HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1893-1-26, Page 1subscribe 4'ol..,
my sill. from now tillJanueiy
1st 1834, Give Ata trial,
Molsons Bane.`.
(Chartered by .Parliament, 1855.)
Paid up Capital, .. , $2,000,000'
Rest Ftuid , . . 1,100,000,
Head olfiee Montreal.
Money advance i good Farmer's on their
'own notes. lv.; ,r,. one or more endorsors ht:7
per cent per annum,
Exeter Branch,
Open every lawful day from 10 a. m.to 3 p.
m Saturdays il0 a: m. to B p. m
general business transacted
; g 5
CURItENT RALES allowed for nton-
ey onDoposit Receipts,Savings Bank at 3
per cent.
Exeter, Jan 28, '88, Sub Manager
=c?:n •'a r xs
Tito ADYOCAT9 .00'
—'.when it _
rale 131113, (lurd (Ills, Letter.
Bads and Euvwivpos—tn feet
all kinds; of printing.
Is published every Thursday Morning,
at the Office,
One Dollar per annum if paid in Advance.
81.50 if not so paid.
8dsrertip.si.g Rates on Sipplice.-
No paper discontinued until all arrearages
are paid. Advertisements without specific
directions will be published till forbid and
charged accordingly. Liberal cliscotnt made
for transcient advertisements inserted for
long periods. Every description of JOB
PRINTING turned out in the finest. style,
and at moderate rates. Cheques, m oney ord-
& made . fo
er is ng, subscriptions, etc. to
Sanders & Dyer
,......,...,.,.,.c. --.-..,per.,.- ,,....
Church liiireetory.
Fatt, Rector. Sunday Services, 11 a. m
and 7 D. on. Sabbath School, 3 p . m. Holy
Communion, let Sunday of each month at
Morning Service. and in months of five Sun-
days, after Evening Service of 4th Sunday of
the m onth. Holy Baptism on 2nd Sunday
of each month atmorning service.
METHODIST CITURcu--James-st , Rev. A. L
Russell, Pastor. Sunday Services,10.30 a. m'
and 6.30 p. m. Sabbath School, 2.30 B. m.
MAIN STREET—Rev. W. McDonagh, Pas-
tor. Sunday Services, 1030 a.m. and 6.30 p.m.
Sabbath School2.50p.m.
Pastor. Sunday Services, 11 a. m. and 6.30 p.
m. Sabbath School, a.
IProfessi°naal Cards.
II. KINSMAN, L. D. 5, Fanson's Block
Carling Store,
f lLr
- north g
two doors
extracts s tenth
pain. Away at Hensall on 1st
Friday; Ansa Craig ou 2nd and 4th Tuesday.
and Zurich on last Thursday of each month
ADENTIST, Member Royal
CiH. INGRa\I• College Dental Surgoolis, successor to
H. L. Billings. Office over Post Office
Exeter, Ont. A safe anaesthetic given for
the painless extraction of teeth. (Fine Gold
Fill]nes as required.
▪ Resiidence -Corner Andrew and North
Streets, Exeter, Ontario
,YJ the College of Physicians and Surgeons
Ontario. Physician, Surgeon and Accoucli-
eur. Office, Dashwood, Ont.
TNR. LA, AMOS, M. D., C. M , Member of
JL, College of Physicians and Surgeons,.
Ontario; licentiate of the Royal College of
Physicians and Surgeons Edinburgh; licen-
tiate of the Faeulty of Physieians and Sur-
geons, Glasgow; Follow of Trinity Medical
College, Toronto. Office—Dr. Cowen's for-
mer residence.
• OR, Conveyancer, Notary Public,
Office—Over O'Neil's Bank, Exeter, Ontario.
_ - Money to. Loan.
• of Supreme Court, Notary Public, Con-
veyancer, Commissioner, &c. Money to loan
Office—Fanson's Block, Exeter.
L itors, Conveyancers, &c.
IT BROWN, Winchelsea. Licensed Anct-.
L • ioneer for the Counties of Perth and
Middlesex, also for the township of Ueborne
Sales promptlyattended to and termsreason
able. Sales arranged. at Post office, Wincltelsa
A J. ROLL INS, late of Manitoba, Licens-
-ri.ved'Auctioneer, for the counties of Bur -
on andMiddlesex, Residence: 1 mile south
of Exeter, Ont. Sale Orders by mail or other-
tviso�promptly"attended to at reasonable
prices. ____ _
BOSSE NBEB,RY, 3tcusall Ontario. Lie -
L' • ensed Auctioneer' for the Counties of
Huron and Perth. Charges moderate and
satisfaeticn guaranteed.
TT HARDY, Licensed Auctioneer for the
11• County of Huron. Sales Condueted on
seasonable terms, Farm and Farm Stock a
s pecialty. Full arrangements can be made
at thisoffice.
FARNOOMB, Provincial Land
12 Surveyor and Civil Engineer. Office,
Over Post Office, Main street, Exeter, Ont.
The Western Fire Assurance Company,
of Toronto,
The Phoenix Fire Insurance Co'y.,
of London, England.
The Alliance Fire Assur. Co'y.,
of London, England.
Office: -Main -street, Exeter, Ont.
Wheat per bus
tel $0.64 t.b 0.65
30' to 35
....... 26 to 28
.. .. 52 to 53
.Lard • . • • .•
Eggs ....
Chicken per lb
Duelts .t
Turkeys "
Pork .
Potatoes per pus
Hay per ton
10 to 11
18 & 18
5 to 6
.... 7 to 8
5 t 6
,. 0tb1.0
50 to 50
. ; • 6.00 to 7,00
. •...,,
It 1'i11 bake You. Eat.
Will Tone Your Nerves,
Will Make You Streng.
Will Make. You Feel Like
Yourself Again.
In all Pu]monary Diseases with emacia-
tion, as well as with spitting of blood, the
effects of this remedy are very marked.
50c. ANA $1.00 PER BOTTLE.
The annual 'IR eetiegof'the patrons of Cen
tralia Cheese Factory Will lie held on Satur-
day, Jan. 28th, at 2 o'clock, for rendering
statements, etc, for the pa.,t 'season, and
the election of oflicors, etc., for the ensuing
season. All patrons are urgently requested
to attend; also those desiri'noP,,_ to become
such. - Wm, BAKER, Pros.
C. W. SMITII, Manufacturer•
The unclersignea, having signified his in-
tention to retire from farm life, willoffer
his splendid -0e-
acrefarn for sale, being
lots 24 and 25, concession 1, in the township
of Us horn e, (London 13.' -ad), county of Hur-
on. Tland. The It i d is all cleared two
fruif-bearing in ]
w dmill and lent
of good water. 1 he fences are in first-class
condition. ' On the premises are a brick cot-
tage and kitchen; two• large bank barns;
one horse stable; 24x60; driving shed. This
is a first-class farm in very particular and
is provided with every convenience, and the.
location is a good one, being one mile from.
Exeter, where there is one of tire• best mark-
ets in Ontario. It will be .old at a reason-
able figure For farther particulars apply to
ABEL WALPE8, Ilay P. 0., Ont.
SEALED TENDERS addressed to the un-
dersigned, and endorsed 'Tenders for
Goclerich 'Work," will be received. until
Tuesday, the 7th day of February, inclusive.
ly, for the Extension of the Piers and
Dredging at Goderich, Huron County, ..Ont.,
according to a plan and specification to be
seen at the office of the Town Clerk, Goder-
ich, and at the De partment'of Public Works
Tenders will not ' be considered unless
made on the form supplied and signed with
the actual signature of tenderers.
An accepted bank olivilne payable to the
order of the Minister of Public Works. ,equal
to /Ere par cent. of amount of tender. must ac-
cornpany each tender. This Cheque will be
forfeited if the•partv decline the contract,
orfail -to complete the work contracted for,
and will be returned in case of non-accept-
ance of tender.
The Departtnent does not bind itself to
accept the lowest of any tender.
By order,
E. 1. E. ROY,
Department of Publ is Works,
Ottawa, 3rd January, 1x03.
Our clay and Sunday schools are pro
gressing'.splendidly.-Our debate .last
week was well attended, Exeter being
represented. The chairmen, Messrs S.
Sanders, D Gilbert and C. Box, decided
in favor of liquor. -The next question
is "The Pen or the Sword," leaders are
J. Carrick and ililas Stanlake jr.—The
question to follow the "Pen and Sword",
will likely be "Resolved, that a Good
natured slovenly person, is preferable
to a Cress, tidy person." The debate
took place Wednesday evening, 25th;
Young, middle-aged or old melt sufer'ng from 11 o
effects of follies and excesses, restored to perfect
health, manhood and vigor,
New Nerve Force and Powerful
Cures i:ost Power,. Nervous Debility, Night Logs
Diseases' caused by Abuse Over Work, lndiscretibn,
tobacco,, opium or Stimulants, Lack of Energy, Lest
Memory, Headache, Wakefulness, Gleet And Ve+
A.. Cure is Guaranteed!
ro every one using this Remedy according to direc•
liens, or money -cheerfullyand conscientiously
refunded. PRICE $1.00, 6 PACKAGES $6.00. •
Sent by mail to any point inU.S., or Canada,
sec :ely staled free from duty or inspection,
Write today tor
or our
TELL. Y u ..O
address or cal' on QUEEN ffiEDICINIE CO.,
NEW Y06K LIFE BUILDING, Montreal fan
x. (meatball
�Policeman; 'Me Z'ititu.
Cue rIIAM, Ont. Jan. 24. -News !bas
,just reached here of the brietal murder
of Policeman Rankin., of this city,. ' Be
grid P1 eaten Dezelia went 'Out to the
Geevnshi p of Raleigh' to assist Constable
McDonald to arrest a colored ' man
named Gco' W, Fre t,inai charged
with the abduction of a white e•irl: un-
der 14 years of a:go,
Arriving at thelhouse of- Freeman's
father they met Freemen, .who is' a
large andpowerful'' negro, arid some
other colored men 1vho<ettael:ed them
with axes and revolvers; Iran kin, was
shot and struck on the* head and ' neck
with a chopping axe; and sank to the
ground dead, Dezelia was driven 'o1P
and shot at, three bullets passing
through bis clothes'• -one through tl is
back of his coat, igen through his sleeve.
and another through the legof his.
trousers Dezelia returned the fire,
emptying his revolver, and shooting
one of the negroes who was assaulting
poor Rankin Constable McDonald
was shot in the leg, Hs and Dezelia
had a most wonderful escape.
A posse of special • constables have
juste been sworn, and accompanied by
about 100 enraged citizens, are now
on their way to the scene of the mer
A number of mill heeds .from Big -
ram's mill. who had gathered round,
were driven off by the negroes.
Police Constable Rankin was the
largest man oa the force, very power-
ful and coirageonS, about 80 years
Old, and was popular. He .leaves a
wife and one child.
.A despatch from Chatham, sent be
fore the murder of Rankin, says:—
Raleigh township people are in a
state of wildest excitement over the
actions of an outlaw named George
Freeman, co'ored who is holding the
authorities at bay. Freeman, who
lives a few miles from this city, is a
desperate character, and is wanted
here, charged with criminally abusing
a little white gill named Jane Lezzett.
The scoundrel, who lives with a mu
littto woman, has the white girl in his
custody. In rhe dead of the eight, Lest
eight, Detective Alex, McDonald went
out to execute the warrant. Iicen
had the house barricaded, but the ecu
stable broke in. 'file desperado reach.
ed for a gnu, but before he could
it the detective had him down. A:
desperate struggle took place between
the two for one hour aiid a half, The
man's- wife then assaulted the deteet-
}ve with an axe. In the melee Mc-
Donald was wounded In the hand and
face and was terribly beaten. Free-
man weighs 275 pounds, and is a fight-
er. The detective merely escaped with
his life. He got here this morning aied
reported proceedings to Attorney
Douglas, who ordered a posse of con
stables and the detective to make
another laid on the place this after-
noon. The posse will leave the city
this afternoon.
McGillivray Council
Council met pursuant to the statutes
The following persons subscribed to
their qualifications and declaration -of
office, viz:—Wm. L, Corbett, Reeve;
George T. Johnson, 1st' Deputy -Reeve;
Jno.D. Drummond 2nd Deputy -Reeve;
Thomas Prest and Edward Morgan,
Councillors. Minutes of last meeting
read, approved of and signed. J D
Drummond—J T Johnson -that Wm.
Fraser be; and' he is hereby '.appointed
Clerk for the present` year, ata salary
of $120.—Carried, G T Johnson—J D
Drummond—.that Ninian Grieve be
and the is hereby appointed Assessor
for the. year 1593 and his salary be $70
—Carried. E Morgan—J D Drum
mond—that George Nindmarsn be and
he is hereby appointed Auditor and his
salary be $8 -Carried. The Reeve ap-
pointed W. `T `.Amos' to the office of Aud
icor. T Prest-J D Drummond -that
this Council do hereby, appoint George
Glendinning collectoi- for the west, and
George Saunders collector for the east
part' of this township at the same sal-
aries as last year, to furnish .satisfact-
ory security -Carried. J D Drum.
mond —T Preet—that; George Saunders
be and he is hereby appointed janitor
at a salary of $15 -Carried..: T Press
—E Morgan—that tenders for rock
elm planl.'will be received - at next
meeting of Council, to state price at
mill and price at Town Hall delivered
—Carried, J D Drummond—G T
Johnson --that this eouncil do hereby
appoint Alexander Smith, Robert Hut-
chinson. and James Miller members of
the Board of Health, and James , Sut-
ton, M.D,, Medical Health Officer—Car-
ried. G T Johnson—J 1) Drummond
—that the cleric is hereby instructed to
advertise for tenders for the construct
ion of a bridge over the river Sauble
opposite lots 15 and 16, in the 10th
concession, known as Slack's bridge,
each tender to be accompanied by a
deposit of ten per cent of amount of
tender, to be forfeited and to become
the property of the corporation, if sat-
isfactory security is trot given for the
completion of contract; tenders to be
onend to the Town, hall on, the first
Monday its February at 10 o'clock a.m.
—Carried, G T Johnson .1 Morgan
—that the hereinafter natned indi.yid
tints bo paid the follewing atnounts 'as
set forth, Vryf--1 *Caller8, eL Sell Cement
and height $7.99. Hardy and Johnson
Engineer's WIN ari , $9; J Long, shovel,
ling snout an P,81 hbill road, $5 50. J W
Hey, printing ,. cenlnt1 7r c:.
shovelling snow on l'arlchi.11 road, $7,
50: Mc,redith, Fisher eee1 e t'tie, solici-
tor's aecoilut, $2225; G -Bice, :gravel
account, $28; W II Taylor, 2 la nibs
and 3 sheep killed by doffs; $18.fifi; G C
Meadd, 2 sheep and,1 wounded
by dogs, $10; W. Bice, repairing Bice's
bridge 2ud concession, $26; J. Nichols,
plank on .Bice',s bridge 21id concessien,
$1:50,-07(i•iaed, J D Drummond—T
Prest—•.that this council : adjourn to
meet in to the Town IIitl1 on the 'first
Monday iii February et 10 o'clock .a,en.
sharp. W -'et, Fuesee, Tp. Clerk
Mr, James Allen, of Usborne,: came
near being badly hurt last week;; His
horse cominence(l going away with the
stone sled attached to it, when Anent')
trying to catch the lines, fell. and was
struck by the sled, tel juring two of his
ribs. Dr. Rollins is attending to his
injuries, and Mr Allen is likely to be
around again shortly.•—A joint stock
company has been formed fsr building
a grist mill to cost $5,000, One thous-
and dollars' worth of stock is already
taken up, and it is expected to com-
mence operations by the; 1st of May.—
Mr. Neely, of Wooilhani, has transferred
his business to Rich Ford, son of Sam'l
Ford, who has rented the premises and
will continue the business.
Mr. F. hicks, grain -buyer, of this
place, has purchased Mr. Thos. Hand -
ford's Eine residence, paying' -therefor the
sum of $700. No doubt a partner will
be the Dela step for lir. R. F.—Cheese
factory meeting, Saturday, 28th Inst,
at 2 o'clock p.m. A large number are
expected to be present. Cheese is booni
ing and grain cheap. -The slain busi-
ness is on the move under the liberal
prices paid by Mr. R. F. Hicks.—We
noticed some of our Lucan friends in
town on Sunday, Miss Rollins, Miss
Brown and Mr. Bronson.—Messrs Hand
ford, Robinson and Walker are buying
horse for the Northwest. They intend
shipping next week.
OBITUARY. This week it is our sad
duty to relate the death of Maria
Nairn, who passed
peacefully away ol,
Thursday, a it the age of 27 years and
6 months. For a dumber of years she
has experienced uced great t suffetwn
•all of
which was.born with-christi,un forti.
tude. Her unblemished character and
resiu•natiou"'to the will of her blaster
should influence all to lead a Christian
life. 'Before her death she requested to
be buried in the small graveyard south
of the village, known as Salem, and
was followed thither on Saturday after
noon by a long concourse of friends.
The services were conducted by the
Rev, S. P. Allis), and as her remains
were about to be carried from the
house her pet canary' sang very dole•
fully, causing everything to appear in
perfect harmony with the occasion.
On Tuesday, January 17th, a large
mass meeting of the R. T. of T. was
held here. A large number of dele-
gates from the various councils
throughoutthe county were present.
The greater part of the day was spent
in discussing important temperance
qu.estions, such as the best means to
put shackels on the liquor traffic, etc.
In the evening a grand concert was
given, at which the R. T. of T. Quar-
tette Club from Exeter were present
and assisted, also Mr. M. Vincent, of the
same place, gave a couple of comic
solos and was heartily encored; friends
teem Honsall, Seaforth and Goderich
also assisted in the programme. Ex-
cellent addresses were. given by Mr.
McKeon, of Seaforth, and Mr. Tom, the
Inspector. Mr. Beatty occupied the
chair in a most pleasing manner. A
most enjoyable evening was spent.—
Miss Wanless is at present visiting Miss
Maud Ross, of Stratford. She also pur-
poses visiting friends in F-Ierrington
and St. Marys before her return. -Mrs.
R' McCool and Miss Jennie Darling, of
Herrington, have returned after spend
insa few days among friends in Varna
—A number of the R, T, of T. visited
Kippen on Monday and report having.
a good time.—Mr. J..1 Tom paid our
publie scheol his official visit on Wed
uesday last and expressed himself as
highly pleased with the progress : the
pupils are making under the tutorship,
of Mr, J. W. Harrison and Miss Thomp-
The annual meetingof the L..0, L.,
District is of Biddulph, as held heree> on
p 1
the 17th The meeting was represent-
ed by members from nearly every
lodge iu the district, and after general
business was transacted the following
officers were elected for the ensuing
year:—J. Neil, W.D.M., re elected; J.
Kenniston,'D.D.M., re-elected; W. J.
Wilson, Iter;, Sec., re-elected;; G. Grieve,
Fin, Sew; N. Grieve,Trcas.; Wm. Min
era, Chap.; F. Davis, D of C;11. Hutch.
insonand D. Dew, Lecturers. The
next meeting will be held in Parkhill.
CONCERT.—A very successful concert
was given in the Town Hall on Thurs
day of last week by the Macabeos. The
hall was crowded to, the dobi°s, and ev
ergotse was pleased with the very
ten,,tlry ptobiart
gt ra w
me which WAS render
Ings of T, A. Baker, of
deepening ditch on 14th concession per ed. The co"-'
Toronto, were espeeially interesting Turnbull, Battler, that the sitm of 2C�e.
the crowd, his rendering hof "Chancey's
Trotters" being p
erfct, The
on tlhe"Aima of the Maccabees" by
Mtiyor•I3ovntou, of Port Huron, was
both amusing and instt•uctiug, and he
showed his ability to hold the attention
of "the boys," ''The Charcoal Man"
was rendered very well by Mrs, Emsley
the elocutionist. The others 'on the
programme filled their respective parts,
The programme was interspersed with
excellent mucic froth the orelrestra,.ute
der the leadership of George Zwicker.
—Weare glad to say that Mrs,'Tritk's'
hand is improving,—Weare sorry to
havettoymeutiot.the death of Mrs;Wm.
Moat' (daughter of Mr, A Dearing)
who died ou Sunday, She was buried
in the German cemetery and a funeral
sermon was preached afterward in the
English church by Rev. A. L. Russell,
pastor' of the James Street church, Ex-
eter. The bereaved husband has the
sympathy .1 the whole community.—
Londe Hirtzel has gone to Detroit to
tape a situation, -Conrad Kuhn is
slowly recovering from his late illness
—Jos. Edwards has sold his pacing
mare to Kimble.—The roads are in a
very bad condition, You can see loads
of wood and logs strewn all along the
road, where they have tipped over. --
Wedding Bells will soon be heard in
our small town.
The South Huron Farmers' Institute
meeting held in the Town hall on Fri-
day last was a grand success in every
particular. A. large number of farmers
from the surrounding country were in
attendance to bear the'speaking in the
day. This was of a very high order
no farmer who was present. could go
home without carrying. with him some
useful hint that would be of benetitt
to him in the better management of
his stock or his farm. The meeting in
the evening was touch better than the
day meeting. The hall was crowded.
Phe speakers of the eve'g were: Prof.
Shaw, of Ontario Agricultural College,
Messrs H. L. Hutt, D. Buchanan jr.
and Thos McMillan. Mr. D,Weismiller
Was clusen chairman and in his open-
ing address dealt principally with the
subject, "Choosing an Occupation or
Profession." Mr. W gaye some very
usefnl hints for those
who are starting
out in life. The other gentlemen of
course, spoke on agricultural subjects,
which were ofu '
be eht to all}h
w o have
anything to do with farming' or gard
Focal and instrumental music was
given by some of the best local talent.
The vocophon3 band rendered a few
choice selections. After a vote of
thanks to the speakers and those who
took part in the musical and literary
part of the programme the proceedings
were closed by singing "God save. the
Queen,—Mr. Fred. Kibbler, shoemaker,
has secured the service of Mr.Rothwell,
of Goderich township.—Mr. Elenbaum,
who has been visiting in this vicinity
left for Dashwood previous to his re
turning to his home in Dakota.—Mr.
F. Hess, treasurer of the township of
Hay, went to Goderich tnis week on
business re the H. S. D.—Messrs M�
Ewen; Geiger and. Turnbull attend
County council this week.—Messrs
Sweitzer and Heist of Dakota, are the
geests of their uncle Mr. D. S Faust.
The yocophone band is a great attrac
tion. --Mr.' Nicholas Deichert, who has
for some time been working iu Clin-
ton, is home on a visit —Some of our
villagers are talking about organizing
a debating society. This is a good
idea and we hope it will not end in
talk. Let us have the debating society
by all means. —The English Methodists
hold their meetings in the Baptist
church since New Year. Rev G. Me,
Kinley p_eacu at the next service,
February 5th —Revival services are
being condueted iu the Evangelical
church. -Rev. J. Strempfer has return-
ed from a trip to Listowel.—Mr. and
Miss Latta, of Chiselhurst, were guests
of Sam. J, on Sunday last.—The, roads
are getting batter and business in the
village is getting brisk .again.—Don't
forget to organize the debating society
HAY Colman—Zurich Jan. 16th, 93.
Council met in the Town hall on
Monday, Jan, 16th. The following
membera elect made the necessary dec•
larations and the council became or
ganized with the Reeve as chairman.
Geo. McEwen, Reeve; Robt. Turnbull,
lst Deputy; Moses Geiger, 2nd Deputy;
Robt. Alcblordie and Wm, B. Battler,
councillors Salaries for 1893 were
fixed as follows: Battler, Geiger, Clerk
salary $100. McMordie, Battler, Press
urer $80. Turnbull, Geiger, Assessor
$55, Battler, Meblordie, Collector $55.
Geiger, Turnbull, ;Auditor $6.—
Turn-boli, Geiger, Board of health $2 each
setting.' Battler, Turnbull, Caretaker
$20, Tho following appointments were
made: Geiger, Battler, Sam. J' Latta,
Clerk. MCMordie, Battler. Fred, loess,
Treasurer. Turnbull, Geiger, W.Stnith,
Collector. McMordie, Battler, James
Bonthron, Assessor, ; Turnbull, Battler,
Jonathan Merner lst Auditor; The
Reeve appointed John T. Wren 2nd,
Auditor. Turnbull, Geiger, that Dr.
Buchanan be Medical Health officer,
Henry Greb and John Scott, Sanitary
Inspectors and WM. Stoneman,Joseph
Snell atld D. Spencer, constitute the
local Board of health, carried. Tarn -
bull, Geiger, Mrs. Kehl hardt, Caretaker.
McMordic, Battler, that; the contract
for printing
bald t JohnWhite & Son
for $43, it 'being the lowest tender.
O 294
be refunded to Wendell Smith for error
in Hay swamp di ti» tax, carried
'Turnbull, blebiur•die, that the sum of
$2516,17 with interest be refunded;
from the H, S;D account to the genes
al fund, it being the amount advanced
to said account in 1890 1 2, carried,
Battler, McMurdte, that no special
grants on roads be given without col
sent of the counti.l as whole, :arr•iod.
Turnbull, Battler, cleat the Clerk notify
all sawmill men in the township that
tendei'a will ha n'eei rei on or before
.Taurine,', 28th, at 2 P, Ai , at Zurteli for
township lumber, as follows: 10,000 ft
red beech and 15,000 ft cedar' deliver-
ed in equal arnortnts to each (member
of the council. (2) Cost per M. at the
mul for accounts to be used in the vi•
amity of rhe mills, ca.riied. bi'elIordie,
Turnbull, $2 be reful ded to G N Choi•
son for statute labor alone since return
of list, carried. McMordie, Battler, that
the following accoun.s b,3 paid: J.
Hildebrand, care of 1Curry $1200. II,
Kalbfleisch, Can. Co., statute labor 515.
carried. . Turubull, Geiger, that 'the
council do now adjourn to meet again :
on Saturday, Mareh lith, at 10 A. M,,
carried. SAooz. J. Lfarrirs, Clerk.
Dr. McLaughlan has been paying a
short visit to the Forest City. -Mr. and
Miss Winer wore the guests of Mr. and,
Mrs. Hobbs last week —Mr, Hall is
making a tour of the country to. quest
of clover seed, of which he has already
handled about two tons —We were
yisited by a Rev. Mr. Simmons. who
gave an elaborate lecture on 'hygiene,
telling us the whole process of digest-
ion from the time. the food enters the
mouth until it is formed into flesh,bone
and muscle, or passes off a residue, ex-
cept that little bit that stuck in - the
orbicular intestine, which wrought the
evils of all the diseases which flesh is
heir to, IJe denounces all drugs as a
fraud of the first water, and further
states that no medieine will remove
that bit of bread and butter that stop-
ped there and "wouldn't go." For the
science of medicine, which has been
the hard study of French, German and
English fon centuries, he gives, not a
nonentity, but an abnormal fungus, as
four diagnosis
has proved, and this
fungus for the mere paltry sum of $2.
Now we me the v co to more dhlficultP art
i.e. to locate the fun ns and find its ori-
gin. On careful exa examination we found
the fungus to be located just above the
Medulla Oblongati. But we must con-
fess the inaccuracy of our science, or,in
plain English, our iguorauee of the
science, for after a very careful re-
search of the cess pool the cellar and
the well we would fain put it on the
air but that wouldn't take worth a
cent here; so we had to make a conclus-
ion or acknowledge the fraud. We did
it, }.e., we came to the conclusion that
it was either boyish love nipped in the
bud or the blossom of youth, or from
that naughty piece of bread and butter
that, studded there, and studden there.,
and wouldn't go, and is studden there
vet. Now Mr. Ed. if this be tine, and -
I believe with all hay heart it is, let us
once and forever pitch the drugs to the
four winds and God grant us the quint
escence of sweet ignorance, kindly em-
bark us iu the boat of retrogratton and ,
let us float gently back to barbaric
times and enjoy once more the vigor-
ous bone and muscle of the Zulu.
The case which was to, have been
tried at London in the High Court of
Justice—Queen's Bench Division, be-
tween James Lewis plaintiff and Geo.
Lewis, defendent, of this township has
been settled. The action is ended in
this way: The plaintiff withdraws the
record and the defendant denying that
he is guilty of seduction, charged, a-
grees to pay the plaintiff the sum of
$75 for the sake of peace only, the
plaintiff agreeing to pay his own ex.
penses, the defendent doing likewise.
W. R. Meridith, of council for plaintiff;
B. B. Oster, of council for defendent.
A large congregation greeted the
Incumbent of St. Patrick's church on
Sunday afternoon last, when a stirring
practical discourse was preached to
"Young Men." On Sunday next at 11
o'clock a.m., the sernionwill be upon`
the "First Miracle of Christ."-1Ir.
Neely intends taking up his abode in
his native country, Ireland. --H• G.
Ilopkirk, Dist, Office Inspector at
Stratford, was its the village on Mon-
day arranging for a Post Office Order
Branch' here. -Special services have
commenced in the Methodist church,
Farmers have . been improving the
sleighing by hauling large quantities
of logs to the mill.
Card ;of Condolence.
cHai An'n Fa rrir-.
To i1lns.IsAA v vroun
We, the members of Court Pride, of Huron.
No.7865, A. 0.:C., desire to tender our sincere
sympathy in the hream
vcent of�;otti and your
family which you leave sustained in the loss
of yourHusband tend th children havinglost a hind and loving father. We eau only
ask you to go to loam who has promised to
comfort the wide* react boa fatlhor to the.
•VPC shall greatly miss 001' departed brood:
er and his ever wise advise to our ,young,
court. Signed on behalf of the Court;
Jesse Westcort, C. 1L.
George (Comp, Sec y!1