The Goderich Signal-Star, 1970-05-14, Page 10904E111,0H SIONAL,STAR,,, THURSDAY, MAY 14, 1970 Present gift to past -president At St, Joseph School, Si: Joseph's C.W.L. met on May 1970 with 14 present. Mrs. Antone Von Osch presided. Father Cassano opened with • the League Prayer and one decade of the rosary. St. Christopher Leadership Course , will be held ' at Kingsbridge May 15 -- 17. Mrs. Mark Dalton moved that all bills are to he paid. Mrs. John Howard stated that we should' take an interest in the missions throughout the year, as they need so, much. Posted on the church door and bulletin will be the family's name who* carries up •the offertory. If anyone is ill, notify Mrs. Walter Clare 'or ,Mrs 0. Heffernan. Visitors are netded this month to ,go to Ripley Nursing Home,, so contact Mrs. Antone Van,Osch if you can go. The original charter dated July 21, 1921 was received. On May 19 and 20 their 50th anniversary of the C.W.L. of Canada will hold a convention in London. Mrs. Jim O'Donnell of Lucknow is our delegate for two • v4days. We voted yes to all the. resolutions that will be voted on at the convention. Resolutions dealt witfi'' y Indian Affairs, Nursing Homes, Pollution and Peace and Development. If . anyone wishes to go on May 20th for' the day's session and banquet contact Mrs. Antone On May 20 our League is entertaining ' 125 patients at Huronview. If you can go, contact Mrs. Frank Riegling..The following ladies are baking fruit loaves Mrs. Carl Riegling, Mrs. Antone Van Osch, Mrs. John Howard, Mrs. Dennis Hogan, Mrs. Wilfred Austin, Mrs. Joe 0 Keefe, Mrs. Joe Courtney, Mrs. Jelin Austin, Mrs. Mark Dalton and Mrs. Frank Riegling. Mrs. Joe Courtney gave information on °the Ashfield Amazonian' Aid 'Walk on June 6. 'St. Josephs C.W.L. is in charge of Energy Centre Resource. . Discussed reunion to be held on August 15 and 16. Make' articles to be sold during this reunion. Articles for Combermere are being collected now. ' A joint June meeting with St. Augustine and Lucknow will be held at Kingsbridge. Remember' the plant sale , following the meeting. Mrs. Carl Riegling presented a gift to past president Mrs, John Austin for a job well done. Father gave a short talk on Ambitious Mothers of the Bible. We all are ambitious. Mothers will,want our children to folic* Christ. • Maple Leaf Qia.Ier 10f)E pion September luncheon The regular meeting of the Maple Leaf Chapter I.O.D.E. was heldIVIay 5 at the home of Mrs. M. Rayner. Mrs. John Stringer, regent, was in charge of the meeting with Mrs. Qordon McManus recording the minutes due to the absence of our secretary, Mrs. L: Royal. Mrs. C. Boddy, chairman �'f Was and, Means, gave a detailed account of , the plans for the luncheon to be held Sept. 23, in North 4 -St. *United Church Christian Education building I • --TAW V 0 i? -THE Q.RP 7-AqFE/C. e/G swys -riegv ELL iciG *739E I-/ OL / D Ay with Mrs. Pierre Burton as guest that there are now 414 dliapters • speaker.' in Ontario. She said convention speakers stressed the importance of the chapters becoming involved in the work of the community. • It was announced that the June meeting would be held as a pot luck supper at Mrs. James Remington's cottage Pott Albert. Coffee and a cake, decorked to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the provincial I.0.D.E. was served Mrs. M. Rayner, public 'relations chairman gave an interesting account of pollution dieto soaps and cleaning agents we use. .Mrs, Rayner used an Illustrated, chart which she,made and a booklet on "Pollution" 'Aproduced by Robert Coulter to impress on the members the seriousness of this matter. Mrs. Stringez, delegate to the I.O.D.E Convention held recently in Hanliltion, said 2 We listened to a record "Dear s -h 77 -WE YO O /2 77,11 E Mamma" sung by children. A .4A/0 NOT" . 4 1. //E retreat was suggested for June. Father wants the flies • gathered up on Saturday. Mrs. Carl Riegling adjourned the -Man- Oschmotlater,MBP MaY--14 -Father-closed--vvith "VW 4131towing,:ports, were- -prayer; mr3......,Ltennislipgair.won„.....,..... • read - corresponding, recording the mystery gift. • Inneek Chapter IODE plan Blossom Tea . Members met fp,r May at the home oF lyIrS. R. W. Neville Angiesea Street. • Mrs. Stokes membership convener presented Mrs. Caroline E. Shaver who took her affirmation. and was welcomed 'into the Chapter. The treasurer,:.s. report on the two recent rummage sales was gratifying Mrs. H. Tichborne read a humorous article on "'jumble sales, bazaars, teas, where the women beat themselves out and vow"never again" but in the fall all are up and at it again. ' Final plans were made for the "Blossom Tea" May,20th in the Legion Hall. There will be tea. bake o. table, silent auction, aprons. Each member to ,invite theirfriends. Regent. Mrs. Habel read the address of Mrs. R. W. Craik Provinciala president at the 50th -anniversary dinner held in Hamilton in April.' This was of interest to those who could not attend the convention. The suggestion of building a Community Centre at Attawapiskat on James Bay a Cree settlement, was Overwhelmingly approved as a 50th anniversary project for all the Ontario. "Chapters: Three departments, education' services and citizenship, can be combined to promote education beyond grade 8 arrange a travel program for young people provide books for a library and encourage renewal of the handicraft arts. This a is a " g o lden" • opportunity to become involved in helping in our own province and for the J.O.D.E. to lead the way. RED CROSS BLOOD CLINIC WED:, MAY 20th Advertisemenf Published 13y DOMTAR CHEMICALS LTD. Sifte Salt Divison 'Evaporator Plant 11•4111111MINIIININIMMIllift ▪ Yr Hasty (Continued from page 1) cleaning cars down there and got kicked 4334h:hale: idp.ointed out the property Was fenced completely. Coun. Walkom said in speaking to the solicitor the sollicitor stated the town could do nothing about anything unless it was a menace to public health or was a fire hazard. Coun. Paul Carroll said he had obtained three bylaws from other municipalities on the problem and suggested , in view of the repetitive nature of the type of complaints that council have the special committee consider the bylaws. Council made no immediate decision on the matter and it waspointed out by the clerk that no business licences had yet been renewed so M & W had not been affected by council's action to that point. . • Mr an Mr.S. IMO Courtney att ued the dinfer for4lhe. parents •and the 1070 graduates of St, Mary's Hospital, Kitchener, Wednesday, April V Kitchener. Their daughter, atexa:heati'nC:cowsne.t 'gator Hotel, Sharon, IS .4 member of. the Mr, and - Mrs. Ormond Heffernan and tvir. and Mrs. Antone Van Osch attended the Ordination of key. Father Vincent Heffernan S.E.M., at St. John's - Pariih, Arthur, §aturdayr May 2. Father Heffernan was ordained in his own home Parish' by the Bishop of the Scarboro ' Foreign Mission Society. Father 'Heffernan will be a Missionary Priest. in Guinea, South America, Tuesday evening, April 28, a bridal.shower was held. for Mrs. Tony (Stephanie) Miltenburg in the schodl, when many friends and neighbours gathered to welcome Stephanie,a new bride Hwohloarrived iecently from Holland. Mrs. Walter ‘, Clare was chairlady, for the following program: accordion solos by Mary Bongertman, Nolda and` Marianne Miltenburg; a humorous skit acted by Kathy and Anita Hogan and Ursula Courtney; a piano Denise Dalton; and Joanne Hendericks had everyone play a game. - A few songs were sung in , e news Dutch by some :ladies OL the A con . Stephanie was escorted to her. chair by Nelda Miltenburg and Marianne Miltenburg, who also assisted in opening the OM. Mrs. Carl itleillinil read an address to Stephanie on behalf of .all her friends and neighbours. After opening her many gifts, the bride thanked everyone and lunch' was seryed. SOCIAL ITEMS Congratulations to., Mr. and IVIrs. Joe Essery who mulled in Clinton,, Saturday, May 2, Sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Gelbert Frayne on the recent passing . of Mr. Frayne's brother, , Orio Frayne of Toronto. Mr. and Mxs. Don Frayne and Mr. and Mrs. Gene Frayne attende the funeral on Wednesday, May 6th. Walter Kelly and Sherley Essery of London spent the weekend at the home of Mrs. John Kelly. Mr. and IVIrS. Ed Schefter and family of Balton, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. 'John Howard and family. - Linda Van ' Osch, sixteen month old daughter of Mr. and 1Vbss. Antone Van Osch, is a patient in the Wingham and District Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. . Ambrose - Hartman and family of Kitchener visited on the Weekend with Mrs. Marie Austin. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Martin and family spent Sunday visitink in London. ' • Mrs. May Lambertus returned to • her home in Kingsbridge after spending the winter months with M. and MrSi; Arnold 1Vhasmari in London. Sister Jean Frances 'of Formosa spent the weekend ,with . her -mother and Alex ()eking of Walkerton is visiting with his sister for awhile. • *Ur. and Mrs. Sandy _MacPherson and Sandra Lynn of -Oshawa spent the weekend with, Mr, and M. garl, Drennan. Mr. -and. -Mrs. Brian Dalton and son of Guelph, and Mr, and . Mrs. Matnice, Palton and family of Sarnia spent the weekend with Mrs. Dennis Dalton, • , Jim Sennett is home on two weeks vacation from his boat. Mr. and Mrs. John Van Osch and Michael of Waterloo spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Van Osch. , A film on Dr. , Binder's. Hospital on the Amazon in Peru was shown after Church Sunday., Fifty percent of the funds raised . in the Ashfield Amazon aid Milk will be sent here. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Martin and family visited with Maureen Quinlon of Byron Sunday. They also visited with Mr. and. Mrs. Mackenzie Bell and Mr. and Mrs. Ted Dodds, all of London. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Martin and family were weekend visitors with IVIrs...Blaise Martin. 44, ° NIOPFAT ° 14.2 Cu. Ft: FROST -FREE Refrigerator:Freeze; Featdres: * No defrosting ever * 131 lb.capacity freezer * Separate freezer control * Controlled temperature butter keeper * Meat keeper * Magnetic door sedi *"Roll-abdur wheels *.Seandess Dura Cast liner for easy cleaning. * ,"?.TH4- 4.IS,._.,,"W,aE.E-,,K„, ..'.,..,sSt,, 6 , . SPECIAL foffut bishwusherthl 039 'It1301'iEltICII)"LIM/TED7:' so vticroitiA‘ S1 N Dial 5244511 S BUTTE lb. OELMO.NTE FANCY - 14 oz. EARLY GARDENIPEAS 5i$1 PINE. ORANGE OR GRAPEFRUIT ap, DELMONTE DRINKS 3i1 DELMONTE 18 oz.' TOMATO CATSUP 3i1 FACELLE ROY,ALE FACIAL TISSUES BALLET TOILET- TISSUE APPLE OR RAISIN RED- & WHITE PIES 5 ST. LAWR eNCE CORN OIL 25 oz. **. Size ais'k '4,)irts 55' DELMONTE FANCY -14 oz. , CREAM, STYLE: CORN DELMONTE FANCY oz. TOMATO JUICE DELMONTE - 24 oz. • ; . 4 BAGGIES 60's PRUNE ,NECTAR 279 SANDWICH BAGS CREA DELMONTE FANCY - oz. 14 5i$1 PEAS and CARROTS DELMONTE - 14 oz. 31$1. FANCY PEARS •112 GAL. • DELMONTE - 14 oz._ 59 FANCY PEACHES '-DELMONTE FANCY - 14 oz. 3.°89' ,FRUIT: COCKTAIL 2i59‘ DAVID'S - SALTED OR PLAIN r SODA' BISCUITS 1. Ib. E3tix JAFFA QUEEN - 48 oz. -2419' ORANGEBJUICE 594 PINE RIVER CHEESE FROZEN room, xrarunrs , McCAIN'S FROZEN FANCY PEAS VALLEY FARMS .FROZEN FRENCH FRIES 2 lb F Bag 21b. Bag - F .0‘ 5 -LBS. GRANULATED SUGAR WITH THE PURCHASE OF 4 GENERAL ELECTRIC L&MP gULES - 40-60-100 Watt at rogular price RASPBERRY OR t TRAWBERilY -AYLMER JAMS 5 iivEs-ro-N-T-L 7% oz.: - :- SUGAR WAFERS 10c SIZE ° CHOCOLATE BARS 12ill IHGP.-rivurucm)PT61-Ii;iz. Mils PANTY HOSE ' 69' REG. SIZE PRE PRICED -2/35c -LIFEBUOY SOAP', /129' MOUTH WASH SAVE 30c I 011rh COLGATE 100 17 oz. I ovirir 3i$1 lb. 694 - 15 oz. DARE .COOKIES .2419` HOUSE AND GARDEN -11 oz. RAID BUG 'KILLER 1.09 • SHOP CUTT'S AND SAVE ON THESE BAR-B.a. WEEKEND SPECIALS RED AND WHITE, BREAD • 24 OZ. 1EDOUGHNUTSW-1OF 1, 2 SHIRRIFF 3oz. BUD PUDDINGS SHIRRIFF - 3 oz. JELLYPOWDERS 10i$1 24 oz. Tin PURITAN STEWS 2s9 a CULVERHOUSE CHOICE - 19 oz. WHOLE POTATOES 3i/714 4 9$I 5i$1 CHOC. OR FRUIT -11 oz.. Kraft Marshmallows Yuri! YUM or SWEET M1i-15 BICK'S.PICKLES HAMBURG OR 1NIENER-8's ' KLEENEX 60's COOD.TASE HARDWOOD . 3i89' 'CHARCOAL 51b. 2i99" oz. RISE 'N' SHINE - 39 LEMONADE MIX VI WESTON ROLLS 4 1 FAMILY NAPKINS 369 4 SHELL VAPONA NO PEST STRIP SAVE 46c 2.49 - CANADA DRY. CANNED POP.CASE OF 2.2924 FRESH- F BAR B. Q. WEEK IN THE MEAT DEPT. TURKEYS CANA1c).A GRADE A FROZEN 454 F IE SH It CHICKEN ' NiS81 RIASTS SHOPSY ALL BEEF FRANKS scHNE.11)ER!; 1" II) 8 Pc' COOKED CHICKEN FRESH MIX' 1) PORK CHOPS SCHNI IIH R'S 6 oz. COLD CUTS Avg Ib57' 4 Ib.65 1.59 89' 239' 10 I b. Ib. SKIM E SS OH RED HOTS SCHNEIDER'S WIENERS Ib.65 SCHNF IDE R'S BULK SMOKED SAUSAGE FRESH MIDGET SPARE RIBS FULLY COM V.P DINNER HAM FRESH GROUND BEEF 4 Ib794 lb 494 Ib. 99' Ib. 594 COLEMAN'S SWEET PICKLED COTTAGE ROLLS Ib. 65' CANADA FANCY Ib. .„; SUNKIST.183's ORANGES 'CAWAOA NO:1 CARROTS . Doz. .For ,) • 5 lb. Bag PRODUCT OF MEXICO ATOES lb,' TO For 4 us.140„.„1„mxtv.0' • ,2i5 LETTUCE 0> • • • • , v, ROSE - 12 oz. WINTER SALAD RELISH VT PREM-- 11 oz. • NCH kohl -MEAT 55*--- -ROBIN HOOD-- 11 oz. CREAM PIE -MIX A 31,A1 JAVEX BLEACH 434 KOOL-AID SAVE9c 1O494 STUART HOUSE - 1" x 25' ALUMINUM FOIL - STUART 1HOUSE 10's . GARBAGE BAGS . 59' * DAVID'S DELUXE ,COOKIES 21b.. 69' 1/ • MAPLE - LEAF CANNED HAMS lrYl2N lb' 1.79 it 2 '- 91 VICTORIA " OPENAITEtY UNTIL 10 P. 4 GODERICH er. „et '