HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1970-07-23, Page 16•04 ICH . Q ►E-�R SIGN O trgARR THURSPAY, JULY 23,197U Al Stitch In Time . 'By Gil Rumrednio under • the pattern,, and spread ? the pattern the right • amount, and pin. , Keep the grain line straight. If the grain line shown is short, lengthen it to beyond your cut..„ ,� fi , To shorten, fold the pattern on the shortening line, and pin in a tuck- 2 of the desired adjustment. To adjust for a full bust with a shoulder dart, draw a line from the centre of the waistline dart, to' the fullest part 'of the bust, then another from the shoulder to the fullest part, Now draw a horizontal line across the fullest part of the J: usI . Slash the pattern on these lines, pin the The time has come to try on the tissue pattern. You'll find this fits differently from the fabric, but it will prove that the adjustments you have noted, are needed, and also give you one more chance to see if you..like the style. Remember. in all fitting, to wear a good foundation garment, and the lingerie you usually wear, Idso shoes with the' right heel height. Trim ' the pattern margins -from the - arm hole and neckline seams. Pin in darts, tuclis and ease allowance. Pin ,shoulder, side and inside seams by placing. pattern pieces • wrong side together. Place the pins parallel to the, seam line. Pin skirt to bodice. Try on pattern on right side of your figure. If shoulder pads or shapes are to be used,' place them inside the pattern. - Check tfie fit. The pattern will have an extended seam allowance, sooit,will seem smaller than in the finished;gazment. If you ",:needy x lengthen or widen a pattern piece, use tissue paper. Make the tissue'1 inch wider than the adjustment, so it. will overlap the pattern '/z inch each side. Pin' the pattern to the tissue, with the pins parallel to the adjustment. If you feel rou +`nay use the -pattern again, it is a good idea to machine baste after pinning. When reducing a pattern with tucks. or darts, remember they should be only half the amount to be removed ,from • the measurement. When making pattern pieces" wider or narrower, and only half the pattern is given, , remember to divide the adjustment by 4, and make'/a.of the adjustment in ° the front piece and 1/4 in the back._ , . Always measure the pattern again after making adjustments: To lengthen a. pattern, cut across the pattern on the lengthening line. Place , tissue Elmer's itt upper centre section to tissue and -spread the<attern, using the paint where the lines Intersect as 'a pivot. Add the full amount needed on the horizontal line, and half the amount on' the vertical line. Pin the best into position, keeping 'the grain line` straight and the pattern flat: To take up excess width, add • a dart on the 'shoulder line. The r dart should point to the fullest part .of the bust. Increase the. ' underarm so front and back bodice are of the same length. Keep the waistline, darts the same length, but increase the width. Family reunion ,The twelfth ann,u�al reunion of the Finnigan family was held at Springbank Park, London, July 12. , 4,. Those coming from a the greatest ' distance were Vera— Patterson and Lorne McQuaid of Summerberry, Saskatchewan. • Oldest members present were Frank Finnigan, London, 'and Percy Finnigan, Weston and Mrs. W. J. Finnigan, Zurich. The results of -sports under the direction of Ethel and Marg Finnigan were: children 4 and • under, Ray , Oke, Colleen Mu ford Lisa *lows; children - 3 - • Egg relay, . W." -,J. Finnigarl,'s team; shoe scramble,iy Mary and' Doug. Mumford; button contest, Ethel Finnigan; r guessing v_term,ellon _weight; John Finnigan: The reunion will be held in Goderich in 1971 with the ;executive includthg: President, Harold Finnigan, London; Secretary, Bee Oke, Dutton; Reunion Committee, Roy and Melba Finnigan ,an_d Gordon and Elmira Finnigan, Goderich, and. Alex and Lenna Finnigan, Egmofidville: mor , 7 -and under, Mary Finnigan, Les STRAUGHAN airoderick, . Roseann Sailows; FAMILY PICNIC boys 12 - and u tdei W. J. ,.Rainy cool weather Finnigan, Neil Finnigan Viicli ,1 Finnigan; boys 14 and 'Under,.. Brian Finnigan, N. J. Finnigan. Senior wheelbarrow race, -W. J. and Brian Finnigan, Neil, and Marye Finnigan; Junior wheelbarrow race, Billy and Catherine Patterson, r Erin Finnigan and Louise Oke. r Kieettes draw winningnames. ,. Winners of the Kinette's draw on two quilts during Art Mart weekend have been announced. they are Mrs. G.. Frechatte, the former Sylvia Powell of 'Goderich' now residing in St. John's, Quebec, first prize;' and E. Lampkin, 70 Centre Crescent; London, second prize. Kinettes. in charge of the .draw report that approxicmatety $190 was raised for service work in the town. -Members of . the Kinette club • also operated a lunch• booth on The Square .during the big event. Sumner Safety Contest No. 3 -:IRO - es tSi:m 61 -19th 3 cessita da�� �. -the' ti nsfer of the family picnic from H to the comfort of C Fifty-three relative local couple hone Standards of gladioli and' Shasta mums graced the chancel of St. Peter's Roman Cathcolic Church, Goderich, for the wedding June 27 of Patrleia Louise Healy,. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sarco Healy, Goderich, and John Andrew Hodges, son of Mr. and Mrs, Arnold Hodges, also of Ggderich. Rev. "Father Moynahn officiated for the, double-nng ceremony, Soloist Was Miss Jo -Anne Healy, youngest: ;sister - of the bride, who 'sang Qn This Day, 0 Beautiful Mother and Immaculate Mary. The bride was escorted to the altar,, by her father. She wore a floor -length gown of -white silk and linen Shantung. The „bodice with empire' Waistline. was accented by -.a, high round neckline ; - trimmed with Swiss guipure lace applique. Short,' puffy sleeves were trimmed with matchinglace_ ..agst,,the.: A-line' skirt. flowered headpiece held her veil in place and she carried a` cascade -bouquet of white shasta mums, yellow sweetheart roses, baby's breath and ivy. Maid of honor was Miss Kerry McLean, Clinton. Bridesmaids were Miss Lynda Baechler, Miss Sue Durnin, and 'Miss Theresa Healy, sister of the bride, all of Goderich. They were gowned alike in full-length mauve polyester satin gowns .featuring- high round necklines, short puff sleeves and t t-4 eraIt ire -.waistlines ra.mme v2 • ughan purple ribbon ° accented with bour Park white daisies. Their headpieces low Hall. were small' bows with long streamers matching the trim on Mr. and Mrs: ' Wm. Straughan .the ,dresses and they carried from Minneapolis, Minn., Mr.' crescent, bouquets of white i Vi rom and Mrs Bas '1 V f St n • ' shasta r rums. Louis,` Miehigan, and Mrs. Flowergirls were Cindy Dobie, Clayton Robertson from Copper niece of the bride, Goderich, and Cliff were warmly welcomed as' Michelle Hodges, sister of the rarely, do they have the groom, also of Goderich. opportunity to attend..,They wore dresses of white President . B. , Straugan, polyester satin styled and secretary=treasurer, MISS L. trimmed identically to ., the Gerrie, lunch convener, Mrs. C. gowns worn .by the . senior Ball, and e n tertainment ' attendants, matching headpieces v convener B. Gerrie, executed the and they carried small white_ business and program. , - basketsof-white shasta mums. Norman Ball was' the oldest Groomsman " was Raymond man, and Mrs. Ella Bissett, the Allin. Auburn. Ushers were oldest , lady, both being presented with . remembrances. Contest winners were Mrs. B.. `Straughan; .`:Mrs. B. d'i'ne, Mrs. Olive Straughan, Mrs. C. Robertson, Mrs. L..Hoy and Mrs. William Straughan of Minneapolis. Toys and suckers were given to the children. ..+; moon al Niagara MR. MR. AND MRS. J. Fisher, uncle of the groom, Goderich, was Master of ceremonies. • 3 The bride's mother received her guests in a dress and coat ensemble of imported European diolen polyester knit in three -toned =jacquard design, .yellow .accessories. and ..a c4i'silg. :f:•yeliowureaithelred �muins. �Tke. groom's mother -assisted -her in a dress and coat ensemble of petal pink . Swiss shantung, white accessories and a corsage of - white .feathered, mums. Following the wedding, the newlyweds left on a honeymoon trip to Niagara {Falls and other M points. The bride travelled in a_ two-piece beige and brown dress, brown accessories and a corsage of yellow Carnations. Mr. and Mrs. Hodges will • reside in, Goderich. Prior to her marriage. the bride was feted at showers given in her _._honor b'y Lynda Baechler; Karen and Brenna Hodges at the home of Mrs. Andy Smith; Mrs." Earl ' Caldwell, 'aunt of the bride T Barry Pitblado, Jim Farrish and ' Blyth; and Mrs. Judy Vanstone Robert Hodges, brother of the for the office staff at Alexandra groom, all of Goderich. ' • .Marine and General Hospital. Guests 'from ' °Willowd 1e,,w "_ Sarnia, Dublin, Clinton, Bl tli .ani Goderich were present for the wedding reception at Saltford Valley, Hall. Elgin YOU COULD WIN A FREE BIKE Photo by A. HODGES Fred Bisset Experienced • Decorator. INTERIOR AND EY.l4+ta1DR PAINTING AND ,VA LLPAPE R I NG ' Reasonable Prices Free Estimates Radius of 15 Miles of Goderich ' 'W. Pedersen 167 Brock Street Phone 524-6667 After Six 101 Victoria Street , 2$tf watch for • bicycles! Business .Directory. Ronald L. McDonald CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 39 St. David St., 534:6253 Goderich,'O.ritario• ,04.4106fikant 145 ESSEX ST.. GODERICH. ONTARIO Available For PUBLIC OR PRIVATE PARTIES BINGOS— * _. * CONCERTS DANCES CONVENTIONS Alexander aild Chapman , GENERAL INSURANCE RCAL ESTATE PROP,FRTY MANAGEMENT' Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce Building Goderich Dial 524-9662 Catering to Luncheons COCKTAIL PARTIES a BANQUETS, ETC. .:;S:pecai attention:taweddings !..,,:PHONE -624;9311 oc'524 92S4`, ,,.. DIESEL Pumps an.d.liijec_tars Repaired F,pr All Popular Makes Huron Fuel Injection Equipment Bayfield Rd., Clinton -482-7971 R. W. BELL OPTOMETRIST -.The. Square -524-7661 40 Tat SQUARE A. IVB. HARPER CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT TELEPHONE GODERICH, ONTARIO, 524-7562,, Price -Waterhouse & CO., ROYAL BANK BUILC51NG 383 RICHMOND STREET LONDON 12, ONTARIO Offices in principal cities across Canada chartered accountants gip. .",. look ° both ? srWay .cr- tbe- Keep e 3 Parked f � between Ride cars. . and Your bikes q p�°bey ah,si safely gnals ens a^ Nay your the e �'iace games i a s. W �kstreet... ay from when 6. he Curb. You pease Where there' /e{ 'sidewalk; 'wa/are ^o o fh , tra ffrc the road facing CCM. MUSTANO COASTER BIKES TWO BOYS' TWO GIRLS' HOW TO ENTER 1. Show which Elmer rule is being 'broken above and colour -the: MAIL BEFORE ,JULY28To: [ ELMER CONTEST no.3 BOX 4072, Iw STATION A, TORONTO 1,4ONT. There''s always lots of hot water at the end,of'the trail with a Cascade 40 electric water heater • -3. Cut out along dotted lines and .. u.�:�r1�i�.,�Cld�ess"Sti�:�'(�ii�:s..�.. � .., •. ,W 4. Any Canadian child between 6 and f14 may enter. All entries •` become property of Elmer the a "es'...deci-` �5 fet , , ud �E,e hanz h r I A �'"�,t.:; }y ...•Ci'W't��'l'_fx,.-M'1, rnW. M, CCM AccE SO6"RV, let TS* Each kit contains valurablo items for your bike NAME , tF ADDRESS province if bath time follows the evening roundup around your ranch, you:d better cotton on to an economical - Cascade 40 electric water heater,. It supplies enough n hot water to wash a mountain of trail -dusty duds—and - shower their former inhabitants. The Cascade 40 can help send a shiny bunch of backyard buckaroos to the bunkhouse—without sending you to the poorhouse. Could be, the Cascade 40 electric water heater is just about the handiest ranch hand eroiind. To roundup a,.te el�� ��a � �""., i i+l <, 1.,y� g� ,w ,,�r- �x ,j Nt+% "�+ r �` V-Aef"�8', t. � J F. dt r�r'�,�r -7f . ()DER' r ..,,PUBLIC U your hydro ,,mm�. , ,.., ,dn • • d • • • aM •