HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1970-07-02, Page 1'I
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by area i6
An annual bursary of $500
for an area inhalation therapy
student is being established by
the Huron -Perth Tuberculosis..
and Respiratory .Disease
The decision was. taken WI -
at" a'
. recent meeting of the
Association held in Seaforth
Community Hospital and was
based on a recommendation• of
the - education committee
presented by Mrs. Edith Fishes*
of Mitchell.
The courses in inhalation
therapy extends over two years.
Graduate technicians are in
increasing demand with the
- surge of respiratory disease cases»
"Y Mrs. Smith -said.
In a, repoirtof the
Rehabilitation and Social Service
Committee,, Ivan Forsyth,
KiPPen, announced that Mrs.
Beryl Davidson would attend a
Workshop on the Emphysema
► .,-Club -being held .in..Philadelphia .,
-The :Association-hopes:toinitiate
an Emphysema Club in Stratford
and Goderich in the °Fall for the
support, ° educationally » and
otherwise, of the chronic chest
disease sufferer.__.._
Purchase of a Pulmonary
- -Function --- ndicatbr for
'i'herea � 't`o t '`o iM emm foT o ".eared-by"disttrict-633-of Rotary International;-
DiagnosisP concluded Friday at Huron Camp,
and Research of chest diseases . Bayfield: Four of •the-thees�entmern4from-Goderich.-
. •
was approved on the FromVthe left; Brock Stimson, Robert -Coulter, Jim Redmond and John Stright. All are students at
recommendation of the Goderich District Collegiate Institute. The seminar included discussions on religion, professional.:
respiratory disease committee theatre vocational guidance, environment, alcoholism, drugs and professional sports, to name re
presented by Tom Leiper, few. Recreational periods for swimming, water skiing etc. were included. All the Goderich young
Londesboro. The machine may men said Friday it had been a good week and officials commented the seminar had proved " . .
be used in many areas and is of extremely successful. -staff photo.
*Presse turn to page 12
policy set.
;Uniform holiday pelity based
Oh the number of yeaA service
for all persons in the employ of
Huron County was , discussed
briefly at the June session of
Council last Friday afternoon.
While the ' executive.
cdmmittee chaired by Jack P.
ouncil to re
ifto water r+
A renewed request .for .a
pipeline to •carry town water to
the Sifto SO.t mine has been held
over . by ' council until the next
meeting July 9. • `
Last ' year the company asked
the town to consider running a
pipeline to the mine The town
refused, feeling the expenditure
Alexander, Wingham, concurs of $60,000 to $100,000 wasn't
that a countw.wide policy would justified by the $15 a month
production from 1,650,400 tons
to 2,250,000 tons a year.'
In other news Council decided'
all Goderich residents owning a
swimming pool containing more
than six inches of water; must
have at least a four -foot high.
fence around it. A by -la °p
Thursday. night by council; will
enforce ,the new regulation. •
The bylaw requires fencea.to,
be erected within 30 days: �:� ,
Previously the mi i>n
height for such fends wad SIX
ac�wuy opens
be ideal, it v'tas pointed ,out that " revenue it would 'receive for the • ,
since " the Health Unit and the water. .
Children's ' Aid Society holiday To get water to the mine from
policies are province• wide, any ' the nearest town supply, on
han a would make it that much Wellesley Street, a pipe would
c g
more " difficult to ' secure
personnel in :these particular
Effective January, 1971
however, holidays for county
employees . will be 'calculated
from the following schedule:
After one year, two weeks
holidays; after five years, three
have to be run down the
180 -foot bluff under two railroad
tracks and a road. w
The mine, Snug Harbor
municipal marina and a snack
bar are the only facilities using
water on that side . of the
harbour. ' •
'Last year council suggested
weeks; after 20 years, four the mine use the Snug Harbour
weeks with the exception of the well but mine manager Gordon
Medical Officer - of Health;4- Muir said tests had shown the
Health Unit nurses, the Local water to be very hard and
Director of the Children's Aid • alkaline, • containing heavy
for -1970
The first race of the season
for the Goderich Trotting
Association was held . Tuesday
evening with a crowd of 1,037 in
attendance at Agricultural Park.
Winner of the feature
'preferred pace was -Sally.
Galbraith, owned and diiven by
George •Gailbralth, Wingham.
She finished in 2:10.
Goderich horses, in the t`k&one);
were Pete's Choice who won the
first in 2:15. Owned and driven
by Lionel Arbour, this one was a
Racing moves to its regular
Wednesday night schedule next
week and will run '.each
Wednesday after that. Post time
7:45 p.m. •
Betting Tuesday took' in
Society,' and the Children's'. 'Aid concentrations 'of iron and long shot that _paid $66.20 and -
• --_.w• .Social :orkers ^who'receive: four- -;o ic<rbatier ,_ earriedthennmber "6 -
" 3::-wouldn•'t-.,even:.use�...it . to.,
w�ee3;s��imiidays_:�ex� .one year .,�• .. h:�'hc�:.daily,dQuhle.ac�-as.made up ��
employment. " _�'water'my grass' witfi-"- oil IVIr.. of another -`Fi" ]fl .Garfield
Joan Barnett'top winner
The Spring Show of the
Goderich Horticultural Society.
was held on Saturday,. June 27,
at North Street_United Church.
One had been conditioned to
expect a- • hushed tranquil
atmosphere, • sweet with the
mingled scents of blossoms, with
small groups of visitors moving
quietly 'through,' making any
comments in lowered voices-. But
where . was this atmosphere??
Oone! Gone! Hurray, it was
Instead, the hall was alive
with people - - people
appreciating the flowers and
arrangements, people enjoying
the lovely slides, people
admiring the fine display of art,
people relaxing with tea. The
sweet scents' of the. flowers were
• stilj there but the silence was
banished by the pleasant sound
of friends chatting. And the best
part of all was that the entire
scene proved that our people in
Goderich still do appreciate
beautiful flowers and will
. come to see them. It showed
• those few sceptics, who claimed
that Horticulture. was dead and
gone, that indeed Horticultural
interest is alive and well, and
living in Goderich.
The art display, ° by ,Ann
Fairservice of Londesboro, drew
many admiring comments and,
was a welcome addition to the
Thhow. Ron Price's floral slides,
shown on • equipment from
Malcolm Campbell (of
Campbell's of Goderich)
provided-- another oasis of
The delicious squares served
with the tea by Unit 2 of the
United Church Women gave
many a Goderich-ite a refreshing
mid-afternoon break.
And the flowers were lovely!
We expect that many a budding
gardener will be encouraged -.and
-many . new floral arrangers will
blessorrl - inspired by - the
There were. several crew names
in the list of winners - good for
We also expect that , future
shows will be even better, now
that we've seen that, as we
suspected, gardening interest in
Goderich has not withered away.
Insurance commissions Muir, nothing but town water who finished in first spot with .
amounting to about $3,000 for. would be considered for mine Robert Cameron in the drivers
county insurance agents were use. • seat for owner Louis Levy of St.
discussed by members of council The mine's present water Mary's. The , double paid
'-. and :it was learned 'that in all sup-plycomes from the Maitland--- $428.20:' - ----- - .
probability, this system will be River which runs beside the Brenda . Dope, owned and
- �- -� L=�°P i�Mtur said last year�itAla_. .driven -by =
--terminated Carte ._Fisher of
It is -understood the 'plan was unsatisfactory due to -river level Goderich took the sixth in
changes and a high water 2:14.1 for her first start and the
concentration of minerals.• final Goderich horse to find the
A division of Domtar money was Wayne Express in
Chemicals Ltd., the Goderich the eighth. George ' Caldwell
mine i s undergoing a brought this one home iii
$5,800:00 expansion project 2:13.4.'
designed , to 1.1boost salt•Atmosphe
- initiated about 20 years ago to
compensate local insurance
agencies for . a loss of, business
which might have been theirs.
"After .20 years I think it is
time for a change," said Roy
Cousins, Brussels.
changed flower show brings added interest,
Bloom on, Goderich gardens.
The results of the fudging are -
as follows.
1. Aquilegia (Columbine) -
Paul Carroll. - 2. Canterbury
Bells - Wendy Hoernig, C.
Menzies,. Iris Sampson. - 3.
Delphinium - any color .Paul
Carroll, Mary Howell, Mrs. J. H.
Johnstone. - 4. No entry. - 5.
Delphinium - same Or mixed -
Paul Carroll, Mrs. A. M. Harper,
Mrs. J. H. Johnstone. - 6.
D• thus Paul Carroll. - 7"•
oxglove - Wendy Hoernig,
Paul Carroll, Mary Howell: --- 8.
Henierocallis (Daylily) - Mary
Howell. - 9. Iris - Mary Howell;
- 10. Lily. - Mary Howell. -11.
Peony - one . color - Mary
Howell. - 12. No entry. 13.
Pyrethrum (Painted Daisy) -
Mary Howell. -14. Shasta Daisy
- single •m- Mrs. Evelyn Carroll.
- 15. Shasta Daisy - double -
A.V Pridham, Mary Howell:- 16.
Sweet William - one color - G.
Green, Jean Barnett, Mrs. J. H.
Johnstone. - 17. Sweet William
- mixed colors - G. Green, Mrs,
Evelyn Croll, A. Pridham. -
1.8. Pansy - without foliage -
Mrs. Evelyn Carroll, Mrs. A.
Hugill,, Mrs. J: H. Johnstone. -
19. Pansy with foliage - Mrs.
A. Hugill, Mary Howell, Mrs. J.
H. Johnstone. - 20. Viola -
Mrs. R. Menzies, Mrs.. J. H.
Johnstone, Mrs. A. Hugill. - 21.
and 22. No entry. 23. Any
flowering shrub or tree - A.
Pridham, Edna Shaw, Mrs. J.. H.
Johnstone. 24. Any flower
- not listed above - Paul Carroll,
Mrs. R. Menzies, Edna Shaw.
Y •
25. No entry. = 26. Peace -
yellow - Gordon Muir, Jean
Barnett, Iris Sampson. - 27•
Peace any other ' color - A.
.Pridham, Jean Barnett. - 28.
Tropicana - Mrs. A. Hugill, Jean
Barnett, Edna Shaw. - 29.
White or near white - Gordon
Muir, A. Pridham, Mary Howell.
- 30. Pink or pink blend -
Gordon Muir, Jean Barnett, Paul
Carroll. - 31. Rose - colored -
Gordon Muir, Jean Barnett, Mrs.
A. M. Harper. 32. Orange -
blend to -Apricot - Gordon
Muir, Jean Barnett, A. Pridham.
- 33. Red or red blend :_- Jean
Barnett, Gordon Muir, A.
Pridham. - 34. Nellow or yellow
blend - Gordon Muir, Jean -
Barnett, Mrs. A. atiugill: - 35.
Other color - Jean' Barnett,
Gordon Muir, Fdna Shaw. - 36. ,
Full blown rose - Gordon Muir,
Edna Shaw, Mrs. R. Menzies. -
37. Rose - any color - in bud -
Jean Barnett, Mrs. R. Menzies,
Paul ,Carroll. - 38. Specimen
blooms - Jean Barnett, Gordon
Muir, Mis. A. Hugill.
39. Climbing rose - one'spray
- G. Green, Mrs. R. Menzies,
Edna Shaw:- 40. Climbing rose
- different varieties - Mrs. A.
Hugill, Mrs. A. M. •• Harper,
Gordon ` Muir. - 41. Climbing -
rose - hybrid . tea type - Edna
.42. Floribunda - Centennial » ,
spray. - Mary Howell, Edna
Shaw. - 43. Floribunda - red -
Mrs. A. Hugill, Gordon . Muir,
Edna Shaw.-- 44. Floribunda-
pink - A. Pridham, Gordon
Muir," Mrs. A. Hugill. - 45.
Floribunda - any other color
Iris Sampson, Jean Barnett, Mrs.
A. Hugill. - 46. Floribunda -
three colors - Jean Barnett,
Gordon Muir, Mrs. A: Hugill.
47. Grandiflora • rose -
Gordon Muir, Jean Barnett, Mrs.
A. Hugill. - 48. Any other rose
type not listed Mrs. A. Hugill,
Mrs. J. H. Johnstone, •- Mary
Howell. - 49. Miniature rose -
Gordon Muir, Jean Barnett, Mrs.
A. Hugill. •-
50. Afri:an Violet - single
flowered- - Mrs. A. Hugill. - 51.
• African,, Violet - double
flowered - Jean Barnett, Mrs. J.
H. Johnstone, Mrs. A. Hugill. -
52. House plant in bloom - Mrs.
J. H. Johnstone, F. R. Worsell,
Jean Barnett: - 53. House plant
- foliage - Iris Sampson, Jean'
Barnett, Mrs. J. H. Johnstone. -
The number • of bobks
circulated in the., county during
the month of May was up over
Ti he same montFiW ' in. 190,
• reported Walter Sheardown,
„_chairman at the.June:::session-of
Huro'h County Council.
Last year, 28,179 books were
circulated in the, county during
May. This year, 29,042 books
were circulated.
re of :conviviality
54. Collection of cacti andjor
succulents - Mrs. J. H.
SECT I'm :IV ---
55, Garden Green - Paul
Carroll, Mary - Howell, Edna
Shaw. - 56. Dining Table - Paul
Carroll, A. Pridham, Edna Shaw.
- 57. Color Combo Mary
Howell, Gwyneth Muir, Gordon
Muir. - 58. Kitchen Table
Paul parroll, Edna Shaw, Mary
- Howell. - 59. Oddball - S.
Marriott, Mary . Howell, Edna
60. (a) Full Throttle - Ma
Greig, Mrs. J. H. Johnstone. -
(b) Stereo - Beth Wark, Jean
Barnett, Mrs. J. H. Johnstone.
Shaw. - 64. Maxi - C. Menzies,
Edna Shaw, Mary Howell.
1.•'Cariadian Imperial Bank of
Commerce Rose. Bowl for
highest points in show -° Jean
Barnett; 2. Sifto Salt prize for
best three roses in classes 38, 40
and 46 - Jean Barnett; 3. White
Rose Trophy for best white rote
Gordon • Muir; 4.. Red Rose
Tea Trophy for best red rose -
Jean Barnett; 5. Upper .Lakes
Shipping Cup for best lily -
Mary Howell; 6. , Denomme
Flower Shop rose bowl for
highest number of points in
_ _ section_ 77 May.
Howell; 7. Dominion Road
Machinery Co cup for the best
arrangement in the show - C.
Menzies (in Section 64
"Maxi"); 8. Worselt Bros. prize
for Novice No. 60A Marg.
• Greig; 9. `Horticultural Society:
prize for Novice No. 60B,- Beth
Wark; 10. Horticultural Society
prize for Junior No. 61A -
Tony Bedard;. 11. 'Horticultural
Society prize for Junior No. 61B
- Leslie MacEwan.`.
61. (a) Space Garden - Tony
Bedard. - (b) Animules - Leslie
MacEwan, Brenda 'Warner,
Vickey 'Thurlow. - 62. Mini -
Edna Shaw, Mary Howell, Jean
Barnett. - 63. Midi - S.
Marriott, Mary Howell, Edna
.Over sh
Minna' ,, et .the Goderich
' Society
"Show .held Satgrday,aJune : et torth Stsaet11rrtecLChairch
Hall, was Mrs. Jean' Barnett, of Blacks Point Road. She had 46
points arld picked up ar lards in .so many categories We had
trouble finding -all the ribbons she had won. Making aipeciality
• time she has
g r wards each
Chas won Major .of roses, Nirs. 1 ,�.,.
entered ' sb ows-wfuttha in -C+ +atri�ii"�,o bTu�t'-:rb ` Fbwrti:-s�ta#f y
pho>to. . b
Mfrs. Ronald Menzies was winner of ti,'e f t, prize for the mit.
'dower 'arrangement at the Goderich , orsticultura Soceity
Mower thaw held last Saturday.'Her m nificent arslagement of
• anterbuty Bells took up most of the able on w t was
displayed. The show was reported by members of the eiub'tO bit
the best ever"held - and a changed one. the sileint etroosphere
• of .past shows had been replaced
with colourful
lave Of
paintirand lidee-and 'arindltpb . ht