The Goderich Signal-Star, 1970-06-25, Page 14NA1467`AR, ThhU'RSAAY, JU11 2& 1970
With-Shirtert-•Ke lien ---°.
Woman to Woman
i hear via the 'grapevine that out. I think it' mothers really
there was an excellent turnout at understood the work these
the Youth Centre Saturday. leaders go to as well as the
According to my informants, a enthusiasm they generate, it
considerable amount of work would be a simple matter to
recruit mothers who would be
willing to help out for a year or
* * *
No matter what the younger
generation may think, 1 didn't
drop o�ii of a tree the other day.
Believe it or not, I grew .up in
the normal fashion with all the
heartaches and problems and
joys that come to every ..
Canadian kid.
That's why I was so appalled
by the "messages" which appear
on the walls in the public
washroom in the court house.
- I would strongly urge that
mothers froi. Goderich,
:was accomplished under the
direction of Allan Schade.
In fact, Allan tells me the
Youth Centre• may open this
very weekend.
I'm • extremely pleased to
receivethis report. My sincere
congratulations to . the youth
council and to; the kids who are
lending their support to the
venture. Special thanks, to Gord
McManus for slumber and ,flohn
' Pirie for carpentry. -
I wonder • how many ti of you
noticed the goof for which 1 was
responsible in a recent edition of
The Goderich Signal -Star. It had .. !'Auburn, Dungannon•, Bayfield,
t,.p� do' with the Goderich, Art Carlow — in fact, any of the
Club's Art Mart which is surrounding, towns pick up their
scheduled for July."'The heading reading glasses and pay a visit to
I wrote' -for the story tolcof the
the ladies'- washroom in the
-Art- Mart being held_'ln. August..- vert : hozrse_ Prated there., rr� _...:_ _ _ _ ____.. _._
Art ..elun°� raesident�.Miss N1a • �`x�—
p ' x • l cikaad dmndr.seve al -other „
—Howe lwasjustifiabiyrangry with i supposo'most of-the"'clubs
shades are the 'thoughts of kids and groups are closing' down
me. As she told me later, the p
story was correct so it was
who have been there. now for. a 'summer recess. That
difficult to imagine how the, Don t just look at it. Read it, will 'mean that some of the
ladies. Read' it" thoroughly and stories we receive from these
"heading could be ,so terribly_digest-it. I• think -you -will -get -t ---_ - : i -- -
organizations will' -be cot to•.a.
wrong, b icture: •
column is just:.a little elementary
right now. I >suppose he was
referring to those readers who
do quite a.bit• of se'ving already.
Perhaps 1 should explain that
when we contemplated the
colul4 in the first place, Gil and
I decided that the best approach
would be to begin at the very
beginning. In most cases, it is the
'best place to start.
Since the column is just' a few
weeks old, GU hasn't been able
to get right into the nitty-gritty
of sewing....but trust him. That
will come.
In the meantime, both Gil and
-I would be happy to hear from
you. If yoti have an' problems :-
anything at all to do with sewing
or the sewing machine — please
reel- free . to call or write the
Signal -Star about it.
There is no charge for this
service. It is just another way in
which we hope to build a bigger
and better women's section for
your enjoyment.
- - Of�• course .mistakes , do p bare minimum. •.
When I was'in Grade 7 . and 8 ' We understand this and
—Thippen. I can't shrug off the in a one -room country. school Iv e
incident but I can try to make had a marvellous teacher. She c e or r a i n ly a p gr o
- amends in some small way. was a genuine lady wlio had wholeheartedly of it. At the
That's why I • draw your same time, we encourage you'to
attention to the story in this compassion for. everyone and at contact us again just as soon as
the same time, e, she had a very meetings 'resume again in the
week s -edition about the Art.. g
wise head o her shoulders.
Mart coming up in July. Read it fall'
I remember I was doodling * ' * *
thoroughly and hentplan to " with a piece of chalk on the 8
attend. . Life is just full of all kinds of
* * , school floor one day. i wrote my surprises, isn't it. Five years ago
name, She strolled by and put we'd never heard of pantyhose
Speaking about mistakes in . her foot squarely,over my name. " and now, pantyhose is
the Signal -Star (and we know She recited this little' poem considered to be a safety
there'' are quite a few) is which 1 have never forgotten: measure where highway driving
difficult to I 'produce a perfect "A fool's. name instead of his is concerned. •
newspaper. It _seems to me that `face - That's right. Statistics seem to
the harder I try to -do things ' Is always,seenMa public plaice." show that when a lady driver is
correctly, the more mistakes I • I thought of that p oem while I wearing a 'comfortable pair .of
uncover. was scanning the wails. in that• pantyhose she is a 'much safe
:.. Take last week, for instaiice- - public washroom. teacher Mys driver than when she 'ts. a'rbe
It was a classic example of the well over •70 years old now but a girdle .and regular stockin
errors` speaking er would still have
It seems that tests hav
about. . meaning ,for today's really hep that ladies involunta
In a story about a family teenagers. • •. and strain against
reunion (which incidentally was . - * * .* - their garters, shot
sent in handwritten form) it said How are •you enjoying our pedals down ju
something- about a smorgasbord new sewing column? than even the
dinner "at 1:30." I looked at it I had a chat during the On the o
for, a moment or two and weekend with Gil Rummenie
decided that it must be $1.30 who puts the cblumn out each
since' time is written' 1:30.or week. Gil is looking forward to
1:30 p.m. * : your comments on the column
You guessed it. I made the as well as any questions you
wrong decision. Of course, when might have to ask -him.
-----it ---i.. Gil• did mention to me that
it vVas pointed out to me, it was
difficult to make the reader some readers may , feel " the
understand . how in the world • , '
such a foolish mistake could be Historical essay,
made. In trying to be thorough I
had actually caused an error.
- Since the time of a meeting - '
held � a week or so ago is hardly
news, I would ordinarily have .
taken out the reference to the Editor's no
time....but since . I didn't of the
recognize it as a reference to MacEw
time I left it in, I have since been Signal
• -informed by the editor, Ron Btrit
Price, that I should hav6taken it
out anyway since it is policy
here at the Signal -Star NOT to
mention price of mea
admission charges etc. in n
Art Mart
The Goderich Art. Club met
for their monthly meeting on
June 16 at the studio, St, Peters
School, President Miss. Mary
Howell presided.
Final plans were formulated
• for the annual Art Mart - to 13e
•beld. on the Square during the
third week of July, and members
were assigned to various' duties
°for that period.
The Club approved a colorful
advertising poster which has
been produced by Martha
Rathburn and her ; committee.
Club members Will ,.nrake `the
posters to be placed in, various
stores - 'in Goderich o as well as
other communities in Huron
It ,vas decided again to havea.
Arthur Circle
about world;
• The Arthur Circle of Knox
Presbyterian Church ' met
Monday, June 15, in the Church
parlour, with the President,
Lucy Johnston, in the chair.
Fol lowing the opening
exercises, the, business period
was conducted. The secretary's
and treasureros reports were read
and adopted, and progress
reports of activities relating to
the fall bazaar. were heard from
the various group leaders. ,
Evelyn Scruton's group then
took 'charge of tie meeting, and
Edna Pollock read , -”The
-Thought-T._ The .devotional.
,vper•iothwas 'conducted .by. Evelyn
Scruton and Isobel -Smith.
kind of I'mh poem t ll h
y push
e pull of
ng their gas
a little heavier
er hand (or should
say foo .) • pantyhose wearers
drive much' more carefully
because they are much more
comfortable. ,
So gals, off' to the store to
buy your supply of. pantyhose!
Contribute -to highway safety. - ---
• * * *
guest boat in Courthouse Park,.
and a free draw on a painting
which is being donated by Mrs.
Jeanie Smith.
Everyone is working with
excitement in anticipation of a
bigger and better display 'than
ever. It is hoped that the entire
community will participate in
this colorful event and do their
share to promote and to extend
the interest of everyone in the
creative arts.• ) ,
Come out and bringthe
family. All who • attend
contribute oto the success of an
outdoor exhibition. They
usually find pleasant relaxation
as well as something for the
mind and spirit.
lao*r_cal rec
Si rinfinq
The offering was 'received by
Betty Fisher and Isobel Smith
and dedicated by Evelyn
A n interesting • and
thought-provoking , address
entitled "Changes in a changing
world" was presented 'by Edna
Starting with the world of
fashion, she advanced through
the changes in science, medicine,
the monetary situation and our
concept of love, to the
conclusion of our own need for
a•_sti ng faith, -to strengthen our•—&h r i•s t va`.n via . •;;----_•�': 11�dd
-contributions :to':life:
!R IME�flGi9N'S
Arrange -radish roses,
cucumber rounds, carrot curls,
celery sticks, raw turnip cubes,
green onions; tomato .wedges,
and slices of raw apples, pear;
bananas . as well as orange•
sections on a platter covered,
with lettuce leaves. Add various
kinds of cheese (including
cottage cheese) and melba toast.
Just the thing for a snack where
all the guests:Are dieting.
4▪ ,0
The safest way to ensure that -your.
• heirs. wilhget everything yOu,intend
for each of then? is to. appoint
Victoria and Grey Trust
to administer your estate.
The senior Ti•tist Company
devoted entirely to .Seri'1ng
the people of Ontario.
Lealand Hill, Manager 52473$1
Elgin:aiad_K icon_Sire.ets, finderick
roar `, yk�f {{c f1r•� a
sible horse
e: This. is another sledge down upon the red hot
ritings of Edna iron, fly one this way, another
given to The Goderich that. The sparks 'rise in the air
tar by Charles A nstay and become lost to view. They
nia Road,. for publication. go no one knows whither,.
is believed this essay was The "swinging of the heavy
ritten about 1911 when Miss sledge makes the blacksmith
MacEwan was a student in a strong. It makes his muscles.
Goderich school strong as iron and his arms hard
s and sinewy, Where can another
strokes ith a THE BLACKSMITH'S°SHOP occupation be found that so
So, I get three_...:,.develaps. the,.,muscles.and,makes-_
wet rioalif6i-thartnis ;.
- n be_ .me . `.. .$ • ferenc .. ,Mnst_pes,ple of today do lot
was made to a . Milleg. It look upon a-'blacksmith's°shop as
should have bee' Miller. How a very desirable place but to me
did that happe . it possesses many delights. As a
Well, the • ist took a look at child I remember watching With
the handw ting and decided much pleasure the sparks fly
that the I . op of - the capital G hither and thither.
Inst below the r in Miller was ' In ' the - first place a
attachd'to the r making it look blacksmith's shop is a very
like a g., Apparently, the ,proof useful one indeed.
reader concurred with her A man •who drives a horse a
opinion, thus Milleg rather than great deal such as a traveller
Miller, _ finds these places extremely
* * * useful. If his , horse should
I, was out to `Point Farm happen to step on a nail and go
Provincial Park Saturday to the lamce, when '.he is a long way
Brownie revel. It was a most from home it is very awkward
interesting outing for me and for for him -If a blacksmith shop is
my two youngest children who not near at hand. .
accompanied me. A blacksmith is to horses as a
The theme was "Indians" and doctor is to us. He relieves their
'every Brownie pack was' pain. We own a horse that once
magically transformed into a . stepped ori. a nail when out
whooping- hollering band 'et - pasturing and without waiting
Indianslet loose (well, almost)
in a beautiful section of the
park. -
1 � T urkeY
BI Chicken' urY . steak . White ori P ink . 12.0=.
r Beef or salisb Valu Wh
. Al -'3 ; Meat L�4 To.P -11
I�p temona'le.' • • •goquet
Cudney Sliced ��
. �r►`. Pkg'
. DinnerSs#
Imaado`NCieS 24-poz.JUICIE _ Stet S .pkg• 1r�
• r grease
I. I
4 � flb°=•-6\:43
burrs F
• Farm House Frozen
2 . roll
Two packs from Seaforth put-
on the best show I'd say. Each
-Bfro*nie Arai garbed in a
, ,Ldp„dress$, and the
o”wns 4 der s wetiellrbut-to
look like "iridian tribal masters.
One woman was dedked out like
a medicine' man, cctnplete. with
horns, to the a delight of the
Those mothers of Brownies
'who don't really know what
going on at ,the meetings ghouid
make it their buaii'iess to find
for ,my father to find out about
it, the hhrse trotted down to the
blacksmith shop. In about half
an hour he came trotting back
again. We did not find out where
he had been until about a week
after,.when., t144)1si ksnttth told
knew that 'the blaeksnfith'`would
relieve him of his pain.
• 1 believe all. children like to ,
watch the sparks as they - chase
� o
*et 'n bet in ltee. 'the
iron is heated red hot and plated
on the anvil it is indeed beautiful
to see ' they sparks, as the
• blaclomith swings 'his , heavy
a personaman?
The children" -coming - home
from school' usually go for a
little while to the blacksmith's
shop. It, seems to attract them;
and its delights , can . never
become old' to them.,
' Blacksmiths " generally de not
mind the children watching'
them, so long as they do not get
in the Way of danger.
Indeed, the . blacksmiths
sometimes welcome the Children
as the children's happy laughs
cheer them and they are glad to
give them what pleasure they
f„ R1LY
r�()('!r ! ii
g ! f
��. Ov gin
Green Giant .Fancy ,Aest'd
Dole Fancy
Fruit Cocktail
'Lipton's Chicken Noodle'-
yai`Crows TAsst="
_St IELbrii
• Tin
Westinghouse Soft White Pkg.
of 2
Miss.Mew (Asst'd Flava
6 Tins
6 -Oz.
Box Wini9
Granulated Fine 5 -Ib. 52
Bag �r
16 -oz. 190
Top Valu Prepared
Scott {White or Yellow)
or pink
Bathroom Tissue -.
Reg.,. Oily, Dry or
Reg. Creme' Rinse
Btl. of 200 Tablets
Weston's Jelly Pompons or'
Mj-gone. Win r r 4 a
r Rib, Sirloing' Durno Campfire
rtio a or Round
r N slDf:
r �•
15f/2 bz.
24 -oz: ,
j Burns Hot •
pat ib �y ¢ Sirr1Oked "Fo (Half gt
� Dog
Hail n (Hair yie.
W r � -ib. V W °r
vac r•,,, hole) lb. ..M►N�/n Rack n S$� COId aiu Assorted
Cups • ts•Ur.
Pkg. •6
17" black & white portable
r ,
Golden VeIIow .
midi. 444.4
•r-� y:•N ...:x• 11. ,+
Canada Fey. Controlled Atmospnaru
C.aiiada. No. i
:. 4