HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1893-2-2, Page 8iIQRS1IJllEll TpO� pp —We handle -- SCHOOL SUPPLIES, STATIONARY, alA1'PINGS, TWINES, BAGS, SMALL WARES, FANCY GOODS, COMBS, BRUSHES, SOAPS --A SMALL LINES IN MUSICAL GOODS; ler x.,=a ._ :u= .Pea's'= 1� i9 T7JLII , EXETER, ONTARIO. Stock Taking at Bargains i Bargallsi Bargaillsi tOL Every line of Winter Goods in the "Big Store" is to go at a sacri- fice price. Our Motto is, never car- ry goods over from one season to another. Our stock of win- ter goods is still far too large to please us, we are bound to sell, we must sell winter goods. Oar watchwords Sncrfc� will be sacrifice and slaughter, for RT the next month. la Are you with US? Slaughter If you want value for your money, come to us, we will please you''in quantity, quality and. price. SNAPS!!! 150 Ladies' i cantles and ulsters bought at' bankrupt sale. At APrices were $5 to $10 each. Our Bankruptprice—your . - pick' Tfor only �1.JJ onl Y � 3 Sales $1.99 for choice of 150 Ladies coats. Do you want one? QUICK! Is the order if you do. Re- mepaber, all winter goods are being cleaned out cheap. Albout 20 of this season's fash- ionable jackets at your own price. Don't offer ns too much for • we will positively refuse nny high prices, come and see the values. . 01r Own Price J. A. Stewart. LOCAL JOTTINGS. Mr. Thomas Oke has secured the eon tract to supply the various hotels with ice._ We are sorry toannounce the ' ser- ious illness' of 1Vir. Thos. Shute, Gidley street. The first load of lumber for the erec tion of the new mill was placed on the grounds on Tuesday. Messrs Ed. Christie and R. S. Lan have just received a carload of bin from the Massey -Harris firm. Mr S. H. Ernhring of Chelleee MIieh.,shipped three c;;,. to irons males from this place ori, ai'onday last. Mrs, liooper, of Huron street, enter- taiued a select company or" friends on Thursday evening last, "iIandsome is that b indeome does", and if .Hood's Sarsaparilla doesn't do. handsomely then nothing does, Have you ewer tried it.. The Harney family,. of Usberne, who were all strioken down with typhoid fever, are improving under the able treatment of D. Autos, The county meeting of L. 0. L. will be held here on Tuesday next 7th inst., when a large number of delegates are expected to be present. Perhaps the biggest single sale of dressed hogs' which has ever taken place in Wingham occured on Tues day, when Mr, P. Troy, of East Wawa- nosh, brought to town a load which aggrogated 5.145 pounds, Mr. A. Burkholder being the purchaser. Mr. Troy accepted SS 4,0 per cwt, for his pork, thus realizing the goodly stun of $432.18 therefor. Swine are a paying class of stock this winter.--Wingham Advccnce. The scheme for granting special cash bonus to families taking up land in Manitoba, the North-West territories and British Columbia, is eontinucd by the Canadian government. on the same basis as last year, and finale adult emi grants to Manitoba and the Canadian Northwest territories are in addition provided by the steam ship company with "Homestead" certificates relating to tho government free grant lands of, 160 acres. It has been stated that Mr. Samuel Grigg, the evangelist, will occupy a portion of the Manitoba building at the world's fair, Chicago, for hotel tour poses. Commissioner Smart comment- ing on the building and how it to be occupied, says:—"The hotel will have a frontage of 30 feet and will contain nearly 300 rooms. Mr. Grigg, who formerly owned the Grigg House, Lois don Ont:, is probably one of the best, caterers in Canada." The wholesale price of oysters has considerably increased of late. and the retail price has advanced to 65 cts. per quart This will be i11 news to lovers of succulent mollusk, the unusual cold weather even as far south as Maryland from whose waters the supplies are chiefly obtained, has frozen the oyster boats at their wharves and ice floes effectually prevent dredging, while the supplies laid up in shallow water. near the shorefor such emergenceies are also froze], in. Messrs Rollins and Williams have come to the conclusion that they can derive better results from erecting a larger mill than the one proposed, there. fore in accordance with that knowledge have decided to erect on a much lave er scale The contract for machinery has been let for a one hundred and fif ty barrel capacity mill of the very lat est improved style, and the people may therefore look for the very best results. A large well for the supply of water is, being sunk and we understand they have struck a good spring, contracts for the erection of the buildings will be let as soon as plats and specifications can be procured. A. 16 year old girl reads a lecture to the young men in a Lincoln county excaange in this fashion: Why do you young men of this vicinity do so much loafing? Go to work! Push ahead! I am but a young girl. I have clothed myself and got money in the bank and only 16 years old. I lay up more mon- ey every year of my life than any boy or young man within a radius of three miles of my home When they get a dollar they go to a dance and go home a dollar out. My father is able to sup:. port me,but I choose to support myself I advise all girls to cut clear of those loafing boys. Giye them a wide berth and never marry a man unless he - is able to support you, and never .ut` your arm through the handle -f jug. Seafortli D eautlou, Bowaro of any man who offers you an imitation. article, no matter what it is, and say it is "just as good as the genuine," they sell all kinds of "sham remedies" is this way upon, the repu talion of the Pain Killer -be sure and get the genuine made by PERRY DA vis',. LargeBottles, popular price mills Tarlia,m a Tun►blle On .Saturday last while Mr, Wm Dearing was snaking his usual deliv- ery on Huron Street, the front bob of his sleigh, in some way became de tahod and eaused tho horse to run away, The horse ran a considerable distance upsetting the rig and contents and finally came to a sudden stop by falling, Considerable mills was spilt andlo'ne shaft broken. Calder Acquitted. Because the mag'istrate's court sends the accused up for trial sloes not prove guilt, The long delayed trial of Cald er, who was sent to Goderich county jail from Grand Rapids, Michigan, up on information of John McMillan, of Blyth, charging him with embezzle ment,,came off on Saturday last before the county judge at Goderich. The prosecutor was on hand with 15 wit- nesses to prove his charge, but upon taking the stand as first witness for the: prosecution he so signally failed to establish any crime against the prisoner that he was at once discharg- ed. Calder threatens proceedings against Mr. McMillan for damages for the arrest and prosecution, Mr. Camp, ion, QC., of Goderich, defended' the prisoner.—News RevorcZ. Obituary. It is with profound regret that we chronicle the death of a friend and brother, The journalistic function - is varied and while to day we pen the happy occasion of some joyous wedding event and to morrow the detail and environment of some deathbed scene, it seldom occurs that we are called up on to do a sadder task than the writ ing of the memoir of the late George Eacrett, whose useful life was ended on Tuesday 31st inst. He had been ailing but a few weeks previous to his death with enlargement of the heart, but nothing serious was anticipated until about three days before he was relieyed of his sufferings. Deceased was a native of Queen's Corinty, Ire- land, born in Ballybrittas on the 24th. July, 1831. and emigrated to America with his father and mother, six broth ers and one sister in the year 1852 Having served an apprenticeship at sad dle and harness making, before leav- ing the old country, he,seperated. from his family and went to work at his trade in Pittsburg, Penn., the remain der of the family coming to Canada. After several months stay in Pittsburg he removed to London, Ont. and was employed with Mr. Angus McDonald,of that city. In the year 1856 he came to Exeter and started business,and two years later he married Miss Ann. Willis of this place, by whom he 'had three sons and five daughters, six of whom, with their mother remain to lament their irreparable loss. Mr. Eaerett as a father, was most kind and affection ate; as a friend, true and tetisty; as , a business man upright and just, and the societies of which he was a mem- ber bear willing' testimony of his merit The Masonic Lodge of which lie was a member, at the time of death, accorded the highest honors in their gift; having placed him in the East of their .assem- bly on more than a, few occasions. He was also in time past an active Orange man, of which body he was also W. M Mr, Eaerett has been the honored Treasurer of our village for many years past, and by his death the eor poration has lost a most valued and faithful officer. As a citizen his worth was well known -loyal, : peace- able and kind, and his demise will be regretted by all. We sincerely mingle ve ". Ztekmany sympathizers and his family in this their trying al- - The funeral, of wnich the fraternity will have : charge, ;'will take place at two o'clock p.m, to morrow (li+riday) for Inc Exeter ceme- tery. [T,h,e members of Lebanon For. est Lodgej are requested to meet in their los e room at 1 o'clock sharp for the pure me of attending the funeral ] Persons 1 Mention. Mrs. ii din. Howard has returned from visiting, relatives at Brighton: -Messrs Prior a 'id Davis left for London yes terday , ith another large load of pork and bee f.—Mr. Ed. Bissett and family returns from visiting friends in the northerin part of the county on Friday. -Miss Louise Smith, of London, is vis iting friends in and around town.—Mr. George+Knox left on Monday for God erich, whet° he haste with Mr. Wm. Cudmore to press hay. --Mr. Chas. Tom visited London on Thursday last. —Miss Hobson, who has been the guest ofhersister, Mrs. Thos. Crewes, returned to Goderich Thursday morn- ing. -Miss Maggie Orr returned home from Loedon Wednesday week.—Mr. Robert iiweet' went to London on Thursda;,', where he has secured a sit uation,- r Wes, Snell left for Ethel on Thurs ay morning to bring home with 'him a carload of butchers' cattle. —Capt. J, hn McRoberts was. in Lon don on S turday, attending the officers annual eeting of the 26th Battalion, —Miss ttie May Hawkshaw, who has been visiting friends' and relatives here, returned to Detroit on Saturday: —Rev. Wm. McDonagh preached in Ilderton, 29th inst -Mr. John Wood and his two sons visited London on Monday.—Mr. John Crocker visited St. Marys on Monday.—Fred Elliott left for Toronto on. Monday.—Mr. D. Mill attended a meeting of the Canadian Salt Association in Clinton on Monday, —Dr. II F. Kinsman spent Monday in London.—Miss F. Harris left for Lenox, Mich,, yesterday. --Miss Bennett, who has been visiting her brother, returned to her home in Orangeville Tuesday.— Mr. Robe. N. Rowes visited London Wednesday on business.—Mr. Henry Mill, of Whalen, vias a caller at the AnvOceTt ofliee yesterday. At a shore,fi;; tournament held in Par•khil) -its the 15th inst , Mr Ed. Bis- scoreca'0 birds out of tbe' possible ten. Erik. Gillespiell, of Wha has a l; Jdsomebrownlrorse for use on his Ans. J. A. is au admirer of good horse flesh, Mr A.ubry of Montreal shipped a car of horses from Lucan on Saturday last, nine of whieh he purchased here last week. A well known citizen of Mitchell boast cd the other morning that his eldest Son was 45- years,` and his youngest 5 hours old. Messrs Robert Spicer, Peter Douglas end • John Ross, have been recently re- appointed liquor license commissioner 1'or Seuth Huron. The merchants of Wingham have de ceded to emose theirrespective places of business on and after Feb lst, and pre ,ceding a holiday at 7 o'clock. While Mr. John Fiawkshaw was work ing aroused some horses' for shipment on Saturday last, he received..a severe kick in the groin from orie of them, and has been confined. 16 the house ever since. It was thought at one time that the project of seeurieg a foundry for Exe- ter: had been ateended.wtth success and that Murray .Bros., of Wingham, were likely tomove here shortly, but the seberne has fallen though owing to Name financial difficulties A great tnany people who would never think of saying Americah—with, Ile accent on the 'cah'—or Canadah, eersist in mal,ih > the name of the prov ;ce Manitebah. These people,however are a little nearer the thing than the rnerican poet who makes 'Manitoba' rhyme with 'catarrh,' -"green wood wanted or soft. Apply at this office. Boy Wanted, A good smart boy wanted to learn printing. Apply at this office. Farce for Sale. Theauodersigned has several first class farms for sale on easy terms. J, SPACEMAN, Exeter. New Postoiliccs. The following postoffrees were opened in Ontario the last ult: Brickley, East Northumberland; Byiug, Monch; Haz- zard's Corners, North Hastings; Mc• Dougall, Sou•..h Renfrew ; Melgi.ind,' North. Wellington; Silsburg, '`North Perth; The Pines, Lennox. Don't Trlold On. A farmer on the Brantford market on Tuesday refused $8.85 a hundred for a load of pork, and took it home again to wait for a rise in the quotat- ions, uotat-ions, Now he will sell at a lower price It never pays to hold on when you are offered all that an article is honestly worth. Rev. Dr. . Sexton In Exeter. In the person of Dr. Sexton, Exeter has been favored with a visit from a person, who, in his line, is one of the world's greatest men He preached twice on, Sunday and lectured three times during the week to representa- tive and appreciative audiences His rhetoric is of a high order, his composi- tion almost perfect and his logic over- whelming. Many years of study, fre- quent debates with the best talent in the world, and great natural Ability have secured for him thoroughness in everything he teaches. Those who wished to know what can he said for Bible Religion, in the presence of sci- etce and scepticism, have had a rare. Opportunity. If Dr Sexton should ever visit Exeter again he may depend on a warm welcome by many, who, oh this occasion, enjoyed his lectures and sermons. IF YOU' WANT TO TRAVEL es -tees through life by the rough stages of coughs, colds and consump- tion, be careless of yourself during the damp, cold weather and DON'T use Allen's Lung Balsam for that nasty cough of yours. But if you'd like to live to a green old age in health, and: consequently in happiness, use Allen's Lung Balsam as n preventive and cure of all Throat and Lung diseases. — PRICES — 25c, 50c & $1.00 Per Bottle. Remember Membi ays Kidney and Liver Cure is the latest triumph, in Pharmacy, for the Cure of Kidney and Liver Trouble, and, a positive Cure for Back Ache, Sour Stomach, Dizziness, Constipation, &c. Shoes Found. About two weeks ago two pairs of shoes were left in Mr. Samuel Sanders' sleigh by a small boy. Owner can have same by calling at this office and pay- ing expenses. Membrays Kidney and Livor Cure is a preparation of Herbs and Roots, the Medical properties of which are Uni versally known. Try it for Purifying the Blood. Noted for Great Excellence.' The great excellence of Diamond Dye Cotton colors is everywhere' ae knowledged. Those who make up cotton carpets, rugs and mats are loud in their praises of the brilliant and love ly colors always obtained. These cot- ton colors are also noted for their fast and unfading qualities, and are proof to sun and soap. The cotton colors of the inferior and crude dyes sold in some places. cannot be relied on, and ladies. are warned to be careful when buying. cotton colors.: None are warranted but the Diamond. DEALT HIS. EAORETT.-In Exeter, on the 31st ult., George Eacrett, aged 61 years and 6 months. Funeral on Friday 3rd. inst. GRAY.—In London, on the lst inst., Jennie, d nghter of W. A. Gray, afied 10 months. BRxi MACoMBE.-1n Exeter North, on 26th ult., wife of Thos. Brimmacombe of a son. SNELL.—' In Stephen on 16th ult., the wife of Frank Snell, of a daughter. DtLLING.—In Exeter -north, on 30th. ult., the wife of Henry Dilling of a daughter. IaUMP.—In Stephen, on the 30th ult., wife of John Klump, of a daughter. Sackriall &Co. New Prints Just Arrived At Call and se6 Them! : .+;.•dpi ,vtaxa;l:i�. �at7"'r1�.YAj ,} i�lu5�f%'i�'.•' SpaC�ilall&CO' airmen's Block ._ y�v �1y;,y� .ONT. F+ XETEf,..O . And we have made an all round Reduction of 10 per cent., on all Winter Goods in order to clear them out. Avail yourself of this opportunity to se- cure new Goods at cost. 0 This groat momentous question is the talk of the people. What we want is, two Grist mills (which we are about to haze), Oat meal ' mill. Binder twine factory, Foundry, Electric light, Electric street cars and in facia city at once. This is what we want, What have we new a lot of stores and a LEADING - HARDWARE -STORE with a stock that people can buy just what they want and at a price the city hardware establishments CAN 4`.OT OUT -SELL Prices this week are still going down. We have the stock and our, prices are better than some people's "cost" or 'tbelow. cost" quotations. Call and see for yourself and be convinced that we have the stockand prices just right. 0081016K & FOLIAR!). The cheapest line of fur goods ever brought into Exeter. Having recur - ed a large cnsignrent at 11 II II / 11 11 I II 11 II We will give the peo- ple of this vicin- itythe advantageof our cl•=se buying. For the next FEW WEEKS we will offer o er Lad:ies Storm Collars, Ladies' Boats and Muffs at prices bound to sell them The EST VALUE Children's Lamb Boas in the Trade. N i G Come and get the first choice of these goods. We are also offering anything in the Dry Goods line at the lowest Cash Price and will be pleased to show you through our store. No trouble to show Goods. IEoTAVISl & Go'&W