HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1970-07-30, Page 1P
��► 123 YEAR -31'
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Caccidents -
z‘, •
Sunday., July 19,, on Highway.
4 south of.the junction of Huron
Rd. 25 (Twp. Line) Larry
Douglas Gibbings, 90 Raglan St.,"
Clinton, was involved in a
single -car accident resulting in
damage to the vehicle he ras°-
driving. Gibbings and passenger
Jill Scott, RR 1, Blyth, received
• Thesame day on Highway 21
south of Dunlop, Samuel
McLelland, Campbell Street,
Luoknow; and George Siemons,
RR -1,, _Bornholm, w,er'e.
in a two -car accident resulting -in
minor damage to both vehicles.
July ,20 on County Road 15
• north of Highway 8,' 'Anna
Dolmage, RR 1, Londesboro,
and Murray Douglas baker, RR
2, Seaforth, were involved in',a
two -car accident 'resulting in
minor damage ' to both vehicles.
July -23 oh Lot 4, Centre St.,'
Egmondville, a , parked
unattended car owned 'by lIvan
Carter, Egmondville, was struck
by an unicnown vehicle resulting
inminor damage to the vehicle.
on -Highway -8 east -of
--Goderiehjjohn Whetstone,' 191
Widder St., Goderich, and
Morgan Agnew,226 Mary St.,
Clinton, were involved in a
car -truck accident resulting in
minor . damage to the vehicles
' they were driving.
Two other accidents occurred
that day, one on Highway 8 west
of Belimiller'Rd. (Huron Rd. 27)
, involving Ivan John Dickie, RR
1, Port Elgin, who struck a dog •
and caused minor damage • tohis
vehicle, and one on Bayfield
Concession Road east ' of
Highway 21 when ' Donald
Rueger, RR 2, Clinton, was
involved in a single -car accident
resulting in • damage to his
Seven separate accidents were
recorded July 25. On County -
Road 13 west of Clinton, Patrick
O'Neil, RR 3, Goderich, was
involved in a two -car accident
with a vehicle owned by Harold
Frank Boyes, RR 1, Varna,
resulting in , damage 'td both
vehicles. •
On Highway 4 south of-
Brucefield, Gary Beaver, 77
Alexander Drive, Brantford, was
involved -in a single -car accident
'resulting in minor damage to his
_On Sideroad 20 and 21 south
of Highway 8, a vehicle owned
by Habkirk Transit Service Ltd"
100 Main St., Seaforth, was
involved in a single -car accident
resulting in damage to the -
More than 250 children were. Ryan. The youth• Was given milk Advanced Pooi Services.' Ltd.,
evacuated from J uTitli to drink while it was still feared arrived in Goderich .to inspect
Gooderham Park Tuesday the fines were chlorine gas. The the 'unit- and stripped the system
afternoon after a ' . minor fumes were later found to be down , for a complete check. NO .
explosion in the ,_chlorinator of non-toxic, although highly damage was found 'and a
the main filtration system aggravating , to the eyes and thorough cleaning of the inside,
resulted in fumes, at first lungs.of the chlorinator. was ..carried
thought to be chlorine gases. 'Breathing , apparatus . was out to ensure no re-occurance.':.a
seeping through the building. borrowed from the Goderich Additional cleaning
T}re accidence hap ened -sewage treatment plant- and Mr, proceduresfor the __ filtration_ .-
shortly before 2p.in.•w en the . Price entered the basement area system, including -the
"" main swimming pool filtration to assess the damage. It was chlorinator, have now been
system was being backwashed, a found that while the chlorinator instituted to.prevent a similar
• occurranee. - ,-
process used to cleali the filters. cap had -been - blown into" `
Pool employee Bob McLean; fragments and part of the ceiling
19, of , Trafalgar Street, was was damaged, the remainder of
servicing the filtration system the equipment was in good
prior to the start of public condition.
swimming,' and had topped up Fans were installed to extract
.' '�"�•' ..,..
Testing for swimmin 'ot under way Wednesday for'all children Kathy. Robertson,'Bob McLean andBetty •,6edard, head �
who had been re iving instruction 'at the Judith Gooderharn instructor at the pool. An explosion in the main chlorinator
Memorial Pa swimming pool. Plrior to the daya' special . Tuesday •closed the pool and the park area for four hours while
clean-up was carried out of' -all facilities to make the pool ready the area was cleared of fumes. Regular operation resumed for
.for".th-August_program:that. starts Monday Shown during a adult swimming Tuesday night. --Staff Photo
cleanup .of the wading poari ane; frons,the: eft d0artrte McCosh,,_-.. ;.>;.. ,. , . ,
0.. seek
- On Highway 21 north of
Kintail, Gerald Michael, 21
Upper Ave., London, was
involved in a single -car accident
resulting in damage to his
vehicle. Michael " received
e -- On 11th •-. Concession,
Colborne Township, Richard
Evans, RR 1, Tiverton, was
involved in a .single-car'accident
resulting in minor damage to his
'the ' eliminator with chlorine the fumes and a call was placed
capsuls • when .. a ` reaction to Advanced Pools Services Ltd.,
occurred. He replaced the three' Toronto, the company - that' man were cit eeted Tuesday.
inch diameter cap on the tank to installed the system this year. Y p
prevent fumes entering the It was learned contact Maximum ,capacity at the pool is
building. and ,had started to 1e ,whir..•.have
The pool was, about to, be
opened for pi blic swimming on .•
a hot- humid afternoon and .a
large number of...children were
waiting to enter. Oh Monday a
capacity crowd wasat the pool
and some had to be turned away -
due to overcrowding. At least as
ave between the . chlorine capsules 300 persons at one time.
r additional
• • . ' or acid. „:. _Testing. -O
. < kK�> ]y ��vpY»1 t ,where � the and,,.eitfier ~grease,'ochildren'•
: a .y..♦ k K r.. . d,..' ....... _ l._ r. a v ` �31e" :b85elneil �
d when would result in the fd isation' Of been- jet n� ,�.- swimmint•
• � filtration system is locate
immediate a further examination of the was -feared at ,first tests would
prices fo
i ra ion instruction duringJuly was
the1 rred the fumes and Mr. Price
explosion occurred.
Fumes flooded the building re-entered the basement to make scheduled for Wednesday and it
and the staff began
• evacuation of e premises mises and'' equipment A small quantity of have to, be postponed.. However,
called ' lTn •. Price, secretary of a grease -like substance—was the equipment yap back in order
the Goderich Recreation and found near the inlet - connection for • adult --swimming Tuesday
Community Centre Board who to the chlorinator. Mixing of evening and fully operable
to expand arena
Goderich council agreed last '
Thursday night to - let the
Goderich . Recreation and
Community Centre Board obtain
prices d for completion of
renovations, to the auditorium
and lowelobby of the
municipal arena.
The recreation board is at .
present carrying out a $150,000
renovation project at the arena
which includes replacing the ice
surface and seating decks- arid
installing a new entranceway.
The work on the auditorium and
lobby,included in the , original
plans, was dropped when cost
estimates were found to • be
higher than expected. -
Council was told ' huursday
night the recreation board had
discovered' a $10,000 grant on
the work was available from the
provincial government and it was
hoped this would enable the ,
work to be completed to the
•original plan.
Board secretary Ron Price
told council the provincial
department of agriculture had
been approached concerning the
possibility of grants -and in reply
had informed the board the
maximum grant available on any
project was 25 per cent . of the
cost .or $20,000. The town had
received $10,000 on, the
"construction of the building 20
yews ago leaving a further
$10,000 available now ,Mr.'Price
Coun. Deb Shewfelt had
asked council to consider the
cost of the extra work and has
been asked to obtain the costs.
On the
Activity at the harbour has
been on the decline in ,recent
years, in particular as , far as
. commercial boats are concerned.
Small craft using the municipal
marina , have increased in
numbers and the number of
visitors to the small boat dock is
increasing each day,
Regular reports of °visiting
boats have not been, carried in
the -Goderich Signal -Star for
some' •time but will re'cornmence
this week for commercial
In harbour sincd July 1 are as
follows: July 2, Martha
Hindman from Cleveland, light;
July 10, Orefax from
Wallaceburg, light; July 11,
artha Hindeman f
Montreal, ' light; July 11,
Troisdoc, from Cleveland, light;
July 16, E. B. Barber, light; July
17, Orefax from Windsor, light;
July 18, E. B, Barber, light; July
adoc from Chi go light
taxi service which will retain the
name of Bob's Taxi for the time
being,.- was - granted by, -council
last Thursday, July 23.
Mrs. Glousher was at council
to hear the decision.and stated
the company would later be
incorporated .with Bluewater
Former owner of the
company was -Bob Prouse.
Iia other news council: left
with special committee a request
from William R. Gardiner, for
permission to erect . a canopy
over his premises on The Square..
Coun. Frank . Walkom, special
committee chairman said he felt
- the height Suggested, seven feet,
eight and one half inches
would -be -sufficient for the
town's snowplow to clear in.
winter. Deputy Reeve Walter
Sheardown asked if any bond of
indemnity was needed and was
informed this had been posted.
He .was in the" chair during the
absence of•,the Mayor and reeve.
Also left with the special
committee. was a request from
Steel Art Signs for the erection
of two signs at the new Canadian
. Tire Store on Huron Road. -
The town was asked to
consider bringing in a bylaw on
subdivision control that would
Bob's Taxi has been sold to
Mrs. Faye Glousher,.wife of the
owner of Bluewater - Taxi. A
licence for the operation of the
New .charts
include .
New charts of waters in this
area are now available from the
United States Lake Survey
District Corps of Engineers in
Detroit, Michigan. - -
Chart 51 now includes the
shoreline of Lake _Huron from
fort Albert to Sarnia including.
Goderich and goes as far north
on the Michigan shoreline as
port Au* Barques. The chart
ontains large scale insets of Port
Sanilac and Harbour Beach,
Michigan. ,„ a
Chart 52 earries on where 51
leaves off and includes the area
2� ¢�' 1. :*,;°� is,{' inhi_ ♦ ,,.i ,''tlRif�:.jt 1•- fLc{fr /rX ;lrt .k.ln"-Barquesr to a
Y(6ii,1'f..;.U. r , • fC,yisi'pff�.l.�m"4R:V'i 11)is G}Y'M:;YI�Gi7+y7f V,i`y" �(.,■
time; July 20; E. B B' berrfrorr 'P 1,vswa..
Sault Ste. Marie, light; July 27, including Saginaw Bay. Inserts
are of Port Austin, Caseville,
Westlake. All these were in• for swain Tawas. Harbour and
salt at the Sifto Mine Wharfe. ` -` Sebawaing,
Grain • boats in during the the entrance to Au Sable River
-same period included the Pine (Oscoda). .
tele d at this
River,the 9lmidale and the Other char a
.. which
Maunaloa 2, earlier fin ;the iconth time are C the Miehi an
and the returh of the Maunaloa contain details ofh g •
later this month. , coast north of charts 51 and 52.
restrict the size of lots for
buildings, but the town feels it's
present bylaw is sufficient. At
- present lots mage be sold for
building if they are of 52 feet
frontage and north "of Britannia
Road or 55 feet , frontage if
- is in charge of pool operations. chlorinated water and pure Wednesday morning. -) -
• O to water can form • a grease -like
the wholeofthe park area and substance
close the pool until an and . it is now believed high
-` investigation, could be made. humidity conditions during the
Mr. Price went to the park day created condensation on the
and found Mr. McLean had been inlet .pipe with . the resulting
brought ort ' of the building, ‘formation of the grease • as
rders were given to -evacuate
Legion seeks
for track meet
south of Britannia Road. The
proposed changes would make a
55 feet. frontage mandatory
throughout• the town, limiting
the sale of property. Coun. Deb
Shewfelt explained the situation
to council.
Financenjinister reports
on regional government
A blueprint for the social and..
economic development of the.
four -county Midwestern Region
of Ontario moved a step closer
to completion Monday night' in
-Listowel when• the H -on: -Charles
MacNaughton, Treasurer of
Ontario and Minister of
Economics, presented- results of
a government study of the needs
and problems of the region.
About 300 municipal and
planning officers and others
attended the presentation of the
report, called "Design • for
Development:. Midwestern
Ontario Region, Phase` 1:'.' The
region covers the counties. of
Waterloo, ' Wellington, Perth and
Huron. Goderich • Reeve Harvey
Worsell was present on behalf of
Kincardine girl wins
ladies Invitational tourney
Judy . Bell of Kincardine was
winner of the Ladies Invitational
golf tournament held at the
Maitland Golf and Country
Club, Goderich -last Wednesday,
July 22 •
Judy won with a low gross of
8-3. Low , net was won by Mary
Wendland of Stratford with 72.
A record entry of 70 women
from all . over western Ontario
were on hand for the event
•which is sponsored by the ladies
golf section of the,iMaitland
Country Club. ,
Prizes were presented during a
dinner , held in the club house
that evening with John Kane, a
member of the board of
directors of the club assisting
with the, presentation of .. the
prizes. •
First prize was presented to'
- Miss Bell by ladies section
president Mrs. Stewart Knight.
Other' • ` notable scores during
the tourney were: Madeline
McIntyre, Owen Sound, first low
net, "second flight, 74; Verna
Kane, Goderich, first low net
third flight, 75; Mabel Austen,
Thames Valley, London, first
low net, first flight; 't•6; Maxine
• Martin, first low • gross,, first
flight 90; Florrie Davison,
Strathroy, first low gross, second
�.��nfflligh�t,, 96yand yI�syabel Odbert,."sa
� ';►7�ffill pmf W a tr
flight,107. , -•
Ladies golf. section president,
Mrs. Stewart Knight said the
• Weather lvas°' the 'best— the
tourney had on many years.and
felt this contributed to the large,
turnout, particularly toward the
20 post entries received.
Regular season club trophies
are still being . played for and the
final day will be Championship
Day to be played -later this year.
On that day ladies who have
played in nine- or More . q�f the
ladies night tournament held
each. Tuesday 'evening, will be
eligible to play
• 0 ,.
4474 i.I46 4. 44
in certain instances
the town. It was the third in a'
series: of such reports to • be
presented. by the government:
• during the next year, involving
the province's 10 development
regions. Reports were presented
to the Toronto -Centred Region
in May and to the South Ontario
(Niagara) Region in June.
The Design for Development
program was introduced by the
government four years ago to
"guide, encourage and assist the
orderly and rational
development of each region of
the province."
. ' Residents of • the region were
asked by the minister for
comments and suggestions
regarding the region's needs as
-set out in the report, and
priorities"for meeting them.
The report deals with such
economic and - social factors as
the region's manufacturing,
• agriculture* and services, health
services, recreation facilities,
transportation, public safety,
land use, urban ' growth and
urban centres of opportunity.
After residents of the region
have had an opportunity to
study the report and respond
with comments and suggestions,
the government will proceed
with preparation for Phase 2 of
its report which will recommend
overall • planning and
development policies for the
coughing • and gagging, by chlorinated water met with it. -
another pool employee Mark A representative from
- The Royal Canadian Legion,
Branch 109, is looking for young
athletes who might wantto take
part - in .-the Lake Huron Zone
Ontario Municipal Recreation
Assodiation annual track and
Last warning issue
on Sunset Hotel
Town council will issue -one
last warning to the owner of the
Sunset Hotel to board it up- and
clean up the property or have
the town do it at his expense
starting August 1. •
The owner, a London man,
has been asked several times to
take the action needed to make
the former luxury hotel safe but
prospective -- buyers have been
looking at the building and the
owner _asked the matter be
deferred until the transaction
was completed one . way or
• The owner also informed
council he felt the • taxes would
be halved if the town. boarded
up the building; which ' would
pay for the cost of the work.
Council learned Thursday night
taxes would ,remain unchanged,
whether the building was
boarded up or not. -
A letter from the provincial
assessment office • stated the
taxes would not increase -due to
the improvement the °' building
would gain from the work, but
taxes would not be decreased
either as consideration has
already - been given in the
assessment of the building to its
..elapidated condition.
Coun. Ed. Geisbrecht asked
council to act now, but at the.
suggestion of Deputy Reeve
Walter Sheardown, acting as
chairman in the absence of
vacationing Mayor G. F. Mills
and Reeve Harry Worsell, one
last warning will be, issued. •
Coun. Paul Carroll asked that
"local-.xesideits be given some
consideration ' also and asked'
that the 1. ground; be made
presentable at the same time. All _
monies spent would • be
field meet next week: „-
The meet will be held in St,
Mary's on Wednesday, August 5,
and is opeh to any child under
16 years of age.
Competitions include all
regular track and field events
and additional events such as
volleyball throwing, - softball
throwing, etc.
All ` intereilted persons are
asked to- contact Howard-
CarroII, 524-7969
The entry date is close, ulna'
L _ a
recovered from taxes. • now. -
Area youngsters
win at _truck meet
Several Goderich youngsters
took part in a Legion -sponsored
track and field meet in Waterloo
recently and came ' home with
ten `firsts, 13 seconds- and 12
Winners will now go on to the -
provincial meet to be held in
Waterloo August 15. They will
also take part in the Lake Huron
Zone .Recreation Track and
Field meet to be held in St.
the Ladies Invitational Golf Tournament of the -ladies section
of the Maitland Golf and Country. Club, Goderich, was played
WednIssday afternoon, July 22,'Overall win i4i - s Judy Bell of
o �
oss f. �e
BS .low.
Kincardine with a I !1, . ,�,
72 Fromt`he
are Mabel
Wendland c1,� Stratford with li » )~t
*sten, Thames Valley, London, low nen first. fl ht, - 76;
o. -
Morrie davison gross, nd Might ; Judy
, Strathroy,
low sero, ,
Bell, and Mary Wendland,' the 'winning pair; Isabel Odbert,
' Stratford, low gross, third fligh't,107; Madeline. McIntyre, Owen
Sound, dhow net, second flight, 74; Verna Kane, Goderich, tow
net, third flight,' 7$ and Maxine Martin, Goderich, low gross,
'first flight, 9b, staff photo.
Marys August 5.
-Winners were:
Midget boys, triple jump, B.
Thompson, third, 31'81/2"
(winning jump was. 38',7").
Bantam boys, triple jump, A.
Fritaley, first, - 34' . 11"; C.
Wildgen, second, 33'6"; 11
Hodges, third, 31'31/2". •
Shot put, bantam girls, SIC: ,
Cruickshank, first, 25'6"; midget
girls, B. Crawford, second,
23'9"; bantam boys, T. O'Brien,
first, 37'1"; T. - McGee, second,
28'. - • • •
Long jump, bantam girls, • D.
Osborne, second, 14'6"; B.
Fisher, third; 13'111/2"; midget
girls, K. ,Scholtz, second,
13'61/2"; bantam boys, A.
Fritzley, first, 16'43/4 R.
Hodges, second,•16'21/2".
High jump; bantam girls, B.
Fisher, first, 4'6"; D. Osborne,
second,. 4'5"; Midget girls, D.
Hardy, first, 4'8"; K. Niblock,
Second, 4'7"; K. Sheardown,
third, 3'11"; ' bantam. boys, R.
Willis, first, 5'; A. Fritzley,k
second, 4'8"; R. Hodges third,
4'4"; midget boys, M. Fisher,
third, 4'9'".
Hundred , meters, midget girls,
B. Crawford, first, 15.0; K.-
:Scholtz, second, 15.1, W. Million,
third, 15.6; bantam -iris, D.
Osborne, second, - 14.4; �,L.. ..
.Scholtz, -third, 14.7; midget
boys, T. O'Brien, first, 12.6.
Two hundred mett,rs; bantam , ,
girls, K. Sheardown, third, 38.5.
-Four- hundred, -meters; Midget,
girls K. Scholtz, first, 148ill.7; W.
Million, second, 2.0B.2; bant (-
boys, Ds Marshall, third, 69.$.
light",hundred ureters, midget
boys,' B. ,. Thompson, • third,
-2.42.4; • bantam boyS,° '
V'�ildgen,,a,tind, 2.84.1; X1'11 *
-third '2 36 14