad' . God is a living, roving God. He wants Him to remain unkrnown; 4 `• :.has;, existedr-.fromiasa . natter of fact, it wants i •Hm ----wiiRRee st- tc eternity. There was-: dead "`It.. has proclaimed Him never a time that .He did not dead; ",pinking that this exist. There Will never be a time proclamation will forever bury that He does not exist. Him and keep Him unknown. During _the Apostle, Paul's -As 'the-. Athenian society. of -.- -.missionary-0• -visit - to,. At -hens; -Paul's day, our society rejects Greece, (Acts 17:15-34), he was the Truth and the True God, confronted with the minds, Jesus Christ: The trend toward philosophies, and gods at the astrology, witchcraft, false cults, heart of dreek culture and spiritism; Eastern mysticism, and intellect. This city was the Satanic worship attest' to the intellectual and religious centre depth of this rejection. of the then known'world. It was Men would rather dwell in - the seat of the major schools of darkness than come into the' philosophy, ' There were many Epicurean and $toic philosophers living there. They spent their" time searching for new information and discussing With others their own ideas of the universe and the m_eairing of of their own Olympus, and life. delude themselves with the So religious were . the people thought that these gods are • of this city, that they erected an sufficient for• now and eternit #ltar to �:eyerpgod :whi+ h their P s =. • :�e. Y' rainier than give 'up their sin and minds had cainceived. They were know Jesus as their personal so thorough in their worship and Saviour. Light. Men would rather build altars to the ''"Unknown God", than to come into a personal knowledge and experience with "Him. (John 3:18-20) They would rather worship the gods devotion that they feared lest • they overlook some unknown The "Unknown God" can be duty. They, therefore, erected known. He is not like unto gold, an ' altar to "The Unknown or silver, or .stone. He dwells •not God." When Paul was invited to in temples made with hands. He speak before the Areopagus, the is not far from every one of us. supreme Council, their highest In Him we live, and move, and Court; . he grasped._ the `" have our being. We are His opportunity to introduce them offspring. He -says in His Word: to the God whom they did not For,I know the thoughts that 'I know = ' the' only True God, think toward you, saith the Jesus Christ: ^ Lord, thoughts of peace, and not The Athenians .rejected ..the___ot evil,. to give you an expected - ' . Gospel; they rejected the end. Then shall ye call upon me, revelation of the "Unknown and ye shall go. and pray unto God" as preached by , the me, and I will hearken unto you. Apostle Paul. He received the And ye shall seek me, and find old, "brush-off": "We will hear me, when 'ye shall search forme thee again of this, matter." They with all your heart. And I will be wanted the "Unknown God" to found of you, saith the Lord." Olt 4. y\1 last 1111,1t11talmilNl11filotliisiopti1I11111I,tittillagoiaaliitlllllli111guait MURRAY L. HETHERINGTON Murray' L.:Hetherington,:17.5 Elgin Ave. W., died- September 4 in Victoria Hospital, London, after an illness of a few days, He Was 57. A son of . the, late Isaac. Hetherington and-. the former Jean Mclrifosh *he" was born March 17; -1913.- _-in-2-O&bq g Township. He' lived in Saltford from. 1922 until 1926 `whhn he, ,from to' Goderich. In 1945° .he moved to Brampton ..where the resided for 20 years. He has lived° in Goderich' for the past five years, He was. a superintendent fQt the Department of Transport until his retirement five yea ago-He-was--a-member of Horn Street United...'f rchand-of'the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 109. Survivors include his wife, the former Eleanor Snider whom he married July 18, 1941, in London; three daughters; Mrs. " Robert (Margaret) Thiesburger, Preston; Mrs. Barry (Mary) McAnsh, Guelph; and Helen, at home; one brother, His Honor Judge R.S. Hetherington, . Goderich; and two sisters, Mrs. John (Amelia) MacKay, Ottawa.and Mrs. Alfred (Marjorie) Ivy, Kapuskasing. Funeral service was Saturday, September 5 at the Stiles Funeral Home with Rev. R,obert Raymond officiating. Interment was in Colborne Cemetery. Pallbearers were Angus Goodhand, ' Rae ,Hetherington John MacKay, Robe.rt-- .MacKay, Teter.. Kalbflelsch ands ' Jack .OoQdhand. Flowerbearera were Robert Gardiner, William Ross, Georges Ross, Donald AAberhart, Clayton Edward and Kenneth Winter, Royal , • Canadian' 4egi;on Branch 109 held i, a . Inemori,al service .at - the funeral home nr u e .. Friday evening. MRS. IDA MAUQ °'MCKINNQN Mrs. ** Ida, Maud, McKinnon, 213 Cameron Street, ' died September 4 in Alexandra Marine and rGeneral Hospital.. She was 85. ' Born to Edward :Pierce and the former Mary Isabelle Scott in Ashfield Township 'June- 12, 1885, she lived in Ashfield Until 1913, She moved to Lake Valley, Saskatchewan in that year and lived there until 1927. when she returned to Goderich. She was a life member of the UCW of, Victoria Street United Church. She was married February 5, 1913 in Dungannon to Neil McKinnon who predeceased her in June, 1946. - -Survivols include two daughters, Mrs. 'George (Mary) Currelj and Mrs. Vernon (Anne) Smith, both- of Goderich; one son, Sgt. John McKinnon, CAF Baden Germany; seven grandchildren and seven great grandchildren; and one niece; Mrs. Gordon (Mary) Henderson, Goderich.., Funeral service was Monday, September 7 at the Stiles al ERVICE MAITLAND CEMETERY unday Aftern�on SEPT., 13 PARADE WILL FORM 1:30 P.M. UP INSIDE -MAIN :..GATE - 2:00 P.M; 'SERVICE AT VETERANS PLOT' -ALL 'V.E-T1IiANS ARE REQUESTED TO ATTEND Anyone In Need Of Transportation Be At The Legion Hall By 1:15 p. CAMPBELL'S 'SUPER -:SAVINGS FACELLE „ROYALE - REG. .65 PAPER TOWELS NIR.- BUBBLE 60W & 100W -- REG. 2 for .63 LIGHT BULBS 2x49' REG. 1.25- NOXZEMAc MEDIC/ YED. INSTANT -LATH ER SHAVING CREAM .6Si FACELL,E ROYALE - TWO -ROLL PACK 2i9 BATHROOM TISSUE REG. 1.99 - GILLETTE . REG., .59 54':.RIGHTGUARD • REG. .39 EACH FACELLE ROYALLE MAN SIZE 2469' PHILIPS 100 SIZE -REG. 1.49 Milk Of Magnesia Tablets 1.34 • r_Y SM J SPIRIN 69 '1g$ �'he. ; • urs 4�Aq Clairol N10E'NEASY, - REGULAR. 2.25 1.69 REG. 2.29 - 15 oz. ALBERTO VO -5 SHAMPOO 1.29 PACKAGE OF 16 .` GARBAGE BAGS. Reg. .69 r •�:•sH7 nt4:xri�.w t.. .:e . .-: , ww FLUSH -A -BYES 2.09 39' 5"4.5532 Reg. .39 6 Rous $1 " 1.49 REG. 1.59 -LARGE SIZ tE B.RYLCREEM L19;.y 15% oz.REG. 1.49 LADY PATRICIA ---HAtR7SfRAY 1.09` NOXZEMA 1.44 , • go, a r $ ailltittimillll1111111110011111111111wat1111(llttlllll1t111u1111NitutR111i1111ik 1. • Funeral.: Home . a.,.with Revd Nirs`''Jordnn -�+as tie l'orxner ►Leonailyd Warr ollficiating, Frances Hastings, ,a native of interment was •'in Maitland Montreal. Ber -mother was an Cemetery, Pallbearerss•'were three Ogilvie, of the Ogilvie-flutcllin.' grandsons and three som. milling interests. She died in grandsons-in,law, .William Smith, Montreal . August 7, 1922, and Clinton; John Currelt, Goderich; the service was' held in St. Donald CurreU, " Leamington; George's .church here, of which Wilf Goodman, Belleville, Ray she had `been an active member. Ireland; �M�ontreal; And Arthur Funeral' service fore^ Mrs. FitzGerald, Montreal. Ernest Jordan was held at Flowerbearers were Melvin Oakville, and interment was Smith, Toronto,' and „Roy Nmade in Maitland Cemetery Chubb, Detroit.' - dere. The Senior Citizens Club of , KAJ held a memorial J CHRISTIAN MOLLER service ' at the funeral home Sunday evening. Kaj Christian Moller died in Copenhagen, Denmark, August MRS. ERNEST JORDAN 30. He was a former resident -of GQHe is recently, of Oakville; __ Goderich. survived by his wife, Isobel. H. Jordan, Johanna of ,Copenhagen; a son widow of Ernest H. Jordan. Karl, Goderich; a brother, Ova, severs a link with two Goderich Copenhagen; a daughter-in-law families once well known and two grandchildren. Mrs__Jorclan, whowa1-141her_-- ire 84th year, was the only daughter . funeral was . in. Copenhagen Ttiesd.a.y, of Hon. Wl jam Proudfoot, September 1. -member in the, Legislature for Centre Huron from 1908 to 1919 and afterward senator. She had one brother, William, Q.C., of Toronto. Their mother was Marion . F. Dickson before -tier marriage. A nephew of Mrs. Jordon, Donald Proudfoot, resides in Toronto. The Jordans had lived in Oakville for some years. The late Ernest Jordan was the only son of Mr. and Mrs. Frances Jordan, for 50 years residents of Goderich. Mr. Jordan, a native of Devonshire, bought a pharmacy business "H are concerned for here, and his. Medical Hall, on ourselves' and aGhers,•,as °chain the Squat mal` .GQlfi+ a -Street, ren oaf Goad!, �hhen. - be �cancerned 'abowt obeying 'the - was widely known. • rules of the road," the Rev. Mr. Jordan• took part in Rival ®Bvble community activities, and was DistriibHautwon.kins, w ryS, ocitoldety quartermaster- of`'the 33rd Huror�c-ie group. He discussed -the Regiment He -._died_. n 1907 -and tl•fame,...: ac., Mara ,_Emphasis. was accorded military honors. in Safety." -' NtiN BROMO IMPROVED SELTZER wEc. ,.ss 1.29 nra r29 ,FDS_ 1.79 Goderich 1, "THE BIBLE TODAY" "Love is patient and kid .., love is not 111 -mannered " . Love never gives up." These phrases from n 1 Corinthians '13, the ,Today's English Ver- sion of the New Testament, were applied to highway safety at a recent meeting of the Community Traffic • Safety Foruxn in Pasedena, California. :>r n,,i1.3 mi „c,„ SUNDAY SERVICES 4ryn u�}f .k 1`4% St.Peier's Roman Catholic `church - NORTH STREET - Rev. Father R. Moynahan Phone 524-8174 Sunday Masses: 8:30 a.m: - 11:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. UNITEDHQtINEss CHURCH 62 Carnbria Street North SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER' 13th 9:50 a.m. - SUNDAY SCHOOL, 11:00 a.m. - WORSHIP SERVICE 7:00 p.m. - EVANGELISTIC SERVICE Wednesday, 7:30 - Midweek Prayer Service "A WELCOME AWAITS YOU" Pastor: REV. O. H. LEE PHONE 524-6887 WESLEY MEMORIAL .CHURCH THS, FREE METHODIST CHURCH Park Street pt Victoria H. Ross Nicholls, Pastor Sunday School 10 a.m. Worship Hour 1I a.m. Topic: "THE PREMIUM OF PERSEVERANCE" Evening Service 7 pan. , WELCOME CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH BAYFIELD ROAD AT BLAKE STREET "A FELLOWSHIP CHURCH" CALL US I' YOU NEED 'A RIDE! 524.95.65 or 524-6445 FULL SCHEDULE OF SERVICES YEAR ROUND! a.m.="S`IDAY SCHC6OL' ,� 11?00 a.m. - MORNING WORSHIP. "BEGINNING NOW!" Regular Evening Service - 7630 p.m. Bible Study Wednesday, 8:00 p.m. • PASTOR: REV. KENNETH J. KNIGHT ' Knox Presbyterian. Church THE REV. G. LOCKHART ROYAL, B.A", Minister WILLIAM CAMERON, Director of Praise SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 13th 1000' a.m; - Sunday School. e:: ��I S3tiS�11�. ti, kY,R:nY i 4, yy��iyy 1 :.+OYNS4]flr "BEGINNINGS AND ENDINGS" (Nursery and Junior Congregation) -- RALLY OAY .-'. q;alo ue.. Time...af erCb. rc A' 4, r r , u h S Y. . y+ �_ x :IC.',lj; '1'Y1:.:,,,. biting• Ve+opie't b�ociety... x .� � Enter to Worship Depart to.Serve GoDERi SIGtNAL-$TAR.'f'H' RRSDAy,' i l i• Some 12,000 members of the Church -of God" net inSt., Louts, IVliesouri, for their 53r4 General Assembly, August 25,31 _, to, conductthe . e i sent al business cif America's oldest Pentecostal church, • The five top officials of the Cleveland, Tennessee `biased denomination were nominated during meetings, of the -ordained nhinisters council and` ratified during the. ♦. general . assembly business session ' attended by voting: - laymen. The' Reverend Mr. Omer. - Henderson . of - the Goderich Church of God was a voting delegate to the minister's council. Dr. R. Leonard Carroll was selected as general overseer with Dr. Ray H. Hughes, the Reverend Wade H. Horton and the Reverend Cecil B. Knight to serve as His three assistants. The Reverend G. W. Lane will YES. BAIRQ MOTORS assume the o ;secretary-treuier. The _ ministers- : council alao d sehss�ed. i melt ' - :matters the relating general operations, . , ;finaial `"structu . o� �� .-i". the denomination„ the church . teachings, •the, ,d bilities; of opening -• a seminary. and,,. additional educatio.aal.. institutions„ ' VILLI; EMETE MEMORIALS And Inscriptions - Stratford -- Ontario Ronald C. McCallum Representative 215 Wellington St, 5.., Goderich Phone 5246272 or 5247345. T. PRYDE and SON MEMORIALS -MARKERS & CEMETERY LETTERING --_E.X,E TF Ra.SEA:E..O RT H _ _ p erode..rich:�;ist�•ict-pcgsen_���ve FRAINA Mc1LWAIN 524,1861, or 200 Gibbons St. - 524-9465 REG,P•J. BELS. ���15��Cairalmaoad 7464 • The family that prays together stays together FIRSTh• st to se•..(HURCI % rrf � , Raz; y._ r! , (Baptist Convention of Ontario and Quebec MONTREAL STREET near The Square • to - A WELCOME TQ ALL - 10:00 a.m..- Adult Bible Class and C.hurch School For All. 11 A.M. - Morning Worship (Supervised Nursery) Minister: Rev. Arthur Maybury,13.A.; B.D: Bethel Pentecostal .Tabernacle Affiliated with the Pen'tecostal Asseeniblies of Canada FORNER OF ELGIN AND WATERLOO STS. • REV. R. CLARK, Pastor SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 13th 10:00 a.m..- SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11:00 a.m. - Worship Service. 7:G0 p.m. - EVANGELISTIC SERVICE. 8:00 p.m. Tuesday - Prayer and' Bible Study: 8:00 p.m. Friday - Young. People's Service. ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH SIXTEENTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY, SUNDAY,'•.SEPTEMBER 13th Holy Communion at '8:30 a.m. Morning Prayer and Sermon by the 'Rector at 11:00 ',l)Lursery and Junior Sunday School at 11:00 The Rector at both services, Organist -Choirmaster: Mr. Paul C. Baker, ' F.R.C.O., L.R.A.M., A.R.C.M. Rector: REV. G. G. RUSSELL, B.A., B.D. Vittorio. Street Unified Church The House of Friendship Rev. Le:ppard Warr 10:00 a.m. - Bible School For All' Grades. 6 11:00 a.mx'-'Worship Service. Sermon: "THE HOLY CITY" BENMILLER UNITED CHURCH 10:00 a.m. - Worship ,Service and 'Bible School,, - Mrs. J. Snider Victoria St. Organist &, Choir Director n. Mrs. Leonard Warr Benmiller Pianist & Choir Director North Street United Church REV. ROBERT L. RAYMONT SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 13th 11.00 a.m. -_•MORNING WOR. ,HIP. 'Dialogue Guest: MR. ROBERT CHRISTIE o. The faci ities for boies'`through 8 year,, olds in nursery and junior church during service. . �[py , l - � rye .. �,J ). i" §.i. A .. a::'�1 4a. ati a su.4 �� R. llmitl ;Phone Church Office and'' Study S244631 ,Church • Building •, . 62415.951