HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1970-04-23, Page 7f,,,, . s i #re' "s study McCLENAGHAN 1XJ V(�ANNON tiNfr D CHURCH 111 of Gad • The Kingdozn of Cod, what' is baptised: Thus we find John was with -the ,Incarnation. God was it and when is it'conung? the PrinlarY force in throwing `,placing . Hirhself within the world• pg The term ' �ingdolnctiof God (Si open the door for the•one who through the love, judgement and not a phrase : used very sha'ed with His heavenly father guidanc ;,of His Son.. There was a frequeut~iy iti the"'QT'd Testament, .the ownership ,of the Kingdom. task to 41101, the building ,of HIS Most frequently we think of Was 'After' Christcarnet to John the Kingdoin,J he e on earth, Christ =- arm e • used relation x_ I rela ion to the Baptist h• 'the river J rdan, He was veryaware of his• teaching ,;and ministry of Jesus. carne forth teachingand • reAponsibilit , and also. ,. Christ.' In the Old Testament a s reachi � thegreat messages of conscious that it wasi i le Qit i preaching l u�s a mpQssb most often used in ' relating. to the. Kingdom; An example of f or "to complete it Himself, The 'The Kingdom of the Lord," To :this is found in Luke 10-9, when, parables and ' other forms of ; take the word Kingdom by itself Christ- says "The Kingdom of Ministry were earnest forms of it is refering to God. Thus we see ` God is 'nigh unto you". In this ° Christ's effort to reach the. it has various interpretations, Christ is calling upon and" giving people: but the most writers make it the people . an opportunity to Christ's views on the Kingdom appear as a part of God, e.g: My ' knew God more fully, and to Are not as of the prophets of Kingdom, His---Thy---and . many share in His rich' fellowship -As-- old, rather he called upon the , recre` oWOO r h s e A , ...afl . f r, od o seri r i tze s, o e ` ' � . ,� � •. e ,I Qct n Of AOeel• at the pul�llo, l�bra;ry several' years .ago by the town's lin . en •clubti.under sunervision of;Kin t). J. (Pat) 'Pat`ter'sQ,n,'°Enjoying the room's ant facilities recently were, from left, Norman, McColeman,• Charles Mills, Earl 'Cooper, Terence Hunter, Jim Reid and. Russell McCreight. - staff photo ° JrJ others. All these, leave ' the some. writers . have expressed it. People, to •think,of the place God . understanding ` that , God is the Kingdom of - God is right had in their lives. This was in owner, ruler, governor of a beside you. Yet so many_.are contrast to the religious leaders Divine territory. All'. .the unaware of God's presence, they of old who emphasized the references made to the Kingdom are unconcerned with the glories and the wonders of an all whether in the very' early- salvation of their souls. ' Thus in powerful and mighty. Lord of all Hebrew religion or in .the Aramic the Gospel of St. Luke is the beings. Christ also taught that. thought, the meaning comes actual call of Christ upon the the Kingdom . of God was from it "with a special emphases people to come forth and something that was very humble ° upon the sovereignity of God in confront this great ,question of and lowly. He used a little child ._this great=Kingdom. God's Kingdom. ,. to illustrate the simplicity with • As • history` in the Old Here was • the time for . which which one could understand and • Testament„times advanced so did the Jewish - people 'had,, been receive the Kingdom. the thoughts on the Kingdom of awaiting, they" had anticipated The Master also endeavbured God. The Hebrews were very, that a ruler wouldcome into to help people think, of the` hesitant in making any reference reality. Yet when the Kingdom of God not just in this to God personally. Therefore we Incarnation actually happened life but in the life beyond the see them using such phrases as they failed to recognize it as the grave. God did not just offer ., "Kingdom of Heaven" or as used seed"for God's Kingdom. In the man an earthly Kingdom, but 'by:.thverse-9- e propifiet.Jsaiah 40 £owes of '' St; Matthew the:-als6•-heaven1Sc ,one._In Luke 17' "The Kingdom -of your God has people are-toldthat the -harvest 'verse 20, He :is -proclaiming that;' become manifest." It is: in this Was at 'hand, yet they failed to we are not going to find some manner that the scriptures of the take advantage" Christ's ministry new and•wonderful- Kingdom for Old . Testament conveys the, through parables and miracles, it is within you. So we cannot go meaning'.of sovereignty of God, e•g• the parable of the Mustard about saying "Lo here or Lo Seed, _.ex lained_..the Kin Born there" . for the Kingdom of PO :_." When' --we. tun-n---to--t'he--lalew - p g �' - Testament the term changes and Thistiny seed ; planted in the is within you". • is continlually'refered to as the `bound, nurtured by ,the rove __Life in the Kingdom is a gift Kingdom of God. •-.,This is and' kindness of nature soon of. God, a gift of humbleness, • p ar,t i cu larily • - noticeable became a beautiful plant. thoughfullness and the many throughout the Gospels of Shortly it was able to offer . other ideals of the Christian life. • Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. shelter and a resting place for All these will • only be a. reality .Christ always used the . the fowls of the air. Christ takes when .we are willing to accept:it expression Kingdom of 'God in this thought and carefully as a child. Therefore we come to His teaching, a and healing weaves about it the. meaning of the conclusion that the Kingdom ministry. In calling attention to The Kingdom of God, as it is n of God is with in us. It is only as the Kingdom, at certain times he the human life. The seed of it grows and develops with, our wo Kingdom " This strengthened and 'apparently unproductive fullness and understand • the . uld say, "My " Father's God's Kingdom can be so small lives do we come to' know . its SAMUEL McILWAIN • Obituaries Samuel ' )Mcllwain, Bayfield Road, Goderich, died suddenly April 16 at his residence. He was. 69 years old. _Ile was the son of the late Hugh Mcllwain and Mary Johnston, Goderich Township, and was • born October 20, 1900. Mr. Mcllwain lived in Goderich Township until moving to Goderich 35 years ago. He- has " been, employed by Maitland ,Gemeteryoard for the past 10 years. His wife, the former Ruth - MacAdam predeceased him. in January, 1961. , .-Survivors include one son, James Hugh Mcllwain; and two . brothers, George, Kinburn, and. Robert, Goderich Township. Funeral service was Sunday, April. 19 - at the McCallum Funeral Home with Rev G, L: Royalofficiating. g Interment was' in Maitland Cemetery. Pallbearers were Lyle Bannister, Adam, MacAdam, Elgin Chambers, Franklin Mitchell,. Percy Harrison and Alvin Proctor. . MRS. ELIZABETH SARAH •-JEFFREY Miss. Elizabeth Sarah Jeffrey., Huronview, died Wednesday, the assurance of those. who that it will °give • forth nothing: words . of the Master when He listened that this,thing of which But once we begin to cultivate it. said "I will be with you always," he was always speaking belonged and nurture it making use of,itSo' when we ask the question to God. L. • , in our thinking, speaking and "What is the Kingdom of God?" In the Epistles and 'n\Paul's° actively, . use a it, , hire's. there,/ i it i w r is, that :At dwells pastoral .letters to the p ogle of ` development: Thus -the Kfngdot tlliri r out• ves. Then to the the new Churches, he is stressing of God rriay be thought of as a second question "When' is it God's ownership of this faith that when nurtured will coming?", we should be able to --- K-i-ngdom---A.iso_in his writings show forth in the personal- life, reply, when the knowlege of Paul speaks of 'the Kingdom as not just of the present but also, God and His fullness is known, "The eternal Kingdom of our in the life hereafter. and is a complete reality of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ " The Kingdom of God could faith. As the Apbstte Paul said All these though scarce13,- be sn through Christ's • "And to Him be glory in the' , mentioned in the 'Old Testament . i are rooted in the. concept of our Heavenly Father as' a Divine King. The true meaning ' of the Kingdom of God breaks.forth in all its,, prominence with the teaching of John the Baptist. John calls upon the people of Judea to "Repent for.. the Kingdom of God is at hand.' John could not resist fulfilling' his prophetic mission of -calling forth the message of God. Ile, paid no favorites, he spoke to all, 'faiths, ' the —Greek, Jew, and Gentile • alike. Despite the gruffness of this` man and his , ,uncouth appearance his message caused many to heed• arid be 0 0 HARBOURLITE INN ANNUAL MOTHER'S DAY BIJFFET DINNER • :Sunday, .May "10 Reservations: 524-9371 or 524-9264 teachings and in °His complete Church and in the life of all life. The growth of the Kingdom generations for ever and ever". was given its first true meaning (Ephesians 3-29-21). .A A child's plea am a little child. I am two years old. So far my life has not been much fun. My parents are having a hard time right now. My "Daddy does not have a joband there isn't enough money to go around. My Mommy's nerves are bad and she sometimes hits me hard. I iiave bruises on 'my body where she hit me yesterday: This hurts me and 1 cry very hard. Sometimes I get hit for crying. I love her and 1 cannot understand why she hits me. 1 really think she loves me. Several people know what's going ,on. Some of -my "friends" know. Some of my relatives know. The other day my neighbour saw her hit me. Oh how I wish he would have helped me! Instead he•just went in the house. If he would only tell someone who would help my Mommy to be more understanding. I want my Mommy to love me. Why didn't he. help? • I guess he doesn't understand. He wants to mind his own business and not become involved! He doesn't know that if he reports on Mommy that it will be kept confidential„ He- doesn't know that if he reports it that ° someone will comeand try to help Mommy and' work with her so that 1'' can keep on. living here without -being beaten and ,abased. He doesn't know the guilt he will feel if something very serious happens to me. It will be partly his fault: -.l can't tell. Even if I could talk I couldn't tell. Surely my sad eyes, crying, and my bruises say enough! Why do I have to live or die like this? -Why won't someone help? Now OPEN BLUEWATER TAXI 43 WEST STREET 524-7305 RADIO DISPATCHED - CABS ON DUTY 24 HOURS 2 NEW CARS FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE Feel .Free To Stop B' 'To Saj' Hello And Get Acquainted t MiIes:for Millions • . Prime Minister Trudeau has announced that May 2and 3 will ,be National Walk ,Weekend, when Canadian communities from coast to • coast will take part in Miles for Millions Walks. The Prime Minister said, "A simple idea, a worthy.' cause and unlimited amounts of community 'spirit -on these have been ' built the remarkable success of Miles for Millions." He. poiifted out that a ,;good part of the funds raised by these annual walks goes to provide food, medicine, and other •assistance to needy people in developing countries: "It is a cause," he siad, "which deserves our' wholehearted support." Mr. Trudeau recalled that last year about 400,000. youthful Canadians raised almost. fou r and a half million - dollars. "An enviable record," he commented, "but one which is •. thereto be broken -.4 - In his office on Parliament Hill Mr. Trudeau spdnsored three young walkers-tq-be from the .Hull -Ottawa. area: ' Susan D'Arcy, 13, of Saint Theresa's School, Norah McRae, 8, of Devonshire Public School, and'. Claude Brassard, 17, of St -Jean -Baptiste School. In his statement of support Mr. Trudeau' pointed ` out that •over 125 'communities will take up the challenge. Most of the walks will be held on National Walk Weekend,May 2-3, and millions of all ages call take part, as walkers , organizers or ,si,onsors. "To all those involved in the 1970 walks, " he said, "best wishes for more Miles,and more Millions." Money raised by th,e walks is allocated by fifteen agencies working co-operatively with local corrimittees •- across the country. Most money goes to help 'projects in developing countries, while some communities, also help local Canadian needs. • Goderich last yearraised over $12,0040,- . f WILLIAMS CEMETERY, MEMORIALS And Inscriptions 'Strattota Ontario.. 4 onal!' C. McCallum Representative ,tw.1; ce, • ;42l 5+,Wallingkbn at, sr .�( odlst lch April 15, at Huronview. She was 89. Born August 28, , 1881 in Ireland, she was the former Elizabeth Sarah McConnell. She was the widow of Joseph Henry Jeffrey who predeceased her in 1936. Mrs., Jeffrey had been a resident of Goderich ° for 69 years prior to moving to Huronvlew four years ago. She was a member of St:— Peter's Roman Catholic Church, the Catholic Women's League and the Altar Society. - Survivors include three daughters, Mrs. Arthur (Phyllis) ;Doak, Sharbot. Lake; Mrs. Colin (Irene) Murray, Windsor; Mrs. A. J. (Madeline) Wisser, Goderich; and three sons, . Ernest, Milwaukee, Wisconsin; , John, Odessa; and Edward, Goderich; 17 grandchildren,, 34 . great grandchildren and four great great --grandchildren: -- -._ _ Funeral service was Saturday morning at St. Peter's Roman Catholic Church' with 'Moynahan officiating: , Interment Was in' St. Peter's Cemetery. Pallbearers were Ed Jeffrey Jr., Norbert Wisser, William Wisser, Ronald Wisser and ,• William Jeffrey, all grandsons of the deceased; and Lou Cundari. MRS. MARY EVELINA . ST,RAITON ' She was married in Goderich, September 16, 1922,, to John Watson Straiton who survives. She was a member 'of Windermere - United Church, Toronto, where she 'served as Sunday School teacher for manly years. Funeral service 'was. held at Turner and Porter Yorke Chapel, .Toronto, 'Wednesday, April 15, with Rev. Morgan E. Rowland of Windermere United Church officiating. Further service was-, _- held at the McCallum -Funeral Home Friday, April 17 with Rev. Leonard Warr officiating. Interment was in Maitland Cemetery. -'Pallbearers -• were Clayton Edward,' Vernon Smith, =Frank .Clark,—Arnold 1VIcConnell; .Joe Thompson ,and Reg:. Jewell. MRS. CATHERINE HUFFMAN Mrs. Catherine Huffman, 134 Widder Street, died April 16 in Alexandra. Marino : aid General w-- -Hospital following an illness of six years. _ She was born in England. to Mr. and Mrs. Robert MacKenzie. led in Clinton Mrs. Mary Evelina Straiton, Toronto, died Tuesday, April 14, to ° -'i'n-ronto General Hospital following a lengthy illness. She . was the fof`rner Mary Evelina Down, daughter of the late Henry . Arid -Doro , Goderich. She has been a resident of Toronto for the 'past 55 years. September 8, .1956 to George H. Huffman who survives. She has lived in Goderich" since her , • Marriage'. She was a member of the Pentecostal Church. Surviving besides her husband is one son, •Ronald E. Davis, South March, Ontario; one grandchild; and six sisters, all residing in England:� • Funeral service was4Saturday, April 18 .at the. Stiles ,Funeral Home with .. Rev. Harold Kendrick officiating: 'Interment .was in Colborne Cemete s Pallbearers were Leslie Hoy, William Hoy, Irorman Hoy, Norman Minaker, " Joe Barry and Gordon. Stewart. Church of God PENTECOSTAL) Pastor: REV. OMER HENDERSON SUNDAY, APRIL ' 26th Rev. William Quick will be our •guest speaker for Friday night, 8:00 p.m.; Sunday morning, 11:00 a.m. and Sunday night, 7:00 p.m. Rev. Quick is the pastor of the Church of God in St. Catharines, "Ontario.. Corner North and Nelson —_MacKay Hall Phone 524-7129 W-E-L--C-O•M-E • • 1D g1QH $IO4LWSTAR, ITURSDAY, APRIL `,1974 ►e a that T. PRYDE and SON -MEMORIALS — MARKERS & CEMETERY LETTERING CLINTON —.EXETER — SEAFORTH Goderich District Representative FRANK *McILWAIN 524-7861 or 200 Gibbons St. •— 524-9465 REG., J. BELL 45 Cambria Road S. 524-7464 A -414 al` Find out More help You! • • you get MORE out of every dollar when you're a credit union member It's easier to save regularly, and -low-cost loan., sav, you money on important purchases. about how a credit union can , GODER1CH COMMUNITY CREDfl " UNlON 3S David'sL 524.7041:. straysto (Baptist' Convention•af Oniario and Quebec) MONTREAL STR ET :nem, The *pore, °• -A'V LCOMETOA 10;O0 a,m. --- Molt Bible Crass and Sunday School' iFor. All. 11.:00° a,ni..' ^-� Worship ° Service r " ORU HANNAH -NpT !V. hY�M.`�. 'a0. x� .1 Supervised. Nurserll;� r M u 1 Mi ter u, Airt a Ma b. is x • EQR 4th ,Sunday after Easter, April 26th S � 1 Holy Communion, at 8:30 a.m. Morning Prayer and Sermon at 11:00 OAP. -, • Nursery Church School at 10:00 and 11;00 a.m.; Rector - REV. G. G. RUSSELL, B,A., B.D. Organist-'-Choirmaster—Miss Marian Aldous, A -MUS., Mus,Bae; Knox Presbyterian Cburc THE REV. G. LCCKHART ROYAL, B.A., Minister WILLIAM CAMERON, Director of Praise . SUNDAY, .APRIL 26th 10:00 a.m. —• CHURCH SCHOOL 11:00 a.m. — DIVINE:WORSHI.P ' Sermon: , "IN THE RANKS OF THE/ ENEMY" - v:(Nurrserydand..J,unior&ongregation) Guitarist -and Soloist-- John Lodge 7:30 p.m. — YOUNG. PEOPLE'S SOCIETY. -" Enter to. Worship Depart to Serve h -street Uiit�'dChiJrch7 .REV. ROBERT L. RAYMONT. SUNDAY, APRIL 26th. Reception of' New Members by Letter of Transfer. 10.00 a.m. — 'SE IdR SCHOOL. 11 :00= a.m. JUNIOR SCHOOL. 11:00 a.m. - WORSHIP. Sermon: "GO POWER". W -E -L -C -O -M -E -- Supervised Nursery Mrs. Eleanor Hetherington, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir Director • PhoneChurch OfficeandStudy— vX24-�� , Church Building — 524-6951 Betiilllentecosta 1 Tabernacle Affiliated with the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada CORNER OF ELGIN AND WATERLOO STS. REV."R. CLARK, Pastor , SUNDAY, 10:00 a:m. '11:00 a.m. 7:00 p.m. — p.m. Tuesday — 8:00 p.m. Friday" APRIL 26th SUNDAY SCHOOL. — Worship Service. Evangelistic Service: 8:00 Prayer and Bible Study, Young People's Service. Victoria Street United Church The House of. Friendship Rev. -Leonard Warr 10:00 a.m. -- BIBLE SCHOOL FOR' ALL GRADES. 11:00 a.m. — WORSHIP SEII'V10E. Guest Speaker from Alcohol and Drug Concerns — Toronto BENMILLER UNITED CHURCH 1:30 p.m. — WORSHIP SERVICE AND 'BIBLE SCHOOL - Guest Speaker from Alcohol and Drug Concerns. Toronto — Services Daylight Saving Time. UNITED'HOLINESS CHURCH 62 Cambria Street. North SUNDAY, APRIL 26th , 9:50 a.m. -- SUNDAY SCHOOL I1:00 a.m. —WORSHIP SERVICE 7:00 p.m. — EVANGE-LISTIC SERVICE Wednesday, 8:00 — Mid -week Prayer Service. • "A WELCOME AWAITS YOU" Pastor: REV. C. A:.JOHNSON, B.A. PHONE'524.6887' CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH BAYFIELiD ROAD AT BLAKE STREET "A 1-1:11.0111.0P CHURCH" , NEED A RIDE? CALL FOR BUS PICKUP 524-9565 or 524-6445 10:00 a.m. — SUNDAY -'SCHOOL. REMEMBER TIME CHANGE! Daylight Saving Time 11:00 a.m. — MORNJNG, WORSHIP. "THE BIGGEST LIARS IN ONTARIO!" Regular Everiing Service, 7:30 p.m. Continuing Study of Book of Daniel Midweek Bible Study — Wednesdays at 8:00 p.m. PASTOR: REV. KENNETH J. KNIGHT WESLEY MEMORIAL CHURCH THE FREE METHODIST CHURCH Park Street at Victoria H. Ross Nicholls, Pastor SUNDAY SCHOOL — 10:00 A.M. THE, WORSHIP H Uft `' 11:00 .A.M. Topic: "the Seals of Revelation" `• EVENING SERVICE 7.1( '.M .