HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1970-08-06, Page 2N7 ° 1101)ERICH SINAL -STAR, Tf RS IAY, AUOu5'f' 6, P97O TIN . , SLUE :THUMB • BY G. MacLEOD ROSS The results of two recent elections,' the one in South Africa and the other in England, m.ay well bring abort considerable:changes bath in .• Europe and in Africa. .-• .APARTHEID OR ECONOMY? The South Afalican election proved to be .,,soagrething of a watershed, since for the first time since the, Nationalist party' assumed overwhelming power .in 1948, the United party w,on nine seats from it. The United Party . is traditionally supported by the 'English-speaking South Africa is and • is led by Sir de Villiers Graaf, and while it supports and. believes in apartheid, it differs in '• degree tram.- the Nationalists. Supported -as it is by business, it pours-, .scorn. . .on Nationalist • dreamsof rem ovurg all permanently urban -living Africans to homelands of their -own and it talks rather • confusedly about "white leadership" rather than "white' supremacy." Nevertheless it would reduce drastically what it calls "petty apartheid" and thus strive to produce ' a more contented black and coloured population. However, as far as the immediate result goes, it can be said that the Nationalists last seats, rather than ' that the Uniteds won them. Dr, Herzog's "ultras" helped too. • The Progressive Party, which opposes apartheid, did very well in this election. Mrs. Suzman trebled her Majority in' Johannesburg; while in Cape _-- Towe;y.4'trs- party carne•°r•within 200 votes of winning that constituency. These successes are aftributecl to the young voters on the roll for the first time. But the most importapt result of the erection was 'that Dr: Herzog and his extreme right - policies received a crushing defeat, their candidates polling only some 50,000 votes in all. 'Herzog's credo is the application of, "pure ,apartheid," even to the exclusion ofAfricans from any skilled -orsemi-skilled occupations. Nationalist politics during the pre-election days took the form of • further restrictions• on • the Falconer picnics held • Sixty-nine descandents of the late George Williariai' and Edward Falconer gathered 'in Habour. Park Goderich` on Sunday July 26 fora family picnic. The sports • were under direction of Bruce " and Sandra Falconer, _Barbara 'and Rpn Clifford.. • -The president, Mait Falconer, gave out prizes for the oldest person attending - Art Tichborne, the youngest — Gregory Falconer. It was decided to hold the picnic in Harbour Park again next year onthe fourth Sunday of July. The sports committee is to be Larry and. Linda Reinhart,, Joan .Marie Switzer and Marie McAuley. Officers are Mait Falconer, president and Alice Tichborhe, secretary -treasurer. 1 Suth Africa -Friend or enemy employment of blacks in a number of new occupations, such as hotel receptionist; this in the hope that the Roarer trade union whites would not vote for Dr. Herzog, In the closing stages they attacked Mr. Harry Oppenheimer; chairman of the giant Anglo-American • 'Corporation, who supports the - progressive party's multi -racial outlook. Mr. Oppenheimer, one of the leading financiers and` industrialists, opposes any of the reservation policies of apartheid. It is believed that these ' reversions to the harsh iron -man image of Mr. Vorster were responsible for the waning !support...of. the Nationalists by ' the English -speakers. ' The emergence of Afrikaners in business; the rapidly expanding. African work; force and the desperate shortage - of skilled labour have all increased ' .w the dilemma of the Government, so that black and coloured labour must be ' allowed to undertake jobs. . previously ...reserved for whites„ Something will have to give: Apartheid or• the Ecnorny• Gold production has reached its peak and in ensuing years will fall off, so • that while pit amounts to 40 per cent of, the country's export today, industrial production and consumption. must be' stepped up to make up for this decline. This in tern means more black labour. To offset her loss of gold exports South Africa will have to • sell • more manufactures • abroad. • Faro a resumption of Dr. Vorster's outward -looking.. foreign poliey., as well - as for economic reasons, South' Africa must be ringed with client African States which will provide the necessary markets as wet, as protection against . infiltration by guerillas. In sum therefore, there is reason to . expect South Africa to exhibit a more mellow attitude, . both `internally and externally. This, in turn, will have an effect on - British policy towards her and towards Africa generally. principles" of which Rhodesia refused five. Hopes for a Tory success where Labour failed. are therefore faint. Mr. Smith on the other hand may have other p hopes. That Britain will tire of economic Sanctions which have manifestly failed in their prime purpose: , to ensure a change of regime. Nevertheless it is certain Mr: 'Heath will be pressed by some of his , own party to abandon sanctions. In April last a Tory "working" paper" discussed an end to sanctions and the encouragement of friendly relations between African States• on the one hand and Rhodesia, the Portugese and South Africa on ,the. other; all with -..a view to the security of the Gape route, along which the shadow of. the Russian bear begins to lengthen. If strategic reasons do not carry, sufficient weight to -effect a modification of the 'entente, therie are still the economic' factors to be reckoned with. The many valuable investments demand protection,quite apart from the necessity to open up" more trade markets. The success enjoyed by France in her excelleret••• relations , with' independent African States has 'given Britain food for thought, despite French defiance of the United Nations ban on arms Sales to South Africa. Finally there is the effect of Britain's entry into the European Common Market to be assessed, for it will undoubtedly increase her economic involvement in Africa, if for no other reason - than, the Pr i..ial�: trade and -aid-- arrangements which exist" between the European w Economic Community and the 18 African States, mostly former French territories. It can but be expected that some similar acconi modation will have to " be made for former British colonies and tradition1 trading partners. Hence it follows that keen "European" . as Mr. Heath undoubtedly is,, he. may :be forced into closer -.involvement with African affairs willy nilly. BRITAIN MOVES EAST THE STRATEGIC SITUATICNt OE SUEZ What of British foreign policy, now, that Labour's smugness has been exchanged for the more magnanimous outlook the Tories? The most significant difference lies in their 'policies„ East of Suez, ffr it is here that Mr. Heath and his cohorts have promised to maintain a presence; a decision which cannot but increase " rather than ' lessen .,Britain -'s potential to act. militarily ' on the African --Continent. It is furthermore a 'decision which • should be welcomed by the embattled United States, since it: goes some way to sharing -the_ burden of the latest surge of Russian aggression. There ensues the probability that the arms embargo on South Africa will be dropped; an opinion expressed by, Anthony Barber, /the `Tory ' party chairman,' during the elesction campaign. ' On Rhodesia the Tories are divided and while they are' committed to "one more try" to' negotiate with Mr. Smith, this does not hold much promise: It was the new foreign Minister himself, • ,Sir ' Alec • Douglas -Home; not Mr. Wilson; who laid down the "six Next to apartheid the mast debated .;subject • affecting the— Republic of South Africa is what is loosely .4alled "Arias Sales." Immediately, .as ' far as can be ascertained, this means that South Africa has decided to reopen the riaval base at Simonstown and that the British Government of M. _ Heath is likely to sell or give her naval vessels and ocean-gojng aircraft. Qf course our Canadian Mr. Sharp is `incensed' and there are others others who assure us the matter will not end there. That South Africa will use the arms to cow the natives. Together with Canada, -as represented pise Mr. Sharp, Tanzania and Zambia have cried to high heaven against such "sales", while at the same time the last two give open support to guerilla movements, supported by China and several. other European Communist countries, aimed at the destruction of white South Africa. Canada .(alias Mr. Sharp.) as ever, began' by declaring 'herself "whiter than snow", only to discover', from a glance ,$ ' e back files, that she hada° selling . South Africa annually a million and a half dollars worth of arms. WE'LL BE LOOKING FOR : YOU AT THE . . SEPOY DAYS dam l II- Al . if/AK 101 11 III 6.1 'i 1 I 1 17 ,► / / ► /I '1 ''f t II 111 ill s IN TH'E, VRL4E OF LUCKNOW. Friday -and Saturday of rte Auust 14 _and '"tea Luckanow. Business places will have Bargain ,Galore for Every Member of the Family wit:, Extra ,Special Values displayed in most stores • on the sidewalk in front of their place of -business. LUCKNOW MERCHANTS WILL SERVE YOU FROM EARLY FRIDAY UNTIL LAZE SATURDAY OPEN FRIDAY' AND SATURDAY NIGHT UNTIL 10 P.M. • LUCKNOW'S MAIN STREET WILL BE • CLOSED- TO TRAFFIC and . a Midway t'f lr o *r`'atsa)l`r 'on tII:,R";: 1tr BINGO ANIS GAMES — MANY OTHER SURPRISES tr`�t•�. `'�'� ''r!",.++ nw f:.lf x. n,g, ,aF.}.�tM.:., •uk N ", � :r..+ "rr' ,,q,.d qtr. ;For.Rea -1ue an ' eal Fuan, c tt.. .sic lriow FOR SEPOY DAYS SIDEWALK SAL The Wilsonlan policy of embargo and. gstracisna, whether of 'Rhodesia or of South Africa, has failed to evolve a jester racial policy; it has done Iittle more than weaken the economies of the three ,principals. ,To the "Little England" • policy of Harold Wilson was added an affinity for some American .actions which- rewarded enemies and ,antagonised, or snubbed friends. Just . as Witson squandered f ritaie's moral and. physical resources , by his censures, so, in ' greater. degree, does America insist • on squandering her substance and her soul. The -growing revelation 'that ' Vietnam was the wrong terrain for a crusade against " 'Communism; that the war was lost as soon as she was induced to intervene; Oiat however many battles she 'wins in theyears to come, she will not reestablish a united ,,!States, until alV• her available effort is switched to mending the home fences. It' becomes painfully-- -clear that both the State Department and Socialist Britain pursued respectively, policies based on gross misjudgement, • With a• -change in government in both countries,. we can hope that America will realise that Britain, together with those remnants of herCommonwealth which still have the common weal at - heart, are still her staunchest Bends who will remain at het side when the crunch comes. ,-. The reason' it is so vital America should realign , her foreign policy is that the Soviet. Union, under a smoke screen of sweet reasonableness, is ncreasir) g its Stalinistic influence on the High, Seas. Alread) she has access to all . the naval facilities At Alexandria, at the eastern end of the Mediterranean. Now sh9 is trying to establish :an errEki;' on Malta, with a view to acceding to. the naval dockyards there. While the State Department "expresses concern,"'Russian ships unload a. cargo of tanks and other weapons in Libya, (Alamein! Where is thy sting?) the latest Arab country to ° fall to Moscow's inducements. Tripoli n e a, noua;ac Site_ a.. is seizing ...all t•• Italian property there, and Algeria hikes the price of oil to French contractors. In Egypt the Aswan Dam is completed. Here all thetrouble began when Dulles refused Nasser a loan 14 short years ago and here it might have ended, " had the State Department judged Nasser for what he was and is. The- age-old desire of the Russian has been for access to a warm, water port. Now he has 'insinuated himself into a warm water sea, in fact he is well on the way to replacing Britain as the guardian of the freedom of the Seas. Some freedom! - The closure of • the Suez Canal has -cost Nasser Much ready cash. '' Now the Arabian situation has deteriorated fuither, since the detiVery to the West ,of Libyan oil, by tanker, .and Qf Syrian Qin by pipeline, . have both been stripped indefinitely. Meanwhile the oil companies trading' with the *West ',have acquired giant tankers which „ply from • the Persian Gulf, round the Cape. of Good Hope °'and thence to Europe and west. These tankers have proved far more economical than the small tankers, .capable' of using the Suez Canal. The Cape route has therefore suddenly , become a lifeline of strategic importance to the West: • Thus, ' with the, . growing in Russran presence ever the `Inman Ocean; with Indira Gandhi's increasing love for the Soviets; it behoves the West to .reactivate Simonstown naval base and, to provide suitable warships for South African defence of the route. It no longer requires second sight to discern our enemy and this now being clear, it provides a further reason why the day will corne,when the West will be thankful for any friends she can 4 rustle up; thankful she took the trouble to cultivate theta, for they spell the use of ports and access ` without having to fight for them; without the agony of innumerable Gallipolis, ,Saiernos and Omaha, Beaches; any or all of which would be a prudent exchange for a less puritanical regard for the domestic policies of our would-be friends. Let us suggest then, that we no longer demand that our friends be as holy as we undoubtedly are. Suppose too, we desist from savaging them ,at every turn. They might be worth their weight in gold some Sunday morning . when the sea was calami. LEGION . LANCASTER MEMORIAL ONTARIO HISTORICAL SITE SKY HARBOUR dr . GUJDED. TOURS of the aircraft Saturday, Sunday & Holidays 11 A.M. to 5 P.M. JUNE To LABOUR .DAY Proceeds of donations to Lancaster Memorial Fund ADULTS 50c CHILDREN 2tc 0.. -GREAT ON A GRILL" Pork Lon Quarters Cut Into 9-11 Chops in a - pkg SPARE RIBS lb 79( Packed under A&P's 'Own Label California, •No., 1 Grade, Large`'ze- puums 6 Varieties —•Mix or Match Vacuurn Pack Canada . Grade 'A' "Great on •a Grilt"' Excellent for I Vacuum Packed BLAl�gDE HICKENS BWIENERS A Eviscerated, Burns Brand Frozen 4 to 5 lbs STEAKS ! 1 lb. vacuum average �a 39¢ LB pack 5941 - •Swift Premium BOLOGNA Visking • By the piece, any weight cut fl LB 3 South Africa, Navel, Size 112's Sweet, Full of Juice dozen ranges ` BOX OF 200 — 2 -PLY E. D. Smith, "' PIEFILL1NG°' Apple, Raisin 19-f1 . Strawberry -Rhubarb Meat Bail;ozfins $9CLARKSTEWS Irish, Ohicken 'n SAVE 6c Laundry Stain Remover 23 -oz giant A & P--"' 14 oz. . (20c Off Deal) size box• AMAZE GREEN &WAX BEANS PEEK FREAN 10 Varieties Biscuits Special Price ANN PAGE 'TOMATO Reg Pr,ce ea. 31c .. OLIN' 4. SAVE 24c ACK RON PLASTIC GARBAGE pkg .,f -�oz .00 3: .SALAD'DRESSING Jane Parker+ Reg. Price 39C --SAVE 10e BRAN MUFFINS •PKC • OF 4. Turkey Beef5 24-f1- 9 oz tin 2*39, ANN PAGE, 32-fl- 49?NEW FORMULA 5:ajar • Jane Parker, English Reg. 45c — SAVE FRUIT FRUIT CAKE 25-01 • CAKE JANE PARKER DAILY DATED APPLE PIE Regular Pr.ce 59c • Jaeie Parkt+r, wily Dated, Reg. Price ea. 29c—BUY 2. 60'% WHOLE WHEAT 24 -oz v ei Sliced SAVE 90 ..... _ _ - : :._ _ .vim +•'u.- "N,"c'4111;rrfo, v+ b'Yi+tlwc N'X�'cs :6#T X'•, v ,+.�^��nRr�,f+�y�-a'; lev e��.5-, rl . All -Prices iy thhit-°ad•=gut a#ite a feetrve` b through S,turd•ay. Augusts$, 1610 full8" 24.oz size