HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1970-06-11, Page 139 yI k TODAYS er '° Y HELEN • ► .LEN. Mike has just turned three. He isa sturdy,- healthy, handsome boy with broad shoulders, dimpled cheeks, - fine dark -brown curly hair and beautiful big eyes. What is known of his background is French Canadian. The other -part of his ancestry may be Negro or Arab." - Mike's extensive vocabulary is mainly -French, but he understands and speaks some English because his foster family is bilingual. This little boy is full of energy. He likes rough games and loves to ride his tricycle, ,,play ball and turny',salmersaul:ts.....He -enjoys---other _,children _and likes to •...•-- . 3' �: k .�o--3isten to " o b .� .,lr es -: �-hausteh Ic�-.aeh esr� e e ll kFnds o x storie0ind has-bis"fav4`rii _TV programs. Mike needs a family where he will be the youngest or the- only -child •and where he .will get a great deal of affection and 'attention. " To -Inquire about adopting Mike please write to TOday's • Child, Department of Social and Farnily Services, Parlia- ment Buildings, Toronto .182. In -the event of a postal strike contact your Children's Aid Society. nottU tiers, Stilt in love at 70 DEAR ANN LANDERS} The letter. from the woman whose husband wanted to take L -Dopa caught, my eye. She said they - were in their late 60's and he hadn't knocked oh her door for three- years which was just fine with her because she .was glad that part of her life was .over.: Ever over. - Ever since he had read about the medicine for. g'arkinson's diseased (It stat d .one old goat chasing the nurses all over the. hospital), her husband has been nagging his doctor to get him some. Her closing' lines'.were — "X hope the doctor says .no." That woman is pathetic — and I'll bet - there are plenty more like her. My husband and I have been married. over 50 years. We are in our early 70's. If George doesn't knock on my door once a week, I knock on his. Sometimes I have to knock . for four or five minutes because his hearing isn't as good as it once �mwas. But everything else is. — STILL IN LOVE-, ✓ DEAR STILL: Your letter was a heart -wanner. Thanks for writing. I'm happy for both of you. But what about your little chil- • James Richardson 8 Sons Ltd Serving The Feed Dealers of Western Ontario PHONE 524=8388, GODERICH I fear ,one fine day their father, Sometimes you print r letters the world's greatest con aitiat, from people who have a message will show up and damage •their for someone they can't or. -,don't careers. want to fake, This is for my Every now and again one reads "The gay boys are' taking .over the world." I don't believe it. But I'm happy they no longer feel the need to be so secretive. Perhaps ,now fewer of them will try to hide. behind ,the • respectability of lnarriag nd boss. The message is as follows:. The quickest way to lose .your best employees is. to hixe your relatives. The people who work for you wind yup doing two jobs — their bwn and your relatives'. They hate to fink so they give another reason when they quit. rain five or sixlives in thee- I know what I'm talking process. -°- EX-WIFE OF ONE about because after 13 years .on DEAR °EX-WIFE: Thank yOU the job, I'm leaving. Three other ,for sharing your experience. I've good employees left you for the received' a raft of mail from same .reason. I hope you get women ..w h o m arried Smart 'before you lose the homosexuals and the verdict is:business -•= ADMOS 99 to one against. DEAR • AD: So do I. Thanks DEAR ANN LANDERS: for the message. HEALTH & SAFETY-- Mainly AFETY Mainly- for Mother by Carol Hart • Watch Children During Spring Cleaning It's spring, and your home probably never had it so good. DEAR ANN LANDERS: The dren while you are busy working, letter from the woman : asking especially the ones under five whether to, marry . the years of age? Are they going to benefit by that fresh, newly homosexual hit me hard. I was scrubbed and painted home? Or married at • 23 to - a brilliant-- are they going to be exposed to university-. professor. I was harm because a busy adult forgot considered a sophisticate and to be careful? , thought I knew something about •Keep 'your eyes on the house- hold chemicals you are using, the world..,,j'en years ;and four says the Council on Ftunily children later I discovered my Health, a non-profit organiziltion husband liked boys — preferably sponsored by members of the - from industry• from 14 to 16. That was 30 drug as a public servaCC - to''prin2otee:'5rifc,-t.3L1rthia a—� years ago when one ne �c spm '�=anoTamil" _ eal th..: W,. about :such -things, except_to a ,_� ,. :Ci31d�en can•i�evcr uTcla7id- psychiatrist — and • they 'were scarce in those days. My brilliant spouse became an authority on homosexuality. He. was so: well informed; so' attractive and so engaging he simply wrapped everybody up. Very few people knew what he was up to. Everyone was shocked when he left the country with a young queen.`. I am g'ratefgl my children inherited their father's brains. Obviously his . were better than mine. They have done well in their respective professions, but curious. They should not be ]eft • alone even for a minute with potentially harmful substances. When you are finisbed using; _hau.sehold chemira1s; `put them away innedirately, out_of sight and reach of youngsters. Think of all the chemicals used in, a household today — bleaches, soaps and detergents, w&1 and woodwork . cleaners, liquid and paste polishes, and waxes, moth balls, and ,f1ake,iisinfectants and deodorizers, and solvents .such as turpentine; kerosene and gasoline. • During the course of a"Week, a housewife might use lye prod- - a Y., v :,.3 r✓ ./. /a r: ucts to c ean•" plumbing fixtures, insecticides and rodenticides., rug shampoos and upholstery clean- ers, and -.paint solvents and thin- ners. Each year finds the list grow- ing, as new products are discov-4 ered to help in refurbishing the home. And each year, says the Council, mothers have to be just that much more ,careful'in shield- ing small children from potential, poisonings. QopaticH SIONAL.STARAMTIMAYANE Thies year again, there 'is a terrible panic about students not being able to get summer j9bs• • It is amplified by the facts WA- general unemployment •is • steadily" increasing, .that a fair- ly heavy recession seems on the books, and that many com- panies are lo$ing money or going broko. My heart does not bleed for the stockbrokers and the finan- cial wheeler-dealers., But the facts speak for them- selves. The construction indus- try is in the doldrums. The Prairiewheat farmers are in bad shape, These , twd big sources of labor and income can knock our economy cock- eyed, temporarily. But to get back to the stu- dents and their lack of jobs. Much of this wailing is pure hokum. . I feel genuinely sorry for the student who has tried earnest- ly to get a job, and failed. However, for most of the oth- ers, I couldn't squeeze a single tear• There is a job for 95 per cent of them, if they want one. But they want THE job. They want one like the old • man has: Five days a week, coffee breaks,- nothing demean- ing, and good pay• `They don't want_ -a doh, e.y' -want where' tfie nputin I;b man y • hours and collect so much loot, whether they're any use or not; something where they can treat the job as an unfortunate interruption- of° their fun -time; and something that is not "be- -neath" them. 'This is not a blanket con- demnation. •I know a lot of kids who slug it out in dirty, tough job's 'ail through the_hot 'sum- mer months, while their more discriminating contemporaries lounge at the beach, �-hang around the streets,. taunt the fuzz, and whine about a system which hasn't provided a ready- made job for them. This, by the -way,; is the same system which • they constantly attack for. being competitive. . Afraid 1 haven't much pa- tience with this large group., How many of the girls slouch- ing around in jeans, or daz- zling mankind with their bikin- Is, have tried to get a job as domestic help? All over the country women who "'can pay for it are scrambling for baby, -sitters, ,floor -scrubbers, humn dishwashers and iron- ers. • These kids could make about $1.50 an hour, with coffee •breaks, a free lunch, and week- end$ off. But this is below their dignity. They didn't go to Grade 12, or to university, to do housework; How many boys apply for menial tasks, even though they often pay well? Short-order cook; scrubbing floors in office buildings; -tending gardens, mowing lawns, clipping hedges. Not many. The hours are too long, or° the work is too hard, or the sun is too hot. I know. Recently, I wanted • some . kids to rake my lawn because I didn't have time to, do it myself. I offered the job to four of my classes, 60 per cent of them boys. Pay, $1.25 .:an _hour_ e-y—laughed C ^ H .i1. earn3�,• but without rrr�iYe . c�a��e ther�: • Know what I wound up with? Two little, Grade 13 girls, about five -feet not ing. • They, wanted, the money to buy clothes aand worked like twin beavers. Did a better jab than any,. boy I've ever hired.- Vis tered all howls, Right into the thickets �-- ;i get the leaves. ..Filled . 4a of the big plastic garbage bags, • .w. Ary enterprising youth could make a killing cutting lawns on a contract. basis. (lupi* tat expenditure would be about $75.. He could make $15. ,a day without pushing himself. But • that isn't very glamorous. When 1 think of my first job, cleaning latrines, acrtib bing floors • and • polishing brass, 12 hours a day, 7 days a ' week, $30 a month, you can understand my lack of sym- pathy. REMEMBER HELP YOUR RED CROSS 1'O�IELP FOR YOUR FIRE INSURANCE --.6.6—See-or-Phone MALCOLM MATHERS GENERAL .INSURANCE AGENT 46 WEST ST. 524-9442 6° BUSINE DIRECTS For Pleasant Surroundings and Good Food THE GODERICH RESTAURANT STEAK HOUSE. and TAVERN 1 d h ww� 0 • THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR YOUR AD WINI DOUBLE PASSES TO Ina - PARK THEATRE BOOKS & STATIONERY Cards For All Occasions * Gifts * Books * Stationery Supplies *' Records ANDERSON'S •- BOOK CENTRE 33 East St. Goderich John Craddock 156 Cameron St. ° BUILDING MATFRIAL GODERICH BUILDING �G CENTRE * 624.8383„ Cambria at Anglesea-- PAINT, WALLPAPER 4" '* PAINT * WALLPAPER * CARPETS * TILE • * LINOLEUM "Your Complete Home Decorating Centre" MCART'H UR. and REILLY LTD West 51 Goderich THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR YOl1F1'' AD— 1 - ° • FRIGIDAItiE WESTINGHOUSE GIBSON HOOVER Sales arid Service Geo. Ross 1-6pA The Square JEWELL BROTHERS APPLIANCES & TV LTD. 'The Square - Goderich WORK BOOTS 1 • EXCELLENT SELECTION _:Regular or; S f,.ety.,Tbe 14 Different Styles DAVE GOWER'S • 6 DOUBLE PASSE TO THE PARK- THEATRE� The Narnes Of Six • Signal -Star Subscrib ers Are To Be Found. In Onc Of These A Now Showing Industrial & Garden Centre Hamilton •.St.. 524-8761 • THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR YOUR AD - FURNITURE Earl Allison 192, Eldon St. For The ' FINEST in F�1 RNITU RE LODGE 44 Furniture Yest•Stb Goderich ';' '' '.Fix -'-d Yi�:X. +ecu= `��� vat,' 1- 7 Be Sure. To See Our Display Of ORIGINAL OIL PAINTINGS Wed., Thurs., Fri., Sat. June 10, 11, 12, 13 WALT DISNEY PRODUCTIONS' WC" WAS iECNMICOLOR 01969 Walt Disney Production- ODD SEE REGULAR A) ON iPAGE 5 FOR DATES AND TIMES I M - - MINIM Now a good salary Opportunity -security for you in a business career Goderich - Business - College NIGHT SCHOOL Typing, Bookkeeping, Shorthand . (Tues. & Thurs. Evening). 524-8521 �. I I NI II 11.1110111k •. 4 wriirmsimen THIS SPACE RESERVE D W W W Vif-A ti THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR YOUR AD i ,THIS SPACE RESERVED .. 'T CYF �"-'T' LJ ucRl MEN'S WEAR • 1 Walter Tigert 192 M.ary St. For That CERTAIN Flair_ TELEVISION • IN MEN'S WEAR ,EARL RAWSON - MEN'S WEAR 6n The Square, Goderich` • • p Forourteous Service BLUEWATER TAXI 524-7405. PHILIPS PHILCO Mrs. W. Hawthorne 155 Nelson St. E. Colour Television S,ALES. ° ' and ERVICE 524-9432 RIVETT'S • 1 TELEVISION — RADIO 34 The Square Goderich 0 TRAVEL SERVICES SHOE STORES I a a n For FASHION RIGHT SHOES Mrs. Donald McKenzie 159 Brock St. The Place To.Go Is ROSS - SHOES The Square Goderich SPROULE SHOES Footwear For h X' A lug 4 w Y- 524-9174 Kingston St. Goderich o THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR YOUR AD .THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR YOUR AD THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR YOUR AD D. A. KAY & SON Painting and Decorating Contractors ' Painting, Wallpapering Draperies,"1761:"Sanding 33 'Huron Rd. 482-9542 Clinton i l THIS SPACE RESERVED. - FOR YOUR AD CONTEST RULES Each week -the names and addresses of 6 subscribers will appear in the Business Directory. . h• —Look for your name and address•in the ads. ' ` identification to ' �.:. 'table d .xr . �. 'recto a rtd sup. .w. 'h. the advertiser in- Flick n Pick up your passes by Saturday night closing. Only gubscribers to the Signa4tar are eligible.