HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1970-09-03, Page 8000i'llIOHSIONAL-sTAR,,Toultpo,Ay. SEPTEMBER, L71974 1. ARI*LES FOR S-ALre-, '1. ARTICLES FOR S.A.LE EAVESTROUGHINQ,' new and PEADLINE BUSINESS COLLEGE school Roof verde., Metal fleshings. A. 35,36x Sertricei 482-9734. - 260 EAVESTROUGHING AND LIGHTNING RODS NEW INSTALLATIONS • EstimaterWithout Obligation Contact R. E. RUTTAN VVingllam - Phone 357-1077 • AUTOMATIC Toilet Bowl Cleaner. Removes rust; liMe.and mineral deposits. Simply place in the corner of ypUr toilet tank. Available it Hoffmeyer ---PluMbing add Heating; Kingston 1-1"iidigN'IC supplies - (rubber goods) mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelopes with price list. Six_ samples 25c; 24 samples Hamilton, Ont. - 1 200 'dALLON -fueroil tank, 8/4 full of, stove 611; one , trailer heater. Phone 524-7192. - 36 INTERNATIONAL corn,Picker; John Deere tractor; Case tractor; New Idea wagon; Viking cream separator; and other items of farm eqeipment. Contact Gordon Johnston, RR.- 1, Londesboro, phone 523-4320. - 36 yommeimiramem 3 REAL ESTATE:FOR sALE 3. REAL ESTAtE FOR. SALE 3. REAL ESTATE" FOR SALE 3: REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Nio ASSIFJED ADS 'CLOCK SHARP TUESDAY ADS" CANNO'it BE ACCEPTED AFTER 12 O'CLOCK FOR .THAT INEEWS PAPER USED 180 electr condition. Phone 1. ARTICLES FOR SALE - ic welder, good 527-1994 after TWO first year unive/sity text books - Principles of General vrelcier 'with Psychology and Essays on USED acetylene attachments, Ph BOY'S 28" bicycle. Phone GENERAL Electric wringer washer, good.coridition, $35.00; Kelvinator 9 cu. ft. fridge, 832..00. Phone 524-8179. - 36x 524-9187. - 36x 3. REAL ESTATE`FOR HARDTOP trailer, 1970 Model Woods,,, excellent condition.. TWO tires 825 x 15, one tire 845 x 15, Goodyear, tubeless, power cushion, 810.00 each. •PhOne 524;8465, - 36 'Wonght, sold, exchanged: sale or-renL -Rope, 87 Kingston month 'rental. We also repair and - with matching cupb9ard. - 524-7359. - 28tf J. HUGHES REAL, ESTATE - GENERAL INSURANCE ei Office 524-8100 524-8491 36 EAST STREET COMMISSION -RATE 4,3% ON HOUSES IN GODERICH LARG%8% MORTGAGE Gracious 4 -bedroom ranch.brick bungel.o,w,' 2 baths, attached garage, Aitility room. Treed and landscaped lot, custom built. Owner holds mortgage. 2 FAMILY HOME WELLINGTON STREET Very attractive well maintained 3-bedroomoranch bungalow with attached garage, plus recreatiOn room. Nearly new. Lot iize 66' x 13 '. Close to schbols.,- Attractive duplex in excellent rental 'area. Extra large suites in A-1 condition containing 2 and ' --throughout,,--Steps-to-the Square. Spacious grounds? • 3% commission 2 -FAMILY DWELLIKIG on all residential property 2 -storey home situated in Clinton. • Central location. We have homes ;in the Spacious grounds, ample parking, private entrance. Open country, towns, and villages. The prices and styles vary as the for offers. milesthat separate them. . Our listings of cottagesjesort PARK STREET • _:flarini_er:Lcliteitrizeireentimivoriert-v_uje.:14,_LI.Move in •• immediatelY.: -service typewriters. SMITH'S , Phorie 524-8635. -.. to better Aerve yoilx_notd5, Aerbiejleat„,,Derage. 2 -store -Y, 4 -bedroom, 2 3,„ .We have two very good hoines firePlaee- Central .1naatic41, thar have. been con-verted into spacious grounds. ImmaCulate " s'riONIATO8S- Pick YOn; ProniCe '438F-r766ES, c'fin-Prron. S-1 • • or order. Bring containers. Case 36,39b . 9P• TRAILER Dungannon 529-7113. - 36x CUT --flowers; Snaps, Glads, Zinnias, Gloriosa Daisies. Mrs. L. BLACK poodle, male, registered. SOREL pony, mare, four years . CRYSTAL Lake Mobile Homes old, broken to ride, $75.00. featuring 1970 Glendale Mobile Phcine 524-6346. - 36 Homes, Gold -Falcon TraveP Trailer's and Truck dampers at ONE- pair lady's roller skates, Merie-set Mobile Home Court, size 8. Phone 524-9481. -36 Goderich's fully Serviced mobile home court planned for the 18" REEL type self propeQ entire family. Location - - straight through on Airport a homes open for inspection at TAG -A -LONG tent trailer with • your convenience. Redeced add -a -room, one year old, like prices on demonstrators. Phone ,,,,Iffarfrinitine 524-8478. - 36x Goderich 524-6638. -27tf - SPOOL.. bed: &pare size, ""t1 excellent conditioh;• Mattress. Phone '524-9361. BEAGLE pups, registertedi, three months old, ready to hunt..Male, registered, , 21/2 years old. Phone 524-8945, - 35,36 ONE' 1967 50' Horglaf OnlY 250 miles. Excellent tOndition. '8110.00 includes helmet. Phone 50 BUSHELS jannessee seed wheat; buggy and two , cutters. Contact Harry• Chisholm, phone 524-6462 daytime and 524,6372 WEEKEND SPECf1,, Kroehler two-piece* qrAlitionate suite. Sug. List $600.00. Priced to clear at only Other suites priced from Zd79.50 to $425,00. 7 -piece Colonial living room group, includes 2 -piece davenport bed suite, 2 step tables, 1' coffee table, pair of table lamps. Only 8199.95. ieee Spanish styled bedroom group, . , includes triple dresser, 4 -drawer chest, queen size headboard -and Howard frame, Queen size Sleepmaster Spring -Air Back supporter mattress, twin box springs, pair of boudoir Only $529.50. mattress; also metal bed 4/6 size. Priced for. quick sale. Restonic bed chesterfield complete' with spring -filled mattress covered in a good wearing „tweed- with reversible foam cushions. Sug. List „ Priced to elear at ars old; new• ter 12 noon. ,!• water heater- wiih warranty; ' 34 WEST STREET - ,Coleman natural gas space GODERICH heater, •conVfetely autom tic . Valley . Apiaries_ Price 374. lb- ,irx 19g.P.....: ,PLYMPIC 18 h(p. .1 \ CARS, TRUCKS GRACIOUS FAMILY HOME Two-storey red -brick. Four bedrooms, spacious living room s'wdth marble fireplace. FPmily kitchen with built-in stove and Cken;Two bath -S. --Garage. CENTRAL LOCATION White brick, 2-stOrey, 3 -bedroom, 11/2 baths. Close ,to sehools. Owner moving. $1500 ,DOWN, BEST OFFER Well builChome, dining room, recreation room,, garage. Owner moved. Asking $14,500. on your money. Excellent location. , • JUST LISTED 4, 2 -bedroom red °brick retirement home, completely redecorated, new floor coverings' throughout of broadloom and cushion floor. Located close to the Square., with very low taxes *and heating costs. - SMALL FARMS These properties may be Purchased through. V.L.A. : 50 acres of good land, small barn, eight -room 'brick home. 34 acres at Holmesville, large brick home, oil furnace, four -piece bath. -orders of 1-0- lbs. or_oyer. Phoire includes cover- and, trailer, • R_SALE -- 524-9673. - 35tf 69 5;19 0. Without trailer 0 erich Motors • The 1971's will be here sooner than you- th-ink. To make rooM 4- for ',fresh trade:ins- we MUST clear our stock at low,. loin; . clearance prices. FoRD RANCH wApoN V-8, automatic, pow.er steering, power brakes, radio. "As $595 $95 '62 FORD GALAXIE Two -door hardtop, eighi autoinatic, with radio. "As is." , Stock Rio. 702R2. ,Ci.!7, $295 7'64 PONTIAC Six .auiomatic, 'completely safety checked. "As is." Stock $425 No. 70 -T2 -8A. FAST two-hour car buyers loan service - loans -$50.00 to 35,000.00. Call Don Denomme, Trans Canada Credit. Phone 524-8349. - 25-49 GOOD selection 'of usedars in A -I condition, fully reconditioned .and guaranteed, trade-inS accepted and 1 terms available. Rouse Auto Electrie. 3 acres well treed, . yet lots of good land to grow all the fruit and vegetables you desire. A very good 3 -bedroom red brick h6me- full bati.;oorn up, 2 -piece Washroom doWii,•1,ull basement, oil furnace. 41/2 miles -from Goderich. '- 2 excellent building lots. One is 2 bloqs from Square and the 'other i „..°3 blocks 'friirn Square 1960 PONTIAC, new battery and tires. Mechanic's special. TWO '1958 ' Edsels. Phone 524-6846. - 33tf f962 METEOR Custom. Gog'cl- FOR a good 'deal on a new or top quality -used car contact Archie Hamilton at W. J. Mills Motor. Sates Ltd.,- Goderich. Garage 524,.17314; residence 524-9397. - 36-41x 5 bedrooms, 2 full baths, double living room with cherFy fireplace, -Family Room; sauna bath. Well reStbred. Large treed. 2 -STOREY WILSON STREET Attractive home on quiet treed lot. 3 bedrooms plus den, Hollywood kitchen, utility room, shag broadloom in living room. Garage. Lots of extras. , Close to Square, 4 -bedroom, 2:storey brick home with 11/2 'baths fireplace, utility room. 'Good terms available. , Open for offers. Owner will consider mortgage on this two storey red -brick, Huron Road. 3 bedrooms, large living room and dining room, family kitchen, 11/2 FOR RENT 2 -bedroom. home, fireillace, full A lovely brick rancher, 3 basement, -4-arge ,klosed-in bedrooms,- -plus' 'den, 2 baths, sunporch. , An ye-xcellent laundry room, attached garage, farm land. Implements and crop retirement home.' Very 'Modestly private garden. Contact R ita included. priced. Allen, 524-8480. with ' spacious interior. Four bedroomk full basement. Central jocation. Extra lot could, be pitrahasecl vikith this home. ATTENTION V.L.A. Excellent size 'rooms in this charming bungalow, so well maintained by present owner. Brick home With double garage. Interesting land potential makes this worth investigating, . • V.L.A. QUALIFIED Family home on approx. 11/2 acres of land on quiet street. Just listed. Immaculate brick bungalow. Spaciousliving room, bright hostess kitchen with plenty of cupboards, 3 generous bedrooms, 4 -piece bath. tat, heated basement. Carport. Store and 2 apartments,•close to Square. Property in. good condition. Must be sold. No reasonable offer refused. FARMS - SMALL HOME & 68 ACRES 4 "miles from Goderieh. Good. s EXCLUSIVE COTTAGE ST. DAVID STREET decks at different levels - boat house - change room or Spacious two-storey brick home. children's playroom; Bar type Large family kitchen and dining kitchen, fireplace, winterized, room, 4 bedrooms. Gerage. electric heated, newly ° wired • , with a heavy service, completely furnished and located five miles QUEBEC STREET northaof Goderich right on a 11/2 -storey brick and angel ston0. beautiful sandy beach. Excellent° ,3 bedrooms plus den, Large terms. Seen by appointment living room, 11/2 baths. Garage: only through our office. 7. 25 acres rolling tiTed retreat property, spring on tile property and hyuro available, located one mile off the highway in the Wingham area, asking $3,900 terms can be arranged tia suit the 8. 3/4 of a mile of Foiling well treed scenic river frontage --several spring fed streams, 46 acres with workable located year old cottage is situated on this property, 3 bedrooms and a 2 car garage along with all conveniences m this a lovely summer retreat or a round retirement horhe. This ' on unique -property and must be 5 -BEDROOM, 2 -STOREY Attractive , home, . well kept *grounds. Quiet reSidential street. Large lot 104' x 104'. ALEXANDER AND CHAPMAR' REALTX LIMITED PHQNE 5244662 3% Commission, Rate On Houses ln Goderich QUALIFIES FOR V.L.A. This one storey two bedroom brick is. located, on a lot 123 x 306. ThiS house was recently built and offers all the latest 'refinements. Carpeting in the livingroom, fireplace, familyroom, double car garage, beautiful' landscaping. Location is,on the edge of town, low taxes and priced to suit yo-iir budget. Holmesville, 60 acres of good : farm land, clay loam suitable for all types of Crops, 25 acres, HighWay frontage, 'within town limits. CUSTOM BUILT BUNOrLOW . broadloomed hying room, fall's'', sized bedrooms. Beautifully decorated. Many extras . make this home one of a kind. • .CIA‘rmi'rii older home witl; all the modern convemences. sold to settle an :111,11e.„..make liS F mil kitchen double living room, pine floors, stone rep ..1.11,...gporl_pinning_orsier„ For We at McIntee's would HAEllrfon Truck, 48 Mercury. fi lace in family room. Near 1966 FORD )(jd 0-D0011 HARDTOP - autornatia,:ixiwer and- nairei-aiiiiiniAif Wibtoiltriiii Still* NO. 1966 FORD Stationwagon, four -door, 289 V-8, automatic, with mechanical fitness certificate. Phone 524-8465. - 36 • 1966 INTERNATIONAL Dump Truck, Loadstar 1600, Combination body, good _condition. l'hOne 524-9.214; - 36,37x 1966 COM& Capri,- hardtop, two -door sports • car, V-8, 490 . steering, red and white. Phone 3: REAL ESTATE FOR SALE IDEAL BUILDING LOT - Extra large size, y'w th beat jful trees, nei underbrush to clear' out.. Lot —le eonpletely gzassed. , ' td.itOtistori r >.beeutifui =" Menesettmg Park oitly ten minutes drive froth Goderich, Leit size 150' ft. x 12& Phone 24 ''1`7;5, 8gtt and will do our best to sell your property at good market value. 'Thank you. PHONE B.'„I'll*ROBINSON Res. - 524-6905 PHONE WARREN2INN Res.- 529-7350 P,1-101`,4, E'BRUCE RYAN Office - 524-6991. Res: 524-7762 TOWN - LAKEFRONT Home and 2 cottages on approximately 1 acre overlooking/peke arid Harbour. ThiMirkl-a4rd setting is in prime location and well maintained.* kitchen: Garage. tIctra large' lot. HOUSE & 1/2 ACRE LAND PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Close CtAoMBRholAsp.Ritapl, . apartment site.. if you. are moving out of Goderich or for any reason, would .like a' responsible person to look after your property interest a nominal fee please contact i a of the per ontiel at W. Ma EtflE ALTOR 52 West Street, Gtiderich, Orntar o. ideal 1.45 acres of productive 'farm land in Colborne Township. Self drained, clay loam soil. Drilled well, large barn, 20 *bush. Maitland 40 ACRES HWY 4 miles North OC Go highway frontage. acres of INVESTMENT PROPERTY Containing five apartments fully occupied - the bnyer Can -have his option on the 'type of financing,desired - the property shows 'a Very good return on 'Just listed gracio`us two-storey red brick home, detached garage, features include living room with fireplace, Icirge separate dining room, two-piece powder room, cupboards. Upstairs hai four bedrooms, four -piece bath. Full basement with gas furnace. Close to Schools and business section. brie R ,000. $2,00 Britannia Road, 85' x 136' JCoonnecs esssti.7744,, x201908' x, 1.85' Highway 21 North, 225' x Auburn, 11/2 acres Highway 21 South, Trout 264' A bright and lovely wog._ maintained , three-bedroom 1 -storey brick home, --all broadloom and redecorated recreation room with bar, tiled -floor and partitioned basement. Two-storey 'four-bedroom spacious liting room, large kitchen, one and half bathrooms, full basement, oil furnace. This home is situated in' nearby village on a three acre lot. D9wn payment $2,500. No cleaning needed to move into this two-bedroom hbme, large kitchen, fencedlot and close to school. Priced to sell. • • SPECIAL „enough to accommodate a good slier' family plus extra room for a sniell'store. tow taxes. Price RETIREM•ENT HOME LAKE HURON 5% ACR ES .3401 fL Lake frontage bordering Hwy. 21 containing 7- cottages well Maintained, excellent going business, could,fie. increased. SUNST BEACH, 25 ACRES Log Cabin cottage situated in well landscaped parkland setting, also adjoirring 25' acres ideal - STONE COTTAGE Exclusive and' prive•te. Breath -taking of Lake Huron, near ,Goderich. 125' of Lake frontage, 5 bedrooms, 11/2 baths, large living room with stone fir'eplace., fully Sernished, OITA ALLEN 154 ESSEX ST. - 524-8480 223 HURON ROAD - 524-9581 • EBB M. ROSS 92 NeWpATE sr. .524,8786 One -storey, two bedrooms, .in immaeulate condition. Low taxes and priced to sell. \ TWO-STOREY. - CENTRAL This two-storey brick features all modern ,conveniences of e new home with the added attraction of the roominess, of the older and double garage. TWO-STOREY --7WEST END This four-bedroom, two-storey brick is located on an extra large treed lot. Three baths with "Rural Ontario Specialists" 3% Commission -Rate OVVNER MOVED You. can PURCHASE or RENT this 3 -bedroom brick bungalow', 2 -car garage, large livipg room wIth fireplace. Owner -will carry first mortgage to suit yoti: Bonus all furniture is included - stove; either the purchase or rent. Act fast, immediate possession: NEW SPLIT LEVEL 3 -bedroom vinyl siding home, located on a double lot in Bayfield. Over 1100 Sq. ft. of coinfortable- living. Owner is relocating and Most anxious to sell. You need ONLY $1900.00 DO'VYN - Listed to sell at . FULL DOWN PAYMENT Only 8500.00 On- this bedget __pleaser ° 2 -bedroom home, pentrally located, is worth • investigating. Double living room, chanting kitchen. No work needed on . this COUNTRY LIVING Bring, -iv. the family in this 3 -bedroom -remodelled home , located on County- Road ONLY a few miles from toWn. Property features many. extras, douhle garage, low, low taxes. 11/2 acre's .Of fruit trees make this • a desirable place to •live. Open for offers priced to sell 816,000.00. TOWN AND COUNTRY LOTS REGISTERED EUILDING• lots - less than $500.00 per lot. Cantin Beach area close to.., „ • Grand Bend. $3,509 dowli With potentiai. HIGHWAY 8 -- 80 rods frontage - ideal investment - presently rented - 35 acres - low - down payment - with terms. TROUT STREAM with some bush consisting of one acre. -Excellent building site„for - retreat. Located south of , '4 offers, listed to sell at,13,06. 450' LA„KR,ION'T PROPERTY ' w ell • wooded, furnishe cottage. Also guest Cabin. La e Huron, 2 miles , south of Ba field. Priced to sell • to Settle est e - at,_ fifty dollars per foot. SELLING - URGE LY• REQUIRED , lakefr cottages__ in. the Goderich to Bayfield area. Also - year rouncLhomes_and building lots in Bayfield. PEGGY CUNNINGHAM Bayfield - 5654423 JACK CUMMINGS .524-9624 E3ILL CLIFFORD 524-9097 .4-3 WEST STREET carpeting in living room and GODERICH - 524-8951 dining room, fireplace, new _ wiring, garage. Excellent IIIIIIIIMIIIIIIMIIMINIMIII111111111110111111 morteage arrangements. ESTATE SALE Just placed on the market, this two storey four bedroom is certrally located. Large. lot, oversized garage, all -add •uptto—_____,Real-Estate-for comfortable living. -*--34 'HAROLD W. 8HORE' • Real Estate Broker General Insurance -38 Hamilton St. 3 -BEDROOM BRICK WAR REN ST. Ideally situated on a large lot, COTTAGES this' rug brick home has large living room' with 'fireplace, dining room, spaeiotis bright contemporary kitehen and attached' garage , With •room above; Heating* forced air oil. Three bedirooms, near Moderately prited. NAPIER ST. -2LBEDROOM FRAME FARMS 2 -bedroom frame With den, aving room, kitchen and laundry Three bedrooms at Lane of Pines, many extrak, largelot. Kingsbridge, priced to sell. 4 100 acres PVT -arid air e-rea-i--telir'''Trzzind----letozd''' y Reasonably priced at Colborne Township, five mill' $ 0;1500. LOTS Two desirible building lots on Elgin Avenue just east of traffic Three' lots on Bruce Street' at. .•-• east encl. Large lot in Saltford. Good location. Reasonable price. 524-7272 Mrs: Fran Rae • Ftepresentative 524-9557 , from Goderich, one and h f miles froin 21 highway. Drill, well, three-bedroom, red We house. °wrier willing- to „Sake back reasonable 'rnortgagei-' 80 acres in boderich Township IA acres close to Goderich. -- Goderich Township - creek - all tiled - reasonably priced. A. J: ALPCANDER-524-7836 B. LAPAINE-524-8957 L. PENTLA. JD -524-9007 memplemeemeameee HELP YOUR RED CROSS lidersolosamess 3. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE INCOME PROPER -1T -Triplex decw-ated, with -broadlotitrie • „Centrally located. investment. , ApplY /lox 516',