HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1970-08-06, Page 14,A OO 1ERICF, SIGNAD•STAR, •ThURSDA.Y, AUGUST 6,1970
With Shirley..- J. Keller
Woman to
Up until about 'three weeks
ago, I'd never even heard of an
earwig. Well, I guess'' I should
qualify that statement; I : had
heard. about them a long„ time
` w ago but. it was in connection
with grain and other farm crops
I thought, 'so it ' didn't , really
concern me.
This summer though, I began
la notice a strange kind of insect
'in my back yard. It lurked under
the fibre mats on the porch and
in the broom which stood by the
back door. The bugs didn't seem
to do anything much except
- crawl around' and look creepy:
Then I had a chat with an old
friend who lives. in Goderich.
She Wild me some wild tales
about something called an,
earwig....stories • about people
having to get up in the middle of
the night .to shake the insects
out of their beds.
She said Goderich was
n `,lagueri;�<w�ih;earuvgs.�which
heaven knows where on a load`
in particular, and in more on shoes, on children's toys and certainly enthusiastic about the
isolated areas of Ontario. It is - even on Vets! sport. •
obvious that Goderich and the It sons to me. therefore, that " On the other hand, the
surrounding areas have no the simplest way to keep earwigs Goderich ladies who coach the
monopoly on the earwig and.it is out of the house is, to inspect Dinette's ball ; teams' are to be
. expected that• earwigs • will' be everything' thoroughly before it congratulated 'for their .efforts.
, present throughout ,most of is brought into the home.' Most of the kids here are coming
Ontario in a few years.. In other words, be earwig along quite well and are enjoying
The earwig has at least one minded. ," the summer's games immensely. by the variety of music played '"
natural enemy in Europe, a small Apparently though, if earwigs It pleases me to notice that by the group. Everything from
parasitic fly. This fly has been do get into the house they do no many girls are getting an rock and roll to hillbilly music
introduced• to Canada and has , real damage ... they just give o ortunit to play ball. was featured , andforme, the
been reared in large numbers and you that creepy feeling, when
highlight came when they did
Sometimes it really isn't whether
released in most provinces. you see them. * you win or lose ,but rather the medley from Dixieland.
n released whether everybody with a ;will j understand that the Pizza
Parasites have bee
... by the Research Laboratoryof I enjoyed- my first visit to to tla ball has•' chance
to get Patio was pretty well packed
Canada Department of Bayfield's Little . Inn last into the for an ronin �or each night the group was there.
Agriculture at Belleville to gameg The evening we were there, there
gr Tuesday evening. The occasions two each game.
control the earwi in Ontario. was a great lineup . all• evening
g was a dinner honoring Miss Clare The return _engagement with
However, in many cases McGowen who will be retiring as long of • persons who wanted
the Clinton crew will be before seating in the lounge to see the
infestations will require control. director of -the Children's Ai • this issue hits the street, but I'm
beyond this biological method Society this fall. Mod Squad. °
and homeowners may turn to I've heard . a great deal about rooting for the home team. All all, I'd say Marty'�S
�` •homecoming was a walloping
some kind of chemical control. The Little Inn. Everything I've .
* * * heard is • right . . . the .food is My husband and I got out to success.
Male and Female; European Earwig
St; Joseph's CWL
Planning August reunion
-Mine ladies were present when
-St. Joseph's •:CWL° held ' its
- meeting on July 28 in St.
Joseph's School. Mrs. Antone
Van O.sch presided. Father
Cassano opened with league
'Reports Mere read by the
reccirding secretary;
correspondance secretary,
treasurer and consumer affairs
The CWL donated the food
for the altar boys' picnic and
early -to -bed types at the Keller trip. Mrs. Mark Dalton and Mrs.
household. Bob Howard painted the church
My favorite in the group was washrooms.- Fourteen' . ladies
Lanny Shum. He was the celebrated Frank Sullivan's 80th
livewire in the graup, the fellow birthday. $25. was given to
who did all the faneing dancing Father for the use of the
and drumming. , . basement for the Dalton
I was particularly impressed
Before the Old Boys' Reunion
on' August 15, there is much to
be done. If you can help,
co itact-Mrs....Antone- Van- Osch
or Mrs. John Howard. The
kitchen in the rectory must be
papered, - painted ..and new
flooring put down. Mrs. Carl
Riegling " is making • kitchen ry
curtains and also a cover for the
church organ. The CWL is
donating the material for the
cover. " -
Articles for the `CWL booth
are to be given to Mrs T. Van
Diepen. A suggested price can be
The best time to treat the -absolutely marvellous. We had the Pizza Patio last week to hear placed on the articles.
earwig_ is in early July. This .is ..:roast beef and Yorkshire the Oriental Mod Squad with . LABE LS Bring
. .- °.
that value 25c
.underslaniabesinceAt:-ng_�P�n ari-v�ai8 a'�dev.otem�t•o�-:�.. tadenehfs n •h' rB actei9 .•.meadreveryt�ing::an"the abei^.f.-11P•4 ,re,lisi2.r-ptnd. 1pe
'•'xaTwigs-areluSt:natthng ttien -'tiiadisi.• -._.�•'L'-,ar_-��...�,���,. -_n -
�.-.Y• ti�`�d�-�llovv-.�ctlans�o�� ...-:laYne,,=andM3S.:.�ihAiavuax�,
as wor mmon sense to are in charge of selling tickets on
d ill be exterminated before Seated ext to me at that professionally) on bass guitar. last d Use co
a hand -hooked rug, hand
embroidery on sheets and
pillowcases and a lawn chair.
of lumber! anw ea n We thoroughly enjoyed the g gap When I told her Pd never seen they have an opportunity to do dinner was Cliff Taylor, director g ybride the a between what is ,
an earwig, she went to her front much damage. of . the Children's Aid; in Perth show even though we didn t see written on the label..and . the
porch, _andpicked_ up one to_ Some comfort can be found County. Among other things, the late, late sets. We're actual chemical application.
'show me. I recognized it as the in the fact -t a earwigs breed Cliff and I discussed the
same type of insect on my back only once a year, usually in the problems which crop ' up
• .porch. • • spring (in a small aercentage of between parents and teenagers.
Then last week in Martha's cases -a . second batch can be - Cliff said that if a youngster is
column, D read againiabout the hatched during the summer) and assured that he is loved and that •
earwig. Martha ,was urging always, the • eggs are laid his parents REALLY care about
council or the department of OUTDOORS in small nests in him, he will seldom get into
agriculture to do- something the top two inches of soil. difficulty.
- abdut the • pesky bug which is The folders , from the- ' He recalled a case where a
_: tormenting the townspeople. Department of Agriculture and teenage girl was taken out of her
So, I called the Department of • Food suggest several methods of home and placed in a ' foster
'Agriculture and Food in Clinton. control. home. This `uncontrollable' girl
I asked • them for some- • Chemicals should be applied changed her habits after one
information about the earwig along building foundations, evening in her new surroundings.
and they forwarded to me a fences, wbodpiles, garages and _ The foster mother told the
couple of pamphlets on the .Around or on the trunks of trees girl; to be home by eleven and
subject. I intend this week to and any places where earwigs are when the youngster didn't turn
- •share that information with you. found -to be hiding during the up, the foster mother sat up and
* * * , daylight hours. ' waited for her. She waited until
• An earwig is recognizable by • The department -of agriculture well afters midnight, in fact,
the curved forceps atthe rear of spokesman suggested ' that When the girl discovered that her -
tiie I ody.1 understand, the male •: cholordane spray •(40 percent foster mother cared enough
cholordane emulsion - four, about her to wait upfor her, she
• earw'ig?� 'sports' forceps which
resemble thoseion a crab while teaspoons to one gallon) is most promised never to be late again
the female forceps are not' quite effective. ' . and she wasn't. -
so curved but are almost A lady in Goderich told me It was just a matter of
straight.• she. and her husband used knowing that someone really
These p rigs are harmless malathion (the department of cared what happened to - her,
although the insect tries to pinch agriculture say 4 teaspoons Cliff noted.
with thesis when'picked up. • malathion to one. gallon of water Well, that was one case. We all
The insects are about 3/ -inch will do the trick best). This lady know that kids will overstep the,
long and reddish brown in•°color. told 'me that one application at ' curfew once in a while even •
The adult has wings but seldorri her home kept earwigs away for though, they know parents are.
flies. - two years!! _ _ .:concerned for their welfare.
Each female lays about 60 A commercials prepared =Mill, Lagree 'nth --Guff that -4--.
round, pearly white eggs during chemical called Seven is perhaps is important that parents show
_ the early spring. The babies„ the most widely used by their teenagers how much they
reach the adult stage in about 7Q Goderich and area residents. are loved .and appreciated in the
days. - According to most everyone I've • home. •i
Only about one-fifth of the talked to, this product is very ,. Sometimes I feel very
females lay a second batch of effective and if applied on inadequate as a mother. There ,
eggs in June. The young from doorsills and window sills Will are times when you really
these appear in July and August. keep- earwigs out of the house. wonder whether or not you are,
, Earwigs live only one year. takingthe right course of action.
Man die in th. winter and the And, I m told, If you areg
Many merely ,interested in keeping 1 heard one chap saying that
survivors pare mainly ,females, earwigs away and. not worried he gets weary of hassling with
which die after rearing their about killingthem, common his son over so many things.
-• young in summer. "I3ut look out if We ever give
ordinary kerosene is supposed to
In their search for food and be effective if painted along
shelter, earwigscrawl over the foundations etc.
ground and readily climb the .
walls of houses, fences and trees. - Apparently Martha wasn't too
They forage at night and hide in far wrong when she suggested
dark places during the day. _ _ that something be done at the
They eat both : plant and municipal level to control the
animal food. -At times they eat earwig. Although council
soft -bodied insects,' such • as couldn't possibly treat the
aphids and.small caterpillars, but earwig in Goderich en masse, it
this limited , usefulness is • .would certainly be advantageous
completely outweighed by their for homeowners to get together
objectionable haii!ts. - and treat the earwig collectively
Most damage is done in the in a neighborhood. ,
garden. Frequently, seedling Judging from the information
vegetables and flowers are in the folder from the
completely,,, destroyed. Among . department of agriculture, if you
the plants attacked are °asters, work with your neighbors to
d a h l i a s, 0 a r n a t i •o n s, bait a whole district, the earwigs
• ch,rysanthemums, • marigolds, can actually be •wiped out or
proses, zinnias, apricots, peaches, driven away.
raspberries, beans, --carrots, r * * *
celery, • corn', lettuce and There- is one 'obvious word of
potatoes. • caution. Whenever you are using
The earwig is most poisonous insecticides to control
objectionable in and about the insects, do remember to keep
house. When the earwig invades them in a separate locked
up and let them have their own
way all the time," he added: ,
So kids, mom and dad don't
enjoy putting on the clamps. It •
would be much less troublesome
to let you go your qwn way. But ,
most parents love their children
so much they can't help but be •
concerned for their welfare. Just
appreciate that loge and •know
that someday in the• future, you.
.will have your chance to do just-
as you please.
* * *
I . told you I was going
camping for a few days. Well I
tried but the mosquitoes got the
better of 'rue and I,came home iii,
• ° Mosquitoes and I just don't
agree. I see no point in sitting in
agony when I could be at home
in solid comfort so I just packed
it all up and left the mosquitoes
to the campers. who love the
outdoor life better than, I do.
I imagine that" the wet
the ° home, its objectionable eupbpard well out of the way of weather has had a great dei( to
appearance, unpleasant odor and youn'g children .• do with the numbers • of
habit of • lurking among And READ THE LABEL • Mosquitoes around. ` High
foodstuffs or clothing, and CAREF'U'LLY,...then observe all humidity and' sweaty skin attract
dropping upon the table from , the safety?' precaution given on • these buzzing, biting beasts.
-among cut flowers make it a thepackage.
* *-*
major.nuisaince. * . * * I got down to Clinton for a
* * • * • - • From all the information I've short while last Wednesday
The earwig -- best known as collected, it seems ter" "Me that evening to see the softball battle
the European earwig and more earwigs are actually carried into between the Goderich girls and
properly " as the fOrficula the home rather than crawling in the Clinton gixis:
auricularia is a native of under their own steam. Although the Goderich girls '
Europe: According to Editor I have noticed_ that when the, got soundly trounced (Preally
Ron Price, a _native of Wales, - childreii put their • bathing suits ' haven't heard the exact final
,y. .,rxl..,.lP' P• :
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tam fale
yr Top volt' Fraservale Parchment
15 -os. Tin
Many suggestions were given
for the meal but nothing final,
has been decided.
Father, said that a ladies
retreat is planned. for September.
"Learn by . doing", was • the
title for Father Cassano's talk.
Believe the teachings cif others.
We must have open. minds to
good ideas. Think for yourself.
Show initiative in carrying into
practice the good principles that
are advocated. • Jesus Christ
reminded His disciples' that they
were expected to show the
public by living witness of their
faith that they are .doers not
merely- preachers. .
Mgrs. Donald Frayne
adjourned the meeting and ,
Father ' closed with prayer.
Lunch was served.
How much more weight can your vehicles carry?
New weight laws have been introduced. Your vehicles may,
under "new legislation, qualify for increased gross weights.
Do you own one or more commercial vehicles
weighing over 6,000 pounds? •
Have you received your QUESTIONNAIRE
from the Ontario Department of -Transport?
The I�epartmeilt will calculate ti3e maximum axle and gross
weight your vehicles may carry f you will complete and -re-
turn the questionnaire as soon as possible.
If you"'"have not received your questionnaire write to:
„- „Ontario Department. of Transport, Vehicle Branch
. Box 4012, Postal Station A, Toronto 1, Ontario .
or Pick up a questionnaire at any Department
Examination Centre, r licence issuing office.-
Hon;1RWIN 1=11VS`KETT.
ONTARIO Minister 'Deputy Minister
TN Vaflu
" BUTTER . .
hien effegie_ August S to •
Inclusive. We reserve therieht
to limit ouontitln. -
Hickory Smoked, Mildly Cured,
Tender and laity Shonkless
U.S. 'NO. 1 rhompeon
(Union. Picked)
Seedless Grapes
,-Canada No. 1. •
Spanish Onions
U.S. No. 1
(Large Size 2re)
Canada No. 1 Ontario
Potatoes -
donkey's age." porch to dry in the sun, they are squad put up a much better fight
How it carne to Canada is not usually infested with earwigs by than they did last year. -
known exactly, but it is known evening. if a person were to Tile Clinton coach, Kay
r %• 4
r �r
:I! .'"fs•'an Ice zI tilt
n' ,�tb�
//.. �,yy��.7., yY �-��Crtttetl �{, .y� �y�. '�.y., �� .t � ft ,..
$ritish Columbial'in 1916 and without, first shaking the earwigs We used to play together when
has , been a pest n' ,Eastern out of them, it wouldn't be , vwso ere kids in Clinton's Little
n difficult, -to decide how the ` Thigland.
4a , it .,. is got into the home. ' y . pp
rind' sinee t9 . w
It ,is pew went it1. , �■y■ a Iia has', apparently put' 'int
k 1.M �
•eonikl04 est Greys I I�ticea�A u ' n, .,, t fderstind :that earwigs Ivan some tfime with her team. They
M -clothing,
1'g ' Waterloo and Wellirigtokt conte into the home to play well together and are
Semi toneless
F►ethly Ground n 4r
�.�'ae�/�• n
/�(.� q ,
r. � .
f6s .art;
i i cu t1b'oiiir. a Stith,
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ASIDE BACON • : ° Vsg 9`
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Mary Milt by the piece
Erret Link �..,
SAUSAGE .. - ib.
Pair • • •
63" a tayo••' 2.59..., •t. a ioa•• 3.29
Liquid 64.or.
�y' r
Ores Antisd la •'
9$ Q99'
• � LISTERINE . � .
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