HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1970-06-11, Page 41 4' CADEUUVH SW9NAL.TST4R,,'i URSUAY,:JUNF 11,1910 4 The Goderich outh Centre will .possibly become reality, this week and •whether it liveor dies is, at this, point, immaterial, The im rtant thing, is that something. was dome and the talking, at long last, has stopq&ed. e wonder how many worthwhile ojects fail to get off the ground because of the wet blankets who find that second guessing the future can be an entertaining Way of squashing a plan? We hear often that communication is lacking in the world. Sometimes we wonder if people.,, really know - what communication is. Is it sitting down and discussing ones problems with no thought to how long discussions should go on? Is it meeting with the&opposition'.t_o find out if, perhaps we have had the wrong idea on their ideas? Or is it merely trying to understand a problem and find a solution Y< th f�ryouth' to_ it?. - We would say the last. Discussion does not necessarily mean communication. To communicate we must understand each other. Most of us .do not .understand ourselves, let alone adult. can only be described as one who has ' gained wisdom and:. MATUR'lTY through years of experience. ., .But even if that is the correct definition for ,an 'ad It, the experience gained by that adult was in the past. That's a natural law. How then does that experi'ence qualify any person to say what the young people of today want or do not want? And that's really what this thing is all about. It isn't a question of what the young people should .or should not do in order to become "better citizens." It's a matter of giving them the freedom we "adults" strive .so hard to maintain;.. the freedom to do their own thing in their own way — without ,interference from any "adult." If__,the youth centre fails it will be because there is not enough support to justify a lot of young people spending their time and energy trying to keep the thing going. It will fail because they loose. heart. To try to give the youngpeople reasons why this thing is likely, to fail — such as drugs, booze etc etc is not only unfair it is not logical. These vices .are :present in the ----milers.. est of xis; .-.er x, •, rpt rritym wfset gr,. leve -As~ trth- young people go, seem to be cautious of centre -or-not. To --those- -who- give -these letting, them do anything by themselves, reasons we would say: have a bit more molly 'because we do not understand faith in the calibre of the young people —it different.` the, Who have . stated -_centre; those . __ their ...woad and_ is .to �. . average adult's world. Communication is - others who claim the, young people now a two-way thing, have a "responsibility" to the rest of the We `heard arguments—against a youth young people to make this thing work, centre for Goderich. Many arguments. and- a„ "responsibility", to see that this . None of the arguments were valid because does not happen or does happen, we none of them was based on fact. would gi"e these statistics: in 1969 1;500 It was argued that the centre would died on tie roads in Ontario alone: 71,000 • become a den of iniquity -with dope others were injured, many of them addicts, pushers and their ilk overflowing maimed for Life. Those "accidents" -.were from the windows and doorways we . created , by people who also had a presume. It was argued that young people responsibility — a responsibility to see . cannot run their own affairs and need an they were fit to drive a car or truck or bus ."adult" to help them out, and'so on, and or motor bike or whatever kind of vehicle so on. _. . was involved. Last week ' the Goderich But what is an adult? A person older Safety Council started a modern driving than the young people? A person, male or course at .GDCI in the hope of .getting `female, a'who, presumably, knows more more information on proper driving„ _ about things than the young people do? Is procedures across to- the Oublic = the a person adult merely because they have "responsible" public. There were : 17 been fortunate to live longer than others? persons registered out of a town with a If that is so the older one gets the -more °" work force alone of 2,500 people. seniority'We would get and the -oldest Who will speak row of responsibility? would then be the wisest. Give the young folks a break, leave We all know that isn't true. We think an them alone. Let youth be for youth. • 1111u1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111u lII W .8 Snip and S • • BY HARRY JAY 2 9 - PLUS ANYONE ELSE WHO CARES 1u8111111111111111111111111111111r11111111111111i111111111111111111111111111111m11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Ili • It is our bold opinion that the citizens of Goderic.h.and district, being possessors of open and sound minds and attitudes, require a medium ' whereby they can convenient;v read about and hopefully come.to understand the many new ideas which the young of all ages are thinking and perhaps desiring to_realize. The content and success of this column cur Losity. he presumed silent understanding ,which so often expresses itself deceptively with shy pleasant smiles followed by polite probing remarks concerning the Wingham forecast' or 'relative' rumours, must extend through meaningful and productive dial9,guejn10 the neglected' fundamentals. This has. already begun in education, public health, --�a�iU- be--- reatlY de err +ned---by=- t4i SUNSET Photo by Ron Price IIInatiaimaiam111Wtlll i lumulu llmaiiIIIIIrlII1111ialuilaulimu11111rI itai1111111IIanui111111aulimainuamIWI111111111gII onalj111111 mitallllltlllllll saw • Words of Wisdom 4 4 A Every• investigation which is guided by principles of Nature fixes its ultimate aim entirely on gratifying the stomach. — Athenaeus lete You•'can't judge modern 'girls by their clothes — there just isn't enough evidence! anon Remember When ??? 60 YEARS AGO The county council has decided to buy a new flag for the pole in the court house park. This will put a stop to the suggestion that a pocket handkerchief be presented to the county to take the place of the abbreviated piece of bunting that ' has been doing . duty for e soeia I— aRel--economic- --programs----at=~tri i - te-ti me: response of its readers, .either via direct contribution or• indirect comment. The original authors will eventually then become mere editors of. every and any topic which a reader wishes' to be discussed or to have .,us .investigate. - As potential editors, we do not desire to • become referees for opiniated . intellectuality but desire to .. foster tolerant" communication based on • reasonable ' objectivity • and just considerations.' - ' However, these are but pretty words so far. - Nonetheless, we blatantly assume that man's' inner need toknow must9extend beyond superficial and indifferent government levels, religion, blah, blah, ad infinitum. This column can perhaps be of assistance in this community's re -search and re -turn to authoritative sources and orgins. for purpose of extension or alternatives. Again, only pretty words so far. Next week, we hope to shift from the.. generalized tone of this virginal edition to specific , consideration of Goderich's supposed neglected :adolescents; for example, is what they "need compatible with what they want? We invite the young of all ages to share their ideas. Send a note to us c/o The Signal -Star. 'snip, snip, snap. EAR,, EST• ABLISHED eigita'‘1-alshurtar,123rdof Y 1S4r atle Gi3bertrila —0— Thi County Town Nowspapar of Huron p U R L CA T I O N Published at. 6oderich, Ontario every Thursday morning by Q Signal•Star Publishing Limited TELEPHONE 524-8331 area code S19 ,ROBERTG. SHRIEK, president arta .publisher RONALD' P. V. PRICE, n gnawing editor SHIRLEY J. KELLER, women's editor EDWARD J. BVRSKI, advertising manager Subicription Rates $& a Vest ---To .u.• ,Second class mail $7:501in advanc* registrat.ioi nur.lber — 0716 Toodles, the town treasurer's bulldog is no more: It died the other day, evidently ; of poisoning. The Colborne Township Council is improving the road on Sands' Hill and erecting a fence alongside the road at dangerous A points. - Several farmers are sowing their corn over again, the seeds having'lotted in the ground. 25 YEARS AGO The question of establishing a .public restroom was again raised in council. A few years ago the proposal that a rest room be provlided.in connection with the Court House made some progress, but was dropped, and the chairmen 0g the public works and parks committee were asked to look into the matter again. -Louis Lane, who has purchased the to 'i business of Clayton Edward, and who comes to Goderich froeaforth, was in the RCAF for tree years. He was recently 'released from . the service and is starting In business on his own behalf in Goderieb. c.di ti .. t}A��1 �• �,. � lar• �, 1c c n Juvenile. Court for the two counties.. Dr. Habbs Taylor won the election in the south and Hanna won the election in the north for the Conservatives. The Drew government is returned with 67 seats out of 90 in the Legislature. 10 YEAR'S AGO ":4•44411 44494 business of the Mustard Coal Co. Magistrate A, F. Cook Of Perth and .1-itirdiv counties has been .appointed: judge of the Brent Nelson was -selected president of Goderich Junior Chamber* of Commerce at a meeting held Tuesday. He succeeds Larry Aldham. About 40 veterans from Westminster Military Hospftal, London, made the annual fishing trip to Goderich harbor on Wednesday. At a meeting of Morning' Star Masonic Lodge here last night, a past Worshipful Master of the lodge, Frank Clark, Goderich, formally made the presentation to the lodge of one of the most unique individual- collections of Masonic jewels to be found in Canada. Goderich has six dogcatchers -- and none. of them willing -- according to a statement made by J. K. Hunter, town solicitor. ONE YEAR AGO The Federal " Department of Public Works is to install larger fenders on the east side of . Snug Harbor dock. St. George's Anglican Church was host for the spring meeting of the Huron Deanery Monday, June 9. a By G. MscLeod ROfs rl w. HORRIBLE INEFFICIENCY . The `Globe & Mail' has been publishing a series of instances of horrible inefficiency leading to waste of taxpayers' money. One of the benefits which Heliyer promised resultant on his emasculation of the Armed Forces (known now as' the Disarmed Forces) .was ,financial savings, One of the `savings' was the need ifor different uniforms. (Explorers .into Darkest "Africa will probably -discover the. population clothed in what_ the well-dressed 'soldier of pre-Hellyer days wore.) New uniforms required new 'caps, Between 1964 and • 1966 some 55,000 caps were' ordered:'Before delivery it was found that the peaks "bubbled" -- 4000 ,of them in fact assumed this strange disease. It was diagnosed as "incompatibility of adhesives" . by the Psychiatrist of the Supply & Services Department. They „were replaced ,free of cost by the manufacturer. In 1967 the newpeaks were found unsatisfactory. There had been no• amendment to the specification for adhesives. However in 1968 the spec. was amended to demand "a suitable flexible adhesive." It Still. was not specified that the peaks must not "bubble." In 1969; because of the `flaw' in the spec, of 1967 the manufacturer .was reimbursed to the tune of $15,000 for the '4000 caps, as well as for the remaining 11,000 which no one could use because'the spec. had been changed. Later in .1969 a further 5000 peaks "bubbled and rippled.." This was the last straw for the Supply & Services Dept. The caps were declared surplus, so you may meet them also on your safari to Zanzibar, or Khartum. . 4, Nowadays it is the accepted thing that the government is, always wrong unless it specifies everything. This is the way most money is made at government (taxpayer) expense. It is part and parcel of the success of the "lowest tenderer," aliasthe man most likely to succeed in buffaloing the government experts." Well;!°the Civil Service has always been a branch of the Welfare Dept. Long ago I recall that the War Office' paid up for a reservoir, contracted out, at s- camp named Tidworth, near .Salisbury.. It failed to hold water and the contractor pleaded that the spec. did not require that it should. How naive can'you get? ►s5 t, - A LITTLE BIT OF SUGAR FOR THE LION "Once again you and your organisation can be proud of your cm i cation=oto hey �snccess k.. f,...:. t ' :: A-pollo -LLpr amore. —Communications -were -never better than during Apollo 12. During every critical phase of the flight communications were always available when required. Thank you for helping -to make that • possible." This-si the tribute ute ' "Cables & Wireless", a merger of 28 ----..,._..�...__._.-...._ to _._ companies and services over a century into what is now the biggest international telecommunications organisation in the world, from L. R. Stelter, the NASA chief of, Communications. Since the first association between the two organisations in March 1959, Cables & Wireless -has satisfied . every. challenge issued by -NASA from tracking stations in Nigeria and Zanzibar to the Ascension aerial which locks on to the satellite -and follows its slightest movement without the need for voice control. Voice and data information are fed to the earth station from the Ascension island's tracking station and transmitted to NASA . control centre. The reverse °process occurs from NASA control to a space orbitinsatellite. Cables &.Wireless Limited has its'he�.ct'office in London,,W.1. LETTER WRITING. Is letter writing your strong- point? Do'you come down' in the morning -with guilt lying like a.great suet pudding on yourstomach? You have suddenly remembered there are 20 days to Christmas and you haven't thanked Aunt Agatha for the present she sept; youlast Christmas. How does.,your ingenuity_c�ea1 with this sort of situation? Above all don't make the mistake of buying large sheets of 'notepaper: You will never be able to fill them. Then there is the probelem of how to begin a letter. When you write: Dear Sir/Madam...why must you end up `faithfully'? Being faithful to someone of indeterminate sex sounds' dippy in the extreme. Then suppose you have managed to finish a letter, there is the agony of remembering to mail it. Do you too make those ghastly discoveries deep in the pocket of your fur coat? A letter you wrote weeks ago, which should have gone off pronto. That is bad enough but far worse is' the letter you should have written weeks before which has to be camouflaged as dated the same number of weeks before. mere. the dope is to screw, crumple and partially masticate it, having first predated it to the day it should have been written. Then write on the back of the envelope: "Terribly sorry. Just found this in my coat pocket." In our. house, it is our dog that_ gets .most of the. mail. That is because in a fit of extreme anger with the direct Mail forms you receive I returned then' all in the dog's name. Now he is inundated with information about lawn mowers,, washing machines, cameras. and hair setting mechanisms, free packets of tobacco, coupons for 10 cents off.on Tide etc. etc. not to mention offers to regrow fallen hair. There is an entrancing story of the girl who went to a Hunt Ball were everybody was unbelievably unfriendly and turned their pink -coated backs upon her as soon as they discovered she didn't hunt. After dinner her'hostess said in a loud voice to a crony: "Isn't it dreadful how young gals don't understand about balls these'days? And --they haven't even the manners to wear long dresses". As the oily other person wearing a mini -skirt was a Scotsman our heroine realized the hostess must mean HER. It was then .tha. ';he dog of the house, realizing her'humiliation, laid alarge yellow paw on her knee. Later she repaid rudeness with rudeness. She wrote: "Dear Lady X, thank you for having me to dinner. I did so enjoy meeting you dog". SHORT R($' -. SAVE 20c1b. AST 'OF -BEEF Mr.. and •Mrs. • Gary Doak are pictured as they step from St George's , Anglican Church Saturday, June 7 following their wedding ceremony: Gary is a defencenian with the Boston Bruins of the National Hockey League and many -of the big names in• hockey were present ..iormeiH udith' Is belle Shi re,� daughter , Jives Shore of Shore Gifts and Appliances. a ' r l • • ENGLISH CUT. — SAVE 20c Ib. ROASTS FRONT GUARANTEED TENDER REPEAT SPECIAL •-•• (CUT FREE) TRS OF BUTT - LEAN BEEF 1 �b. 79 4, ti "J t ' 0 4