HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1970-08-06, Page 18; • Al ' •• • • GODERICH SIGNAL STAR, THURSDAY, AUCWST 6, 1970 BY HELEN ALLEN Totnptocrelegratn Syndicate, Wanda is a. happy baby, as one look will tell:- She is almost six months old, a dainty lady of Polish and West Indian descent. She has browie, almond -shaped eyes, scant dark hair and a medium complexion. anda ,a .h,caltlirchild,Agypigping qt ,aa..q.v4aga, rate,- . She is,2441n!w,4feOcler,:tut'b WY.isimpi6vingz'Slte?..ts M1 na tured and active. kicking and waving her arms. A 'nei-able infant, she smileS and chuckles when people talk to her. She sleeps right thrMigh the night and is not -demanding in the .daytime. There is --good achievement-- artistic,. musieal.--and ----aeademie-cin -this baby's background. She needs loving -e-pnrents who will valueLlrer-beritage. To inquire about adopting Wanda ' please write to rf day's Child, Department of Soeial. and Family Services, Parliament Buildings, Toronto 182. For general adoption Information ask your Children's Aid Society. • • nn Landers 0 Sex )killeti:friOnct • - Dear Ann Landers: I need help and I need it soon. My husband's good friend died stiddenly, of a coronary three months agd. He was only 46, and had been married (Por the first tithe) less than fourmonths. His wife was O years his junior. Harold insists that sex is what killed his friend. He points to the fact that the man w.as in excellent health before his marriage - an avid tennis player who jogged every niorning and went to the gym, five' times a week. 1 ' .Since his friend's death, I feel like the Virgin Queen. When try to talk to Harold about it he. says, "Please don't make matters - worse. There's more to marriage than sex. I can live without it." Well, maybe HE tan live without it, but I can't. I feel unloved, unwanted and old before my time. What's more, I'm bitterly resentful, of his lack of consideration for my needs. I am 37 and not ready to give up sex forever. Should I take a lover? Yes or no? -- Hiatus • Dear H.: No. It might solve 'Oneproblem but it would create others. Harold should see a pliygician and overcome his fear of death. • He needs a thorough physical and some straight talk. Sex doesn't kill people. In fact, many bachelors who marry in. their 40's have a less strenuous ... sex _life_as_lusbancisabark, they, 711aAki•bachei(54-:, that,-- "musi "see -m- -doctor and try- to reestablish .a healthy, normal sexual , relationship with you or it could destroy his marriage. Dear Ann- Landers: -What --a—person yell? My husband cannot carry on a discussion like a normal human being. .He has to holler. , at everybody. I've seen friends walk. °away from 'him because v they don't enjoy being yelled at. Our' son tells me he would give anything if his father would talk to him, but after two sentences,' what starts out to be a conversation turns into a yelling, screaming fight. Last night I asked my husband why he does this, He replied,"Because I'm made that way." I don't believe this is a very' good answer. Do you? - My Head Hurts Dear Head: Yellers -are not born. They are inade. And what makes them yellers, is a lack of confidence in their ability to persuade. The yeller is substituting lung power for brain power. Usually the person with the loudest voice is the one with ' the weakest argument. The next time someone- starts to yell, listen - with a third ear. Dear Ann Landers: Last week I was so miserable I thought my world had come to an end, After a terrific fight with my husband, I wrote you a letter' and signed it "Love and Hate." My letter wasafull of self-pity [James. Richardson & Sons Ltd t.'Serving The,. Feed Dealers of Western Ontado PHONE 524:8388, GODERICH • DIRECTOR' e For 1 ' Pleasant Surroundings and • Good. Food . - - THE GODERICH RESTAURANT STEAK HOUSE and TAVERN 44 THIS SPA-CE- RESERM YOUR AD ••• 1 DOUBLE PASSES TO 1HE PARK THEATRE. BOOKS & STATIONERY -Cards For All -Occasions' * Gifts * Books • Stationery Supplies " Records , ANDERSON'S BOOK CENTRE flititARTHUR a" 33 East 4.. • Goderich REILLY LTD. •PAINT, WALLPAPER * PAINT • • WALLPAPER * CARPETS * TILE *6 LINOLEUM "Your Complete Home Decorating Centre" 4U I LDING MATF AI A,L.c V •71•71: t GODERICH BUILDING * 5244383 CaMbria t Anglesea West St 44 Goderich , TI4ISSPICE ,LcG P1SEkVED • • • • It crackled with hostility and anger. As Itread it over, I began to understand myself better - my feelings, my temper, my immature approach to settling differences. Seeing my thoughts on paper for the first time gave me a chance to view my problem as a third party might'see it. It opened my eyes in a way ,that 'they've never been opened before. I did not sign my name of give you an address so I won't be getting an answer. But I really don't' need an answer. I have solved my own problem and you helped medo it. Thank you very much. --Hate Gone, Love Remains. , Dear -Love: • What a day-brighteNer , and a wonderful way to start the week! Thank YOU very much. • AY'S AD DOESN'T' KNOW IT - YET ----BUT 3UNI-OR HAS SOME DO IT YOUR- SELF IDEAS „T Of HIS. OWN U ",* . '• • • 'vn. 1 • 64 1.\i,j, For -rows PkWAy-:1•"(Siur OF g'16,Cti Of - OH/ eFitte • FRIGIDAIRE . I * 114ESTINGHOUSE * GIBSON •*7-1300 V ER: • Sales and Service Mrs. Robert Alli' 222 Picton St. JEWELL BROTHERS • APPLIANCES & TV LTD. The Square — Goderich 0 AD WORK BOOTS EXCELLENT SELECTION RegUlar or Safety Toe 14 Different Styles DAVE GOWIR'S Industrial & Garden Centre Hamilton St. 524-8761 THIS SPACE • RESERVED FOR YOUR AD FURNITURE ' E. Robinson 88 Oxford St. For The FINEST in FURNITURE 414 0 Fu rn Rime West St. - Goderich • 130 Sure To" See Our DISplay"Of 0111GiNAL OIL PAINTMOS The Names Of Five Signal -Star Subscrili- ers Are To Be Found In Onc Of These Ads The Smileys in action * By Bill Smiley " . in it. Cokasked her to check and What a day towrite a light, make sure. She was about to give breezy column. The rain is him an argument when I arrived ,c9ming down so hard and and told him no, Seems they'd steadily, for the third dayigin a seen it- parked, had been keepin row, that even the birds are • an eye on it, and we had slipped walking, The cat had made a • off with it when the patrol car mess on the floor when I came was going around the block. down. Threw her out into the' Bizarre incident. Coneratalated rain and saw my garbage can on police on their efficiency. And • its side, the contents spewed all so to bed. •' over the lawn. Coons. . . Friday,' fair' and fine. Good" well. The sun will shine show, as we'd been invited again..The cat Avill-Make-li niers yachting: --Fair breeze, good Skip - again. And the coons,will pry off per, hbt sun, blue sky, hot the garbage can lid again, God is, chowder, cold drinks, and con - presumably, in His heaven and genial company, all's wrong with the world. But • It wouldn't be hard to get it's the Qnly one we have. hesoked on sailing. It's virtually 'It hasn't been all bad this voluptuous, spanking along at week. Tuesday, a good soak in, aboat six knots,sails taut, and the sun at the beach, and a brisk, none of the stink and noise of a 12 -yard , swim. Wednesday, a motor -boat. It was like gliding game of golf with' the' only into another world; out among-- from a jovial duffer into a all. as Etienne Brule or Sam average of $45,000,000 yearly in Forest tires cost Canada an person I know who can turn me the green, silent islands, seeing it thin-lipped,,emotional hacker - Champlain might have over 300, control and damage. ,mi, wife Same old pattern. I try years ago. , •, * to give her a fewtips. She gets The, only nautical terms I'm : Smokey Says: sore and tells me to shut up and sure .of are: "The sun'over,.the .. try to hit a decent hall myself. yardarm," and -"time to •splice ;Third time she tells me, I get the mainbrace." But I would sore and the rest of the game is surely admire to have a boat like played in grim and stony silence, that, stand tall at the tiller and with only the odd sneer to 'break snap Captain Bligh-like orders to the ice, It's the same as the way my wife, as Z>ur- host did. ' we play bridge together. You should have 41seen that By Thursday, we were speak- poor girl scrambling around, an exhibition of modem art. The mainsail and struggling with the scA"wierrelhliNGG , , ,; ing again, and that night went to luffing the jib arid raising the • artist is • a former ,. student of . anchor. Her knees were red raw H4LSIIN(4T1It441NGIGG. \--"‘;1 It I mine: Now I know what he was from kneeling on the deck while III•( II, doing while we were studying she hauled away at something or RfoiNG ...,,.01.$1. , ‘„ . SlarrSEEING King ,Lear. • He was doodling. other. . • ri: Powerful doodling, to judge We slid into a cove as silent . ..7.1.0." 4' ...), from his work. Gilbert Gignac, and secret as' it was 500 years ,„,,,,_,,,„,„..-,..--- son of 'a very proudcarpenter, ago. Delicious supper after splic- ---",,,_,,'''' " '1' *...- .and ome _day a famous Can- irig a couple of fractured main - _.,,,e,,,,.... -,,,,-.0.--..„.1.1..- .-...adeity„ deter,- ' ,. - : • .••• , - -:,,,:-..',1brac.es:-ahenmcameattlie-steirswegi-, .1'. ''''' '00''-T-ht,-.V.Ahillsitibri::--.1.4.4§----iiir.t Ifetr:Thutidir Eghtiiiiit,;b2ithz1ilSI'_18.0.14E116,- -.7-- ---;--- •. hom-of another talepted•young rain. Very pleasant to ---be a : SOMEBODY - • - -artist, Hugh Niblock. Delightful landlubber, sit in the cabin was careless With FIRE! - , evening. Punchbowl, coffee and - lots of talk. The Smileys, as ,usual, were the last to -leave, except for a draft -dodger and his very pregnant wife. They make Quiet, eentle, hone§t. 'loves ,Canada. Nice young chap. . . FIRE INSPRANCE 0 _pottery in a 'nearby village. He We made it to the car abotrt 3- • . . See or Phone a.m., me lugging a large painting sculpture; on 'trial. Got home, ,• . MALCOLM, MATHERS: • .- and the old girl a big chunk of • and while I was putting the car away, the police called'. Asked my wife if our car had' been stolen. Slightly baffled, she rep- lied that we'd just driven home drinking coffee and watch through the hatch skipper and. wife, in oilskins. hpistinganchor • and getting under way. Fine trip home, 40 milespf sailing behind, and only three people scared out of six. Daughter Kim home Satur- day, sick of -squalid job in squalid city, lip curled when, she saw' the art -work and heard pi • the boat trip, snapped: "So • - you've joined the jet set, have you?". Jealous. ' •Not . exactly, We haven't enough fuel for jets. It's back to clipping the hedge. tomorrow. But it's nice to fly once in a while in this world of infinite 40 variety. The Argyle Syndicate • FOR YOUR • • GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT 46 WEST ST. 524-9442 DOUBLESSES TO THE 1 • PARK THEATRE NOW Showing THURS., FRI.; SAT. • AUG. 6 - 7 - 8 ONE SHOW ONLY AT 8 P.M. "BEN HUR" • WINNER OF 11 ACADEMY AWARDS gATINEE MATINEE STARTS AT 1:30 SEE REGULAR AD ON PAGE 5 FOR DATES AND TIMES y Opportunity-secui y for you in a business career Now a godd salavt Goderich Bysiness College N.IGHT'SCHOC)L " Typing, Bookkeep ing, Shorthand (Tues. &Thurs. Eve ning) 524-8521 .THIS SPACE , RESERVE D 1 THIS.. SPACE RESERVED FOR YOUR AD THIS SPACE K. • MEN'S WEAR • 4. • Mrs. A. G. Hebei 165 Picton St. W. For That • CERTAIN • Flair IN MEN'S WEAR EARL RAWSON MEN'S WEAR On The Squ'are, Goderich 44 11 -For Courteous ' Service. BLUEWATER TAXI' 524-7365 1 SHOE STORES • For FASHION ' RIGHT SHOES . tiff: m . W. Cook 244*Cameron St. The Place To Go. Is ROSS SHOES I. The Square Goderich SPROULE SHOES • Pootvyear For 5249174 KingstQn,St. Goderich • TELEVISION LIPS PHI LCO G. M. rsil achan 360 Oak St. Cao-ur Television SALES and ERVICE 524-9432 RIVETT'S TELEVISION — RADIO • 34 The Square Goderich 0 TRAVEL SERVICES 4. THIS SPACE RESERVED. FOR YOUR AD THISSPACE -RESERVED . FOR YOUR AD " •. (44 IC...Am 4. RESERVED FGA YOUR AD Sarmionsi THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR YOUR AD CONTEST RULES Each week the names and addresses of '5 subscribers will -„, -Look for your name and adCfress in the ads. Tfko,the ,Busisie4 Dirqqpry and suitable identification to -Pick up your passes, by Saturday nigh/ closing. Only Subscribers to the Signal tar - • vt,,,z, ,4