HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1970-07-23, Page 1uR 123 YEAR. 0 is COPT 5‘ �. Y u 3 ■ 970 lllllilllllllll•111110gIlillllllllllillnllll111pIp1111111I1111111111111IIIIIIiILlllillllIIlllllllllllllll1UiinnllllilUlllnll1lll lNitomloo� 11ai liNBililowitnloamloulilln• nl.. l, lm_ illulwo . : nnnll• ilJgllawllMMgpor ^' Seq kS 'cost's ring �ri Sifto aWorkerdro II M to ease rate burden Goderich Public Utilities •One would double the plant's Connnnission have aaited°'Domtar capacity at an estimated cost 'of Chemical Co. to share the cost more than $2,000,000. of a water pipeline from the The .)other would be .'for the town's system to the Sifto Salt PUC to spend $20,000 for a new mine, owned by Domtar. type of filtration unit it is felt`. Gordon Muir, mine manager, would bring the plant's capacity .. asked for •the pipeline• three to a satisfactory level without weeks ago. It was a repetition of raising water rates. a request the company made in PUC manager Dave Rolston fi -1969. • • said he believes the $20,000 ° • Mr. Muir said at the time the .could -be taken from the reserve mine's existing water supply, fund, but that the commission „which it gets from Snug Harbor, would have to make that is inadequate. A town proposal decision. - rill at the municipal The Ontario Water ,Resources to use a w marina was rejected by Sifto on cy cha the" grounds the water contains is high in mineral n " S - made ccicy .. -Estimated cost 'of a pipeline about a half -mile long is • ' $60,0(10: This, would double if » debentures were issued. The boar of X" e uca t i on PUC estimated the yearly commission has released a report onnthe Goderich water treament plant for last year and reports the staff keeps a . "...clean, attractive and very efficient plant for the town of Goderich". 'Operating costs for the year were $59,477.74, an increase of $8,633.36 from 1968. Unit costs of 21 cents p'er 1,000 gallons for • treatment remain close Oto "the 1968 figure. Interest on the cost of the plant is approximately $43,000 per year. The average 'daily flow of 0.78 million gallons per day represented about ,52 per cent of the design -flow. of 1.5 Million gallons, per day although this' ' design -figure was exceeded• in, 'A July, August and September. Fluoridation of the water supply was started on November 10, 1969, almost one year after being voted in by referendum. Total flow for the year was , 286.89 million gallons, an increase over 1968 of 13 per cent, of the daily consumption,. Consideration is at present, being given to increasing the output of the plant. interest would be $7,000,, The " revenue from the •mine for the . _ Because the Huron County - • w r used would be about Board of Education feels that same students—in—ay uffer- unjustified hardships when- their place of residence is changed _Awing ing the school .year from one school district in Huron CounW to another in the county, or ,when a student is forced to change schools before he has completed a program of studies in a particular school, it has been agreed that it will be the policy f of the board to permit children to finish their course of study'in. —the school in- which they are enrolled. providing there is no additional cost to the board as a result of the decision. • It • is understood,...thowever, that when the pupil had • finished his schooling in the school of his former residence that, in the case of moving from elementary r' school to. secondary school, he shall enrol in the designated school for -the area in which he l $ ,• The LUC and -representatives of :the Ontario Water Resources mmission-..._Who _attended, a meeting=Tuesda_y,.. night, July .14,.. agreed that a pipeline paid for entirely by the town would not be sound economically and that it would place an unfair burden on the rest' of the Goderich water users. - r OWRC representatives were in Goderich to discuss the capacity -of the town's water treatment plant which is operated' by the OWRC • s The plant'capacity has given cause for concern. High demand during the summer months has made lawn watering restrictions necessary in recent years. - Two. solutions were discussed. They will be given :further consideration at, a future PUC meeting. resides unless enrolment in John Lavis. "Only "a few can another school is approved actually benefit from the .under --ether...A3oard' ...Policy -or --program_ which is _costing resolution. ""' somebody ea�deni\'f�c In other business, the board mojiey•" , _agreed to purchase a video' tape The results of parent -teacher recorder for Seaforfh "'District --discussions -held-. -,..'throughout High School• at a coif of $•3,150 Huron County duringthe-winter- (Seaforth he-winter(Seaforth is the only high school months were disclosed at in the county without such ' Monday evening's meeting of the ' equipment); learned that interest Huron County Board of charges to date in 1970 amount Education: - to ' about $47000; and - A summary `of 'the findings questioned the wisdom of the tabled at the meeting by the Interprovincial Youth " Travel director of education, John D. Program in which five Huron Cochrane, showed that most County ' Secondary School parents faior . psychological students ,are participating this, services to assist in learning summer. difficulties; guidance services, They are Peter Cameron, especially in Grades 7 and 8 to • Clinton; Carol Anne Doig, assist students entering high Seaforth; Hennie . Bejersbergen, school; up -graded library Wingham; Julie Burgess, Exeter; services; sex , education handled and Alister Pirie, Goderich. • by qualified teachers; French in "It'slike spending all your all elementary schools; optional money \on ° one football subjects such as music and art in t e am ,"commented Chairman serldary schools; adult e harbour::. Lloyd MacDonald, 55, of 97 Pieteri" St. E., Goderich drowned Wednesday 'afternoon, July 15, , in .Goderich harbor, about 200 yards from where he and his son • had been working., - County coroner Dr. N. C, Jackson pronounced him 'de tdat the scene.. An autopsy was ordered. - - Mr. MacDonald and his son, John, 17, were sandblasting the iron work on the south harbor pier under a contract with the federal department of public works. The.elder MacDonald stopped ' -., work to go to his car for a cold - drink. The car was parked about three feet from the edge of a grain wharf belonging to the Goderich Elevator Company. When his father didn't return, the son went to look for him. He saw his father's hat floating, in the water near by. The water is, _about 28 feet deep at that point. _ - -:Join— :ten-- :to —the -Goderich •"• = ievat teompany--offiees=:.-for help. Dragging operations were started and • the body was recovered —a156 -at -15 feet'-frdm� the- ear at about.=3p.m...No_ one saw what happened. A t ug from MacDonald Marine Tug Company was used by police for dragging operations Wednesday, t to recover the-bod�raof-Lloyd:.MacDonald,.,.55,,.Qf,A ,icton, Street, East. The body —July--15---in -an attempt „ 'was r - ' -•—MacDon ld_. d.rowned_wben:,he apparently . fell into the water after was recovered atrout 3 p.m; -Mr. a -- _ returning to his car from where he was working on the south pier. —staff photo: • • Press to sit in --on committee. education in the form of • meetings of �educat�on board extension courses and the arts; mea and school use after normal • hours. • "Many additional suggestions were put forth," Mr. Cochane :said in his report. "Althoughi all of these suggestions ;deserve, serious consideration, each must - be subjected to a serious study.. regarding need, cost, and need vs. cost before any concrete ° suggestion or recommendation can be made. Signal -star hosts On tari� Weekly Newspaper Association golf tourrie The second an • golf tournament of th ntario Weekly. Newspapers Association was held at the Maitland Country Club on Friday, July 17 with Signal -Star Publishing Company as host. ' Overall winner of . the tournament was Bob Shrier, Signal -Star president and publisher of the Goderich tr Signal -Star. He had low gross with an 82 and was winner of the Imperial Oil Trophy. Low net was wen by Bob, Merrill of Bracebridge with a 7L Weekly,newspaper publishers and editrs with members of their staffs, and supply company representatives from Ontario and Michigan took part in the tourney and were feted -at a dinner in .the evening. J.. Howard Aitken was master a. of ceremonies, for the event and greetings from the town were • brought by Reeve Harry Worsell, „' Mr. 'Shrier added .his ---welcome and OWNA president Mac - 1VIacConneli" " also brought - greetings from the association. Among the other special guests ,.present were Gerry Craven, president of the Canadian Weekly Newspapers - Asseciation; Peter Hdviston, past president . of OWNA; Jinn yr Re'ddick, Imperial Oil Company representative who made .the presentation; Walter Palmer, area manager for Ontario Hydro, host for the dinner; , Don White, public relations director for the Bruce. Nuclear Power development at Douglas Point, C.H. Meier, Goderich. promotion4' • offi, ' and Bill Taylor, • secretary manager of the .as'sociation. The entire male staff of Signal -Star Publishing were present and prizes among them went to Signal -Star editor Ron Ori ith,, 4;,: p smart bm�j G a.QT+.l.�t, f • Advertising., manager Ed. Byrski for being the newest golfer first time out — and— to 3. Howard Aitken as the, most- iionestagolf .. ', °;",rf.„: �� t,= w aa7 :retrive �e . tot�r►triieo o in 1969 atter a few years 'of no golf and was played at Newmarket. It mill be played at Auroral) next year with. til Aura13anor as host. ‘„ w 9• The annual golf. tournament Of the Ontario Weekly Newspapers Association was held in Goderich last friday,' July 17, with Signal -Star Publishing as the host company. Winners were, from the left: Murray Scoynd, ActonFree Press, second low .grose• with an 85; Bill Batten, Exeter Times -Advocate, second low net r. r with a.74; Bob Slider; publisher of the. Goderich Signal -Star and president of the host company who won .the tournament and the Imperial Oil Trophy .with a low gross of 82; .presenting the trophy is Jim Fleddick, Imperial Oil -representative; Bob Merrill, Bracebridge, logy net for the day with a.71. —staff phato• Many people from the weekly neayspoper world were on hand -last Friday, July :17 when . Signal -Star publishing Company played ,host for the annual golf tournament of the Ontario Weekly Newspaper Association °at the Maitland Country Club.yy� .. •.... y ,� .. \... � host [111 .:'*•. r thn host •tint �� 'p y � eri Sttnt�in�g' golfer was H+ob $ t ;"p ttl , and publisher of the Goderich Signal-Star.•He•hit a'low gross of 82 and picked up the 1 perial t i 'trophy. Low net was won by Bob Me ri 1, of Braceb li ge with 71. Froin°tied ftiare sormof the special guests present for the occasion: Peter Hdviston, past Beginning with the August 17 meeting, members ,o the press will be invited tow sit ' in- on committee meetings of the Huron County Board of Education. • The new scheme.will be for a trial period initially, the months of..,August, September, October and November. Meeting dates will be changed from the first and third Monday evenings to the second and Tourth Monday evenings. .This change will permit processing month-end reports for inclusion in regular meeting agenda. The regular business meeting open to the public will be held at 8 pm onthe second Monday r' with items for Committee o The Whole marked on the agenda. Committee Of The Whole meetings will be held at 8 pm on the fourth Monday followed by meetings and discussion with principals, department heads, guidance heads, teachers with special or interesting programs, presidents of students' Councils, plant superintendents, etc:; "In Camera" sessions may be held for a half hour prior to the ComMittee Of The Whole' meeting. Discussion at these sessions will include matters of a Cemetery. Pallbearers were Rod personal . or private nature and Donald A• MacDonald, Jim involving individual students and West, Carrick Coiling, Jim personnel and the like. - - • Brooks and Malcolm MacKenzie, Mr. MacDonald is survived by his wife, two sons and four daughters. He was 55. Survivors include his wife, the former f Donalda MacDonald 'and his - family. Colin of London, Mrs. John (Joan) Black of Ashfield Twp., Anne of Stratford, Donna, John and Helen at home. Also surviving are two sisters, Mabelle of Windsor and (Jean) Mrs. • Richard West of A'shfield Twp. and one brother. David of Ashfield Twp. Funeral. service . was Friday, July 17, 1970 from' the McLennan — McCreath Funeral Home Ripley with Rev. George N.' Ball Officiating. Interment was • in Ripley Art Mart beats the weather and draws large crowds. The eight annual Art Mart and Sidewalk Sale ended Saturday after a three; day run ,in the -Courthouse Park..Members of the Goderich Art Club which sponsors the show described it as the best yet, despite inclement! weather. Major factor -in saving the art part. of the show was the.setting up of work in the former Stedman's store. Local " artists displayed well over 150 pieces inside the building. and many out-of-town exhibits were on the park, ° Biggest novation -this .year was the Flower Festival put on by the Goderich Horticultural Society. Over 2,000 visitors sighed the 'book on the lower floor of the County building where the show was held. Exhibits were on a tourist - theme with displays -showing various facets of Goderich such as Snug Harbour, the Huron County Museum, Sky Harbour Airport, a dustry, Business, Etc. The ex :s is were well planned and well set ue and despite some bad moments at the start of the • show when employees in the building complained, the show went overbetter than expected' Wand proved to be a popular feature of the three days of events. The Goderich Ministerial Association mite again set up a marquee and showed films with volunteer projectionists running 1 the projector. The Kiri Karnival set up between Hamilton Street and Colborne, Street and, as usual was ' a roaring- success, particularly with the younger set. A new inovation with it this year was a mini roller coaster that. had the lager small fry en arye 26, is the son of Mr. and. marble pillars that •adorne ry+ M woodwork here for the first time, arid a display by Mrs. Bob Soehner of Elmira who had an unusual selection of nut craft and seed work n show for the , first . time. She also showed painting by her mother,- Elvera Johnston who has shown here before. She was assisted at her booth by daughter Cindy. The Huron County ..Pioneer Museum had a display in the lower " part of the County building with • local girls as attendants. The display showed some of the smaller items that may be seen at the museum and also showed a pictorial tribute to the Museum founder Herbert Neil. • The Goderich Youth Club held open house with a good attendance. Weather almost spoiled the three day show as wind and rain threatened and the temperature dropped, but no heavy . downpours were - experienced until late Friday evening as the booths were being taken down for the night. Attendance is estimated to • have exceed the expected 5,000 and the Goderj h Art Club and the Horticultural Soceity is already looking forward to next year. comesllomert BaechlerIiaY _wedding,,forhs srster s by Ron Price sharing the honors with two from London. Marty Baechller will be coming home next week to play at his sister's wedding . Fr He is better known now as Jimmy Finch, ` leader of•. the Oriental Mod Squad which he formed about . a year ago, and which has been going great guns ever sihce. The group has played the fabulous Ceasars' Palace in Las Vegas and is currently appearing. at Campbells in London. Marty does his own booking • and -also runs a pretty successful booking agency we hear. He is booked into the Pizza 'Patio from July.27 for a week anti will play at the wedding of his sister Lynda, at the end of his With . the formation of'the Oriental Mod Squad last year things began to happen and with a booking at the Peppermint Lounge in New York the group had a firm, collective foot in the door. Since then they have cut records and have been doing the night club circuit. Ceasars' Palace, a ig spot on their tour,. is one of the most grandiose• of the Las Vegas night spots with tree lined promenades .centred with ornamental fountains; plush suits of rooms fit for Ceasar himself and a definite Roman atmosphere brought about by the statuary • . H 11P .3' , n t J0. 5 t .fie .h r.. •' ', .,a� �'�_4i:h13 .,,'!y. .�: .�°f'C R-,.1'-:.:.:ar+ .. {4-a','• ..5 I,'� �'"f �'inti-,tretr.� .. ('1 president of the `OWNA; C. H. ('Dutch) Meier, Goderich promotion officer; Jim Reddiek, Imperial Oil representative; Bob Shrier; Harry.Worsell, reeve of Goderich; Mac McConnell, president of OWNA; J. Howhi Aitken, vice- president of i ing :panda., master .,..of, ceremonies for the rgrral.�Star .,:!?ubli� g banquet `Walter Palmer,- area vaanagerxt f Ontario Hydro°and' Dori White, public relations, director for "the Bruce' Nuclear " II I at DLu las Point. —staff photo. P6W(cr!�d�velo Ment g A ' q,, .�.:;�1.4� a.,,.a� in .. ya... � r • r `�, y�11, ,,��r (i��igtq. :. a�l.r;^,�" -'Ci• �zM lie � . to ry, %�: � r Mere set up stall on, the srdewalk for and never'took a lesson. His first month there and reached a • their Sidewalk Sale Days and group was the Four Teens which pinacle early in their new found .visitors and local residents alike was made up of Goderich boys! career and predictions are that went after the bargains that *ere John Cymbal and . they will be wanted back .ih., Garth Picot, . evident'everywheree,, : w... , - ,. a: u 'V p"' , ,��. �: ,. few,' �ti� - . , ;�. '`� �; 'Solve . 'new . displays on Nhe , h • n , _ w art .` '''' '' •..._. 1.'G ''it's ° a- to t -way -from reaa . ; . The' ttartette Whit `M y" Square included one" by Johfi next Palace to Goderich, but then a q .,The trato Tones carne ne of . Mitchell who i fellow's sister doesn't ,get Raus�r . .� � with .art and one other fello � displayed his" natural base relief w y d Goderich boy Wayne Fuck married .every day, doesra`�'e�',: • w hants round the vrlrz re F'Road West. Hie plays base. gui it a "Priartara4tiveroutyvenrie,