The Goderich Signal-Star, 1970-05-28, Page 17* (j. 4 lt 010.• . 0 N11 Grodontacrelegram dicate aperb DEAR ANN' LANDERS:. I am a boy who delivers newspapers to make extra money. There are thousands ° more like me. I get up at 3:30 in the morning. It doesn't Matter if It's raining or. sleeting ' or blowing, I'M on the job: I never miss because I know .people depend on me. Like all other delivery boys, I have to pay. for my papers and trust people to pay me. I collect at night, on my own time. You wouldn't believe .the things people do to get out of paying for their papers. They hide behind the curtains and refuse to come to the 'door., Sometimes "they just.,, say, "I haven't got the money. Come back Priday.'V., Yesterday I got sick and.tired of not getting paid by a certain lady so I left a note saying, "I am not going to bring you a paper anymore because you are too hard to collect from. There wasn't much news in the paper today, 'only/ a story that Ann sLanders was kidnapped and hi -jacked to Cuba. Good -by and good luck." That , afternoon I received a message at the paper saying the lady wanted me- to bring her paper right away and She would pay me what she owed. • I just thought you ,might like to know how powerful you are. SEATTLE P.I. CARRIER SALESMAN DEAR SEATTLE: „People who stiff the paper boy ormake him come back two and three tithes to collect are lower than a ake's belly. I sion't_blame_you or4..:zstopethig. that 2woman's.. -Taper.- Billease,-don4- tell -any more lies, Pal. Now What are you going to do for an encore? DEAR, ANN LANDERS: Recently we adOpted.a precious little baby boy. 'I couldn't love • hint-,,Morwif he were my own flesh and blood. - I am shocked by the qaestions people ask -and „some of the people aren't even friends.' ' They tare acquaintances. Here's 1-arr1-kdAple of the questions: Was the mother an 'unwed? Were you able to find out if there is Reg is only 14 months old, but when this baby wants 'something he says a polite please. This habit is so endearing no one can refuse him anything, .and his foster » mother thinks Reg may be a bit spoiled. French-Cariadian, Scottish and Barbadian in descent, Reg is a handsome,.sturdy boy with blue -grey eyes, dark - brown wavy hair and light -tan skin. You can tell from his expression that he is a most happy fellow. He loves children and welcomes attention from adults, though if he doesn't know thetn he looks them over carefully before deciding to Ate !Wends: '-. 4,4-__.zReg...lovesmusie,;,atuLhettyingztoi,•sing.Afer.vanalayra. few words. He's almost ready to » walk. This baby needs parents Who will enjoy a healthy, lively young son with a racially -mixed background. To inquire about adopting Reg please write to Today's Child, Depart- ment cf Social and Family Services, Parliament Buildings, Toronto 182. In the _event of a postal strike, contact your Children's Aid Society. James Richardson & 'Sons Ltd 'Serving The Feed Dealers of VVestern. Ontario PHONE 524-8388, GODERICH Y insanity of any, hereditarY disease in the family?. Are you sure you can't have A c1414„ot your ° own? Has your litiSbalid had a sperm count? How d� I, answer these people?-NEWPOR,T NEWS, VA.' „ DEAR' VA: Why do you,feel theylire entitled to an answer? Look the. clods in the eye and say,' "Why in' the world ,vvould you ask such a personal .question?" - 'DEAR ANN , LANDERS: Here is good news for snorers and people,mho must sleep with them. Please print this letter. You might,,,save a couple dozen inarriages. I have been a heavy snorer all my life: When i was a kid my brother used to take his blanket and pillow and go sleep on the porch just to get away from me. cc:died When I Married I ran into-aeal - trouble. After six months Of UP SIQV, my Wife MOme she was buying a cot and inovingint0 the living room. I took your actviee and went to a doctor to find out if I had a nasal obstruction. The octor examined me and said , rev/a& no obstruction.' He suggested that perhaps I snored because I had fallen into the. habit of sleeping with my mouth open. He advised me to tape iny, mouth shut with adhesive for five nights and then, try sleeping without the tape. , Ann it worked! My wife is as happy as a clam and so am I., Why don't you try it? -PROVIDENCE, R -.I. • DEAR PROV: I don't have to try it. I don't snore. But I'm glad, it worked for you. 4IP ' -TirE:Re)(r • voice YOU -1-1FAI2 MAY 13E 1UNIOWV -150rfOtyl Or 'ME STAIRS/ —3,:rrrs Have you been to a morato- rium lately? Have you taken part in a demonstration; or a confrontation? Do you have charisma? Sorry to be s' o perional, bbt I read and hear these words bandied about so 'much these -days that 1 just_wondered how things were at your place. They are 'part of the jargon of Our 'times. Isn't it amazing how the English language can take such a beating' and emerge greater and finer than ever? Prime Minister 'Trudeau has charisma, according to the pap- ers. At first I thought it .was semething like aene, or maybe a bowel problem. It turned out to mean» something like style, - flair, elan, magnetism. But the new breed of newspaperman will never use an old tested word if he can come up with something as charismatic » as charisma. "There's no such thing as a meeting any more, with two parties holding opposing ideas getting » together and trying to resolve them. Now it's a con- frontation. Like two bulls Meet- ing in a pasture and knocking their Skulls together, while the cows look on, chewing their cuds. A demonstration used to be an exposition, explaining some- thing, probably with sensory aids. YOU might show, or dem- onstrate,. for example„ how to .....niake...zotteli...egg-gas, .or __how, .7:and 'Urns 7aisually-_-znake -ALWAYS 1cg5P GA -TEG (*DOORS To STi!tAIRWAiS CI-09ED fOR A SAFE -1-101,11 • •7:•:•:••.•:•.• 4•4:•:•.• •:::•:;::•:• • • • • • • • •• •••• ••••:••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • 1••••••••••••••••• -:::::'*1:.** in a moratorium? Some PeOPle act as though they would enJOY thordughly, I have before me a letter from an editor referring to the "upcoming issue" Of a maga,- , zine. What does » that mean? Wbat» *she Means is .forthcom- -ing, Pr next. I wonder what the, "dowricoming" issue would be like. Each decade seems to have itS new slang, Idioms, catch words. A few of' them stay in the language, like rough dia- monds in a sea of silver, through their,sheer pCiWer. We don't shed too many tears over such Sayings as: "I love my .wife, but oh you kid," from the '90s. Nor do we grow lugubrious over the ,dis- appearance of such inanities frem the '50s and '60s as:' "That'll be the frosty Friday."' Or: '"You better believe it." Or:-"yVould you b,elieve . . . ?" HoW about "cool" and "man" and "way out" and "groovy?" Do you think some bird or chick will he saying in 1984: "Hey, man, that's cool. Let's kroove. You're way out.?" Somehow I doubt it. »Hippie" is already a term - of opprobrium to the real hip- py. "Swinger" is now used only by middle-aged people who would like to be. "Cat," as in' "cool cat," is hanging on by the skin of its teeth. - .And then we have "jet set" and "beautiful people." I .was aLazprxssmclub....,party se.cently. and it was rather aad.All these chaps, with their new sideburns and matching shirts and ties, and striped pants, hoping they. were ...beautiful .people, when they Simla have been home watering the lavm. But most of all, Perhaps, I. despair of the people who sim- ply surround thexnselyes, With a cloud of verbal garbage e.Y- ery time they •,open their. mouths. Young people are worst, but' you can see and hear universi- ty professors, politicians' and lawyers hedging , themselves about with such inane things as: "Well, -like, you know, uh; it's pretty obvious, you know, like, there's no denying, uh, you know, etc." Why,, don't they just say, "I think it's a lot of crap," or something equally plain? Or would that not be a viable approach? REMEMBER HELP YOUR RED CROSS -10 HELP But today, a demonstration is against something, not for it. All you need is a placard, a . crowd, and you are demon- strating. It doesn't make lin- guistic (there's another one) sense. If you are protesting something, be a protester, not a demonstiater.. A moratorium sounds likej. cross between a crematorium and a mausoleum. At any rate, it sounds pretty deadly, and usually is. How would you like to, spend the rest of your life ••••••••••••••:•••••••••••-ii:::a. FOR YOUR FIRE INSURANCE See or Phone MALCOLM MATHERS GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT 46 WEST ST. 524-9442 13 DOUBLE »P TO THE RK THE • ,rrroer • NIP For _Pleasant Surroundings and • Good Food THE GODERICH RESTAURANT STEAK HOUSE . and TAVERN THIS SPACE, RESERVED 'FOR YOUR AD • .4.DOUBLE PASSES J.0 1 PARKTHEATRE BOOKS &STATIONERY PAINT, WALLPAPER , gl b. Cards For All Occasions * Gifts * Books * Stationery Supplies 1? Records »». ANDERSON'S BOOK CENTRE 33 East St. Goderich' Mrs. Norma Bisset 9 -Nelsdn St W. * PAINT * WALLPAPER * CARPETS * TILE * LINOLEUM "Vour» Complete Home - Decorating -Centre" — „ C.°E. Empey 33 St. Vincent St. McARTHUR,and REILLY LTD. West Si' Goderich rr, * FRIGIDAIRE * 1NE,STINGHOUSE 11' G IBSON * HOOVER 'Sales and Service,' JEWELL BROTHERS APPLIANCES & TV LTD. The Square - Goderich WORK-) BOOTS EXCELLENT SELECTION Regular or Safety Toe - 14 Different Styles DAVE—OVERS Industrial & Garden Centre Hamilton St. 524-8761 1 The Names Of $ix ;Signal -Star Subscrib- ers Are Tp Ile- Found . In Onc Of These Ads Now Showing Wed. Thurs. Fri. Sat. 1"MATTOONED" May 27 - 28 -. 29 - 30 6 3NOMINATED FOR ACADEMY AWARDS! SAMOVIC3L.STURG11 PlIODUCTSON OREGOEMPECK RICHARD DAVID CRENNA! JANSSEN - • SEE REGULAR AD:oN PAGE 5 FOR DATES AND TIMES MEN'S WEAR For That CERTAIN Flaw IN MEN'S WEAR EARL RAWSON • MEN'S WEAR Oh The Square, Goderich TELEVISION PHILIPS PH»ILCO Mrs. Neil Schram 167 Cambridge St. Colour Television S and ERVICE 524-9432 RIVETT'S TELEVISION — RADIO 34 The Square .Goderich • TRAVEL SERVICES THIS SPACE RP,ERVED, FOR YOUR AD For Courteous .Service THIS SPACE D. A. KAY - 41.11EVVATER TAXI RESERVE6 . FOR YOUR AD" ;Painting and Decorating Contractors Painting, Wallpapering Draperies, 'Floor Sanding 33 Hu rcifillr-4"87-7542— Clinton THIS SPACE — ES-ERA/ED MINIM Now a good salary - Opportunity -security for you in a business career SHOE STORES • FOR TI4E BEST' IN Gilsouds nrei csh:5 SEWING MACHINE College - SERVICE & REPAIR BUILDING. NIATPRIAL FOR YOUR AD NIGHT SCHOOL 1 1:typing, Bookkeeping, . . Shorthand (Tues. & Thurs. Evening) 524-8521 FURNITURE. farly 1 misorussimuir Call G. RUMMENIE For FASHION ' RIGHT SHOES. Mrs. 'Reg Williamson 218 Keays St. The Place To Go Is ' THIS SPACE THIS SPACE RESERVED RESERVED 524-8916 Authorized Singer Service % ROSS SHOES The Square FOR youR AD FOR YOUR AD Goderich GODER-ICH BUILDING CENTRE E. D. Howey 15 Picton St. E. For The FINEST in FURNITURE " THIS SPACE RESERVED SPROULE SHOES THIS SPACE THIS SPACE LODGE Furniture Vyest St.- Goderich RESER-VED RESERVED A I D. J. Patterson 97 St. Patrick St. CONTEST. RULES - c, 1 Each week the names and addresses' of 6 subscribers will appear in the BUsiness Directory. Footwear For The' Family 524-838:4 ..zambria,at.Anglesea ,av . FOR YOUR AD " . Be Sure To See outDrsplayr Cork ORIGINAL OIL MINOS ‘V't* j I FOR VOUR AY' FOR YOUR (\D - 4r, 4•,•;..4"'' • . 524-9174 " -1r•frtr- ,tfrr,k Kington St. Goderich 11144141141110411101.....441111091oNrig16414,014.1.. -Look for your name and address in the ads. -Take the Business Directory and suitable identification to the'AcIvertiser in'Whose ad your name appeared and -Pick up your passes Inaltnrday night closing. •„•••