HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1970-07-02, Page 14' 0Q RIC •S14O' N, L-$T.�l , Tfli 'RSDAY„ JV t, 2, i970 a 7 With Shirley feller 'if. 1404 '•Yy\•+ry..th7lrir..cw4nA:MGy►.�,,:pN.�4„ - Woman to Woman a This week has been a hectic second place winners in the more efficient methods of one for ,me .... more than usual, contest were from McKillop. h o u se hold -•-•-rn g nag°'m-ent, that is. Raymond Scotchmer, curator day-to-day living, and better With school winding . up for at the museum, convinced me, methods of self-care. another year, Signal -Star of course, that thefe rreporters and photographers absolutely no hanky -p • . were • kept busy Thursday and . about selecting winners. Friday taking pictures and Historical Society made t collecting data for this week's selections from an armlo� newspaper. unmarked essays from all over opportunity to talk to a couple I am constantly amazed by the county. I knew everything of young people Who are the young .people who ' attend was strictly on the up and up, experimenting with drugs and he our schools. They are bright, and yet it seemed such ' a wrote the following articte after alert .,youngsters who seem tremendous opportunity to tease the interview: ' poised and completely at ease in Allan just a little bit.' "The mention of "drugs" is • most situations. I must sax,he was good' enough to make most parents One award in which I was natured abouthe whole- thing, shudder, as this is obviously one particularly interested was a too. of the most pressing problems special presentation at Victoria Something else may be proved facing today's society. • Public _School to. Miss. Pauline '_through the ‘.'While announcement of . _ it's a subject on which Vollick. The daughter of Mr; and the essay winners. McKillop many words and opinions have ' - Mrs. George Vollick, Pauline was Township, you know, has no been written, it is still a source called to the front during central school such as most •of much controversy and assembly last Thursday municipalities in the county. It misunderstanding. afternoon to receive a reward for has six one -room schoolhouses There, appear to be no true "faithfulness", as John Kane put which some parents would like experts on the subject, although it. to see closed to make room for a many classify themselves in that • Pauline has been unable to more modern kind of category. However, there are _.take - part in ..the ..Ph-ysical ' - -educational level. almost as many theories as watiop mat--�_ tbers�ot --t B1 ..wit,,h- i.esuitsiik .hose -in'-' experts -:.and many are quite - r: this year, so twice weekly and this contest one really has cause -contradictory_ almost .,every night after school to wonder which system is the - "Last week, we spent a most -• •she, has been helping out in the best after all — a large' interesting two hours talking to school's'llbrary.. consolidated school with its a couple of area young people ,; The—librarian; Mrs -.---Dennis - planned- - programs;._ and- who . •claim ._ that _ about_._2b.- e stud.., ,Paul' .h5u.,,,,wettistot ii�za f aY • .-6-e ' . t udents.-7SHD1I•S°..ane frequent Was I also want to share with you some comments written . by Bill eir 'Batten, editor of the Exeter of Times -Advocate. Bill, had an For Octogenuil"ans • . , and' those older The 'Goderich Signal -Star takes great pleasure this week in extending happiest birthday greetings to the following new members of the Octogenarian Club: Mrs. A. J. Harmer, 103 East Street,, Gocierich, who will be 90 years old July 10; Robert Chamney, Auburn, who celebrates his birthday July 11. - If you know * Yi anyone who is soon having an 80th birthday. or better, telephone us or write us giving the celebrant's name,, address, age and birthdate: There is absolutely no charge fot•this service and we are pleased to hear from all of you. "While the reasons 'for drug use may be comparatively easy to list, the consequences of drug use provide the most :.controversial argument and obviously the reason for the *greatest concern. , —a -Te-to`. i r' °µ old-fashioned- one -room schools use—Of drugs- Some -credibility throughout 'the year. She has where the - teacher -pupil must' be given to this estimation done chores like replacing' cards 'relationship is nearly always in that the two people with in books, ' shelving books, much. healthier, whom we talked were among the stamping cards, filing cards and * * * 25. in some cases, assisting younger I've had a query just recently • "They indicated -the number students • with their selection of about the . babysitting ' course of users'had increased in the last books- which was .,a . topic under few -months, and they predicted My. special congratulations'go discussion in this column a few it would continue to increase. ' - out to .Pauline. This world, needs weeks back. Readers are . ;"The two noted that youth in more people like this gal who wondering just what was the rural Ontario are turning to found useful outlets ' for her outcome of this barrage -of ideas. drugs on 'a greater scale ,than `energy ' and time when things Well, I - believe the• 'local ' their city counterparts, and this weren't all going her way. ' Kinettes `will be sOonsoring a fact was' mentioned by other * * * knowledgeable experts last babysitting course beginning in Also last week was the regular, the ` fall: I'm sure ,when week. of the reasons is the fact meeting of ° the Huron County 'September . or October rolls Board of education. That's my around, you will be hear, '-g that young people in rural beat, in case some of ' you did more details about it. Or ario have less activities to not know it I" cover the Keep watching this space for which they can turn than those meetings for "the Huron County additional information. - in the city, and therefore they Weekly Newspaper Association. * * * start, experimenting with drugs I really '1 -brought I 'must be' Our homemaker service. for ' as something to do." hearing things as I satlistening in . Goderich seems to be faking "We were told that a youth during the session. , Much of the shape now: Still there are people centre would be ' a welcome conversation centred around the who wonder just exactly what it -addition to the facilities for area importance of favorable press is' that we are talking about id young people, where they could coverage when 4 attaining I've dug out some material congregate to exchange • ideas reasonable communications with which may thele everyone to and ` do their own thing' such ,the taxpayers. ' understand the plan just a little as painting, etc. Mrs. John Wallace , of better. , ' The mention of a youth Goderich spoke of a convention This" - information was drop•in centre no doubt will which. she had attended. At that , compiled by MOH for Huron, make a number of people in this particular meeting, she had Dr. G. P. A. ,_vans quite a while ' community cringe, particularly learned . that it was considered ago, but the data is still in viewof the , unfortunate - "good business" for the board of pertinent to today's ideals. situation which came out of a education in a municipality to similar centre in Mitchell;- .. permit press .representatives to HOMEMAKERS' SERVICE "However, the young people sit in on the entire board indicated they would be meeting including the "in WHAT IT IS: A family prepared to "police" their -committee" portions. While the homemakers' service would be activities to ensure, as far as reporter cannot report in detail staffed 'by , , mature, trained possible that drugs ' would riot everything that happens in these women to act in situations. 'become one of the activities to sessions, he or she is much better where -the family unit is ' be carriedoutin-such a centre. informed' about the ' reasons tlreatened by illness, "At the same time, we think behind 'motions and decisions hospitalization, lack of training parents of area teenagers should and, is much less likely to on the part of .the natural take a lookat their eco bme suspicious. homemaker in . family responsibilities in ' ^this regard, management, or where for -any and ascertain `whether they are reason she is absent from the providing their offspring with :4 home. opportunities to • bring their MAJOR PURPOSES: The friends into their homes to enjoy primary . goals of homemaker discussions and activities' service are: ' a • "If, in fact, lack of activities is 1. Tq,.Itold the family together forcing young people to find' while fhe natural homemaker • other forms of entertainment, (usually . the mother) is parents , should obviously be incapacitated; whether shy„.is- in vitally concerned. or out of the home; and to "While some parents may be prevent family breads -down for worried ' about the activities any other reason, thus avoiding which would take' place in their the shook of separating children recreation rooms, it would from their parents, their probably be no. worse than that brothers • ' and sisters, their young people would be. doing ,schools, and their friends. standingidly on street corners or 2. To enable the ill or disabled driving around in cars.- individual to remain in his own "Another reason cited for 'the h o m e a to o n g f am i I. i a r increase in drug -Use is the law •.--Newspaper--editors--in-+iiirorr—surroun-dings-whenever possible. --regarding-underage drinking. County have been hounding for ` 3. To lessen the physical, "Our two sources of -months for ,just that decision. I mental, emotional, and information indicated . many believe I speak for the Huron economic burden of chronic young people are switching to County Weekly Newspaper illness. drugs due to stiff penalties for Association. when I express 4. Td hasten convalescence drinking -- particularly in Grand hearty congratulations to the and to reduce the length,of stay' Bend,. where a teenager is fined local bard of education for in an institution by permitting $100 for having or consuming entertaining such an idea, and the patient to remain at home or alcohol. -targe them to adopt .policy as to return home sooner' than he "This may be difficult . for soon • as possible to make this otherwise could. This will free some to understanll, in view of idea reality. ' ,, hospital and nursing home beds the fact that the use of drugs is a • ) .* *• for those who most .need them, criminal offence and therefore Also, 'last• week included the For the family, the---individ ual, subject to even greater penalties molar monthly County Council andthe community, it will also than illegal booze habits. Meeting.. help to offset the cost of "Howevere a the big difference Incidentally, this tchairman•of expensive institutional care. comes in the enforcement. the Huron County Property 5. To keep on his job the "It is much easier to detect - 'Corrimittee, Allan- Campbell employed -adult who now so • and prove that someone has i .. . .;,;`k A;�..�- y' �"► hid O,� �' .. ff� ull�ol'l�il,. •''t31alY,s.,21rw...., ty �< > Onte* of the- boys-- olrer the' for- children, an- elderly -parent, some drugs And, if is much .MV tlsleum.e say contest, or an ill rela'tiv`e.' easier to dispose of drugs than Allan ii from MclCiilop 6. T� help assess family and alcohol when the law officers Township , and as cltkirman of individual .strengths and show up. Drug users do not the property committee, -lie is weaknesses so that a plan may Barry large amounts of the stuff iliti c1os4.w,�titrCrlved ' with the be developed to serve the best with them, and -disposal can be Huron County MVM'usetltn Some interests of tie„ family ,and the easily enacted by. consuming ' fotitil thought It strang el .community. thatw-hich they may have With , xioisthat the ` fiat, and 7,..To help teaeh the fnity than. ° • As Director ,o ° -Education John ' Cochrane put it, • if a reporter is barred from certain parts of',,the meeting, he or she has it tendency to dig into situations where there _' 0 really • no reason. to dig. Naturally, this "digging" - can be detrimental to the . image, the board' of • education , " projects in the community.' Well, the. upshot of the whole thing is that it seems entirely possible that in the future,• reporters will be welcomed at all - the board meetings, both public ° and in -committee. As far as I'm concerned; that's a grand step forward. "Again the opinions vary, "Drug • users can easily point to those in their ranks who are unaffected by drug use, and in fact ''our discussion revealed a change for the better in the personality, - behaviour.... and outlook on Life of one of the area users. "Those who oppose drug use, can just as easily point to the number among the ranks who end --up in muddled -conditions. and those whose minds have been completely wrecked. "The latter situation of course leads to strong arguments against any type of drug use. "Here, .the major conflict in our society occurs. Parents point. out that the use of drugs can lead to wrecked lives through addiction, while the young people quickly reply that the same exists with alcohol and its addiction, and 'yet most adults partake in the consumption of alcoholic beverages. "Herein comes hang-up!” the big Whenever I attempt to hand out bouquets, I always seem to get fouled up. Last week, I spoke about the folks who had - been especially helpful at the Yottt,h Centre. This week, I found out that my list was not only incomplete, it was inaccurate. The carpentry work was done by Pat Osborne, I understand, and while some of the Iumber_ was donated by' Gord McManus, some of . it was -given—by Goderich Manufacturing, to.. I thank John Pirie for setting me straight (at least, I hope I have things straight now). Low -cal recipes Courtesy The Shridfng Strawberries, with only 54 calories per cup, are • the ideal suminer - ° treat for weight watchers. , In this recipe from Macdonald Institute, University of Guelph, the fresh berries give a ...great taste to, cottage cheese. Crush one cup of strawberries 'and sweeten to taste. Force one- -cup of cottage cheese tbrough a �ieve. Combine the beffies' and cottage cheese, beating until light and fluffy. Serve at' once. Makes three servings. you leave leap en su re • ou want it! The'safest way to ensure that your ry heirs will get everything you intend for each of them is to appoint Victoria. arl )rf; • toFad.minister your estate. The senior Trust ('unJpully the people of Ontario. ?I4 and GREY TRUST COMPANY SINCE 1889 Lealand Hill,-hQartager , , I, 524-7381 ...Elgin .and I<ingston Streets. Goderich PRICES" EFFECTIVE JULY 1-4 - -INCLUSIVE- - F ROyF' RAS i ;;;a; kn TAB dN e B451)44 Aa R RE r Mil r, Ground K... %SS r c r r Ib. .ills r d. —ersoneIly $e1ecteln Red gran. c F Cull Country StY1e SLAOE °r SHORT Rli3 9,07 • Ib• alb LAO 5 CN CHotetOtt►an's va. Dog Pic iENERS of Ail °oast The King Ib.. Prime Rib ' lb serf lAteneless '[rliMmed ,-hou��e�e Or Table Boge . 01111.4 S BLADE STEAKS lb• .BLADE BONE REMOVED SHORT RIB OR • BLADE ROAST Ib. CANADA GRADE 'A' FROZEN TURKEY BROILERS �b s se) We Reserve The Right To Limit Quantities. grocery features: (Special -Pock), POWDERED Libby's DEEP BROWNED _ BOLD BEANS DETERGENT With Pork in Tomato Sauce ECONOMY PACK Fresh Ground (3o bs. HAMBURG more) Ib. TOP VALU 1IQUID BLEACH 64 -oz. Plas. -Jug GOLD CUP CHOICE 4 WHOLE OR SLICED .10 -oz. 5 -LB. BOX Mushrooms Tin 1 2 MAPLE LEAF 6 -Ib. CHARCOAL m Top Valu Sweetened (Asst'd Flay.) •49 -oz. Fruit - Drinks ...'.��n• Top Valu Choice Assorted r. Vegetables :...?it Tip 1 Goad Reef Choice s 28 -oz. meapple Tidbits' Tin P 290 Top Valu Bean Coffee Q 890 Colonial 10•ox• Assorted Cookies 3 Pkgs° Asst'd Flavours FreshieDriflk20 �j . ' • fPkgs. T ixes Shirley Gay Chocolate Cream Rol'I . ,,?op Valu 1st Grade • • • 12 -oz. Roll /' Creamery Butter , Friht .67*. Anacin Tablets ',8100 790 Swanson's Frozen Pies (Beef, 8•ox. Meat Chicken Piee or Turkey) . ,YiS 1ntiu `. "t 'sten!`• W19If&'iiif 01.fit t&&o" , ' "f ,, s ,,' Lemonade.... ' 'Tin nY be the winner err� o[f, two we ek.edPasses to the oy tOPenSoturdaand Sunday, Stdit t LondonHunt Club nt passes o aioASto Southwestern Ontario) eac U.S'No.,F EAOHES atone Product of • . I.6. S: Africa ---(Size 8801 Outspan Or R�' N°. , °egos Dor• TWO D LIRA AES lb. 4 WITH E WEEKE CLUB HOUSE`PRIVILEGES ra�� CANAD/AIVHE• JULY 4thand th Valley Farm Frozen (Reg. Cut) French Fries ...E 'i tio Mom"s Parchment,.. i•fb. Margarine pkg. 1 DRAW WILL Lig MADE S�Art., .JULY 3. . Winners Must Answer a Skill Tasting Queitioi op • str '4 Q • ,*