HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1970-07-16, Page 120!110rTi I+ITh `PkS4-1 A 1,3Y HELEN ALL, c igonto` c!e r4m cllteatc ,Here is Harr'; "a 'goon=hatured, happy .boy who is ali Ost 10 months old. Anglo-Saxon and Italian in:background. he is a handsome little fellow, sturdily- built. with big_ hazel -eyes, brown hair and pink and white skin., Harry 'is cuddly and affectionate, not a bit shy, respond= • ing to all overtures in his deep voice.. Indeed he, is a Very' vocal child. who "talks" from, morning to night: He is • acne all_ lacidu::and,. mill ..a 1:'" ' �.on�ntand-�re�ax�ed.- Y 1? s. Qn.,. . 4' ,.. eev-hinrow fie- beeenteszcjute rti exwiientite.he trs.7mUSIel•,:; which sets him rocking back and forth. Harry's health is excellent and ,he ,is on. a goon routine so.-he~�is-easy' to•'care---for. -He-:needs- par -parents --who will .provide ' stimulationwithout.. pressure. To • inquire about , adopting Harry please ,write to ' Today's Child,- Department 'of Social and Family Services, Parliament Buildings, Toronto 182. For general adoption information, ask your Children's Aid Society:: James .Richardson 8t Sons Ltd Serving The Feed Dealers of Western Ontario PHONE 524-8388,. GODERICH • Ann 40401 Nothing romantic Dear Ann Landers: I am not writing for advice. My. wife did that already. I thought you might like . to know what happened to a person you tried to "help.' • Several months ago Linda wrote to you. After 14 years she was sure our marriage was a 'mistake. Linda 'accused me- of being married to' my work instead of to her, She confessed thiatduring the day she had erotic fantasies about tne, but when+ane 'home at night she was coripetely• turned off and 1 „has repulsive to r her. , She admitted propositioning • her;'. doctor - nothing romantic, she said, purely medicinal. When he rejected her,- sip began4o drink heavily. Then she, approached our next-door neighbor. He said "no", top, and suggested that, ,she, write to' Ann Landers, So Linda "wrote to you and you advised her, to g+et psychiatric help.' • - Well,y the .psychiatrist ' helped her a lot. He also helped himself. • It seems he was having . some trouble with his own marriage and he and Linda had a great deal in common. I • became suspicious when he started to make "house calls" at night. They closeted, themselves in the bedroom for hours with the radio going full blast. Tonight Linda announced she ' is -leaving me for her psychiatrist. He and his wife separated last week. Your a advice stinks. Thanks for nothing. BBD' —Dar _.S_: _M,y,.".advice was All right" 1W -zpsychia'tris't `" s • 'Bummer. , • a Dear Ann Landers: We didn't, care for your answer to the. Data- Processor ataProcessor who wrote in defense. of . computers.' You' said you'd rather be one of the thousands of Mary Smiths than the only Number 419728651. How would you like to 'receive another Mary Smith,'.$ paycheck - i . it was less than' yours? Would you be willing to pay her tax bill if it was more than yours? Or her telephone. bill or her utility bill? People four-letter words.. ° ' should think about these things. Help us, dear Lord, to hold before they yell their heads off our tongues about our about "those monstrous experiences of the past, lest we machines taking over our lives." • become tiresome and, boring. We expecteq•-better from you, Keep us, Heavenly Father, in Ann Landers. -Syracuse Programmers Jim, Tom, Ron, Frank, J.W.P., G.W.R., R.F.S., J.M.P. and ?? Smith. Dear Syr: Your point is well taken, gentlemen, but why didn't you send, your numbers instead of your names? 'I had a ,terrible " tittle with your handwriting, Nevertheless, thanks for the clobber I deserved it. Dear Ann Landers: A while back you printed a'Prayer for Dear Ann Landers: °I hope. isn't. a Old People. Here' is an updated, , you don't think this is too dumb A cynical colleague of mine asked: "Is version, tailored to the times. I to print. I need your help. I'm a it one of those Indian religions that justify hope you enjoy it. teen-age girl who goes to lots of sitting around on your rump and Please, dear Lord, give us the slumber parties. I've always said nothing?" 1 don t.think it is. doing. strength to- rise above hurt ,,my prayers before going to bed g' feelings when, for weeks, we do and my bedtime prayer has It's something new that came out of ,not receive so much as a become such a habit that I can't the Middle East about a century ago, telephone call from our children.. sleep until I've gone through the . complete with. prophet, and has grown, We must remember 'they are entire--r'intik---Some-of 4he-girls qute ly but steadily. busy with THEIR children, with tease me about it and make me b9 ' brio e, golf, shopping, clubs, , ; A -Fireside is a meeting of Ba -nils and gfeehbabyish. Last night someone . those interested in ' learning about it. bowling, business acquaintances said "Look who still says her and social friends. P ,o le of all age's and faiths and colors sit prayers!"I felt like a e p 9 When our ,grandchildren are two-year-old. around quietly .. at somebody's hofiie, present, help us to remain silent Can you think of an answer , listen to those who have "declared so we of their miss of single throu h that will turn them off? -Akron themselves', pray, together and meditate. wisdom; g Teen some mysterious process they Dear Ak: Why bother? They have managed - to learn need to be turned ON - not off. everything there is to know. The girls who belittle you are Strike us dumb in the presence probably envious. Faith can be a of these young people, Heavenly remarkable source of strength. young, because'. it contains the best and Father, that- we may. not utter a Those who don't have it • - word against their hair, dress„.sometimes feelthe-nee . to_ .ut the essence of.the world's great relgons:ii Tnusi .... -.oz, ,. gient,. visa, n - ,dc�wmtQsewhado. ,..Low:.for GO.dx•oe1gbnerd -Self' ,. -gentleness; °honesty; -abstinence. It seems' to have no pol itical or racial' .overtones. No gbod, Ba-hai will touch drugs or alcohol. Though I notice they all smoke like -fiends,;.-and never have any cigarettes good health and high spirits, so that ,when our children or grandchildren' , need attention and encouragement we, are available. And, above ali, dear Lord, keep us solvent so that we may forever be able, to maintain our independence and not be a "burden. -- Parents. • ' Dear Parents: Thanks for the contribution. Fortunately, many of myreaders will see something in your prayer besides humor. .: * BIL,L You've heard of rock-and•roll groups. But have you,everheard of Ba-hai groups? Just when my wife and I get everytjing. squared around, and look forward to a period of doddering about �in' peace, somebody throws the overalls in the chowder and we have to fish them"out. Usually, -_ it's one. _ of _ our kids. Sornetimes, old or new friends. This time it was a little of both, First of all, Kim arrived ,home' Friday night with a 'car -load of friends. They'd come far a Fireside. I'm sure you know as much about Firesides as Ido.• They have noti'ig to db wit tires. She and manysof her' friends' haves become .Ba -hail. It sounds like something out of the musical' South Pacific, but it - There are. no churches, taxes, and all the ills that plague the modern church institution. .. It has great, appeal . for the idealistic FOR YOUR AUTO INSURANCE See or Phone' MALCOLM MATHERS GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT 46 WEST ST. 524.9442 of their own. Anyway, • here carne Kim with here friends, all set for a Fireside. Her mother had been at one the week before, and though a staunch Anglican,- was impressed. She agreed to go again, could see the pincers closing in (I'd been away 'fishing the week before.) To thesniIky House SMILEY my relief, a y.oung fellow from another world dropped in, at the crucial moment. Davie Lodge, leaderµ, of Major 'Hoople's Boarders, just to tell °us his rock group was playing that night at the local arena. We've knownhim since he couldn't blow his own nose. My wife went to the Fireside. I went -to hear the Major and the -bedlam. We both arrived home slightly dazed, • 1 slightly deaf. The Ba-hais had goneback tc '' their lairs in the city, but ...the, 'Hooples' came home' with me far a cold dink, with their girl .singer, Gail, then tiniest ,girl with the biggest v.o:ice on either ,side • of the Rock ids: It was interesting. Two completely different groups of young people, about the same age. One flat broke, spreading• the gospel, talking about establishing. a commune in the country.. The other flat out, with thousands of 'dollars of equipment,. hurtling. from one engagement to the next, in their -own expensive rolling commune, Alda of them bright and polite. ' The' generation' :gap That .-might didn't seem as wide as the caste system among ,young people themselves: There was no confrontation, but the two groups had less in common than we middle-aged yahoos had with either of them.` And think of all the other castes: the yippies, the greasers;. the straight kids, the freak -outs and a dozen others, But - to get back to? my- Point,.. if possible. The up -shot is that we are committed to having a Ba -hal wedding in our . backyard in October. The bride's onthec: alt... f€o 1 !eddiri ,ec ion..._ t g'roo-mother offereii -flava-i t her place if all the blinds were drawn. Anybody who 'wants to get married outside in October needs a pretty_ strong faith.' I suppose • they could roll in the leaves in some symbolic ritual. But the -moment of truth came when the ;prospective groom informed us joyously that a rock group- had agreed to play at the wedding. I've heard them. Clearly: From three blocks away. have a feeling I'm going to put my foot down. ' TO THE DIRECTQR 5 For Pleasant 'Surroundings and Good Fapd THE GODERICH RESTAURANT STEAK HOUSE and TAVERN STEAK HOUSE. and TAVERN THIS SPACE. RESERVED FOR YOUR AD I N DOUBLE PASSES 70 THE PARK THEATRE BOOKS & STATIONERY Cards For All Occasions * Gifts * Books * Stationery Supplies l" Records ANDERSON'S BOOK CENTRE 33 East St. ' Godgrich Robert Dures ° RR 6, Goderich UI LDING itolATF RiAL l PAINT, WALLPAPER * PAINT * WALLPAPER . * CARPETS * TILE * LINOLEUM "Your Complete Home , Decorating Centre MCAS .:� UR and r 1t REI LLY LTD. West St Goderich' r THIS SPACE 1 * FRIGIDAIRE * WESTINGHOUSE *: G IBSON * ` HOOVER Sales -and Service JEWELL BROTHERS APPLIANCES & TV LTD. The Square Goderich l WORK 1, BOOTS ' Ben Feagan RR 2, Goderich EXCELLENT SELECTION Regular or Safety Toe 14 Different Styles DAVE GOWER'S i Industrial & Garden Centre tj Hamilton St. 524-8761 ;THIS SPACE RESERVED -FOR YOUR AD FURNITURE D. E. Feaver 64 Maitland St. . For The FINEST in FURNITURE tis The Names' (if Five Signal -Star Subscrib- ersAre To Be Found in Ong Of These Ads Now Showing. Starting WED., for 7 days JULY '15 Tie most electrifying ritual eve en! RICHARD HARRIS"# r "A MAR CALLED HORSE" n I*%NRVISION'T `);GEN COLOCE A. NATIONAL ATOER ALG ERALMS PICTUR S RELEASE iGF ' A CINEMA ON (ADULT, ENTERTAINMENT) SEE REGULAR AD ON 'PAGE 5 FOR DATES AND TIMES • r MOW Now a. good salary Opportunity -security for you in a business career Goderichl Business College " NIGHT SCHOOL Typing, eookkeep Lng„ Shorthand (Tu'es. &. Thurs. Eve ning) 524-8521 f THIS SPACE '` RESERVED FOR YOUR AD MEN'S WEAR 1� W. J. Hughes 504EIgin Ave. W. For That CERTAIN Flair IN MEN'S WEAR EARL RAWSON MEN'S WEAR. On -The Square,'Goderich For Courteous Service BLUEWATER TAX( 524-7305` SHOE STORES 0 % For FASHION RIGHT ,SHOES The Place To Go Is ROSS '• SHOES The Square Goderich ' A FOR YOUR AD LODGE a. - r0. �• •� +4 •d crIYI`t�re4�-' rtr:.. West St.'Goderich THIS SPACE RVQ Be Sure To See cru r isplay Of ORIGINAL tfilLfr 'I A1NTINGS OR YOUR -AD SPROU-LE 1. SHOES a.1 -. i Mrs. D. Sizer a.1-.BOAtt13444� �� ..,; • , �i ,�",�.a. >4r�; ,:. 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