HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1893-1-19, Page 5is the lat•eslrtriumpli in pharmacy for thio Ctiro of all the symptoms Indicating Minim: T,r se Complaint. If you are troubled with (.irattveitoss, I)I%lir,ese, Sour $tolottcta, Ale d.aeho, Indigestion, Poon Arrssrru, Timm I'Pzt m0, Bln,upt tato 1'nins ; Sleepless Nights, Melancholy Peeling, 11Aee Accts, Membrey's I£itiiey and Liver Cure will give immediate relief and Li1'5e1' A eUre. Sold at all Drug Stores, Potelboro' Medicine Co, f Limited. PETERBORO', ON -F: To sick sailors from the SpanishSteamer Murican arrived at Ilanlbuig from New Or- leans are declared to have the cholera, Oh, What a Cou;h! Will you heed the warning. The Signal perhaps of the sure approach of that more terrible disease -Consumpt. • ion, Ask yourselves if you. can afford for the sake of saying 50c., to run the risk and do nothing for it. We know from experience that Shiloh's Cure will cure your cough. It never fails. It announced that Hamilton is to de- vided and wi I I, after next election have two members in the provincial. Legislature. PItISON.ERs LIBERATED. Many who have been confined to their beds for years by rheumatism, lame back and kidney complaints, have been liberated from their sad prisons by the wonderful reg.. ulating and purifying action of Burdock" Blood Bitters which drives out the acrid pci, son from the blood and restores, health to the afflicted. Joseph E. Barker, a 1 eporkexfot th? bpS - ton Transcript, was killed by'a firllr 1v,ai1 at a great the in that city on Wetlnesdat^;• NO COLD OR COUGH too stvete to yield to the curative power of Dr 'v.l ogl's Norway Pine Syrup. Gunboats and troops have been seitfi•Om Buenos Ayres`to quell the uprising iii Cor- rientes, where fighting is going on TRULY RECOMMENDED. GENT, ar1EN.—I can truly ' recoinnienll Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam for al I. coni hs and colds. Less than one bottlecuied ny brother of a severe cold. Miss l4IAcOlE THOMPSON, Vasey, Ont. Ed. R. Gimberson, an Omaha liveryman. shot his mistress, Mrs. Beach, fatally and then committed suicide Wednesday. • Ministers, Lawyers, Teachers. and oth- ers whose occupation gives but Little exer- se, should use Carter's Little Liver Fills torpid Liver and bii.ousoess, One is a Try them. - nual report of the chief, of police e shows that there were 512 ar. tg. 1891 and 323 convictions. EEDY RELIEF FOR CROUP. NTLEMEN.—I have a..little boy of 3 ose greatest trounit is the croup and I d that Hagyard's Yellow Oil gives speedy lief, therefore I take pleasure in recommen ng it to' the public. Mrs. L. H. Baldwin, Oakland,Ont. Egbert Judson, a bachelor aged Sr, has just died in San, Francisco, leaving .a for- tune of several million dollars. VARIABLE APPETITE and itching at the nose are signs of worms Dr. Low's Worm Syrup is the best cure. A Buffalo despatch says Thomas Vanni gan, of St. Catharines, Ont., was gtilled in asaloon row there on Wednesday livening Last. PERFECT SATISFACTION•,• Gentlemen,—I have found B IEB an excellnt remey, both as a blood purifier and general family medicine. .I was for a long time troubled with sick headache and hei'irt burn, and tried a bottle, which "gi.Ve' me such perfect satisfaction that I have since then used it as our familymedicine. E Baily, r'sorth Bay, Ont. It is reported that two corn merchants of Dublin has failed, liabilities amounting to nearly 22oo,000. Are free from am.,crude and irritating matter. Contrated medicine only, Caretrs Little Liver PILLS. Very smam.; very easy to take; no pain; no griping; no purg- ing. . Trythem. Edward Murphy jr., of Troy. has been nominated by the Democrats of New York state for senator. BORDERING ON CONSUMPTION When a cold is neglected it frequently (le velops a coniition bordering on c'rnsump- quickly uicicle..tion. No other remedy will so y re lieve and cure cases of this dangerous* kind as Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup becau'c no other. remedy possesses such perfect,•ur•' ative powers as does this prince of pectoral remedies - ' John. Meilclejohn, farmer, of Rawdon township,,�nnhas left an estate valued at ta:4,IGO.. WILD Ck7ERRY and fIYpOPHOSPHI TES are combined with Cod Liver Oil in Milburn's Emulsion, the best lung remedy. Three deaths from typhus fever took place on; North Brother's island N. Y. Tues- day. wAR WELL WAGED. What greater enemy of mankind than disease, and what nobler work than to fight against this death deeding enemy of human- ity. The. 'Most successful war against, dis• ease is being steadily carried on by Durdock Blood Bitters for dyspepsia Con ti s patiou, i t ou; bad bland, bilousuess, etc., connot resist its powers. Dr. Bell countyclerk of Hastings,.was 82 ' sears old on 9atnrciay. Prompt relief in sick headache, dizziness, , opainin the side nausea, constipation, } �. , guar- anteed tla1'-anteed to those using Carter's Little Liver I'iLs. One a dose, Small price. small doss,,. Bnnallp ire. The It:mpresit of,Australia thas not been captured tul'ed byS ianih brigands, as reported.: p ( FOR 1-IED Coeslipation,'13ilious tress, or Torpid Liver, Burdock Pills ar'e the best cure., Horse stealing is ' uncomfortably prava lent in the neiuhborhoocl of Newcastle, ,r Ont, a.,. 1CUHEh WHERE ALL ILSE'FAILS. 4 nest Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Dee in time Solei by druggists, Preseceitiort o :cow. " tom; he Jews continues at Mos - Y CONSUMERS C RIJE CO., IThA, OFFICE, MONTREAL. incorporated by Letters Patent of the Ilorillitta of Canada, under the " COM. panics Acb," CAPITAL, - $3,000,000. Igo thirty thousand (30,000) Shares of one hundred dollars each.) E)ijtEC Il'Ult:S.. TOHN F. STAIRS, M,P., Halifax, President. A, W. NORMS, M.P.P., Montreal, 'Vice- Vice -President. EDWARD M. FULTON, Montreal. Pl easOrer. GEORGE S'T'AIRS, Halifax. ./A.M.RS M. WATEItUURY, New York, CIHAUNCEY MARSHHALL, New York. WILLARD P. W 1.11,TLOCIC, Elizabeth, f3C CIttKiri IISY. CHARLES B. MORRIS, Montreal. 131Ap i£lniis, TIHE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE. THE UNION BANK OF IiALIL'AY. 11$ACMASTER & McGIBBON, Montreal. The Directors, who are now the owners of the entire Oapltal stock, have decided, at the request of nulnerotis friends of the Company throughout Canada, to enlarge the proprietorship 01 its stock, and to oiler for sale, at par, ten thousand shares, of one hundred dollars each, fully paid and non - assessable, Payments are to be made as follows:— Five per cent. on application ; fifteca per cent. on allotment ; twenty per coat. each in one, two, three and lour mouths from the date of allotment. Appllcauts have the right to pay in full an allotment. .ippilications for shares wilt be re. eeived until resole ary 15th, 1893. et any of we offices of tIso Canadian Batik of commerce, at the otlices of the Union :dank of lia1if'as, anti at the hctd office of the eonipanr,N. Y. Life Hiteilding,:llonireal. -Forms of'applieation-for shares may be obtained at any of the above -v laces, or tbev will be LHnt; by snail on request. Should no allotment of stock be made to any applicant, for shares, the amount paid ' wilt be returned In full, and in the event of 1•b0 Directors finding it impossible to allot the full number 01 shares -applied for,iIie surplus of the deposit will.be credited to- ward the amount payable on allotment. Pne right is reserved ed ofwitbdruwing the offer inwhole or pars'at' 'tiny time before allotment, :arid of allotting to any appli- cant ally less 'mintier of shares ihau the number applied for. As the dividends of the Company are payable quarterly, -beginning with the first day of March next -alh,ttees of stock will be 'entitled to`recwv-i(t proportion 01 the quarterly dividend as declared, correspond- ing to the anaount.paid upou their •suwse.ip- tion. It is proposed to apply to the Stock Ex- changes of Montreal Rud Toronto for tun - Mal quotations ofthe shales•:of,the Cuna- pany. TheConsumers °Cotdage.cotnpanywasor- , ganized In Jane, 1800, with a Capitat of one million dollars, to operate several ot" the largest Cordage and Binder Tyr l ne. Factories in Canada. it, at first, operated these under Ieases,bdtitsoperations havinij0010 stii- cessl'ul, the Capital Stock was subsequently Increased to three Million Dollars, and the. leased properties were purchased. The Company' has no llnortsaze indebtedness ; aiid, ace.o.r•dlat: to the law nutter which it was itacorporat. ed, none can be created tvithoust the consent of two-thirds of.tme. shaarea holders, represented at a meeting called for the• pnrl►ose The Company bas placed In the banns of Its Baukers (a) Full statements of its affairs, certified to by Messrs. Caldwe,l, Tait do Wilks, Chartered Accouutauts. (b) The following. letter. front Messrs. Abbotts, Campbell t4 Meredith, advocates, Montreal upon' the legality of its iucurpor- ation, and the issue or its stock SlorrTltEAL,January 8, 1833. Consumers Cordage Co., Ltd., Montreal :— GENTLEMEN.—We — GENTL EMEN. We have exainiited the books and documents connected`with thu organization of the Consumers Cordage Company, Limited. and are of opinion that 1t has been properly :nt.orporated, and that its capital. stock of $3,000,000, as is- sued, is fully paid up and non -assessable, according to the provisions of the "Conl- panies Act." We are, yours tr nly1- tslgned), An BOTTS, CACCrrBELL S. P.11:ilEnrrli. (e). A ,report from Messy s. Macmaster nod McGibbon, Solicitors of the Uompauy,, that ihetitles' to. its Millshave been duly exemilied and that no encumbrances exist: Applicant- 101: shares may examine these doctrn,ent, c opies of t �1,telr lnay he sewn at`. the Company's offices, tint( 0t the: various Oiliee5 of - thel3anksmen(io11Cd above. The Consumers Cordage Ol mpany is pre. bably 1hc. second largest 21 o, ill1ioturcr '' Cordage and Biiider'i'wine 1111 the world, and claims 1 tie rotitwi itg Very 'material :id - vantages over its competitors :- 1st. Ample capital' to conduct 1 ts busi- ness which enables it: (a) To ,tiny its raw material, in larger ,ryum) liries, and 111lower prices. (0) 1'c, inee only„tie latest and rn001 i �r1 the im- proved r , ,ehurei'y, 1} tis l:eching its mills' he highest'•tale or e treat ic•v.. rad. I:.eouon)y fu selling and distributing its ruat111 Motu red product., The bu' ia.ess cot 0,1, 0 wide a tern:• ,,tory (Its 01 51111110(10 ed goods go 10'.1,11110111 every civilized (o'untry in the world) that Jr—Cannot be seriously injured by i cul Uou, bh1;and IS 2- lIno 511 rt ng ecl tbli incudis 510 so scattered that the clanger of severe` loss by tire is Very slight. 911. Lower roast of prl:cluel}OI1. ' (a) By inatntainll13 the sharpest competitin i bet,,re.Ttiitssenora!mill itis.euntbtcd t0 Introduce ill all the best methods: found in tach (b) fly' spreading its ccniunereIal 011- (‚105000)1111 I ,ger output., (0) 'By -piaci 1In Q111. Wind 1heptrrchas ola Otthe flax Materials and Mia:u11fa01ur- log supplies for iho several 101111x, taus se- curing lowest pr 1005 0i). By manufacturing for themselves . many of theh supplies. • The Company has always .found it In Its interest to divide the 00000101- a caroled :Li hr1 (100110(1 and (118111butIOn with IheCon sumer,;i111d 8i11Ce r11, existence 1.1100 Cori- ' su11101' has, upuh the average,. had 0 bcUler art at tt tu11er price 1huit pruVIOosly. Thi OO,, pan)- does cut c1,11in to have any mono po S, 0010 earn monopoly profits; In 1001, it has net clone esu. Since its organ- ization I his been awe, 0)0111.1 to 1 he ad- vantages ahoy° refe r1 d -'to, 10 r0.011 0 net return 011 its preSent capital or not less than 1(1 per cent. per 111111urn (as State - mods in inch i3ankets'.iin('110 will show), and l he 1)1i•ectors.b^1}r;.ve'that these -profits will be maintained Ili the future, „s the cost ofpruduulionand distribution shows each year a marked decrease. The tD('s•t(iand for 1)10 yeaar .etadl,i51 stat (Satchel', 2894.t, liars at the Tate of SIA percent. per aznnnkaa.. 'tied past. rceordof lite Company and tt0 att. gent position ,jostily the Direetor;s las bellteyinattbat qunarteriy , divi- dends Ofone,alad tbra•e.ajtant'tet•n per cent. irate be p aitl Irtii3I should the pronto fol' that pieta• it;yefar be no large ens the ontioollt protnises, the final 41rearter'rr dividend ntigilt bo inereaaed. Any fiarther latiortraattett nta,y ne had at the head oitaee,of the''i;o�tu•' itatay at tiOntreab 1 he a:leutors of f3ntvrrnanville on Fri• day carried 217 Majority at by law to fraise tliop licenses from 4200 to $1000 CALTION. E+ ACJI FLUG OF TIDE MYRTLE NAVY! $' IS MARKED IN BRONZE LETTERS. NONE OMER GENUINE PALACE BAKERY. GD. The undersigned having handsome - .y fitted up his parlor 'and 'restaurant •—`0111 servo ICE •ti:E' during the Summer' Season,. Also a large supply of Confectionery, Bread, Buns, Cakes. &c. Visits Exeter every' Wednesday and Saturday afternoon. 'Ali orders left with George Sanders promptly attend- ed to. ”. ttend-edto.°' Oysters and fruits .of , all kinds in their season. D, W, FOSS, ' Yerlsall. THE E UTA Unlocksallthe ologgea avenues a the Bowels, Kidneys and -Liver, ea rying off gradually withoutawealening the sys- tem, all the impurities; and foul humors of the secretions; at the same time Cor-" resting Acidity ,•of •the: Stomach, curing Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Headaches, Dizziness,. Heartburn, Constipation, Dryness of the Skin, Dropsy, Dimness .of Vision,, Jaun- dice, Salt Rheum, E ,yysippelas, Scro- fula, Fluttering :ofthe Heart, Ner- vousness, and General Debility:;all these and; inaay other strnilar,Coulplaints yield to the happy infiuenco ofBURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. IlS. For Sala. ;by: a1Z D•gatcrs, T.1 ILBBURN&CO,;Prcpiietars;Toron of CL UNDERTAKING ROBERT N. ROWE, Proprietor of (The Old established) FURNITURE WAREROOMS, (Ono Door north Nelson's Bank.) 'Y ALL NEW GOOD s. LOW PRICES STYLES TO SUITE EVERYBODY, The balance of our Xmas goods must 1e . cleaned out to vale room for a large consignment of Spring novelties, Specialty Bargains in Harness, Trunks, Valises, Wei s Rugs, Boots, Shoes,Rubbers John Treble's, 1 NOTE A FEW PRICES: Haif•fox Felt Boot, Grain, $2.00; Felt Boot, Loose Socks, Grain, ••:52;25; Men's Rubbers, • 50e; Women's Rubbers, 30e Misses' Rubbers, 25c; Skilled Workmen are em- ployed to manufacture the goods, and the best of ma- terial is used: Prompt attention giyen to all kinds of repairing. My Stock is well assorted and every customer is guaranteed satisfaction. The Prices mean a Sale every time. Call and be, convinced. JOHN TREBLE 3. Main Street, Exeter. $75,000.00. —All persons who want'-'' CHEAP O;BEY . at 51-, 6 and 6k PER CENT should call at. the Office of Eh Via, .LOLL i'S T I NG�ExOter 1strllu1ieii1 EMPORIUM. EXETER ONTARIO Has now in stock IN THE FOLLOWING •LINES West of EnglandSuitings and Trous Brings, Scotch Tweed Suitings and Trouser lugs. ' r'. French and Enc,lishWo os, sted Clotli u .' 1x1 the r All anal.® p e Latest Style, at best Rates. ` A. W r +httl' ...IB. Tia Woi'ia iiflour$ CJ` And you may spend a lot: of money to visiting several parts and see lots of' ecitemerit,but you.tir•.e of that and set tic down sbme day, and when • you do and have to -buy -furniture, call at GIDLEY'S Old established warehouse and see. their immense stock.'of'-FURNITURE, from the latest appointed ntanufact- urie,s in Canada, who have the best machinery rnoney.can buy and of the latest improvcmdnts; and also the fin- est drying kilns in the .above "Round Wold and World" first class A 1 finishers to the bargain, and then visit some noun try firms who cannot compete at ali with them in wear or tear, and even in finish, for their mkchinery, is old fash•' ioneil`and insetnd cases worn out. Some sl Canada's furniture men have wolf: World Prizes, and from such we buy, Having been forty years before the 'public -we ecu witlloub boasting. say we have stood the wear and tear of public opinion, and still are flourish- ing. 001110 01(3 see our ,cew-stylet just in whether you buy or rilet, especially oltr patent Extension hbles. Rt'metn ber we have the largest stock of peat- ltre moulds in the Bounty. Odd -Fellows l3loclt. Opposite J Griga's Stationery. , PERKINS MARTIN PliCPSo W. G. Bissett's Livery. +'irst Class Rorses and Rigs. SPECIAL RATES WITH COMMERCIAL, MEN. OrdersJeft at •Bissett Bros.' Hardware Store, will receive proitit attention, TERMS - " REASONABLE ' A TRIAL SOLICITED. , W. -G. BISSETT. —SEND FOR— ;II,•.TLTIPTRA.TE7Itlp GATA.Ll� LiR1TE of p Ladies Specialties, ADDRESS` - The Parisianlledical Appliance Co.,pp 19 Queen-st.E., Toronto, Ont. mention th28't aper. We eary the most complete stock of Musical instruments in the county. . '.PIANOS, ORGANS. VIOLINS,' ALSO SEWING MACHINES, MACHIN S BICYLES, - FARM IMPLEMENTS &c, Tho above instruments always on hand. •; : ' trelms GIVE USA (TALL.' ) EVfRYThfIN AWAY DOWN � READ AND LEARN. That our Planing Mill, Sash Door & Blind Factory is fitted up with the latest improve men ts. We are prepared to do planing and matching; band and scrollsawing turning moulding, grooving and all kinds of mach- ine work on shortest nnt{oo. In our -LUMBER YARD you will find a large and well' assorted stock of allkinds of building materials. Pine and hemlock lum- ber dressed and not dressed. See our stook of x x and x x :x Pine Shingles manufactured by the best makers in Ontario. We also hav1i. a large stook of A 1 Cedar 'Shingles which aro excellent value. Noe1 Pine Lathcon- stantly in Stock We have alarge stock of barn sash which we can furnish with or without glass. We are fitted up with'mach- inery specially adapted formaking all kinds of Tanks and Cisterris.which wecan furnish to'our customers on short notice. We show sornethingnew in this line for watering cat- tle in the field or haVllyard. Our celebrated Baking Cabinet is still at- tracting much attention, and giving entire satisfaction wbenever used. Call and examine the above named stook, all of which will be sold at lowest prices ROSS & TAYLOR, Main St., Exeter Zmiu t&tAy. IF YOU WANT TO Buy or Sell a Farm FTP YOU WANT TO Buy or Sell Town Property IFYOU WANT TO Borrow or Len.cl Money IF YOU WANT • Collections Make Call at, lax. Jno. Spaci;man's Real Estate Agency. Business Transactions strictly con- fidential. Intending purchasers will receive the best advice in selecting land or town sites. -, _ .. Also agent fur' AIlan Lina and State Line Steamships. Office— Main r Street Exeter,Ont. - Street, Address:-JOHN SPACIt.MAN,. Box .44 HOro; 1-.t kf E:A1:)Ati3,4I Shed, a.'o n04 a 0(0'- ised to 0;k2'e i !,,gm 8-91atx(tt. li0;1 fi'40 L7{•elos, u pl1 o?af Clay w81,5 ocgttr' ,e a 110B Ottcd, they uroo iStr nr.t ep,x. -' • , ~ " T3si aro net a (lathartlet. A. brand new 810(1(, it St ept,tled - Alli at t1fe--- 2 Palace O, rr'ocery, • Gl, Ail ndsttata' i Old, 4and, U •--O01IP.RISINC3-•— ed: Tees, Ccallur,s. Spices, Baking 7-3 r•� E Pott hers, laird foods, Stnrehes, ' Blush, SosiY: l3i ua11(114 Brooms 'I''anis,RIIsills,Clla'renttItfi,ieb s- tai Oatmeal; Corntneaal, P • 1�,rlleat� (aGl'I11", I1"'fi,-.` Nuts.11atl's, (31,tt '. c /"d' es, Lernrn c, I'r.el$ sd; b 'Extracts, Fine Deity Salt, Iladdil,s, ' O'stt i s,I-lone d less Cod fish, Cis- H eoeo,' and every O thing r,enerailt,kept- td in a .first e,rass'Gtocc;•ry onoA II,llidsome Clovis, 10111 bo - given away lvtih 3 -izo cn taking.powder. ... Give us acall, G. U,yndman1 M• Vingent t Man • Prop. : C5tfwRtl S If you would wish ,an ease share, As good as barber ever gave, Just call at •nly slaving salons, Al morn,' at eve, or busy noon, I'll cut.and dress the hair with grace, To snit the contour of the face. My room is : neat, towels clean, Scissors shat p,and razors keen, And et'et } titin„' I, think voli'll find to suit tee, Taste and _leer t8 tile, mind. And,ail that, art andskill rill, tin, If you'll just'call, 1,11 do:for von, I shave the old, the 'hung, the gay, I'll. shave q'ott "diel for ready pay ; And give a shampoo any time, And for n Shave I get a dime •— - I do not mean a dline in trust, For :that -would make the barter bust. E. 'H. FISH, Agent for The Parisian Steam Laundry. °. Watch; this Next .,,;SPACE, � Next IY eek r• vc�?aaressr.�ra17-!-,175 as�.e,:..:as-e.cuana.. '��� (K. yew t >? 1 ru , Richin 'the lung -healing :virtues cf the Pine combined with the soothing and expectorant properties of other pectoral herbs and barks. A PEIyF.ECT cu RE FO17 ' COUGHS i VO'COLDS - Hoarseness, Asthma, Bronchitis, Sore Throat, Croup and all THROAT, BRONCHIAL and LUNG DISEASES. Obstinate cotighswhich resist other, remedies yield promptly to this pleasant piny syrup, •, -_ • PR= az (t.ND Sri.e, tZTs ( : SOLO Olt ALL DRUGO,GTS. """s. wmooa.-cc.. _ L.. NeveriaTRNIT was there known suoll�lo ��r price in h ' before, as you will find a urniture Havengpurchased the Warerooms gid �Pact r lately occupied by W. Andrews, wish to inform the peopleof Exeter and surloundln Country that, I asm offering all kinds greatly • - cl rates. All Goods guaranteed to be rIl . of furniture at ,,�catlyleducc s. y own hand make of first-class dry material and put together in the . strongest possible manner and of the latest design and finish. All lend' of ell tiered T ... :. ,, :.WOOD_ ,.. work andrepairing receives myxom t 'attention. LUMBER end , �ta �,lien in e change for E PJE,NITUR E. The only place in town Whereu n buy the �yy Yale's Patent Dominion is 1e' '1 ted Wire Mattress. -.Best - he Market. W. .Andrew's Old Stand 2 doors North Town Hall; Exeter. tkii:ts(:)11,