HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1970-08-13, Page 16MCH SIGNAL-STA' THURSDAY,. , u Au Landers That . happy smile belongs to Roy; an appealing three- year-old, of Anglo-Saxon and West African descent. Roy is a handsome boy with expressive brown eyes, black curly -hair and bronze skin. Sturdy and healthy, Roy has a pleasant personality -- so ------ pleasant that he is, spoiled in his foster, home. He has been slow in talking and has a minor speech impediment. Doctors say he has- not needed to talk_ because a:veryone . .seems to 1110x:1-.to.1.. r$0-,11art14l17n ,;7T :eifl few e Vz .tt.; < . = # . - �....• • speee �dif ficttlty-a°iid n recta n ne°n tiv.' . . � Roy is' not a demanding child. He seems quite able to entertain himself with "his toys and is especially good at Creating things with• building blocks. • This little bey --needs- a loving -family tom --will- not worry over his speech problem and will value his heritage. To inquire about adopting Roy,please write to Today's Child, Department of Social and Family Services, Parlia- nient Building`s, Toronto 182. For general adoption informa- tion ask your Children's Aid. Society, James Richardson 8 Sons 'Ltd Serving, The Feed Dealers of Westem Ontario.. • = PHONE -524;8388, GODE R IGf$- ' ex under a picnic tsble - • Dear n Landers: Sunday we took our family to a beautiful state park in northem Indiana for an outing and picnic, bread for myself, I always bake a loaf for Dora. I've never refused to take the children when they have sitter trouble. When her did quit - for a while - but started •. again. I know he is ashaminventsed ,errandof his weakthatn sob ' he s' take h ' . The p a;,ar k is located near a, mother comes to town, I always away from the -house; When he College town, For the past '20 invite her to dinner. I have killed returns with mints on his breath years we have enjoyed this park myself trying, to be nice to that and his clothesYreeking of cigaret but last week we got the surprise girl,.world doesn't Why in the �smoke,•it makesmeiultxous, of our .lives, she return my aff'ectjer • -•- This little, game has been Hundreds off -.kids Were, tegiirg„--;[1n iared...p,.. $; ng„nn years, I feel like a a Iove-in,. They were under every bush antrue. We slapped ora Dear un' What affection? sap. Should I conti nue to play several cuplee hi various stages , You dislike her intensely and she, . dumb or tell him I'm (Ai to his knows it. Killing yourself' back -of -the -barn . business? of dress and undress. And they doing favors w9n't help. It's not —Smarter Than He Thinks. were doing more than. `just necking. Call it loeaif you . want what we do for people but how Dear Smart: ,Your husband to, but sex under if you table we feel afield them that counts. probably knows you know and at high noon is not my idea of Dear Ann Landers: My appreciates your silenea:You love. husband is a secret smoker. He have nothing to gain by blowing The little lake we always sneaks around like .a small boy the whistle on him. Ii` .you call enjoyed was filled with _ who is afraid of his mother. I am his hand he'll feel free to smoke skinny-dippers both girls and °Pp°� � `smoking and asked in your presence, and he'll him boys,. laughing, playing ball and 'ago to please quit. He smoke spore.• carrying on as if. they were two years old. When my husband and I saw what was going on we hustled our kids out as fast as we could. We had our picnic in our backyard. I was told by a neighbor that sine if is a state park, nothing can be done. So what's the answ ; -Ann Landers? - Fort ' Wayne Dear Wayne: You got bum information. Indecent exposure and lewd and lascivious conduct 'is against the law and it doesn't matter if it's a state park, a city park ora national park. You could' have called the cops - who, I turst, would not have broken their Skulls, or shot them dead., _,b ,at least -order stabs - • on. Dear Ann Landers: Our handsome, bright, promising son married. a girl who is nothing to look at, has a blah personality, no family background, no education, no sense of humor, and no taste in clothes. The best thing. I can say about Dora is that she is harmless. "They have two children under three years of age and I think Dora is pregnant again. (No brains either.) I have knocked myself out for my daughter-in-law but still she doesn't like me. Whenever I bake , —HEALTH & SAFETY Mainlyfor •'Mot%�ers by Carol Hart Family Health and Safety Concern of Brides Certainly a new bride and• bridegroom should select as soon .,as possible a family doctor who can become familiar with their medical history and keep tabs on their growing falnily. Keep your physician's phone number ou the telephone together with any others you need in an emergency — your pharmacist, your fire and police departments, and your local hospital... The Council on Family Health, ar non-profit organization spon- sored as a public service by Iead- ing members of the, drug indus- try to promote home safety and farailyp:health, .:augges4,- t -the;._ .=rtew- taride,testablis Mguo'd-. sk e a�it3-on tbe-Storage;-care -ani use of -medicines. ,.• Following are some - safety rules for every homemaker: 1. Plan the contents of your irk siCFHC Medicine chest. Keep medicines —and toiletries in separate cabi- nets, or, if they must be kept in one cabinet, store medicines on the upper shelves and toiletries on lower shelves. 2. Divide the medicine section into two parts -- one for medi- cines that are to be taken intern- ally, and the . other for those medicines that are applied ex- . ternally., 3. Take inventory of the con= tents of the cabinet at least once every six months. Discard medi- cines with damaged •or unread- able labels. Flush discarded med- cines down the drain. If you have any doubt about discarding a medicine, consult your physician. 4. Just as the manufacturer, physician and pharmacist have their responsibility in respect to medicines, the use of medicinal preparations involves responsi- bility on the part of the user. One important _thing to remem- ber: Read the label,at least three times when taking or givin_ g med- icines to your family. Now It'i back .to the itraight life By Bill Smiley .help, anda sweet, pretty and evencompetent Waitress for . our own table An, d 10ts f ' h Summer floats by, as aimless as., a cloud. Nothing seems to get done,„ but we seem to be doing something all the time. Last week was no exception. It's ' nice to live like . rich people once in a while, be it ever s� temperaxy. We. cased to do it once a year When 1 was in the newspaper business, We'd go to -a convention in some exotic place, , stay in a posh hotel, hobnob' with such exalted people ',as public. relations •illien, and in- dulge in such sybaritic delights as breakfast in bed. It's hard to come down from filet mignon and baked alaska to hamburg and butter tarts, but we always felt it' Was .worth it, no matter 'hover long it took to pay back the money we'd borrowed to make like million- aires. This is against "the „puritan ethic, but I've never regretted it. I've seen too many people postponing a real spree of a holiday trip because they've needed a new lawnmower, or had just bought a new vadum cleaner, or simply had to trade in their car. Arid then, when everything was finally righf for the trip, Dad •discovered, to his horror, that he had to have all' his teeth out. Or Mother sudden- ly needs a hysterectomy, And the trip fades into never-never land. Sad. u ' anything, but `Gather ye rose- buds while ye may' isn't a bad old and stupid and cripped with arthritis to stoop for a rosebud. And besides,, .,th$re;,.ar�p:',t��,that. '�riyF.aD,�l5i1i1S'„lir�t. � .. • Last week we -had a couple cif days 'of gathering fosebuds.. As usual, it was balm for that lacerated secret little corner in most of us that knows we -could have been wealthy and success- ful and rich if we'd just had a - break. Never take my advice about idea. Don't wait until you're too A • • o ru people around. Th..at's essential. ,It wasn't a swinging lace. No bar, no entertainment, and, thank heaven; no organized games• and such. Just a piace,to lie around, swim or fish or play horse -shoes or walk through the woods, eat , like a hog, and ,wonder what - the poor people are doing, • We had a cottage overlooking the lake, had a big fireplace and everything else but the kitchen sink, an item most women arequite happy to be without an a vacation. Privacy, peace and luxury, the perquisites of the rich. First. night at dinner, met an old friend, from College.' Was rather aghast when he told me he'd recently married Susan Kee, daughter of another old College friend, He's more than twice her age. "Dirty old man", I thought. Was even , more confused when he intrgduced his'8-year-old son, Finally remembered he'd gone into the ministry. What he meant was that he'd performed the marriage ceremony'. • . Next day, into town for a seminar on Creative Writing at the Haliburton School of Fine Arts. Naturally, the school was overlooking a lake. There's hard- ly anything else you can over- look there. Everything I know about Creative Writing might fill the back of a business card, but had an enjoyable afternoon with about fifteen ladies ranging from about nineteen to - well,, you know. They didn't get mucheout of..it,..but..I. thoroughly yed... 'boasting -Telling -them• W -r handle -my -wife When Z calf" l';ie the Old Battleaxe, and some of the , hazards and rewards of writing a weekly . column. ' (By the Way,. girls, I've thrown out two perfectly ♦good paragraphs from ,this column.)_,„ Atter the seminar, a visit to the Haliburton Echo,. a warm welcome come from editor Ber- keley Pair, his wife, and his son Creighton, and a whiff of print - errs ink. Back to the lodge for a swim , dinner, canoe jaunt, and -•a long lively evening by the fireplace with friends and some pretty unusual conve.reation. .Bard to climb into the' battle -scarred '67„Dodge and hit the 'long trail home, Depressing to get there and make your own hot dog for dinner. Horrible to see that dile of bills and hear the phone ringing.. But worth it. Srrioj'cey Says: CAMPING SWIMMING HIKING i FISHING HUNTING RIDING SIGWTSEEING We spent two days at a beautiful lodge in Ontario's Haliburton • Highlands, just south of Algonquin Park. It's incredible country: rock, woods, • and lakes everywhere. The lodge was everything it should be for one . of these escapades.; Handsome lounges, huge stone 'fireplace, magnificent chandeliers, courteous and unob- amirmorir— vrtj. r F •_ • SOMEHO ; SOM p tE SOMEBODY was careless with FIRE! FOR YOUR AUTO INSURANCE MALCOLM MATHERS GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT. 46 -WEST ST., ° 524.9442 OUBLE PASSES TO THE . r _ THEATRE For. Pleasant Surroundings and Good -Food THIS SPACE FRIGIDAIRE WESTINGHOUSE G I.BSbN HOOVER ;Sales and Service • THE GODERICH RESTAURANT L STEAK HOUSE and TAVERN RESERVED FOR YOUR AD 9 WI N ! DOUBLE PASSES TO THE PARK THEATRE BOOKS & STATIONERY Cards For All Ocbasions * Gifts * Books - * Stationery Supplies • Rtcords ANDERSON'S BOOK CENTRE 33 East St. . Goderich W. A. Coulter h - 105 Anglesea St. 1§UIL15INia MATERIAL PAINT,,WALLPAPEP * PAINT * WALLPAPER * CARPETS * TIE;Eq ' . * LINOLEUM "Your Complete Home Decorating Centre” • LIitrore' McPhee ' 14 ---Bruce- -St. -E: --: - IMA-RTHUR and REILLY LTD. West Si Goderich JEWELL , BRQTHERS The Names Of Five Signai-Str Subscrib- MEN'S WEAR. ers Are To Be . Found . , In OncOf These Ads - APPLIANCES & TV LTD, The Square;--'Goderich ow Showing. 1 Neal Lowey' R R4 Goderich For That CERTAIN PHILIPS PHILCO ,Mrs. S. M. Henry 157 Essex St. EXCELLENT SELECTION Regular or Safety Tee .14 Different Styles DAVE GOWER'S Industrial & Gar -den Centre, Hamilton Si :. 524-8761 e.:„4 THIS SPACE R.RVED ,FOR YOUR AD FUftliITURE PAGE sEE REGULAR AD ON PAGE 5 FOR DATE A I5 TIMES ammo ram Now a good salairy Opportunity-secuoity for, you in a business career G.oderichi n Business 'College NIGHT SCHOOL Typing, Bookkeep ing, Shorthand (Tues. 8. Thurs. Eve ning) 524-8521, THIS SPACE tie RESERVED S FOR YOUR AD 1 -Flair . IN MEN'S WEAR EARL . RAWSON . MEN'S WEAR On The Square, Goderich THIS SPACE . RESERVED 1 1 THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR YOUR AD 1 SHOE STORES 1 For FASHION ,.RIGHT SHOES The Place TO Go Is ROSS SHOES RIVETT'S TELEVISION — RADIO 34 The Square .Goderich FOR YOUR AD TRAVEL SERVICES 0 THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR YOUR AD 9.0 THIS SPACE RESERVED FR YOUR AD THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR YOUR AD THIS SPACE The Square Goderich GODERICH dB0.1DI N^G THIS SPACE 417,7^7"1.7: RESERVED THIS SPACE THIS SPACE ., r, nw 17 err. ... THIS SPACE RESERVED RESERVED.. SPROULE r v N+so Mrs. Wm, H. Reed 84 Arthur St. l 2 „161imbrft l d.►r► l le `�� 11 1208, YOUR AD ,' O:`IVOUT A6 FSR Y.OURyAP Footwear •F8"r. n-. - The Family rY�. ", J.,';^� w%�R AU M:w,,,� �;:;� •�k7+i7`M r'''�".�,i� h x,; S�J17'a Kingston St. p Godeirich CONT$T RULES W -'n r. +e � 1V a C s acti week.the n mil and addresses of... ,su bw. j. s "Will 5 bscribers will appear in the Business Directory. -Look for your name end address in the ads. , -Takla.#hBusin �!ly;r�eto . /�pp r] „,�,..�.� 's..ta ♦w, ��.:�,ia;:, . ,star' ' � .' - � Q .. XG7 „. ;XRC77:',.�, .1-�'G�hx. �' 1� .f V�+tkR •!S "th+ cttvertresr til N %Oser•ad#y�out game appoared aIr ' Pick up your passes by Saturday night doting. • • . Only Subscribers to the Sigriat Star` a`l`e oligibiie.' ° • • h It