HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1970-08-13, Page 17o4 • 10490 tOW b be held Septenbers- 9 • The 6th Annual Southwestern be held in thel&estOck building • Ontario Beef Cattle Day will be and Will feature Frank Jacobs? - held • at Aidgetown 011 editor -of Cattlemen Magazne, Wednesday, September 9, 1970. and '''Italph Bennett, whct. • The, program will be recently retired as Director of somewhat different from that of the Livestock° &MO, - Canada previous years. An 'open house Department of Agriculture, will be held during the mOrning Ottawa. • at the farms of George Morris, Mr. Jacobs will discuss the Merlin,and Fairburn Farms Present 'Cattle Situation and My (Jenner Bros.), RR6, Dresden, Market Outlook. Mr. Bennett according to Ron. Buckhani of Nvill speak on The Cattleman and • the Animal Science Division, the U.S.-CanadaTariffs on Beef R dgetown -College of and Beef Cattle, The subject of Agricultural Technology." • importing cattle from the U.S. The prognun at Ridgetown and what is involved at Customs ,College.; Of Agricultural will be ' discussed by Lex Technology will start at 11:30 Rutherford, Assistant Live Stock a.m. when beef cattlemen will Commission er, , 0 n tario have an 'opportunity to view Department of Agriculture and research projects and Food, Toronto. demonstrations at the College. Anyone interested in beef The afternoon program will cattle is invited to attend. Hydro hopeful • antig-pollution breakthrough tt • . - An apparatus withthe unassuming name of "The Scrubber" is causing excitement among Ontario Hyaro scientists. • It could be the long sought answer to the extraction of sulphur -dioxide from Hydro smokestacks. _The solution.is one q;raroundr-1-tite-:-4, -world -have been-worktngkrwald for some Utile. This particular "Scubber" (named „because of the chemical process it uses) has been designed and built at Hydro research laboratories in Toronto . - by_ a team of scientists and technicians headed by Doug Harrison and Dr. Abdus Salem. Tests of the prototype are being onducted' at the, R. L. Hearn generating station on Toronto's waterfront. • , The device . works on the principle of chemical action of limestone, (calcium , carbonate) with unwanted sulphur dioxide to form calcium sulphates and sulphites. The process takes place before the gases from the • furnace enter the smokestack. Dr. Saleem is confident of the experiment's outcome. "At least we'll know where the sulphur is," he says. "After going, through the machine it is harmless and easier to handle." While the process makes the sulphur easier to handle it does create a subsidiary problem. "The process is expected to use about 160 pounds of limestone for each ton of coal," says Dr. Saleem. "So, adding the sulphur residues to the fly ash we • already get, will more than f double our disposal problem." The research team is however working on this. • "Eventually we rtiay loop the whole process," Dr. Saleem says. "Then the limestone would be salvaged and reused. The sulphates and sulphites would_ beeome...rsaleable•-.1.3p•products.7, There isno assurance that he Sy -stein Trithr�riiTitIie final --answer to the complete extraCtion of- all sulphur dioxide from - Hydro's • - coal-fired -•generating stations. But, there is a belief that scrubbers will removemost of the sulphur and thus upgrade the quality of gases leaving Hydro stacks. In appearance the 14 -foot • high prototype is reminiscent of a robot out of science fiction. The. foul effluvium is breathed in one side, the pollutant digested in its mechanical -chemical body and the cleansed emissions passed on through the other side to the stack. , • Th 6- actual Process involves mixing a slurry of limestone and water and fOreing the emissions Consumers' news and vi ews11" by Consumers' Association of Canada • Here, 'kw .4.0.04444. , . IT t 7.) 1 for ligt, summer reading, are somelnestidns and answers that seem to keep cropping up as . consumers everywhere in Canada continue to commUnicate with us, Q.an an °ordinary household teaspoon be used to dispense liquid medicine? A. Household teaspoons and culinary . Measuring spoons frequently vary in volume. The most accurate method of ensuring a proper dese for liquid medication is the use of a calibrated glass or plastic medicine cup which has the • various gradations marked on it. For purposes of drug labelling a teaspoon dose is considered tp be equivalent to a volume of 5 cubic centimetres. Q. How does the food value of white bread compare to that of whole wheat bread? - A. Most white bread sold in Canada is made from enriched flour containing added Thiamine, riboflavin, niacin and iron in amounts specified by Food and. Drug Regulations, Consequently the food value of white enriched bread compares favorably with that of whole wheat or cracked wheat and in fact ma* contain more calcium, thiamine and riboflavin. - Q. Are all food additives laboratory chemicals? A. food -additives .are yderived —from --foods. - example, lecithin which may sometimes be used in proCessea foods as a preservative is derived from soybeans -and corn. • Q. Why do the Food and Drug Regulations permit the addition of vitamin A to skim milk? A.. Skim milk is milk from which most of the milk fat has been removed: It removing the milk fat, vitamin A, which is fat " soluble is also removed, To compensate . for this loss Food and Drug Regulations permit the enrichment of skim milk with added vitamin A. • Q. What are hydrolyzed vegetable proteins as 'listed on the labelfor some foods? A. These substances are :flavor enhancers ' in. the &ln of. partially broken down proteins. from the furnaces through the • slurry under pressure. The scrubbing, or -chemical action, takes place- and the extracted contarninani discharged into a tank. The scrubber experiment is one of a number being" conducted by Hydro as part of a multi-million dollar research program aimed at pollution abatement. Data collected from operation of the prototype will • have to be studied before any final analysis is reahed. _. REPORT INVESTIGATIONS 2, Tuckersmith Twp. west of ot , Criminal: Thefts, four; No. 12 Cty. Rd. James Richard Breaking • and Entering, three; Scott, 83 Chalk St., Seaforth Disturbances; five; Other, 35. . was involved in a single car • C ACIDENTS ,• accident resulting in damage to Traffic: Accidents, 10; his vehicle. • Property Damage, seven; On Friday, July 31, on No. 8 ersonal Injury, two; Fatal, one; Hwy. east of Seaforth, Glen No. Injured, four; .No. Killed, Nelson Smith, ,693' Talbot one. - Street London was involved in a On Sunday, July 26, on No. ' • single car accident resulting in 21 Highway north of Jct. Huron 'nor damage to the vehicle he Rd. 10 .(Drysdale) Karl Jansel, 184 Central Avenue, London, was driving. On Friday, July 31, on Lot and Gerald Asa Steckle, RR 2, 24, Maitland Con. east of No. 31 Zurich, were -involved in a two Cty. Rd. a parked unattended car accident" resulting in minor • vehicle owned by Norman damage to'their vehicles. , Atianson, Rit 2, Clinton ' was On Monday, Ally 27, on Con. struck by a 4ehicle .driven by Rth 12 at Jct. of Sideroad 3; Hilda Hakker, RR •.2, Clinton Carl Reinhardt, RR2, Teeswater resulting in minor damage to the and William. Hogan, RR 3, vehicles. Lueknowo were involved in a On Friday, July 31, on No. 21 two car accident resulting in " Highway, south of Port Albert - damage to the vehicles -theY -were - (River Br.)Gaton Lalonde,1049 — driving., Elgin Street, Wallaceburg, Paul On Tuesday, July 28, on No. Willi tamparski, 83-- Cambria ' 25 Cty. Rd. west of Street, Stratford and Edward Carlow-inthrsection No, 1 CtY. Fink, tiensall, were involvedin a Rd. Blair ArnOld Ketch, 350 • three car accident resulting an King Street, West, Kitchener and Lillian Hewerdine, 29 Front . Street; London, were involved in a two car accident resulting in damage to the vehicles they were driving. On Wednesday, July 29, on No. 21 Hwy. south of Jct. Hwy. 86 (Amberley) Thomas flUghes, Marie Laks, "'Walketon was invOlvea in a single at accident resulting in damage to his* NeMeet,guitti*Aevaleetl**24ve '''')I'tuitili0,40144PAtul$24,4.7 • �n Wednesday, lily- 29bii."' EA& ye' icteitriefivere-ailviir No. 31 Cty. Rd. at- intersection Charges, 44; H.T.A., 38; of No. 6 Sideroad, James L.CA., six; of which two are "Kenighan, RR 4, Gbderith and minor; Warnings, 24. • Brian Samuel #Niabon, Rik 6, General, Itequests for -.2.tz:0,•=fookts:::-.00404chrtivAR,41Y4•004-41.--417. 4$4.5LancerAillex-EsP6rt : intore yilF • tiro; — resulting .111damage to the Court, Crithinal Division, 63 40 vehicles they were driving. Persons `Convicted of H.T.A. Kernighari was fatally injured. offeneerand three convicted of On Priday, July 31, On COnL C4A,, offences. f ` " damage to their ' vehicles. Passengers Elsie and Franz Lainparski, 83 Cambria Street, Stratford and Charles Leveille, 1301 Elgin Street, Wallaceburg received injurfes. On Saturday, August /, on NO'. '21 Hwy. south of Goderich, Gerald Boersma, RR 1, Exeter and Robert Thompson, 1460 Bentworth Avenue, Apt. 44, London were involved in a two MANUFACTURER'S Warehouse Clearance They may be obtained froM such foods as wheat, rye, soya or corn, Q. Food products are packaged in • many types of containers, inclUding those made from wood, paper, glass, plastics and &mnim foil. Is one type of container safer than, another? A. Pot' packaging materials vary "with the nature of the Products they contain. Food and Drug Regulations specify that "No person shall sell any food in a paCkage that may yield to its contents any substance that may be injurious to the health of a consuirier of the food". Inspection and scientific analysis ensure that this regulation is being carried out. • Q. <Are there calorie or sugar reduced foods and drinks available for diabetics or others who might require them now that cyclamates have been banned? A. Soft - drinks • containing saccharin or a saccharin -sugar mixture are now available and a declaration of the contents appears on the label. Canned fruits suitable for use in carbohydrate or . calorie restricted diets will soon be marketed. `40 WENCH .1 • o6imon sioNAL-orkutt younsook IA3y00,8,19.16 Miss gharon Young was one of 22 members of the Goderich Area Send who went to Toronto to. compete in the Ontario Conservatory of Musie competitions. They won first prize • in both the Open o Aceardion competition and in • the !land competition, Miss Sharon Young, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Young, spent a feW dayS in Seaforth Mrs. George RibeY, and four IS ALWAYS THERE Pearl, . HarbOr. ship was. spard' but many ships nearby were bombed and sunk. Ms. 'rolley's forefathers, the Stewart families, emigrated from County Fermanagh Ireland, some* settling in Huron ,,iCounty • and. others, among them her great grandparents, gOingto North • • visiting with her cousins, Mr. and kildEID CROSA children. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Youn, John and Mrs. Cecil Blake were in London visiting with Charles Young, Mrs. Harvey Mole, Rot, Pentland, Mrs. GladYs Dustow and with Mr. A. Irwin. They also visited relatives in the city. Mr, and Mrs. J. G. Tolley Danville, Virginia, have been visiting with their cousin, Mrs. John Vincent, 48 Newgate Street, Goderich. Also other relatives in Hullett Township. Mr. Tolley has recently retired after 41 years as an Air l'raffie: Control Specialist for the Federal Aviation Administration, U.S: Gornment. Hs was serying in the U.S. Navy and was at Pearl Harbor on an ammunitibn ship when the Japanese bombarded WITH YLX11 HELP The- Gooroo $4'110141;r tk:06 great plasureln**endng happiest birthday greetings to all pereonsINWheye nnichood the age of 80 years or better. o . We would appreciate hearing about those pkn,ho are having 80th birthdays or beter in the near future and who are willing to her) theirOames published. in this , column, announcing thattact. • . , .... , - There h absolutely no charge for this spacial service and we are extremely pleased to hear fromell otYou- ' • W. J. Denomme FLOWER SHOP Phone, 524 8132 ih DAY OR • NIGHT Agont for 24 -hr. FILM DEVELOPING ROBERTSON FARMS County ;Road 25, Chpice Beef, Cut Wrapped, Frozen • • FRONTS mommiummone lb. 564 HINDS lb. 76'D SIDES lb. 66, Special Paks - Special Prices CALL 524-6658 3. SPECIAL BETTER BREAD VALUE! 24 OZ. LOAVES JANE PARKER WHITE SLICED BREAD Buy 4 Loaves - Save 94 JANE PARKER WIENER ROLLS -- 812 ji rikgcif211Pkg°f 39 SAVE 4c SAVE 6c We handle' only Canada's finest Choice "RED BRAND" Steer Ilef Blade Bone 'Removed, Semi -Boneless LIBERATOR GAS DRYERS *SAVE Regular $219.95 now $189.95 . . a rare bargain ....NO DOWN' :---PAYMENT . • *. -$4.60 • Monthly • 5 -Yearsto pay - "on your gas bill" -installation extra. EXCITING FEATURES Siniilar r� -prices on thethingli4i4recht.c. Union Gas Phone 5248317 —36 'Colborne St.' Goderich "GREAT ON A GRILL" WIENERS MARY MILES - cs REDHNE HOTSID' S 2 -LB VACUUM PACK 1 -LB VAdUUM PACK SHORT RIB ROAST CROSS RIB ROAST FreshlyMinced Super -Right Brand Smoked, SticecI, Riadless (BUY 3 -LBS OR OVER lb '770) GROUND CHUCK • 1679.5i SWEET PICKLED, VACUUM PACK HALVES COTTAGE ROLLS•16..65i SX BRAND; FAMILY PACK • ‘! (OLD -CUTS 111;pkg'459 SX BRAND, PURE PORK SAUSAGE. 1-11:Vy pack - KELLOGG'S Ontario Grown, Picked .Daily, Peak of the Season, Now At Their Finest, No. 1 Grade Heaping 6quart basket WHITE 4 COLOUnS California's Finest Seedless' Cardinal :Ribiers 3 Varieties To Choose From Powder (10c Off Deal) — TIDE XK GIANT 2LB 10-0Z fit Detergent BOX (Junioretiel, 6 oz.) gbel,s, Spaghetti CREAMIETTES 6 Varieties, Prerniuni •SPECIAL PRICE! 7 -oz pkg lit • 4i'd •White ,400t,,,, .44 , 4,444,0'4,44.4, 24 „ twatt, yrierr Fihisfr keg/ Price 690 SAVE', 4 SERVIETTES Okg of 250 SC Hestess Re*. Price SAVE Sc SAVE 8o PKG OF 4 ROLLS 4011et POTATOCHIPS 11 -oz pkg 4c • All prices in this ad gua"anteed effective throuh • Baturdity, AugUst 15, 1970. • Aaron Plaine • GARBAGE BAGS .•.1'.'t-'•7•,•,;.•w,••••:rtli,11•1.4.,•X?••••••;":•e-, „ .