HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1970-04-23, Page 1644% "(" RIOc .SIO rAteSTAR, TDUR. oAY, A.PRf , a,1970', „ • � � � -q 1 4 AOn Ian (ugh. two !n. Five brotbers are r.bridettpolds , TSAR ° ANN LANDERS: Recently') you saki the way things are going it wouldn't' surprise you if a fella showed u p as a bridesmaid in a wedding ceremony, Well, my father was the bridesmaid at his best friend's u wedding thirty years ago -and there is nothing fruity about my old man. .My father's buddy and his girl Mend decided to get .married on the spur of the moment, The bride-to-be asked her dad to be a witness,,' My dad's friend asked • hirn tow, be his best man. When they arrived at City ' Hall, the Justice of . the Peace suggested that the .girl's father -be the best man and he asked my dad to ,be the bride's maid of honor. So, that's the way it was And they've been laughing about it ever since.--ASTORIA, OREGON .444 • Those gorgeous eyes with extra -long lashes belong to George, nine months old. This baby of Greek background is •-a healthy, solid boy with black hair, olive skin and the dark eyes that show so well in his picture. r George was born slightly prematurely. but seeins to have made up for that and is developing well. He is alert • and interested in everything going on. He isn't crawling yet but he foils over and gets up on hands and knees, almost ready to take off. He .can say the names of the people in his foster family. -George is fond af_.music, especially the theme song -of, his favorite=program, Bob Barker, He- starts to rock back and forth as soon as he hears it. He loves children ,.and ,• household pets and makes friends quickly with adults. This baby needs' loving parents ,who will weleome a splendid, appealing little boy without concern that informa • tion on his background is limited. o To inquire about adopt' it ' George please 'write' to T day's Child, Department of • ,Social and Family Services, Parliament 'Bpildings, Toronto 182. DEAR ASTORIA: Your dad's story is hard to top but the next letter does it. ' DEAR ANN LANDERS: Apparently : o it struck you as unusual that a man would be a bridesmaid. Nowhere does it say this • is bad form. We know because when our only daughter was married three years ago, she wanted her five brothers to be her bridesmaids. The minister was shocked at first, but he' couldn't turn up a single valid argument against it. So, the five boys stood -Up for their sister, . and it was the talk of the town. If you doubt my, story, check with the Cleveland papers --OHIO MOTHER • , DEAR MOTHER: I believe DEAR ANN 'LANDRRS: My sister, Ella, and her husband e,6 adopted a baby after, ten years of waiting, hoping and praying. They named the child . for her husband's • -brother who was. killed in Vietnam. .. Ella's sister-in-law• became furious and refused to go to . the christening,. She said the , name was the olio She had picked out for her child,, (She isn't even pregnant yet, but has announced to the whole ,world .that they are"trying,") ' Furthermore, she claims . ' the h honour of ,being..named after a war. hero should go to a blood HEALTH & SAFETY"------• r _ - relative and not an 'adopted child. I pointed out that She could still name her child .after her deceased brother and there would be no confusion since the boys would not Have, the same last name. Shp was. adamant and said unless they • change 'the baby's name (he's tree month§ old now) she will °never set foot • . In their house again: What would you . say to a .pelrsun who behaved so -unreasonably?-- BINGHAMTCN ' DEAR BIND: .I'd sa "Good-hv." Mainly for Mothers by Carol Hart .Ask Doctor's help For Mental Illness It's as outdated to be embarrassed or to hesitate about seeking professional help for mental illness as it is to cling to tin washtubs, drip -pan ice boxes and wood stoves: There have been such great advances in the treatment of mental illness, says the Council on Family Health, that a business .man today- can go about his job, and a house- wife can carry on .her life as a homemaker while they are under- going treatment. In fact, the med- ical routine fox mentally ill pa- tients is very•much like that of a heart or diabetic patient who leads a normal life even though, he 'requires regular medication and checkups. This does not mean that mental illness is not one of our great medical problems. What it does mean is that,remarkable progress hasbeen made in recognizing, diagnosing and treating certain kin`d's of mental illness. New drugs are available which enable the mentally ill to benefit from psychiatric care. you. After all• today is George vat stepscan one take if one.susPects mentalillne�s in the �farni -lie-Cgtrncil on -Family Health, a non-profit organization sponsored as a public service by members of the drug industry to promote home safety and family,. health,makes a few suggestions: water; if fresh, it will sink at Consult the family -doctor: He once;.,if it stands nearly upright, ' can guide you to 4Turther expert professional. it is not fresh, but can. still be l help if it is ne.edec3. Talk to your religious leader. used; if it floatS on the surface, , - Consyour ultyolocal hospital and Itisnot-geed. ,m.•menar Ammo liaise Aft James ' Richardson 8t, Sons Ltd . .1 .. v 'Serving The Feed Dealers of Western Ontario PHONE•,.524-83R8,_ 'GODEFIIC To test "fresh "eggs, drop the egg into a deep saucepan of cold In. the case of children, discuss the problem with members of the school staff. 'In many cities, advice 'may be sought from the courts,. social agencies and community centers. The problems of mental illness ° need not. be. faced alone. Help Should' be sought when the prob- lems become apparent, without • ^w Can you whistle a Bach prow lude and fugue without a mem- ory Slip? Can you hum a 'Bee-, thoven .sonata Without sliding into falsetto or basso profun- do .Dark. right .ybti can't;" But, 1 can" Almost. And: it cost me only about $12,000. r ' Trouble is,. • and this is a touchy point in April, none of it is' deductible., That's what it has cost ane, over the years, to provide a musical, education for my family. • After .all that, - I, 'can whistle and hum, both of which I. could, do before. There's some- thing wrong here, but I can't quite 'figure .out what it is,, . . I•wish I had the 13 G's in bonds at eight per cent. But my wife doesn't' - agree. We could have taken a trip around' the world for that, but she still doesn't agree. As ar as I'm concerned, `1 could have taken that $12,- 000, thrown it off the end of the dock, and been just as far ahead.. Once 'again, • the only one who agrees -with me is I. - °Both my kids have degrees in piano. Both were talented: Near, but not quite at, the° con- cert pianist level. Both es- chewed (I like that word) a career in music, because they wanted to be first. ' And they wanted to -bile free, Well, they're free. Hugh broke his middle finger," and can play. I Went. Down To St. James _Infirmary, with only a few bum -,-notes: •- I think =Kim ,could play The Happy Farmer, with a couple of days' practice. But' perhaps it's • all been worth , it. They've learned something. Hugh -has realized that you can't ' ,practise the piano when you're waiting table at the Chateau Frontenac or selling. vacu cleaners in Calgary And -.Kim has realized_ that ",her" piano won't quite fit into a three-roeni pad in Toronto, Unless you • want to ,sleep on top of it.. ' • What brings all this 'te mind, • and without bitterness,, is the _fad that- rnywife, a former piano" :, teacherft has become Booked once again, after a lapse of• .a couple of years, on, the local music festival. She's going ..every, day °and' listening intensely • to her former stu- dents. • ' (Though ,she's a bit iniffed that some of them are doing extremely well, despite the fact' that they don't take lessons from her any more.) But her reports have cheerod, me. Things are ,just the same ''as they always were. I went through years of them, and I know the scene intimate- .ly, 'The festival mothers are still as friendly as an. R.C. bish- op and a Mormon. lay preacher. • The adjudicator is still rot- ten, giving the first -place cer- tificate to the girl who played worst. Except when it's your daughter, ,or your pupil. Then he (or she), shows an insight into music that is superb. The kids are still- sailing into their pieces at • breakneck speed, which they can't possi- ' • bly maintain, and breaking down in, the middle, while their mothers. and teachers turn purple as the .youngsters • hs middle finger fumble, and throw up their hands, and burst. into tears. But perhaps the Old Lady is. right. Those moments 'at the music festival, in , ether years„, were the ,closest to heaven ani hell that I've ever 'experienced, with the possible, exception of shooting at a concentration of., German tanks, Vila, were fir- ing back at you .with '`bagger guns than y►, had. I've stopped breathing for as much as a•.dangerously long two minutes while my son or daughter weaved through a so- natina. 1 have gone .out after- wards and smoked a complete cigarette in two drags: I have called . the adjudicator a slob, a cretin, moron, and, sometimes, a"'brilliant judge of music.. Maybe the Old Battleaxe. is right. Maybe it was worth $12,000. Apyway, I can whis- tle three bars of Tschaichov- sky's something or other. arg GOOD, THINGS HAPPEN WHEN SHAW RED CROSS FOR YOUR AUTO, INSURANCE Set or"Phon• MALCOLM MATHERS 4 . ,.GENERAL 'INSURANCE AGENT '46 WEST- ST. 524.9442 For ' Pleasant Surroundings and Good Food cl THE GODERICH RESTAURANT STEAK HOUSE and TAVERN THIS SPACE RESERVED ,FOR YOUR AD * FRIGIDAIRE ' -* WESTINGHOUSE * GIBSON * HOOVER Sales and Service GERRY'S APPLIANCES The Square --Goderich Now Owned and Operated by Chuck Jewell n TheNarnes�1 SiX Signal-Sfar Subscrib- ers Are To Be Found In One Of These Ads.. IN Now Showing DOU.BLE PASSES TO THE PARK THEATRE " .BOOKS.& STATIONERY Cards For All Occasions * Gifts * Books * Stationery Supplies °'e Records PAINT, WALLPAPER GODERICH ANDERSON'S BOOK CENTRE 32 East St. , Goderich- 6 Mrs.°R. D. Carey 60 Stanley St. '*'PAiTIkIT • * WALLPAPER * CARPETS * TILE * LINOLEUM ."Your Complete Home Decorating Centre" R. Gemmill Box 94, Goderich .; • :EXCELLENT SELECTION Regular of Safety Toe 14 -Different Styles DAVE GOWER'S Industrial Garden Centre • Hamilton St, 524.8761 Coming Next: "Butch,Cassidy and the Sundance Kid" (Adult Entertainment) SEE REGULAR AD ON PAGE 5 FOR DATES AND TIMES 30 THE SQUARE PHONE 524-78 AIRCONDITI • = THIS SPACE RESERVED McARTHUR and REILLY LTD, West St. Goderigh FOR YOUR AD 4 Ammo mar Now agood saiatry Opportunity -security for you in a ,,business career Goderich Business 'Co'llege, NIGHT SCHooL Typing, Btrokkeep Shoithan'd (Tues. & Thurs. Evening) A24-8521' • Kenneth Wilson' ' 313 Huron Rd. FOR THE BEST IN SEWING MACHINE SERVICE & .REPAIR CaII MEN'S VbltHrt I• 1 Mrs. Harold Larder 91 Quebec Si. • For That CERTAIN ,Flair. IN MEN'S WEAR EARL RAWSON MEN'S WEAR On The Square, Goderich ♦.. 1' THIS SPACE RESERVED F,fYR YOUR,AD m SHOE STORES" TELEVISION PHILIPS PHILCO Colour Televisionand ALES ERVIICE 524-9432 RIVETT'S TELEVISIQN --.RADIO 34The Square •Goderich• TRAVEL SERVICES THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR YOUR Ai l THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR YOUR AD 4 D. A. KAY & SON Painting and Decorating • Contractors Painting, Wallpapering Draperies, Floor Sanding 33 Huron Rd'. 48 2-9 542 Clinton .4 FASHION RIGHT SHOES Lyle Pinkney, 263 Catherine St, The Place To Go Is ROSS SHOES G. RUMMENIE 5248916 Authorized Singer Service THIS SPACE -The Square '- -'Goderich 524530;3 r d liWAtAilllitttOr.4,,. FURNITURE Geo. Stokes 44 Cainbila Rd. For The FINEST in • FURNITURE Furniture West St. — Goderich • 44 FOR YOUR AD c�NTEST eines' ' Each week the names and addresses of 6 sulisaribers will' appear in tha,Bu'sirlesa• O rector a;,;a,� —'Look for your name acrd address in the ads. Take the Business, Directory and suitable identification to the adverrtister lu'whose ed your name appeared and a `V ORIGINAL OIL PAINTINGS .,r." re ai► at, Aa