HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1893-1-12, Page 5it Lack of fluids has cgtnpelled the Jewish eoniunity in St Petersburg to sell the sync, gogue in the Officers' street, The purchases are Turks who will convert the synagogue, into a mosque. 011, What; a Cou;h: will you heed the warning. The signal perhaps of the sure approach of that more terrible disease Consumpt ion, Ask yourselves if you can afford for the sake of saying 5Qe., to run the risk and do nothing for it. We know from experience that Shiloh's Oure will • cure your cough;` It never fails, Yours; `l'onliuson, who, a few wetks ago left home az Crawfordsville,ludiana, sudden ly'after forging his father's nenoe; blew out his brains with a revolver the other night. NO COLI) OR COUGH too severe to yield to the curative power of Dr,, Woods Norway Pine Syrup, In the little town of Whitehall, N. J., on 'V1'eunesday, Norah Bott, 26 years of age shot; and killed her swertheart, Edward Smith, aged es, during a quarrel, and then killed herself. THREE PRACTICAL POINTS. Three practical points: est. Burdock ]3looci Bitters cures dyspepsia, by acting promptly on the stomach, liver an d bowels, 2nd. Burdock Blood Bitters cures bad blood by the same specific action combined with its alteratiue and purifying powers. 3rd. Burdock Blood Bitters cures all diseases' arising from the two fitst named, such as. constipation, Headache, biIliousness, dizzi- ness, sceorula, etc„ by removing their cause as, shown and proved in thousands of indis- putably recorded cases, Mr Daniel Kellock, collector of customs and inland revenue?, at Perth, Ont. died sud- denly in bed Wednesday morning at 7 o'oclook. Cause, heart failure. Will positively cure sink headache am Carter's Little' Lived prevent its return, C Pills- This is not talk, but truth. One pill a dose. See advertisement- Small pill Small dose. Small price, According to the report of the Dominion immigration ageut at Winnipeg nearly 38, Doo settlers entered Manitoba and the North;West Territories last year. KEEP IT ON HAND. butts. -I always keep a bottle of Hagyards Yellow Oil for cuts, sprains and bruises. The iolks at the house use it for almost medi- cine, w itgoodc thtnn. I know Y cine, rt is an excellect mollifier for cracked or chaped hands, Edward B. Farnsworth, of Detroit, sui cided by shooting Wednesday while being. taken to police headquarters dy a detective on a charge of forgery. VARIABLE APPETITE and itching at the nose are signs of worms. Dr. Low's Worm Syrup is the best lure. President Diaz, of Mexico;; he`s 't 'de' Gen. Luis E. Torres, Governor of Sonora and Lower California, the 'diplomatic mis- sion to Washington. ' OUTRIVALS ALL OTHERS. In curing coughs, colds, hoarseness, asth- ma, Bron.'bu s, ,sore throat and -lungs, isne remedy which is unequalled by -,.any other.We refer to Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup which has effected many re- mareable cures this season.. :'. Mayor Rabbet, of Taunton, Mass.; thi nl s he can control the drink traffic by. tin ng every saloon -keeper $3 for eyery conviction of drunkeness. Pain from indigestion, dyspepsia, and too hearty eating, is relieved at once:by- takeng one of Carter's Little Liver Pills immediate- ly after ginner. Don't fni•get this Jockey ,Toe Bergen- was •.thrown Iron', -his. 1 orae at the Gloucester races Wednesday and eied the same night front the' injuries received. ALTOGETHER DISAPPEA.RED.,. DEAR SIas..—About three months aero I' was neae.y wild with headaches. I started taking B. B. B. and took two bottles and my headaches have disappeared altogether•now I think it a grand medicine: • - LETTICE RODES,'LoudeShor0., Ont. Mr. A. A. Lowe, the aged fetheer- of•Pre- sident Seth Lowe, of Columbia .(Jollege, is ..-raid to be dying at his home in Brooklyn. WILD CETERRY and EIYPOPHOSPHI- TES are combined with Cod' Liver Oil in Milburn's Emulsion,, the best lung remedy: Mr. W. A. Webster says fully iso f}tmilie= emigrated last year. from Souto Dakota to the..anadian North-west. VERY MUCH PLEASED. SiRS.-l. am very much . pleasedwith the effects of Hagyards Pectoral Balsam. Our family has been greatly troubled with 'se vere colds. pains in the chest, etc.,and have been promptly relieved by this valuable medicine whieh we, willingly recommend. • CLAIRA A. MCKtt:enIC ' Claredon Station, N. B The different brewery companies in St. Louis ate at war and beer has gone down to $4 a barrel. Ifyou are tired taking the large old-fa';h- ione'l griping pills, try Carter's Little Li- ver Pills and take some comfort. A man can't stand everything. One pilla dose. Try them. Mr W 'I -I, Plummer was elected mayor •of,Sault Ste, Marie on Monday by. a large • majority. A CURE FOR DYSPEPSIA. In investing the cause of this prevalent complaint it is found to rest principally in wto g taction of the stomach and impurity of the blood. -These exeitin causes are easily removed by the regulatin- purifying tonic and digestive effects of Burg dock Blood Bitters, hence the success of 13- 13. B. in curing dyspepsia, In any form, no matter of how long standing or how severe it may be. Mayor•, Wallhridge, of Belleville, is not yet 32 years old, is a bachelor and a conserva- tive. FOR HEADACHE, Constipation, Bilious ness, or Torpid Liver, Burdock Pills are the best cure. A piano combine is said to have been formed, with the head office in .fersey city, Paso's Remedy for Catarrh is the. 73est. Easiest to Ilse, and Cheapest. Sold by druggists or sent by nail, Geo- J.il. 1f, Hazeltine. Warren, ?a. The Government has decided to remove the observatory from Toronto to Ottawa., V thea. 4 The 1 Chapter nl� is. 7 he Scarlet Clia a e D 5 5 p ,Y trict is11 meet at Ilillegrecn on the 1.5th inst,-1 here will bo a Pistrict Royal 'I'ompiar meetillg. in Varna on the 17th inst, A good prograinnte will be presented and general discuss- ion in the interests of .the order. In the evening there will be an open meeting when spy=aches, &e., will be given by prominent tuipitance men, Strcei,AV est,Toronto,po,natta, ABSOLUTELY Cures Lost Power, Nervous Debility, Night Losses, Di- ••eases caused by Abuse Over Work, Indiscretion, Tobacco, Opium or Stimulants, Lackot Energy, Lost ltlemory, Head- ache and Wakefulness. Young, middle-aged or old ;nen suffering from the effects of follies and excesses, restored to perfect health, manhood and vigor. plat ter To TuousAn 08 nv Tins MAuvrious Rmvianv.- A Cure is Guaranteed. To everyone using this Remedy accord`nig to directions or money cheerfully and conscientiously refunded. PRICE^r.UU, 6 PACKAGES $6.eU. Sent by mail to any point in 11.5, crCanauia securely coaled free from duty et lnspectien. Write Ida our hook "S'[ASTLiN41 FACTS" for men only. Tells you how to sot well and stay well. Address or call on QUEEN MEDICINE CO.,' MEW YORK LIFL' 81)01.1315(1, Montreal, Can, ti. BEST GROCERIES! AND WHERE TO BUYZi THEI. IS AT THE. PEOPLE'S GROCERY STORE F. J. KNIGHT, —Proprietor.— New goods are ar- riving every day, therefore leat'ing• no chance for old stale groceries being sold over the counter to ourcus t`o me rA. What we. want and what we intend to do is to sell the bust goods only. Goo Door South Opera Hall. Hensall. OATS WANTED. Good clean white oats. Present prices 21 to 29V cents. Having contracted with a Liver poolfirm for all the meal I can manu- facture this season. Farmers having oats to dispose ofshould call at the 13ensall.Oat- meal mills. D. URQUHART Masanic.-0rr,Tuesday the 27th ult., members of Zurich Lodge No 224, A. F. and A. M, met in their lodge room in honor of the festival of St. John the Evangelist and for the purpose of in- stalling the elected officers, for the on swing year, which were, as follows: G. T. McKay, W. M.;D. McEwen, S. W.; W. C. Davis, J. W.; C. Myers, Chap.; W. R Hodgins, Trews:; S. Bonthron, Sec.; J. F. McKay, S. D.; Dr. Thompson, J. D.; J., McNevin, D. C.; D. Burns and E. Butt. Stewards; D. Weismiller, Organist; ,J Ellis, I- G.; J. Moffat; Tyler. The year 1892 will be forever remembered in Zurich lodge as one of prosperity. They enter: the new year with an excellent' staffof officers, and with the increasing revival of interest inmasonry,the pros netts of Zurich lodge for the year 1893 are bright indeed.—Coma A 7.,PargIER S R Gift for Everybody Answering this Paine Correctly, ')100 Irk CA.SII. Jack and. Gill went up t- he hill to get a pail •• In the above well-known Rhyme the word "Water "1s missing, anitis to be ins ••d concealed n the+thnve cat of Jack and Gill The publishers .1 43 lr Yorittg People will give 10$00 in In the p rson who first ettn and the xotd Water nttheabovepicture, Tothe second tine foul Watch. h. To the third line Silver Wa..ele To the fourthanelegant Five O'floek -111 et 'Fc+•, slerv'e". To the fifth an imported aI t15.0'so r. `l ! theSitlt a AimplexT;ype Wl it 1.'1'. A Solid Gold Ming to Each of the next two cermet .111S—were. A t5 Gold Piero to the next tree. a gold breoclr to each or the next ton correct tnswors. A committee umsistin; of five teachers from the public sola,Os nf'tornnro will be invited •.n ho. present and assist the judges In the award of nr(nc.s, utontthe 1Zc!hul antlmake l.ar-.h rUll a l to pi to t t crows with a Io.adpuneil on the five letters (Water) ted send scuba, to us wirit ten three -cent stamps ar.to u.u1tsin silver) for one years' •subscription' oil12 you,' sr i!oopl -.which is a (largo,Naadi: rally illiisLfnled 10 plg rtga ins,) tybeautiful' fun eevirtn"1'I.`he Pi 11. 0 _ w111 he 9205 free by return to cuts;,' 011Swer received. rl Rernember hat you get the paper for an etttu r 1 e ai• and a r20100lorone or 10000ctthe prizes, This isyour gpp n la usty and ifvou delay ymt will miss and re;ttr,tit we will give to the leer 20 c'nrreel :mele ees reee ive(t each o handsome Souvenir Spam»i`Columbus. ttt..At.iat it IS lvnk YOU aro SAV tvhr.ther Or nrlt ',it will lutes One '00111e People es a 'regular visitor at your home for the next your. and a, ch;tru c or Whining ono of the 2i+nve prizes If pm ate not; perfectly. sarisileciiton Milt dor receiving the copy n Young People ,you call have your money li:trit. Isn't this fair. The 1 nvnlopa which contains correct answer bearing0ost.marlt will receive first roweled surea 1 ltrd lie reel . t order is fieri In and the bn ,t tut c answer Melee and cnt;lose 3t) cents ,and you tvtll. x000110 1110 best value von 2 0 at did for the mnotley, Ad frees ,l)) 011It YOUNG- pi20i'i.it}, 104'. ?ALACF[1.AJUIRY The undersigned°`having handsome ,y fitted up his'parlor ands 'restaurant —will serve ICED CREAM during the S>rinmv ,'Seasoyi. Also te leer0-$11pply...of Con#ec tlollery, Bread, Buns Cakes eke. Visits Exeter every Wednesday and Saturday eftertiden). All 'orders, left with Georgie Sanders promptly attend ed to.. Oysters acid fruit's of'' all '•kinds "iii their season. D, W, FOSS, Hensall. reatig Boge Wanted. Dressed or Alive. Dressed Hogs bought subject to the following conditions: -2 lbs per cwt: off; 5 lbs extra if shoulder stuck; 3 lbs' for either bung••gut or gullet, if left in. Alloa g 1� s to be cut through from Tail to Throat. Highest Price paid for Bogs weighing from 100 to 200 pounds, dressed. SHELL BRCS & Co. r ,c- rt d f ,.i� ® t • ir: ' • � 1 III�r. Regulates the Stomach, Liver and Bowels, unlocks theSecretions,'Pu rifiesthe Blood and removes all im- purities from a Pimple to theworstScrofulous Sore. .. L .gra• T1s `.'F , r+ 6tt "N I. 1,!. tt:4,;,.. ,, e okr --:=-• CURES DYSPEPSIA. BILIOUSNESS CONSTIPATION. HEADACHE SALT RHEUM. SCROFULA. HEART BURN. SOUR STOMACH DIZZINESS. • •DROPSY RHEUMATISM, SKIN DISEASES 1 � R Itt V •jY 5,1 .w h'3(..l}.:. „'�4•, �Q}.:1�.:t4 Ys( . •. " AO- fl �yj I}S� �iT,a,.J CL o t SNELL, st.. EXETER - ONTARIO Has now in stock Athmn Ana , IN THE FOLLOWING LINES : West of England Suitings,and Trous erings, Scotch Tweed Suitings and Trouser ings. French and English Worsted Cloth All made up in the Latest: Style, at best Rates. A. J. SHELL LA —SEND FOR— 'LIT TR ATE fI GATALC1GUE of Ladies Specialties. ADDRBJSS: The Parisian Medical Appliance Co., 19 Queen-st. E., Toronto, Ont. Mention•tlris Deer. asommasiMilimpoweammis READ AND LEARN. That our Planing Mill, Sash Door & Blind Factory is fitted up with.tlio latost improve 2001155. We aro prepared to do planing and niatehing, band and serollsawin, turning moulding, grooving and all hinds of mach- ine work on shortest notice. ..: i find. a tit our .L'CJ14tCi'N]R YAii:t,U you wll d large hail well assorted stock ofall kinds of bonding materials • Pirie and hemlock lulu. - her dressed and not cireseed, Soo 'our stock of x x stud x x x Pixto Shingles menet-to-Lured by the best makers in Ontario, We also have a large stool: of A 1 Cedar Shingles which a re excollen t value. No, I t no 1"ani, t1t con- stantly in ost-statntlyiii Stool: We liavo amega stock of t barn sash which we can furnish w zth or without glues '1Ve aro f, toil up with macli- inory;npeeiall5� adapt 03 for malcin 0111 kinds of Tames and Cis l res,which weea;n furnish to n1ir enseomtar•s on droit votico. 'We showy so.mcthisig now in this lino for watering ettt- tleii: the fretcl or bnneve .eel Our celebrated: Slaking Cabinet is still at- tracting m ueb attention, and giving entire satisfaction whell ever to sod, One 1 suet examine the above narnea stock, all of which will be sold at lowest prices ROSS & TAYLOR, Main St., Exeter $75,000.00 —All persona who want- CHEAP litri'' NET at 5i, 0 and 011, PFR CENT should can sit the^ Off ce of 11,, COLLINS CAUTION. . EACH PLITG OF THE MYRTLK NAVY'! IS MARKED W. G Bi sett's Livery. First Class.JTorses and Digs. SPECIAL RATES 1I'I'I 'COMM- RCIAL MEN. Orders loft at Bissett Bros.'Ha1dware Store, will receive prompt attention, 'TERMS •.' REASONABLE A TRIAL'SOLIOITEI); W. G. •BISSETT IN BRONZE LETTERS; NONE OTHER GENUINE I ig IS li011iii And you may spend a lot of money in visiting several parts and see lots of. excitement,but you tire of that and; set tle down some day, and when you do and have to buy furniture, call at LEY'S ' Old established warehouse and see their immense stock of FURNITURE, from the largest appointed: nianufact uries in Canada; who have the best machinery money can buy and of the latest improvemdnts. and also the fin- est drying kilns in the above t Round World" and first class A. 1 finishers to the bargain, and then visit some coun try firms who cannot compete at all with them in wear or tear;. andeven in finish, for their machinery is old fash- ioned and in soma castes worn out, Some of Canada's furniture men have won World Prizes,' and from such we buy. Having been forty years before the public we can without boasting say we have stood the wear and tear of public opinion and still are flourish- ing: Come 'end Dee our new styles just -in whether you buy or not, especially our patent Extension Tables- 'Remota bei we have the largest stock of pict- ure moulds in the county. S. GI I LEY Odd -Fellows Block. Opposite J Grigg's • Stationery. Ego llsicalliistrurint EMPOF?IUN1. PERKINS & MARGIN, PROPS. We cary the most complete stock of Musical instruments in the county. PIANOS, ORGANS. VIOLINS, ALSO SEWING MACHINES, BICYLES. FARM IMPLEMENTS &o. The above instruments always on hand. Torras to uit Purchasers. GIVE US A CALL. EVERYTHING AWAY DOWN —THE ENTRAL-- SHAVING --PARLOR. EXETER, = ONTARIO. A.Hastings, Prop. Every, attention paid to Ladies' and Children's CuttiCutting. ng, lrastingS o Ex�t�r Regi Esti�t� ����cy IF YOU WANT TO ]3uy or Sell a Tarin TiP Yf1TT WANT TO FSDPFIUi a '. ii6tGi• lttlfh F;iflAH POW la F: y ubi'ti , t t:4H E. tlsod to. 0201.21 ovepye i!r1n•,n,fitet,ylinga1Y/!ss sfr ,r, rc.�, • art fleein, ft rx'€Gt cost 5•,4x2 NW oe^i is lbs' a,lani acid diet/ �4-»ri lot elite e8$. Thss aro t of a Cattlartip, A brand nen stoelr ,JUst, opened •--out at .tile—: 2 Palace Grocery, • Tri 'llyIlln►an,s 411,1 Stand, ----UQDLPRThINee___: el Teas, Colfges Spioeh, Baking y 'AZ Powders gird foods, Starches, M +o BIt.teS, Soaps,Br'ushos,Bi'ooms Pee Pails,Rasins,C1111011ts.Ilice *d E .Oatmeal, Cornmeal,. tt Wheat G"erins, figs, cn Nuts, Dates, Ora • . - es, Lemons, Peels b ▪ • It,ati arts, Hite Z m Derry Salt, 0 'Iladdiia.s, • C, ,- Oyster s,$one r 1_ ,C3 d 1t ss.Co(Itish Cis- 'b H ... coca,.,a1ld ever" , eti o "thireg'generallykept to•ill. a,•fi1$t.e1ass,Giocei'.. 0 A Iltlndsome Clock will On be given away, way- prize rn taking powder. Give us a call. 0 G. Hyndmaii, • M. Vincent, Prop. Man. CHRISTMAS TOE o If you would wish 1 encu sh a1 e, .As good as barber .an ever' gave,• Just call at my shaving saloon, A: moin, at eye, or. busy 00011,. I'll crit end dress the hair with grace, To suit the contour of the face. My room is near, towels ;clean, Scissors sharp and razors keen. And everythilih;1 think you'll find to suit tee taste and 'peeve.. the mind: Buy or Sell Town Property And all that art and ski!) tent do, IF YOU WANT TO 33orrow or Lend Money i:F YOU WANT Collections lYfake Call at Ir. Jno. Spackman's Real Estate Agency, Business Transactions strictly con- fidential. Intending purchasers will receive the best advice in selecting land or town sites. Also agent for Allan Line and State Line Steamships: Office -Main Street, Exeter, Ont. Address:—JOHN SPACKMAN, Box 44 —Bargains in— Harness, Trunks, Valises, Whips, Rugs, Boots, Shoes,Rubbers &c. AT John Treble's, I ai -st NOTE A FEW PRICES: Balf•fox Felt Boot, Grain, $2.00; Felt Boot, Loose Socks, Grain, $2.25; Men's Rubbers, 60e; Women's Rubbers, 80c; Misses' Rubbers, 25c; Skilled Workmen are em- pl.oyed to: manufacture the goods, and lhe best of ma- terials used. Prompt attentiou given to all kinds of repairing. My Stock is well assorted and every customer is guaranteed satisfaction. The Prices mean a Sale every time. Call and be convinced. JOHN TREBLE, Main Street, Exeter. If you'll Just call, Ido for •. • n. I shave the old; the y•onng the gay, I'll shave you all Foe-readv pays; And give a shampoo any time, And for a shave I get a dime— I do not mean a dune in trust. For that would make the Bar bee bust. Agent for The Parisian .Steam Laundra, ¶titch this SPACE Next Week. Rich in the lung-healingvirtues :ofthe Pine combined with the soothing and expectorant properties of other pectoral herbs and barks. p PERFECT CURE FOR COUGHS AND OOB.DS Hoarseness, Asthma Bronchitis, Sore Throat. Croup and all THROAT, BRONCHIAL and LUNG DISEASES. Obstinate coughs which - resist other remedies yield promptly to this pleasant piny syrup. PRICE 25C. AND BOC. PER BOTTLE* SOLD 118 ALL OAUGGIDTS. TT y Never was there known such low price in. F r .iture. before, as you will find at E Having purchased the Warerooms and Factory lately occupied by W. Andrews, I wish to; • Exeter and ,Country that, I a m cferi n �' all kinds inform people of surrounding'. �, of furniture at (neatlyreduced rates. .All Goods to be in; guaranteedY clas dry material andput together in the own hand make, of first-class :� possible y�ossiUle mariner and of the latest design and finish. A11 ;l.incls of ordered receives myprompt attention,I�LTMBER and WOOD taken in et. work and repairing p p p � ex- change for FURNITURE. The only place in town where you can buy the Wire Yale's �, �te t ® •- Off. WI1. e Mattress—Best mem - a�t eesMarket. At insoll • W. Andrew's Old Stand 2 doors North �oIt It Town Hall, Exeter,