HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1970-08-27, Page 5tor 4D. 4 ec. 4 v f CANDLELIGHT „TA BAYFIgLO ROAD poDEAICH 5207ii. DINING • And DANCING AUGUST 24-29 DAVE PAUL AND THE. SILVER DOLLARS NEXT WEEK FINAL WEEK OF * NIGHTLY ENTERTAINMENT -44DAYS AUG. 31 -SEPT. 3 The SAND PEBBLES SEPT. 4 & DESJARDINES •ORCH;STRA • IT:WM 'SOON -11E,IIMETO M11,11,114(0.1040.•,••••••• WE OPEN IN A COUPLE OF WEEKS ENJOY YOURSELF THIS FALL "8t WINTER ON A LEAGUE* ,TEAM ifs tots "of fun and costs so little • for the enjoyment- you have. PHONIE,, 52 4-9966 FOR FURTHER DETAILS • Canada's 1970 Vule stam • Why not make more uset of our schools One item , I 'hope • you've Oh, now, ALL of th in aren't marked on your calenda& is the Industrial Softball League, Tournament taking place during the holiday weekend. I know a lot of people plan to be away thaevyeekend -,the end of summer holidays - but a great many of you have had yOur fun days and will be at home Labor Day Weekend. The .boys- don't want you to Stay home. They would like you to come down to the. Fair Grounds and see some sensational exciting ball games. They expect 2g teams and the best of the crap to be playing, so all you have to do is BE there. I see they are having their dance THIS Saturday nite and good old Lionel Thbrntons Band supplies the innsic. The ,Pav will be jumping'for sure. , This Saturday afternoon at the Fair Grounds ---- a busy place nowadays - you can see some expert horseshoe pitching. These fellows are playing, for keeps - so go and watch them. With the schools opening next week and the adults, classes starting soon, I hopeyou have --been%,gtvingt,'onse -thbught-to- .-,' what you would like to do this winter. I, believe the use of the • schools may be a littleeasier. At - least; Hufbn Coaty Board of Education said it CAN be -but have they asked the permissien. of the custodians? They are the fellows who run these places and no matter what_ the lioard-SayS you still get an . argument or a dirty .look - or SOJVIETHING - enough to make .people unhappy about having ever tried to Make use of the facilities. miserable, but some of them get pretty officious and try to discourage the use of their schools after schoed hours. . I'm not, saying it is just, Goderich janitors - exou,se me custodians. this has been one thing for which I have been fighting for about 40 years! When my youngsters started school I felt then, 'that it was a shame the schools were closed by 5 p.m. and I've been nattering about it ever since... Te Cominunity _Programs Branch of .the toard of 'Education has been doing its best for years and YEARS and -finally I think they are getting some attention, At any, rate, a °big .THANK -YOU to all who have been doing this big job and let's hope it works out the way it should. With adult education more teachers are needed and this is usually the ii hold up. The day teachers have already 'put in a good days'work and they haven't time 'for adults - so let's see hiSivv things can be worked out. There are certainly hundreds of non -teachers well able to take over nite classes in, ..cfjeids.an4i for onewwill- be looking, forward- fa- these ' classes. , If you could let the principal know your pet interest-- that might help_a.lot - but do Wright awa . MARTHA Pelicans and Pollution The: brown pelican has disappeared from many places in North America because D.D.T.9. poisoning causes soft-shelled eggs which break under the weight of the nesting birds. AFTER FIVE FABULOUS WEEKS- AT THE KUTCHENER HOLIDAY INN The BRUCE INN presents The FABULOUS • RUTHIE PADDISON recently held over at the London and Inns , Aug. 24 to Sept. 6 Kitchener Holiday FRENCH • BUFFET 'Daily From 6:30. to 9 p.m. "MINI-SMORG" Mondaieto Friday Noon to 2'p.m. sr Canada's 170 , Christi= •r postage stamps will reproduce twelve. designs representing "a child's vision of Christina.' Tho original children's drawingg were selected by the Design Advisbry Committee from among 50,000 submitted to a national Stamp .• design- • project for Canadian children.. • The project was conducted the Post Office. Departrnen with the co-operation of Departments of Education and at galleries Th eacki` province during the 1969 Chnstmai seaSon. The stamps? denominatioris of 5c, 6c; 10c, and 15c, will be released on 7th October to provideappropriate, issues for Christmas mailings. The new stamps are being printed by Canadian , Banknote Company in four-colour process lithography, using the colours red, blue, yellow and black, in order to reproduce the bright drawings as closely as possible. Five desigrit will be alternated over' each sheet of stamps on both the 5c and 6c values, while the 10c and 15c stamps will carry one design each. The words "Canada - Christmas - N o e1/19 7 0 " and the denomination, in -black, border the design on each stamp. •The five drawings reproduced on the 5c stamp all on a light background, show a horse-drawn sleigh by 9 -year-old Donna rier- Saskatchewan; arrelfish santa by 5 -year-old Anthony Martin of Amaranth, Manitoba; a nativity scene by, 8 -year-old Lisa Wilson •of_ Kanaloo*,_11.C.a_ski scene by 7 -year-old Dwayne Durham, of Fort Erie, Ont.; and two snowmen, by 10 -year-old Manon Lecompte of Laprairie, P.Q. , There- will be 220 millioh of the 5c stamps printed, on medium size • horizotite format (30 x The 6c stamps will be printed on the same format in the qUantity of 136 million. The five 6c designs, on darkbackground, reproduce drawings of a e sky by 10 -year-old Corinne Fortier of St. Leon, Manitoba appears on the 10c stamp, while the 15c stamp reproduces a snowmobile seneby 10 -year-old Tanis Dojca of Flin Flon, Manitoba. •. The twelve youngsters whose drawings were selected will be /40, treated tb an awards trip to the Th\N bt NatiOnal Capital duringthe last pcio week of August. Intluded in n- their week's itinerary is a special tour Of the Canadian Banknote Company, where they will, be „.„.4hown„the....„Christrnas_stamps_in_ Oollectors • • may order their stamps at face value through: Philatelic Service, Canada Post Office Ottawa 8, Ontario:— - new-born Christ child by 8 -year-old Janet McKinney of St. John, N.B.; a Christmas tree scene. by 8 -year-old Jean Pomerleau of St. Paul, Alta.; a 'toy 'shop at Christmas, .by Nancy Whatley of Armdale, N.S., Santa on his roun.ds, by 7 -year-old Eugerie Bhattacharya of St. John, Newfoundland,- and ,a lighted 'church by Joseph McMillan of Summerville, P.ET.- The two higher -denomination stamps, destined for use on parcels and international • air mail, are ' printed on larger horizontal format (40 x 24 mm) In quantities of 27 million for the'10c value, and 22 million for the 15c value. A drawing of a . •manger , against a. staf-studded Kneel,or sit low in -a- canoe. If upset, H,4.N.G ON to the canoe until help arrives. „.Goderich lawn bowling club - • • The Goderich Ladies Lawn 'Bowling Club were hosts . to many lawn bowling couples from Seaforth, Exeter and Mitchell Saturday evening when they 'held their Annual August 22nd Mixed Pairs Tournament. A lunch under the convenership of ' Mrs. Agnes MacEwan was served after the 1 -second game, to round out a very pleasant and sociable • evening. c, Harry Sturdy with his lead partner Edith Argyle held top honours again for Goderich il BRUCE INN. Kincardine • Phone 396-3391 DISCOUNT • RECORD BAR LATEST HITS . Also„ Tape Cartridges And Cassettes JEWELL BROS. The Square pairs tournament ,,,..,„, ,„„,,,,.1, n! what started out as a hotlyN derich; contested dame against Reg. and Robinson, , Mary Robinson of Mitchell, with . Mitchell. the Sturdy rink soon taking, an early command of the situation with expert • "draw shots" end after end: ,, • This, high performance of precision lawn bowling kept sufficient pressure on the opposition 63 force him to play many -running shots in a vain attempt to "break up the head" g Mary and tReg. 2 games plus 15, Mari d- Sturdy anHarvey Scrimgeour, 2 games, plus 13, Goderich; Ray Nye and Helen Allison, 2 games plus 12, Goderich;. Grace Scrimgeour Goderich Ind and regain lest round; but to no • • • •eas- senes-- avail. , • , I d • The score of 20 to 4 after ten ends played gave She game to Sturdy and Argyle and aptly displayed the difference between well drawn and expertly placed bowls as opposed to constant running shots. The top ten -rinks were as follows, with the skips pame's• last: Edith Argyle and Harry Sturdy, 3 games plus 2 4, Goderich; • Mary and Art Finlayson, 3 ,games phis 22, Seaforth; Joe. Taylor ,and Agnes MacEwan, 3 games plus 15, In the Goderich Industrial Softball League play-offs, Sandy's Clippers lead Gord's Sports two games to one while „DRMCO leads Benmiller by the same margin. These teams meet 'again on Thursday evening, AlIgtigt1 27. DRMCO faces Benmiller at 7:30 p.m., and Sandy's Clippers play Gord's Sports at 9 p.m. In case either of these games should end in a tie another' game wiF be played on Monday .eVehing, August 31. larimpoommossommirmir GODERICH AIRCONDITIONED Saturday, Aug. 9 AFTERNOON FEATURES — * Pony _races * Ladies. exhibits * School 'children's exhibits • * Commercial displays in the arena and on the grounds :* Market steers on display at 'the Fair with tickets available on the grounds * Huron County 4-H Championship Dairy Show *• Local 4-H Club crpetitions * Pony ride g * Candy ,. floss * Games for the kids • EVENING FEATyRES - BINGO the Memotial Hall from '8-9:30 ,thi., admission $1.00, 9, regular games _ at 15.00, 2 Share -the -Wealth, $5000 Jackpot to go, extra' cards 25c'orji$1, children under 16 iiot admitted. , DANCE : - to follow kir haus troin 1012 music by Frankfurter's Philharmonic's, admistion $1.25 of $2.00,,touple, lunch counter, restricted to perwns 21 and over; licensed by L.C.B.O. Itiiti;t4tiiiii;;;;;41Writir;citiii:467347- prow Sponsored by the Blyth Agricultural Society • '3• 14171;v7r ,c1Z,t1,., • urray scott, oriata aeigrave. • RR 3, AtibUril. r•-•4 • Thursday, AUG. 27th HELD OVER 'to Wed.. • SEPT, 2nd. ,ONE SHOWING A NIGHT AT 8 P.M. THE #1 NOVEL OF THE YEAR -NOW A MOTIONPICTURE! FALL COLOUR Camerabug TOUR from Goderich back to Goderich Personally Conducted by: BURT LANCASTER • BURT DEAN/ - LANCASTER MARTIN • JEAN SEBERG JACQUELINE BISSET • GEORGE KENNEDY. HILEN HAYES • A UNIVERSAL PICTURE • TetkNICOLOR • Produced in TODD' AO* ALL Mite ADIAlfte0 General Audiences DEAN MARTIN lEAPOEBERG JACQUELINE BISSET • otENow ILL. KIM DARBY -;1011i and Jack Pollock, 2 games plus 1,1, . Goderich; Betty and Fred Tilley, 2 games, 1 plus 10, Seaforth; •- -- Janet Westbrook and Pete, Bisset, 2 games plus 6, Goderich; Mable and, Len McKnight, 1 game plus 11, Exeter. . ustrial 2-1 -On the evening of August 20, DRMCO edged Benmiller 10-9. B. Gallpw hit a home run for DRMCO. * The s,cond game saw Sandy's Clippers hefeat Gord's Sports by a score of 5-3: Leeking got a home run for „Sandy's Clippers with two men on base. " On August 24, Sandy's Clipperdefeated Gord's Sports 2-1 in the first game while the second game Saw DRMCO defeat Benm1Ief 8-3. Mac Campbell • (Cameia Specialist) , and -. Gerald 'Cover (Professional Photographer) 'OCTOBER 3-4, 1970 •LARGE NEW READABLE TOTE BOARD •TOUR COST INCLUDES Saturdayaccommodation at tile beautiful Lumina Resort, Lake of Bays. Travel by comfortable deluxe highway coach: * Tour the most beautiful areas of Muskoka. CLINTON :•ONTARIO • . „ —Comfortable Grandstand —Good Concession Booth —Good Parking FaOilities , ,HARNESS RACING Random stops to photograpkor jug' view the fantastic fall scenery. * Three meals prepared to perfection at the Lumina Resort. " * Eggert guidance in photography and the use of your • camera. itt vital Cost Only $3990 StfitiabNS, err FLASH RACE DATES EXTENDED •••••1: 'NftiftltraiftifIZArff.t7tal ti41,44714910 ult ertalnmeitt) • • te.f4 014.111Afkiald'aga,"*..• TRAVELIERVICE , 20 East St., Goderich ..,.;1,717.1,, 41":'''''''..:"T's' •,, 1 Arr.eacra..1.7,,,t,'..arttetv.t..A,.-• 524-8360 eit#S5": - U1YSOo Au. ait 3Jk0 •rtegerr. Advante programs will, be available Saturday at Pincher's - Smoke Shop, Craigki's140iivstand and Sproul's BP. eve,