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Only frenn, 11 0 w 111 Jan -eery
1st 1694. (live it it trial,
The osons Bank
(Chartered by Parliament, 1.395,)
Paid up Capital.... $2,000,000'
Rest Pune. ...... 1,100,000,
Head Mlle!) M.ontreal,
Money advitineer) aood Fernier's on their
own notes one or more endorsers at 7
per cent per annum,
Exeter Branch,
Open every lawful day from $0 a. ra,to 3 p.
m., Seturdays 1Ot.m,to IL p.in
A general banking business transacted
CURRENT RATES allowed for mon-
ey ou Deposit Receipts. Savings Bank at 3
per cent,
Exeter, Jan 28, '88, Sub Manager
05$4e,Jet ter 2Lbuoratt
Is published every Thursday Morning,
at the Mee,
One Dollar per annum if paid in Advance.
81,501± not so paid.
.225-cl:x.rortipira.g Mateo on ..23-vp1ic0.-
No paper discontinued until all arrearages
&re paid. Advertisements withont specific
clireetions Will be published till forbid and
eharged accordingly. Liberal elisoountmade
for transeient advertisements inserted for
long periods. Every description of jOB
PRINTING turnecl put in the finest atyle,
and at mod.era be rates. Cheques, money ord-
ers. &o.for advertising, subsortptions, etc. to
he made payable to
Sanders & Dyer
Cliaireit. Directory.
TRIVITT IlEammlIAL Ontracx.i.--Rev. H
Fatt, Rector. S-unday Services, 11 a. m
tind 'r p, m. Sabbath Sehool, 3 Ea, Holy
Communion, ist Sunday of each in onth at
Morning Service, and in mouths of five Sun-
days, after EVening Service of 1th Sunday of
the in onth. Holy Baptism on 2nd Sunday
of each month ait morning service.
YLEmionisT Onuatai-james-st , Rev. A. L
Russell, Pastor. Sunday Services, 10.30 a.
and. 6.30 p.m. Sabbath School, 2.90 p. m.
MAIN STREET -Rev. W. McDonagh, Pas-
tor. Sunday Services, 10 30 a. m. and 6.30 p.m.
Sabbath School 2.30 p. in.
Pastor. Sunday Services, 11 a. in. and. 8.30 p.
m, Sabbath School, 9.45 a. m
ofessionall. Car ds.
KINSMAN,L.D.S, Vanson's Block
two doors north of Carling Store,
MAIN STREET, EXETER, extracts teeth
without pain. Away at Hensel" on 1st
, Friday; Ailsa Craig on 2nd, and. 4th Tu.esday.
`and. Zurich on last Thursday of each mon.th
IL INGRAM, DENTIST, ll/ember Royal
College Dental Sairgeons, successor to
IL L, Office {over 'Post Mface
Exeter, Ont'. A. safe anaesthetic, given for
the painless extraction of teeth. Fine Gold
Filhnus as required.
.13 Residence -Corner Andrew and North
streets, Exeter, Ontario.
.1../ the College of Physicians and Surgeons
Ontario, Physician, Surgeon and Accoueli-
eur. Office, Dashwbod, Ont,
DR. T. A. AMOS, M. D.., C. M Member of
College of Physicians -and burgeons,
Ontario; licentiate of the Rev.: College of
Physicians and Surgeons Edinburgh; licen-
tiate of the Penalty of Physicians and Sur-
geons, Glasgow; Fellow of Trinit,y Medical
College, Toronto. Office -Dr. Cowen's for-
mer residence.
.1 -L• on, Conveyancer, Notary Public,
Office -Over O'Neil's Bank Exeter Ontario
Money to Loan.
G of Supreme Court, Notary Public, Con-
veyancer, Commissioner, 8,sc. Money to loan
0fhce-r1'ansonis Block, Exeter.
xtors, Conveyancers, Sic.
LT BROWN, Winchelsea, Licensed Alict-
.1.1. ioneer for the Counties of Perth and
Middlesex, also for the township of ITsborne
Sales promptly attended to and terxrisreason
a 131e. SaleS arranged at Post office, Win.chelsa
irossatemeonamamola keuz....roaaagamorogormemearnawatmaiseeuxedwoaato•
• A J. ROLLINS, late of Manitoba, Licens-
23....ed Auctioneer, for the counties of Hur-
on and MiddlesexiarlResi.dence: 1 mile south
of Exeter, Ont. Sale Orders by mail or other-
wise promptly attended to at reasonable
BOSSENBERRY, Hensel). Ontario. Lie-
' . eased Anctioneer for the Counties of
'nron •and Perth. Charges moderate and
a a Nfaction guaranteed.
H.i.N.RDY, Licensed Auctioneer for the
Comili a Huron. Sales Conducted an
reasonableFarm and. Farm Stock a
s pedal ty. gements can be ratbde
at tiliS OffiCe.
L'IRED. W. FARN OMB, Provineial Land
-IV Surveyor and Civil Engineer. Office,
Over Post Wee, Main street, Exeter, Ont.
The 'Western Fire Assurance ComPallY,
• ' Of Toronto,
The Pho3nix Fire Insurance Co'y.,
of London*, England,
The Alliance Fire Assur.
of London, England.
• Offiem-Main.street, Exeter, Ont.
Wheat per bushel $0.65 to 0.66
Barley . ..... .. 30 to 35
Oats.- ......... 26 to 28
. 55 to 57
Butter •. .... . ....... 18 to 19
Lard.........."....... 10 to
1igg 18 & 18
Chicken per lb.. .. .. 5 to 6
Ducks " 7 to 8
Geese " . 5 to 6
Turkey ," , 9 to 10
Pork . 4 .1{111.4, 8.40 to 8.50
Potatoes per nue .. 50 to 60
Hay per ton 6.00 to 7.00
LL:11/ *s0
It will guard you securely from disease
Have a Very Bad Cough,
Are Suffering From Lung Troubles,
Have Lost Flesh Through Illness,
Are Threatened 'With Consumption.
Cure That Cough,
Heal Your Lungs,
Put Flesh On Your Bones
Prevent Consumption,
SMALL & LARGE BOTTLES 501 & $1.00.
Ask for and be sure as get the " D. &L. Emulsion."
The undersigned. will receive tenders until
7 o'clock p.m., Tuesday, Feb. 7th,1£93, inclus-
ively, for the excavating in connection
with the new grist mill, according to plans
and specifications to be seen by applying
to the undersigned. A. S. ROLLINS, Exeter
The undersigned, having signified his in-
tention to retirafrom farm life, will offer
his splendid 200 -acre fitrm for sale, being
lots 24 and 25, concession 1, in the township
of Usbarne, (1.,oncicri Bad), comity of Hur-
on. The landis eV cleared, two splendid
fruit -bearing orchards; windmill and plenty
of good water. Vhe fences are in first-class
condition. On the premises are a brick cot-
tage and kitchen; two large bank bairns;
one horse stable; 24x60; driving shed. This
is a first-elass farm in , very p&rtieular and
is provided with every convenience, and the
location is a good one, being one mile from
Exeter, where there is one of the best imark-
ets in Ontario, It will be told at a reason-
able, figure. Forfurtherparticolys apply to
ABEL 1VALPER, Ray P. 0., Ont.'
QEALED TENDERS addressed to the un-
dersigned, and endorsed "Tenders for
Goderieh- Work," will be received until
Tuesday. the 7th day o± February, inclusive-
ly, for the Extension of the Piers and
brecl ging at Goderich, Huron County, Ont.,
according to a plan and specification to be
seen atthe office of the Town Clerk, Goder-
ieh, and at the Department of Public Works
Tenders will not be considered. unless
made on the form supplied and signed with
the aetual signature of tenderers.
An accepted bank cheque payable to the
order of the Minister of Public, Works, equal
to /Weyer cent. of amount of tender. must ac-
company each tender. This cheque will be
forfeited if the party decline the contract,
or fail to complete the work contracted for,
and will be returned in ease of non.-aecept-
ance of tender.
The Department does not bind itself to
accept the lowest of any tender.
By order,
E. F. E. ROY,
Department of Public Works, t
Ottawa, 3rd January, 1893. 3-
Young, middie-aged or old men suffering from the
effects of follies and excesses, restored to perfect
health, manhood and vigor. •
• New Nerve Force and Powerful
• Cures Lost Power, Nervous Debility, Night Losses,
Diseases caused by Abuse, Over Work, Indiscretion;
Tobacco, Opium or Stiinulants, Lack of Energy, Los
Memory, Headache, Wakeness Sleet and lie.
A Cure Es Guaranteed! I
To every one using this Remedy according.to direc-
tions, or money cheerfully and consclentiously
refunded. PRICE $1.00, 6 PACKAGES $5.00.
Sent by mail to any point in U.S. or Canada,
Becurely sealed free from duty or inspection.
1Nrite to -day fOr Oar
Tru,,s, You How To
Ilddreas Or calI an QUEEN MEDICINE CO.
filliggreet •
NOTES. -Mr. John H. Troyer has re-
turned from Teronto Hospital slightly
improved. Miss Emma Troyer return
ed home from Toronto last week, Mr.
Jas. Jarrett is still quite poorly; hie
chief tronble is congestion of the lungs.
Mrs. Peter Shea is very sick, '
The pension approbation bill which
has just been agreed to by the Approp
riation Committee at Wzishington, pro-
vides foe the expenditure of $166,400
000, an increase of $20,962,650 over
that of the current year.
TITITR.S.P..ANT,..1-T,JaRTIARY 2, 1801
Do not fail to attend the G rand MaSaneraele
—Carnival, in—
The 712.-3:7-21:0°S.A:r...11...1
ska,ting & Carling
Thursday, February 9th, 1,893.
Liberal Prizes will be a-
warded for Costume
Fancy Skating
and Races.
See Posters for
further ,particulars,
Good Music for the occasion.
T. BRINTNELL, Manager.
N. B. -Skating every Tuesday and Saturday
Mr D. B. Calback, of Goderich, was
in town on 'Thursday 1157 00 business
-Mr. Fred Smallacom be andsister and
Miss Francis Coltworth, of Hensel],
were guests at Mr, R. Reynolds on
Sunday eveniug last. --Mr Jas. Ruin
ball, jeweller, who has been suffering'
for some time with an abscess on the
left lung, under 019,07 an operation on
Thursday last. He is doing as well as
can be expected undex the circurastan-
ces.-Another boot & shoe store has been
established in town, with Mr T. E Mc
Donagh as proprietor. He has opened
out a large and yaried stock belongtner
to the, trade in Jackson's block, and no
doubt will command a fair share of the
patronage.---eir. Dan Prior, of Seaforth.
spemt Saturday night in town. -Mr.
David 111111, of Exeter, was in. town on
Monday last attendieg a meeting of
the Canadian Salt Association . -A
large portion of the smoke staek on the
Clinton organ factory was blown down
on Sunday last. Quite an exciting
time was experienced in replacing it
on Monday and Tuesday. -Mr. James
Brownlee is able to be around again
after haviug been coufined to the
house for about two weeks with
MATRIMONIAL. -A very pleasant
event took place at the residence of Mr.
George Anderson, Par Line, Stanley,
on Wednesday, the 257h ult., the oc•
castor) being the marriage of Miss
Elizabeth Wilson to Mr. Wm. McAlis
Li, Per Line, Hay. The interesting
ceremony was performed by Rev. Sam.
.e.cheson, in the presence of about fifty
spectators The large number of use
ful and valuable presents show hove
highly the young lady is esteemed by
her many friends. After partaking of
a sumptuous repast, the evening was
spent in "Chasing the glowing hours
with flying feet." The young couple
have the many wished of long life and
happiness, of the people of this vicinity.
13nrEeems.-eir, John Ashton arid wife
were present at the marriacee of Miss
Gunning sister of Mrs. Ashton on Thurs
day 26 inst.-Mr. J. W. Harrison spent
Saturday in Rodgerville visiting his
parents, --Mrs. James Waneless is visit-
ing her daughter, Mrs. R. Haxby of
Seaforth—The Misses Ward,of Toronto,
who have been visiting their relatives
here, have returned to their resyective
PRDSENTATION.-A nue.ber of cut-
ter and sleigh loads might have been
seen on \Vednesday evening last driv
ing eastward through the village, the
object of their destination being the
residence of Mr, etcAsh. Af.er all had
gathered in, they naade that gentleman
the recipient of an elegant easy chair
and rug,also a handsome pair of gloves
accompanied b3r an address in which
they expressed their deep regret that
being unable to attr nd. to his duties as
Bible Class teacher he was compelled to
resign; and also tendered him their
warmest thanks for his unceasing ef
fo ts to advance their spiritual inter-
ests and to uphold the cause of the
master Mr McAsh w AS completely ta-
ken by surprise, but nevertheless made
a very neat and appropriate reply
The company spent the evening in
pla,ying games and in social conver-
sation at a late hour all retired to their
homes, wishing Mr. MeAsh and his fam
ily the enjoyment of many long years
of happiness.
• OneNeatetroer Mnier.-The annual
meetingof the Stanley District Loyal
Orange Lodge was held here on the
20th inst. The reports from the dif •
fe,rent lodges show the order to be pro•
gress in this section The following
are the officers for the eitrrent year.
District Masteri Robe Nieholson ;Dept'.
ty District Master, Robt. Pollock; Chap;
Wm. Rathwell; Rec. Sec., Jas. Colwells
Pin. Sec., Jno. Torrance; Treas. Jame,
Campbell; D. 0, WunConsit ; Lecturer
Win. Taylor.
Around About Us.
One day last week Mr. Thomas Cam
eron of the Thames Road, Usborne kill.
od a cow, in the stomach of which was
found font rails, one three inch, 1 two
and a half inches and 2 shingle nails.
How the naila got there is a mystery,
as the cow did not show symptoina of
any thing wrong.
Grand Bentl Methodists invaded the
parsoeege Friday evening last and
surprised, their pastor, Roy. J. E,
Hole -lee and ilia wife.
lelessrs, Courses, Bros., of Liman, have
enteeed thl 11 celebrated Clydeedale stal
lion Joe. Anderson in the World's Fair
competition ei Chicag,o.
Ku,LED 237 A TRRE,A farmer nam
ed James Sharpe was instantly killed
Friday morning near Whitechurch by
a tree falling on him and crushing his
skult, _Leceased leaves R large family
of etkaW,hildien unprovided for.
OHAMPIONSUfP.--A five mile skating
race took pliwe on Th arsday last at
Seaforth between Baldwin, of Seaforth,
and Devine, of $t Thomas, for a gold
medal aad the championship of West-
ern Ontario,, The race WaS won by
Bald10 in 18 lid n u tee, 27 seconds.
teen months ago a little girl, daughter
of Mr. Elijah Townsend, near Londea-
boro, got several cherry stones up her
nose while playing. Her parents re
moved dire0-13r at the time what they
thought was all the stones, but the other
day anther one came out which •had
evidently been lodged up her nose all
this time„
On Monday last as Mr. Thomas Berl
ton, of thei-eth con. Biddulph, wa.s le•ad
ing a cow Vs town, and when opposite,
Mr. J. Lewis' She betame vicious aud
attacked Me: Ilarlton, injuling him
seriously. The cow broke loose and
ran to a bush near by. About ten
armed men went in pursuit and quite
an excitini. chase took place before the
animal was captured.
Mr. John ;Richardson, Brinsley, while
going homa from his brother's Satur
day evening met with a serious acci
dent. When going down the hill op
posite Mr. Geo. Lee's the tongue drop
ped out of the neck yoke and stuck in
the snow, and the cutter was drawn
over the end of it, throwing Mr. Rich-
ardson out. He was taken into Mr.
Lee's and had his wounds dressed, and
afterwardssconeyed home, where his
team was found.
D.DATR. -On Friday the youngest
daughter of Mr. F. Booth, of the Goshen
line, Stanley, died after an illness of
about three years, with progressive
paralysis. She was a most estimable
young lady,and #as far a considerable
time cashier in die store of Walker &
Co., Toronto, but owing to the death of
a sister she came home some time ago
and has remained there since; for about
three Teel ene has been deprived of
sight :an-Peeliesion sth at was borne ayieh
christen) resignation. She was a sister
of Mr. 8,31. Booth,of the Doheity Organ
News of the Week in Brief.
The doubled headed calf born on Mrs
Dunbar's farna iu Downie a few weeks
since has died.
William Douglas, a retired farmer,
died in Galt on Saturday night while
sitting in his chair, aged 85.
The Catholic population of the Unit-
ed States is given as 8,800,095 in the
American Catholic directory for 1893.
R, T. I-Iaun, of Orangeville, treasurer
of the county of Dafferin, committed
suicide in a Buffalo hotel on Tuesday
The output of the Chicago distilleries
of the whiskey trust will be reduced by
3,900 crallone daily, beginning imme
Eighteen coal dealers in Rochester
have be,en indicted by the begand jury
for illegally combining to advance the
price of coal,
Countllercier who arriyed at New
York Monday on his return from Rome
told a reporte,r that three-fourths of
Quebec favor annexation.
George Beibear defeated George Hos
mer,of Boston by five lengths in Mon-
day's race on the Thames for the scull-
ing championship of England,
United States Deputy Marshall H. N,
Faulkenbury, of Little Rock, Arkansas
has been killed near Batesville, Ark.,
by a gang of timber cutters.
Another frigid wave is sweeping
down from the North-West, says a St.
Paul despatch. The temperature rang
es from 30 to 40 below zero.
Two youtirs women were baptised in
the RiveriThbames at London yesterday
Thee were candidates for admission to
the church of Latter Dtiy Saints,
A brakeman earned Ball, of Paris
had his left arm crushed while coup.
ling cars near Stratford Wednesday.
He wag taken to Brantford'hospital.
Gaudaur has posted a forfeit of $100
and sent a set of articles of agreement
to Hanle), for a race for $1,000 a side
and the championship of America.
The oldest resident of the county of
Perth, Mr. Peter McDermid, died in
North Easthope on Tuesday of last
week at the great ago of 100 years and
9 months.
George Vickers, the Mitchell embez•
zler, who was arrested in Michigan in
December, was sentenced at Stratford
on Saturday to live years in the penttentiary.
Mr, George Grover, British Royal
Commissionet to the, World's Columb
ian Exposition, 1:V11 found dead tv, his
room in the Virginla hotel at Clit6ago
yesterday mornin . Heart disease is
I, supposed to be th
--•whee, it:
tlo,La titlio, Lette
eeees and Fifv,nopes--in fete
all kinds of jnanting.
John A. Miller and Miss R. Davis,
both of Toronto, were arrestee at Sus-
pension Bridge last eight charged with
attempting to smuggle sealskins and
diamonds into the States.
The annual report of the department
of jostle() ,shows that 387 convicts were
received in the penitentiaries during
the past year, a decsease of 27
pared with with the previous year.
Burglars entered James Scott's dry
goods store Wallaceburg, on Thursday
night, and carried off about $300 worth
of goods, consisting of overcoats, caps
ladies' jackets, furs and dress goods.
.A.merrican customs officers at Sus-
pension Bridge captured $30,000
worth. of opium on Tuesday even
ing. It had been smug,gled from To-
ronto by two colored railway porters.
er h
r asnedi zaeaS rlastiaweekbutch
because of attempted smuggling. The
eases have been reported at Ottawa.
This gods were brought over on ice.
Wm. McKnight, of Bentinck, who
was arrestrd on January 24th on a,
charge of bigamy, was examined on
Tuesday last by .A. W. Robb, Police
Magistrate of Walkerton, and com-
mitted for trial. The infoiniation was
laid by Wm. Bernie, constable of Han-
over, at the instance of George Dag
Two pleasure parties, one from 1VIerr
itton and the other from Thorold met
at the residence of Mr. Jchn Long, De-
ee.w Falls ',Thursday night. During tue
night James Stevens, of Thorold, got
feeling with an old revolver aud acci
dentally shot John Walaer, of the same
town, in the back of the head. The
wounded man may die.
Wm. Tucker, 23 years of age died at
the Toronto Insane Asylum on Friday
from inflammation of the bowels. On
October 277h last he swallowed a knife,
fork and spoon, tog;ether with a fair-
sized triangular piece of glass. He
felt no inconvenience from the articles
in his stomach and for the past three
months has been wont to furnish amuse
merit for the other pa.tients by jumping
up and down to cause a jingle. Inflame
'nation, however, finally set in and at
the end he died suddenly. The case
has excited' considerable curiosity a-
mong medical men and a post mortem
was held by Coroner Lynd.
County Parliament,
The County Council met in Goder-
ich on Tuesday of last week at 3
o'clock. The only absent member was
..nr,o5,tuort, of West .WeAvalsosh,. , Me
Murchie and McDonald moved Griffin
for Warden and he was unanimously
Communications were read and re-
ferred as follows:
From the County Council of Elgin,
respecting railways being compelled to
build culverts over natural waterCOUrSe& Special committee.
From Ontario County Counsel, ask.
hag co-operation in gettingcertain
ameedinents made to the Drainage Act
orth County Council,
regarding market fees. Same refer-
From the Prisoners' Aid Association,
asking the usual grant towards their
work, Executive Committee.
• From County Council of Grey, ask-
ing co-operation in getting certain
amendments under sec. 533 a of the
Municipal Act of 1892, Special Com
Resolution of the united counties of
Northumberland and Durham, in re-
ference to changing the numbers of
county councillors, Special Comniit-
•From Dominion Alliance for the total
suppression of the liquor traffic. Special
• From J. Buchanan, J. Atkinson and
W. W. Cooper; making application for
the county studentship at the Ontario
Agaicultural College. Special Com
A statement of Division Court sup
plies sent from the County Clerk's of-
fice, and the report of the •Insurance
Committee were read and ordered print
ed in the minutes
• Letter from Idington & Palmer, so-
licitors for W. J. Carpenter, of Logan
township, claiming damages from Hu-
ron and Perth councils for dainage to
his farm through the changing," of a
water course, Special Committee.
On Motion of Messrs M. Y. McLean
and. Ilolt, Rev. Dr. Ure, of Goderich,
Dr. Shaw, of Clinton,and Dr. Smith of
Seaforth were appointed on the respec-
tive Collegiate Institute boards.
On motion of Messrs' Taylor and
Sheppard, William Coats, of Clinton
was appointed auditor for the emTent
The following was elected as the cone
mittee te strike standing committees'
for the year: Meesrs MeMurchie Gir
vin, Proudfoot, Kydd, Cook Rollins and
Cox. ••
The Council then adjourned until 10
in., Wednesday.
Council resumed business at 10
Appeals from ratepayers of S, S. No.
5, litillett aid from ratepayers of 8. S.
No. 6 and 10 of East Wawanosh,
against their respective conneils, were
referred to Edlieation Committee.
The striking eonunittee submitted
the following as the list of Standing
Coratnittees for 1893:
NO 295
I lt,'Xit'du'reve -INiessiTe7Milne, KoeYS
I Girvin, Kennedy, Sparlieg, t li.
;eYoung, Afelliereon, MeEe an, Scott.
l Fre ANOA. ---MOSSrSPro ad
fBoloete,,Fceenriut eo rii3f(3311 .fileee,v,e, es seee emu trl, 0 a ,0
Eetraerzerrioet-Messrs, Holt, Cook,
COX IVIeMurchie, Either, McDo nalti, Wa
son, Kydd, Shepherd
ROAD Al+To Iltioen,----illesers Rate,
Graham, Gibeon, Torrance, Oliver,
liowe, Turnbull, Tas lor Cruiekshank.
EDUCA T To N..- Measrs Moon e,y. Kerr,
lVfeKay, Shields, Cheielrers, Geiger,Stu,
Couerry Peoemeres-Messes. Saun-
ders, Spack man, Sherritt, A. Young,
Evans, Erra,tt, Dames.
WARDENS. ---Nfoss-rs, Saunders, Kydd„
Eilber, Cox, Milne,
SPEOTAL.-MOSSTS, Cook., Rollins, Holt
Giryin, McEwan.
On motion of lViessrs McPherson and
Proudfoot, M. Y. MeLean and the
County Clerk were appointed on the
beard of Crimival Audit.
On motion of Messrs 'Torrance and
Lean, Messrs, Baird, of Staxiley, and
Clarkson of Seaforth, were appointed
on the board of County Examiners.
The reports of the County Treasurer
and the Jailer were read and referred
to committees.
Messrs, Cook and • Howe moved to
amend a motion passed last year, by
authorizing tho Executive Committee
to inspect the mortgage.s held by the
Treasurer and report on ten same to
the Council. This caused a long de-
bate, the present regulations being
that only the warden, treasarer tied
clerk examine and deeide on applica-
tions for loans,but the amendment was
lost on a division.
The County Property Committee was
instructed to consider some other
means of heating the Coarr house' and
report thereon to the council.
The reports of Inspectors Toms and.
Robb were referred to Education Com-
mittee and that of the County En,g,i-
neer to Road and Bridge Committee.
Applications were filed by the re-
spective reeves to have the following
persons put on the list of ceunty wards
John S. and Mary Walton, of Goderich;
William Duncan of Turnbugy; Marga-
ret Fletcher, of Wingham; and Marga-
ret McKean, of Astifield. Referred. to
Finance Committee.
A letter regarding the defective con-
dition of the closets were read and filed,
and requisitions for supplies for the
jail and additional offic.e furniture for
D. McDonald, were referred to County
Property Committee.
A letter from Turnberry asking the
Council to assume a per centage of
the cost sf bridges in said toevership,
was eeferred to Road and Bridge Com.
Applientions for grants to the East
and West Huron Teachers' Asser.ia-
tions were referred to Executine Cont •
After referring a number of ac-
counts to Finance Committee council
adjourned until 10 a. me Thursday.
Council resumed at 10 o'clock.
A letter regarding the claim. of Mr.
Carpenter was referred to Road • arid
Bridge Committee, as were applica-
tions from the townships of Grey and.
Stephen asking the county to assume
a per centage of cost of bridges over
100 feet in length. A motion by Messrs
MeEwan and Turnbull instruetins" the
county engineer to examine the bridge
miles east of Zurich, in the town-
ship of Hay, with a view of having it
added to the list of the county bridges,
was also referred.
Tenders for wood and for the county
printing were referred to Executive
Messrs Saunders and McPherson re-
newed their motion to empower the
.Executiyc Committee to exainine loan
on mortgages made by the county and
after an extended debate it was carried
on a division.
The usual motion to appropriate the
stim of $3,000 for boundary line im-
provements was referred to Road and
Bridge Committee.
• A motion to empower the clerk to
procure copies of Ontario statutes for
the use of the respective municipalities
was referred to Executive Committee,
Conedt then adjourned until 4 p. no.
An application from Howick that the
County assumed charge of the town-
ship bridges 100 feet wide was referred
to Road and Bridge Committee.
Accounts from Signal and G, N.
Davis were referred to Finance Com-
Mr. Green addressed the Council re-
aairclinfr the want of a bridge near
'?aringliam, and the great inconveni-
enee caused thereby,
Report of Eeecutive Committee be-
ing read, Eilber moyed, seconded by
Beacom, in amendment, that $300 be
granted to be divided between the dif-
ferent Agricultuieil Societies--Amend-
inent Carried.
An application that Jane Keight, of
Goderich, be placed on the list of Connts Wards, was referred to Finance
An application to have Wm, Collins
and Wm. Dern), of Goderich township,
placed on the list as County Wards
waS referred to Finance Committee,
A motion by PrOutlfoot and Woods,,
that the Special Committee enquire lu-
ta the vote polled for the County Hotise
of Refuge was carried.
COUtlal thee abjelirried till Friday.
• (Contleuee next Week.)