HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1970-08-27, Page 101.1 0 GODERICH SIGNAL -Mg, THURSDAY, AUGU 27,1970 ca ELECTRIC RANGE Q Cr - 9 , Features: AUTOMATIC CLOCK CONTROL - OVEN PREHEAT AND CONTROLLED BROILING - INFINITE 4 HEAT SWITCHES - LIFT -OUT SURFACE ELEMENTS. SERVICE ELECTRIC TGODIRWHFAIMTrpa s 30 VICTORIA ST. N. Dial 524-8581 Waihk ►i *kers lik. tire.kick.ri,- Are you a "wall -knocker"? That's the term, many real estate people apply to prospective home buyers who, ignorant of what they should. really be looking for, thump the walls of a house curiously, hoping. touhear some clue.. se• me "tire-kickers among used car salesmen, and "leather -sniffers" in a whole variety of fields, ' "wall -knock- ers" rarely get as much value as they might. They shop for a home on Saturday, but forget to find out whether that quiet, , shady. lane is .a, truck route on weekdays. They admire a pretty lawn' in summer, but forget to -ask about the " presence of insulation so necessary for winter. They do their hunting on dry, blue-sky days - and fail to look for high-water marks basement walls. "Buying. a home is like proposing marriage," , says housing expert, J.V. Cannon, Jr., boss of a .firm known among plumbers as ' the • most fashionable and reliable of the plumbing fixture manufacturers. "If you're not careful, a slick coat of paint May dazzle you out of looking for honest structural soundness.. Some people forget all about the attic. A -fewF° *--evert . o erlL2c�] ,thQr bathroo t itures!" --- -� �-- Lists are an invaluable house -hunting aid. Before you shop write down all the features your - -new house on STARTS FRIDAY l P.M. AT GARLAND'S TEMPORARY LOCATION IN THE OLD STEDMAN'S STORE .What to look for in neighborhood must have; then list those you'd like. -tofind if you ean. - " While looking at houses, have one member of the family 'jot down the good -and bad points of eachhouse you see. This way, you are less 'likely to request a second look at a house that left you cold first•time around_, These are sometimes so obvious that no one thinks to check them, yet a house that lacks these features can be a king sized' . headache for years to come. 1. Exterior: Is the siding solid; the roofing tight and flat? Paint free of peels, blisters and "alligatoring"? (A negative answer might mean a leak in the rain drainage. system.) Rain gutters and spouts should lead to dry wells (underground beds of rock and gravel for dispersion) at least 15 feet from the house. You_ can test the downspout by inserting a hose and running Water down it for `five minutes; none should back up. 2. Consttuction. Check Penny carnival Continued from page 1 ° Appliances, •Eedy's, Bricker's Jewellery Store, Ross Shoe Shop, O'Brien's Market, Pizza Patio, Singer Sewing Centre, MacArthur and Reilly, Blackstone Furniture, Goderich and Building Centre-, Robinson's z Tie °-Marie-Shoppe,-Shores Gift Store, ,.1 (BEFORE RECONDITIONING; 1966 PONTIAC Strato Chief tudor - 6 cylinder, automatic, whitewalls;. J63648. 1964 PONTIAC Laurentian 4 door. 6 cylinder, automatic, radio; J60973. • 1964 PONTIAC . . Laurentian- 9 Passenger Stationwagon V8, automatic, radio, power steering; X14346. 1964 OLDSMOBILE Dynamic 88 4 door Hardtop Power Steering and brakes, radio etc;,J61591. 1964 METEOR Rideau h door. V8, automatic, radio; J61149. 1964 PLYMOUTH Savoy- sedan 6 cylinder, automatic, radio; J62908. 1962 CHEVROLET Belair 4 door 6 cylinder, 'automatic,radio, gdod body; J62954. . _ .r» $499 $299 $399 _Laja Kitchen, -Ormandy's, Dunlop Pharmacy, Granger's T.V., Esquire Restaurant, Gerrards, Worsell's , Anderson's, Peoples', Denomme . Flower Shop, Breekenridge's, Ainslie's, Mill End Store, Floj`er Fashions, Woolworths, LG:pA., Ca radian Tire, Lakeview, Culberts, Squires Gifts, Kentucky. Fried, Chicken, Esso, Aberharts. mow- Special thanks to Kathleen and Tom O'Brien for volunteering their ...lune and horses; to Conklin Lumber and the Red and White for supplying material for the booths; to the Kinsmen and Lions Club for use of their bingo 'equipment; to Bissetts and Mrs. Kitty Smith for taking care of refreshments; to the Psychiatric Hospital for their barbecue; and to the electrician, Brian Carroll. Salt boats number 50 More than 50 vessels have been in Goderich so far this season to"' pick up cargoes of rock ' salt which have gone lto many' distant centres. - Among recent arrivals for salt were: Algorail, from Hamilton, Aug. 19; Martha Hindman from Midland, Aug. 20; E. B. Barber from Toronto, Aug. 24. • Grain boats were: Maunaloa, Aug.. 23; Elmdale, Aug. 24. O . Change Habits And Change luck Fish are like people. They. get set in their ways arid -don't like tq make changes. Patterns of life are rigorously followed untiw14 something forces a' change in habits. This human -like trait leads to some drastic differences in. fish behavior during the hot weeks of sum - met'. The normal ways of fishing usually don't produce during summer dol- drums, yet many anglers stidk to AM Fisher their set habits and give up fishing.., untit..the,.n..... weather and the water cool. By- calling it quits they're probably missing some . good fishing, says Red Fisher, the angling authority at Mercury outboards. What they should do is change their habits along With the fish•. To begin, start getting out on the lake before the sun comes ufi; be there again when it 'goes down. Skip the,bot hours' in betlween. • Pish will, change what they 'eat, too. Summer is the time of insects --- grasshoppers, crickets fonts and a multitude $299 $7 $13 ABOVE UNITS ARE NOT SAFETY CHECKED HURIRY THESE PRICES ,1CRE-FoR 1 WEEK- ONLY iti tilt`:i 62 basement walls for severe cracks, bulges, . dampness, signs . of flpoding, a musty smell: Can it be aired (kt? Ifvbasement beams are - free . of rot, ;termites and carpenter ants, you should see no traces Of -"sawdust" and you should be unable ° to push a ,penknife- bladO deeply and easily into the wood, Watch outfor long, deep plaster cracks around door and window frames, add for rain. leakage stains On upstairs ceilings and walls. Floors should be firm and level; you can test them with an inexpensive bubble -type tester sold in most hardware' stores. 3. Bathrooms. Any house should have at: least twotoilets (unless you are a hermit), and it is becoming standard to have at least one bathroom on each level. of a house. If you need an extra ath, be sure that the price you y will leave you enoughto put one in promptly, and don't complain, if you have to do this; with the cost of labor and fixtures forever going up, the value of an investment in a new bathroom keeps escalating. 4. Heating ` equipment. Is.. it suitable to the size of the house? Many. newen3 homes have two and even three zone heating, giving you the opportunity to 1i a ,new house have' different levels of heat in different parts of the"house, and giving you the economy that accompanies this Option: 5., Wiring., Are there enough • electrical outlets •and circuits for the size of the house? Insist on .a written guarantee that the° house has at least a 60 amp electrical service 4,100 or even 200 amps are better). ` Ifo the home is to be built, or if you're planning structural changes, call the telephone company afor free advice on wiring; by running the wires behind walls, you'll avoid excessive exposed wiring. 6. Yard. Large enough and private enough for your family's needs? Will the summer privacy provided by trees disappear with autumn's falling leaves? Shrubbery that's right up against,' an old house may harbor dangerous dampness or carpenter ants; -check. 7. You. This should really be the first thing to check for it will help in deciding what to try for in, evaluating and selecting the house ,you need. Do you know how much'cash you can actually put together? Have you figured out how much, in monthly payments, you can afford? The lawyer - have you chosen one (picking one before yoµ go otit may save you from signing something that binds you but not the other party)?. But remember, no matter how ready you are to begin, that the proper first step is ,to scan the • paper for the names of real estate --brokers, not marriage brokers.. For though buying a house may be like proposing marriage, it's wise to get some ecpert• advice from a professional before crossing the threshhold. Huron County Crop Report "Continued dry weather has permitted rapid wind-up of grain- and rainand second cut hay harvesting," says M. 'Miller, Assistant Agricultural Representative for Huron County. Bean harvest should begin next week on early planted fields. Dry weather has, caused some firing of corn on lighter soils -With yield reduction expected. A11 growers are reminded of the Ontario Bean Day at Ridgetown College this Friday at 1:30 P.M., (August 28th). o ' 1r Svnokey , ay; Forest Fires are a menace to the public! ,THE SEPARATE SHOPPE Main Corner Clinton OPENING AUGUST 27 - BLOUSES - SKIRTS - PANTS 'ACCESSORIES Open 2-6 Fri. 2-9. GODERICH FRESH UTILITY 6-10 LB. AVG. Ib. FRESH BULK - POLISH FRESH -- ENGLISH SCHNEIDER'S - KENT SAUSAGE. 69 SAUSAGE Ib. 69* . BACONVAC. 99' LUCAS ARThUR -- V.P. SCHNEIDER'S - 14 oz. ` 1.98gIEONE SLICED.. BACON . END . 65 PIZZA : BUY TWO FOR WEINERS FULLY COOKED SHANK END HAM NO. 1 BULK PACK 2.:b. 1.09 e79' LOIN PORK CHOPS X99' SOCKEYE SALMO COLUMBIA . 1 ' � VOLUME 69 ENCYCLOPEDIAS 1 OP 22 SWEET PICKLED _ Ib. *ALIT BUTT END HAM° FRUITED COOKED HAI STEAK SIDES OF BEEF FRONTS -OF BEEF a 79" 99' FOR FREEZING Ib. 654 CUT & WRAPPED ib. 49` CHEESE ''WHIZ KRAFT oz. Jar PURINA - 2 ib. Box DOG CHOW LIVER FLAVORED REDPAT FINE, GRANULATED . SUGAR WMITEBAG MAXWELL HOUSE - 6 oz. •Jar - INSTANT COFFEE 5.1 SUNSPUN - 11 oz. CiOFF!,F CREAMER - AYLMER --oz. JAM.. STRAWBERRY or. RASPBERRY 77' 39 LUX LQD. BATHROOM TISSUE 6 wo�s1 LUNCHEON MEAT TIDEXK � s�zE 1.S CANNED STOKELY'S - 14 oz. 5i$1, 1.29 V'EGET'ABLES YOUR CHOICE n . 200 x...2 P L'Y V 69` KLEENEXTISSUE 3i$1. HEINZ. 20 oz. 59` . TOMATO KETCHUP 2885` UART — 7 . PLUS DEPOSIT F 1 SEA CLIFF - 19 oz. Tins WHOLE POTATOES .58884 COMPLEXION SIZE •1 CAMAY .HAND SQAP 6 Bars R89` I`'IAMBURG OR WEINER w- 8's GREEN GIANT - 12 oz. CORN: NIBLETS CUDNEY - 12. oz. Tins LEMONADE MCCAIN r- FROZEN VESTCN ROLLS. 4L$1 FANCY PEAS siwenw000's 3 QT. BAG of othet delectible (to fish, of z- • course"), foods. Artificial lures , will be passed up in favor of these nut al foods. A third`consideration is LETT Where to fish. Since the supply of natural food is ,most abun .. dant.Jnk ha! a*w gy�yp; y� y� �yyy!y�ry�; �By�G[�(x,�,t�8.�` A lt51 ill: -he./ G:.D: Live baits and shallowwater dictate .a change ins' fishing methods. No heavy trolling or • plug tasting rods now. 'rhe ,Situation taliN for light -weight fly Or spin „casting tacklc with . ltt line and line Wire hooks, 489 ` 245 t 4;1 -2 Ib. Bags CANADA NO, 1 SUNKIST, CANTALOUPE .PfODUCT OF ' CANADA -CANA[ A NO. T GRADE r aNQ1 t8ASIi;ET 4 CANADA NO. 'GRADE