HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1893-1-19, Page 3WOTYEAN AND RED WAYS. what Ito Well -Brod Gid Will Avoid ill Dross. TALKS FOR HOUSEWIVES. THE sub- jeetf ," A young girre cereal Mre. .13urt0O, UM' 'on *rites in t h e Ladies' ' II onte, Jour - 9i follows : Aie. a. first generelrule to ' be followed, HJJ 011eiSteuiptee to ley dowia ae. avoidance of -eccentricity. Go, ia .eaelY days of 44 openings, ' into ahy of the greet shops or -emporiums for thee diepley o fashioue for the minima and yru will turu over gra, tesquerieeof stuff', cute combivation, trimming, . of wbieh the inotliete ur - .ahopmart will ever ehet they are positively tho leitest, newest, beet .enodels of their kind ; too eoetly, too -good to be00Me OOMMOD nihefs d'oeuvree of ,artiste, renowned in Paris rixd. Lowion; • Whorie names, indeed, they bear. Confused, dazzled, a 'gill rushes into the, nteroliaee'ot • emiate .conapietious govvo or het or pniket, or ..all three; that aro deal -heed to advertise the wearerwherever she appeere ; thee in three months' Anne he is tome imitated in eheap • ,sbuffe to her diegnet ; -and that., worsts -than all, the first general., gathe.rieg of worieen who diese, not item the shops, but from the Penetralia of great irepoeters, or at ,firs hand from Londonot' Pyxis, will 0how. her • :to be exageeretiries iniede to sell to the eininitiated.'' • The clistieguithing Marks of the beet coo- feebions in costume worn by the retog- . nizect leedere of fashioe iu America, will always be found JO be good nieterial and • an abundance of it lininge and unseen portions au good he quality -sometimes Much better than the exeerior stuff ; 'a cut • that cloitely follows the linee,. or discreetly , drapes them, o1. the figure it . adorns ; • harmony in o1ors, and With trimming only where trimming is naturally designed to be. It has come to bo, in New York for ' instance; an uneireeteulaw that girls of the conspicuous fashionable „set appear always on the street and in the mornieg hours clad in elhee teilopmede gowns of uoinbte hue, wearing hate end jeckets and carrying umbrmles or nareeole all" of corresponding tieverity in st3d.e. • The 'cot " cavalier " oloake loaded' with passenaenterie ; the head -pieces that • are se grove of waving flowers and Doering . . points of stiffeirea, minion ; the ride:10mile • parasols . cepaietiug of ribe Covered with =gauze and cleeked with flortimiege-none ot • these find -their way into the street wardrobe of higbrse fe.sliton. The beet extunples orsteoh. coquettish eeed exaggerated .gar- , iments are reserved for lawn parries, ' coach- eng meets or Claremont teas, and -are seentin ttheir nrieridiennof eplendoe at Newport, Bar Ilarbor. Lenox.' an'cl .other sneer rallying- tpleoes Of, people Who seek their kiad in . ;egret:tea e la mode. iieneeritien aws or society. T egoodmorniog abould he given in a -cheer nil nunieer, Endeavor at breakfast to ,be interesting .and converse on eubjects that are pleashig to others. It is an oldoisteldished notion that "" children should be eetin tend not heard." An occasional telk-by the little folk is not eobjectioeable ; yen at the same. time they :should not monopolize Menversation or at- . tention. They have their place, end it is tan. injuetice that they should at the farnily board always be anent. • Personal red -mike and questions solicited 'Or a private natura are leob only had form, but exceedingly irritetinge aid". vulgar. • Respect the reisforturree of others, . and • show deference to :their sliortoorniegs and bodily ailments,, for it is a sien ,of good sbreeding and Nide° coesideration. • Among the nsagee al gool sociene the dinner is: the one form of entertaniment where punctuelity should be strictly recog- , ,nfeed. To be late is a .grieVerie error. .To ,areitie too 'earlei is in Many iintencis eine barrasaing. Five minatee before the titrio appointed isa zigid. neeeeeity. An invited guest should observe these rule, and his so doing is a, geed index to hie social. etanding. • • Avoiri cenversatiMne that refertodomeatio. affairs, headaahes,toothechee, children's dis- oats's, tragedies, ameideete and persorialities •of all kinde, A constant itomptaining of fain- iliy disasters is not only distressing, but an • upheaval of physical woes and household oalarrrities is en num:net:ace that -under the • best of circumaeances it is too generous to ' bear. nroeting, a Seek. • Never wash a steelt if it eau be avoided, ' This advice does not meet with the appro- bation of some cooks, but these neat bodies .are very careful if the ' meat ie -given a drenching to wipe, it pee -featly, dry before • -cooking. Before , you place your steek on • the broiler are that your fire is egloWing bed of coals, and have close at hand butter, atilt, pepper and ci.hot platterNow place cut on the broiler, and drop it upon the coals for two mieutee, when it ' muse be turned. In this way you slieoure the juieea, and it is . then ready to receive a more moderate treatmene. Wat,ch it constantly, end turineio dexter, • °tidy that it will not sneolee or ecorele Ten 'minutes is all that is needed for a rare broil.' Take a keen blade and cut into the thicte est art. If the heart has lost its purple tinge transfer it . onceto th dish, Sprinkle liberAlly with bite of butter, salt and pepper. e.Unleas you have a hot, water dieted° not esend the steak,in to the table uotil all the family are seated. 'Tough .steak may be tined° eatable by laying it on a board and making elighe incieiens in the meet, when, ..if le isirubbed with the etrained. juice of a- elemon and, placed °nice over night it will be ready for breekieste • Selecting , • In. selecting a -Yellen great, if not greater, lle Was Iretscoaal. , -ore ehould be employed than Whorobityieg ea hat,. . Miss Ancient --Here is a oentyry plant we ,It elienhd. be tried •over the/ fates • before purchusiog,' for there are certain, PriSe very highly* ' •Plightey-Yes, ye rt ; beeattifulecharming, "kinde that can torte a pretty woman tete a positive fright, while others make a plaitt 1 SuPPPF48 you raised from the seed eone very ateraetive looking. A bide veil- silonki °My • be worn by a women of higkeelor, for the tide luis a ten' 4' lam dripping wet," said the maokin. gileney to increase one'li pallet, The bordered toeheas it oaine in andshook itself. "You unless .acijileten with- great nicety, ought not to bomplaing, replied ' en° geld *bee theeirepreenon.of too great length fo watch, 4' you are not sioaked Ilea as leech the faiie, The style is 'gradually becoming tie I am." lees popular.. , For ladies in mourning thei'mado veils in e; mete with a borderofcrape, are in many '11, -Canes Worn' entirely to the exelusion, of the longer Ones that were onee considered • requitdee to show the depth of one's grief. These, long seed, cittitheitsome affaire eieuse eletted, effeote all are, bge loeg as' they are faehioeo,ble won= wj eoatinue to weer them, eyesight or no eyesight. 'Figures of any !girt should be religiously eitmlnewed, as fern 1eie2 or butterfly, though pretty and decorative in themsolycs, lose all theme qualities whea eeb in the middle. of Women's forehead or en the end of her nose. •Year ileitie Derighler'e fromen If yoe wieh to errange your libel° daleghterte roorn so thet it ithall to inieh at' tratitive mid steeple, pipet' it with blue and make a dad° of arena/ oretoune, stempod with blue and yellow daffeeile. Let the ceiling paper be of yellow and white, and pitilit the woodwork' (new. Heve a brass There are few people in this vieinity who berletead or a white enamel tipped With do not net know Mr, Tiros, Mope, of Wal - braes. Have a gay quilt with White and denier. He hes been for .years the truet- yellow, Merk the towels, theete end pillow worthy section foreman of the 0. P, Be in 00,8013 with her Monograrxi in blue and the division in whichhe resides and the ex - yellow, and one daffodil in the corners. L.1 et emplary life he alwaye led has givehim a the ourtaine be of cretonoe, lined with respectable status in the community.He pale blue, and have white frillecl muslin s a gentleman who is thoroughly 'reliable, curtedoe underneath.. Do not forget the and when ",Tom "Mots tette you anything Work-beeket aud table, the writing • desk. yea cam depend upon ie ever tittle. This by end the hanging boolaseelvee, arra have el vey of prelude to An interesting story the the pretty and innocene pintures you erte Star has to tell. For emeo time pat a great ceowd ow the wall. Melte yoer little cleat of novel mid entertaieing litefature daughter's rooni a heaven to which be the has appeered iti the' columns of the press tlreery 'years to crime themey look beek throughout. the countryegiving the particu- witla eweet memories. • lure of cures bordering oa the-miracaloue, teattertione neat. •in varieue parte of the country, These who "It is f4314°Y to saPP°se t4l'At ittlejet'dQns telhaevieneewtrehe'egeithnele iraetivoe8leeneirusatzlildarie have put meat is wholesome," seed phyeiciaet It is diatinotly unwhormome, All foodg- romances, or conne "to the conalurdointhat meat, iregetablee and bade-nmet be pro- truth is indeqd etrenger than fieti°n. Tho poly coolie('11 they, are to be preperiy Star must confess that it did not pay meet' digested.specially In echools, ( half- . attention to the reported miraculous cures cooked beef is frequently given to. Wye with until about a meneh ago, when it was told the Welt that it le etrengthening. This is a that a cure quite as notable as in.eity of „dente, ; 11 15 never hall ee wholesome or thoee ptiblish.ed,had been wrought within a digestible as if theroughly coked. It hi few miles ofGrand Wien- The faot is true that sometirnee 'ehreded rave besf j that great cures, or accidente, or tragedies, given in exhausting diseeeeg but eine ao when they ciocureluadreds of milesaway a medicine, and, like most medicines, it is rnrk° mtitter.hew exeiting liew thrilling positively injorions to healthy persons' -do not , usually arouse more than a Washing races. • pasting interest when the .actors or the central figures Are entirelent unkuown. Cere should always be observed in wash- Bub let isomething occar in one's own ing children's htees 116t to leb the soap gst neighborhood analogous to that reported in the eyes. A physiciaie weites : I think from re 'distance, and with what different it ()fuel to 'alloW the face; ansi eyes to be eeelinga ie the news received; We had washed over with soap in the 'CnareCa and reed oemii.aelee wrong/it at Trenton, Lon., rough way in which 1. have often se.mr it don, Hamilton and other plume, through done. Some nilisee anneal' to take a sort the use ofDr. Williams" famous Pink Pills 'ef morbid delight in its einployment inthis for Pale , .reople: Bee we ever° not. way. Even to an adult, seep in the eyea ie acquainted , with the parties restored to a very pantie' ordeal to go throegh; in the health; we were in the enjoyment of good end it inevitably preductee clironie, some- gealth ourtomie, and the memory of the umes acute, optheinda. In weseing, great things done in other sections passed dretee faces with SONO uee fine flannel, a from our .mind. When we are told, how - sponge or the corner...of 5 trweeL. ever, that we had Only to drive down to ' the Care of Beds•the pretty village of Waldemar to get the In a recent article by Maria Patios there full particulars of a miracle a striking as are 130010 suggestione in regerd to beds. niany thet had been reported in the news - The 'eastern' of spreading up beds i8- 00 papers, we were at once iiitereated. Wewere common as to be almost universal. Said a farther told that 1VIr. Thos., Mess was the woman who set hereelf' no' -eti'ari etrodri- man who owed his restoration to health enced housekeeper: "I,alwaya take every- to the use or Dr. • Williams' famed Pink tieing Off eetrety bed in tee hewn: uuca Pals. Remembering, that Mr. M080 had week.", As if every article eheuld uot be been laid up with rheurnabism at intervals taken off and twee and the mettrees turned for seers, and that there was a time last over every day' in the Week 1: Noth hie less spring end mum -tier when his familiar face than this is wholesome, and nothing eine was eutirely niiesing from the the railroad, will insure sweep, healtingiving sleep. In the Star determined -try see him and get a her article Maria l'arloa says : confirmation of the story afloat, as to the "In the meriting take (noir sheet end cure by the usa of Pink Pille. Oa seeing blanket fronn the bed separately, and hang Mr.' Moss and gebting the story from him, overLchirs so that the wieed 'will blow we foiled that his Story was even More ear- throegh them. Shake up the, pitlow end prising than the One 'Much; had. been going bolsters and placethin in the air, and turn the /rice' rounds: Mr. Moss, had not only up the mattresses so that the air will etre u- been troiabled with rhenmatiein, butsois.tice late abciut them. Air the room and bedding of ri most painful type, and had elec.) been for at least an hour." afflicted with broechitis, which he had no You Know crime to regard as Chronic. That eggs covered when frying will cook ',THE PATIENT'S STOEL much more evenly ? • That if you heat yew' knife you can cut " What Yon have heard is quite true," hot beead at samethiy as cold ? said Mr. Mossin reply to our query, "1 • Dove a toile bus dredged over ens, top have used Dr. William? Pink Pills with . wonderful results. For years Iliad been noitua,g ?ca•ke keep the join" fr'm rtul' a, sufferer from rheumatism and bronchitis, and had come to look upon both as chronic. ougle'eramit tdhou;ewtheri,tsioogfooan‘ f. oerggil, chwilithwaitlhittalne nest Dewing I met with further trouble. irrstablo °mach 2 when 1 had the misfortune to be afflicted • That clear, bleck coffee, diluted. with With a severe attack of eciatica. I became water, tend containing a littie ammonia, will so bad that I was laid up, and for Berne Meer se and restore heck clothes ? vendee . was unable even to move. Many of the That a large slice of raw potato in the ditiou I was in. There Was an men on the line can tellyon of the con - fat when frying doughnuts will prevent 'accident' on the 1...4,,et epeors ,from appearing on their the road and .1 had to he carried to a hand car that I might bo brought to the scene surface? That by rabhiog with a flannel cloth of the occurrence, in order that a proper dipped in whiting, the brown discoloration report might, be made to the railway euthoritiee. I leelieye I would atill ha-ve may be, teken od of cups which have been used for baking? been helpless in my house, or perhaps with That 'a little powdered borar. in baby's ilie sileut majority, if a Iriend had not bath water prevents the little, one's ellen told me of the great merits of ' Dr. Wil - .from chaficg, !and he is not so liable to Hams' Pink Pills and urged me to try "threats out with the heat" ?-Good House- them All other remedies bad failed, keeping. playeiciens were entirely 'unable to . cure me, and I had given them up in despair. You can imagine the despondent condi- tion I was in when Mr. Rainey', Of Grind Valley, mentioned Pink- Pills to me. I had little hope that they would benefit me, but drowning men clutch at stows, and that was My frame of mind when 1 purchased the first supply of Do Wii- I jams' Pink Pills. I had not used the Pink Pills long when I began to find relief tendthis naturally made the hopeful, and I persevered in their use until the cure was complete. The el -lenge.. wrought in, me by De. Williams' Pink Pills is se delightful as it is marvellous,. and for the first time in years I find myself free from pain. I was weak,. helpless and hopeless -docents and. other. remedies had' done me no geed, but Pink Pills have restored me to health and strength. The sciatica diseppeared,, the rheumatism went with it, but stranger still, I am mired of the Leonchitis 1 had come to regard as incurable. I say stranger still, because I 'ileac° in the list of ailments for vvhich, Dr. Williams' elaims his remedy beneficial, bronchitis is not mentioned, , eta this forces me to the eonelusion that Ptak Pills have even more marvellous properties' than they heyei been credited with. My case seerna almost in- credible but there are eo many here who are witnessee of my cure that even the most sceptical must be coriviroced, and 1 firmly believe that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Will ellTO any ,trouble withwhichnian is afflicted. This may seem to be enthusittern, • bet I have the right to be enthusiastic after what they have done for me, and I Strorigly urge thoise.effliated with sbkneso of any kind to bre' Dr. Williams'. Pink Pills -the greatest of modeen' medicines." Mr. Moss' narrative was certainly of absorbing interest, pereicularly as the re. porter knew he Was not .a man who would exaggerate facts.' . , • The story of the case was corroborated by many neightiore entong them .Mr, Lomas, Who had assisted in carrying Mk. Mose to the hand -car when taken to the Beene of accident above mentioned an also Mr, Bechatian, the popular a P. R, agent, The reportek retutieed to Grand Valley fully satiefied as to the great curative pro. portico of Dr. Willianini wonderful dis- covery. • The gar interviewed the ,'druggisti of Greed Valley, and had the eameansWerftom all, Pink Pills are theleest selling and ;moat 'popular reniody in , their Attires, and the melee ate constantly inoterteing. Mt. Erskine, of Dr. "Hopkins' drug ' snore, an Mr. I:hockey, of Mr. ROHM:4 establiehmenb, told the Star . they, were amtweri at the great arid growing demand. for Dr. Wit. Nunn' Pink PutIs If the remedy is as peputir in Other parts on it is irtaround Grand Valley greet indeed, Mese be the good adoompliehea by tido fetneue onto, Dr. Pink .Pilis ere not a patent itiedioine 'in the sense in' which that term is usually Understood, hot a A WALDEMAR MIRACLE A C. P, R /an Relates His Won- . derful Escape. ittelietees With Ithesimartient and Soiattee- Atelier Coulee After neretore erne Story Corroborated by Killable tetetneseem. (Grand Valley Star.) Do Women liaow • That ribbon hews may be kept stiff and - fresh by stuffing.' them wish tiaeue paper ,before they are put away? ' That the big sleeves now in vogue will keep in shape longer if they are filled with tissue paper before being hung up? That tiesue paper put under the buttores on a plush, velvet or heavy silk 'garment or gown, when it is laid away even for a few days, Will protect the' material . from .the pressure of .the . buttons; and keep them looking fresh? e That a little lavender strewn upon the ahelvei and floor of the ward:nib° is said' to be an excellent pieVentive (Apeman; ? That " a stitch in time will repay, the women who nnist, be careful of her expendi- tures ? , That mantlea.and draped dreseee are bet- ter hung up in wardrobes or mall eloeets where they will be kept freer frem dust then ,they would be if folded and bed- away to become creased? ' ,That *mellow dresses should be well dried from perspiration end -aired, after removing theur,beforiethey are hung away • The !modern Systeni. • Ottaby--Ilere's a delightful arithmetical puzzle. I'm preety good at fieures, hut it took me two hours a,nd a ho.lf to find out the trick of this one. • Elungg-By all means let me have it I I am getting out a school arithmetic for beginners. • ' Realism in Toys, •First libtle girl --I've got a doll that con say mamma,' and you ain't. Second little girl -1 don't care. Papa's goin' to get me a doll that oen wind up, an' it'll wake up in the middle of the night an cry for two hours. A ltenroet There are to fixed dears, the altronomers having Proved that the term le a mieteiner. Al of the eters are oonetantly in motion, ermine Of them at the rate of 250,006 milt% au hoer!, , Sweet gir1-48 your love for me absolutely ,gentuneroartyrdone Titey drag en the bonnet unselfish. Adoret-Ahsolutely. 8weet, until every time they are pot on one is girl -Them I while you'd go Somewhere oartetin of heeriaohe, •term to.hight. Jaok lIankom promised to ,Jetted veils aro bad for the eyels, in fat call. scientiao preparation They contain SAO eendeneedftrui thl the elements neeeeolerf to gine new life and • riehneth leo the bleed and rooter() ehattered nerS'ea They Are an unfailing epecific for Well diserelea ais l000Motor ataxia, Partial peralgels, SI, Vitus? darn)°, emetica, nee- ralgia, rhoutnation, nervous headache, the alter effecte of in ertinee, palpitation ei the heart, pale and sallow oomplexions, and the tired feeling resulting from nervoue prostration; all dieeaseq depending upon vitiated humors in the bleed, eneh 58 .sorofala, chronic erysipelas, oto. They are also s speeific for troubles peculiar to fo. males, •such as suppressions, irregularities, and all forms of weakness. They build, up the blood and reetore the glow of health to pale and sallow cheeks. In case of Men they effect a radical oure in ail cane arising from mental worry, overwork or exceases of whatever meter°. These Pills are manufactured by tho Dr. Williams' Medicine 'Crimpeny, Brockville, Ont., and Sehenectady, N. Y., and are sold only tsr boxes bearing our trade mark and Wrapper, at 50 centa te box, or mix boxes for $2.50. Bear in mind that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are never Bold in bulk, or by the dozen or hundred, and any dealer.who offers substitutea in -this form is trying to defraud you and should be avoided, Dr, Williams' Pink Pilb may be had of all druggists or direct by mail from Dr. Williams' Medicine Company from either address. The price at which these pills are 'mid makes a course of treatment comparatively inexpensive as eoniparecl with other remedies or medico, treatment. • A STEANOE 013011'1liter. That Whielt Rehm Cherles of llounnuala line signed. The inerrimee of Princese Marie, of Edin- burgh, to Prince Ferdinaud, of Roumania, will take place January 10th. The prin- cipal parties to the coutract are already in Coburg, and many of the royal relateves are assembled at Berlin where the marriage is to take place. It is said that the Duke of Edinburgh, before consenting to tho mar- riage, forced King Charles, uncle of the groom, to sign a document, in which he agreed not to remarry in the case Of the death of. "Carmen Sylvia," ao that his daughter's aecenaion to the throne should not he obstructed by any poesible later issue of the king. King Charles signed this strange doetiment, as he considered the wedding a political necessity. • As JenlOth is the anniversary of the death of the Duke of Clarence, the Queen will not be present, but will be represented by Sir Edward Mutest, the Britieh Ambas- sador at Berbn. The marriage is to be performed by Prince Ghika, the Russian Ambassador at Berlin. Keiser William and King Charles will probably be the only croweed heads present, as the Czer will be represented by the Grand Dukes Vladimir and -Alexis, Emperor Franz Joseph by an Archduke, and King Humbert by the Duke of Genoa. Queen Elizabeth (Carmen Sylvia) it is believed, has vowed never to return to Buchareet, and has refused to attend the marriage. She wrote to the Prince that she never wanted to beer from him again, and has since buried herself in the lonely Castle of Neuwied. 00111101 ON CHICKENS. Sage -Observations by 0 Centos Just Out or the Shell. Chickens is the result of a hen sticking to one idea long enough to accomplish some- thing. They all loek alike when they is first born, but by and by you wouldn't know they ever belonged to the same set. Their ma is their natural parent and protector. S,prinse, chickene is the best because they cost the moat. Pa bought a spring chioken at a bargain courver in a meat shop the other day, and with coal 8,3 $7.75 a ton ma figured that we did not make expenses thee day trying to cook that spring chicken • done. Pa says you can never tell, until it is toe late, what sprig the chicken first, had pin feathere. Ma saws whet pa don't know about .a good many things woul& supply a lot of folks with college ' educa- tions. He said that if she had given those 13 eggs s'ne used for angel's food to some hen with good intentions and a hatchway we could be living on the top shelf this fall. I arn of the same opinion as pa now. Last spring I thought ma was O.' K. George Bczen says they are going to set their clock and raise water -berries. • He says their bed ticks, and he has that run down feeling in the morning. Chris Columbus made an egg stand on its head, which had never been done before. Pa said there was money in bens, and he was going into the chicken butsiness when the country went Democra- tic, Aman can't do a big business unless he is protected. Chicks -Ms can swallow their food whole and they is to be envied - Bobbie, in Gran,d Rapids Review. • The Heart the Seat of Courage. • The Paris Faculty of Medicine are draw- ing some inthresting concluaions from their examina,tion of the body of Crampon, the murderer who was guillotined the other day. Crampon was the picture of terror when he went to hie death. The doctors found that his heart had contracted wonder- fully under the influence of fear. They speak of it contemptuously as a coward's heart. They argue that the popular notion that the heart is the seat of courage, as in the phrase." a about heart," is founded upon physiological fact.--Vmo . York Sun. • OseulictIon by Telephone. • The wires were crossed the other night when a Journal reporter tried to get a rail- road office, and this conversation was heard : ' Ile -Yea, I guess I'll be there. Say, Nan! Nan! Wait a minute. Liaten. (Smack smack 1 smack 1) Hear that ? SI ES hheeetiv(i Ys np enk7 u yohies me. • He -That's good. Goorl,by. Ilow the Tale Boded. Guide -In this castle gentlemen lived the Knight Dagobert ancilms beautiful wife. The Knight's prowess was well— Touriet-On, do epere us a Iong-winded story. Tell us the conclusion and that wil be enough. Guide -All right. Here is the conclu- sion And now, gentlemen, ae I have told you enoh a thrilling take I hope you will give moa trifle with which to drink your health. • A MeotchMan's Opinion. "There Must be a great deal of religioua zeal in this town," Paid somebody sleeted on elm box to the driver, ot a four -horse coach, "there are so many churches. But the shrovvd Old Scotehrean Reid with much eon- t,ernpte "It's no religiOUS 2ea1 aVa just mireednede tenaperi"-Ttseutyfive Years o/$& Andrews. Altalie-How do you know he is a bachelor? COnatanCe.-Beettuse ho talked so poeitively abate how all children should betoraotes inercl D'say that the apple ie ati exCellent nerte tonic, 0.0 it teonteinel more phosphoeut In &portion than any other fruit or vege- tal e , • MANITOBA, Progress of the Pra,irie Province in • Recent Years, IT O RAILWAX Manitoba has now taken a place el portance among the Provinces of Ceniedera- eton, and is looked to from All parts of the world, and admired for the epergy and enterprise of its inhabitant% Althongli only ten yeArs have elapsed eice the de- velopment of the resources of this fertile, parklike petition of the Dominion began, to- day the inhabitante enjoy the comforts, conveniences and ncleitiotages of the most advanced oivilization. In those few years eettlers have provided themselves with comforts not attained by their forefathers after forty years of pioneer life Molar Eael, ern Provinees. Railroads have been, con- structed through all parts of the Province , the C. P. R. having three hues crossing it from east to west, all of whioh are connected by two roads running north and south. The Northern Pacific now roaches Winnipeg, Portage la Prairie aud Brandon, giving shipping faoilities to a !ergo dierriot south and east from Brandon. The Manitoba & Northwestern main line and branches cover the northwestern por- tion of the Province and the Northwest Central is reaching Out from Brandon to the western boundry. Towne are growing at convenient distances, each haying grain elevators, shops, hotels, etc., according to the district furniahing •burenese. The majority of Manitoba farmers have now a railway stetion within .six miles of them, and there are few who require to go more than ten miles to market. l'hose who have not lied an opportunity to visit this pie- mieed land may have pictured to themselves an open, level, unbroken and nninteresting country. In this they a re far from the ma rkaud many are the expressions of surpriee ma the comments of loaning travellers are noted. The province as a whole is a mammoth park with field and forest, hill and dale, lake, brook and river so dietributed as to make an excursion over ite in the eummer sereeon, .our grend panorama of beauty and interest. While broad fields are seen on every side end the furrows in many mises are a. mile in length, these fields have as a cenere a neat dwelling and outbuildings with a growing grove to the west and north. These groves are the ash -leafed maple which develop so rapidly from seed so wn that a beautifa grove is formed after four years' growth. The forests of spruce, of the greater ex- tent, are found in the north on the Biding mountain. This timber is cut and floated down different stream •and manu- factured into /umber at many points, the greater quantity-- finding Ina way to Brandon, where millions of feee have been cut and shipped to all parfs of the Province, coming into competition with Rat Portage and Britieh Columbia. pine. Poplar wood is obtainable in every portion of the Province, being found along the banks of the numerous streams. It makes good fuel and ie of a nature euitable for many purposes, having been used by pioneera to construct bridges, make cart wheals, erect dwellings, etc. Ali present, cordwood is shipped from points on the C. P. R. and N. P. throughout the Province at $2.40 and $3.50 per cord in car lots. The fuel question, however, is now practically settled, as the coal mines are being de- veloped. The Souris mines, which are located to the southwest of the Pro- vince, one hundred and fifty miles from Brandon, have a force of men en night and day tryin to fill orders. Accord- ing to arrangements mode with the rail- ways by the Local Government this coal is delivered its car lots to every station in the Province at $4 per ton, and at a leas price to points nearer the mines. Hard coal, equal to the best American, is new brought to the Province from Anthracite, west of Calgary, which will soon push the Ameri- can coal out of the market. The present seaeon has been one of great advancement, broad stretchea of land being taken up, and more aettlers received than any Season since 1882. The crop through- out was a most eatiefactory one the greater portion of the wheat grading Nit. 2 hard. How to Deterntine Distance at Sea. The rules for determining the distance of objects( seen at sea are very simple and ithould be known by all. Suppose that the eye of the obaerver is 18 feet above the level of the ocean. In that ease we double 18, which gives us 36, the square root of which is 6. Therefore, the horizon lies tee re dis- tance of 6 miles when the observer 'sees it from an elevation of 13 feet. From a height of 30 feet (which is about that of the eye of an observer on a vessel the size of the City of Rome) we double the distance of the , eye above sea level, which gives us 69, the square root of which is 7.7. Hence an object may be seen at a dista,nce of 7.7 miles from a steamer of the size mentioned. If -the depth of the part of a distant ship's hull below the horizon is known, the die - taupe of that ship beyond the horizon is ob- tained in the same way. Then, suppose the depth of the part concealed th be 12 feet, then we take the square root of twice 12, or 21, giving 48; - showing thee the ship's distance beyond the horizon is 4,9 miles. Hence if a ship is seen with 12 feet of the bull down (that is with 12 feet of the hull invisible), the observations being taken from the deck of a steamer of theme of the "City of Rome,'" we may correetly infer that ith distance is 4.9 miles beyond the distance Oi the horizon (which, by the figures alone is proved to be at a distance of 7.7 miles.) We add the two set of -figures together and find that the incoming or out- going vessel is 12 3-5 miles away. Don't 'Forget That to remove codes, 'warn), bunions in a few days, all that is required is to apply the old and Wellteeted corn oure--Pritnam's lEntinlese Corn Extractor. Sure, safe, pain- less. At druggiata • En the Swim. "Yes," said the duck, waddling away With ellen of importance. "-Pm one of the swagger lief', you know.' " It'"s all very Well," ti aid the grave diet _ , ger to anvaie a young man to begin at the'bottom mad wok up, but in my bueineas it ain't practicable." All the gold in the woehlt it Is said could be stored in a 1400M 24 feet emeare and 24 feet deep. • finteher-r need a boy about your size arid wil give yort $3 a week. Applicant -1 mraoinrnittlyttho.arivct: be here t'°Itt r4leVeloo‘k"rLsoiryI Itableite aro becoming a iierlous nuisance in aortae pelts Of Kaueas. Barber county pays a bounty of 5 cent* ectish for rabbit ecalpe, to,na about 5,000 sealpshave been paid forrte‘htzeratisiye:uloavsetboDenterheennteui. othosaa, year teliowarree, heels. kno* ft, &there I've been hoping tor a long thine that the tilioreence Would eirengthen. sz und take tee. " he obrobio weer4leuXeeses4. 043+41s:1:y4i I:711e' 71443; Poa:dsffilei9ivre41:11Terleenaq'o ws p.elalete:vol:;:xtry.:-.;001471:fr:ty:sy5rtraoti:urt:'Fbnloti:::hrioatenrlooptin:111;euicypeocuttelaciloitesly: Wide up and envigeratea woman, carefelly ildaregd ltdr delleatC) organieeteett, taone, and restores health tr tfhece'D:antVib.verirteVemearyesi fererletiwoonm'au" ills that's' vuctranteeci, X1 +foils to benefit or cure, ° have your money back. Which is the best to teen if you haTee tarrh-a medicine thet claims to have our. ethers, or a medicine that is baked money te cure von? 'The proprietors of Dr, Page's Catarrh Bemedy agree te cure yOiktir ea thetalyarplaf61`y/07140/5000.0d incf;seiurraanently, —411aN ADDER tHLE SEAFEISE. Hash and:Prunes7Were iniknown In Thla Boarding erotism. Ile was taking hie first:mea e hia new boarding house and there was some evidence= that he didn't) like it, says the Deeroit Free "Walter," he peed, "bring me Some h8Sb." 0.144itS0013111,.43 what, sr?' asked, tire waiter., • "Some hash. Don't you know what bash bus 7" "No, sir; we don't have it here." " Gin I get it) if I want it?" he aske& diltaNteoT, isaileitY. loll Waat hash you'll have to go soraewhere else." "Well bring me some prunes, theu," he • ws °:ii'di;e/go*er"pnr.guinne?, gthe 811bjecb. Raven'ti any prunes, sir," responded the No8lr. Can't Iget prunes here, either 1" "No, air, not here." • ThG new boarder was becoming excited. : "Tell the landlady to come here," he • • eculmew4uritde Thr brought in the landlady. ' "1 am informed, madam," he said, "that - 1 can neither get hash nor prunes in this house." "Yon have been correctly informed," she admitted, with some trepidation, for he • t"'1"ei AmcliIketoa 'Iunnadlierwstah onedolittlapay. thone althea will nut be served here under any circura- st°'11ee8 "That's the invariable rule, sir." "Vary well, very well," he said ; " ems you after this meal and pay you for a, • year's board in advance." We Should /Live One Ilninfred Years. We are century auimals and have a perfect right to live out that period if we can. Many do so. Consumption has been killing off the fioWer of our youth through the centuriee, but ib will do so no more. Why? Because "Miller's Emulsion a Cod Liver Oil," whenever used, cares cone stemption and the cough and lung troubles which give rise to it, lt will be like suicide to d e of consumption in nature if "Miller's Emulsion of Cod Liver On" is within reach. In big bottles, 50c. and $1, at all drug stores. will Do the Square Thing. Debtor -I have done well in business, and I have come back to clear up all the debts contracted by me. In fact, -I have repented and intend henceforth to lead an.honeetlife. Creditor -That is goocl news. Debtor -Now, what I want to know is, will you accept 20 cents oa the dollar ? We Haire Found That no remedy in the market affords Melt prompt relief in toothache, neurgalia sad rheumatiem as Nerviline, and its action he cases of cramps, colic, etc., is simply marvelloue. Remarking this to a physician. of experience he stated that from his know- ledge of the composition of Nerviline no remedy could surpass it as a family remedy and that in every household a bottle of Nervilbee should be available for emergent, demands, Readers of this paper should try Nerviline. An Infantile Pugilist. Tommy -Say, they've a bully baby aft Dinwiddiene it's a regular prize fighter. Dickey (incredulously)-B,ats 1 Tommy -Well, it's only three weeks old and ma says it has put it's brother's nose out of joint already. McCollom's Rheumatic Repellant is not a cure-all but is carefully prepared by W. A. McCollom, druggist, Tilsonburg-, for the certain definite purpose of removing and curing rheumatism wherever located nt the system. It operates with excellent effect on the kidneys, liver and blood. Sold by all wholesale and retail druggists. The Laziest Mast. Harry -Who's that passing on the other side of the street? Charley -Dear boy, you'll have to excuie me.- I'm really too fatigued to look further than the middle of the street to -day. Waxer suffering from toothache use Gibbons' Toothache Gum. Sold by all druggists. It is computed that a flee ean jump up- ward a distance equal to five hundred tinaest its OW13 height. ' Courage is that quality of mind which. makes us forget how afraid we are. COLLEGE! St. Thomas, Ont. THE LEADING CANADIAN COLLEGE DO YOUNGWOME11, • teal -Nye Courses to Graduation; 200 Studente. '1'he finest laul,ldings, highest record andlargestr ateetdance of all the Ladiee' Colleges, 4fe2-L1terary Curses, Languages, Music, Finer Art,1Cosnmerolal, Seiehere, Flecutioni Eixtr; page Illizetraterl. Cittalotame, Address, PRINCIPAL ArriltiN A. g 1 A eeetritylieree truhea, pfircimmagteeseeteria. C.; po,Q-r,, Buseiees College Mut— t•e Shorthand e nsti (lute, •roLAss tiaa14116g,tv8enbt. . fee, eironiat El 061N ESS ErkfRIE, . OENTllitL BUSSs COLLEGE irotkoRrfn, Om*, and (41134,11"031111. INA teatleeet And b hnelnees eolleiMpettildetrrc aelete AtIeLiteln, PRINOIPAIAlf