HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1970-04-23, Page 18a
,Brown Owl - Mrs. R; Hurst
Tawny OWI • Mrs. S. Ryan
April 14ti4 was a busy day for
Pack One! Most of the girls are
now in; various stages of the-
he -
work toward their Golden Hand
and spexit , their working time
learning more .of the skills that
Will' help : to earn thein this
_ _
' Joni Thompson and Carol
Fisher each --made .:a _ cooked
pudding,'to take home for their
supper dessert while some .of the
other cooks peeled vegetables
(and promptly ate them!).
The girls not in the kitchen
were taught the points of .the
�•y compass and then played a game
using this new knowledge.
There were presentations of
various kinds made as well.
First Year Service Stars were
given to -Pat Wisser and Donalda
Smith: Golden 'Bars went to Pat
Wisser, Melanie Johnston Celia`
Drennan, Rita Lassaline and
Donalda Smith and the Golden
Ladder was presented to Carol
Fisher and Joni .Johnston. •
These Brownies were
successful when tested on their
skating and were awarded the
Skater's Interest Badge, Ann
Lassaline, Cathy Wisser, Patricia
Wiser, c Donalda Smith, Celia
Drennan, Rita Lassaline and
Melanie Johnston.
Brown Owl — Mrs. J, Brady
Tawny Owl - Mrs, R.•Wheeler
This week the 2nd Godericly
.Brownies were busy ,working on
their • Athlete's Badge.. Mrs.
. Gilders and Mrs. Duckworth
from the ' 3rd Goderich Pack
helped to•test, and brought some
of their Bro.inies along.,
Mrs. Peter Brander, our tester,
helped _test _also_
Fifteen - Brownies` passed.
. Brown Owl and Tawny Owl of
the 2nd Pack ,presented the.
following • Interest Badges
previously earned: TracyNelson,
Collectors; Carolyn. Little and
Paula . Butler, Toymaker; Debbie
Hoy, Writer; Heather Brander,
Housekeeper; Debbie.. Elliott,
Athlete; Kimmy Brady, `Pet
Keeper and Dancer; Debbie
Elliott, Roberta Wheeler, Paula
Butler ,and Kimmy Brady,
Signaller; _Linda McIntyre .and
Paula Butler; Minstrel; .Paula'
Butler, Kathy Weary, Anne
McDonald, Sandra Searles, Marie
1 ;Iebbie Hoy, Susan
.Kelly Suchard and
Laura MacDonald, • Skater.
We had a very active meeting.
Written by DebbieEliiott.
Brown Owl — Mrs. A. T. Gilders
Tawny Owl,— Mrs. J. Duckworth
The Brownies were very busy
at h a variety of activities this
.week. The girls ' who were
working toward their Golden
Bar ,cleaned shoes, "and . also
worked on throwing a ball as
well as catching it. To pass the
• test for their Golden, Bar they
must be able to -catch and throw
a ball a distance of four yards
accurately four times out otsix.
The older Brownies passed
their semaphore this week. This
is the sending of words or
messages by using flags,, and to
qualify for their Golden Hand
the girls must know the alphabet
and be able to send and receive•
simple words.
Tawny Owl had thoughtfully.
copied out for each girl all the
requirements. for an Athlete
'Interest , Badge and explained
that they could practise up on
these things , during the week.
Then on Friday they;. were
invited to join Pack 2 at
Robertson School for' the final
Friday, five Brownies were
successful in all the requirements
and will receive 'their Athlete
badges in tilt. near future.
• Brown, Owl — Miss Betty 'Bedard
Pack 4 learned the points of a
compass at their last meeting
and then",f finished up the Athlete
Madge work.;
After the busy part of the
schedule they relaxed by playing
"Dollar, Dollar and Farmees,.
Hen. Laid An Egg." These were
two' of the singing games that
Brown Owl learned at a recent -
training in Orangeville.
Captain --• Mrs. Harris
Lieutenant. Mrs. R. Spence
2nd Class Workers;
Lieutenant Spence helped them
in preparing fortheir first hike.
This included making up a First
Aid Kit, and learning to tie a bed
roll to make it easier to carry as
well as rain -proof. Some of the
2nd Class workers played Kim's
game, did stalking,. tied knots
and also learnedt� raise the flag.
1st Class Guides included two -
girls who havemade themselves
skirts 'and three who have made
dresses. They have all done an
excellent job.
Also in the' lst Class -work
group are the Guides learning
the skills needed for their
"Home Nurse" 'badges. They
receive four weeks of help from •
Mrs. Reinhart before they're
To finish up the meeting
Lieutenant Spence taught some.
of the new songs she brought
back from the Orangeville '
Captain - Mrs. B. Ainsley
Lieutenant — Mrs. D. Elliott
April 13 was mostly a music
night. :However a little basic
work, and some interest badge
work was done:
Mrs. J. 'Coulter played the
-piano- and -- helped Captain
Ainsley' teach the girls songs
from the recent. Orangeville
- At the meeting ` held on
Wednesday, April 15, foirr girls
presented their finished projects
as part of their work prior to
being -enrolled. This means ,that
they; may be enrolled .s "netime
in the near future since
everything else .. has • been
P.S.: Don't forget ,Cookie
pay, May 2nd!
This sununer, bridal fashions
are Wedded to cotton inthe most
brilliant match of tie, season.
As a result; wedding dresses
for summer '70 are: the prettiest,
freshest styles to float down the
aisle in many..a year.
Thie happy combination of
fashion and' fabric is expecially
good news for the bride .who-,
plains to make her own dress, . ,
or the mother who is following.
:the long-established sentiment of
sewing a wedding dress for her
Bridal patterns offer great
variety . . making, it easy for
each bride to find a style, that's
especially `suited to her own
beauty" Skirts are_ gentle;, with
lots of 'A -lines; princesses, and
bell -shapes. Sleeves go to all
lengths, and necklines are varied.
Many patterns feature traiixt
which can be removedto
transform the wedding dress into
'an evening gown or afternoon
frock for the trousseau.
WI executive
plans- activities
The Goderich Branch of the
W.I. held an Executive meeting
at the house of Mrs. Jack Cook
to .43,tap the program for
1970-71 with ten ladles present.
Mrs. Wm. Porter, president,
was in charge.
The minutes of last year's
. were read by . Mrs.
�`-Elizabeth Sitter.
Recommendations will be
° brought to the `egular-•meeting
as follows:
. Experienced
Reasonable Prices
Free ;Estitnates
Radius of 15 Miles of
W. Pedersen °
• 167 Brock Street
phone 524.6667
'After gig,
Crib quilts will be made for
children' hospital in London;
A.Special Committee
appointed to arrange for the
70th- Atiniveesaiyhext to m...
Members to have "Come as
you are" Teas during the
A Dessert Card Party will be
held in the Spring;
Each member give a dollar
-instead of having a bake sale; .
A bus.trip in early June.
Programs were made out for
the year and .a Hostess named
for each month:
Mrs. Jack Cock Mrs. Robt.
Wilson and. Mrs. K. Wilkinson
served tea and Mrs. Wilkinson
thanked. NIrs. Cook for her kind
s for summer
"As for fabrics, none are more
bridalWiooking- or easier to
sew— than the pure cottons in
the offing , for spring and
summer. ' For embroidered sheers
to rich elegant laces, they adapt
equally well to regal,
train -sweeping 'gowns or short,
very young -looking wedding
For the formal we"dding, one
cif the 'most ethereal looks can
be created with sheer Cotton
that's delicately traced in
all=over floral . embroidery.
Eyelet embroidered ,cotton
organdy movesup from the
pigtail set's ,partyo dresses to
become a, bridal gown any
mother would go all misty -eyed
And dazzling white cotton
lace, which plays such a
prominent part in spring and
summer's fashion story, . is a
traditional favorite`'for. . wedding
dresses; Cotton ottomans;
piques, dotted swiss, and pinta
chiffons are other recommended
In sewing with sheer cottons
and laces, xnake fine' '° +nch
seams for neat and s.00th
finishing. Very tine hems can be
achieved do sheers by using a
flange hemmer on your sewing
machine. • .4 makes a
one -sixteenth inch hem that's
expecially, appropriate for
delicate fabrics. '
• • If the 'entire dress . is to be
mounted, use fine cotton lining
add cut from. 'the same pattern
pieces as the dress. As you cut,
be sure to keep fabric grain lines
running in the same direction,
Baste each lining piece to the,
wrong side of its snatching dress
section. Stitch through the
center of all darts, pleats and
tucks to besure fabric doesn't
shift while you are working on
At. Then handle both the fabric
and lining as though they were a
Little Mary Lovely loves her delicate cotton lace shirt shift.
See-through. sees her through the birthday party in comfort
with demure details on collar tab cuff _and pocket edge in
cotton knit. Designed in the delight of cotton lace: by
Want. to Learn To DRI
wE'u. TECH oU
We Won't Get. Mad At You
(We Only Do That With Our Own ' Wivps).
single fabric. This will give
perfectly • smooth, unrippled
lines. ,�
By selecting your own pattern
and fabric, you'll have a wedding
dress that's yours alone
lovingly , created to be - a
special fashion for that
special occasion.
than you'll ever needs
(3 times faster till'an gas --,5 times faster thiirs electileity*)
We've got a wate!
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The secret is
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The Econojet
.the hot
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you want it—three times
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( And it actually '
uses less fuel than
ordinary oil -fired water
Lease for just
a mouth.
For More hot water than you'll eveir need call trw.
Auburn 526-7721
Goderich 524-9232
How to get your wife into a Vol swagen.
Have you shied away from a Volkswagen
because your wife stiles away from a stickshift'?
Does .the appre-ciate the economical idea
of a VW, but not the way the idea looks?
We are happy to be able to tell you that
we have solved this .pge-old, problem in the
age.Old manner: by giVing Woman everything
'she wants.
The Squ_areback (along with- our Fastback
and Notchback t:edans) is available with fully
automatic transmission. All she has ,to do is put
in Drive, and drive.
comes with enough room to carry camping gear,
- Which poses a whole new problem:
Getting your Wife (but of a Volkswagen.
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