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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1970-04-23, Page 2
ONAteSTAi Til 't SIA', APRU a. 2311174: s ct . rece`v � ' their' awardsthe senior division of the Youth Bowling Ge►un .I redew rd at high, secrets in the e n� annual banquet head: Saturday evening at Harbourlite Inn. They were; from ,the left, Lee Ryan, high average of 218; Kevin Romig, high triple, '751; Dianne 'Meram, high single, 248; K,en Davidson, high double, 422, and Janet Westbrook with a high triple of 630. Absent were -Janice Glen who had a high average of 184 and -Ray Vofand with a high single ,of 285, -- staff photo -Winners of individual awards in the Youth Bowling Council bantam division this year Were, from theµleft: front --- Bradley Hamilton, high dolibte 461; ,Diana Oke, high average:, 145 and Scot Little, high, average boys 159. Back - Brenda Lougheed, high single, 209; Dale Navin, high single 257 and. ®f'asrimy McAstocker; high double, 348. -•- staff photo. .' Youth Bowing Council trophy vuiO+ers received their .awards Saturday. evening dttrinh the annual banquet, Helen •Huff. received the award for the Most Improved' Bowler. She was • one of 20 young people to receive individual awards for their efforts during the bowling season at the Little Bowl on - Huron Road. --staff photo. 4'Q/77/E I°'.. •5,q y s : ., / TS SE'T 7'EA7 TO ' lvEt9. ' .y a ,ilk 8,44/D-046-4.---7:/; •- KINDERGARTEN ` tSlt evk the class ,tapPed, one of the s+r*h ol'scominmaple 'trek and saw the sap g out. We tasted the sap and setae real nmaple sy 1p too. it was good. We have made some';piggy banks to save ,our coney in. Spring- coining and we are glad* . GRADE =;I' . In grade :1 we have been'.. talking about spring, We talked .about spring flowersr ..birds add the�'games we play in spring. We painted spring flowers this week. *Most of us like to go out to skip at recess during, the nice weather. 1111 GRADE 2 POEMS Spring' Spring is a lot of fun You can play guns, You can ride bikes, And'fly our kites, And you can play ball And you can fall , And that's why spring is fun;' • Kevin Jewell My Cat My cat is quiet She goes,n©0 make a sound, My cat runs fast ut1on ¢ tlte,4 . ground. 9 She likes her food, she hts rt up,' She won't fight with pur -nice little -pup. So don't you think she: is a nice , cat? Even if she can do all that. Donnie ,Baer b 1. ry GRADE This week grade' three has peen busy .bringing, maple ,sap t4 school. .t the back of theroom a burner was set up to.;loil the sap Adown to gip. To find out how much sap was named to get our syrup ,a chart . was made telling how touch sap'was used, how much syrup was' m'1de, and how long the .sap was on, the heat, So fax"we have Made about one, cup of syrup. The most important part will come next week when the syrup will ibe eaten. :"` he:Duck Fir at.had. uck There once was a duck, That had good luck. Why did he have good luck?, Ile was a duck.' David'T v • s , GRADE 4 & 5 d� , 1111 _ 1111 Grade e4 $z..5h'eld a business rpeeting this week to discuss some � way in Hwhich we costld raise some money This money .,• would` be our personal share or • helping our lit • ,.adopted Chines ger .. Well have to warn,: our fellow students andeachers .to -save their Pennies, Wait' for further notice Rom Oa. - Ricky Baaeehler SCHOOL PICTURES' Qn Ap?l1is .:thio school pictures. will,,be take,* Both class and individual picture will be taken. • Everyone will be ducting on their bright colours-. REGISTRATION,., Registration fox .,next years Kindergarten class wilt be held. on Apnl 2ot,ti. It . will ' be tin to see how man will ntexes , g , y be attending next year. , ATTENTION CURLERS Have your sw,eatext and slacks cleaned now. Curling season is over. It's time to put those warm clothes away for the summer. Colourless stains in time will turn brown and -become permanent, woollen sweaters withstains are more'' susceptible to 'moth. damage. Make sure your clothes will be in tip top shape for next season; bring them in now for - expert dry cleaning. 1111 U:1EIWAtE R tLEANERS . aa i:E.S'1 :STREET._ 1-•, en iVcomesto we're, concerned to . .x.:.'�.+��,.,--1111•. a High scorers in the junior division of the Youth Bowling Council' this season- were, frons the left 'front -- Debbie Smith, high single, 232; Cathy Hamilton, high average, 169 and Lori Beattie, high double, 414. Back - Gary Alien, hie h average, 177; Jirn. Mero, high double, 501 an d"Petet`Wiilis, high single„ 275. - staff photo• - ix! u• -is lv If your loctil.Ami.Oci Dt<aler hasn t your size, ' leave a deposit and ,ea your tires in a fcw7i'0s. 1111111)IKE " TRACK ° today's: best -tire buys for worry -free driving:. Whether Glass -Belted for up to twice the mileage or PolyEster for a softer ride. these are the pick of the pack for wide -tracking. Thousands of rciad_iripping edges make for faster starts, swifter stops. And that firm PolyEster ends vexing `morning fiat -spot'.. Trust Turnpike Wide,Track PolyEster and notice the difference. You'll feel more secure. So will we. More tread. more hit. for r:aorc control on tn.ky curves. Extra roaJ-gripping t edge, slap you- faster than ordinary tire.. What name darn you sti ce st the (:eth rich Town band ' Your suggestion c'autd make you a,,recipient o S iO This. i:+ y our band 'and we invite your participation in- er-eating.-a' name. Please mail Now suggestion to Donald McMillan, Band President, 200 Widder Street, C*•cyderich The preiiminar"v judging or the enti-te, will.beTperformed by the bank with the finial decision to ,)n' mitdt• by t fare=e judges' '1 -oh: -"Worship Mayor Mills. "Mr Bon .0` Price,'Managing Editor. Goelerich Signal Stir. and Mr,oRa.y' cook, President,. (soderich Kinsmen Club (the band was formed in 1'967 on the streratt.Iibf a generous donation made by our Kinsmen ('lob 1 CONIES'''. RULES ' There is no limit to the numbev of suggestions. a person cap submit Not necessary to ties a r•es;ident of •Goderieh to quaalal'y in the event of dupheaateon the entry bearing* the earthiest post mark will be considered ("josing date for sugg;estiofts is t iid-nicht, Friday. May 1 7)th, 1970. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The. bandsmen are most grateful '.o the following C.oderich businesses who through tapir domdions finariced the prize money and cost of publicity: Blue Water Body & Fender Shop • Breckenridge Hardware • Conklin Lumber Company - ' Goderieb Electric • Gndt rich Manufacturing -(Saks) - Ken Hutchins Construction - John Jeffery & Son- MacDonald. Electric • Service Electric. - Sam_ Wain Electric - Worsell Brother -1. Fri " e>nd. itpode1 kh SignaallS ar s. ;• -. ;1111 " • _1111..- _ , I=ORTHCOMING BANG ENGAGEMENTS Wednesclay May 1 Lith -- Women's r"tti�iii►arw Canadian Legton, Zone' l a lly, Mottda,y • May • .1 ith • 7 30 P.\l, service at the ex�rlotiaplh, - court house Part. Kinsmen ,_.:.,:3+"f es arks lyisfthv, At ricuitui lnark..' - tthdty, May'' 2,1th 'Participate in the 11:00 AN Worship Service, North Stre&t•Unitect •'Stttld'atr* \$a; 31st - Participate, in the Lions Club -Convention Parade, 1r1r"indsor, Ontario .rou test' of the d odeariih 1 Lotus. (`tub, 1111 _ Sunday. thine r Lit Play an afternoon concert in the ,,aaefetas�, Ltrt'lclnn. ,, It•Mznota-ctngrers` t.ht Prier ....,,. ,$ �,, s"r pc (avj fat tiaslatv:rm, isex�:'s the gen i.wl11 GCuJJr'a„i 1111.:.:'.* pup`.4shh.tss a List h- r' s^.e. \S:'t�i: c.d 1,: spew'!ih.ind. fts.; sittitar gr'za:zs. ± .-fii`ec are Itelits t <leb .h«: ,^rstz NvAslrala•,:r- 'y:.d, ertked ,;,. CUt tke't I4st j^,flccs 1:+' i3e , osstrast. t'IA ra-e.d an TOT. ct S ,:.', s_es ri�9. iY1 :attax-liter' 25'1•r rr s.."r �.atir111ter see for yourself a ' ..� c oahiwa� Tr. for rick-ur, at your FsectorS Door Price "�...cs to all 7 , res Iocat Cans sari Tire5 -r. add 15e to 60eofreIgtht Charge NI tirs4. de- pending en distanze f ^' n factaorj'rer ntc arzas loslalslatiitra 51.00 per '.ire. rdea^ fo“tprint for NST.r grip .en •tY.% tt.t hichw, ge • WHITEWALL TURNPIKE ALL POLYESTER SIZE ' Canvetn• 7 Wide. tional Track 'Ma's Factory Prtceafter List Door Discount Price Price for cash TURNPIKE GLASS. ELTED •Mfr's factory Pricy after List Door Discount Price Price for cash 650/13 878/13 700/13 C78/13 32.25 18.45 17:53 33.35 ` 19.40 18.43 645/14 695/14 735/14• 7757'14 825/14 855/14 478/14 C78/14 D70/14 E78j14 E7r0/14, F78/14 F7O/14 G78/14 G70/14 H7.6/14 H70/14 42.20 22.35 21.23 34,70 19.95 18.95 43;50 22.95 21.80 37.35 20.95 '119.90 46.80 2x.95 22.75 4.1.85 22=95 21.80 52.55 15.95 24.65 45.20 24.95 23.70 57.25 27.70 26,31 560/15 02.95 18.95 18.00 775/1. F78/15 37.35 "21.65 20.57 42.05 28.75, 27.31 F10/15 46.80 24.65 23.42 48.95 33.55 31.87 825/15 G78/15 41.85 23.55 '22.37.. 47.15 30.55 29.02 (815/15) 070/15 52.55 26.45 25,13, 52.15 32.65 31.02 855/15 .1178/15. 45.50 25.70 24.41 51.25 32,60 30.97 (845/15) H70/15 58.75 27.95 26.55 61.40 38.50 34.58 885/15 08/15 54.00 36:40. 25.08. 57.05 38.85 36.91 915/15 1.75 /35 - - - -- •- 59.15 40.45 -38,43 Buy let of 4 tires and got on oar° 10% discount off the 4th tire 36.60 6.65 25.32 38.70 27.45 26.08 44.10 ' 30.45 28.93 39.05 28.65 25.32 45.45 30.95 29.4,0 42:05 27.95, 26.55 46.50 29:95 -28.45 47:15 29.95 28.45 52.15 ' 31.95 30.,3 50.85 32.45 30.83 59.85 37.95 36.05 1111 ._ WILL DO"' y75/15�670/15 ma.STANDARDAELUXE (� 11.11 CASH PRICE . u.37 8undap„ J'ul fi. Latif Combine With +Geadd rich'' very fine ladies' choir THE 'REBEL .cur 1111 . A ( . ..Y'.. .•,,"�tC�r��� 'fr�n< aitiweri�tn•eoa��we•�l�tt°f1;~uurDa°oa�rVa•rk = If original equipment tires gave you good service; eitht.r at t1tece should to6. Double -ply, double -strength nylon, to rneot or exceed all Canadian and American Safey Standards: 1 rSriks Dekote ra. f..31y Ftm.4.lf,rard tn. ser zt --- v. M to g. LLetciit. "No Vett bra. i�. Sc:Cat edgttzt fat fail partite -tart . 0i0 Ttarr,pike 5ta:�alatrd, la: 'wr axxaie.ts • gkaar. .ur,.te is ;, :1;t a taw,. tow ;ext. SIZE • • •--�M. , STANDARD rlttikwiatl Tirbltiist DELUXE 11,Ped04111 Tith.44u Factory boot "ice, Prictattet bisrount *OW. aetoty Door Pries 1111 Pike atter biscrunt for cash 590-600/33 640-650/13 ' 775/144750/14) 825/14 (000/14) 560/15.., ,:: a•. 5/1.s (670uf 15) 11115/15 (710/15) 845/15 (760/15) ` :... 600/16 tn,ttrrtl 9.97 10.97 11.9* - • 10.9* 11.97 12.9 10.97 9.47. 10.42 ..11.37, ''' 10.42 11.37' 12.32' •: 10.42 11.69` 12.69 1.3.95 14.95 12.95 14.19 1516 11.114 12.06 T3.25 14.20 ,. 12.25 13.40 14.97 1111.. 11thIWI ittLUX GADO ,$T.5t1 1111 �•�Mr . e► 4 Ail . a 4