HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1970-07-23, Page 14e• J lY 'C!D't-0NA ' A'"IURSDIA* JULY240170 gar vOr'ythbriOboli# her work New Ethel Dewar, born and raised In Belleville, spent, somuch time $ the library in that city, that WOO fiinat y asked it she would like to help put ••around the • library and get paid for it. _It was about that time that Dewar—decided - there •was nothing else in this world she would sooner do than 1 ecogie a librarian, andshe hasn't r„egrettl her decision to. this 'days. :'41 'like , everything about a librarian's ' work," Miss Dewar ' e$plained: "There is nothing abiiut if.,that, I don't like." Beginning July 1, Miss Dewar ;became librarian for the Huron County Library. She is responsible for " about 30 library outlets all across the county and .to, the Huron County Library • board which is an arm of Huron County Council. She came here from, Dresden afterffir gup-a new-%rbrary �• • a composite school there. Prior to that, Miss Dewar established the Victoria County Library working out of Lindsay and was 'chief librarian at Cornwall for 10 ars. r_ yeLast summer she taught Library Technical Services at Althouse. College of Education. She holds a BA from Queen's University and ,a Bachelor of - Library Science from the University of Toronto., The main job presently at the . .1turon aunty Library ==frearlq irihecnuntp _covri house is getting ready for winter reading. That entails ordering new • books that may - be requested by readers throughout the county; sorting . out -the • present stock of books., and making " certain that :each is in shape to be loaned out. That's quite a job when one considers that the Huron County Library alreacy owns over 100,000 books. • Naturally Miss Dewar will have the assistance of other regular library staff for this awesome task, but she will direct the operations and make absolutely certain that • everything. • is in readiness when people :move indoots again for the winter to curl up with a good book. _ • Another, top priority item 'on Miss Dewar's list of things to do in her new job is getting acquainted with all the librarians in the Huron'County system. Many of these librarians don't work mote than a few hours weekly and Miss Dewar is attempting td meet with them and to talk to them about their individual problems - and uron County librarian .. concerns: Miss Dewar was enthusiastic about the collection of books in Huron County dealing with 'local •t • : !•• 6 •• i• • • •••• ••• •- •• • _• • ••• ••• o1.r e • ••. • i ••+1: •• • seem eel • •. e• • •" • • •• • • • • �• • • 0,1. 000/ ••' • • • ••• • MISS ETH E L DEWAR history and Canadians. A Historical Society member, Miss Dewar is particularly interested in discovering the history of the locality in which. she .is situated. It is possible. -she -may ..,beieven more intense about the history of Huron County because she owns a -summer home . at Bayfield. miss Dewar noted that eircuiation--figtres -appear-to.-; be increasing. She attributed this to the fact that manyinore people, are becoming interested in reading_ through- the_ publicity given authors and books through television 'and .. radio, broadcasting, An avid reader herself, Miss Dewar now finds that much of her leisure. reading time is taken up by professional reading commitments. Yet even this isn't a real .chore for. librarian. • The new librarian had high praise for ' Miss Caroline Croke, the fotiner librarian who left the Huron County library because of ill health. Miss Dewar said that Miss Croke had • done ' "an excellent organizational job" which makes her work now much easiet • ..She ...also commenided— iss_ Betty McKenzie at. the Goderich Public Library for her. work during the interim between Miss Croke's resignation and Miss x the new L ewar's arrival. Any plans Miss—Dewar 'may 'have for the Huron County Library are still very much in the background of -her thoughts. Getting acquainted in Goderich and `Huron County is the first concern. - After that? Who knows? Egg -filled Fillets Tomato Sauce Mashed Potatoes Fresh Green Beans • Sweet Ontario Cherries guTwo economical foods aranteed to please" even the most penfiy-conscious homemaker- are fresh or 'frozen" fish fillets, and eggs. ,Combine • them into. one . recipe, and not .only will the cost be low, but the preliaration time and, •_ number of calories per- serving will be ' minimal also. The _Ontario:. -Food-OQuncil; 3ntaric :_ Department' of Agriculture and Food, `suggests looking to., the simplest and most delightful of all desserts — fresh "sweet cherries eaten out of hand. EGG -FILLED FILLETS 2 hard -cooked eggs ' '/i cup soft bread crumbs. - 2 tsp grated onion • 2 tbsp finely chopped celery 2 tbsp mayonnaise salt, pepper, and curry powder to taste For Octogenarians ... and those older ',The Goderich Signal -Star takes great pleasure in extending hfappiest birthday, greetings to all persons who have reached the age of 80 years or better. `' T. Roy Rundle, RR 2 Goderich, will be 89 years young July 22. a „ We would appreciate hearing about those persons who are having 80th birthdays or bettor in the near future and who are willing to have • their names published `iii this column announcing that fact. There is absolutely no charge for this special service and we are extremely pleased to hear from all of you. • • to i•� � �� P • s w. • •: • t 0•" • • ••••• • • •• •• •••• : • • • • • 'p . .s« • •N. :• • ! • • • 4.1°• 4 •••� !•. •`••so ••• • il •• • • • • • •t ••••• • ••__ • ••• ••• 11 *1 •• •• • • • 1# •• • 1' • �., r w - ,`• to •p6 41114 t• * •I. g' •• w'!•k Cio • * 1 a • • �� est SUMMER. SALE CONTINUES BATHING SUITS. . DRESSES . SPORTSWEAR COATS' • SUITS t'j°t° ETC. aC 1• 1 lb. fresh orfrozen fish fillets I egg, beaten., ' 2 tsp lemon. uice • 1!2 cup crushed potato -chins Combine `peeled and shredded eggs with bread crumbs, celery, onion, and ,mayonnaise. Season to taste. Spread half of thin fillets with filling and fold. Secure with picks. Combine beaten egg and lemon juice and dip nib stuffed fish in the mixture. Dredge coated fish in crushed "potatops. Bake -in"a greased "shallow baking dish for 15 minutes at 400 degrees, F., or until_ f"sii—Meg ea's1lp:-SetVe- Y. - sEs;xiMsAgN JAW RATE Although Canadians lost their "gabbiest telephoners" title to the U.S. in 1969 (a record ,they had held__for 17 consecutive years), they still managed to jaw :awayat the rate of something like 693 phone calls pet person last year. That's just a few less than our .gossiping U.S. neighbours. • IJ 1 .' TQ THE CITIZENS QF THE TOWN OF GODERICH MOND4,YI AUGU$T 3rd, 7970 Having Been Fixed By Resolution e4s A CIVIC AND PUBLIC' HOLIDAY All Citizens are , requested to govern themselves accordingly. DR. FRANK MILLS, Mayor BRITISH _COLUMBIA,.CAtIADA No. 1 GRADE, LARGE SittE SWEET CHERRIE Buy them by the case for canning ONTARIO, No. 1 GRADE, HYDRA -COOLED, LARGE FULL COBS FRESH PICKED DAILY, YOUNG, TENDER CA,LLFORNIA, No. I GRADE, LARGE SIZE,] FULL OF . FLAVOUR MIX OR MATCH -- YOUR-CHO-ME .. SEVEN VARIETIES TO CHOOSE FROM SANTA ROSA, ELDORA6O, NUBIANNA, • DUARTE, WICKSON, LARODA AND MARIPOSA LBS TULIP, PARCHMENT WRAP MARGARIN E MILD AND MELLOW CUSTOM GROUND 8 O'CLOCK C.OFFEE 3 -Ib ba •••$2.35 -- SAVE 44c • • ' •• • •• 410 e• • • ti 1 • •• • •. 0 9 if 0 • •• • •• r i •� • • • e• •• •0i ! •• • • • �••*• ••• •: a .• • .• • • 6 • • •t• .• . .*••ti• • .+..•6» • • ° w'y1aVt1vY.ng . •• W,te.w, •••1"" r" :✓+ * • i . •. , • t, -4. / •• 0e. •*• a •. •Irelle r.•, 1 -LB BAG WHITE SWAN REGULAR OR DECORATOR Reg. Price 65c' — SAVE 16c .J•411 save 16c "GREAT ON A GRILL" CHIC LEG QUARTERS BREAST QUARTERS CHICKEN HALVES CHICKEN. "'"°" iij WHOLE LEGS - Whole or Split BREASTS.. 'Open All Day, Wednesday , ESH (HICKE CHICKEN THIGHS or -DRtlN�= STICKS s "Great On `A. Grill", Vacuum Pack • LB PKG SX BRAND WIENERS 'Great On A Grill", Vacuum Pack coORsH ALL WIENERS., BEEF LB -Fresh Minced 3 Ibs ormore Ib 770 GROUNDCHUCK 1b79)i Maple 'Leaf, Sliced, Beef BOLOGNA 1 1e59? Schneider'*, VarietyPack COLD CUTS ib'g9 SX Brand, Tray Pack, Pure ' PORK' SAUSAGE 169Super-iht, smoked, sliced, rind1ess,acuum pak SIDE, BACON .� IbPkgl9l Canada Grade 'A', Eviscerated For Frying, Roasting, Broiling 2 to s lbs. averae weight ALL PRICES IN THIS AD EFIeECTIVt THROUGH SATURDAY, JULY 25, 1970. • Reg BUY 2, SAVE 29b Price ea. 4�c• -� ,SPANISH BAli CAKE �� �"t 'Ctrt�.i��{yT.•.�-.,!1 ?!. ....i I�i. V•ilY'���V •t ,, •.�. �'�'"ir � . � � � .��Vyi h�.,•:l :... a .rFN' r'.,, An• A&"P' Quality Product, Detergent 1 • 4,- .4, 7:7, 4 ra- 4 Ann Page (Nevi.' Formula) • o treititirenagiiurilty▪ , r