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The Exeter Advocate, 1893-1-26, Page 4
SANDERS cfe DYER, Props. THURSDAY',jan. 26111, .,,..1893.. �'1xFlTING OF PARE! E 11T By the time this issue of the ADvo, GATE reaches most of its readers Parli- ament ,+ill have again assembled at Ottawa, From various causes, the corning session will be regarded by the general. public with an unusual degree of interest. The fact of a new Peemeir taking hold of the helm of pit*. a Faire and the measure of crit - Want it, sm that hs appointment has evokeded ou religious grounds, together with •.the present excited condition of the public mind on the subject of Manitoba School Acts, will all help to the approach ingseesion of Parliament an extraordi- nary amount of public attention. Not that the pre>saut Cabinet—which is composed of a body of able men, many of them young mein --propose to adopt a different line of policy from that pug- sued by the Liberal Conservative par- ty for the last thine ni years. This was explicitely announced by the Prem- ier and his colleagues at the recent masa meeting in Toronto. It was thou contended by several speakers that the National Policy has made Canada what she now is; and that policy has created an enlarged home market for our farmers by keeping our people at home and giving an impetus to all our industrial, manufaeturing and ag- ricultural pursuits,—that policy we say, is based upon the principles of :Home protecticn and the conservation of British unity. So far from regard- ing the National Policy as perfect, the present ministry through their Prem- ier have publicly pledged themselves to carry out the principles involved in that policy which was inaugurated thirteen years ago under the able atatemanship of the "Grand Old Chief- tain" of British and Canadian conser vatism—with this additional guaran- tee, that as exigencies demands from time to time they will advocate tariff reform, and be prepared to "trine" the National Tree by chopping off the mouldering branches". Such a pledge has already met the expectation of those who are in favor of free trade re- lations with our neighbors to the south, while nothing will be done to compro mise our national dignity and indepen dente by discriminating against the mother country. There was the very commendable feature about the mass meeting so lately held iri Toronto by members of the Cabinet—they were all o one accord, French, English,Protest ant and Catholic, in their admiration of British institious and in their profess- ions of devoted loyalty to the British throne. Herein lies the safety and fu- ture success of confederation. What the enemies of good government are aiming at just now, is to cause division in the ranks of the Conservative party and by raising the ghost of; a different religion, creed; or race to incite disaf- fection amongst the government sup- porters, .As an illustration of this, the grits of Quebec are now carrying on a campaign against the new Premeir be- cause, forsooth, he is favoring the prot- estants and the Orangemen, by calling Into the Cbinet such staunch Prot- estants as Clarke Wallace and W. B Jones and giving the leadership of the Tipper House to that "great 'Orange Chief," Mrs Bowell,; while in. Ontario the same political mountebanks and wire pullers and bigoted neligionists are raising the Cry of "French domina- tion" and "Romig' aggression!" It is all for a purpose. The speech in Tor- onto by the ex -Governor of Qubec, the Hon. Mr. Angers, the new Minister of Agriculture, was well calculated to set at rest any fears of a collesion in the Cabinet on the grounds of religious or racial differences. Said Mr.` Angers, `F1.'he alliance formed 25 years ago be- tween Ontario and Quebec has made us one people --we wish that alliance to continue—it bas helped to make Canada prosperous and happy—we do not want annexation—this greatcoun- try stretching from the Atlantic to the Pacific is quite enough for my ambi- tion and we can start from Halifax to British Columbia. without losing sight of the British ensign hI going outside ,t i t ` rr , of our own t r l�ti i. fon ZVhfn send., eat e, Merits like thew,. prevail among' mem "bents of the Cabinet and are reciproeat, ed by the rank and file of government supporters in parliament, we need not get alarmed by the hue and cry of sec.. tiotlalisnl or of anyolitical clique p q hose only aim is to divide the Conser- vatives and. ride into op power upon the p ruins of the party which has Made Can,, ads the admiration of friends and the an ' ' of our national 1oe'. "United we v e � .l'ideci we fall, Confederation 1 Can Only besuect'eful by all Breeds and races uniting for one grand end t and Calaada composed as it is of french. and English,; Protestant and Catholic must have equal rights and priviliges aeeorded,to all alike. If one stone: or pillar in the national edifice he romov ed, the whole structure will fall to the ground. But with unity .of aim, a td. equal justice and fair play meted out to 411', parties, Canada with her mighty resources will' take foremost rank a- mong the modern nations of the world Around About Us. A vouug,son of Mr. Timothy Mac. kay, 10th concession, Biddulph, aged 14 years, dropped deed ou his father's frith on Sunday, 15th inst. He was apparently a hearty, healthy boy, anti hiseud dun death is blow asadbltti to his parents. Viaxmes PLEADS Gu.iLTY.—George• Viekers, Sewing machine agent, of 1litctiell, who disappearedafter dis counting $1,300 of forged paper with Mr. Cull, a private banker of that town and was rapttu'ed'in'Micbigan, was up on remand Thursday last when he withdrew his.plea of hot guilty and pleaded guilty to three charges pre- ferred agaiust him, He wits remanded fora week for sentence. The plans for the proposed improve• meut of the God,:rieh harbor are nosy on view in the Town Clerk's office and, as will be seen by the advertisement, tenders for the work are to be in by February 7th. The pians and specifi- cations show an extension of the north pier of 410 feet. 307 of which is to he 30 feet wide and the remainder 50 feet wide. The south pier is to be extended 100 feet, and of a width of 40 feet. The north pier will run 300 feet straight out, and 110 feet at an angle to the north west, while all the addition to the south pier will be at an angle to the southwest. This will give a bell shap ed entrance which will have a depth of 20 feet, and the plans and specifications show that the job is calculated to be a complete and permanent improvement. A rough estimate is that fully 5,000 cords of stone will be required for til ling and the whole work will cost prob. ably $75,000. Major Gray, of the Pub- lic Works Department, was there on Wednesday and Thursday in connee tion with the work News of' the Week in Brief. Reports of extreme cold continue to be received from all parts of Europe Every trade engaged in the build ing line in Chicago will demand in creased pay on April 1st. Dr Gatling,'inventor of the Gatling gun, has perfected a device for apply- ing electricity to firearms. The annual meeting of the Patrons of Industry of Oxford county will be held in Woodstock, Tuesday Feb. 7. The highest praise has been won by Hood's Pills, for their easy, vet efficient action. Sold by:'all druggists. Price 25 cents. Geo. Cuthbertson, of Plattesville, cut his throat on Monday night and will probably die. The reason for his at tempt at self -murder is not known to his friends. deidv b Q u AhV G bottle- of b. 'fi' A o vl err d► S 611 d may tz) aitaet d Q13 T"� �>AS � N�w Bit BOTTLE Severn' schools in the northern part of Peterborough county are closed on account of a severe epidemic of diph theria. Toronto postal carriers deliver over 50,000 letters a day and the sale of stamps in the city aggregates $400,000 per annum. Petroleum has been diseoverd a,t Hanover. A local firm, while boring for water, has found indications of the existence of oil. William Mulligan, a farmer living near St. Thomas, tried to kill his sister yesterday and failed, but he killed himself by shooting;, The price of wheat advanced two cents all over Manitoba Monday morn ing, owing to further operations by the Lake of the Woods Milling Co: J. G. Gaurdaur, the Orillia sculler, has issued a challenge to row any man for the championship of America and a stake of $1,000 or $2,500 a side. A baby farm, kept by a -negro and his wife, who have nursed KQ childr©n during the past eighteen` eeefees,:' has been discovered on the outskirts of Hamilton. The barns and out•buildines belong- ing to Alex. Brown, of. Plattsville, were totally destroyed by fire about 5 o'clock Saturday morning. The live stock was saved but. everything else was burned. The origin of the fire is a mystery, as everything was appar- ently 0. 1C• when closed fo-• the night. Loss, $2,500. 3 PREMIUM PUZZLES. .. • rake^_-:.-xt• In No. "1.-A Lady and her Companion. CANN Y OIT FIND ' No. 2. -Two or more Ladies at Home. v il\I Y lJ FIND �J No. S. -One or more of Our Boys and Girls. The LADIES' COMPANION is a high-class Illustrated Magazine of et pages and isdevotccl to Literature. Art, Fashion and Rothe Life, Its matter will he of the best -elevating, both in its ' Literary style and purity of sentiment In beauty of pictorial eml'telliehment and excellence of letterpress it will take front rank, and to this end it will be printed on a fine, heavy, calenrlered papey such as is used in no other Canadian journal. A perfectly fair and legitimate premium sys- tem is adopted by its publishers, at great outlay, in order to quickly place it and its sister puha nations at the head of all Canadian periodicals in point of circulation. The most exact good faith will be kept, with every subscriber. L> DIES AT HOME will be THE Home Magazine of Canada, "par excellence." Nonesuch has heretofore been offered at.the price -only 50 cents per annum. OIJiI BOYS AND GIRLS is a hcAnypt at the price -26 cents ler year. Every boy and girl w111 vrant it and, happily, it is within the reach of all. Who trill send in the first club and secure a boys or girls GOLD WATCH ? NO. 1 -LADIES' COMPANION NO. 2 -LADIES AT 1101i.I:, PREMIUM LIST. PREMIUM LIST. To the first person solving piz- We want every lady in the land ale ato. I., we win award anele• tosend ussocentafor ahalf-year's gent Rosewood Piano. val- ued at ride; the next will receive subscription to LADiEs AT HOMha a magnificent Sleigh Robe, and.at the same time, while thus valued at age; the third. aSTtic receiving wonderful value for Deese PA• eutitx; the fourth, a S erss ainSTC Box; the fifth that small amount, to try and se- a Str.v,, WATcx; the sixth a cure oneofthe following valuable Goan BtiooCH; the seventh a premiums. For the first correct B> ininET Lane; the eighth a solution of puzzle No. 2, we will [Wynn Fivx O'CLOCK Tint award' a Gold Watch; for the Starr ; to the nett ten will be second, a beast ful Slag Mutase given a On&t'ON I osteneee of Florae/tic : third, a fine STLVEtt either the sender or any friend, WATCH; fourth, a AMilsie BOX: Size 1)x25, and valued a :Ma To fifth,a Goan P,.iibOC}i • sixth and d [ r ran rl � middle etude d the ton fel- t x the flue following, a CRAYON c tt will away anelegant 10 vi [ be dr.d IyUR'rRA T each. fi'o the Middle lowing �r ki a CASE; anti to the five following CRAYONPeva'aaieofysender or senders a St[Nee WATCH; to the middle each aGoLntaooclt, any friend. The sender of letter the live following, a CitAY02•1 �t mailed " bearing latest postmark,previous Poit•raAr a', To the last correct 1b the 1 P evious to to aimed] let twit, will receive a, answer mailed previous to March March 1st. next, will be given a Goan WA'roir. The sender next int next, a Goan W A'roli, and to setae araere Sea, and to the to last Will receive a Siavtaie the five preceding; each a WArcai ten ptcreding, etch a CuAtoi Porirriuui r, valued et ten preceding the tact, a Go:tu OnAtox pOR'ra) ir. 110. I0Ttoocx each. Coittiitiont -Plash contes- Conditioner -Each contes. Condittonit:-Hach contes• tent Mast mark fades in puzzle tant must mark faces in puzzle tint must mark faces in puzzle in ink or penoii, rat advertise- in ink or pencqil, cut advertise• in in!,- or pencil, dttt Advertise, inent out end forward to tis With tnentout and forward fo ns with meet out end forward to qs with rittentsk'or3motitlts'euia9wition emits tsforsixmenthe'stth'trip- soeettstor one year's suhset p- 'fi tothe LAW tits Cottt+ANION, A,i- iton to the T , tiir c A r II one. tion to One save ANit GItres. Areas, c'A"LADIX;'S'Ci1 tPAN Addteisa "I3 ' LADIES AT Addlterii, "'V' OUIR:BOYS ANL) ION, 166.TCingSI W'ett,•Torontti, ROME, '146 ming, (Itteot West, Z+SIZI S, 106 King Street West Canada: iv'- 'Detente., Canada. Toronto, (Amide. N'.R;.-13e Mare ltn-�' 1 write eddreae plainly. in fall, p'iv!IC Peovtnee or state. w Rubsu'ibe[ s iteve dents oath We will give a hue eleven portrait, Yalu al at .r, otund, di. *inch N.O. 3-OURIBO1S AND GIRLS PREMIUM. LIST. For the first correct solution of puzzle No. 2, will be given a boy's or girl's Gold Watch f to the Seton, a no Goan CoZN; to the third, aSitrsa WATCH; to the fourth, a 45 GOLD OonN;: to the fifth a full-sized u e d C AYON PORTRAr'r:; to the eixth, a girl's S[cveat WATCH ; to each of the next ten, a GOLD Bit000n. 1'o the middle sender h SiLV$iT WATCH , • end to the five1 rreeerl- S, in each a handsome ds e TOitiar (J,i'r 13 t'.,t III 7n,verv13avor itr , ' 1t, i [tr4th, to' t•crritdr 801111th ileo bey an opportunity of unwitting one of 011e nl.oveirfcntionecl valuable prenitums its 10 yearly tub sublerlber 1 .I ruo1 f1e!d, SOUTH IIIJRON 1tlaiPOltttlalis. --T11p annual uieetiilg of the Reform, Asso,a atiori of Soutli Il'ilreu (Dominion)," was. held hereon Monday,, The foltowi"ng officers Were' eli>,eted.'- Pdesiclent,'John Eia.ulhtih,>Seafol•th' vivo ln•cstdt,ltt, Jt1s, Snell, Loridesboro'; secretary, T. Fraser, Briteelield; treasut•et•, i'xP,o. Forrest, Brueefietd. Mr, John McMillan was present and delivered an :tdd,ress oo the questions of the day, The usual resolutiotisof coidficleltcc in the, R4fort•n leaders and sympathy ii ith the free trade idea .Were adopted.. Ohnto11, i1Tr. John Van Norman, of Witigliain paid Clinton a visit on 11oudtiy. He was on his way to Goth t ich to accept a situation +tis bar-tender.—Mr. 11Trn. lltylnr; an e;nplot•e of the Clinton Or ;'en Factory, met with a somewhat painful accldeut on Monday. He was e.iga gt'd in hauling machinery from the depot to the factory and in some writ' one of the machines Slipped nn the sleigh, catching Mr. Tay lox's hied anti smttshed one of his fingers badly. He will likely be unable to work for some bine:,--Si atirtg is the order of the cvee tiittg and oar streets are crrwded with merry people and the Bingle of the skates fill the air with their sweet music —Mr. Chas. Reynolds is at present suf fering from a severe cold. --Mr. James Brownlee is confined to the house with an attack of mumps.—The Clinton Organ Co. are surely increasing in bus- iness from the fact that they are in. creasing their manufacturing facilities byadding . ntinh is �., h. hi — b a timber t.,w n act Hca. Messrs. Harland Bros., hardware deal- ers, are doing some repairing to their buildings in the stove department.— Our streets are crowded with farmers hauling wood. Wood seems to be plen- ty but the price keeps up—Mrs. Geo, Brawnson and family left on Saturday to take a trip up the lake for the bene (it of her health which has been failing for some time. Wifianv A. Lehr . of Kendallvillle,' Ind., says Hood's Hood's Sarsaparilla is King of Medicines And His Cure Was Almost a Miracle "C. I. Hood Co., Lowell, Mass. "Gentlemen: When I was 14years of age I was confined to my bed for several months by an attack of rheumatism, and when I had partially recovered :I did not have the use of my legs,' so that I had to go on crutches. About a year later, Scrofula, in the form of White G*elIings, appeared on various parts of my body, and for eleven years I was an invalid, being con- fined to my bed six years. In that time ten or eleven of these sores appeared and broke, causing me great pain and suffering. Several times pieces of bone worked out of the sores. Physicians did not help mo and 1 Became Discouraged "I went to Chicago to visit a sister, as it was thought a change of air and scene might do me good. But I was confined to my bed most of the time. I was so impressed with the success of Hood's Sarsaparilla in cases similar to mine that I decided to try 1t. So a bottle was bought, and to my great gratification the sores soon decreased, ami i began to feel better. This strengthened my faith in the medicine, and in ashort time I was Up and Out of 'Doors To make a Iong story short, I continued to take Hood's Sarsaparilla fora year, when I had become so fully released from the chains of disease that I took a position with the Flint Sr Walling Mfg. Co., and since that time have not lost a single day on account of sickness. 'I always feel well, am in good spirits and have a good appetite. I endorse Hood's Sarsaparilla for it has been a great blessing to me, and to my friends my recovery seems almost mirac- alous. I think Flood's Sarsaparilla is the king of all medicines." WILLrAar A. Li;grt,, No. 9 North Railroad st, Kendallville, Ind. Hood's Pills cure Biliousness. Brewster Several in this vicinity are gni-Airing with with uliimps.-Burs. Robb spent Satur day and.aunday in Farquhar visiting her parents. -Mrs. R. 13. Bailey and son, fan}•, who have spent the past three weeks visiting u1 Dashwood d Exeter have returned. -111r. 0; Gil!tnore, of Forest, tleeQrlhpatlfeCl 1)v his two SisCei's. and 1liiss'1'aytor, returned borne lash week.--17iss. M. Whitemore, has returned honkie from Sea.forth where she has spent the past few months. -Mr, D W1'ine• garden and daughter are the guests of Mr. and fat's. T. Vine at present,—Mr. S. Ross; of the "B" Line, spent Sunday with friends here —Mrs. Griggs and d son were the „'nests of Mrs. J, Curtis on Monday last, Dep. Sheriff Wheeler Does Hot Care to Live If He Cannot Have Sarsaparilla It would be difficult to find a man better known in the vicinity of Burling- ton, Vt., than Mr. R. D. Wheeler of Winooski Falls, the efficient Deputy Sheriff of Burlington county. He says : "C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.: ',Dear Sirs : If Hood's Sarsaparilla cost S10.O0 a Bottle I should still keep using it, as I have for the past ten years. With me the question as to whether life is worth living depends upon whether I can get Hood's Sarsaparilla. I don't think I could live without it now, certainly I should not wish to, and suffer as I used to. For over ten years I suffered the horrors of the damned with Sciatic Rheurnatisrn for if ever a man suffers with anything in this world it is with that awful dis- ease. It seems to me as if all other physical suffering were compressed into that one. I took about everything man ever tried for it but never got a dollar's worth of help until I began taking Hood's Sarsaparilla I have taken it now pretty regularly for ten years and have no more pain and can get around all right. I " have advised a good many to try Hood's Sar- saparilla." R. D. WHEELER, Deputy Sheriff, Winooski Falls, Vt. Hood's Pills care Liver Ills THE BEST GROCERIES! AND FERE TO BUY THEM. IS AT THE PEOPLE'S GROCERY AND LIQUOR STORE F. J. KNIGHT, --Proprietor.— _ New goods are ar- riving every day, therefore lea Vine no. chance For old stale groceries being sold over the counter to our,c u s t o -m e r s. What we want and what we intend to do is to sell the best goods on lv. One Door South Opora Ball. tonarcriamesremosa G. B!ssetts Livery.' First st Class Horses and Rigs. SPECIALHATES WITH T__ t MEN.1; �• MEN. 1\l•, Orders left at Bissett Brod, Hardware Store, will receive prompt attention. TERMS REASONABLE A TRIAL SOLICITED. W. G. BISSETT READ AND LEA Rhin That oar Planing Ali LI, Sit sh Ito or & Blind Factory is fitted up with the latest improve ments. We are prepared to do planing and matching, hand and scrollsawing turning • monirding, grooving noel all kinds of mach- ine work on shortest; notice. In our LUMBER Y'AItD youwill find . -a large and well assorted .etock of all kinds of building materials. Pine and hemlock lum- ber dressed and not dressed. See our stock of x x ttttdx x x Pine Shingles manufnetnred by tho best makers in Ontario. Wo also have a large stook of A 1 Cedar Shingles which.; are excellent value. No, l Pine Lath eon - sten tly in Stook We have a large stock of barn sash which we can furnish with or without glass. Vire aro fitted up with mach inery si�ecually adapted for tnaking all kinds' of Tanks and Cisterns,tvhioh we can furnish to our customers on short notice, We show something new in this line for w.atering:cat- tie it the ffeld or barnyard. Oar oolobrater7 Making Oabinet is still at- tracting muolt attention, and giving entire satisfaction whenever used. Call and 'examine the above named stock, all of which will be sold at lowest prices ROSS & TAYLOR, Main 8t,, Exeter NIITRAL �aoa sro�e. A complete stock of Pure and Reliable Drugs ALWAYS REPT. 1tiit Meiiis, Sjios, llrllllllisl's Supplies At right and reasonable prices. Prescriptions and Family Receipts r Carefully Prepared. GohiI1ittIll1 Fowfler the best in the market. C. LUTTZ, PROP. When in need of a FALL SUIT —OR— mhr Overooat ERT. KNIGHT, The Clothier, Who gives the best satisfac- tion obtainable in the village. i* He also has a te1 Select from In his quarters: Over. F. J. Knight's Grocer Store. Yoil<r Patronage Solicited. " BERT. KNIGHT. r. cD LL V • I roet Having renewed our lease of the store and been re west- Having y inExeter and vicinityto con- byour numerous patrons 1 t...in- a.determin- a e decided to remain and are de el na untie business, we h v tinue ed to fill the slot,, with. the choicest stock of Hardware in ed Ontario. ., We will commence at once and will never let up a. wa.. and Tinware. ' We r bargains Hardware on most wonder f ul gal �.tl 1.1 s in H1�t d 1 e willEYESOF THE TRADE and tickle the hearts opel�., the 1JYZa� r , of our customers. GoodsGoodsiTmust go. Hardware ai e and tinware will move at prices so reduced that must fetch intending' »: no mistake. When we saya thing L11 Ch6 C1 s, We make purchasers. 5�, - mean it. Stoves ate light in we are generally understood to �, out line and we are leaders in furnaces. ;. roet