HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1970-09-03, Page 12xOp GI : SIla N ,f,: mR,11.111R;SDAY. SEP BER 31 1.970 'With Shirley J. Keller, Woman to Woman 14:4, "'r. The big ,,scary in town last during role call some ladies necessary. Maybe there were week, of .course, was • the fire recited poetry they 'had learned more people like my caller who which damaged •Garland's while attending school. A would have been delighted to ' Children's Wear, . Schaefer's One member began to recite a give more of their time to the , Interiors and several apartments poem she had learned and pro1ect. over these stores. • invited everyone to join in with I don't want to belittle in any. ' I also understand that if it her. Almost. everyone in the way the , efforts of the people had not been for John McLean, room was able to recite the who have stuck with the the fire could have ended in poem from start to finish. operation of the Youth Centre / more tragedy. Lives could very I couldn't help'thinking how through thick and thin. The well have been lost had the - proud their former school ' community can place only the apartment dwellers not been teachers would have' been had highest 'value on. their interest 'tiotitied early of the blaze. they been able to hear them and concern for the young Goderich Police Chief rhyme off the poetry they had people of Goderich. • Minshall visited the Signal -Star learned years and years before. Still I wonder if it wouldn't office following the fire to '•* °* * have been possible to draw on report on John McLean's wise ' During the lunch hour (that's the 'proven volunteers- more decision. not to open the back 'where I shine best) the hostesses often, thereby -.lightening the door- 'but rather- to - lead - the served a variety of homebaked -tremendous load the committee tenants down the front stairs to fruit breads. All of them were _ , chose to shoulder.' safety. ' excellent but the one which * * * ' "If he would have 'opened tickled my taste buds best was Chatting with some of the that door," observed the police the lemon loaf. local teenagers about the Youth chief, "it would have caused a It was simply delicious! I Centre, I find there is a growing ' swift cu rent of air to flow down happened to get talking to the feeling that some provisions the hallway and everything- lady who made the' bread. She should be made to segregate the could have gone." • .suggested she might send me the older Lteens from the" younger I went round to Garland's " recipe. teens. early Monday morning to view If she reads this column, I _trtLae. m .:.founcL .'_ahopp.e...whew.- lkl,. . 1 t �Fi 1 na— in e--th.e-Yov.th Centre_ know ' this has been a • Tiger Dunlop 1 cancels September meeting - too busy At the August meeting of the Tiger, Dunlop W.I. held, in. the Carlow Hall the guest speaker for, the, evening Was Mrs.. Shirley Keller,' women's editor' for the Goderich Signal -Star,. Her topic • was "Public Relations".. She said this meant tone.'s i e to the in projec g rn community by means of T,V,, - radio, newspapers and by word of mouth. As "a Women's Instil ute organization, good press reporting is probably the best means of publicity. She also mentioned her work with the columns Woman to Woman, For Octogenerians, The Recipe File' and wedding accounts etc. Mrs. E. Bogie gave the motto entitled, `Friends' and also introduced Mrs. Keller. Following her • interesting talk; Mrs. O. J. Falkiner thanked Mrs. Keller on behalf of the ladies present. Routine business was conducted by Mrs. E. Hunter, president and Mrs. R. Buchanan, secretary -treasurer. Members were reminded that Sept. 3 they are to be guests of the Blythe W.I. Mrs. T. Hunter was named convener, and Mrs. E.. Bogie, Yukon delegate to the phone whether it rings or not: Mrs. T. Clark, and Mrs. R. ,Bogie Conference of University reception on Oct. 10' will \lie' The ladies present :took 'the discussed at a later date. opportunity to, .see. the 'Due to a busy schedule . refrigerator purchased recently. coming ' up it was derided to, A delicious • assortment ..of cant • the September meeting. fruit breads with • cheese,: was The October meeting 'willserved by Mrs. Edna Moore, Mrs. inclUtle a hameknade bake sale Bessie Moore, Mrs, N. Allin anal-. ° .with the Dungannon W.I. Branch Mrs. Jas. Horton, ' hostesses for' as guests, the month. 1lunill . II1111I1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111gILlI IIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1IIIlI1IIIII111111111111111111111111111111 GODERIGN :RouNoTMErowN Dr. and Mrs: Lawrence Williams and - family of San Fernando, Trinidad, have been v holidaying at their home in . Saltford. Also�isitirig -were-Wk. and Mrs. Don Williams, Galt; Mr. and . Mrs. Glenn Williams and family, London; and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Williams and 'John,. Corunna. • * *Miss Sharon Anstay, daughter of Mr. and -Mrs. Elmer Anstay recently visited friends and relatives in Kentville, Nova Scotia. * * * PHONE 524-8331 Whitehorse Star, an offset paper, and called. in at the Signal -Star • to observe the process here. - HAIR TALK Vanity, thy name, is man -- 'or so it seems. More men call barbers than women call hardressers, . according to the recent Canadian National Total -Market Index Ltd. survey. PHONE. NUT' •-" A man was so nervous that he' wouldn't even answer his phone whether it rang or not. He visited a psychiatrist about his Mrs. James - H. Whyard, problem. Now he answers his .11 • Eek us help you a Right now, with Winter coming on, is the time to move to the ' spaciousness of your new home. Pay for it while you enjoy it! An easy payment mortgage at Victoria and Grey Trust may cost less than you think. Gem, it today at Victoria and Grey. VG T/u' senior Trust Co :pait,l' devoted entirely to serving the people'oJ' Ontario. 4142' VICTORIA andGREY 'TRUST COMPANY SINCE 1889 . _as istants to Lan= forcatering- - . _ . r o -•.t - } e �';'771/'- — a� � �_._. � c�.men..sbu s .-.�n �,� ton o _ � _ _ � , � .:L�f��#_1��-YM - A Gartid`and-hflfe"3egftmtng invitatiai1=y nd-me-the' reeeA : opened.- In. Tac , - one of the— ' le a just as soon evenings toy--salvage-what they could of fQ.x bet.._ ?� ebb d I visited the -Youth • records. _ _ Fortunately _ as -sire ets the time' to write it • entre .'i ':`' was explained to me their.r_ +Y} down. that a separate lounge was being but some of the g everything th iii rY g ., . constructe • herdon the south` ' •`'� � And I hoe I have • side of t,n�r�►3ces.,. ,for . ,:new.. stock ,...was .. hope :. constructed permission topass that recipe the building to accommodate ant S xangely enough, P - r i? ��_ � gh, ' Mr. along to all readers. the older kids. It seemed Garland told me, he had done up * * * fine idea. •Is books the Friday evening, I suppose most of you know Also, I was particularly before the fire. Everything was now that the Youth Centre has pleased to hear from Stu Shanks neatly recorded_ in the ledgers been r e - opened . The - that he is promoting the idea of which,' . were' only slightly reassessment period is otir and special, interest nights where darnaged1 by the intense"heat. ' the project ,has been determined • .'; certain folks from the area will One thing particularly as worthwhile. ' be invited to the Youth Centre interested : me about my According to Stu Shanks, as 4o lead a discussion or give a conversation with, the Garlands. long as there are, sufficientc,.,' demonstration on some They told me ey were am s haperones--availa' e a • tobb - by- the offers 'they had from Centre-wtillsemain open. maybe photography or model .folks who were ready to help I had a telephone call this . airplane binding, for instance: 'out in any way they could. - .. week from a woman, who was _ These,evenings would be well I also learned via, the trusty somewhat puzzled by the advertised on the Youth Centre grape -vine that some teenagers - reports in the newspaper bulletin board and, hopefully, ' those long-haired useless bums, . complaining that it had been . would attract the kids who as some people like to refer to . difficult to get adult supervisors. wanted ..to do more with their -them - just turned up and She explained 'that she had •time than just sit"and listen _ to/ pitched in with the ' elean-up, - offered on. several' occasions to ''records. ' without even being asked help- out at, the, Centre, in fact, That sounds -like a top rate particularly. You just. can't she had mentioned that her idea. As I remember it, that was knock that kind of goodwill, 'schedule would permit her to be suggested by, some Goderich 4 now can you? . called on very short notice if an , folks way back last Spring when * * * - emergency arose'and there was the idea of a Youth .Centre was There" an - old. • .saying that no chaperone for a particular` just taking shape. 'goes, . "It's 'ail' ill wind that evening. ,* -* * doesn't blow' some 'good." ' At ' My caller told me she. thought` It is strange, you know, how least that's how I think that old the Youth Centre was deserving two people can read the same saying goes. of support and indicated that thing and each will come away • It was true of the fire on'the she. was ready - and •--willing to_.._ •with a different -impression. • Square, of course. Judging,; from donate a ,great deal of time to ' In the.last few days I've had a the line-ups to get into the the project_ A variety of comments about my ---- - smoke sales, one can, -only What` puzzled my caller was writings ::concerning the: -Youth ' imagine that some shoppers that she had been_ .called only Centre. - went home with bargains. once to help out during the first • One lady told me she thought * * * few months that the Youth 'I was knocking the Youth Speaking about old sayings, 1 Centre was open: -She, felt it was Centre in a back -handed sort of wi.nt to report to the lady floe": a little unusual that the Youth way by making rather loose the Tiger : Dunlop Womeii s Centre should close for lack of statements' about the goings-on Institute who was concerned adult supervision when she had tifere,. many it, that the phrase she was offered so any times to help Another lady - (praised me for quoting goes like this: "Music and had' been. called out only upholding the teenagers who has charms to soothe the savage once. .. frequent the Youth Centre - in breast." Ido know that officials of fact, youth in Goderich in It is a quotation from a poem the Youth Centre had made it a general: by William Congreve according policy . to call chaperones (who You just can't win for losing, to the friendly staff at the were not committee members) it seems. • Huron County ' Library. That only • once during the summer. Should solve that quandry. And on evenings when there was I do want to make a few * * * no volunteer help, these officials things clear. - I'm convinced the One thing seems to lead to went over to the Youth Centre Youth Centre in Goderich is a another this week. When •I'm and did the job themselves, worthwhile project and I. am thinking about poems I' m I suppose the peoplele ' of interested to see it flourish. sh.It is _.-- reminded__ .of - the-.-pwem_ which Goderich shbuld be grateful to net my intention _now;.nox has it was recited in unison by the these few faithful souls, but I ever been, to m any way harder members of the Tiger Dunlop WI doubt that anyone really the_ jupct oning • of ,the Youth at the regular meeting expected them -to 'devote' their Centre....and I have the' highest Wednesday evening.. ' • entire summer to the project. regard for the people who have You see, I was guest speaker Since the telephone call, I worked so ' hard, to make the - • .: at that particular meeting and eveal•wonder if it was absolutely'_ Youth Centre a success. a to a . wedding, anniversary Sept. spent a few days with her father, - One of the-mcestf pings : about .. - _-... e is_a s .G ...,,.... , .:.. ..:z ., � r :_ .. .. ... .: .. _ .-th.... future : that;. it. co . a .., • ... ,: , :: _ Elgin nd Kingston Streets : Q - a. 26. W. F: E1Lott Arthur tree Flo f .comes day9 E Sl'G�1' Further plans for a 'wedding Whyard is editor • of the at a time,. r� • r' rr rr v •r /�' LEARN TO DAtIC �Lrs Yom. II ••1a ll, 1110-.4.4'',;11r, '� OgElll=sr �li����{i�„All �../ pi ”' ' IIBIIIMIU dll'AI A .� 10'" �, �ilip' rEi�I■ ill ,/i1�.911►� -ii IIS rl1 fir HIGHLAND LCLA.SSI Reopens Sp i Sept. 12th ORANGE LODGE HALL Lighthouse Street Teacher: Mary Lynne Telford, MEMBER: - S.D.T.A., B.A:T.D. Goderich CLASS LESSONS: $1.00 per half hour • ' $1.50 per, hour . "[OVATE LESSONS: $3.00 per half hour Pupils prepared~for medal and theory tests. Anyone wishing to cregistogr please phone 1 9635 or write "tu- M. L. Telford, 11'5 Elgirr Avenue W1, Godarich,,lefore September 5th - a•: �tv r .. EE #U SEItYE }:.•:3:}::?fi:::;+.••s:;:::>;S::a:;:'£;xz'.••i•:;:;:;: r ;;::� :;}.�;t''e•`;,+.;:,>. Vii.+,:?:+•'iii:?i::s�•:i�i:?i::'% i:;> ::i:�:;@:;>:;:} i :•.; .•... ....•{•}}:••,ry.v:Sa::::•i�'rt:r�r.va�.}•..a Y..'Y;....•.�...�e.-.L.'�...•..rr.�r:.>ri.v�H.ir4.ir�:M.: viA.w.iii{tl�b�M•.1r�. T) { } PERSONALLY SELECTED RED BRAND BONELESS BOTTOM ROUND - STEAKS gpR0,{v np TsIb.� SE,.BNELES9 - Sirl. W . SHOULDER or or oinT•Boneing CHUCK STEAKS ;STEAKS Ib ; Ib. ■ e 1 CHICKEN 1 LEGS OR BREASTS Top Yalu WIENER' '9.99Pk Burns Campfire Sliced A SIDE BACON • 11,4. $+ Ib. -ter •i' MA -ti TOP VALU LIQUID BLEACH 128 oz $ Pias. Jugs E FROZEN APPLE PIE S� 24 -oz. 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(UNION PI.CK ED) THOMPSON SEEDLESS r f 4 �Mi wn'M f i /f I f ••'�Y•7,SYN.{OC6FH+•.Y.N•. r•'l•:i ..i dl, GRAPES ...: . O.NT. NO. •1 YELLOW Ib. ,.. onk1n "Vni i- eo9 i2 Y. } .r~ or • III �fffl i+ hi ori _TOP VfitU ASSORTED CANDIES ASSORTED VARIETIES Scope,•SOUPS AYLMER � d 4.. ' MISS MEW' '(ASS^..' FLAV4 ENCYCLOPEDIA - CA't FOOD . . 42 illustrated Informotlon-pocked voiumeS .. This set provides a treasury of Information In the Sciences, the Arts, Literature,' and General Kflpwledge, based upon and re• printed in sugstantiol port from the. New American and World University Encytlopedios ilolumeone 001); SI/a-9Ya oz. Pkgs. , 10-oir. S Tins DR. BALLARD'S CHAMPION (ASST'D.) TOP VALU .. SPAGHETTI 3 SPAGHETTINI, • RIGATONI, ELBOW MACARONI, ETC. ROYAL CROWN (Assorted Flavours) SOFT ' DRINKS 7 6.oe: $r8 LOWWNEY'S TRI PACK Tins 1 CHOCOLATE BARS DOG FOOD � 1S•os. � CARNATION POVCaDFi('E'I`! S•Ib. � �� OPACKI tin* SKIM MILK Box DICK'S AssotiTEi! • ° Schick' Super Krona Chrome 2 -Ib. Pkgs. 10 -oz. 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