HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1970-04-30, Page 19• a. 'this bright cued baby is Patsy, just -.a year small child with blue eyes, red hair and fair Sax`tm'in descent. She, is- a happy, affectionate baby, some- times a bit shy. with adults' but} enjoying, other children. "' • ... • Palsy is in excellent health She ears and sleeps well ` I. ' stop anytime ,hie. wants to. When, arrrher m stuff. ,can'!, DAR, ANN`LANDFR�� � lxandle the just ,received , a telephone call aslt: him why he doesne t„stop° he 1 Y from• an e�nxaged'�!ifo demanding � , �t' �"a�use i fan t wand r i��A'R,A,iVH LA�iE►ERSz �y Ilrt ag .thq . a �m , to klnowr why nriy ' telephone meantime he h bleat is. no great earth shaker number was, in ' her husband's gained 3o pounds vans pates out Out it bothers me, My boyfriend, colt pocket. 'hent she told hie.. ou the .couch 'five nights out o Alvin, keeps his eyes open when er” . _. ., A wel k .*'. ho n:arne f ` w� stulnned� h d. Yen» l?l�e�� tell nl<x. , , a 1ss. i don t .know w b a me: ,41. .,�.!�an ..., hyo u� •t. dated' her' husband twice And .beer drinker. -become an happened to o en m es d�p �' � .dropped liim because •hie .was alcoholic? "= JACKSONVILLE . during a kiss test Saturday,ni�ht. very dull. He told " e h w „ ' and was I ever su ised ,to u.: a ' . X . see divorced:, • .DEAR, JACKSON:„ Your Alvin lookingaround the room! 1�� . X u rrr . This is not the first time I've "ltusbnd is full of hops, and h I've peeked a couple times`to' p ' e see if Alvin's still at andhe is been lied to 'Lust. year ,I went certainly , Can - beeoixte . ' .un .it, , out'' sevdral times with a man' alcoholic--• if h of 'one Does• this mean he is bored?' _'who a he's 11„ . M Should sayso d presented himself as ahead Beer cont rns co of I something? It bugs bachelor; When I ran into him in and y. me. — OBSERVED a .person can get just; as '''department, store two- �day�• bohrtbed: on beer as �e can oxt� g><n DEAR Off. Dort 3 , �►xlale an befo - Christmas, . •he. •,• . - T., t e- dr'inks _....�ssu®--o�.at. Sin brush Al ' the eh�of�,� ..19 vixts'� carrying a. small child and , three drunks are most diffic It to eyelids tenderly with y ur p others were hanging on to him. help because ° virtually He .. wl. .t His wife looked eight months. impossible to. get a Beer drinker automatically close hisileyes'. .hen pregnant. I greeted him with a smile and he nearly dropped the baby. I am not the only girl who, has liad this problem.•.Isn't it just rotten the way men lie? .I am sure some girls don't care if a fellow is married or not, but many of us DO care. How can we protect ourselves •against these lying rats? •— TAKEN ADVANTAGE OF DEAR 'TAKEN: Where do you meet these "lying' rats?" It sdtinds as if you are getting ,.picked up by, strangers, If yo,i want to cut down on telephone calls from enraged -wives, don't old. Sheis a accept a date ' unless the skin, .Anglo- •gentleman . is properly; introduced by a mutual friend who •can .,much for his 'marital stetu :"-° and is _ active and responsive. She is almost ready, to walk :.DEAR ANN.LANDERS: My -and- is beginning.' to talk. Though there -is mental retardation .� us an drinks.-frpre in her backgronn s# e,;she.rsel sectusa+arn a3H n every<:way:._...,fsotties-of beer"ever nighr—This g nee s parents who,wil.l welcome her on her own merits without concern for ; her .ancestry. TO in qui re about adopting Pats V, please write to Today's Chld, • Department of Social and Family- -Ser iccs,• Perlia- D melt Buildings, Toronto 182, Fpr general adoption .informa-. tion ask y' our Children's Aid Society. James Richardson 81 Sons Ltd Serving The fled Dealers of Western Ontario- PHONE 524-8388, GODERICH started four: years ago when he had to give up gin because it was ruining his liver. Mac is, O.K. until_..the!`'fi'fth or sixth bottle then he suddenly turns mean and wants to fight. everybody. I've learned to stay out of his way . because -when he gets ornery he'd just as soon hit a woman as a man. I worry that.Mac is becoming' an alcoholic bid he claims a person who drinks only beer can HEALTH & SAFETY Mainlyfor MotkerS . 'r ' by Carol Hart.. ,Watch Children During Spring Cleaning It's spring, and your home probably never had it so good. But wnal;'about your little chi(- • dren while you are busy working., especially the ones under five - years of age.? Are they 'going to . benefit by that fresh," newly scrubbed and painted home? Or are they going to he exposed to. harm because. busy adult forgot - to be. careful? • Keep your eyes on the house- hold • chemic: ,ls you- are using, say's the Council (0) Family=' Health, a non-profit o 'gunizs►tiosi sponsored l)y; members of- the - drug industry as a public service to ,promote. 'safety in the home' ' and fancily. health. Children c•;ut 1n very quick yule( -culiaus.•.They ,shield -not be.left • ,411flrze Ncti eta• "-i.( 1' a minute,' with potentially harmful • substances. 1,Vhen you ;u'e finished using household chemicals, 11 �put them t away. innn'ediatcl,y, out of sight yr aunt react ot:'ottJs }�'J ti'i'1. Think of all lin' rhcrlti(Oah used, in bleaches„ soaps ajnl dctcrg.vnts, \sell.and — ,voodwork ele;ttvrs, liquid and paste lt©lis.hus niol waxes, rnt)th, balls and flukes, disil,lfec•tunts and deodorizers, and solvents • such •us turpeti•t-inn•, kcrt,sent' and f asol nc. . During the course of a week, a housewife might use. lye prod' • uots' to c•l)att -plumb ,ing fi'xtiires, insecticides_ an&rode ak:ides, -rug shampoos• and upholstery clean- er:;', and paint solvents and thin- ners, Each year finds the list grow-. itig;..;rs. new. iVOducts ai'e discov- ° Bred to help in refurbishing the home. Anil each year, says the Council, mother:; have to be just that much more careful in'shield- ing small children from potential poisonings. No major, or even minor theme Allis week. Just a few •• 'observations. Perhaps the..fmost important. LQ .,'e. is that 'trey daughter has 'turned over at ne;t' 'lea£Or perhapit', au an old s.ton"e, . Sloe iss studyingnt, hard Lar two music exauns, and actually .has a joh,'pa t -time: ' She has learned, in -a .reg rarkably brief',.: period, that 5. „ r -� b a r.,,_ e ��:t a . >ll... �. r,ds r, Vis. .hc;.l� . c .11 rt,"A;rs fairy imnpolrtantWhc.n,.i Ings •to eating• and keeping- a roof 'over one's head. She. "bas learned that, jobs are mighty scarce when your only expert. -ence is playing the organ in a church one summer. ,She ..has learned that a Grade 13 certif•-• "icate sand one term at college has as Much use as a third leg. .She came home 'on the week- end, r with her ganged cat and kitten, r and clamoured for meat. 13,eal meat. She's sick to. death of hamburger and bolo- gna, and drooled over a steak in her honor. . Bu.t she's . a criminal. She went back to the city with her kitten stuffed under her jack- et. I believe it's against the law toi transport animals on buses. Hdwever, she's a clever criminal,and may go a ldhg way. She gave the kid a quar- ter of a -sleeping tablet in milk oso he wouldn't yowl for his mama and alert the bus driver. We've been- left with the moth er cat, an unexpected treat, like a hair in your meat pie. We 'agree that Kim will' " he fired on the .first, dayof her newjob. Her- function is to .stock shelves •in -one of those cut-rate stores. And` since she wa. . .greatest' her s three, attr-` butt has' been knocking over her Milk, dropping full bottles of any li uici, and smashing cups- and''st`fs while doing the dishes. It's not lack of co: ordination. She can play a Bee- thooven sonara. Oh, well. 'We'll see. That's one thi,; ° off my„, chest. The nest' one is not so d .pfea:sant. I 'share with most Ca na ..r ,..dis.rr Oti.ZenS a sickening die,. gust:nt ..,the ' attitude of most, Members of Parliament..toward their own financial security, At present,' 'wit their '•$18,000a: `1' .year, 'six - of ;it.' tax-free, va>i',ous other' "perks" Post.. age, travel,' se�cr:et anal help!, etc,, • they're ' .grossing about $20,000, as MP Barry Mather' -recently pointed out. This is. o�'wealth:-Fat Jr -OM tilese"` ,�� _dam xclr'.i,hl>rtk. they: shq` give themselves atreasonable increase,; consistent with 'the cost of living and tali: in. creases. Put the proposed pen- sion plan stinks to •high heav- en. Oppose it,. with every' means within your power. " - The old 'pension scheme was rotten, and many men ,who had.' given most of their lives to. -. public service wound ' cep • poverty. But the new one is rotten in the opposite sense. I?on't let them pass Another item which has me pretty disturbed is that The Telegram • News Syndicate, which circulates this coliimn, . wants an up-to-date picture of yours—truly. Who • first -came up with this infamous idea I don't, know, but vile and- vicious arc the words that first come to mind.' It'll cost me a fortune. I'll have to buy a wig. I'll have .to have my. remaining mo- - Tars painted White. T'll have to pay a photographer to 'touch the *rlxtale ,ting. up', And I'll'" stilI look , like a veteran ,tof the - Boer ' War. y wife •:disagrees.' She says my Tine, tone , strut.;.. tore will always -conic. througli, Yeah. ,rustiike(.oath's head, ' Howev-er, . I w in t ''asearyed, The, grog blossorns. won't show, iu...biac:k and white, I can havo;,, my e,es dehagged, which' °is 'expensive; hut works. y Roy 'an n`os is intact-,'' and er . baps .. idn'- suet, the,.., jowls taped up behind my eats,. might corwince tople people Vit~ something or othler. ' Maybe' they °couldlke the shot froth the: waist uip, ''and' show the needle -Moles where had my cortisone shot's. -1r would certainly be better than one" from the waist down,,' L -tv have .bowlegs,, and gout in my right big tee.- Anyway, yout'.11. be seeing it. Take a good snort or a tranquilizer; before It comes . out. I'lll be right there` w'}th you. But what the heck, we all have troubles...I.f nobody's were.,;, greater than mine, it wouldn't y t ' be a bad world: Cope with your' own troubles, and don't let them drag you down. Look at the world troubles, and if you, personally, can • do something - about them, do it. *Otherwise don't let them drag you down. It's a long road that has no turning; you'll be a long tinie.,dead; and spring is -here. Rejoice! FOR 'YOUR , FIRE INSURANCE See' or tabour MALCOLM _ THER S. .. GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT' 46 WEST ST. a 5219442 • 0 For Pleasant Surroundings and Good Food THE GODERICH RESTAURANT STEAK HOUSE. and TAVERN 1 THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR YOUR AD BOOKS & STATIONERY Cards For _. - All Occasions • Gifts • a *• Books- * Stationery Supplies • Records 4N'DERSON'S BOOK CENTRE' 33 East St. Goderich Frank Reid 64 Church St. BUILDING.MATF1 IAL PAINT, WALLPAPER * PAINT * WALLPAPER , * CARPETS' - * TILE * LINOLEUM "Your Complete Home Decorating Centre!' MCARTHUR and REILLY LTD. West St Goderich • / 44. l * FRIGIDAIRE * WESTINGHOUSE * GIBSON * HOOVER " • Sales and 'Service . • B. A. Badman 160 Newgate St. , GE RR ¥ '5 'APPLIANCES The Square — Goderich Now Owned' and Operated by Chuck Jewell WORK BOOTS •• • • A. S. McLean 164 The Square. EXCELLENT SELECTION Regular or Safety Toe ,14 Different Styles --DAVE—GOWER'S- . Industrial & Garden Centre Himilton St. 524-8761 /11111101.111.10111111.111111111111111111111110, THIS SPACE RESERVED.• - FOR YOUR- AD FURNITURE • Edwin Montgomery R R 4, Goderich ' THIS SPACE "Por ,The - FINEST in • FURNITURE RESERVED. OR YOUR AD LODGE The Names Of Six Signal -Star Subscrib- ers Are To Be Found In Ong Of. These Ads Now Showing ,,,. ��W�� pyo '� 6,46 E1 `tl!iti iA??'s® SCE BUTCH CASSiDY'AND • T E SUNDANCE KID 1 t4; 4i A 6EORGE ROY HIII•PAUI 1.10NASH PROOUCiION CoStarrcng MOTHER MARTIN JEFF COREY HENRY JONES SEE REGULAR AD ON, • MEN'S WEAR For That CERTAIN Flair IN MEN'S.WEAR EARL RAWSO N MEN'S WEAR On The -Square, Goderich THIS SPACE RESERVED PAGE 5 FOR DATES AND TIMES ,•-.. — Now a good salary Opportunity -security for you in a busiiiess, career Goderich Business C611-ege NIGHT SCHOOL Typing, Bookkeeping, Shorthand (Tues. & Thurs.'Evehing), 524.8521 tommollmiewliosimilareing FOR THE BEST IN SEINING MACHINE I. SERVICE & REPAIR Call G. °RUMMENIE ' 524-8916' Authorized Singer Service J SHOE STORES For , FASHION RIGHT SHOES The'Place To Go Is ROSS SHOES 1 The Square Goderich Furniture West St. — Goderich Betr re To See Our Display Of n ORIGINAL OIL :PAl.ltil7`llllG$ THIS SPACE RESERVED • ".FOR -YOUR AD SPROULE' SHOES Jos. Craig 137 St. George's Cres. Footwear kir The Family 521-9174 Kingston St. Goderich 5 .TELEVISION PHILIPS , • PHILCO Walter Heitman •151 PictonSt.W. Colour 'Television SALES and ERVICE 524-9432 RIVETT'S TELEVISION RADIO - 34 The Square Goderich 0 TRAVEL SERVICES THIS SPACE RESERVED POR YOUR AD D.' A.' KAY & SON Painting and Decorating Contractors Painting, Wallpapering Pygmies., 33 Huron Rd. 482-3542 , Clinton THIS SPACE FOR YOUR AD CONTEST RULES Each week the names and addresses of6 subseiibers will appear in the Business Directory. — Look for your'narne and address in the ads. —Take the Business Directory and suitable identificatiod to the adyerpti ser in whose ad your name appeared arid . Pick u your passes by Saturday night closing. Only Subscribers to the Sagnal•Star are eligible. 'AI