HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1970-08-13, Page 19. .
GD iR XCH .SIGNM%S R, ThV p X..104011
with other compacts
Chevrolet has revealed details
of the Vega 2300 -- the new
.small car line it expects to
become a leader in the economy
market. •
"Vega 2300 is . unlike any
• Other Chevrolet ever, built,"
`John Z,. DeLorean, General
Motors vice president : and
Chevrolet general manager,.
"It meets the growing desire
for. a North American -built car
which -- besides being small in
size =- is fun,to drive, safe,
comfortable, economical. to own
and operate, easy to maintain
and long lasting in both
construction and styling.
"Vega sets a new standard of
customer value in the economy
market with - • performance and
Photo by McDowell handling far superior to any car
in its field." w
Vega _2300 models go on sale
this Fall. They include a 2 -door
sedan, a 2 -door hatchback coupe
and a sporty 2 -door
"Kammback" wagon.. - all
four -passenger models. There is
also a unique one -passenger Vega
panel express truck available
with a second passenger seat.
• With a wheelbase of 97
inches, an overall length under
170 inches and a sedan weight of
2190 pounds, the Vega is
North Street ',United Church, held at the 'Maitland Cot -'entry generally the same size • as other
.Goderich . was......deco.rated>. where' m u e daisie..and,..-€ om• .:.:;.cars- abut .b_.offers.�.
avhit���lasta-daisies .andp.yQllow¢yeiiswRsasenned-tfie-settingr,+-,_signifieantdiffe�nce�-
sweetheart ' roses in candelabra Guests were greeted by the It is nearly eight inches lower
for the July. 25 wedding of wedding party, including the and over four inches wider than
Patricia Anderson and _ Cpl. bride's mother w*ho -wore a the best selling foreign -car. It has
Stewart Wayne Mess. yellow and white polyester crepe° g7eater passenger' room and
Rev. Robert Ramos dress with long sleeves gathered, ,trunk space. Its lower center of
Mr. and Mrs. S. W. ,Hess
Hess -Anderson vows
exchanged at
North Street United
burning ofe`1 and improved
emission. control.
The Vega engine is the first hi
the industry to use a new
-- -con l t double --ring---- r -a--sash at the t end :vridee°tread-helps the
' --ceremony for the daughter of *gist, -yellow --rand : white---Vega-h'crr' -road-°° irfteeway
.high -silicon alum,inun. alloy and result isa large piston
• a recent ..breakthrough in displacement enginewith high
aluminum casting technique in torque output at moderate
lightweight engine Wick. The speeds and good fuel economy,
announces that he will open 44 office for he
practice of dentistry on Ault 24,1970,, at
57 West Street, Goderich.
Office Hours - 9 wm,, to 5 p,rp•, ,
.Phone 524.91,11
THE 1971 VEGA 2300 - named after the star 'Vega' - is the new little car from General Motors
that "does everything well." It comes in a sturdy two -door sedan, sporty hatchback coupe, slick.
_,..KAMMBACK:.,wagon>..•ander.gone--passengerf.paneLexpres ,ueir.Wiel913-hnirsepower-+engine. 15_2,300
-cubic~centivneters (140-cubic=minthes)''with `iiverheadtca ands tde-:ciii,la1uminum-:allov•Iiint k
Compression ratio is 8 to 1. Lightweight and powerful, it is expected to deliver mileage
• " comparable -to. any in its Mass. Wheelbase is only 97 inches and overall length is 169.7 inches, yet
the Vega seats four comfortably. Shown above is the Vega 2300 Coupe.' '°
1�HURON PHONE5241031
Plationwide contest4o<huose
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Anderson, accessories and a corsage of
driving. �.
Goderich, and the ' son of Mr. yellow sweetheart roses, and the Veda's excellent handling is
and Mrs. Allan Hess,London. groom's mother in a Parisian designed front
In due, to a s ectall des n R(JCO Oe� Canada
specially g ■��'iss
• Mrs. Eleanor Hetherington blue lace .three-quarter ' len th
g q g suspension and steering system
played the wedding music and coat and dress ensemble, shell that gives high cornering ability,
accompanied the soloist, Grant pink. accessories and a corsage of responsive steering and less
Ellison, who sang The Wedding deep rose sweetheart roses. driver fatigue on long trips. A -
w Prayer and 0 Perfect Love. • Out-of-town guests Were new custom tailored braking
Given in marriage by her present from Falconbridge, system includes, standard fr )nt
father and mother, the bride London, . Belleville, Trenton, disc brakes. ,
Wore a floor -length white peau Galt; ----•Leamington, Kingsville, Computer -selected full coil
de broche gown featuring bell Byron, : Sarnia, Meaford and r springs at each .wheel ,.plus
sleeves of French lace -witha Toronto. extensive body sound deadening
matching front lace panel and Emcee for the +• wedding give a smoother, quieter ride
mandarin collar. A large bow reception . was the bride's uncle, than the usual economy°car.
cascaded down her back. The Edward Tyreman, Falconbridge,
waist at back • formed a large and another uncle, Frank e V ega, s most . innovative
...pleat to the floor and extended Tyreman, Goderich, proposed fQyerJ a is its., new lightweight
into a chapel train. Her the toast to the bride. ' . r > • t Vii. tP ad ,. ;cam•, fou ¢yii er
show 1 der -length veil with For travelling to points w st, engine. This engine ,.- specially
- dose ed and built in North
scalloped edges was held in place the - • bride changed to an
by 'a seed pearl crown and she ensemble featuring a white America for the Vega - meets
<c>arried a basket of shasta daisies, crimplene dress and brown coat m
perforAmerican dance rivers while giving
needs of North
yellow sweetheart roses and with white accessories. impressive fuel economy and
baby's breath. The young couple will reside low emissions.
Matron of honor was Mrs. in Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Debbie Robertson,, Trenton. She r Prior to her marriage, the The 140 cubic inch engine (or
_chose a full-length yellow bride was feted at several events. "2300 cubic centimeters as'
frosted organdy 'gown with a Showers were held at the - indicated -in the Vega 2300
pointed collar and trimmed with home of the matron of honor, • name) develops 90 horsepower.
shasta daisies. The sleeves were Mrs. Barry Robertson, Trenton, There is also a 110 horsepower
full-length and caught up the and at the home of Mrs. Frank optional version. Both are
wrists with shasta daisies. Shasta , Tyreman rMary Street, designed to operate efficiently
daisies down the front of the Goderich. - on the new no -lead or low -lead
• dress ti;were pretty' accents. She A trousseau tea .was held at gasolines. A new open
"carried..a basket of shasta daisies the home of the bride's mother, combustion chamber design
and baby's breath. Mrs. Ken Anderson. contributes to more complete
Bridesmaids were Miss Janet
Maclntyre, Belleville, and Miss
Janice Coffee, Belleville. They
were gowned identical to the
matron of honor.
Two f lowergirls, sister of the
bride, Jane Anderson,' and
cousin Patty Rean, 'all of
Goderich, also attended the
bride. They wore • floor -length
yellow frosted' organza dresses
featuring short sleeves and
mandarin , collars with shasta
'�"Claisies falling .down the front.
- They carried baskets of shasta
`'Dale Hess, brother of the
groom, London, was
groomsman. Barry Robertson,
Belleville, and Bradley Rush,
cousin , of the bride, Galt,
ushered guests.
The wedding reception was
A nationwide contest to find
.Canada's most attractive and
knowledgeable thoroughbred
racing fan is being run
throughout Canada in
connection with, the country's
first sponsored thoroughbred
race. --
The 'search is for a race fan
with charm, poise and a basic
knowledge of racing to represent
Canada at major race meetings in
Europe and the U.K. next year.
•• Contestants -will be .chosen to
represent the major race tracks
in Canada where major derbies
are being held from July through
October. Then they will
represent the track at a final
judging prior to Canada's newest
race of champions, the $4.0,000
added, Benson & Hedges
Invitational_ Handicap at
Woodbine Racetrack, Toronto,
on Thanksgiving Day, October
Contestants will be chosen
from tracks involved in the races
to which invitations Will be sent,
- including the provinces of B:C.,
Saskatchewan, Aliyerta,
Manitoba, Ontario and Quebec.
The, winner of each contest
will fly to Toronto for a
week-long whirlwind of activities
prior to the judging of Miss
Racegoer Canada on Wednesday,
October 7. .
For the final judging, which
will take place during a dinner at
the Jockey Club, the girls will be
dressed in velvet designer outfits
by Auckie Sanft, Montreal.
The winner, Miss Racegoer
Canada, will preside over a
_champagne- bruncheon -
proceeds being donated to the
Canadian Save the Children
Fund - on the morning of the
big race.
But ' the • duties of . Miss
Racegoer Canada are not over on.
October 12;1970, because in the
spring of 1971, she will fly to
Europe to represent Canadian
Thoroughbred`.acing at some of
the 'major European classics such
as the English . Derby, won this
year by Canadian -bred Nijinsky.
And of course, she will return
next year to crown Miss
Racegoer Canada for 1971.
Specializing in .. -
* Children
Single or Group Portraits
and ,Passports
118 St. David Goderich
« r .. A ;tit" M,.,a • - .. i .'40 ,sat en rY+ ..e.• 1 .,
. z4 til ttvir2l �' 5 �lGtii�es'°'=�aufi ,�f Exeter ,: ' •
Manufacturers ofF,
Custom -Built to Your Specifications
• Kitchen Cabinets
• Bathroom Vanities
• Book Shelves and Dividers
PHONE 227-4431 DAYS
227-4592 NIGHTS
LUCAN 33-34-35-36
Gold1 al on Travel Trailers
Akndlruck_ Campers.:
Gtr > *,> . . n THE, MENESET t . • +
4 e
�i. r;.
Tal M4k 4 Q(/44'REL
"SeryiCe Station -
''',40104,,,„ y q.
offees'Shop _ r
411 H 'r�cn. Rd., Goderich ,
24'60/ 1
These dresses were brip- inally
priced verymuch higher than
the $1:00 you see here.
.r:'�:,u ..,. ',yrJ.�t. ._w«kms ! ,vi , _.. ...+n�Z+• . ,,.� .,., r;. �J�•,,.1y7'� ,sZ,*.�r�'�` i":y:.�'... )..,,. .�: R.�.. '.�S' „
LOCATION — Straight Through on Airport Road, RR 6, Goderich
" rl .tAa •. � 4* rt# ': a , t.. t' r _7 Y': .s •'»` u•
i.-.. a. .. :' ., . .. Y"'.."''44.
'^�r�+�'i7.G:q �'j4'A.
—DISMAY' VIDIVVEV OI5tW�'FOR"' .iNts"ECTIOtt "Alw— Otill ' fd iV V IwN 151'�Oir
Phone Goderich 524.6638
o ,