HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1970-06-11, Page 18OAS,OQDERXCH SIGN'TAL»STAR, TH,URS SAY', JUNE 11,1.97? " h Ill _,'et,r FIRST -. GODERICH BROWNIES (Brown Owl — Mrs. (Jean) Hurst Tawny Owl --Mrs. (Alma) Ryan ,We had our. day ,out (on Saturday, May 30th) and with the weather co-operating beautifully we all had .a very. happy day with no mishaps. The Brownies collected numerous, 'Pretty 'shells" that they plan to "make" things with, we ate lunch, and played 'games at. the Pinery - in which we were almost the only visitors at this time. Many • thanks to Mrs "Dowds whodrove with and for us. Tuesday saw us back in the Brownie room and normality. After our game and ceremonies Carol Fisher received her second year service star. Then all but three Brownies 'went on to Semaphore; two were cooking as part of their Golden Hand and our only Golden Bar girl passed her tests for skipping and ball throwing. A 'short Pow -Wow followed and then we. closed with Brownie Prayers. o SECOND GODERICH BROWNIES Brown Owl - Mrs. (Sylvia) Brady Tawny Owl — Mrs. (Bev.) Wheeler For the past few weeks all of our Brownies have known about our plans 'for a special evening meeting to which parents and friends would beg, invited. With , this "star" to shoot for, each girl put a great. deal of work and effort into polishing off any of the requirethents needed fcr her particular goal. - We'd like to offer our very sincere thanks to the many people , whose enthusiastic willingness to .."Lend A . Hand7. helped every ,single one of our Brownies to take a proud part in our Ceremonies on Wednesday night. This kind help plus the excellent turn -out of friends as well as families was certainly a .thrill for, and definitely appreciated by, both Brown Owl and Tawny Owl. (We'd asked for 20 chairs to be. in rhe_ .gym that night and were keeping our fingers crossed that most of those would be used and so you can see how delighted' we were to need 59 . chairs instead!) Thanks go from Pack 2 to Mr. Ralph ' Smith for allowing us to use the gym and to Mr. -Clark who set up, and later put away all those chairs! We opened the meeting with ou7' <re lar Brownie Ring and" � ga 7.. then Debbie Elliott, who was our first Golden Hand Brownie this year, welcomed our guests and introduced Mrs. B. McCreath, Division Commissioner, and Mrs. Hurst and. Mrs. Ryan — Brown Owl and Tawny_, OW.1 from Pack One. Debbie also showed everyone the Good Turn project that kept the pack knitting busily during the winter months. Our "Mini -Afghan"- will now go 'to the ' Unitarian Services Committee and from there to a little refugee baby overseas. Here again many people gave freelyof their . time as well as their supplies of wool and needles because a -lot .of Brownies did not -kr. ow how to knit , at all when we first started this project. ' No one could even, guess at the countless hours tnrt went into both the teaching and the knitting, plus the time dc ►ated by Susan Goodwin's Monwho blocked all ' the °squares and sewed • them into the -finished afghan for us. • • Before giving out any badges. we , enjoyed doiiv a little - 'B1Ctiwn e mite as: vt 5 e -M11 d""sirrgintr ,twrr our favourite' songs, thanking- all our guests'for `coming and then closed bur meeting by singing Taps. Weavers, Kimmy Brady, Heather Brander. Skater, Debbie Hoy,' Dancer: Heather Brander. Housekeeper, Kimmy Brady, Collectors, Marie Bolton, Kelly Sucha"rd'. Pet Keeper, Roberta Wheeler, Laura Mac Donald. Cook, Bonnie Reid," Roberta Wheeler, Debbie EUiott. Cyclist, Kelly Suchard, Paula Butler, Lynda McIntyre, Heather Brander. • • Thrift, Lori Mansell, Heather Marshall, Carolyn Little, Carol Ann . Stegenstad,' Teri Weber, Sherry Masse,. . Artist, Kimmy Brady. World Friendship, Lynda McIntyre, Paula Butler, Debbie Elliott. These . three girls also received the Brownie World Pin. At about this point in the proceedings we • called a temporary halt to the Brownie awards in order to take care -of a couple of things we hadn't mentiond tp • anyone up until. then. •It was fun to see the surprise on the faces of the Pack One- Guiders as we presented them each with a tea towel signed by each of their Brownies. The towels had been Smuggled in and out of one of their meetings and each girl sworn to secrecy when her turn came to sign them. These hard working ladies are leaving Brownies after this year and the idea of giving them something for a keepsake as a surprise was made a success only because not one single girl in their Pack told the secret. Well done Pack One! We enjoyed having the chance to thank Mrs; (Elizabeth) Brander in public for all "she does for us. There's no doubt that every girl in . the_ Packactually. enjoys being tested by her and the number of 'badges our girls earn `is°certainly helped along by the kind ways of our "Official Tester". Mrs. McCreath had a nice surprise of her own for'° us too. We were all very happy to see her officially present our Tawny Owl (Bev Wheeler) with her -Guider Warrant.: Aside from the regular work of running a Pack, • our Tawny Owl has attended nine Guider trainings on various subjects this year. We went on with our planned business after that and gave Carolyn Little, the Sixer of the Tome's, a" Secotfdei• to" help her. We're certain Paula Butler will do an excellent job as Seconder. • Two Brownies earned their Golden Ladders and - they - are Lynda McIntyre .-and Carolyn Little. A lot of work is involved in earning a Golden Hand and this must all be completed before a girl's tenth birthday or the badge can not be awarded to her. This Elizabeth McMillan was enrolled last Wednesday evening as a full fledged member of Second Goderich Brownie Pack by -Brown Owl, Mrs. Sylvia Brady. Elizabeth was the Pack's Tweenie for some time and wore,the proudest expression as she received he'VIns and badges. (staff photo) Skater, Susan Schaefer, Mary Jane Erskine, Mary Lynne Pagon, Lynn Goddard, Patricia Seaman, Debbie Mullen, Audrey Beacom, Leslie- MacEwan, Christine Boddy, ,Barb Goddard, Shiela O'Brien, Susan Bushel, Susan Fincher, Cheryl Harrisson, Janet Young,' Marion Melick, Susan More, Ann•Marie Murphy, Jennifer More. After the badges were all given out Pack...'4 sang.. their favourite songs and Cheryl Harrisson did two Highland dances which everyone enjoyed very much. ' - On . behalf of -the girls and their mothers Georgia Schaefer thanked Brown Owl (Sadie Gilders) and Tawny Owl (Shirley Duckworth) for a wonderful evening. - FOURTH GODERICH BROWNIES Brown Owl - Miss (Betty) Bedard Tawny Owl ,— Mrs. (Pat) Mason At their meeting on June 4 ▪ three Brownies were successfully tested for their Athlete interest badges. Congratulations to 'Donna Free -Man Nancy Jacobson,_and Wanda Smith .plus an extra pat on the back to Donna Freeman who passed that tricky semaphore test as well. Whine all the testingbeing was g done, the rest of the Pack drew and colored pictures of animals or birds. This was a particularly interesting subject because the girls are planning a trip to Holmesville on Saturday, June means that a little girl under ten 20. years of age 'must learn many things and be enable to do them by herself without help. There is knitting, stove safety and simple cooking, .a little knowledge of first aid,how to use a- compass, semaphore, , keeping a room completely tidy for two weeks 'and much more. It's easy to see why this is the highest height a Brownie can' reach and we were. very very proud to see Mrs. McCreath pin the GOLDEN HAND on Robin Ormandy, Paula Butler, . Kimmy Brady, - Roberta Wheeler, and Heather brander. We gave . the Pack Cheer to all the girls who earned their assorted badges and -then . our new Brownie and all the Golden Harid girls gathered in the center of the ring to receive the Grand Howl. We finished the meeting by Elizabeth McMillan. Now 'our Tweenie has been - turned into a full grown Brownie in the Leprechaun Six, and she "may join in the Brownie Ring and THIRD ' make the magic sign'to speak in GOB ERrownCOHv—BROWNIES Pow -Wow — two of the things Mrs. (Sadie) Gilders Tweenies must not do. We asked Mrs. Hurst and Mrs. Tawny Owl �•° Ryan to give a one year Service Mrs. (Shirley) Duckworth star to Maureen McConnell and We `held our June 1 meeting two year stars to Lynda out of doors. Barb. Britnell McIntyre, Roberta Wheeler and tested Cheryl Harrisson and Paula Butler. Christine Boddy successfully, on They •also gave'Golden Bars to their semaphore. Jennifer More the following "Brownies. Marie enjoyed shining shies at this Bolton, Heather'Marshall, Kathy meeting because it seems quite Weary, Sandra ,.Searls, : Debbie different doing it outside! Hoy, Anne McDonald, Sherry, Third Pack field their Pot Masse, Maureen McConnell, Luck Supper on Wednesday, Vicki Powell, Kelly Suchard, June 3 and it was a great success. Tracy Nelson, Carol Ann After the meal was over the Stegenstad, Teri Weber, Laura ' mothers enjoyed another cup of MacDonald, Lori Mansell. _ coffee awhile the Brownies Mrs. McCreath helped us by formed, a ring to receive their giving out the interest badges to: ,badges, Athlete, » Carolyn Little, Pet Keeper, Susan Fincher, Lynda McIntyre, Bonnie Reid, Lynn Goddard, Susan More, Heather Marshall, Vickie Mary Jane Erskine, Shelly Powell, Marie • Bolton, Robin • Munroe and Barb. Goddard. Ormandy, Susan ' Goodwin', Housekpep r,• Christine Kathy Weary, Sandra Searis, Soddy, `Writers, • Christine Maureen , McConnell, • Heather Soddy, C, ollector, 'Susan Brander, •Kimmy Brady, Roberta Wheeler, ,Paula' Bustler. ,lin .: '% ♦ 1. 'h ' h y .YJ W."..+.Y boy..... Schaefer. • s. - Athlete, Lynn Goddard, Barb �n Dungy `-AnrrmyMatieITT1V� 1ptry =arid.. 'Susan More. - THIRD GOD'ERICH GIRL GUIDDS ' Mrs. Catherine McDonald - showed the Guides how to patch a garinent properly as part of their Needlewoman badge. Meanwhile ' the Guides not enrolled as yet were working on their Tenderfoot. Shelly, Claudia and Margaret Hill and Eleanor -McMillan passed several - of their Tenderfoot requirements. Wendy Webb passed flag raising which includes some knowledge of our Canadian -flag. Sandra Meriam, Heather Pyrah, Beth McEwan; and Joan Coulter passed some knota. The Patrol Leaders are going out for a two-day camp this weekend along with three Range. The Patrol Leade,rs'1ca'rrip was held- the. weekend. . just,passed. and the girla had excellent weather the whole time. They'd like to thank the owner of the Property who gave permission for them to camp there and also taught the girls how to identify ,,'111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiI111IIIII IIQ GODERJCH'S OWN.. different types of trees to go toward their Woodman badge. The Camper Badge girl in charge was Kathleen Mc reath, the -.Rangers were Joanne Walters and Susan Freeman . and the Patrol Leaders were_ Sally Stringer, Brenda Thompson, Beth MacEwan and Joni Smith. RANGERS Last week's • meeting was probably. the _lastone• ofthe-year for the Goderich -Rangers. Six Rangers end two Leaders are planning to go on a Ranger -Rover Camp Rally being held at Delaware near London on June 19, 20 and 21st. The Rally will have a Roman theme and there will be horse back riding, and canoeing. ' That's all the information we have on it right now but even so, it looks like a good time is in store for all those lucky enough to attend. . , Mrs. (Jean) MacEwan - and Mrs. (Mary -Beth) Britnell will be driving and Sue Powell; Jo -Anne Walters, Anne MacEwan, Baty Wrai, Barb. Britnell, and Monica Taffit are the Rangers who are looking forward to the' Rally; • STUDIO $plcialielfg In . •, .mp * �ITeddin�ll• * Children Single or. Group Portraits endPassports 524-8787 118 St. David God srieh Powerful, Begged :. Easy to Operate VAPPER COMET These five ,�g.i�r►is from Second Goderich Brownie Pack were on hand last Wednesday evening in RobertsontMemorial School to receive their Golden Hands, the highest award Brownies can earn. From the left they are Paula Butler, Kim Brady, Roberta Wheeler, Heather Brander and Debbie - Elliott. With them are (left to right) Brown Owl Mrs. Sylvia Brady, Mrs. Hazel McCreath, Division Commissioner, and Tawny Owl Mrs. Bev Wheeler. (staff photo) w PROVEN�F BY YEARS O.._ PERiORMANCE ! !' NO -OTHER MOWER HAS ALL THE -FEATURES A -._ SNAPPER COMET GIVES YOU. Snapper -Comet -mowers are -un- excelled for' ease of handling and comfort for the operator and they are unexcelled in mechanical features, too. Big 5 tq 7 HP gasoline engines (some with electric starters);_ - - all steel Construction; com- pletely enclosed transmission with sealed -in lubricant for tor longer life. 5 speeds forward plus reverse. Instant cutter height adjustment 1" to 4". — 26", 30" and 41" sizes. We invite you to compare Comet a with any other riding mower. TRY -IT ON YOUR LAWN!. 88 •BAORTDAGENRNYAAHLR' R1ID�E.• 'E;MOWER& This afghan flanked by G- olden Ladder -winners Lynda McIntyre (left) and Carofyn Little, was made by the Brownies of Second _Goderich Pack.,,It is to be sent to, the Unitarian Services Committee and will be used to warm a refugeebaby, (staff photo) •r. ,d4.01,"."`" r{.rr .01 ."` n GBC -SUMMER SAVINGS rwomwr.rr.AR•• SAVE OVER 40% ON PAINT ,raciananiasits:*;::;wai:: t **11Q1 Email ALUMINUM DOOR 1%,, PLAIN -- • Self -storing combination • "HeavY gauge kick 151ate • All hardware included ONLY k 95 • v/2" HEAVY 410117 95 I A PAIN INTERIOR - EXTERIOR SAVE WITH ALLONT -COUNTER: Posi- formed counter tops are easy install and easier to keep clean. Re- place your old counter with a new Allont Counter Top with contoured curved slash back, rolled non drip edges, it's easy as 1-2-3, 8' blanks are 25" wide, ideal for cottage kitch- eye.; ens, playroom bars or bathroom. AW/ vanities. REMODELLIkG? KITCHEN — BATHROOM USE MODERN LOIAI COST WHITE It FLINTKOTE DRIVEWAY SEALER 5.„.9.48 TILE BOARD, TifebOard Panels from Duratile are quickly and easily instated. Requires.no special tools, just the regulat carpenter tools such as hammer, plain, saw, level, file and hacksaw, and duratile cement. Duratile Aluminum or White vinyl moldings are reCom- panels are easy to clean with just soap and water, last the longest time, are beautiful and available in the most popular colours. Use duratile panels in the bathroom, kitchen or launqry room. The tileboards have a plastic finish baked right on so dirt can't pengfrate it. '611'95 GREEN & YELLOW WELCOME SERVIGE ASPHALT BASE " ,LIQUIO BLACK TOP SEALER -7,beantifies and protects. Just pour and ,spread. Apply with sqeeege'e, brush or roller:Five gallon container. r. would like to call on you with "housewarming gifts" and, information about your new location. The Hostess will be • glad to arrange your subscription '•to' the SIGNAL -STAR. tAty, APPLICATOR 2.49 atammoinioulatimakiliilogiailoaminioiono 1114