HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1970-07-23, Page 15• • BY 11,ELEN ALLEN cronv,creegiime5y/waitt • • • • • Ann tenders 7* ut I. 2 ,e. ' ,2 •I.f.,:tri ',O.0otoorroroole..• ot., - , . . , , go ' r• 'i. Bothered .,„.„.. . . ,..i 117 but „not eiliOugh .,,,,, •, , . . - DEAR ANN LANDERS: 1 wonder if kids who use drugs ever give a thotight to what life is like for their parents. I can tell you, because we have a 19 -year-old boy who is .0A . 'This bright-eyed baby is Tommy, not yet four months old. He is stockily built, nicely rounded,in excellent • .health, with gray -blue eyes, dark brown hair and 'fair sldn. Background information on Tomm31' is limited, except that be is part Canadian Indian. ' Tommy is an alert child, extremely responsive. He loves attention, laughing and gurgling at every one who comes near. He is very strong and sturdy, and likes to be in a - nrlis„jumper so he can_watch:ivhatever isf„going on. Butte---ir-not-demanding-obvhtusly-quite-able to WO - himself enterta.ined. • This appealing baby will'be a delightfulson for a,family -wanting a _handsome, healthy boy ,and who Will not be - concerned 'over limited information on jiis background. To inquire aboutadopting Tommy please write to Today's .Child, Department of Social andyamlly Services, •, Parliament Buildings, Toronto- 182. For general adoption informiation ask your Children's Aid Society. • • James Richardson & Sons Ltd 'Serving The ,Fe6d Dealers ,of Western Ontario PHONE 524-8388, G0DERICH We .die a little each day as we watch this „brilliant, „affectionate lad slip away from us, an inch at a. time. It :is - torture. to • ,listen to his incoherent babbling, impossible to follow the • reasoning of his drug -bent - mind that has -lost its power' to reason. We don't attempt to respond to his wild accusations because we know it's not he talking. He is as far removed from himself as he is &Om us. He can't stay in school and he can't hold 4 job. We give him money because if we didn't, he would steal, maybe even murder to suppOrt his , habit. Heroin is his drug -and it's expensive. 'When Diu. boxlis_avarfrorn mily.ileitith„,and-Saiety Concern; or Bride $tLillfeff% 1 lirevg:05r- cirnutO4r:aliCetialitil?n, for the boy than it is for you, Be needs someone to take- him over and it Is your responsitaility to find that person, DiAR", , ANN LANDERS: My ' husband and I have been arguing, since Christmas. The argument will go on until the 4th Of July unless &e .get an outsider to settle it. My •in-laws gave our six-year:old boy a fancy set of toy guns for Christmas. They are not cheap, plastic things—they are Well made hind frighteningly real. I do not wait our so ill to play with guns, nor do I want —HEALTH & SAFETY - him to get the idea that killing is fun. My husband says t am crazy—that cowboys and Indian!. are part 'cot' our American heritage 'and shooting games are a healthy •• outlet for growing boys. • What do you. say?—DOVER SOLES • • DEAR SOLES: If • Your husband is standing on one foot, Waiting for me to O.K. toy guns, • he'd better sit down. Per energy • outlets, 1 recommend running, b aseb al I p1aying • drums, ice-skating, swimming—the list is endless. If your husband doesn't want to take my' word' for it, • suggest he read Milton Eisenhower's report on violence. Mainly for MotherS by Carol. Hart the house Chere is a kind of peace -- but •it is unral. We worry about him every waking moment. • Has he killed someone in. his tar? Has he burned down a building with a carelessly thrown =fah? Is he, in jail or. in- a hospital? Is he dead from an overdose? Did he walk out of a tenth ,story window — as his best friend did ale* months ago? We are exhausted from anxiety, tired of protecting him from' the neighbors, his _former friends and the police. • We -are' beaten to ourknees, hoping some miracle will save him. But we don't believe in miracles any more. We are lost and bewildered. Can youhelp us? — SCARS IN SCARSDALE • DEAR SCARS: When parents- provide free 'room and board, give .•_a by money for ditigs and protect him against the police, they peretuate his . habit. Your son needs help and he needs it now. Put him in the hand's of a physician. Thereare substitutes for hero,in which can help get him off the hard Certainly a new bride and brid possible a family doctor who can b history and keep tabs on their 4 growing family. Keep your physician's phone number on the telephone together With any others you need in an emergency — your pharmaist, your fire and police deprtments, and your local hospital. Thecouncil on Family Health, a non-profit organization spon- sdred as a public service by lead- ing members of the drug indus- try to premote home safety and family health; suggests that the• new bride establish good safety • habits on the storage, care" And -se of medicines. vone - seifetY, rules for every homemaker: 1. Plan the contents of your medicine chest. Keep Medicines and toiletries in separate cabi- l'ets, or- if they must be kept,in ono cabietstore' medicines on the upper shelves and toiletries on lower shelves. 2. Divide the medicine section into two parts — one for Medi- cines that are to be taken intern- ally, and the other for those medicines that are applied ex- ternally. 3. Take inventory of the con- tents of the cabinet at least once every six months, Discard medi- cines with damaged or unread egrOom should selegt as soon as ecome faMiliarwith their medical • ,CFIIC able labels. Flush discarded med, eines down the drai. If you have any doubt about discarding a medicine, consult your physician. 4. Just as the manufacturer. physician and pharmacist have their respdnsibility in respect to medicines, the use of medicinal preparations involves responsi- bility on the part of the user. One important thing to remem- lher:dead the label at least three times when takingor giving med. Lcinest(, your family. . OODERICti SIN'Alir8AR, Tilliff,SIKV, JuLy 23, W10, 5A • , • by Bill Smiley high sUmMes, with a hot sun, a blue . sky and Perfect • conditions for sitting • at the picnic tab1e". typing this column. Rut there's something wrong onething off-key. It took me a whil, but I've got it: histead of the lush weir jungle that usecl to encompass bur backyard, there are splotch. et 6f color everywhere, destroy-. ing the scilid green effect I'M so used to. My wife has been off on another of her wild, off-seaon ursts-, like doing the spring, house-cleaning the week before Christmas., It all began With •one rose. She received a large rose -bush„ ready for planting, as a gift.Our rose bed, like the rest of out flower beds, was suffering sevi• erely from • malnutrition and neglect. They were like children who undergo the same treatment. — •stunted and retarded, Our oses had shrunk to thre, one dead, one dying and onewhich produced ab,out two tiny, blooms ,.a year. In a fit, of ill-onsidered fug after some barbed remark from my wife, I Went out and dug up the lot and planted the new one. • I should have put it quietly in the tool -shed and let it die a natural death. . It onlY took the one log to break the jam, The rose was a beauty. it looked so lovely and -so lonely that .the old lady, no gardener, sent me out to buy another. I got a dandy for fifty cents, age, sex, color and kind unknown, but dubious, The boss was disgusted, but .we %planted the thing anyway.. Then -she -bought -two 2710re and stuck thein in, with peat moss, fertilizer and invocations to the gods. thought that might bring a little peace, but she'd caught fire. In a flurry,of self -disgust, she went at her window -box like ,a wolf coming down oil the fald. , It wasa dilapitdated object thati runs along the side atthe garage. • 1 rather liked it as it had been for Several years, with the fresh, green weeds spilling down 'over the side Rut- there was no reasoning with her'''. • carload of zinnias, begonlas'and other4ewildring things. Work- ing as carefully 4$ a surgeon, so the window -ho wouldn't fall, off She wall, She planted it and gave it a coat of paint._ But we had $9,1110 nOWOraUft OM. That meant I had to dig up a corner of another crumbling flowerbed, and wekplanted the leftovers -i wa§ confident this was the end. She 'hasn't 'even , . week, either froKthe'haSte with, whih they've' been ripped from the womb and thrown into life, or four* simple drowing., • liked the Old jungle, ,with the odd tiger lily struggling up through the milkweed Or a few hardy dames reaching for the. sup. Why can't women leave things alone? The AroYie ii/r1000:4t pulled a weed for, yeai. No such, luck. Blazing with enthusiasm, or simple 'insanity, she shot me off for another • carload, zinnis. Ry the time I et/timed, she had weeded the fronr:half of our moribund tulip bed. Sfie had dug little holes and set in them a handsome •mw of .oange and yellow marigolds in half an hour. An instant gaden. . Now she hasher eye 6n the old peony bed. 9nce a mass of 4reen and bloom, it has shriel- . led :to •a few sickly ilants producing eight blooms. It Seems . °ky it is tb be dug upand completely , replanted with another '-exotic speies. 4 • ,With all this new beauty, of course, we hadto buy a new • water -sprinkler. The old one wa perfectly all right. It ccrst $2.9 ten years ago and water would • still come out of it, though it didn't really sprinkle' anrmore, just shot out two jets in opposite directions. New one, 311.00. Shes fascinated,, and keeps me moving it about all day, -,from one flower bed to another. "No, no. Move it another two inches to the right." • It's 'all ridiculous; of course. Even 1 know that you don't plant flower beds in the nuddle — • Df„.juiy-Theym YOu have to, see danger tO avoid i, the Ontaro,, Safety (League reminds all driver!. !COW., windshieldS rind Win0*S. A'S .froin. Shish, '„ ice and condensation. 'Rementher • particularly "; that an obscutIffi rear window' cuts , dowit your knowledge ?if what is happening behind, and it • makes 18 • difficult for following traffic to see what is happening ahead. • Says: 'k't 111,0'9/ WHAfrikRELESS Mot PEIkkON BURNED liOWN MY HOME' haY '• „ FOR YUR. FIRENSURANCE • MALCOLM MATHERS GENERAL pISURANCE AGENT _ Out came the weeds as if they 46 WEST ST. 5249442 ' Were' scorpions. Off I went for a . , • . . • A g n For Pleasant Surroundings WW1, - Good Food -THE GOpERICH RESTAURANT • STEAK HOUSE and TA VERIV. t THIS SPACE. , • RESERVED FOR YOUR AD • • o • 1 DOUBLE PASSES • TO THE • PARK THEATRE BOOKS & STATIONERY Cards- Fot ••ff All Occasions • *Gift It * Books* * Stationery Supplies. Records ANDERSON'S • • • BOOK- CENTRE 33 East St. Goderich BUILDING MATfRIAL GODERICH BUILDING -ENTRE-2:177 * 24:433t43 Cambria at Angiesea .PAINT, WALLPAPER * PAINT * WALLPAPER *• CARPETS •* TILE • * LINOLEUM "Your Complete Home Decorating Centre". Mrs. A. C. dark 92 Nelson St. McARTHUR, na d REILLY L1)..% West St Goderich THIS SP, i:;E 1 gRIGIDAIFiE * WESTINGHOUSE * G I BSON * HOOVER Sales and Service Mrs„ P. Abrams 55 Elgin Ave. W. • JEWELL BROTHERS 1 APPLIANCES & TV LTD. The Square - Gqderich EXCELLENT SELECTION Regular or Safety Toe 14 Different Styles DAVE GOWER'S Industrial & Garden Centre Hamilton 524-.9761 THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR YOUR AD FUJINITURE • . ForThe FINEST in FURNITURE •- Ery -t1 Furniture West St.- Goderichn FOR YOUR AD Be SUre To See Our Display Of CtRIGINAL.OIL PAINTINGS, 212 The Names Of Five Si4nal-Star9.Subscrib- ers Are To Be Found In Om! Of These Ads w Showing MINGLyamr. 23 t. wa 29 CO • 00 DOLLar: • • SEE REGULARAD ONPAGE 5 FOR DATES ANDTIMES Opportunity -security for you in a business career Now a good sajairy Goderich Busines5 College NIGHTSCHOOL Typing, Bookkeeping, Shorthand (Tues. & Thurs. Eve ning) 4=9521 THIS SPACE • ESE .FOR YOUR AD THIS SPACE RESERVED . ,• FOR YOUR AD • THISSPACE IESH: sERVIEDM;i4.:1 FOR YOUR AD g • MEN'S WEAR Elmer Robertson- .42. RR No. 5 Goderich For That •pERTA IN • Flair IN MEN'S WEAR ARL • RAWSON, MEN'S WEAR On The Square, Goderich For Courteous Servite BLUEWATER„ • TAXI . 524-7405 ; • SHOE STORES For FASHION RIGHT SHOES Mrs. Ilen Murray 155 Cambridge St. The Place To Go Is • ROSS, SHOES The Square • Godeeich SPROULE SHOES 1' Footwear The, Family 524-9174 ',"•2,X;:t* "'" Kiniston -Godericb TELEVISION _ PHILIPS' . PHILCO Robert Smith . 251 Catherine Television SALES and ERVICE • )24-9432 •'-RIVETT'S • TELEVISION -RADIO 34 The Square -Goderich • TRAVEL SERVICES 40^ THIS SPACE • RESERVED FOR YOUR AD ; 2 THI”PACE RESERVED FOR UR AD 1 • THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR YOUR AD % \ • :•.9; THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR YOUR AD CONTEST RULES Each week the names and addresses oft subscribers -will appear in t1-1 Busihess Directory. . . - '4 3771.?z ,74i,r47141".,Pi,:e4f5•ii,TriziT11:71s,7r4.-r''''' 'Ir''',t ;1'42" •,,'„„1 —Look for your name and address in the ads. —ake the Business Directory and,stiitable identification to . 11 - the advertiser in whose ad your name appeared and • -Pidk up you'r passesity baturday night closing • ...,, . „ uOnlyqbsoriliarttetheSigrokStattaroligible, ' '",` '•J.,' ;' .., .., 0. 2s..v. • 0