HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1893-1-19, Page 1Subscribe for The EXETER ADVOCATE, Only Si frOM' ttaw till January lst 188. Give it atrial, The ADYOCJVN (PP" ,.e, —*when is .,) gtle •111L,, liana rills, Tretter `uoa,l•, cels! :lttvt,rches-.-itis. facq all kinds of Printing., VOL. IN The, $t>o sons B., Aka (Chartered by Parliament, 1805.) Paid up Capital....,. ..., $2,000,000' Rest, Funrd . l , . .... 1,100,000,. Head offieo Montreal_ b 11A Esq., PPRI TAN THO S F.WOL 5 q, GENERAL MAN AC ER Money advanced ti gvod Farnior,s on their own notes w; ,L ono or more endorsers at 7 per cent Por annum. Exeter Branch.' .n Open every lawful day from 10 a. in. to 3 p. m., Saturdays 10 a. m. to 1 p. m A general banking business transacted CURRENT :B,ATLSallowed. :for mon- ey on on-eyon Deposit Receipts. Savings Baoi. at 3 per cent. N. DEER HURDON Exeter, Jan 28,'88. ` Sub Manager THE exvitrb • .lint i Is Published every Thursday Morning, at the Office, MAIN -STREET, — EXETER. By the SANDERS' PUBLISF•ING OOMPANY TERMS QF SUBSCRLPTION. One Dollar per annum if paid in Advance. - sl.5o if not so paid. Se1•aort24isig Rates ori. H pplica - No paper discontinued until all arrearages are paid. Advertisements without specific directions will be published till forbid and eharged accordingly. Liberal discount made for transcient advertisements inserted for long. periods. Every °description of JOB PRINTING turned out iu the finest style, and at moderate rates, Cheques,money urd ers.•&c. for advertising, subscriptions, etc. to be made -nava ble,to Sander s & Dyer PROPRIETORS Chore!, Directory. TRIVI'TT ME;.MORIAL Cuuncn.--Rev.. F, H Fait, Rector. Sunday Services, 13a. m and 7.p. m. Sabbath School, 3 p . m. ly Communion, istSunday of each month at !Morning Service, and in months of five Sun- days, after EveningService of itla Sunday of the month. Holy Baptism on 2nd Sunday. of each month, tit morning service. METHODIST. Cnnaon--James-st:, Rev. A. L Russell, Pastor. Sunday Services, 10.30 a. m• and6.30 p.m. Sabbath School, 2.90 p. m. MAIN STREET --40v. W. McDonaigli, Pas- tor. Sunday Services, 10 30 a.m. and 6,30 p.m. Sabbath School 2.30 p. m. • PRESOYTERIAN.CIIURCH.—Rev. W. Martin, Pastor. Sunday Services, 11 a. m. and 6.30 p. m, 'Sabbath School, 0.45 a, In Professional Cards- H. KINSMAN, L.D.S, Fanson's Block two doors north of Carling Store, MAIN STREET, EXNTNR, extracts teeth without pain. Away at Hensen on 1'st. Friday; Ailsa Craig on 2nd and 4th Tuesday, and Zurich on last Thursday of each month CE.INGRAM, DENTisr,.Member Royal . College Dental Surgeons, successor to H. L. Billings.Office over Post Office Exeter, Ont,- A safe anaesthetic -given for the painless extraction of teeth. Finn Gold P,ill)nes as required. lee le lile,lical TAR. J. A. ROLLINS. OFFICE—MAIN ST. L E1esidonce—Career Andrew and North Streets, Exeter, Ontario 'yamR.T.P MCLAtJGRLIM N, MEMBER OF. the Colloge of Physicians and Surgeons Ontario. Physician, Surgeon and Accoueh- aur. Office, LashWood, Ont, TT'e�R. T,.A. AMOS, M. D., C. M,Member of 1J' College of Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario; licentiate of the Royal College of. Physicians and Surgeons Edinburgh; licen- tiate of the Faculty of Physicians and Sur geons, Glasgow; fellow of Trinity Medical College, Toronto, Office—Dr. Cowen's for - =Or resiaenco, legal. "D S. COLLINS, BARRISTER, SOLICIT= 1L. OR, Conveyancer, Notary Public. Office -Over O'Nei1's Bank, Exeter, Ontario. Money to Loan. L11. DICKSON, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR . of Supreme Court, Notary Pltblic, Con- voyancer, Commissioner, &a. Money to loan Office'-Panson'S B1ook, Exeter. 1'LLIOT & ELLIOT, BARRISTERS,SOLIC` ,L4 itors, Conveyancers, &a. 13. V. ELLIOT. : X. ELLIOT Auctioneers BROWN, Wincltolsoa. Licensed Auct- . 101190r for the Counties of Perth and Middlesex, also for the township. of Usborae Sales promptly attended to and terms reason ble.Salos arranged at Post office, Winohelsa AJ. BOLTINS, late ofManitoba, L.icens- NTI Auctioneer, for the counties of Hur- on and Middlesex. Residence: 1 mile south of Exeter, Ont. Salo Orders by mobil or other- wise promptly attended to at reasonable prices. • I3OSS.ENBERRY, Mensal' Ontario. Lic- ensed Auctioneer for the Counties of, es moderate and Perth. Char Huron and g satisfaction guaranteed. imegrormormaum.atne9 newt. HARDY, Licensed Auctioneer for theL. County of Huron, Sales Conducted on reasonable terms. Farm and Farm Stock a specialty. Full arrangements can be made at this office, 131RED. W. FARNCOMB, Provincial land 1' Surveyor and Civil Engineer. Ofce, Over Post Officer Main street, Exeter, Ont. EARNEST ELLIOT. AcENT:.i•.OR Tho Western Tiro Assurance Company, of Toronto Tito Phmnix Fire Insurance Co';y.,, of London, England. The Allianeo Fire Assur. Co'y„ of London, England. Office:—Main-street, Exeter; Ont. EXETER MAKKETSI Wheat :per bushel...," ,$0164 to 0.65 Barley.....................30 to 355 4Oats••1. . ..,I.1 .1.k, • . 26 to 28 ........ .... 52 to 53 •Butte!'• ,.. ..:1,.,• 18 to 19 yard;..r...1,%, 1 10 to 11 Chicken per )b. . 5 to 6 Ducks , « .. 7 to 8 Geese « < . . 5 to 6 Darker' .i 9 to 10 Pork . ..... . . a . 8.40 to 8.50 Potatoes per nils ... 5'.),.to 50 nay per ton ............. 6.0x)' to 7.00 EXETER, ONTARIO, THTT:R,SI:.AY, JANUARY 19, 'THE PEOPLE'S HOME -GUARD 9 ON SENTRY . 144 It will guard you securely from disease YOU l Have a Very Bad Cough, Are Suffering From Lung Troubles, Have Lost Flesh Through ug l h o bh I loess,..;; Are Threatened With Consumption, IT WILL Cure ThatC ®u h Heal Your Lungs, - tones Put Flesh Qn Baur a Prevent Consumption. SMALL & LARGE BOTTLES 501 & SIM. IT IS VERY PLEASANT TO TAKE. Ask for and be sure you get the "D. &. L. Emulsle:0 SALE REGISTER., Tuesday, Jaan, 24.—administrators' Sale of Household Furniture and Blacksmith Stock ort the premises lately occupied by Isaac }landlord, in the village of Exeter, : ,acmes and Thomas Handford, Administrators; Mr. John Gill, ' Auct. • MEETING OF PATRONS. Tho annual meetingof the patrons of Cen tralia Cheese Factory will be Ireld on Satur- day, Jan, 28th, at 2 o'clock, for rendering statements, etc, for the past season, and' the election of officers, etc., for the ensuing season. All patrons aro urgently ret nested to attend; also those desiring to beeomo such. W -,t• 13A1En, Pres, C. W, Suint, Manufacturer, FARM FOR SALE The undersigned, having signified his in- tention to retire from farm life, will offer his splendid 200 -acre farm for sale, being lots 34 and 25, concession 1, in the township of Usborne, (London.R"ad), county of Hur- on. The land is all cleared, two splendid fruit -bearing orchards; windmill and plenty of good water. 'Che fences are in first-class condition. On the premises are a brick cot- tage and kitchen; two large bank barns; one horse stable; 24860; driving shed. This is a first-class farm in very particular and is provided with every convenience, and the location is a good one,,being,ono mile from Exeter, where there is one of the best mark- ets in Ontario. It will be Fold at a reason- able figure. For further particulars apply to ABEL WALENi,. Hay P. 0., Ont. B. Aubry, the well known horse buy. er will be at the Commercial House, Exeter, on Wednesday Jan. 25th. for the purpose of purchasing first• class horses, es Ur Toavn is on the Boom: Pleased we are to make the above assertion for our town is hoes on the upward path of progress, matters hay ing materially developed and taken a move in the right direction, and we. are now sure of some go9d live indust ries being established in our midst Since things have been definitely set tied in connection with the building of a grist mill, Mr. A. Q. Bobier, an energetic and pushing citizen, has signifiedhis intention of erecting ng a largebrick buildingsuitable for a Re fieigrog, Packing House and Cream- ery ery combined. The main 1)uit,ling is to be 40 x 80, with an addition at the rear, 24x36. The sight chosen is the vacant lot north of Drew's Opera Hall and is a' desirable loerition A large quantity of brit;k is being hauled and building' operations will commence as Soon ;;le weetlier will permit A.O.F. ,t r regular meeting of Court Pride' of Huron, A, ( r• ,5 I'. No, [t36�r held on Fri- day '1 - city last, the following officers were in stalled:—,las. Acheson, P.O.il; Jessie Wosteott, 0 R A. Bagshaw,. 6.0.1:2.; Louis ray, Trees; Geo; Kenip,Sec.: A. Hodgson, S.W. ; J. Heywood, J.W.; Geo, Mantle, S.B.; A. Bowey, J.6.: Jas, Ache sore '1'<Oke, B. Richardson, ' Auditors; T. A. Amos, Surgeon. COSI11t1 llliag istrates' Cases The schedule issued by the Clerk of the .Peace forth° quarter ending Dee. 13th shows 73 cases tritdfor magis urates. Of these Godericli is .credited with 22, Seaforth 7, Clinton 10, Brus- sels 12, Blyth y i „5 and the remainder scattered. Six eases were for var;•rau• ey, 10 for trespass, 21 for assault, 6 for breach of liquor laws and tlio 'remain der various other offences. council Proceedin„;s. The first meeting' of the Council for 1.893 was heli at the Town Ilall, Exe- ter, on the 17th January, 1893. The members elect: Dr. J. A. Rollins,. Reeve: H. Spackman, Deputy Reeve; and Messrs. T. B. Carling, Ed. Christie and T. H.:MeCallum, Councillors, took and subscribed the declarations of qualifi entities and ofii(_e ni presence of the •Clerk. The minutes of the hist meet ing of the council in 1892 were , read and approved. On motion of Ed. Christie, seconded by T. 11 McCallum, Mr. R. H. Collins was appointed Audi tor for 1893. The Reeve appointed .»r. Gregory as the other Auditor. Carling—Specl,rnan-time of ` return of Collector's roll extended to lst Feb ruary. Carling—Spackman—that James Beer be assessor for 1893. -Car ried. ' By laws to confirm appointment of Auditors and Assessor were duly read and passed. The clerk to ask for tenders for printing. Also for use of weigh scales andringing town bell, seperate and combined; and oder Mu nice al World one co.:•` Tho Council p p.y adjourned until Friday, 20Th inst., at 7.30 p.m. M. EACRETT, Clerk.' Orediton• . R.O..M. CorenRT.-A grand : on - cert will be held in the '1owu Hal!, here, on Thursday, Jan. 19th, 1893, on der the auspices of Crediton 'fent, No. 53. This pl'oinises to be one of the best concerts that has ever been given in Crediton, and' in which the commit- tee have spared no pains or expense. Don't miss it—see posters, -The Dis- trict meeting ofL.O.L. held here on Tuesday- last was well attended. • After the general business was transacted the past year's officers were re elected. Centralia.: 'flea Storm last week made business ratherflat, but it has again put on a lively appearances—Several of our young people spent a very pleasant time at Mr. Henry Wilson's on Thurs day evening last.--Hov,'ard Smith, who has been spending a few days with his brother Charlie, returned to Brantford on Monday.—Thos, Handford &' Co. lost a valuable trotting mare on Monday, —The Misses Henderson, of London. are the guests of their sister; Mrs A. Knox -Messrs. Thomas 'and Joseph Morllocl:, of Crediton, ;were in our vil- lage Monday 00 business: Rev. Baiter,of Crediton, preached the anniversary sermons hel'e on Sunday. -0n Monday evening, while Thos. Elston was doing the "Grand" his horse became unman- ageable and nmanageable-and after spilling the occu pan is out -Wren away making; a total wreck of the cutter. You should al ways use both hands to drive with Tom; —'The sad lntell igen tee .of•:-tlie_ death of y John McLeod of Cle' eland formerly of v this place, and brother of Robt. McLeod, of Lucan, and 'Mrs Thos. Hodgins, of this place, reached here on Monday last. He died in the hospital, Aged 33 years. 1895. NO 295 Biddul h; Tho ineunibent of . St. Patrick's church intends (DN.) to preach a sel'. men to "Young Men" on Sunda;,' next, 22x16 inst., in 3 p m --A blizzar21 of un- usual severity set in Monday, 9th, and coukinued for several' days. The olds st inhabitant,says that only Brice in his recollection have we bad so severe a storm, and that was rn Feb. 7th 1861, 'which was for years after called the "Cold Thursday". The next was on ;Ian. 1st, 1864, There were also two very severe, storms on .Jan, 3rd, 1874 and ':Feb, 11, 1b93.—Itis reported that a' carload of lambs were frozen to death near Forest on Tuesday week. Farquhar. Owing to the stormyweathertimes have been dull here of late, and nobody seems to get out except the mail man and our enterprising tr'erchant, Mr. D. Hay, and a few'others who daily con gregate around the anvil to discuss political economy, jurisprudence, etc Mr. Sim Polairis mail man at present as the roads are rather dangerous for Mr, Gardiner to attempt to go out. We hope to have line weather soon so that Mr. Gardiner can attend to his work, as no man is more faithful in perform ing his duty than Mr, Robert Gardiner. --The Patrons will meet Tuesday night.'' The subject of debate is, °'Re• solved that our present system of man aging .township andcounty affairs is up to tete requirements of the , times" A lively time is expected.—Mr. H. Gill, of the Thames Road,who bas rent ed his farm to Mr. McLachlan, intends going to Manitoba to farm. Grand Bend. Mr. A. McGibbon, intends returning to Michigan at once to secure work in. the lumber woods. He came home a few days"•ago to visit his wife' and fam TlV on account of sickness being in their midst,—Mr. C.. Zaphe has been laid tip for the east few days, but tind- er the care of Dr. Ovens, of Parkhill, he is speedily recoverutg,—Mrs. Robert McArthur, of Sarnia, also Mrs, McDou- gall and daughter Aggie, are visiting• their matly friends liege, -Miss Annie' E. Love, started for Detroit,. Michigan; last Tuesday, where she has secured a situation at housework —Wedding bells are expected to jingle in this vi emtty this week —`I he snow storm or r ia,h.r' -!Ilizza.'d on Tuesday of last week excels anything that the oldest settlers in this--yieiliity have ever )Vit toessed. The roads were completely blocked with snow from fence. t6 fence and traffic was impossible until willing hands turned out and shoyelled for some time. The mails were -delayed for three successive days and news was very scarce ' except what could be re ceived over the telephone wire.—Mr. Joseph Brenner is busy putting in his summer supply of •ice.—Mr and Mrs. Shatrow who have been yisiting their friends here, returned to their home in Michigan, last Monday. —Mr. J. B Hodgins and company paid Mr. Hick - ley a flying visit'on Sunday last. FROZEN TO Dux .-William Solo mon, a respected farmer of Huron township, Bruce county, was frozen to death on Monday last. He went out to the barn a short distance from the house, after dark, and iu attempting to return through a blinding snow storm prevailing, he missed the way. When his family could communicate with neighbors, it searching party was formed, and a ten acre field of snow from six to eight feet deep was entirely turned over before the remains of the Unfortunate man were discovered, fiospn stiff as he had fallen, exhausted, in `the snow, elinin s i tv`rods from 'his house. It was Thursday afternoon when the discovery was made. De- ceased was in his 53rd year. The fun eral took place on' Saturday and was largely attended 01911:10TROSIIIM 921,10:27.1= 1V[cDON F,LL t. rolt X31 I I R (� I Having renewed our lease of the store and been request- ed by our numerous patrons in Exeter and vicinity to con- tinue business, we have decided to remain and are determin- ed to fill the store witlh. ;the choicest stock of Hardware in Ontario. We will commence at once and will never let up on most wonderiul bargains in Hardware and Tinware. We will open the EYES OF THE TRADE and tickle the hearts of our customers: Goods must go. Hardware and tinware will move at prices so `reduced that must .fetch intending purchasers.' We mike no mistake. When we say a thing we ai'e generally understood to mean it, Stoves are right in our line, and we are leaders in. furnaces. tprv Cez J 0bn$ton'6 The weather during .the past few weeks has been unfavorable reediting in the roads being completely blocked '1 hereeis,niore snow on this line than there hrs been for• , ears—Mri y James Regan, who for the past two years, has been teaching near Beumiller, has charge of S. S. No. 11 for this year. A sedarate school has been organized near Drysdale, which has drawn off most of our French pupils, and conse- quently diminished the attendance. -- Miss. C. Bowman left for Kansas a few weeks ago—Mr, D: Sureras, who was visiting, friends and. relatives 111Wilmot and victbity, has returned He says that they had fine weather down there a week ago Tuesday, which was ter. rible day here. --Church, and Sinning Scaool have been closed for th ast few weeks; they will re -o eu as soo s the roads are passable, -'Che lake .has a good coat of ice now, and fishing will probably soon commence,: Usborne. Mr, 'os.Balman is suffering; from a malign eltec' . of con < stron of the lungs. He ,contracted a severe cold about a week ago and hasbeen gradin ally growing w Nse. Recovery ecovery being - 41/4doubtful, his u htens Mrs. Dodds, of St Johns, 1h., and Mrs. James Mahon, were summoned and arrived here Tuesday. Mrs. Beach who left for her home in Chicago last week, is ex- pected back again.—It is with regret that 12e learn of the serious illness in the family of Mrs. Henry Horney, seven of her children being.confilied to bed with Typhoid fever. Robert, the first one attacked. is`conv alecing-the others 'redoing as well as' can be ex petted. COUNCIL, -The new council met on the 16th inst, pursuant to statute, the following gentlemen haying beenduly elected, made and subscribed the nee cessary declaration of office -and quail. ficaiaon tool: their seats at the council board, aiz:—Thos. M. Kay, Esq. Reeve; Messrs James Halls. William Kydd,, Jonsthae Shier and Thos. Cameron, couuciliors. On motion of T, Cameron, sec. by J. Halls, W. K,ydd was elected deputy Reeve for 1893.-}Tails—Shier, that G. W. Holinan be appointed clerk for 1893, at same salary as last year, carried. Cameron—Lydd, that D Hav be appointed clerk at a salary of 850 and the present clerk dismissed, -lost. Shier—Kydd, that W. Miner be ap- pointed assessor for the current year et a salary of 850, carried. Cameron- Kvdd, that White & Son's offer to do all printing for cnri'ent year for $39 be al.ecepted, carried. Canteroi,-Kydd that `rhos. Veal be caretaker of the hall at a salary of $5 per year, carried. Cameron—(no seconder) that the trees user of the township collect all taxes, for the current year and thereby dis pence with the office of collector.. Sheii•—Halls, that T. Coats be Appoint• ed treasurer for the current year at a salary $70 and that he furnish bonds satisfactory to the council in the sum of $12,000, carried. Cameron—Halls, teat G. W. Holman be paid the ' ex- pense of the Municipal election amount- ing' to $9, carried. Kydd—Sheir that A. Duncan be collector for the current. year at a salary of $55 and that he furnish satisfactory bonds in the sum of $12,000, carried. Kydd—Halls that the following be appointed fence In specters for the current year, viz:— J. Copeland, A. Cole, P. Moir, R Del bridge, C Switzer and C. Coats, carried. Shier—Cameron, that the Board of Health for .1893 be composed of the Reeve, Clerk, Messrs L. Hunter, D. Mc Innes and C. Monteith at $1 50 pr day, Dr. Thompson medical health officer at $3 pr day. and J. C. Tufts sanitary inspector at $150,pr day whit eon duty, carried: 'Cameron- K..ydd, that the clerk ask for tenders from "saw mill men to • furnish cedar and roc!: elm lumber required by the municipality, tenders to be laid before thecouncil at its next regular meeting, carried. Cameron -Shier, that G. Rutherford be appointed auditor and that the auditors meet the 21st inst at'9o'clock to audit e2 , at accounts, carried. The Reeve appoint- ed Thos Andrew as the other auditor, Lydd-l=lalls, that J. walker and A. Cole be refunded $1 each, being error on dog tax, and A. Duncan 81 uncol lettable dog tax, carried. Halls-Kydd that M. Routley, J, Hazeltvood, R. Ked- dy, G. Rook, T. Passmore, S. Campbell, W. Giltillnn sr. and R. 'Linter be poundkeepers for the currant year, carried. Halls—Cameron, that a by law be drafted confirming the appoint• ment of thelmunicipai officers and fix- ing their salaries, carried. Cameron— Halls, that T. Brimaeombe receive the sum of $8 for keep of A. Carmichael,. carried Aalls—Kydd, that the col- lector's roll be received, his bond deliv- ered up and an order drawn on the treasurer for the collector's salary, carried. The following orders were ranted, viz: -White '& Son, printing, 39.00; G. W. Holman, registration fees do. election expenses, $9; Treas. Tuck ersmith, one half culvert, $3.50; Rc.bt. Boll, Jr., lumber, $4.54; J. Gunning, gravelling (one half) $12.50; T. Brima- cornbe, keep of A. Carmichael, $8.00; A. Duncan, uncollectablc dog tax, $1; A. Duncan, salary $55, A. Cole refund- ed dog tax, $1; J. Welsh, do $1, Valls —Cameron, that the council a(ijou:il o meet on Saturday, Feb. 4th at 1 oclock e. M. G. W. HotmAN, Clerk. Hen$all. The annus:l meeting of the South Huron h'ar*Yiers' institute will be field 10 this vintager at Cox worth's lie II ou'3hui'.sdav January19tL at which there will b(, a 11)02niug• ft,r . ,,,a 4 noon, and 032(11111(4 session,. We bel iel'e this will be one of the best meetings ever held, A line free literary and musical programme will 1)4 given at the evening session. loot c wills • The min', friends of Mr, Milton Shoults will be, pleased to :hear that the report circulated here some days since, to the effect that 110 was imprisoned for debt in Sia itoba, \VHS entirely without foundati The person circulating , such lc,.ar should l(l b:: severely ptiuish- ed. We are at ai loss to u:iderefand why such scandalous reports ai•e` circa- laced, as Mr. Shoults Was highly "respect- ed by all while a resident of this neigh •' b011100d and neyer wronged or tried to wrong any person: Mr, : W J,: Clark. our former postmaster and merchant, of Mooresville, informs ns that he received a letter from ]lis brother ie California last week ;stating .that. Mr. Shoults , is. there and is comfortably engaged in the fruit business.—'\Ir, W. D Stanley' of Granton, delivered a 11 iture on "Ed- ucation" itl the Eligli School,' Lucan, last week. Dash hood. your coi•iespo0dent was snowed ire last week, hence ,o-correspo idei:cc. The snowstorm of last week was one of the worst that has struck the . towel for a long time, reed it paralized busi- ness -and the sehoa1 was closed for two days `and -there was no demand for anything except ;the snow plow and. shovellers, and, contrary to the ordi- nary custom, the siioW plow was used on the centre of the street and every man expected to shover the side -wally' to his next neighbor's gate. Never- theless, since the storm business , has improved. the stages are running as usual and the mill yard is now getting replentished with logs, aud promises a good summer's cutting -Mr- Ball, our enterprising merchant, has been treat- ing himself to a very nice piano. Who will be the next lueky man, Stephen Conner. Council met 16th January, 1893, All members present. ` The newly elected c, d council duly signed the usual docs- ments and proceeded to business. Clerk, Treasurer, Assessor and Care• taker same as last year. C. Brown wee appointed to look after the renting of the Town Hall for entertainments, etc. Printing tenders are to be opened next meeting. Council to meet again 1st Monday' in February, at 2 p m, Orders -ranted: F. Baker, lumber, $37.60; Centralia church, fund, 510-- , property tate firs. Long, refuud, 82.97; Mrs. Newcombe, tax remitted, and $1,. $0; W. Eagleson, relief, $8;' G. Keller- man, gravel, $18; C. Morrish, cedar„ $24.80; A. O'Leary, S L remitted, $16,1 J, Ryan, S" L remitted, $8; H. Reardon, rep bridge 16th con.. $4; Turner and Armstrong, work 21st con., $34.25, Jno. Madden,' refund S L, $5; J. Bedford, work 6th con , $2; Extine, gravel, N.B., 84; A. Warner, grading 4th S. R., $20.- 66; 20:66; J.'Kestle, culvert, $2; W. Sanders, rep bridge 2nd con, 83,50.; W. Eatgle- son, work 20th concession, 41; Mr. Gretton, refund doe tax, $1; G. Palma rep culvert, 50e.; G.Pollick, 3 culverts, Gore Road, 83. C. PRouTr- Greenway. (Too late for last week.) Mr, C. H. Wilson treated his brethren of the Macibee order to an oyster sup. y 1 per last Tuesday c:,yepipge-Mi Tlios. Bullock's child. was buried atr Sylvan r last Thursday. The religious ser 'i . , e \ (.45 were conducted by Rev. Dr. Bean- mount.—Hr. Henry Belling, Mrs. H. Luther and John Luther are visiting their friends irfDetroit,--The residence of Mr,. John Baker of Har•pley was the seen of pleasant gatheringa on the evening of the 6th inst., the occasion being' a surprise party to Miss Laura Baker who has successfully taught for 3 years in School No. 10 and tendered her resignation a few weeks ago to attend the Normal school at 'Toron-" to. The party numbered about _ 40, about 12 o'elock.the inner man was satisfied with a most bountiful supply* of oysters, salmon, sweetsmeats,. &c., after doing full justice to that part tf the proceeding all joined in wishing Miss Baker: long life and prosperity when all departed 1,0 their several homes feeling' that they had spenta mist enjoyable evening:—It is our sad duty to record the: sudden death of the beloved wife of Mr. Patrick Gooding.. Deceased was taken sick about two weeks ago with melena fever and in- fiamation of the lungs and passed away last Fridav evening in her 55thyear. She was a.kind wife and loving mother o id will be greatly missed, The fun- eral took place Inst Monday, NIABB*A071014. S1iAltrat—STEELS -At" ruteine, Wig. cousin, TT.S., on Deeember 31st, 1892, Miss Dmily C, Steele, second dauglt ter of Rev, H. I), Steele, Kirk ten, Ont., to Thos Sharpe, Fsq, of the Atha National Hank, Chicago,