HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1892-12-29, Page 14mpor a t Dike
On `l 1 tli" D:A.Y, FRIDAY,
SATURDAY', of this
week a Customers ]benefit
1.$ale will be.held at the `Mart,
when.' a Straight' .discount of
0 per:ce .t
will be given on all Fancy
Goods pil chases of" y1.00 and
Other than Customers will
be allOved 20 per cent only.
CUSTOMFRS' will please
ask for Benefit TICKETS.
The BInkr1,11,11, Ston.
Now's . .
Your ....
All Fancy Goods carried over
from Xmas at the tt
Big Bankrupt Store
Half Priceall we want.
They must go.
PHOTO ALBUMS, liassagi
must be sold before New Year.
Handford was preached in the Jaynes
St. Methodist ehureb, on 81111day taste
3e•c:are£ut and: not accept bills on
the Royal Canadian Bank and Ex-
change Bank as they are of no
value, 'The banks having failed,
McDonell Bros. will sell a. t greatly
reduced prices their entire stock of
hardware, stoves, tinware, paints, oils,
glass Sze, for the next two weeks.
The Lnean Record has changed
hands. Bryant Bros. have sold the
paper andbusiness to Mr. W. H. Bo
den, of Toronto, who is a practical
Owing to the rush of job work dur•
ing the pasttwo weeks we were un-
able to issue our paper on the usual
day, but we hope our many subecri-
bers will kindly bear with us.
eDonoll Bros,; changq of "•ad:' A meeting of the Biddulph District, I,
funeral sermon of the late lsaao(L.0•L., will' be held in Crediton on
Tuesday neat at 1.030 a.m. A full at-
tendanee is requested.
'New 7aoarsgift for tho Rector's Worse,
Mr. Geo, Case, on boltalf of himself
Messrs Peter and Adam Case, Mrs,Ben
Carse and Mr, Thos, Hawkins, took over
30 bushels of oats to Rev Fred Hellin;
Fatt, last week.
Sets .
Just .
4Half .
Value .
. ste cart.
Clearing sale for the next two weeks
,at McDoneil Bros.-Bissett's old stand.
The thermometers registered 12
.degrees below zero on Wed morning
last week.
Remember the Christmas Cantata in
the New Church'Hall, Friday next 6th
;oto morrow.)
Geo. Viet ers,the alleged Mitchell em-
bezzler, was again remanded for eight
days at Stratford Tuesday.
A vote was taken here on lvtonday
for the establishment of a House of In-
dustry and was approved of by a large
Hood's Pills cure constipation by re-
storing the peristaltic action of the ali
mentary canal. They are the best fam-
ily cathetic
The,'joints and muscles are so Tub-
see/paten by Hood's Sarsaparilla that all
n,heumatism and stiffness soon disap
pear. Try i t.
All parties indebted to McDonell
Bros will kindly call and settle on or
before the ISM January as they posi-
tively:leave town on that date.
Mr: R.' J. Flerning' will again 'fill
themayor's chair in Toronto. He was
reelected by an overwhelming ma-
jority,°x8,120, with one division miss
• . lug.
Cull early and get some of the great
bargains offered by McDonell Bros, as
r theypositively leave town on Jan,,
18tiii ° Remember the spot.--Blssett's old
'Montreal, August 4th, 1891.
My head was literally full of Dand-
ruff"a'nd nothing applied gave visible
relief until using Anti -Dandruff, a few
applications of which has so thoroughly
remawed the da,rclruff there is not a
gr°a:into be found. W. H. O'RxGAir,'
By Mail Clerk.
The "Myrtle Navy" tobacco is not
burdened with the usual costs which
swel1'the price of most articles to the
consuaner, the firm employ no travel-
lers whatever, their orders come to
them instead of being sought by them
The merchant sloes not require to keep
a large stock' on hand swelling its
price with interest, for the factory it
an immediate source of supply to him,
at the Bost of a postal card or at most a
telegram. He loses nothing, therefore
from being overstocked, The article
is a.sampie one, for whi.eh there is as
constant a demand alas for wheat or
flour, and the merchant can therefore
sell it at the minimum rate of pro-
Mr. Chas. Senior, of Blenheim, form
erly of Exeter, has been elected Dep.
uty-Reove of that place by art over-
wbolixning majority. There were
three candidates is the field, Mr. Seta
for polling 94 more votes than the oth
er two combined, This speaks highly
for our old tliend..
The Boys.
Boys should always have some quick
and sure remedy for Sudden attacks of
Cramps, Diarrhea, or Dysentery, for a
Our jolly newsboy wishes to return physician is not always near, and an
his hearty thanks to our many sub- hour's delay in cases of this kind often
leads to serious results. Therefore par-
ents should have on hand a supply of
PERRY Davis' PAIN KILLElt, which is
as etiieacious as it is simple and harm•
less. Directions are with each bottle,
and one dose rarely fails to bring re-
lief to a sufferer from any bowel com-
plaint, New size 25e Bottle, full 2 oz.
The Salt Industry.
The Secretary of the Canada Salt As.
soeiation has supplied the following for
publication The Canada Salt Associa
Mon dissolved on Saturday 31st. Al-
though the prices charged by the as-
sociation have been exceedingly mod-
erate, and 'notwithstanding the fact
that the large bulk of traders are ful-
ly in sympathy with the arrangement
note on section 54 of the Liquor lei -
owing to the new wells that are
scribers for the liberal way in which
they responded to his New Year's call.
From the donations received his servi-
ces as Carrier must have been highly
Geo. MeMilan, of Morrisburg, is the
owner of ora of the fattest pigs in
Canada, yes, in the world. Only 18
months old, weighs 965 pounds, 11 feet
11 inches from tip to tip, girths 6 feet
6f inches, stands 9' hands high. He
eats well and is still poor in flesh. His
footprints in sand are like those of a
cow, Five hundred dollars has been
offered for hitn.
There is considerable difference of
opinion on the question of liquor drink-
ing during prohibited hours. In a
cense Act, Judge Sinclair, a recognized , coming into epelation at 1ltooretown,
authority- on the Act, says: "It is gen
eraily supposed that supplying liquor
to the members of the occupant's fam-
ily, or lodgers, in his house, is not pro•
hihited," but "it is expressly provided
that no sale or other disposal shall be
made" during prohioited hours "to any
person or persons whomsoever, except
for medicinal purposes, and even then
the liquor shall not be drunk on %the
premises, except by the occupant, or
some member of the family,,or lodgers
in his house." No one, not even the
landlord, has the . right to enter the
barroom during prohibited hours, i'ex-
cept.for some necessary domestic dut-
Our municipal election is over and
the ratepayers of the town have ex
pressed pretty clearly their views and
wishes through the ballot box—the im-
portant question of who is to be our.
town "fathers" for '93 is now settled.
Whether the choice in all cases is wise
or unwise, will be decided by the fu-
ture course of those to whom the rate-
payers have entrusted the manage-
ment of our affairs for the ensuing
year. We think the result of the con-
test, upon the whole will proye satis-
factory. Of course, as is often the
case, good men have been left at home.
One thing ,the new council will have
to exercise great economy in the man-
agement of town affairs if they succeed
in providing for liabilities already in
curred, make street and other ;im-
provements and keep the rate of taxa-
tion down to its usual standard. An-
other matterwhich needs careful con-
sideration --and that in the near fu-
ture—is a better lighting system,
Whatever our town is behind in, we
believe the matter of a good lighting
system, should come under the "first
order of new business" and we think
the ratepayers are in accord with us.
Hoping this matter will receive due
consideration, we wish our "dads" for
'93 a prosperous New Year, and may
their administration be such that ev-
ery ratepayer may be more than satis-
Seaforth Dye Works.
All orders for the. above Dye Works
can be left with E. H. Fish.
Boy Wanted.
A good smart boy wanted to learn
printing. Apply at this office.
harm„for Sale.
The undersigned has several first
class farms for sale on easy terms.
J. SPAC$MAN, Exeter
Windsor, etc., it was felt impossible to
continue. The salt manufacturers
feel especially aggrieved that a public
institution like the C. P, R, which owes.
its inception and its present existence
to, the large sums of money that have
been given to it by the taxpayers of
the Dominion, should condescend to en-
ter into a needless and wasteful corn-
petition•in the manufacture of , salt.
The prices at which salt can now be
obtained will be low enough to satisfy:
themost patriotic patron of the indus-
To Dleetors of the Village of Exeter.
I wish to thank a large majority of
the electors of Exeter,who kindly gave
me their votes and support on Monday.
I regret defeat more on their account
that on my own.
During the past year Iha`eeudeav
oitred to do what was right both by
the elector who works for the corpera
tion and the elector who pays for the
work. It has also beeu my endeavor
to. promote the interests of the village
at large.
I am pleased to state that the .eons
mittee appointed to secure a foundry
for the village, has been, so far, sue
cessful in their arrangements; that it
should be an accomplished fact in the
near future. I wish Exeter every pros.'
perity. WM. BAWDEN.
Personal Mention.
Geo Easterbrook, of Burlington, for-
merly of Exeter, is visiting friends in
town.—Mrs. Stoddart, of Port Hope, re-
turned -home
e-turned-home Saturday after visiting
friends and relatives in this vicinity
for the past two ' weeks.—Mr. Thomas
Beaman, of Brantford. who has been
spending a few days in town, returned
home on Tuesday. -Miss Annie Hills,
of London, was the guest of Miss Annie.
Year's Weekes for New ear' s Da.Y -Miss
Susie Sweet, of Detroit, who has been
spending Xmas 'under the parental
roof, returned to Detroit on Monday.—
Miss Minnie Sweet, London Road,is at
present visiting relatives and friends
in Biddulph.-Mr. W. E. Sebtt, of Lon-
don, who has been visiting friends in
town during the past week, returned
on Monday evening -Charlotte and.
Alice Peterson, together with their
brothers, ' Aifred and Nelson, spent
their Xmas holidays with friends in
Hyde Park. -Ed. Sanders, of. Clinton,
was in town on Monday to exercise his
franchise. -Mrs, Jas. Gale, wife of the
editor of the Bowmanville News, ac-
companied by daughter Edna and
Master Fred, are visiting her sister,
Mrs. T. A. Brown —Miss Etta May
Wanted. Hawl:sham, of Detroit, is visiting.
Never too late to mend, 5000 pairs of friends at home. -Miss Annie Gregory
boots and shoes that need repairing to and Miss May Gill are - home from
be left at the leading boot and shoe Mitchell,—Bert Gridley visited friends
store next door to the Post -office. in Sarnia last week.—Mrs, Alb. Pear
son, who has been the guest of her
brother, Mr. John Taylor, returnedto
her home in London Tuesday night.—
Mr. Abel T\Talper and fa..ily went to
Berlin Tuesday morning:. -B. Ruston
She got the Diamond.
"I cannot accept yourrecommdation,
Sir,” saida lady to a druggist, who
wished to sell a package inferior dye
instead the reliable Diamond, "I have
left on Saturday Iasi for Brantford.—
used the Diamond Dyes for years, and Wallaee Flicks visited friends . here
know from experience that they are during holidays and returned to
the best ;if you do not sell the Diamond Brantford Tuesday.—R. Eacrett and.
I must look :elsewhere" The lady got G. Baker went to Wingharn Tuesday
the Diamond Dye. If all ladies were night.—Miss Grace Penhale is visiting
as particular, there would be no fail- friends iu St.'Thomas and Woodstock.
ures in home dying. -Mrs. A. A. Lind, who •hag beery, ,the.
Vence. guest of her sister, Mrs, Dan Dyer, for
The annual meeting of the Stephen the past week, returned to her home
& Usborne Agric'l Society will be held in London Tuesday 'evening. -Mrs,
in the Town Hall, Exeter, on Thurs.. Campbell, of London, }vho has ;been
dJanuary 12rh 1893, at 2 o'clock p visiting friends near Hensel), returned
may, ,,for the,purp se ofelectingPresident borne Tuesday night. --Mrs. George
Vice -President and Directors f r the Thomas arrived home Tuesday night
ensuing year. All members and in fromCobourg, where she visited friends
terested parties are cordially invited dining Christmas holidays.—Miss' Tay.
to attend, A meeting of the Directors for arrived home, Tuesday night from
will be held. at 10 o'elocic on the same St. Thomas, where she has been visit
day and place. A. G. DYnn, See'y. ing relatiyes.—Miss Edith Brown left
for Mt Forest Tuesday morning.—Mrs.
It's so. (Rev.) Ramsay, after visiting friends
There are men whom editors love. here during the past week, returned to
When they meet you they give your Mt, Forest Tuesday morning. -Messrs,
hand a shake so hearty and genuine Luther Braund and Chas Man ing'
that it does you good. They never al- left for Cleveland, Ohio, Monday Tight.
low their subscriptions to run behind,—Mrs. 1). Johns and Miss Joh rston
rarely fail to leave something., of inter went to St. Marys to visit friers on.
est in the line of news, and occassion- Saturday last.—Mrs, D. ' Wrigh: and
ally bring a new subscriber. They al- Mrs. Marchmont left for `„Alma, chi'
ways speak a good word for the paver
and in a thousand ways render them
selves indispensihle. We have the
names of a number of such men on our
subscription book.
through life by the rough stages
of coughs, colds and consump-
tion, be careless of , yourself
during tike damp, cold weather
and DON'T use
Allen's Lung Balsam
for that nasty cough of yours.
But if you'd like to live to a
green old age in health, and
consequently in happiness, use
Allen's lung Balsam
as a preventive and cure of all
Throat and Lung diseases.
25c, 50c & $1.00 Per Bottle.
Tuesday.—Mrs. Williams, of Goderich,
is the guest of hey brother, Dr- Hynd-
man, this week.—Rev. Clement, at one
time a resident, but now of the faculty
of St. Thomas Alma College, shook
hands with a number of his old friends
here this week.-MissTillie White, of
Sarnia, who has been the guest of her
parents during the holidays, returned
on Tuesday night.—Mr. Fred Dunsford
who has been visiting relatives and
friends for the past few weeks, went to
London Tuesdey.—Mr. Albert McCal
lum eat Xmas turkey with his parents
and returned to'London -Tuesday.—Mr
Aubry Buswell, of St. Marys, eat goose
and turkey with his parents during
Xmas and returned home Tuesday
morning.—Miss Mame Sanders visited
friends in St. Marys and London this
week. -Mrs. Thos Coates, who has
been visiting . friends in Toronto, is
home again. -Mr. Follick visited in
Toronto this week.—Mr. Wm. Johns, of
Snowflake, Man., arrived home on Sat
urday last. He will likely remain for
the winter.—Mr. C. Miners, G.T.R. con
ductor, of Point Edward, is visiting
friends in town.—Mr. A. J. Mc'I avish
spent Sunday and Monday with friends
in tt. Marys.—Miss Hannah Kinsman,
teacher, of Tilbury Centre, spent
Christmas vacation with ,her parents.
-Mr. Geo. Sam well left for London,
Wednesday ,•morning. -Mr. H. Kins
man and sister left for Clinton on
Wednesday.—Messrs M. Martin and
L. L. Follick started their secondquar-
ter attending the High School at Clin-
ton.—Mrs. Lilyde, who has - for some
time been sta'ioned here as captain of
the Salvation Army, left for - Loudon
on Tuesday to await further. 'orders.
We have not as yetlearned 1 am d who will
officiate in her place.—Miss Mattie Pen
hale, of St. Thomas, is ":spending her
holidays at her home here. -Mrs. Arm-
strong, who it was thought would not
recover from a severe illness, is able to
leave her bed, but is still very weak.-
Mr. Brownlee, of Elmira City, N. Y.,
formerly of Exeter, is renewing ac-
quaintances.—Messrs Rob. and"Chas,
Verity of the Verity Plow Co., Brant
ford, accompanied -by some eight of
their employees, showed their admire
tion of ex -Reese Bawden by recording
their votes for and electing McCallum.
In their excitement in getting here,
there was almost a • case of the "Two
Orphans,"but Dick and Charlie did not
"get left" as they helped to elect the
gan, on . Monday last.—Mr. 11
Crocker, who put in the holidays
his parents, returned to Toronto
day.—T. B. Carling and D. Mrils i
a;flying business trip to Clintor
For Fall "2
We have the largest stock of
Blaek& Coloreil
Dress Goods
Ever ver rho n 1n . Exeter.
We are showing an
Immense Stock
German Mantles
E. J. Spackman & Co's
We wish Our Customers
and Friends a Happy and
Prosperous New Year.
ING . a> OS.
lel 1S EEIeF'g NE?
This great motnentous question is the talk of the people. What we want is,
two Grist mills (which we are. about to have), Oat meal mill, Binder twine
factory, Foundry, Electric light, Electric street cars and in fact a city at once -
This is what we want,
What have we now ?
a lot of stores and a
with a stock that people can buy just what they want
and at a price the city hardware establishments:
Prices this week are still going down. We have the stock
and our prices are better than some people's "cost" or "below
cost" quotations. Call and see for yourself and be convinced.
that we have the stockland prices just. right.
The cheapest line of fur goods ever
brought into Exeter. Having secur-
ed a large coati n.ent at
We will
give the peo-
ple of this vicin-
ity the advantage of
our close buying. For
the next FEW WEEKS we
vi11 offer Ladies' Storm Collars,
Ladies' Coats and Muffs at
prices bound to sell them
Children's Lamb
Boas in the
li I a I n N 1 II I(
Come and get the first choice of these goods. We, are Ai
thline at. the lowest
also offeringanythingexn he Goods 1
Cash Price and will be pleased to show you through onr
store. No trouble to show Goods.
11. Eo 1 A i ISI & Go's.'