HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1970-09-03, Page 6' GQDERIC ; SIGNAL*STAR. THURSDAY, SE NMBBR 3;-1,970 r uron County farme - MacNaughton - dos BY KEITH ROU LSTON , My job is to advise the ' . government on x policies in Three hundred Huron County the best inter f all," Mr. farmers lathed. head on with. ,MacNaughton sat 'He said he Provincial- Treasurer Charles had been. ,doing this to the best WeNaughton Monday night in of his ability. If the OFA•cotild Clinton over the fight of the find someone to tinker with the Ontario Federation of situation and make it come out ° -Agriculture to 'rave ' education all right then they should -hire- taxes removed from property him quick," he said: If the OFA • taxes. hadn't heard from the Mr: MacNaughton refused to government until now on their budge ' during the three-hour demand for a change in the tax ' meeting iheld at Central Huron structure it was because the Secondary School. He said the" government didn't have the '.. 'government would like to magic formula for solving the remove education from property situation. .taxes but that he had learned in Gordon, Hill, of Varna, four years he has been with the President of the OFA, speaking treasury department that once earlier in the meeting said that you.' start "tinkering" withone farme.s had to draw the line part- of the tax structure, somewhere and thetime to draw avenues opened up in all it was now. He said that he directions that had to be dealt didn't want to go through with -with. the tax withholding strike which He told the group that the the OFA had called for among -situation was not as simple as all property owners_ in the • they. might think. He pointed province at' the end of out that income tax was a shared September if the demands are field that the Ontario ,not met, but added that 'government got 28 per cent of sometimes people ,had to do all federal income tax raised in things they did not like.' Ontario and 52 per cent of corporation taxes. He said that one per cent of income tax of .the OFA and a member of the raised about $.30,000,000= ,a;id'• Metropolitan Toronto School �.- : _.. .• - _B oard,.:.was_guest speaker at the -imagine huge, them un e asked a the the_ e g .-.-,-.-� _..tax netiH a e.� e r—; �. t�Yte"a '-'rant.. _ r`h(l�s resin- -- � _.. _ �, farmers withholding- the per cent of education funds that now come from property tax, education portion of their taxes e hA ren. aII re dw e! c. :�_.��.;.were. .srtddenly-, ..t�hr�own..�� _�_ ..., .. ready to Tface them. (The law says that any prope".own goose that Laid the golden egg might stop laying. - three years behind in taxes can have his property seized and sold He said his government had at public auction.) been "unrelenting in its attempt Mr. Hale said the acttion was to persuade the federal xi" the province . ,.not immoral because "we believe governm>�1t''tiiat,,,r{ P it is moral to right an injustice." needs •tnore money from federal fax abatements." He, 'said that Mr. Hale said that many during this fight he had never people. had come.out in support ` had support of the OFA in of their goal but not with their g federal method of- obtaining the g.,ai ::� overnmentssure on the ode, through a tax.' strike. He,argued His government 'wanted ids that the only way of, ,convincing have total tax reform, he - said, *,the government that action was not just to' tinker in one area. If te�eded was in'this drastic action the philosophy of taxes on ° beca'` ise if they waited for an people for services to people electao ? s some suggested, the were followed to its logical governrit would be sure that hethen health in , the lq}�g run the farmers :-conclusion, said, „ land welfare, Alexi)(4.0; highways -:41,(- ould fill•inn ling. and education in expense to the provincial government, should also be added to' the income tax. Jack Hale, Secretary -Manager • farther ahead with the same, government. • Lie said letfers :sent out by the OFA tiad brought 'support from many, municipal councils , and even , solne school boards. He said the main objective of the OFA. was to see the education' =tax =removed -from -property, -.not to begin a tax strike brut that if the government refused ,to take action theh� the ,strike would go on. He said that,,negotiations on. the problem haliegun 20 years ago .,and today '*hey are no MUSICAL!! The Charles Pounder Music Studio GUITAR and ACCORDION LESSONS will start in. SEPTEMBER To Enrol Please Write �r Pho e CHARLES POUNDER 196 Widder St. Goderich, Ont. PHONE 524-7541 The meeting went back and forth between Mr: Hale and Mr. ' Hill on one\ hand and Mr. MacNaughton oh the other with questions from the floor interspersed, most aimed at Mr. MacNaughton. Robert McKinley, M.P. for Huron, and Murray Gaunt, Liberal M.P.P. for Huron -Bruce,' stayed mostly on the sidelines. Mr. Gaunt did. throw support behind the idea df taking education—off -the property taxes in his opening remarks but shied away from being , embroiled in' -• the argument. Mr. McKinley said that he had always felt that education should be a federal responsibility. This, he said, would 'eliminate the financial _problems and_ ,assure uniform, ion‘across'the ,country. alefit Mr. -iI process would -have . to be„a staged affair, that it couldn't - overnight. .: happen gh. ... ..,..... G OD E RICE----FROS�TED- 65 HAMILTON STREET MAXWELL HOUSE INSTANT COFFEE (10c OFF COUPON IN JAR) 6 oz. JACK HALE ADDtESSES ABOUT 300 FARMERS delinquent taxpayers so they could actually -make -money on , the situation. Mr. Thompson pointed out that once a borrowing budget was set by the municipality, it could' snot borrow more money, without consent of the ,Ontario Municipal Board. He asked Mr. Hill if he had ever tried to get such consent from the board. 4Ie--alsa.observed. that .he -had.. Mrs, Gordon McPhe St. Helens woman flies to Scotland MRS. ALLAN MILLER understood# ie . -wain �' 1912 iiia htorr-said- he -wasp. - glad to hear this"since the government was 'already_ on a staged basis moying from 45 per `- cent in the past to 50 per cent and now aiming for, 60 per cent.- . He,- said to take over all education costs'would cost the government another $800 million, twice the amount they new get in tax concessions from Ottawa. He saidhedied not -want to make the tax . system punitive Mr.. Hill said the system was already punitive on farmers since each farmer, if he hoped to make his farm pay, had to own a large acreage of land. Others ,who. made more money than `farmers, only had to pay'taxes on a place to live. The. tax should be based on the ability to pay, he' said. He said he was fed up with being a nice guy. Robin - ftThompson, clerk -treasurer of ' Goderich ,;;,Township,, asked where all this to of tax -withholding was going .to- _leave _.theimunicipaltties 'who rwould:r. laver l o "pay the school boardvanyv y.' Mr. ii said thkt the municipality,, could ` borrow money at, the..prim.e rate •of_ '`-about eight peelent to pay the school taxes •'aid meanwhile collect 12. per ce from. the ,OPEN `7 , HOURS This Weekend "RLUEWATER TEXACO' 5 Points Murray were Mr. and Stanley Murray of Woodville; Mr. and Mrs. George Murray of :on is Brandon, Manitoba, __arid Miss_ 4•,. 'ci ti ns , i.n - ,.� with ' -Mar-y--Nlurra . of .San ,:Fra ci c Hand. v s Mrs. 11 r& uxban;.people.. Lt=.,seem.ed to hitt, that nearly everyone present was - - , o. le. a farmer..,so;-,. sp._. k�e. wuzban..pe p 6 0 it t must be w h situation as it now stood. • Mr. Hale told him that"people in small towns might be satisfied but people in the big cities were as tired as the farmers of paying huge tax bills for education. At this point MacNaughton asked to be excused' since he had to be in Toronto early the next morning and ' the gathering - gradually disintegrated. .aver- _. .ter. leaving: on August„ '24. Her daughter, Mrs. Fred ''' "hompson, .a. act ...B ill ,A �o o h are: also d �y �' Lida i coal $ Mrs. Wm.' 9 utherford -i5 visiting, in Kingston with her sons and theirPfa'milies, Mr. ands' Mrs. Hugh I therford and Mr. and Mrs. Gra* Rutherford. Iaa'tl�,-' r.V4/141VICQRi,illhi of Kitchener and Mr. and Mrs. BaYY _- McQ uilli n o. f Ancast er • recently entertained their` = McQuillin,, at Leisure Lodge, _ Preston; on the occasion of their694 35th, - wedding anniversary. Mr. POLISH R lb' and .Mrs:' Fred McQuillin were• ' overnight guests—of—Mr: and Mrs. ° Harold F. Scott at Breslow. Mr. and Kis. Richard Miller and Isobel 4af Montreal were recent visitors with Mrs. Miller and Isobel. • • Recent Visitors with MY.- and" GQDERICH1 Mrs. Cliff Murray and Miss Mary 6c'�OFF PACK OLD TYME - 12 oz. m.. TABLE -SYRUP_ 10 oz. MA KING -- PCS. and STEMS MLLIHROOMS 39` PRE -PRICED 39c 64' oz, ` JUG SUPREME LIQUID BLEACH 1 Ib. BURNS VAC PAK BACON PICNIC SHOULDER 374 ►e. 87r' SHOULDER 'BY 'THE _PIECE- 5' if 59 . e Anniversary services at St: Helen's Church will be held 4September 13 at 11 a.m. , and •7:30 p.m. Rev. Andrew Mowatt -=-of- Clinton will be guest speaker at both services. PRONE 524-8331 Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Yule of St. .13urnsby, B.C. were recent visitors in Goderich. Mr. Yule attended public school in Goderich. While here they saw many of their old friends. One in particular was Johnny McGraw. The last time these two friends --met- was in ---St. John„ --NSB._- in. 1942 when both were in the :, REME. Minor Hockey Anyone `interested' in coaching Goderich Minor Hockey for the 1970-71 season' please contact Ken Crayvford before Sept. 8th. 524-7135: Laurie Marshall, Bennett St. FRESH HAYTER BRAND EVISCERATED TURKEYS THIS. WEEKEND I iJt;l91' SPECIALS (F.OR THE KIDS - 'OR THOSE ARE STILL KIDS) come sn IN* 'A: FRESHLY -PAINTED ROOM — SPECIAL — Qnce Njou paint your house with TRUTONE when you buy a 6allon or more of TRUTPNE CUD( TRUTONE'White contains the super blisters or cracks Real Reg. $11 Gal. protection and whitest white beauty for every home 91) 00 DECORATING KIT orl Art S4.30 Value —1 OhlY. 4.140'7 HERE'S WHY ARIENS ARROW„ 300S OUTCLASSES 'EM ALL - • 243cc Sachs engine • Reinforced 15'f track • Dual air scoops Shckproof skis 'Safety windshield • • Low center Of gravity - • Electric start kit available • Cross country storage compartMeht PLUS! Choose from ten extiting models. Slide rail 277cc, to 437cc. 15" and 19” tracks. See all the Ariens:Arrows now!