HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1893-1-19, Page 8Important tic! On 'JI lJJ ) FRIDAY AY, , and SATURDAY, r, of this week a Customers Benefit Sale will be held at the Mart, when a straight discount of 25 per will be given on all .Fancy Gods purchases of. '31,00iid up'waids. Other than Customerswill be a owed --20 per cent:oly. l C t IFIL, 1• please w 1 1 ask for Benefit TICITS.: C� CRIC G, s es v. a es x. a.u.A.Sraltam-sormasoissot Stock• "akilg' alt „Zto.r.g. Bargains! argaills I Bargains! Every line of Winter , Goods in the "Bio. Store" is to go at.i a sacri lice pl'lce.:, liotto is, -never car- ry s, never`car- ry goods over from oneseason to another. Our stock:of win- ter goods is still far<too••large to please us, we ale: bound to sell, we must sell w;iltel _'ood Our watchword Q. . will be sacriflce;•uuaUl111UU and slaughter, for R]' 1A thenext month ,:. Are you with. us' If you want value y Slaughter. for your money, come to . tis, we will please you in quantity, quality and price. SNAPS!!! 150 Ladies' rnantles and ulsters bought at bankrupt sale. AtA llallkrupt Sale. Prices were $5 to $10 each. Our price -your pick for only $1.99, only $1.99 for choice of 150 Ladies coats. Do you want one? QUICK! Is the order if you do. Re - mem ber, all winter goods • are being cleaned out cheap. About 20 of this season's fash- ionable jackets atyour own price. Dont : 4914 D0,1 t Of�'�1 its too much for we will positively refiuO (him 11 any high prices, come' nP and sea the values, 119 J a, A. Stewart. LOCAL JOTTINGS. The lovers cf humor and music will hai'e a treat ou .Thursday evening, ,,Tan. Ei, widen the charming y dung el ocutionist, Miss Florence Washington, will make her appearance in the Drew's Hall, Exeter. ,She will be assisted by the cleverest of all, comedians, Mr. W. E. Ramsay awl the distinguished plan 1st- Mrs. ,Sena Ramsay, in presenting a superb literair•y, humorous and musical entertalintneut. Miss Washington has made the most pronounced success both in the United States and England and is spoken of in highest terms by the press. Her originality, versatility, magnetic power of delineation as well as the. rich, sweet voice, have forced her to the front rank of her profession and made her the legitimate suceessor. to Mrs. Scott Siddons. The scenes from popular plays, such as "Sheriden's School of Scandal" and Boucica.ult's "London Assurance," are admirably portrayed by Miss Washington. Whether for Sir Peter, or Lady Teasel, Lady Gay Spanker, cr Sir Harcourt, her rendering is tasteful and really clever, As for l\Ir. Ramsay, he is well known as the cleverest in his line. His singing and acting are at once the wonder and admiration of all the the cities and the public and it is safe io say will make a popular bit with the Exeterr amusement seekers. Mr. Ramsay will be remembered as appear- ing here with the Chautaqua Orchestra. Mrs. Ramsey, too, is an artist of the highest reputation and will doubtless furnish a great treat to the lovers of Music. With such eminent artists an exceptionally strong programme may be looked for and the Town Hall on January 26th should be crowded to its utmost. See plan of hall at'Dr. Brown- ing's drug store. Rev. Geo. Sexton, D, D, M. A, M. D., Ph.D.,",will preach in the James St, Methodist chur"ch, on Sabbath Jaart.29th inst., at 10:30 A. M. and 6:80 P. M' He will also deliver three Lect• urea 'in'the'same elrur•rh ne follows: -- Mon. Jan, 60th --"Does deathend gall" Tuerr. Jan, 31st—"rhe Scientific aspects of prayer" --Wed. Feb. 1st --"The Bible in harmony with scienee" :This will he a treat ro don't fail to hear him, • lea Overcoats for men and boy's, cheap;_ cheap,'elieap,: at the' Big B'eekrul t Stowe, Several from here spent a pleasant time in 4 social hop at the r•csidence'of M:. George Mantle, Stephen, err `I nes• day night, • $18.00 for the N•ery best rnad4 to' 'Or- der black worsted suit at the Big yank• rupt Store. You save just a "V" on every. suit. Mr, Frank Ulrich, of Pennsylvania; has purchased a lot of fine horses .here during this week, Theprices paid were liberal Scrofula, whether hereditary or ac- quired, is thoroughly expelled from the blood by Hood's sarsaparilla, the great Wood purifier. Tea setts, dinner setts, cups and Rau cers and all finds of lamps and fancy goods at clearing prices at tho Bi. Bankrupt Store., A nice pig belonging to Capt. Geo: Kemp fell in a cistern on Friday last and had it not been for timely assist anco would have been drowned. Capt. Geo. Kemp, who purchased the residence of Mr. Wm. Verity, and which was recently vacated •hy` Mr. J. G. Emery, mored therein on Friday last: The Exeter Ice Skating Rink will be open, weather permitting, as fol. lows; --Tuesday, Thiueday and Satur- day evenings, at 7,30 p.m.; also Wed nesday and Saturday afternoons Wm. Mutant, an employee of J. N. Howard, received a severe kick from a horse on Friday last. It appears he was carrving a pail, which came in contact with the horse's leg, causing it to kick. A golden eagle was shot on the 16th concession of London township. It. measured seven feet from tip to tip of wings, and was a splendid specimen of the royal bird, Mr. Luke Jeffries is mounting it We have been creditably informed. that the old' foundry buildings have been purchased and that Messrs. Mur- ray Bros., of Wingham, will more here with a foundry ' plant shortly and com- mence business. • A new hat is the "Chicago," It has a heavy wading and the rim is a pad- ded roll. It is supposed tobe, proof a- gainst the sand-bagger's stuffed club or the thug's slungshot. It will be worn during the World's Fair. The Methodist Sunday School Con- vention, Exeter District, will be held here on Thursday, Jan. 23rd, •in the Mair. Street Methodist church. Every church and school in the District is ex- pected to send at least two delegates, besides the pastor or superintendent.. The following officers of Exeter En; campment, No. 33, were installed for the present term: Bro. H. Bucking haL.,C-P., Bro. S. A. Popiestone, S.W.; Bro J. Atkinson, J.W.;13ro- A. E: Puke, Scribe; Bro. G. Neaman, H.P.; Bro. E. J. Spackman, Treas.; Bro, R. Crocker, LS. Special values in dress goods during stock taking at the Big Bankrupt Store. The editor of a western paper speaks to his delinquent subscribers as follows: The wind bloweth. the farmer soweth, the subscriber oweth, and the Lord knoweth we are in need of .our dues. So come a runnin, ere -we go, gunnin, we're not fyrlpin,' this tiring of duunin'' gives us the asver•la.stin' blues. A phenomenal sight was witnessed by several of our citizens on •Tuesday night at the northern part of the town. A meteor was Seen todescend from the leavens within a few feet of the ground, then arise and burst as a rock et and displaying some of the most beautiful colors. Those who witnessed the '• ,e described it as being 'beauti- ful. The issues of the two greatest bible societies of the world—one in England and the other in America—up to April 1, 1892, were 183,387,489 copies,and of the other lesser societies, 46,612,511 copies; lir all 23,000,000 copies since the. year 1804, the year of the organization of the British and Foreign Bible So- ciety. The total issue of all the Bible societies of the worldfor the last year amounted to more than 7,000,000. The (-facers of Exeter Lodge No. 67, Independent order of ,Oddfellows, for the ensuing term of 1893 are: Bro. D. Davis, J.P.G.; Bro.' A. llastings, N.G. Bro. S. A. Poplestone, RS.; Bro. 11. Lambrook, Trees:; Bio. E. J. Speck man, RS.N.G.;Bro, J. Here, ; R.S.V.G•; Bro. F. J. Knight, lI S.S.; Bro. J. Jewell, I.G.; Bro. E. Bissett, Com; Bro. I3. Buckingham, V.G.; Bro• A. E Puke, P.S.; Bro, G. Jewell, War.; Bro. R., Rich ardson, 1,S.N.G•; Bro. Dr. Amos, L.S.V G.; Bro, J. Atkinson, L.S.S.; 13ro. R, Crocker, Chap. The blacksmith and woad shops' con ducted by the late Isaac Ilandford was leased by Mr, Henry Jones, of Usborne tie, on Monday last. Mr. Jones is not an experienced blacksmith or wood worker but is well and favorably known throughout this neighborhood and is a gentleman -in every respect. " He has secured the seryiees of Mr. John Cud- more,.who has ably fulfilled the post tion offoreman in the blaeksmith de partment for many years, with the ut most satisfaction, and also the services of Mr. Jas. Dennis in the wood working department. Ile, too, is highly spoken of as a mechanic. Mr, Jones wishes it to be clearly understood that the sale which is to take place on 24th inst., in connection with the late Tseae Hand - Cord's estate does in no wise interrere with the business which ie now being carried on. Ladies, a few trimmed hats still Left at the Big Bankrupt Store. Cheap is the word if you wast one. Loft. Between • Exeter' and Hensel!, a right hand buckskin glove, with fur around top. Finder will confer a favor by ving same at this office. The annual meeting of the Stephen & Usllorne Agrbcultnral Soeiety was held in the 'Fawn hall, Exeter, last Thursday, when the following officers were ..ele4ttd e --Jelin Delbridge Pres.; Samuel Sanders, Viee-Pres, W. Bawl- shee, 1); McInnes, Jas Ballantyne, Wm. Elliot, Barry ,Eriber,; Wm. White, Ed. Christie, John Willis, harry Jones, Di- rectors. ;il. Eacrett: `and 5, .Ifogarth auditors, The meeting had the best of attendance and was the mostiinteresting, one ever held. The Soca etarv's and Treasurer's repetrts were very flattering to the Society indeed, considering the great expense involved in the many improvements in the grounds and buildings during the past few years, The total liabilieee et tlie•nssociation as per report amounts to 5915,00 while the assets amount to 52969.65 making the society solvent to the extent' of 52054:65. '1 he Secy.'s books show that there were 1015 entries made at the last fall fair for which cash prizes to the a muur,t of 51142 were offered and $906.20 were paid. The association may be congratula ;ed` on having such an efficient staffof dirators, and although there are two changes in the " direct- orate for 1893, none the less interest will be taken to further the welfare o the .association. The S. & U. Ag'l. So- ciety ciety have gained a reputation that is second to none west or north of London. The stock and agriculture exhibits are always equal in quality to that of the' Western Fair, London. Our Citizens cannot do too much in assisting the directors of this very necessary insti- tutions in building up and making their shows equal to any local shows held in the Dominion. It is not only a promotion of Agricultural interests, but is a material benefit to our town in many ways—it hrings farmers and others here that no other institutions br`ings•and is one that the townships of Stephen & Usborne may well be proud of. Farnt for Sale. The undersigned has several first class.far.ms for sale on easy terms. J- Seeemeere, Exeter, d (D. tt. F B�tstallsttiuu:. The;iustalla.t,iou of .officers, L0 took place on Fridayevgi, as follows: L. H. Dickson, Court Deputy; M. Eac- rett, P.C.R.; Robt. N Rowe, C.R.; Rich. Coates,' V.C.R:, S. Westaway, 'R S ; A. G Dyer, F.S.; W. Brown, Chap.; N. Peter- erson; S W.; W. Parsons, J.W.; Rich. '1'erry,.S.B.; D. Mill, J.B.; J. A. Rollins, Physician. Personal Mention. Ab. Snell tailor, of St. Thomas is home on a short visit.—Miss C. H.Frise of St: Mares, is visiting. her aunt Mrs. Sam. Sanders. -Miss Annie Levet, of Parkhill, is visiting friends in. town. Mrs Hugh Spackman, who has been. undergoing a treatment for an acute attach: of rheumatism, of which she has been e sufferer for y Qt}rs 1145 r•otttrned home and we are pleased to state much improved= Mr'. Fred. Gidley, son . of Rich Gidley, of Detroit, spent Mon day and Tuesday 10 town.—Miss Rorie Eacrett left for Wingham on . -Friday last to attend the funeral of her late cousin, George MnDouell,; who died suddenly. -Mr. Jas. Weeks went to Tor- onto on Thursday last and acconipan• bed his sister, 'airs. Hugh Spackman home. -Mr. John Spackman was in Mitchell last week on business. -Mr R. H.Colliris left for Goderich Thursday morning Iasi.—Mr. Turnbull ]eft for London on Friday to visit friends.—W. T. Acheson spent Saturday in London. miss Sophie Sweet !eft for Detroit on Saturday.---Mr'•E Pirie, 13arrister,spell t Sunday in 'London. --Mrs, T. W. Hawk shaw spent Sunday in Lucan.--Mrs: Il Monteith, left for, Killarney, Man., on Monday morning.—Ek-Reeve Bawden left for Brantford on Tuesday with a view of purchasing the old foundry. property from Messrs Verity &;;Sons. Mr. Ed: Howard was in London on Monday:—Mr Sage Miller went to God er•fch on Tuesday. --Rei. Fletcher left for Goderich on Tuesday -Mr, H, Spackman spent.Tuesda ,: in Clinton ou business—A, Bgshaw left for London on Trlesday night —Miss Mary' Cush Man, who has been engaged. 'at the Central Hotel for a number of years, leaves this morning for Kingsmill where she will reinain.—Mrs. Roht. Shutee. who has been visiting friends and relatives here for some weeks re turns to her home in Kansas city to- day—Mrs. Walt• Andrews left for De- troit yesterday (Wed) where she will join her husband,—Mr, John Farmer left yesterday (Wed.) for Chicago,where he will meet his wife and return home with her.—Miss Campbell of Thames Road, left for London Wed.—Mrs, Geo. Heaman left for Ilderton on Wednes• day to visit friends.—Rabt• Pincombe, Jr., wife and (amity, of St. Thoma., vis ited friends in town during the week' and returns home on to -day -Mr, Case Miners, conductor G.T.R., who has been visiting here for the past three weeks, left on Friclay last for ;his home in Sarei'a.--Mr. Peter Schroeder, who underwent a surgical operation- some weeks ago, has 'sufficiently recovered as to be able to return to his home in Dashwood. -Master Bert Spicer is con. fined to his bed from.the effects of an absces in the stomach.—A number of young people drove up to Clinton last right to attend; the carnival in the skating rink there.—Mr. Geo. Eacrett has been on the sick tilt for the past We are showing an week.—Miss Annie Sanders is very ill and confined to her bed.—Dan and Wm. Kew, of Missouri, are visiting re latives •and friends in and about town. -Mr. Robt N. Taylor pis visiting re, latives in and around St, Thomas. Mrs. Harry Samwelt who hag been vis iting with her mother in St. Marys, is, home again.—Mrs, (Dr.) Amos went to London, Wednesday.—Mr T Dearing who has been on an extended trip in AT POPULAR PRICES. the United States, returned on Fridav last, During his ten weeks sojourn he visited hisdaughtersin Mancelonia, Mich,, his son in Galesburg.]Il, and J Spackman ay an & C o f s �also called on etar old frien�1sand form. et Fe1low•cbtizent, "'The ilhlttwells," of Chicago, { SAM W + LL'S BLOCK, EXLTEB. YOU WANT. TO through' life by the rough stages of coughs, colds and consump- tion, bo careless of yourself during. the damp, cold weather rind DON'T -uses Allen's Lung Balsam for that nasty cough of yours. But . if `:you'd like to live to a green old age in health, and consequently in happiness, use Alien's Lung Balsam as a preventive and euro of all Throat and Lung diseases. — PRICES 5c, 50c & $1,00 Per Bottle. +: Gents''ur eoats,•fur caps, ladies' fur capes, fur setts, fur boas: fur robes, all at clearing prices at the Big Bankrupt Store. - , If your druggist says he does not know anything about the cures llfenx• bray's Kidnei„and. Liver• Cure have effected, write -to• Peterboro Medicine Company; Limited,' Peterboro,Ont. D. Waters, Campbellford, Ont. says that the Peterboro Medicine Co.(Limit- ed) are at liberty to use his name in the interest of all who may be suffering as he was before he used Mcmbray's Kid- ney and Liver Cure. A Audette, proprietor House of Com- mons barber shop, Ottawa, says:—A number of my customers are using Auti-Dandruff, and it gives best of satisfaction and I consider it a success for the purposes advertised. The general verdict of the smokers of Canada is that "Myrtle Navy" is the finest tobacco they have eyer used. There can be no mistake upon this pont for it is proved by this tangible evidence. The large demand for this tobacco shows it to be true, and the character of the demand gives further proof. It has never been of the spas modie kind, up one month and down the next. It has been a sustained and constantly increasing demand. The un surpassed quality of the tobacco ac- counts for this Seafosth »yo Works. All orders for the above Dye Works can be left with E. II. Fish. Boy ' anted. " A good striart boy wanted to learn printing. Apply at this office. Sore Throat. The best cure we know of for sore throat is a gargle of Pain -Killer and,, water it acts like magic. Big t3cttlee twice the quantity in the old style Three Hacks that leave a National' dtCProation. In that unique and wondrous" cern. binatioit of Diamond' Dyes!, are three :Sleeks which hay 1 obtained " a world wide reputation for first-class work; they are called, "East Black for wool," "Fast Black for Silk and Feathers" and "fast Stocking Black." These, three dyes are used in thousands of Canad- ian homes, and are highly prized for their beauty, fastness and ;seat dura bility.' When you purchase Black Dress for home dyeing, see: that your dealer gives you the Diamond; they are the best. - We have; the largest stock of Dress Goods Ever Shown In -Exeter. Immense Stock German Mantles Wewish Our Customer and Friends Prosperous CA. - .. ING BROS. lia! is Excter' Polars -=r This great momentous question is thrtalk of the people. What we want is, two Grist milts..(whiclr we are about to have Oat meal mill Bin f4 ), der.:twine. factory, Foundry, Electric light, Electric street ears and in fact a city at once. This is what we want, What have :.,...a lot of stores and a LEADING - HARDWARE - STOR with a stock that people can buy just what they want and at a price the city hardware establishments :. C , i . OUT -SELL Prices this week are still going down. We have the stock and our prices are better than some people's `cost" or "below cost" quotations. Call and see for yourself and be convinced that we have the stockEarid prices just right. COBBLEENW & F®LLAND. The cheapest line of fur ever � r� �3J��i a Y% into l.t Exeter%avin secur- ed a largee :con.si g n� .> ...tat 11 II 11 11 '1 11 11 1 11 II 11 We will give e th. e peo- ple vicin- ity Ytheadvantage of ourIl C®Si�bl�, buying.. g. For the next FEW WEEKS we will offer Ladies' Storm Collars, ' Ladies' Cots a>�d. Muffs at prices bound. to sell thorn The Children's dren s Lamb Boas, in the Trade. ra,de. Come and get the first choice of these goods. • Y W�,air . al s b so offering anything in the Dt Goods line at the o Cash Price and lowest r will be pleasedl to show you• through our store. No trouble to show Good's, j.: TIO' AVISH & Co'