HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1893-1-19, Page 4SA?�T z nz' J. • 1. ,t1),, 1893. R JOh7N 27I0111:A, 1 '' ON TRW �I.l t't 'of3;1 44t00ais ACT. At the dent Polki;ieal ga thering held astt nzdttY Toronto, ::While there were thirteen Cabitzet Ministers pres lilt-gill.,o , when' addressed the im• u l n i e se iztd dill ur x li ,; 1. SSnrl i doz ttatoc +,zlston--thy. ili,ty • Premier, ijir . John -Thompson, Was the przr,elpel speaker. able and t;tot tterit t zrns'1ie enlarg- ed _ 5 otun lUt lcl� si.•. upon z, c;i,e t ut , the pro- gress made by C;aaade during the thirteen years since the National Pol- icy lied beers in operation, the impetus l g1tut to our industrial rrsazi•ces and the importance of pnr'snitlg the same policy 'inaugurated by the • late Sir. 'Jettatcloietkl i s• dtsthat policy was upon oonse 'Vftive and pr'otective C 1 •t F zuu ptsin , as well as on a ficin itdlle,• once to British connection, 'To show- that howthat the new Premier was in touch v; irtl the commercial interests of Can, ada, equally with his admitted ability to grapple with legal and constitution- al questions, Sir John voiced the senti i, rr aaldnts of our leading merchants and business man by observing tt at the National Policy, so fair from having at Seined perfection, would be so moulded during the coming session of Perlia, anent as to admit of tarn reform— Showing that it was the duty of legis. 3ators to "trim the tree" and preserve its integrity "by lopping off the mould. erin • branches," The Premier had scarcely concluded his exhaustive ad- dress, when the.Uon. N. Clarke Wall- ac.e,whispered in his ear that some public statement was expected of him as the leader of the Cabinet on the vexed question of the Manitoba School Act, We cannot do better than give` -• for the benefit of our readers Sir John Thompson's otivn words, uttered on the spur -of the moment: and they are well calculated to allay anyirritation or excitement that may have been caused th enin xz 1; ds of the public • bointerest- . F by -ed politicians who want to make polio• 'oal capital out of the new.phase as- sumed by the Manitoba school question `We clip froni:the published .report of • the speeches, taken down by steno- liaplier5, the calm deliverance of the • Premier on this all important and deli- a;ale subject: '"Ladies and Gentlemen,—I heard cry and did riot know what it mea until I asked my friends, Mr. Wal/ac and Mr. Maclean, who told Me it • w "'Manitoba school" and that I was • e ;pecied to speak upon that'questioi (Applause.) . Fellow citizens, 1 hay nothing to conceal from you. on th, question. • .(Great cheering.) This is Question -which; as I said a few night ago, has aroused the warmest fooling of the people of Canada on both side of it: It is, let' me tell , you,:. howeyer a question for which there ia` but on solution,' so far as we. •are concerned and: that is to stand strictly by wha the 'eohsti:tution provides. (Cheers' An appeal has been. presrfiited asking, the Governor General and his 'Govern ment-to 'interfere with tire existing is stem of education in the province o' Manitoba, as it was established about a year ago Our right to interfere, to say nothing -of the policy of interfer- ence, is challenged by those who stand upon the other side; and within the next ten days we are' to hear that question discussed as to our power and our obligation under the Constitution to deal. with it. Let no man or tvaman. in this hall or elsewhere suppose that there Iurke•in the breast of any Min - tester of the Government of Canada a secret design to interfere with the leg ititnate'rightsand -powers 'of the 'prov- inces. roy- in c s. e •' �. Great • h� c ,.aIII i We will not of interfere the rights - and powers of any province;nor will we• desert any duty that is imposed m os e' du p upon 'us b the constitution, no matter how aiu fur it might he to our p 1, cr ob aioxious to others,; ` (Cheers) cis) I' want simply to im press upon i p you this one ,thing, that candidly and honestly we in'end. to be guided 10 that matter: by the constitution and tido. constitution as.i y. r t wr1l•'iie expounded b the bio. authorities that can be got to ex '•"it find n ta on of of by the; private opinion ' of an xnenlber.of;th ti y cCrovai•ninc;its, (Great ( cheeri "o• ' c u�,) When 1 tell : von, u, therofnre, • trhat•we intend to be guided g by the •eoii5titlltion, I ani not equivocating, and I a,in not ee cealing,_. The, whole question. will beat -stud, r, by the counsel een both sales in the face'af 'the silo whole pipe of Canada and trot in any sec .-set conclave, You, will see in tlic next 1:0 -days the argurneuts which dre lii'c• fserited on both sides, a.tldyou will' be able to , ;able, n a• n e s r and u i tit • value al � ue weight, that ought i , l e tt „ U to ye, aatacli�d..o thein, and , cs- ntti illy: yon -will be satisfied that whatever impulses move my one class of Clx.,p ople, wo have dollar our dot ",, ,e according to the whether ,, ,lata, tvhist,ht,l 1� agree with our religious 1r1 lir2 t,tluliS or is r " al<u t 1 t t.'�1 ` s he �r Yo u t tr ivt 1 not aslt,me to say nmre, fw' this masons °I'hat I worldprejudging C be a Case whirlcf has not yen,. been heard and which tvt, have 4c invited the Parties to p eli4 : t 1 h t'tS t. f fo t tts, aux a report of which ;'ill be fIrt sf',ii te' t to ,o0 in this cis?tl•sie el til nu:.t tart }. i'lit t't•'r � .r li,3j lits! tt't! a nt e Iva e the a s g s e ): and gentlemen, 1' have told you all that any gentleman could, • .cousistent with his duty, tell you oall we intend los of €+� a] all we�intend- 'to 1 Y ti O with g. , 3 every regard to•iG will he open to ovt,i G,i, 1 J nLdiallt man and woman, who cares to study thesubject or follow our course." (Prolonged cheers:) • TIL` AM'.CLrI?IC,AN FAD.. Encouraged doubtless by a few po- iitical pigmies, such as E. A. Macdan aid, and by such fossilised hypro ehondriaes'as Goldwin Smith, several of the American journals --for example the`Chieago .Herald and: • New York $un --••have combined to born the nexation fad. One of the main grol of argument, constituting theirp 'rat pal ;3tock in trade, is Anglo-phobi in other words, an'intense hatred of Britain. • We cannot for a moment be A, very pleasant event took place et the resident* 01 Mr, John Jermyn, tine township. of :J3iddttlph, on Weduees dayv evening, the t+ tk . r ; 1 1 z z 1. ¢ l s when his } 1. daughter, �, it , 11'lary Jdirzlyzi, and Mr. Will main Westnlau wore united in tete bonds of matrimony, There iwere a large number of friends present, and the. butte was the recipient of a number of v•tlu: l s the presents, Among th 'invited guests were:—Dr. IT, Lang" g• a 1 d t x wife, of Granton; W, D, Btallley,ex Warden, of the county of Middlesex, ;•tud wife; D. i•Vf.Jerniyn, reeve of ?iartQn, and wife; J. E. Murray and wife, of Granton; Mr's,, ?'lad •and daughters, of London; Rich ard`Jermv'n and MTrs, William Jermyn, both.of (rtrauton,: Samuel McKenzie, of London; William Lawton w ton axed 'wife of B1anshard; James 1Vestman and wife An, parents of the groom. The bride was ods dressed in cream satin, her sister Loth 1 •i elle, acting as .bridesmaid, and MrA. .Lan ;ftrd as groomsman. The maria a— age ceremony was conducted by Rev, jlr. 'Ie1�,a uson, Methodist minister at Granton. ' After the ceremony a hearty repast was partaken of, and an enjoy able evening spent.. The contracting parties belong to two of the most re• spectablr families ail the neighborhood their p Uel anoz�� the few pie Heels of'thd township of brddulph' who are now haft to tell of the rapid progress our country h. 5 ' made, 1 lieve that 1 ' d� 1 ethe intelligent 4 i x elle en t an d better �, e portion of the comnzuuity in the Unit ed States has any ss mpathy with suet) anti-British views; and the jingo -ism which animates many of the American journals proceeds from the 'base' e' mot ive of "enthusing" their supporters for the mere purpose of gain. We in Can ada entertain no feelings of jealously or hatred towards our Southern neigh bars, On the contrary we endorse the sentiment'expressed by His Excellency the Governor General, in . his address to the people of Chatham, "that an un der -current of warm feeling towards t' the United States existed in Canada, and that Canadians were anxious to cherish those feelings of friendship and to extend their trade relations within the lines 'of the Constitution." Indeed, we night say that every suc- ceeding government in Canada, Con- servatiye and Reform, has evinced a willingness to treat on fair terms with the Washington authorities for more extended trade .relations—without, however, sacrificing our nationality or deizig injustice to Canadian interests for the sake of pleasing a few pr American sympathizers. But speakin for the Conservative, administration ttawa, as well as for many royal R ormers, there is no intention or desir sever our British connection for an upposed advantage of reciprocal trad he American apapers, z n are laboriu and to im 1 s e ,. their' people p pope with th dea of British greed, and the incub f British dictation, and the intolerane British supremacy over ,Canada aten tints which have np fonndatio n fact. On the contrary, we are quit appy: and contented with our Britis nnection and oar relations with • th otherland;seeing that we are aide oar great enterprises and publi orks by British sribsidies and loan ndby Imperial protection of our ala nal interests without .money an shout price. But the most amusing gument put forth by the America ess to justify their plea for annexat n is the growing "exodus"' of our uthern neighbors to the inviting ids of the Canadian North West Ter' ory—"where" Cto usz the words of, e Chicago Herald) "there is an, em e of unsurpassed:'fertility where• ducts are being brought every year arer to market by trunk and branch s, -an empire which must become time the home of a thriving and sperous people!"' ` We are `thank. to. our neighbors for the'high opin expressed of our N. W. Territory we hail with satisfactioni °`. the re- fling e• ning•t'exodus"-of native Canadians m the Western States—but ive •, wish 0- g' at e• re y e e us e 0 e h e d 0 s t d American 0 s T h 0 of st i h CO in w a io wi a r pr 10 So fie cit the pir pro ne line in pro ful ion and tur fro them to understand' that we shall nei- ther be bullied nor:cajoled into saeri tieing our national independence, .arid that ourpeople with very few except-? ions. are resolved' to "hold .•,the fort" over which floats the old flag'th �, at has braved 1 e the battle and the breeze ' Our motto is:"CANADA FOR, HE CANAD IANs. Around d Aboli t (1ST DEA4•K of Mets. Mirk,— A sudden and sad death' -o pcurred'iil Ippon oil Saturda.,',, when Mrs. Thomas Meths w tS 11e4 hepee. She: leaves behind .her asorrow,in g`, husUant and eight young children, the youngest only a woe!: old. The ftrtferal service was conducted by Rev. S. Acheson, on Tues- day, and the•'$ody lard in Baird's cense. me< tery. Fhe deceased was belovedh,all tiwh) knew her'yl •antl her demise; is not only an irreparable loss touts i ,bNrLa vet3 husband 2nd little ales, , but will he sorely felt in the cotntnunitv..' WngistiTNG 'Weed: tlesdrz v ',seek ,l enc• e of G ° once pl'?st u„ et which happen ,a while took T f' „ nee a� tl re re i<' t p s .I �ucc, of Mr.Sohn Hied, Parr Lina;, to ct:ilebrate the . marriage, ceremonyof his ggie , doughte%Ma,��,•ic, l?,i"t;dr to Mr, Neil, Morrison, of VS'asltin;;toit. State, 'rho Rey. Mr. McDonald," of Varna, tied the hoot,i , .rlftel' the dere monye the guests 'sai down to, a'suto _,,, p tootle repast, 1, e evening W 18' spent very ' ti� asalt Iy in 'soda' chat, et' c The bride leckoved a 1 ere a1 t, tri l inter' i tr Of ttst ful and valnablo presents. The good x'it;lif rt of insnv fii ,nds go •with. titer vii,, i:str let to tlf':;:il' far O i ll0nir, u i stAarsts. Bainxs .• -In TTshorne, on the i ith inst:, Ann 13ai tey, aged 70 years, BItoWN.--IU Exeter, on the 18th' inst., infant son of T A. Brown, aged, ;3 days. 13nowN,--I11 Exeter, on the '1Gth inst; the e-ife of T. A. Brown, of a son, Morz,—At Crediton, on the 14th inst, the wife of William; Motz, of a daughter. KiDsTLE,-At Sharon, Stephen town- ship, on the 12tH inst, the wife of Jo- siah pestle, of twins -both sons, one still born. ON ! 5RiAL FCR 90 DAYS. The finest,.completest and latest line of. Elea: r teal al ollances in the world. They havonever failed to cure. We aro so positive of it that we T•:Ll back cur belief and send you any Electrical. Appliance now in the market and you can try it for Three 1rente . Largest list of testimonials cn --earth. Send for book • and journal Free. VV. T. acr & Co., ';- _na sor, Ont. News of the Week in Brief. Pork sold at $8.90 per cwt. on Satur- day in Meaford. Samuel Gaw, for 50 years a resident ofKingston,sto n, is dead, s 96 years. Mr. John L Sullivan has again an- nounced his retirement from the'ing. The 22,000 lbs. cheese manufactured in Canada for the World's Fair cost $8,089. The Manitoba government crop bul- letin'recently issued gives the figures of the wheat yield for the;proyiucn "at 14,000,000 bushels. The most consery ative estimates of the amount of wheat out of the farmers' hands is 80 per cent. Fire broke out shortly after midnight in a frame; cottage` on Tticumsey aven- ue, South London, occupied by Thos, Ross. The building was badly gutted, and most of; the contents were destroy ed. The fire Brigade turned out and prevented the spread of the flames. The loss will be in the neitiltborhood of $1,000. ,hrr. ?filo Gilson!; 'A stalwart teamster in.the employ of the GIens Falls, Y., Lumber'Conipany, says, that bothhe and his wife highly recommend Hood's 'Sarsaparilla. She failed a t�1to' gain' -strep th of t Strength eP a severe ' }!!Hess, Bolt mils+ sora blc She could. not ,sleep, , and had no appe tato. When s 'o took H3ood oi l.4areaparillra she began to plait up and was soon a, Bright. Iris own experience was that in the spring, "he was• all run down, had weal:uess and din. trees in the ntosiiach ' Flood's Sarsaparilla• brought himTo round all ri htand liB o' iSYlOwbCttepg�1 an '.'�tl.. d heavier tirau, for years past. Thousands es • lm y, , Y a est liSilliione of Poople,testify to the wonderful value of good's Sarsaparilla for that three! teelihd fit or weakness of Mind, nerves orod b y, It Is the helping hand .which restores full health and strength. `1Lir; John J: Scully, President Of the''Setymeil's ,q Union': 2Ga Cather. n S oet .T)etrolt Allcliigan, voiuntarlly writes as fl, Mass.: w folio i3- "T, T,;ilood'&Co.,LoWell Gentlemen:;^I feel in:dutboli J nd to tell ' • Ofthe benefit I rte, e-.. `ilvodfron IIo o di Sarsap»iila. Ilia' v9 , been' ,troubled with nervous dyspepsia, wast. d sired mud cram r.x<P with no ambition )' 0 5 1 Illi belt 0 work; my sieepwas, irregular. So I began. taking Ilood'e Sarsapa riIta. Tr on! the very that it Seemed to_bo just the thing ma. The wti•vrtte5 dyspepsia ,lia5 now enfiteiy gene, my appetite is excellent, x can eat 0::atrtily without distress after. wards ; 7C ndeep weld, r Sr and' C.t r nnvroabtil;' u Its '",„L's)'" tired feellnp, so frequent before I took Hp n :• Qr �s a /have a• f taken six (' n bot i .s will! rem/nine/tan ntY tlz • sisitsse rii3 mct<ineiiinetM ii J , J. Scirtl y. r• r'., 0 nzii 11 r 11• rir . l''.Ot,'.�i7 , ...Gc a z x ,s co .., tie loin t, t r ;e, erL""r. T.arriu#ci.K fii�: Cstlofi., te. !! ase.s 0 i r etay is crofts AvisINc h'• 1LLER EARY (juicidy cure l.� hthe r 9 11,,; s 7 coa,11s, Colas, Cana ore' • hott John Galbraith, living five miles from Paisley, was frozen to death the other day. . A few nights ago a gang of masked: men broke into the house of a ' widow named Mrs Skillings, who lives with two daughters a short distance west of Plattsvitle. They broke the furniture, smashed the,windnc's and ill-used the old lady considerably. Constable Lead er bas had the matter in charge and made several arrests, and to day two. of the suspects, ",named, Wrifrht and. Close, were committed to stand their trial at Woodstock. It is said there are more arrests, to follow. THE ADVERTISING Of Hood's Sarsaparilla is always within . the 1 t the bounds of reason because it is true; it always s appears to the sober common m n sense of thinkine•eo to be- cauee it is true; and it is always fully substantiated by endorsements which - in the financial world would be accept- ed without a,riioment's hesitation. A PRIZE REI3 JS A Gift for. Everybody Answering this Puzzle Correctly, $100 IN C ;.SH.. Jack and Gill went 'up the hill to get a pail of , In the above well-known Rhyme the word " Water "is missing, and is to be found concealed in the above eat of .rack and Gill. The publishers of Our Young People will ° give $100 in'. Cash to -tbn person who first can find the word "_Water in the above picture To the second: a fine Gold Wilton. To the third a line Silver Watch. To the fourth an elegant it+ive O'Clock Silver Tea Service. To the fifth an imported Rusks Box. To the StlikSiitiplcxi', pewriter. A Solid Gold Ring to each of the next two correct answers. A 5,'5 `Giold Piece to the next three. A -gold brooch to each of the next tell correct answers. A committee consisting.Offive teachers from the public schools of Toronto will be invited to be present and assist the judges in the award of prizes. • Each contestant is to cut out the Rebus and make a cross wil,har teadpencil on the five tetters (Water) and send same to us with ten three -dent Stamps (01.80cents in silver) for one yyears' subscription: to Our Yotarig I eople,which is a (large, beauti- fully illustrated 16 page magazine,) a beautiful. Lngraving`The First Kiss" wr11•be sent free by return mail toeve y answer received. Remember that you get the paper for an entire year and a charier, for one or more of the prizes. This is your opportunity and if you delay you will miss and regret it. . Vle will give to the last 20 correct answers received each a , handsome Souvenir Spoon of Columbus. f1>Vantau rr r5 Fon you To SAY whether or not you -will hirve Our Young People as a regular visitor at your home tor the next year, and a chance of winning one et the above prizes. If Toil are not perfectly satisfied with your invest- ment after receiving the first, copy of Our Yotin People you can haveyour one. back. •Isn't thisPfair. money The envelope which contains correct answer bearing first pogt-mak, will receive first reward and the balance in order as received. Be sure and answer to -day and enclose 80 cents and you will receive the best value voer ever 001 for the money. Address (Ili) ;OUR YOUNG .: PEOPLE, Kinn . Street West Torento Canada, 1'" 6 ', Sa.r3 M q . .n..t EXETER, f a 9 ro, 5: Every'"atLenti.on paid to •- .. is i. j �L L a''ygp.o ,�g`� _ Cutting, Hail C uttil'lg East n tat, t ta' Young, adtlie-uged or vid men guff ()twig tt(or(i the eft eats l;entfli, eslollies <n i iox ae sses " rssf od to ?ofec#lanioo1 eni vgor. A 111 'r5 New Nerve Forgo and Powerful Manhood. • Dines 9,ost Power, Nervous Debility Night Losses, Diseases caused. by /those, Over Work. indiscretion yoascco,Op1riutn orStimutants, Lack of Energy, Lost (iolnory, tiendaohe, Wakefulness ricocele. 1 Gleet and Yo• A C3 a' )iS r .heed Y 10 every ono using this Remedy according to dared• tions, or money cheorhdly and • conscientiously refunded. PAKE $1,00, 0 Ptli'SEf,GE$ $5,00. Sent by mail la any paint in U.s. or Canada securely sealed, froe froti duty or Dnspeetion, ' Write to -day iter ocr 1Zi�. 1rByJ`",'° rt• TELLs You Now To T WELL&STAY ritELL Address or cab on aiJEEfi1 MEDICINE CO,, NEW YORE LIFE Dills o 210, Montreal, Cant Hod s Wanted. dressed, or Alive.' Dressed Hogs Uptight subject to the following conditions: -2 lbs per cwt. off; 5 lbs extra if shoulder stuck; 3 lbs for either bung•gut' or gullet; if left in. All ][dogs' to be cut through from Tail to Throat. Highest Price paid for Hogs Weighing from 100 to 200 pounds, dressed. SNELL. �opSo THE BEST G.LU . E S AND WHERE TO BUY IDEM. IS AT THE PEOPLE'S GROCERY AND LIQUOR Q R STORE F. J. KNIGHT, -Proprietor.- New goods are ar- riving, every day, therefore leaving no chance for old stale groceriesbeing sold over the counter to our,cust0merS. What we want and what we intend to do is to sell the best goods,only. One Door South Opera Hall. CHRISTIE3S con—tior4L) LIVERY' First Glass RIGS And HORSES 0 LEFT 1 ORM RS � S ;;7+ L r AT THE HAWK SHAW HOUSE OR AT THE STABLE WILL BE PROMT LY ATTENDED TO, 7; o imp Zeal sozaetlalie Telephone Connection When in !need of a FALL SUIT I��eP O�CI'CO�I BERT. KNIGHT, The Clothier, Who gives the best satisfac- tion obtainable in the. village. He also has a hei from In his quarters: Over F. J. Knight's Grocer Store. Your Patronage Solicited. BERT. KNIGHT. C�N��d6 DRUG STOBD. -A complete stock of Pure and Reliable Drugs ALWAYS KEPT. !1eiit �lediciq�s, SjoRges IJfllfflStS SIIJ1I1IIS , At right and reasonable prices Prescriptions � ®ns and Fainily Receipts Carefully Prepared. ffiiirii's LEJJ1E!fl6Q pyggt the best in the market. C. 'LTTTZ.. PROP. PREMIUM PUZZLES. AN YOU FIND In No. 1.--A Lady and her Companion. 2— o, T . N oor n more Ladies des a t home. No. S.—One or. i more of Our Boys and Y - -• Girls. l Tito LADIES' CO\IPA•NTON' ii. a high-class a.s Illustrated.hia azfn6 of 9. pages and Literature. , S p s ng otit 1» its e. Art,. Fashign and Home '' Life. . 4 e Its matter w' Literary style'a11d itn'h of • u i beauty e ttl rU of the+ ishmenest—nt (in e cell nn 'i of I se t menta In isd1 of pickotprinted o embellishment and , ear ndorc 1 'letter -press it will take front rank, and to this end it will be on a line. heavy, C, C1V ca' y, rendered paper such as 15 used in no other Cauatlfan jntn'ttal. A perfectly fait- and legitimate prctrtimn sys- tem is adopted by its p ttt lshors, at great outlay, in older to quickly place it and its sister puhli cuneus at the head of all Canadian periodicals in point of circulation. The most exact moat faith will rb,o nkep1rt s wAhr eFv1e0SyL Jsnvb{sllerhiber.•x -.-r RomeeCanada', "par ex6ellenee. ;-. Nene on6 such hashetetofinebc6n offered at the riconly 50 cents per annum. OTTIR t3OYS AND GII11LS is a seaev theprice--25 ,lits .ceyeat. Ev r wantpervery bo ecu e l to r ,t;t.nrl, happily. it within the coag!! of all. !lino will solid in the first yy • p ,l e ist.aluh and secure aboys or gills OOI,D ��ATGiI 7 O —... NO. 1 LAT IP,S - ,t COMPANION ANION NO, 2 T,AI)Ik�.% �,HOME O N . 3—OUIiIHtJM AND I I S (312�L. I;B, iIUM IaST. PRPtt1iIU14I LISP:..: T'I;ICS{iUM LIS Pit11 f11'st r r T• , e so 1 seizin 1tz- p gp : WeFor the ' want 6entsf r ain the land fust oWiti t Solution oC Y zee t I„ ase will I'iard an ere•113316 No. 8 q•�1ntltosewontl I'tano, vol• �tiendps3oeeriteforahnlf+years P, watt be given :t' tiedat(535;;'thenettwillreceive subsea•ijftiontoLinrss.vrnous' boy's or girl's Geld`'Woteli; a maghincent Slel011 Ironer and at 1116 same Cute, while thus : to the second,' a 310 Goin Corn t ie.luulat165; Oiethtrtl, a8ar,rt i)iti;1s l'h•r'risn receiving rvouderfuL t value sor the third, a Str,ri;li WAxOTG'' x,''the i'ocrth,a , Stvfss btt;8rr1 Bax; the ii011 thatsmail atn0ntit,totryltndso- toelze fotuth, a ss Goan 00stc n:S•t,` e Yr tlT h,r rI•.f i r ,h zt e s h ri cure f eofth6 t1 otheft e on n fth a f i evalualu6 full sized !i ixth, aAYOxt (tb'r a 131:aoclt ; the seventh u' premiums. For the haasl correct PoxraAir •, (tithe. sixEh, a,girT'9 GA-slotrt r l.Atir• the eighth O. solution of puzzle No. 2, evcwill 8,,, atr vutt ' Frye O'Cro011 TEA ritvard a Gold watch ; -for' the vr.x A7lo,lx, to eaclrofthe SeTT T ; to the next' ten will be second, a beautiful 81811 Dittyss tient ten. 31 oan Iiizeoca, Te c,t()RAYON' , t I o 1 t rt rr t"-� of cr ••� ' L 1),nx• third, hda tine r6 Scty to .the h:. to cilli' t,e 'gender idei a Other Sir, 1i .rut t} VE e sender or friend, n i y e d, tYaa Cit' fotn•th' ani .ic , IIS Box• $he, ...,,;a;ndvnhttdatdr0• '[`o fifth. t�drert;and,totlt4Gvc,preced- 11 middle tl the ulrl e sennet and the torr fel- the five fotipFtilnCf it CIt:iYox Ing, Each ryi:iiandsaine Torr;rr 'rant;rwiill;ezazrderlitneleoant I>ttr'rirhrt e•rrh. liothemiddle• CAs�r; nndto the fi tr), Blowing , OnAPISP0111'11 11 ofeendcr01' senthn,''a 8;131n1 WAr0li; to tl,etnidde 1, any friend. The sender of letter ttie lire following, a. it i eae aS3otnilxoocu. het, ring lli.te t , +Ir , ' _ , t, C AYn•7'. ;, s i o t tat t ,previous I urs ri:h rig. To the Inst corrt•c Lo, the lest mafient previous a to ,d.rrch.lst. next.: will receive 8. answer t 1? G s et ma9led previous to March Manic nat.:n The h ext ex, lie t n Cxorntt�•rr;'r 7,1t,i5t:nrlernext' tgY.next�aC.,nrrtyltie;rt'Ir,andio, ' even. to, last will receive n St 1,1110 th i swiss vlUsiC ilex, 'And to sire WA bel o live preceding, r;, cue}t a , •, ,telt plvrctlittg, each u (r,,,:Yo:t 1 ort'r'ut Alt r• valued, n • telt$ prcC6tlr`n); .the last 8°01-0 , Cn,tyOE P.ui,•rliA.1'•. e t T. ✓i't• lilibeC fC e^.ch. li t 1 0 Ce . c ur i Qi s 7 n . h C C 1' ottese Ct�rtl;itIon n:=-l.n;rseon trs- C r omlttmarl et e tont must mark fnceg in' puzzle a e t T:agh con . i y t of must mach faces in puzzle sant must Y • in ink • r e 01 Halo fcut .2ci puzzle or pencil. 1 I - advertise- tt•, - 1 .d in i ink advertise- Il : pencil,' ' t2 l cut >' 1 li.I„e in 11 t ) of enc 11 cut ive, t3 r , t r eo . Hent out nit t tl fo to n9 t,r1 with t i 1 iii 4 ti int nut and forward . t r i I"1 t , ntu tei:� is With n • t. I t U es and tot wa ui to tt i3' �� s Wit IT lel I 'a 1 pt flit Ittl U fl ..tlh stri thio. Y,' . n , C�nG s i s mr six !01110 •.ahset tip so n to for one year's suer ass, InthoLnnri;r,�,nur;ivtox..Arl- tine tot)c 1,h1)1r�,r n, rr! ' A r HOME, tier' e Ni t_, dress, � Urrt. r s > . A LA. r,,, ns s , CO 1P • a v ,r r , 1t e.., >, T , �nxr, �s �r Address, UlI3 BOYS �C' U1,. 8I i . t. . � ,Nf)-. West, 1 S;OY O11 t It i1 o ,f C L I„ King Street 1 ,r C t West, �(, ,l t,t s C 0l,`1 b t 1 1 , Bina' 1 Sts ee t Cat ada. iV o•ort 1 r,, a. L dtt: iaronto, Can N R„ ---0o mire :s, Write '...^v._•• l't (,,v; 11,0, o S ..,w... ,.-. � + ,. t c 1,l.ildtrlxtllraiiily in flay;. tilly?'tla nterlt' 3rattr.; (11,17.B 8 t'x ;i. T,every i',t 50 (0 l c tr cj)i to the first received!) • 11 lust, us 10 real'iy stihanl antro d zi> scents each we win give a Hnr 1 r,1),O r Icor tl•.6itt t 11313,1 311, u, L'at`h 01118 3ol,00e. 30 also hag an opportunity ofohtininiug one of site ttl oi's mentionedvaluable presrriums.