HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1970-07-09, Page 5jt • • :r the Minister's, study ..EiY REV. LEONARD WARR „ - Victoria St. 4 Pentrailor (Mite c 1 e'llurches ' Give God a chance with your soul Once when- evangelist D.L. Moody was conducting a series of ' special services in a mid -west city, its leading newspaper announced that they would ' ° print every word,' spoken or. sung, at every meeting... The 4 preacher said, that he trembled when he read the announcement, for well he knew that everything hymns, prayers and sermons - would be -read all over the state. However, there was nothing to do but go ahead. • One morning a copy of the.„ paper was thrown into the cell of A prisoner who was awaiting -trial. His , eye caughtthe headline: "How The Jailer Got Caught," and he sat down to read it with a grunt of satisfaCTion, for a jailer to get into trouble. was balm -to his soul. Philippi;" he read, "Yesrf know where that is - up in 'Illinois. What is this?" he protested to himself .as he read on. "What must I do to be Saved? Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved. Have the newspapers come down to printing such trash?" And he threw down the paper in disgust. Then he got up and paced his cell to,. and fro - like7arrApitrageth. animal in a cage. After few minutes a new mood *took hold of him. "What's wrong with me any way?" he asked' himself. "I'm sick of this dog's life - hunted from place to place like -a wild beast, arid, sOme.charge or other always coining; up 'against me." • Before he knew it he was face to face with the Ultimate • WILLIAMS CEMETERY JOHN REGINALOJOHNSTON John ReKin'aid Johnston, 2, Goderichedied.ThursdaY, JulY 2, following a lengthy illness at e Al,exanclra iViarine 'and General Hospital. He was 79. A son of Thomas John Johnston and Elizabeth Adeline MeKee, he was born December 4, 1890,n Goderich Township where he was a lifelong resident. He was married April 8, of - tmgieri'd - 'MRSAtINNIE-kFISHER-77- He came to Canada in 1913 IVIInniel A. Miler. • RT PriOr to 'moving to Goderich five CO Ili ngwood, died in years ago, he resided in Windsor. Coljngwood Saturday, July, 4.r He served oeirseas with the . She was 92. 160th Battalion in World War I. .She was the former A. He was employed as customs White, daughter otraines T. officer with the Canada Customs White and Mary Slettery and -Ws • until his retirement in 1963: - born December 21, 1877, in His wife, the former Mary Colborne Township. Mrs. Fisher Ernestine Drumm° n'd , was a lifelong resident of predeceased him December 20, Colborne Township until,moying 1966. to Collingwoodin 1963. problem of his life, and the you what you ought to do, and She was a ,member 41919 in Goderich to the,former He was a meinber of No.rth question of what to do About it it will often be hard. But lie Street United Church. 4.„ Benrniller. United Church. IVIary Sowerby whd Stirvilves. The forced itself upon him. be with you as you Obey. "I'll have done with the whoie thing," he blurted out. Perhaps this can help me after all," and he sat down arid read the account of the last night's meeting through and through. He found there the answer to the question quoted above. Paul's answer was: "Believe on, the,Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved." His version of it was to give himself up ,to Christ once for alt. When the guard came around, the prisoner greeted him with 'a cheery ' Good morning' instead of a customary curse. "Look out for him," the guard warned his fellows. "He's trying the pious dodge today." But soon they , found that they had a different man to deal with. When his case 'came up, through some- quirk in the law he was discharged. - At once he stalled to look- for work. But no one wanted him. He. went from place to place with the same result. "I'll never go back to .the old life even if- I starve," was his only comment, and, he came back to• the city_ distouraged and Remember that while sins, against -God must be confessed to God, wrongs done to men: must be made right to men. It is so simple - this act of personal trust in a personal Saviour - but it involves everything. •It is not merely that I have made a right -about-face; Christ really comes into action. - He begins with forgiveness. The past is no longer, reckoned against you. Reconciliation,with _God means reconciliation with one's own conscience; the inner conflict is replaced by peace. The man becomes true to his own ---real self when he keeps faith with God. Christ's word to everyone in . sin is the same as he spoke to the , . Surviving Mr. Rising are one 1 -ler us an ° s y W. couple farmed In Goderich T19o5w2ns. hip until his retirement in Anne) Kussner; Windsor; ,one Snrviving are one daughter, Fisher, predeceasd her, daughter,: Mrs,- Artbur (Shirley son,onegrandson; MountanonePleassisatnert,; ,. Russell (Esther) Horn, Mr. Johnston was an adherent of St. George's Anglican Church.Owasso, Michigan;, two sons, Surviving besides his wife are Milton and Thomas, both Of Mrs, M. S, (Elizabeth) Campbell, one son, Harold, Brarnalea, five. TeesWater. , Goderich; eight grandchildren grandchildren and One great Funeral service was Monday, and ten great grandchildren..She , Funeral Home with Rev. G. G.. July 6, from the McCallum was predeceased by five sons. Funeral service was Tuesday, grandchild; one sister; Mrs. Jean Chambers, Goderich. Funeral service was Saturday, July 7, from the McCallum . Russell officiating. Cemetery. Pallhearers ' were Funeral. Horne' with Rev. Interment was in Maitland July 4, at the McCallum Funeral Home with Rev. G. ip. Ripen Charles Adams, Art Kussner, Leonard Warr officiating.. offieiating.. Interment was in Colborne Bob Rising, Harry Phillips, Cemetery. Pallbearers were Interment was in Maitland Cemetery. Pallbearers were Dalton Dickinson and Harborne Jonathon Fisher, Gordon Athens. • Flowerbearers were ' Fowler, Lawrence. Harrison,' Forest McClure; Earl Cooper, Ed Harold Adams, -Bill Daer and Archie Hamilton, Bert McCabe Sowerby, Les Pentland, L. A. Lassaline and Everett McIlwain.- , and Toynbee Lamb. • Tom Young. • , ce 13014401 Sntlitle1111UVRSDAY*JUTA The fatally that priors togitlair 419 IT MISS BLANCHE SHAW Anniversar .- services woman who was a sinner,. YOu Miss Blanche Shavv,--Colbonie . when you commit -pose sins. are not true to your real 'self Township, died Friday, July 3, at St. Go orge s That is not what God mean .1-lospital. She was 77. when He made you. What God - .meant in her mos„kermarvellous • A daughter of Edward Shaw and Margaret Patton, she was capacity for love. What He - born May 14, 1893, in Colborne meant in the prisoner whose Township. Following her story I have told you was his graduation from Goderich capacity for trustworthiness. Nursing School, Miss Shaw What He means in each of us is t in Alexandra Marine and General The Rt. Rev. G. N. Luxton, Bishop of Huron, will be the special guest at St. George's Anglican Church on Sunday, July 12, for services marking the Anniversary of the parish. Bishop Luxton is well-known to many people in Goderich. He has been the- Bishop of Iciaron _Diocese.sinc1948:and- -has - -visited here' quite. 'a few occasions. Six years ago he visited the parish arid officiated at the unveiling of a memorial window.' Since then he has been in Goderich for the A.C.W. meetings and as a guest. of the. soMething equally precious. to nursed in New York - City, .tletermiried.- - ,-,B1111-2 cs-men. Lve_. __a „ - • heirthe. ciyie-co.f.w• iiti ,se t - eiianie *MT yoursoul. .- ' " . - - • • . - d-4t.Years,ago-7 - .-L: - - - 9. . ., — There is that which Christ did • -She was-a-membeetif --North ,for him. Street United Church. "What have they got against - once for all when He died on the She is - survived .by one me now?" he asked. Well, no Cross for the sins of the, whole brother, Marr Shaw, °Colborne matter what it is, I'll tell the world. There is that which our 'truth." . living Lord now waits to do for Township. ° She was predeceased by three . . _. returning to Colborne township . But when -he -met the cliterthe everyone whd trusts Him - to -sisters, clouds began to break. • --- --make the redemption provided sisters, Belle, Ruth and Winnie, and one brother, Edward. 'We've ben watching you, for all effective in each person's Funeial service was held the chief said, "and we know " • own case. ' Monday July6, from the you're going straight. Naw here's The faith that saves is McCallum Funeral Home with • a job I've got for you," and he personal trust in this Saviour, Rev. Leonard Warr officiating. MEMORIALS And Inscriptions Stratford - Ontario Ronald C. McCallum Representative 21 Wellington St. Goderich Phone 524-6272 or 524-7445 FLOWER JULY 16-17-18 w Loer Floor Of CQUrt House offered hinca position of trust. crucified and risen from the - Interment was in COlborne . The man 'rose to the challenge dead; it is giving ourselves up to Cemetery. Pallbearers were and sown proved himself so our living Lord that He'may do Cameron Bo. 'e 13ill Bo 'e Rod Bogie, Frank Shields, Terence thoroughly - that they would for us ,what we cannot do for , , trust him with anything. ourselves. We cannot pardon Hunter and Horace Crawford. N dl t h id tified ourselves none 'but the One , himself with the religio-us life of._ against whom we have sinned the city and became a power... can -forgive the sin. We . cannot ROBERT RISING , ' One- day the eV'angelist,whom c ange our own na e, none he loved deeply, called on him as but the Creator can create anew. •he was passing throktgh the city, We commit ourselves to Christ tent of jewels. - - resting in Chric;., the direct tu t . ' and . found him in charge of a thus to save us. Th4 means • "Look what.God can.do with opposite of the struggle for salvation an old burglar!17 he said as he ret • the jewels run through his Charles G. Trumbull of the ng fi ers , Sunday School Times presents Has the reader got the answer an illustration of this truth. that to the age-old question? The has done most for me spiritually. answer for this convert turned A lady once asked, "What do round two words, repent and You mean by trust?' • trustYou must break Her adviser answered, "Have . away from your old sins, There must you ever learned to float?" be no fooling about -it - nO She said, "Well, I have tried d . allowance made for going back 6," to it at some diStant day. Christ' He 'replied, 'Now isn't that can do nothing for us until the the reason you.rlidn't su'cceed'." break -is sharp and final; as with Iir,order to flat you must le t the man before us, we decide the water do its part. ' If yoJ that never again win we consent struele against it, down you gl. to those sins' re-entry to our If you let go it will bear you_ up, lives. Then put everything into trusts the water. Christ's hands. Throw on Him Exactly the same principle the entire responsibility for your applies to our,trust in Christ. We past record your present must just let Him. do His part. condition, and your future This personal commitment, or destiny. The moment you give entrustment, of ,the soul, to God up, He lakes over. He will show each 'Person must make for himself.- Christ must have . possession of one's life to the extent which means complete control in order to save him, and the -.faith -which yields to His treatment is exercised by each person's free choice. How shall we escape (spiritual ' death which is the wages of sin) if we neglect so great salvation? (HebPews 2:3). and do one can swim until he SOMME SHOES Clean Sweep SHOE SALE Now On! SPORTS EAR - FOR FUR IN THE SUN •& t Robert Rising, 164 Wells Street, died Friday, July 3, at Alexandra Marine and General Hospital. He was 73, A son of Charles 'Rising and Ellen Seymour, he was born. Celebrate wedding anniversary • Mr. and Mrs. Frank Glenn, Dungannon reached their 45th wedding anniversary June 24 and celebrated on the 28th with a family dinner at the Club Grill. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn have Six children: Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Glenn, Lucknow, Bud Glenn at home, Joyce, Mrs. Herb Pocock, Clinton,- Don, in Toronto, Vernon in Saltford anct.Gerrie in. Dungannon. • , A son Jack died. in 1942 at the age of 13 and a daughter June in 1952 at age 20. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn were married in the parsonage in Lucknow in 1925. Mrs. Glenn is the daughter of th'e late Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cook, LuCknow., Mr. Glen is the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Glenn, Dungannon. There are 15 grandchildren, 10 boys and five girls. The family presented them with a chair. School's out watch for bicycles! T. PRYDE and SON MEMORIALS - MARKERS & CEMETERY LETTERING CLINTON EXETER - SEAFORTH Goderich District Representative FRANK McILWAN 524-7861 or 200 Gibbons St. - 524-9465 REG. J. BELL . . 45 Cambria Road S. 524-7464 Goderich Lions Club. Bishop Luxton has announced his intention to retire in August of next year, so that this may .be the last official visit that he will make to St. George's parish while he is -Bishop of the Diocese. •. , The services at St.' George's Church will be at 8:30 a.m. and 10 .1m. A social hour in the parish hall or on the lawn will be heldafter the 10 a.m-. service. These services mark the 136th year of the founding of the parish and 90 years since the present church was built. The present dhurch was built in 180 to replace the original church Which had burned the previous year. At that time the church was °located on , St. George's Crescent overlooking the harbour. The parish diecided to build a new church On part of the Rectory property at the corner cot-Nortirarid,Neismr:Street.s7: • 71'he..-present'chtrcfriS' csne-of the finest examples of the church architecture of the time., The.45ame plan was adapted a few years later for St. George's AngliLn Church in Sarnia. - The- -Rev:-- Garwood G. Russell, the present Rector,' is the .thirteenth rector since the Rev. Robert Campbell arrived in Goderich from England in 1834-. The longest ministry in the parish's history was the 38 -year tenure of the Rev. Cancin E. L. Elwood. As rector from .1849 until 1881, he saw the building of the present rectory in 1862 and the construction of a new church in 1880. Additions and improvements have been made to the buildings down through the years. During' - the past three years the parish: hall has been thoroughly renovated. ,,p, St. Peter's Roman -Catholic Church --;•• NORTH STREET 7 ' Rev. •Father R. Moynahan Phone 524-8174 Sunday Masses: 8:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m, - 5:00 p.m. CLINTON GOD:ERICH. 01,1.• i CHURCH OF GOD MacKay Hall Corner Nelson & North St Pastor: Rev. 0. L. Henders'On Need X Ride For us.Pickup -- Phone 524-7129 or 524-8570 SUNDAY, JULY 12th 10:00 a.m.— Sunday School 11:00 a.m. — Morning Worship YOUTH CAMP COMMENCES July 5 through July 11 ' EXPECTING? How Nkel Coine in and visit us for .' complete line of Maternity Wear including pant suits, bathing suits, short sets, dresses, blouses, shorts and slacks. /177 \ CLEARANCE 20% DISCOUNT ON 13ras, panties, girdles and garter belts. We carry the largest line of maternity wear in Western -Ontario. Come in and see our prices. OPEN DAILY Our location is Highway 21 next to the Sunoco GRAND BEND — 238-2298 Tk Siork Shop e • 4-4 • go st�ys 1 - Fl S BAPTIST CHURCH MONTREAL STREET near the SqjJare - A WELCOME SUMMER* HOURS .JULY AND AVGLAST 10:.00 a.m; - Morning Worship and Chlirr'00 55hool. Guest speaker for July.- -Mr. PO Ferrer-, Clinton THE LORDS SUPPER •-) . Superv1ied Ntirsery Mlnister:' Rev, Arthur -Maybury, 8,A., B.O. ST. G,FORGE'S CHURCH Seventh Sunday after Trinity — JuIy 12th ' 136th ANNIVERSARY SERVICES Special Guest: THE RT. REV. G. N. LUXTON Bishop of Huron at both services. . Holy Communion at 8:30 Morning Praypr and Sermon at 10 a.m. ' Nursery - 10 a.m. ' Social Time for Congregation after 10 a.m. Service PLEASE NOTE SUMMER TIME SCHEDULE Rector: .REV. G. G. RUSSELL, 8.A., B.O. 0%.00%."-",""."0".0%.."."."....•%p".0%^0"."00%.""-.0%. Knox Presbyterian Church THE REV. G. LOCKHART ROYAL, B.A., Minister WILLIAM CAMERON, Director of Praise • ' SUNDAY, JULY 12th SUMMER SCHEDULE Service is at 10:00 a.m. Sermon Subject: , "CHRISTIAN NON -CONFORMISTS" Guest Minister THE REV. DOUGLAS 0. FRY Red Deer — Alberta --.7.77ELL-OWSHIP--&--REFRESHMENTS. • "4' AVTER—TKEISERVICE, .Z4 :0,51 - Enter to Worship Depart to serve f•5•• North Street United Church REV. ROBERT L. RAYMONT SUNDAY, JULY 12th 10:00 a.m. (4MORNING. WORSHIP. (Coffee Time to Follow) ' Guest: REV. K. BARRY PASSMORE Minister' of Wingharn United Church. W -E -L -C:0 -M -E Supervised Nursery Mrs. Eleanqr Hetherington, A.T.C.IVI. Organist and Choir Director _Phone Church Office and Study — 524-7631 Church Building — 524-6951 Bethel Pentecostal Tabernacle Affiliated with the Pentecostal Assemblies of Candcla' CORNER OF ELGIN AND WATERLOO STS. REV. R. CLARK, Pastor ./ SUNDAY, JULY 12th` 10:00 a.m. — SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11:00 a.m. — Worship Service. 7:00 p.m.,— EVANGELISTIC SERVICE. 8:00 p.m. Tuesday — Prayer and Bible Study. 8:00 .p.m. Friday — Young People's Service. Victoria Street :United -Church The House of Friendship 'I- Rev. Leonard Wdrr 11:00 a.m.. -- Service ,of Worship. Sermon:. "WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE?" BENMILLER UNITED CHURCH, 10:00 a.m. — Worship Service and Bible School. 'N -E -L -C -O -M -E Mrs. J. Snider Victoria St. Organist & Choir Director ." Mrs. Leonard Warr Benmiller Pianist & Choir Director UNITED HOLINESS- CHURCH 62 Cambria Street North SUNDAY, JULY 12th , 9:50 a.m.-- SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 a.m. — WORSHIP SERVICE 7:00 p.m. — EVANGELISTIC SERVICE OPEN, AIR SERVICE ON THE SQUARE - SUNDAY, 8:30 P.M. "A WELCOME AWAITS YOU" Pasto,r:„REV.-C. A. JOHNSON, B.A. • PHONE 524-6887 .4.4111111114 CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH BAYFIELD ROAD AT BLAKE 9TREET "A FELLOWSHIP CHURCH" CALL US IF YOU NEED A RIDE! 524-9565 or 524-6445 10:00 a.m.. — SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11:00 a.m. —IP MORNING WORSHIP. "THE LIVING WORD" Evening Service 7:30 p.m. Bible Study Wednesday, 8:00 p.m. PASTOR: REV. "RENNETH J-•I(NIGHT •Ti WESLEY MEMORIAL CHURCH THE FREE METHODIST CHURCH • Park Ilreet at Victoria H. Ross Nicholls, Pastor SUNDAY SCH°00t. - 10:00 A.M. TI -IE WORSHIP HOUR - 11:00 A.M. Evening Service - Cancelled s, • ..!