HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1970-06-11, Page 16. BA GQ DERIOR SIGNAL,*SARA `x' URSDA' ',}, UNE 1,,1970UM r Or...r.w .ri rirar . �. dlrl t111 tl� . •irrrrr rr rrt ,. fever 1 should leave thee BY G. MacLEOD ROSS • STURGEON CAVIARE • Q.ontinuing experiences during When caviare is mentioned my an escape from Goderich winter thoughts immediately go back.to to South Carolina last ,April. the shores of the Caspian Sea where, for a brief period in SUMIVIERV I LLE y 191.19, caviare came up with ' the rations for the few British A side trip to.. Summerville, - troops bluffing it out there. It some • 30 miles north of 0 Atis something of a�.aurprise to ° Charleston, reputedly the hear whispers of its presence `loveliest village of. the plain"; here and directions finally led to streets Lined with azalea _bushes, Pawley's Island And . 'Mr; and history. Nearby is Monck's ,"Lachicotte's' Super • Mart. Corner, named for George Immediately afterentry the Monck, First Duke of atmosphere took on the sinister Albermarle. One of Cruntwell's evasiveness of Prohibition Days. men and later a Lord Proprietor Mr. L. denied all knowledge of of the Carolinas. Monck's Corner such stuff as caviare, so that it was just one of the several became necessary to assume' the English posts surrounding role of the half-witted immigrant Charles Towne. In 1781, a visitor from the shores of daring raici,_by Sumter caused its Hudson Bay, brushing the .snow abandonment with "enormous" • from our boots as we emerged stores and 150 men. from our merry snowmobile, Anotherpowder magazine Only then did Mr. L. relent and located at Fort Dorchester, 19 send us to his rival who had Miles north of Charles Towne, made an astounding catch earlier was also attacked by Sumter. It than Mr. L. Marlow was the adjoined the village of name, with no, final `e'. The first Dorchester, the church of which enquiry elicited the reply: "Ask was burnt by English' troops Joe!" who was hidden deep in during the war of 1812. Today the fastnesses of the shop behind Monck's Comer is so thickly a formidable, if loopholed wooded, the sunshine hardly barricade of pop bottle cases. illuminates the Corner. Fort Although a hand-written notice Dorchester is just a walled was stuck on the shop door enclosure, on a rise above a lake, which read "LOC L the walls constructed of shells CAVIARE", Joe was extremely --set in a limestone mortar, a cagey and there arose visions of __favourite concrete_ofthose days. Revenue men popping out from, r-towerr:: stands; -;. 1Le_ high• pilertmartons...of tL cin' �gazxrttly~`Treazing` :wit " sightless end- Campbell. However, —the' windows to heaven, but `same piteous tale of visitors otherwise Fort .Dorchester is from Canada- brought the magic now a State Park, set in a forest words: "Wet of Dry?" of trees. An adjoining battlefield Eventually two sealed jars is -known "-as Lenud's Ferry; the --changed hands for some' dollar "spelling is probably phonetic for - bills. • Leonard in the best Charlestonese manner. And what about the good old English THE WHITE ENSIGN names, which abound: a•AMrs. Starling Seastrunk." ° • THE SOUTH CAROLINIAN -One of the many charms of , South Carolina is the warmth of the people, who • have settled there; their friendly sinci'erity and hospitality, and it matters not whether they occupy a huge plantation, hidden in a forest of 300 year old live oaks. and ._ lapped by, the Inland Waterway, or whether in one or the communal estates reserved for dwellings meeting certain standards. Perhaps we were fortunate to be introduced to such a fascinating variety of experience, so that one evening you may be following the vicissitudes of a Maquis unit in the France of 1943 and hearing a first hand account of how a whole Ukranian Regiment was induced to mutiny, and kill its German officers before joining the Maquis. Our host apologises -•. for the fact that his experience has been solely as - a guerilla fighter, whether in France, North • Africa, the Phillipines, Korea or Vietnam. Then • a close associate of Big Bill Donovan tells you the inside story of what really happened before the U.S. troops landed on the' North African • coast, as between de Gaulle, Admiral Darlan and General' Giraud. Another has lived in Pakistan as recently as 1952 and- before you - can complete a tour of the camel serais -of.-:Peshawar, you are examining a pillar of the Church of Rome, who explains why there will probably" never be an, American Pope: ,,"It takes ' an Italian to live in the Vatican!" Guitars in" church? Nothing g"--*ith .4nstrument as such; just a ' question of the music it emits:, After all "Silent Night" was written for,the guitar! On Campus rioing: University Presidents must formulate a definite `credo before they accept office. They must have decided which areas they are prepared to discuss and on which they refuse to compromise. One of the many surprises which the Carolinas . provide came to notice at the Citadel Military College of South Carolina. There is an, unusual memorial on Campus, consisting of the forehatch, steering plane - wheels, ship's bell, badge, periscope and Jolly Roger flag flown by H.M.- submarine Seraph which, in World War •II, landed General Mark Clark on the North African shore ,for a rendezvous with• Free French leaders. Above this monument flies the White Ensign, t e.only place the British dmiralty allows it to be flown in the U.S.A. Each year the Admiralty sends four flags to the Citadel to ensure that a clean and smart looking flag -flies throughout the year. This • concern for the Flag is something which our Town Council might copy and see that there is a supply of flags for the staff on Cobourg Street, from which_ most usually flies the most bloodless version of the Canadian flag. If you have raised the energy to fly a flag at mall, it would be natural to ensure that its appearance did it honour. (General Mark Clark became the Commanding "Officer of the Citadel School.) THE MEDIA Sex and the single girl has reached the stage where she can buy a flagon (excuse me, a. flacon) of "Odour of Man." "Man presses - suit to ' retain bachelorhood." A lady borrows Ann Landers' column "to give a few million readers a• free English lesson." She continues: "Every time I hear people. use, the words bad and badly, I cringe. Bad is an adjective. You feel bad if you ,hurt someone's feelings. You do not feel badly. Good And well People do not look well in anew, dress. They look good. Where V are today's English teachers? I am an English teacher and I'm no longer teaching." Surprisingly she has been superannuated on $8000 p.a. pension, but she ought to 'see Canada — Ontario' first, where she would find herself quite at home with her use of adjectives. The local "Charleston News Courier' sometimes carries Canadian news "such as: "Defence takes one-sixth. 'Ottawa. Canada's Defense, budget $.1.8 _billion :amounts to 'one stxtti-of--the.tota:Lbudge r. 31 • -'dermazr ehoolehildren -• atter school from age 6 to 15." SOCIAL TRE,N S The Standard' -of .._ .li�r'ingv. • • continuesto fall, just as ittdoes everywhere 'else, at least- as measured' by • the amenities which used to be "included" in• the price. Linen tablecloths have disappeared from even the better -restaurants; paper napkins are de rigueur. in motels you use one and the same 'piece of soap until death thee doth part, or you move . on. Towels are still changed every day, but for how long? Water temperature is strictly controlled and scalding is now unknown. Free cups of coffee — self-made — have disappeared. As for "help" the local impression is that the promise of more welfare and/or a guaranteed income for life together with a Welfare Cadillac, is complementary to Black Power dognia, which rules that, work, especially. for Whitey, is infra dig. The mental conflict is between acceptance of, say for example, "waiterhood" and the satisfaction of doing something well within the capability of the' individual, r ' or giving in wholeheartedly to the seductions of. a Government which firmly believes money buys anything,whether spiritual or material, and accepting financing for an indefinite period of years to obtain a Ph.D. in "Social Disruption." This turns one to be gruelling• • instruction in • rebellion,. anon -conformity and destructive mayhem, with a major in high explosives, time bombs and booby traps.- As in Ontario, youth is herded into overstuffed universities ; where subversives find ready-tecruited battalions of disruption -fodder.. The Myrtle Beach shops c a nnot be regarded'as representative but a degree. of protection exists which makes Goderich shops look like ads for free _ trade. There is little imported cheese; foreign beer costs 65 to 90 cents a' bottle, compared with 50 here and Canadian rye is. more expensive than `good Scotch. THE LAUNDRAMAT Few go away °' from • home without experiencing "a short course in Laundramatic§tJn days of 'yore' the focus for meeting acquaintances was round the cracker-barrel. Then for a short spell it was the Post Office until it became very proper. Now it is the. Laundramat which has stepped Into. the breach. I recall my initiation very vividly, for it rivaled _the ceremonies of "crossing the line." There is a somewhat hoary family legend which gains embellishment each time it is recalled. The gist is that having waited for the amber light, to extinguish and for the red to come on, the whole contents of detergent box was. dumped into what proved ti;' be very soft water. Beim something of a tyro, I opened the lid of the machine later to '.inspect how things were progressing and in the result effected the complete evacuation of th,,lanndramat by all immediately concerned lin clouds of soapsuds. This year several new gadgets had been added. There ,is an hydraulic, press in which you can press " your pants. There is a centrifuge which fails to dry your clothes. Fortunately I met a man who •was obviously graduated, for his expertise with all this stupefying gadgetry was simply amazing. Ke was a Canadian-Jgo and should be contacted by the Huron Education Board to initiate a course in • laundramatics. No child should be allowed 'into the world unable to wash his own clothes. TAILINGS The Ph.D. in Laundramatics wasn't the only Canadian we met. One evening, waiting ,for the call to the cookhouse, a No..2 • small girl remarked, in excellent French to her Papa, that my jacket matched his. This phenomenon I made an excuse for engaging her with a selection of my best French idioms, learnt before the dawn of time. Her parents and their friends then disclosed that they carte from Sherbrooke and Drummondville respectively and they demonstrated their perfect accentless bilingualism. One of thea', whispered: `;We pray for a united Canada!" whereupon the small girl- said: • "I spik onlee Ingleesh!" A good story was told by one who claimed that her great uncle, Salvino Testaferrata, was descended from the early Knights of St John in Malta. Apparently he came to fame by being the . first man who, when bitten by a dog, immediately bit it back. Which only goes to show the fibre of which the Knights of St. John were and in fact, are still made. * * *_ We were just remarking how 'green was our route 17 home, when ,we found we had taken Route 13 in error: Not long after this, after temperatures of 90 F. in the Carolinas for weeks, we had to don what our Number One Boy use$" to call "sick sings." And so to home. Jy R�nald L. McDonald o eric MT �N'. L ARTERED ACCOUNTANT9 St, David St., 524=6.253 Goderich, Ontario Ql 145 EISEX ST.. GODERICH. ,QR'1'AR.I4 ,AvPUBLailableIC OR For L • . PRIVATE PARTIES BINGOS * CONCERTS. • * DANCES CONVENTIONS Catering to Luncheons COCKTAIL PARTIES P'\NQU ETS, ETC. Special attention to weddings - PHONE 524-9371 or 524-9264 Alexander aind Chapman GENERAL INSURANCE REAL ESTATE PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce Building 411111611111111110. Gbderich Dial 524.9662 Waft DIESEL Pumps and Injectors Repaired For -All Popular Makes Huron Fuel Injection Equipment Bayfield Rd:, Clinton -482-7,971 R. W. BELL OPTOMETRIST The Square 524-7661 A. M. HARPER CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 40 IDESQUARE TELEPHONE DERICH, ONTARIO 524-7562 'the secret is knowing what you are getting for what you are paying. Most shoppers know very little about a supermarket's own brands. You can buy with confidence at A&P. Our brands are guaranteed to please or your" money refunded, and they cost less too., EVERYDAY LOW PRICE CANNED FOODS 14 -OZ TIN • CHOICE- QUALITY • Aylmer Prune Plums - 2/53c 14 -OZ TIN -- CHOICE QUALITY - Aylmer Pitted' Cherries, 35c 14 -OZ TIN WITH PORK Libby's Baked Beans 14 -OZ TIN - Green Beans 10-0Z TIN Tomato Soup LOOK FOR THESE SAVE SIGNS WHEN YOU SHOP 2/53c Green Giant 2/53c Campbell's 2/29c NONE FINER SAVE A&P Brand 'A 2/49c A&P Brand 33c ,' Ann Page 2141c A&P Brand -2/39c Ann Page 2/25c UNCONDITIONALLY GUARANTEED 19 -OZ TIN, WHOLE Seacliffe White Potatoes 2/49c The foremost manufacturer of quality floor' care products .. . • Ca sisters • Uprights Lightwights • Floor polisher • Ha n d vacs at Enjoy your yard this summer . . lel an Ariens" Fairway Riding Mower do the work. �2-LB PKG Rice 16-0Z PKG, SEED.ESS Raisins 24 -OZ JAR, PECTIN Raspberry Jam 16 -OZ JAR Peanut Butter 1 -LB Old Cheese €4.0Z. PLASTIC. JUG -Laundry Bleach GIANT SIZE BOX - Detergent Powder SAVE 4c 2c 12c •14c'. THESE SIGNS CAN SAVE YOU MANY DOLLARS 4 A&P Brand 2I47c EVERYDAY LOW PRICE MORE MONEY—SAVERS All Steel Construction Flex -N -Float Mowing Action • Safety Discharge Chute • Wide Tread Pneumatic Tires • Electric or Recoil Starting • Spring Mounted Vinyl Upholstered Seat • 5 or 6 H.P. Engines • Adjustable Cutting Height ' Combination Clutch and Brake' • Wide Swing Steering Handle • Baked Enamel; finish • Four Forward Speeds and Reverse • Rubber Padded • Front Fenders • Fingertip Controls • A Cut Above The Rest Argyle Mower & Marine Mrit4Y A ;r..t -hi adim' t . .Londesborough Mower ares- Londesbor .PLAIN 11 -OZ, Potato Chips Dainty: Short Grain 49c Pel Pack 45c Aylmer 67c York 65c Cracker Barrel - $105 .55c Cheer 1.17 Humpty Dumpty 69c MAPLE LEAF BRAND 2 -LB PKG $'I .09 Wieners VACUUM PACK Don't Forget .Jane Parker Wiener Roll. 2c FRESH `9-11 CHOPS IN A PKG. TURKEY CUT Whole Ib Legs WINGS X39¢1 NECKS BACKS 1615a SWEET PICKLED, VACUUM•PACK,_I/2's C�ttage Rolls lb69? SUPER -RIGHT QUALITY, MEATY Pork H0Cksb29? Jane Parker, Sliced,: Daily. Dated SAVE A&P Brand. Long Grain 43c -A&P rand 43c. Iona 63c Ann Page 53c- 49c 3c A&P Brand 89c A&P Brand 47c Sail 73c Jane Parker 12 -oz 59c 6c 2c • 4c 12c MAPLE LEAF, BY THE PIECE ANY WEIGHT CUT, BEEF SUPER -RIGHT BRAND, SMOKED, SLICED, RINDLESS,'VACUUM PACK 41, Side Bacon Pk97% Reg. Price 27c ea. — BUY 4, SAVE '9c "FLOUR POWER" WHITE DUNCAN HIND CAKE MIXES 2,F,894 R R -416c Sc 44c' lac LO f LL= CHEESE SLICES G S 24 -oz _loaves lin poly bags PANTRY SHELF ,,• RECONSTITUTED APPLE JUICE OZ TIN SPECIAL K \ •"' i,9 CEREAL -01 BOX SPECIAL PRICE n DESSERT POWDERS - ° 3-01 PKG SPECIAL PRICE• JUBILEE NIPPY PIMENTO SWISS 3 8.OZ PKGS 00 1- • •Fr. J:r � q ! +• rYN• y4N r Ct.. Ittr Weinzssx'4 Alli"'price* i'nr this Ail duar*nts*d effiectlhe thrtnuQh Suturd*y, Jun* 13, 1970. s a 1 -04 .N * • 1