HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1970-06-18, Page 1511,0 a. — .x TO DAYS i: IlL..1 BY HELEN ALLEr' .rit 11111 Marilyn is two,. a dear little girl. with a personality as winning as her smile. She is Canadian -born and of Negro - ancestry, tall for hep age, with big dark eyes, black curly hair and smooth, dark skin. MaIlI' ii " Was born -pr'en raturely:. She had -slight deformi-• --- ties in her hands at birth —. an extra thumb on her right hand and a missing index finger on her left. Surgery has made her hands look almost normal and she uses them both with ease and dexterity. Thischild is a sy-going, happy and not at all shy. She needs a loving, stimulating. home and parents who wilt, welcome a sunny -tempered, bubbly young daughter. To inquire about adopting Marilyn, please write to Toddy's Child, Department of Social and Family Services, Parliament Buildings, Toronto'182. In the' event of a postal strike contact your Children's Aid Society. James "Richardson St Sons Ltd 'Serving The Feed Dealers 'of Western Ontario PHONE 524-8388, GODER,ICH •b • Kid needs good wallo DEAR ANN LANDERS: *Our son married 'a very bright girl who is working on her Ph.D. in psychology. They live in another city, which bis just as well. I'm afraid we would not be on speaking terms ; long, if. we saw.' much of one another. I realize the world is changing and I am old fashioned, but have things • changed sci, much that six -year-olds are supposed to run the household? My grandchild is permitted to interrupt adults.in mid -sentence,.. All "'table -conversation' centres, around" him. I .find it difficult to accept a child -dominated dictatorship. , The evening before "I left, the boy's mother told him he, could not watch any more TV because he had to get up -.nd go to school tite next morning. (It was then 9:00. p.m.) The bo'y shouted, "Go to hell, you are a mean mother. 'I hope you die." She, smiled and said, "Come to bed, dear ---" and finally dragged him from the room., screaming and kicking — after 15 minutes of arguing, .Later, when we were alone, I told my daughter-in-law that no child should be permitted to speak to.a parent that way. She replied, "All children wish their parents. dead at some time or another. They should be allowed to ' ventilate their feelings without fear of punishment." Of course, I didn't take .psychology so I am a dumbbell. ..-What..do.you.say..aho.u.tw.this,.-.A.nn. ""L'anders?-PHILADELPHIA DEAR ' PHIL: I did take psychology, but maybe I'm also a dumbbell because I would have given that kid a wallop on the behind. andlanded. him .in the bedroom. Children ' should work out their anger but they must be taught : to do so in- socially acceptable ways. • Telling a mother to go to hell and 'wishirfg her dead should not be tolerated. I'm afraid that. grandchild of yours will have a difficult time in a world that will not tolerate such a mouth. DEAR ANN LANDERS: What is wrong with a person who cannot be toll' a single • th• ing? No matter what tire news . is; she has already heard it. When I became pregnant with my last child I phoned Sylvia from the doctor's office. She said, "I knew it." When I asked her`havv she could have known► it when , even I. didla't know, .sIW' replied, "I ani very hunchy about such things. I vas so sure you were • pregnant when. we . played'. cards last week that I mentioned it oto Elsie." I was so furious when we' finished talking that I had to take a tranquilizer, • Yesterday I decided to out -fox .her, I made up as lie nothing that would hurt anyone, just a wild story about someone we both knew. Her eyes nearly bugged out of her head. Then, in that maddening smug way Which I loathe she said, "I;heard it last week.". Is this a sickness or what? -Eve never known anyone else wet? does this, What's wrong with her? — BEARER OF STALE NEWS DEAR BEARER: To be first with the news is ,essential to those who engage in the "game called "One-Up-Manship." These competitive ,personalities cap.not bear to • be told anything. If someone ,gels the news ahead of them, they feel as 'if they have been bested. I would not call it a sickness, but it is certainly a manifestation, of enormous insecurity. . '' CONFIDENTIAL TO FADED GARDENIAS IN A BROKEN VASE: What you are tired of isn't love. It's battle' fatigue caused by too much togetherness. Why don't you two take a vacation from each other? A PICNICS ARE. GREAT FUN.-. • BUT DON'T LFT FOOD p0"i50N1NG- ,� SPOT L A - NAPPY FAMILY OUTING- - 'CFHC -FOR`AFE.T/S SAKE.. KEEP Ncrr FOODS g_r -ABOVE HO' F ANL) COLD FOODS COLD " $FLOW 35°F. There's something ' basically piggish about :than. He wants' to get ' his 'snout into that trough, and devil take the runt who can't wiggle his hum in there, because , the landscape in front of him is one of solid bums, harder to break through than a, cement wall. ' When you Igok.at the size of Canada, , and then at the popu- la .ion figures, •it's difficult to believe that Canadians felel they can't get at the trough, that many of them feel. like the runt of the litter. Yet , thou- sands do: Many of them feel, as the 010 rural expression has it, that "they're sucking the hind . tit." Tit is a short, but perfect- ly decent, synonym for teat: The _ hind one is' the one the runt gets, if he gets any. This is rather a long-winded= prelude to my major proposi- tion: That thousands of city - dwellers are desperate to get away 'from it all, out of the sm2g a,nd the concrete can- yons, into the wild green yon- der. For• practical reasons, they must, in most cases, live in the city, or exist there. That's where they make a living, where their children will have 'the best schools, where their friends are. But they don't like. it. Obvious solution ' Buy ' a" ,summer cottage. , Many do. But even there, one does not escape from the throngs, the cramped feeling. Cottages are, mainly, stuck _cheek byv. jowl. Boats and motorcycles in sum- mer, - snowmobiles in• inter, pollute the air with stink and' noise. Added hazards in winter are the roof breaking in under snow, and local hoodlums breaking 'in under booze: Also, for mary, the cost of a waterfront lot and cottage are simply out or reach.'Have you tried to pick up a -nicely -treed, sand -beach water lot lately? Figure on $5.0 a foot for any- thing decent. Add a cottage, drill' a well, paw taxes and .up - ,keep; and you have to be pret- ty well-heeled even to consider 'it. Accordingly, mane city deni- zens' of- modest means are buy- ing a chunk of land right in the country,. anything .from 10 to 50 ' acres. In some areas within a couple of hours drive, one can still buy "land" for $50 an 'acre. Thus, instead 'of socking $5,000. ,into a 100 - foot water lot, you can have your own ten -acre empire for $500. European immigrants are particularly interested in such land, because they didn't have a hope of buying an acre at home. ,t,nless=wealthy. , • This land is usually sub -mar- , marginal, or worse, Bat there - seems to be a basic` instinct to own some land, even though it won't grow anything but. rocks and Christmas trees. Just to be able to pace around and say: "This is mine. Nobody can take it -away from me." 'And the sheer delight of posting "No Trespassing" 'signs, around your domain! A man's home used to be his castle. Now it's his prison. But he can have an estate in the "' country. It's an ideal set-up for a man with 'a young family. Prefera- bly be sould be handy with tools. He can buy his chunk of ----junk-and.-spend. a. couple of -years ust--gu ng -tip-off 'week- ends and vacations, tenting 'and clearing a hole in , the scrub brush for, his shack. And if he's smart, it will .be, •Tho.„. lie at first, Just ,that — ,a: shack. Nektr mind the, three . bed, rooms. Bang in some bunks, Nev, ° mind the' big stone fire" place. Get a good wood stove, •: Over the years, 'he,uran. add to the place, untilt• eventually, he will have a snug' retirement, home Nq.,,traffie problems.', No pollution. No punks, NQ pea- ple. Small tax bills A place to putter, to meditate., Sound silly?' ' Maybe; But' with the new leisure age ereep4 ing upon us, it makes more sense than taking on a huge Mortgage- tit 10 per cent, which will be paid off eight years after you dig.' - - Ideally, the property would have a small stream . loaded' With fat trout, a deer run, huge patches of " wild berries. Really istically, it will 'be impossible to, get water.when you drill your well, the land will be,"',, infested by rattlesnakes or rok dents, .and smothered in net- 'ties and poison oak. .But , we can't have everything. I'm tempted myself. Any chuckling, gleaming -eyed farm- er want' to get rid of 5Q acres of rock and swamp for $10 an acre SCOUT BASKET w 7:COL1LECTION SATURDAY FOR YOUR AUTO INSURANCESee 'Or Phone. MALCOLM MATHERS., • GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT 46 WEST ST. 524-9442 u S . f rii•"6 a.. TO THE °.E For : Pleasant Surroundings and - Good Food ' THE GODERICH RESTAURANT STEAK HOUSE, and TA VERN THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR YOUR AD 1 * FRIGIDAIRE Ct*"' WESTINGHOUSE. * GIBSON' * HOOVER • - Sales and Service JEWELL BROTHERS APPLIANCES & TV LTD. The Square - Goderich WORK BOOTS i DOUBLEPas3Es TO THE PARK THEATRE •BOOKS & STATIONERY Cards For All Occasions * Gifts _' * 13"ooks * Stationery Supplies le Records ANDERSON'S Bool< CENTRE 33 East St. Goderlth BUILDING MATFRIAL PAINT, WALLPAPER * PAINT * °WALLPAPER * CARPETS * TIL -E * LINOLEUM "Your Complete Home Decorating Centre",. F. W. Fichar'dson 1.7 Victoria St..N. McARTHUR and REILLY LTD. West St •Goderich f,, 0' • John Ayres 116 West St. GECL`E 47.7 E L -C ri'O N Regular or Safety Toe 14 Different Styles DAVE GOWER'S Industrial & Gardep Centre Hamilton St. 524-8761 — Y THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR YOUR, AD r FURNITURE The Names Of Six Signal -Star Subscrib- ers Are:To Be Found In.Onc Of These Ads Now Showing TALBOT YOUNGSTEIN PRODUCTIONS present "YOUNG BILLY COLOR by Deluxe • United Artists SEE REGULAR AD ON''PAGE"S FOR DATES AND TIMES Now a good salary Opportunity -security for you in a business career Goderich Business College NIGHT SCHOOL I Typing, Bookkeeping, , Shorthand (Tues. & Thurs, Evening) 524-8521 RESERVED THIS SPACE FOR YOUR AD RK THEATRE to F. G. McGregor 111 Anglesea St. For That CERTAIN ' Flair IN MEN'S WEAR EARL RAWSON . MEN'S WEAR On TheSquare, Goderich 1 For Courteous Service IBILUEWATER TAXI 524.1305 .SHOE STORES , For FASHION RIGHT Carl Clark • 250 Picton St W. The Place To Go Is ROSS SHOES The Square Goderkh TELEVISION [ PHILIPS' ,„ PHI LCO Colour • Television SALES and 524-9432 •34 The Square Goderich TRAVEL SERVICES • THIS SPACE RESERVED - FOR YOUR AD THIS SPACE RESERVEb FOR YOUR AD Painting and Decorating Painting, .Wallpapering Draperies, Floor Sanding 33 Huron Rd. 482-9542 Clinton THIS SPACE THIS SPACE RESERVED ' FOR YOUR AD RESERVED: THIS SPACE' For The FINEST vin FURNITURE THIS SPACE THIS SPACE JasE * 54-8383 FOR YOUR AD SER - West St..7,.Goderich tormal 'Be Sure To See Out Display Of ORIGINAL OIL PAINTINGS —TOR -VO -UR AD Footwear For .,The family 624-9174 c, Each week the names and addresles of 6 subscriliers will --`,`Look for yotir flame and address in the ads. the advertise• r in whose ad your name appeared and —Pick up your passes by Saturday night closihg. Orilcr Subscribers to the t'ignal-Star are eligible.